Newspaper Page Text
V*' — -p
I Social gossip |
cMarriage of Miss Denning
and cMr, P. M. Woodall
The most cordial good wishes cen
tered in the marriage at noon todav
of Miss Mary Rushton Denning and
Mr. Parks McNeill Woodall, the cere
mony at St. Paul's church being offi
A healthful drink, combining the
nourishing qualities of the finest Bai -
ley Malt and the tonic properties of
the beet imported Hopß. It is palatable,
refreshing and Invigorating. A non
intoxicant beverage for man. woman
and child. It contains less than one
half of 1 per cent, of alcohol by volume
and may be sold wherever soft drinks
are sold without a United States Rev
€*nue license. The product of Anheuser*
f-ctors. Pipes, Valves and rittlnts. Light 'law, Shingle, and latn Mills, Gasoline fnriccv
Cane Mills in stock. LOMBARD IRON WORKS AND SUPlf*L\
COMPANY, Augustas Ga. ,
The Planters
Loan and Saving
705 Broad Street.
The Oldest Savings
Bank In The
In successful operation 38
years and growing more popu
lar with the people and strong
er in their confidence each year.
In selecting a bank tor your
U 111 1 lngs Account d 0 not t 0
i'crovan's lg® te the facilities and
he faced tuh of this bank.
fnnin ; afte
|r iii st _
'iiattaim-esources Over
Two hits ■
t>i 1 t!-.a c Chit,; 1 ,000, 000.00
lora! lunner pi k
jus once. iiiaY .as>afest.”
that Chicago made ev<.
ff a threat attention
Doncvan. casually observ • sh
the sixth Inning with Chlcap
firs, ard second bases had
familiar appearance sirals*de by
struck ou* Captain Jones and
~"ntlc Isbell, and retired DC
°f a high flv to right. ThI*- 1 * -
Atlai rst time the Chicago entCashier.
sou in opportunity to cheer, i _
lean- and for a time bedlam —'
towi ‘ appeared a quiet retreat < »
Iji n -d to the South Side ball pari
Chicagoans, coach
Our Department
Will Soon Be Ready .
Everything is in readiness for cur complete
bulk candy shipment. We expect to have same
in a day or two. A complete line of (Chocolates
and Bon Bons, which you can buy in any quan
tity, at .‘.4oc and 60c lb.
Howard’s Savoy
Necklaces and La Valliere.
These popular and fashionable pieces are represented in our
line by some examples of rar e beauty. The stones are selected
and combined with the utmost care and the workmanship and fin
ish are perfection, down to the smallest detail.
Wm. Schweigert & Co.
ciated by Rev. Sherwood Whitley and
being attended by a large number of
interested friends. Prof, Pomeroy an
nounced the entrance of tue ushers,
Mr. Walter Moore, Dr. Youmans, Mr.
William Barksdale and Mr. Ernest
Uvingston, who were followed by the
maid of honor, the sister of the bride,
Miss Evelyn Denning, who entered
alone and who was beautifully attired
in a lingerie gown of soft white mull
and lace and carried and armful of
ferns and bridesmaid roses caughft
with pink tulle. Her hat was a pic
ture effect in white and loug pink
gloves gave an added touch of rose to
the pretty costume.
The bridge was attended, by her
father, Mr. Samuel T. Denning, and
was very handsome in a stylish coat
suit of white chiffon broadcloth, worn
over a dainty lingerie blouse with a
broad white ratio hat trimmed with
white wings. Her flowers were a
shower of stately bride roses.
SAWS, RIBS, Bristle Twsne, &c., ftr any mnka
•nd Repairs for srmc. Shifting, t’ulleys. Belting, In-
Money From
“Just like money
from home’’ isn't half
as satisfactory as “just
like money from the
bank.” i
Put your spare mon
ey in our bank. Its
a comfortable habit
that grows. Draw it
when you most need it.
The rate is 4 per cent
compounded semi
“The Bank
for Your Savings.”
The groom, attended by his best
1 man, his brother, Mr. Percy Woodall,
of Thomson, entered through the
vestry, meeting the bridal party at
the chancel.
