The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 07, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
PAGE TWO Heart Trouble Nervous Prostration Afttr tufftrlng five years from ner* ous prostration and heart trouble Mr. Elias Hollinger, 82 years old of Beaverton, Mich., was completely cured by the great tome stimulant, Duf fy’s Pure Malt Whis key. **T batre tak'-n Duffy'# Pure Mali Whiskey for the past two years For ftvi* years previous to that time f was afflicted wffh h<*art trouble and nervous prostration I tried doctors and mstiy nern* remedies, but. re oeived little benefit therefrom As ter Hiking Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey for n short time ail s.-rnptmnK of heart trouble disappeared, and I be Ksn to stronger I lack a few months of being Ki years of age I am one of the few surviving veterans of the Mexican War. and aside* frotu a disability contracted In the army, I ran ssy that 1 feel spry and nimble on my feet, and am vigorous Indeed, all of which Is due to the taking of Duffy's I’up Malt VhiHt* It makes the old young Although a strong temperance man, for ruan> years, I heartily recommended Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey to all afflicted, whether young or old BLIAB HOU>IN(*KR, Bra wl on, Mich Thousands of men and women, who have almost ttmehed the century mark, tell the a&mo story u h Mr Hoi linger about what DuffyV Pure Malt Whiskey has done toward renewing their youth and keeping them vigor ous, hale and h#*nrty and In possev slon of all their Mo ultU . Ah .» had Irg doctor say a the secret of He whole thing la that Duffy a pure Mall Whiskey. If taken ns preticrlhed. drives out all dlcease germs, inviy, orates th# brain, enrlchea the blood quickens the c|rc ilntlon and prevents decay and nltf ;»#< This wonderful remedy has been ex tolled throughout the world foi what It has done for suffering humanity Th«* success of Duffy m Pure Malt Whiskey in curing dia< ;*«•• has cau i many unreliable dealers to put up sM> •tittpes and Imitations with which to f«»ol the people claiming that their substitutes are Just w* good as Duff ‘s Pure Malt Whlttkc) Insist on the genuine It will < ore you If you cannot purchase Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey m ar votir horn* wo will have shipped you in a plain case, <• press prepaid as follows Less than sit bottles, $1 per iiottlo, six bottles. $5 60 One can*-. 12 bottles $lO 00 Remit to Duffy Malt Whiskey to. Rochester. N Y , by express order, post office money order or certified chock Upon receipt of order, goods will he shipped immediately according to directions. Reference* Any Rochester Huuk or Trust Co., Dun ’n or Bradstrm'l's Agency. .If In need of advice, write Consult log Physician. Duffs Malt Whiskey Compsny, Ro«*heater. New York stat ing your case fullv. Our doctors will send you advice free toy ether with a handsome Illustrated m. d .al booklet containing some of the tunny thou* sands of gratifying letters received from men and women In all walks of life, both old and young who have been cured and benefited by the use of the world’s grout« «t medicine BEARING DOINGS. DRARINU, tin Mr a Julian Mar rl* spent lur da * in \0 "« St will move |o P* mi !ng . this week und will occupy the residence of the late Capt Jack Harris, Mrs T N, from Johnston S <\, who has i*« en on a vl it to her daughter Mrs Knnnb- Harris, has re turned home Mrs Jennie Ctnrk » pent Wednesday in Thomson on business Mr and Mn r C Wlmhurn of Augusts visit* d reluth.s hen Sun day and s4onda> Th* contractor Is rui idly pushin the work on th* and | - fft* of Mr. A. J Met.ah**. Mr* Winnie Evans of Hearing Is visiting relative* at Wtens and Mat thwwM She will return to her home la about two weeks Mts Mary Middleton, who has been confined to her bed for over two years, haa hewn quite sick latti) She Is soma better at this time. Mr Jeff Rogers has been put in charge of the depot here and has as bis assistant Master kYank Morgan Mr flee Cfoaah) and Miss Halil* }, Walker were married on Smuts\ evening by Mr Rob* Crawford, J P Mr Royce Watson of Augusta vis |ted friends in « Sun i The fooj* wc cat furnish cncryjv for the body just as burning out nukes steam for an cnitinc. The experiment! of Prof. Franklaiiil, Ph. I)., of London, show that c.h! liver oil yields two anil one-halt times more energy than