Immediately- after the ceremony the
family connections and a few close
friends were entertained informally at
the home of the bride's parents on
Lincoln street, where, after receiving
congratulations, a delicious buffet re
freshment was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Woodall left on the
afternoon train for a visit to Macon
and other points and will on their re
turn make their home with Mr. and
Mrs. Donning. Mrs. Woodall's going
away gown was a stylish green Pout
suit with hat to match.
Mrs. Woodall is the second daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Denning and is a
young woman of beauty, accomplish
ments and very delightful personal
ity. gentle and winning In her nature,
and fascinating and charming In her
Mr. Woodall is orlgially from San
dersville. Ga., but has made this oily
his home for some time, having won
many friends by his very superior
ability, his courtesy and his moral
worth. Mr. Woodail is connected with
the Lee and Wells establishment.
Yesterday she was a bride.
And as glad as she could be.
Now her face is clouded o’er.
She Is sad, 'tls plain to see.
Why does she sigh? Why is she sad?
Why does she sit today and frown?
None of the papers printed a
Description of her wedding gown.
The Children's Hospital associa
tion met yesterday in their club
rooms, a large number were pres
ent, and all anxious to commence
work. Reports were made, and the
corps of May, .lane, aiwi September
made very gratifying returns. A let
ter from Miss Biggar was read, giv
ing an account of her work among
the sick babies this summer and the
crying need for a hospital, in which
to properly care J or them. She
also returned thanks for the check
sent by the 0. li. A. The report
Is as follows: •
Previously mentioned $7,455.87
Dues, Mrs. J. W. Clark.... 3.00
Dues, Mrs. Bohler 2.25
Contributions through Mill.
Bohler I 19.00
Contributions through Mrs.
Pearce .. .. 56.00
Dues, Mrs. Pearce 15.00
Dues, Mrs' Preston .50
Repairing fence on C. H. A.
lot $ 3.50
25 per cent of contrilmtions
received through Mrs.
Pearce and Bohler .. .. 18.75
* 22.25
Grand total *7,529.37
Balance In hank * 2,000.00
Lot 1,137.5!
Endowment fund *10,666.88
The most attractive place In the
city tomorrow will be the Elks Par
lors when the Associated Charities
will have a sale of garments that
have been made at tfte sewing rooms
in the mill districts. This sale will
prove a perfect boon to the many
mothers who are to rushed to get
their little folk in readiness for the
efiol flays that are hurrying on and
will be a splendid oportunlty to get
all their under garment* ready-made
at a cost that will be simply wonder
ful, so small will it be.
The sale will begin promptly ar
eleven o'clock and as the prices will
prove so attractive that the gar
ments will be sold on sight, and
those who desire to lake advantage
of this phennnilnal opportunity of
purchasing ready-made underwear
and aprons should be on hand
The Rev. and Mrs. James L. Brown
lee have sent out. invitations to the
marriage of their daughter, Eva, to
Mr. Albert Creswell Todd on Wednes
day evening. October 14th, at 7 o'clock,
at the First Presbyterian church, Al
bany, Ga. Both bride and groom-elect
have numerous friends in Augusta
who extend beat wishes. Mr Todd
is a prominent young lawyer of Lau
rens, S. C.
The engagement Is announced of
Miss Alice Edmonds, of Waynesboro,
to Mr. Roy Howell, of Harlem, the
marriage to be solemnised October
—Bishop C. K Nelson has returned
to Atlanta after spending two months
In Maine and Canada. Mrs Nelson
stopped on her way home to visit her
sister In Charlestown, Md.
—Mrs. Sparks Melton Is expected
home from Richmond, Va , next week
—Dr. F. H. Phillips has returned to
Harlem. ,
Hr. .1, W. Thurmond, of Edgefield,
Is In the city.
—Mr, B, F Freedman, of Lowell,
Mass., is visiting relatives In Augusta.
Mrs W .1. Kitchen, of Swains
boro, will arrive this evening as the
guest of Miss Georgia McLaughlin
and other friends.
—Mrs. 8 L Osborne has returned
from an extended visit to friends In
Washington, Thomson and other
Mrs. T D. Caswell and Mrs. Os
well Eve will be In attendance at the
National V. D. C. convention In At
Isnta tn November, sod Mrs, Eve will
Fit Your Children With Warm Underwear, Fresh From the Manufacturer
Come while the stock is complete, from the softest, warmest, cunniest vest for the wee little baby, to
the comfortable cozy garments for grandmother, our store represents the best makes, including
Lord and Taylor famous “ Merode Brand,” in all weights and Size’s. Mothers would do well
to put their anti-cover youngsters in to our sleeping garments with feet. It will save many a bad
cold. Sleeping Garments 50c, Children’s Garments 25c to 75c, Women’s Garments 25c to $2.50.
i jJHSRI Itiife
. MA TjM Y
"'■C' ‘• a r \\
\ \ A
\|j|r '
Mile. Helene Mii-opolsUy, one of the most beauti
ful women of Paris, is also a lawyer anil has just
won her case in defense of a young woman charged
with the murder of her child. *
also go to Savannah to attend (ho
State U. D. C. convention next
—Mr. and Mrs. IV. M. Alexander
and Miss Anna Alexander have gone
to Major E. P. Alexander's plantation
on the Carolina coast for the wilder.
—Mrs. R. B. Heath has returned
from Sparta.
—Mr. Boykin Wright was in Atlan
ta yesterday.
—Miss Marguerite McGovern re
turned from Atlanta.
Mrs. Harrlss D'Antlgnac was in
the city yesterday on her way from
Chattalannn, Md Mrs. D'Antlgnac It
spending a few days with Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Barrett at Go\dng Camp
before going to her home In Douglas:),
—Mr. and Mrs. George A. Bailie
have returned from a most enjoyable
visit to Mr. and Mrs. Sturman Pol
lard, In Fayetteville, Ark.
—Mr. J. J. Tyler left yesterday for
Baltimore, Philadelphia and New
York, to be gone several weeks,
—AugUßta friends who have been
so alarmed by the desperale Illness
of little Laurie I-onlsc Browne, the
lovely little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Kidder Browne, of Ocala, Fla.,
will be delighted to learn that there
is a marked Improvement In her con
dltton and hopes are entertained of
her recovery.
—Mrs Laura Cody, Mrs. CharlcH
Fitzpatrick and Miss Mau Laurine
bwalii, of Warrenton, were In the city
—Alter a delightful visit to Au
gusta relatives. Miss Sarah Pllohrr
left yesterday for her home In Stel
—Miss Ollle llarrlH will he with
Mrs Audley Hill for the winter.
Mrs. H. B Emory will spend the
winter with Mrs. laiul* l.eHardy In
—The Illness of little Miss Julia
Doughty Butt, who has diphtheria,
will he learned of with deep re
gret and aympathv.
Mrs. A. C. Deane Is expected home
tomorrow from M: eon where she has
been for several weeks.
—Mr and Mrs. Charles Pressly and
Miss Marguerite Pressly will sail on
the 14th on the Teutonic for Amer
—Mlsi Marguerite Wright will sail
from New York the last of the month
for Europe, where she will spend Up
next vear traveling.
Friends of Mr. William Kitchen
will regret to learn of his Illness
—Little Miss lionise Mays and Mas
ter Bowdre Mays are spending this
week with their grandmother, Mrs.
S. W. Maps.
Mrs. Harry (lattes of Atlanta,
wiio lias been «i her Thomson plan
iht lon. Is spending a few days with
Mrs. .lames Jeffries and will leave on
Saturday for Atlanta. Mrs. (lattes'
friends will regret lo learn lhat sin l
has for the past few week been eon
fined lo her home with a severely
sprained ankle
—Mr. und Mrs. Jerry Smith and
Miss Ella Xniilli have closed I heir
country home and are now at the
town house on Greene street.
-The very Interesting news has
been received from Mr and Mrs. Nor
ton Williams of Mobile, Ain . of the
ill 1:1 “Si""? 5 X
itoWWermeke If you believe in the home beautiful
IJ PLANS ! mis announcement should interest you.
, 3TI>« has just issued
J I a coß «* ion ° f twenty-five reprints, bound in
'wjjr~ beautiful catalogue form. Each illustration VB
wn i 3 taken from an original drawing, the series costing over $500.00. M
We have a limited number of these books which we will distribute to our R|
SG See the announcement in the leadingOctobcr magazines. K
OL We will also show in our store any combination of SlobsXfcroicltg book B
If we do not happen to have exactly whut you specify, we will K
to have us satisfy you, and we are I , r „ , _
ygk. , ... ... ihomas & Barton Co.
heartily co-operatingwith them
xuß-, . . . . , 712 flrorii) Ntruut'
to that end in view.
f Auguata, On.