starches or sweat*. Scott's Emulsion is pure cod liver oil combined wtth hypophosphites of lime and soda. It forms fat. stives strength, enriches the HKhkl, invigorates the nerves, and repair* tissues. Sr»d tkfel idvei*ttfin* si hwrth* with twmc of iepe* l* M arsrav hm sAltei* and Mn i««t» to iv*rt and w» will imf vwm a X'«ni4rtt Hand) APS* of tk VtnW :» ti sOJTr 4 ROHML 4UV P* si i Ml SNA fkm Y«A THEODORE, IR. up-. • . . ~S> - ' U i ms W Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., who lias begun work in a carpet factory at Thomp •onville, Conn. BUT ONE MARSHAL IN RORTHJRUGUSTA At th rcgtilsr mcoilng of the coun cil «»f North Augusta Tuesday night b commit t<«» was mtnu*d to make a thorough examination of the chemical engines nnd if thrv found them aatla •ftictory to buy two for the (own. Drlnkin,/ fountain* Era to be erect ed and the Academy grounds beauti fied and made into a park. Mr, Howell, one of Ihe town mar shill* r«*Hlgncd. nnd It was d« , tci'‘mined to have only one officer, hut extra tb pUticH were sworn In, iu cam* of necessity. M ST FUT LIGHTS ON ALT, OBSTRUCTIONS Contractors Are Warned To Do Away With Thin Dauber To the People At Nlidit. Th • recorder bn# put the contrac lots on notice that they must put lights on all material or other ob at ructions that are In the at root. The recorder has not been enforc ing the gfiMh section since the flood, due to the di order caused by the people cieanin;; up. There wart eight c*mtimeters before the recorder Inst week nnd four already this week. He <1 lamias* d the two cases that were befoi* bint Wadnssday mcfiolns with u warning that the next time th**\ or any other contractor was before him they could expect the law to be ri&ifced to the limit. Malvriit MnU** Pal* Blood the «>!«1 ■ e.1)..'.1 OM4IVK « TAflTK'.-S MILL TONIC', drive* out malaria t ’ jii.t— u,, Mir Mruem. For |tow*v people vivd .-niMr-n. He THE GREAT A 4 P TEA CO. \r«- dispensing free of mat lo itII purchasers of fitly cent* worth of'UK. Ivowder. coffee, extracts or toft a fine blue und white enameled snc.-pMi Aw I* ehwriutcrlst!<; of this popular house there gifts are all of the useful daws and |i|en*liig lo their tunny patrons. TWC MEN ENLISTED FOR MARINE SERVICE a aj>t T. M lUnllug, l\ S N, w|k) I l* in cUuvnv of tin* tiurlno rvcraltinK Mat inn In OtMti'ui*. war In tht* city Tut**dm> to «>\anilnr th* two appll » aniH who had joined In AuguMa i Mr, JoNft C. Mlntilnmnt*. of Barnß vllh*. »worn In and h*» will go to’ Wpihltftnn to t*kt» a ctnirao In the! of tpj lhmlon to «*nabi«* him ***ll to at and tho <*x it nit nation for a*h *»ml limit «*ntitit. Mr Krmt Hpumk*. of \th«<na. n no onlUunt and ho will leavp j for CHarloatou, sS. C.. Wo4i»m»tlay. j w h» !»• h»' will go Into the regular Mr ♦ ♦ ♦ IN RECORDED 8 COURT. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦ Thoi,- wore ilx (JflnulAnti btefofn iho tvvortloi Wctiiicidt)' morning ihnw* wera coin let eg and throo re j li'qkml Thorn* who woit* loutencpd i w«*s, Torn Mennt. H »| Smith uinl Tom Whittle, they were eac h | given 12 50 or > d*i'a for violation of NEW YORKER WANTS TO LIMIT HEIGHT OF SKYSCRAPERS \*K\V YORK Tbomt* J llraily of Jih«> building red* tvrUlon romnilMion | t*g* wnt lo ihf aldermen t ro'otii no ndatton deckled ui<on bT the com j mteslou that In (hr future build Inga la rhl» cite »hatl bo reetrtoi. J jin a bright of 3<MI foot, unle*» (h« « ruoturea from a nark or plata In • u tilt h t ut' tbo heigh l l» not U» J Ij. • tvvW For Pimples, Too New Discovery Cures Eczema and I Eradicates Minor Skin Troubles Over Night. A few months ago the dispensers of pozlam, fh< new discovery for the cure of eczema, decided to allow the druggists of ihe country to handle It. Previous to that time it could only he obtained direct from tbe laboratories. Since ibis change in tit*, method of distribution, poslam has met with the I most phenomenal success of anything I introduced to the drug trade In the ; !a:' (0 years. Ail lending druggists, j Including the Ctbaniss Drug Co., In Augusta, are now carrying the spec la.' .Vi-rent ze recently adopted, also the $2 Jar. This great success Is not surprising when It is remembered that In ecze ma cates, jjo aI am stops the Itching with first application, proceeds to heal Immediately, and cures chronic cases in a few weeks. In minor skin trou bles, tiuch as pimples, blackheads, f.cne, hcrpcH, blotches, rash, etc., re suits show aft-r an overt) gilt appli catioi Experimental samples of pos lam art sent to anyone by mail free of charge, by the Emergency Labora tories, 22 West Twenty-fifth Street, New York City. DEFINITE STEPS FOR FREIGHT BUREAU ■■in. a, Definite steps wen- taken by the retail merchants at the t|uartcrly meeting of the association Tuesday nighi to establish a freight, bureau for Augusta without, further delay. Messrs. T. (i I’htlpot, M. J. Calla han, .1 L. Janes and several other members of the association made re marks on the question, and it was decided that active work should be started at once. Capt. P. H. Rice, chairman of the railroad committee of the Retail Merchants' Association, will he asked to take stops to secuVe information at once, and the railroad committee of the Chamber of Com niereo, of which Capt. Rice Is also chairman, will bo naked to co operate, II is understood that plans are al ready on foot to establish the freight bureau and that a man to handle the business has actually been settled up on Mr. W. T. Kleid stated gome spe clflr Instances in which ho had re covered money enough to pay his membership fee to the freight bureau for a year nnd ho felt auto that If he was Informed along uli lines he could save much more. ajTc stated that he would be glad tixK>e one of the first men to sign an Agreement to support the organization for thre« years. After dlseusslng the matter at length It was determined that at least $3,600 per year could be raised among the merchants without trouble and that here was little doubt bui that Augusta would appropriate the re mainder, needed as he etty of Charles ton appropriates $7,000 a year to a similar organisation. Thu members are confident that they will organize an association, and they,expect to save five times the coat. Other commercial organizations, Including ine Cotton Exehnnge, the Boosters' Club and the Chamber of Commerce, will he asked to cooper ate and Immediate action will b» taken. Every farmer should have an office, s liere his hooks, desk, writing ma- j terlals, seed catalogues and seed sam ples will he right st hand. It pays. READ THIS OFFER We Guarantee Parisian Sage to Cure Dandruff, Stop Falling Hair or Itch ing of th# Scalp, In Two Weeks, or Money Back—Giroux Mfg Co., Sole American Makers of Parisian Sage. The above It an offer we are most proud to make. It la an offer that nt mau or woman need be ashamed to accept Parisian Rage Is the quirk est acting und moat rejuvenating hkir restorer iu the world. Its magical qualities have made' it famous w herever. ft ha* been Intro duced It la the only hulr restorer sold with an absolute guarantee to cure dan druff, stop falling hair or Itchlug of i the scalp. It cure* dandruff by killing the germs, and u kills them so promptly that the most skeptical give,lt their warmest praise. But Parisian Sage is more than a cure for dandruff It will make hair grow on any head whom the hair bulb I* not altogether dead j And wo want every reader of The | Herald hi know that Parisian Sage U the mos. delightful hair dressing In •in' v. r t It is so use i and It* effect ts ao Invigorating and j refreshing, that It pleases everybody. And to the Indie; «<• wish to einpha to 'he far: th*- i 1 am* luturtant. i and beautiful j The Kirt wtm the Auburn hair U lon Ihr outside pai-base of every hot i lie of Parisian Sage Alexander ltru4 : t'o »rU t: for 50 cents a large bottle, •r vou can got tt tUruct. all evprem charge* prepaid ifom Giroux Mfg ICO. Uuffalo. X. V. THE AUGUSTA HERALD SAMUEL 00MPERS #s> V » Sarapel Gompers, presi dent of the American Fed eration of Labor, who has made charges of attempted bribery against James W. Van Cleave, president of the National Association of Manufacturers. STORES TH CLOSE uv roc rim OPENING All members of the Augusta Re tail Merchants association will cioss their doors at 1 o'clock Monday, Nov. 2nd, the iirst day of the Georgla ('aroilna lair. This was unanimous ly agreed upon at the quarterly meet ing of the assoeiatlon held at the Chamber of Commerce Tueaday night. vil employees will be allow ed half holiday In order lo go out to the fair grounds and make the opening day —"Augusta Day”— a great success. Every merchant mak ing remarks on the matter favored the closing and consequently the ac tion was very