Was Shot In a Quarrel
Over Some Domestic Af
PHILADELPHIA The killing at
Ills country homo near boro Tuesday
night of Capt. .1. Clayton Erb, trust
od lieutenant and confidential man of
Israel W. Durham, the former leader
of lhi‘ local republican organization,
(caused a seusnllon.
C'apt. Erb was shot dead by Ids sis
ter-in law, Mrs. Katherine Belsel. dur
ing a quarrel over some domestic at
fairs. He was extremely well known
in all walks of life in this city, and
had many friends throughout tlm
While Mrs. Belsel has admitted the
killing, she has thus far failed to sup
ply certain details of the tragedy,
According to Mrs. Belsel she heard
an exchange of angry words on the
second floor and on going up stairs
found Erb beating his wife.
According lo her story, as related
to the officials, Erb turned from his
wife sild Blurted lo nttaok her, and
fearing for her lire she pointed Hie
revolver nl him uud fired. Site emp
tied every bullet of the chamber Into
Erb's body and lie staggered and fell
In his tracks.
Eugene Poulson, colored coachman,
recently Indicted at tin- Instance of
Mrs. Erb for a threatened assault,
was the llrsi to spread the alarm
when Hie shooting was discovered.
According to Ills story lie was sleep
ing in the coachman's house, when
Mrs. Belsel aroused Idm by crying
nut, "Capt. Erb has been allot.''
Poulson ran to a nearby village anil
at midnight aroused Hie officials and
hurried I hem back to the scene of
fbe tragedy.
"Clayt" Erb, us be was familiarly
known, bail been n prominent llgurc
In republican political affairs of Ibis
city and stale idme Ihe ascendancy
of his friend Durham.
birth of a son.
Miss Sue Risen will leave In a
few days for Muscogee, I. T., where
she 11111 spend the winter with Mrs
Bayard Caswell
Mrs. T. I). Wiley, a slsler of Mr
I’. M. Woodall, and Mrs. C. I). Wood
all, his mother, from Sanders villa,
were guests of Mr. ami Mrs. H. T
Helming while 111 attendance al the
wedding today.
PHONE No. 183.
VVASHINGTON.-s-The National As
soeiatton of Railway Commissioners,
In twentieth annual convention here,
at a preliminary session Tuesday
adopted a. report from the uniform
classlHeatlon committee, of which O.
I’. Ootblln of Ohio, is chairman.
The committee referred to the cre
ation of tile uniform elassifleatlon
commission by (he railroads of the
country thro () months ago, and stated
that ii was not regarded desirable
tluu i lml such Important work should
be in the hands of the railroads with
out supervision.
A;. llihi was Ihe case, ami as the
carriers had shown a desire lo com
ply with the wishes of the public in
ibis respect, the report recommended
ibut no action should be taken at this
except lo appoint a committee
to keep iii close touch with the sub
ject and to make a report at the
next annual convention. After some
discussion tills report was adopted.
An address by G. McCord, pres
ident of ihe association, dealt chiefly
with the great need for better cooper,
allon between Interstate and Intrs
sliiie commissions In promoting the
regulation of railways.
I lie real work of the commission
will begin Wednesday morning. An
address on "Railway Arbitration and
Mediation" will be delivered hy Chnlr
imm Knapp, of the interstate com
mission. Arthur Hal,, also will make
an address on "Car Efficiency.”
from mv place In Waynesboro, one
bay mure mule about 15V, hands
high, seven years old, In good con
dltlon. lias several fresh sears
over left hip. A liberal reward will
lie paid for the return of tlie mule
or information of her whereabouts.
She hud a comparatively now set of
buggy harness on her when she left
also a halier made out of it plow line.
X. HellwarxwelHs, Waynesboro, Ga.
Jennie Benson, Violin.
Olive Benson, Plano.
Studio: Room 414, Hsrlson
Bldg. Telephone No. 1631.