harmonious. In addition to this Mr. T. (}. Phil pot asked that an amendment be made to the motion as carried to th-- effect that all manufacturing con cerns be asked to suspend operation for half the day and allow Iheir em ployees also to go out to the fair. Ho stated that he felt sure the lumber meu could be induced to close down and he thought with the right kind of an appeal everything could bo stopped and everybody would join In making ihc ripening day of the fair a great success. It was finally agreed that a committee should be named by the president to visit manufacturers unit ask them to close for half n day aud this will be done. The pa jr. '■>' of the closing resolu tion was due to a*, appeal made bv President J.ames IT. Jackson, who with Secretary Frank E. Beane, of the Georgia-Carolinu Fair association was present during the earlier part of the meeting. Mr. Juckson out lined the work in hand and recounted the difficulties under which the di rectors were working, but he stated they Intended to pul on a better fair than ever and would appreciate any thing the merchants could do to help out. By closing for half tbe dav the en tire force of employes working for the members of the association will be given an afternoon to spend at the fair and extra efforts will be It’s a Good sound couunon sense Policy To use medicines only of known composition, and which contain neither alcoFiol nor habit-form ing -drugs. It is foolish—often dangerous to do otherwise. The most intelligent people, and many of *he most successful, conscientious physicians, follow this judicious course of action. The leading medical authorities, of all schools of medicine, endorse the ingredients comjMysing Dr. Pierce s medicines. These are plainly printed on wrappers and attested under oath. There's no secrecy; an open publicity, square-deaj policy is followed by the makers. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription THE ONE REMEDY for woman's ailments, sold by druggists, devised and gotten up by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience In treating woman’s peculiar diseases and caicfullv adapted to work in harmony with her delicate organization, by an experienced and skilled specialist In her maladies. THE ONE REMEDY for woman's ailments, sold by druggist*, which contains neither alcohol (which to most women is the rankest poison) or other injurious or habit* forming drugs. the only hair nic in | the world guaran.. •red ro make THE ONE REMEDY for women, the composition of which Is so perfect and good that its makers are not afraid to print Its every ingredient, in plain English on its outside hot tie-wrapper, and attest the correctness of the same under oath. %v> have a profound derirc to avoid all offense to the most delicate sensitiveness of modest women, for whom we entertain the most sincere respect and admiration. We shall not, therefore, particularize ktrt concerning the symptoms and peculiar ailments incident to the sex lor vhich Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has for more than 40 years proven such a boon. We cannot, however, do a better service to the a«tcted of the gentler sex than to refer them to Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a great family vioctor book of KXX) pages, hound in cloth and given *u-try gratis, or sent, post-paid, on receipt of 31 one-cent stamps—to cover cost of mailing only. All the delicate ailments and matters about which every woman, whether young or old, single or married, should know, but which their sense of delicacy makes them hesitate to ask even the family physician about, are made plain in this great book. Write for it. A<Mrrs*; World * Dispensary Msdical ASSOCIATION, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President. 663 Mnin Street, Buffalo, N. V« \ \k ’ \\ TV WU-TINO-FANO Wn-Ting-Fan g, whose successor as Chinese Min ister at Washington is re ported, is on his way to Washington with Tang- Shoa Yi. mafic to have everything in perfect order for the reception of visitors lo the fair grounds before noon of th • opening day. Excellent Health Advice. Mr* M M. Davizon. of No 379 GW ford Ave.. San Jose, (’a!., says; "The worth of Electric Bitters ns a general family remedy, for headache, bilious ness and torpor of the liver and bow els is so pronounced that I am prompted to say a word in its favor, for the benefi; of those seeking re lief from such affilctlona. “'here is more heolth for the digestive < rgans In a bottle of Electric ypltters than In any other remedy I know of." Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 6uc. Advertising Done By Retail Merchants Already Greatly Helps Association Routine business occupied the atr tentlon of the retail merchants at the quarterly meeting of their asso ciation held at the Chamber of Com merce Tuesday night. E*ery com mittee, with the exception of the en tertainment committee made reports, the most interesting of which was perhaps that of the advertising by- Mr. Abram Levy. In a complete re port he showed just how he was dis tributing the work and the cost to the assocition. He declared that he felt confident that the trade of Au gusta merchants would be practical ly doubled in a year if a systematic line of work was pursued. The organization voted to continue the work as suggested and advised Mr. Levy to keep up advertising as he lias been doing recently. It was found that the usual assessment would not be needed and just half the usual quartety amount was levied on the merchants, though some of them desired that the full levy be made so that there would be plenty of money on hand. The merchants association will MEMORIAL CHAPEL AT EMORY COLLEGE In Honor of Young J. Al len, the Famous Mis sionary Graduate of Emory. ' EMORY COLLEGE, Oxford. Oa.— To adopt plans for the erection oi :ho Young J. Alien Memorial Chapel, on which construction will be begun »here early next spring, the building committee met in Atlanta Monday and 1 selected Bruce & Evc-rett, of Atlanta, as architect. This chapel will be one of the most handsome of its kind, and a very ap propriate menioral to the famous nils- I sicnary who was graduated from this institution with the class of 1850. The building will bo a commodious structure in which chapel exercises, church services and commencement , exercises will be held, and suoh a jdace of worship will be a distinct acquisition here. A large sum of money has already been subseribed toward this building, and President James E. Dickey is daily receiving contributions from ; Methodists throughout the country, j and especially the state. The building committee on the WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7. have quarters of their own in the Chamber of Commeroe headquarters hereafter as they have rented a room to be used only for their own work. Mrs. Moorman was given a vote of thanks by the association for the splendid manner in which sne conducting her part of the work for the organization and many of the members spoke in appreciative terms of her assistance to them in various ways. Why Jame* Lee Got Well. Everybody in Zanesvile, 0.. knows Mrs. Mary Lee, of rural route g. She writes: “My husband, James Lee, firmly believes he owes his ltfe to the use of Dr. King's New Discovery. His lungs were so severely affected that consumption seemed inevitable, when a friend recommended New Discovery. We tried it. and its use has restored him to perfect health. " Dr. King s New Biscoverv is *he King of throat and lung remedies. For coughs and colds it has no equal. The first dose gives relith. Try it' Sod under guarantee al all drug stores. 60c and SI.OO. Trial bottle free Young J. Allen Memorial consists of President James E. Dickpy, chairman; Bishop Warren A. Candier, Mr. Geo. Winship, Mr. Asa G. Candler, and Mr. W. P. Pattillo. She Likes Good Things. Mrs. Chas. E. Smith, of West Franklin, Maine, says; "I like good things and have adopted Dr. Kings New Life Pills as our family laxative medicine, otcause they are good and do their work without making a fuss about it.” These painless puri iie73 sold at all drug stores. 25c. MAYFLOWER SIGHTED. ATLANTIC CITY, N. .I.—The steam ship Advance reported by wireless Wednesday that she sighted the May flower, a schooner yacht with both l.iasts and. bowsprit gone and flyify tings of distress, last Saturday, 150 miles east of Watllugs Island. The yacht, buffeted by a northeasterly gale and mountainous seas, was at the mercy of the elements. Fore Sore Feet. “I have found Btickiens Arnicn Salve to be the proper thing to uso for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, sores, cuts, and ail manner of abrasions,” writes Mr. W. Stone, of East Poland, Maine. It is tbi