Newspaper Page Text
Tomorrow==Friday==All Records Broken!
In our Ready-to-Wear Department, in both prices and assortments. We are the acknowledged leaders by the shopping
public, and they should be tfie best judges. Tomorrow we make an extra effort in one of the finest lines of beauti
fully I ailored Suits and Cloaks that we have ever carried, with the prices about 25 per cent, cheaper.
Four Specials For Tomorrow:
$15.00 values at SIO.OO $25.00 values at $20.00
20.00 values at 15.00 35.00 values at 25.00
36-inch good soft Bleaching at 6ic
36-inch good smoothe finish Sea Island at 5c
Good heavy white twilled Flannel at 19c
Good quality of Canton Flannels at 8c
Remnants of dark Outings in good lengths; while they last. ,sc
Nice new lot of Apron Ginghams in assorted checks; fine
for the price 5c
Fine lot of remnants of embroideries, 2 to 10 yard pieces,
worth up to 10c, in one lot, at 5c
AIJ new fall Standard Calicoes at 5c
1-2 to 3-inch real Linen Torchon Laces at 5c
15c white curtain Swisses, new lot of fine patterns, at 10c
50c, 72x90 inch Sheets, at 39c
We are offering also in this FRIDAY SALE the greatest values in Comforts, Blankets,
Table Linens, Towels and Sheets that are to be found in Augusta.
WAV ANNAII l'h** l niir<i Stut**
Bvium! wf th« Kv»iUM'‘lt«'iWi l.uthrrnn ’
< hureh of lh** #<»uth l>* k»ii Its btiai
»»•••< » h#r** W#4u*aday m th«
Kvmkiiwhrn I Lutheran church of An
cutiston R«*« A (i Votgl, tit* pr«*»*i
<l#nl, pr*»»#nir*4 hi* annual ivjmm,
rcac»mui»u<ltii* that tin* laMhomn
Th«tt>l<hi!c(tl Haminary mm located h»
Ml. Plaaaaot, s C . near rharloaum
be removed to same more aceasmbta
point It ta uttNeratood ihnt the dt
reetora of the aemlnarv coincide with
the praaldenTa vl«* In thla r**Kittd
Mtid the Synod probabl) will approve
the reeoiuinenAatlnn
Th*- W LMuajt a Mlaaionar> confer
etice of th*' B>ut>d hcßan n two dav'a
Heaslon at Si Pauls Lutheran
The Synod the tollowinu of
hears President A tj Volfht.
t'harlearovt ( Vice president, L 1.
arts Gently yet prompt-
K on the l*iu els, cl causes
Liu l system ojWtudlly,
uvsists one in overcoming
lui Mutual constipation
norma neatly. To £ct its
oeiH’|icml effects Imy
Mu* »i«*mnne.
ponupeturwi lytivo
Fie ■Sxrtup Co.
Tajrior Dm., Min, Vlmtou N*l«m, N. G»
Smith, Treasurer, C. II Eul»; Secre
tary, 8 T Hallman Woman'* Ml*,
elouary conference of Synod al*o be
ran session
Private Rlkkluh Trana
forred To Marou. Privntc
Mndil Stationed Here.
Tin- l lilted Stale* recruiting *t»-
Hon 1* doing a rood bualne** here.
Two Augusta boys were accepted tor
the Infantry Tuesday, they were
Hmt< t'laude Martin and Pied
Smith Two other* were rejected
on the *aine il*> There were urn
eral Hpplleant* Wednesday. but only
•wo were accepted and they arc here
uwntltnK the cumin* of l.b in Wins
low to avsmln* (hem
Private Kd 0 ItlrKtna, who ban
been at this atallon for the pa*t few
monih* will leave on the loth for
Thomson, where he will atop a tew ;
day*, after which he will r*|K>rt fori
duty at Macon. Private Charier l> !
Mudd la tn the city and will he ala
tinned here Thla makes all addl
tlon to 'he men here There are
now here a corporal and two private*
Inal end of one private
Corporal William* who ha* been
tick tor aonp- time la now able to
he up and til a tew day* will be
back at hi* dcak
I.OS AN'UEBKS Cal A roulelle
whi>el oparated In a faaklonable
apartment houae In the weateru ill* i
trlci of the city, the fleecing if|
Chnrle* \V Clark •on of former
Senator Clark of Montana out ot
non and the attempi of an official
of the iwdlce department to coerce
him Into paving the money to the
ring of sharpers, are feat urea of a
caae which I* to he tnvealtgaled bv
City Prosecutor Wool wine
Vecordln* to Woolwlne. Clark did
not have a large aum of money with
him. *o ihe aamldera were comiH'll
ed to wait until the end of the game
tor Clark to give them a check tn
wall lam out Hy the time Clark'
loaaaa reached f?u tion it ta said he
came to the conclusion that the mu
lettc wheel waa uol being operated
hon.-ali' hr the dealer When m
formed ot the amount of hit
ha refused to pay
According to Prosecutor Woolwine.
I Clark waa harassed by the aharpci*
and hy certain officials tn an effort
do make hint pay the ttO.Ofh' It I*
aald that he waa even threatened
with arrest
Funeral Notice.
IMS Oreen.- atieet. MM V\\
UKKUJHNK I. VMM Funeral aer
vice* from ihv Church of the
Atonemen THIS (Thnrwda't AF
lermehl Magnolta cemetery, Ctiar
lealviu, k. C. I
’l \ v * r-TBg/ ■ V f a \t *\ ’ >r
Mr. and Mri. Clarence K. Peck, of Chiciigo. who
have juat been married in New York City and gone
to Europe to spend their honeymoon. Mr. Peck is a
«jon of Ferdinand W. Peck, the Chicago mining mil
lioitaire and railroader.
♦ ♦
At (■ Field'* Hreater Mlnlatrelg,
a* ta always the case drew two
largo houses yesterday, and charmed
everybody tn both these audiences
to an eatent rather unusual for even
i theac well-known fun maker*
Th# opening scene I* a truly gor
geeu* apeetacie. „nd called tor moat
enthusiastic praise t hat emended
much further than the pretty stag,
setting and the beautiful costumes
worn, and that cv greased Itself
moat vociferously when many of the
Joke* were found to be hraud new
The only thing wanting tn the per
feet ensemble waa the genial presence
of Mr Carnes, the tamou- Field Inter
looutor who had countless friend* here
as elsewhere, and who will always
he sadly mi*»ed from the realm* of
mlnat erlay
Mr Field# always surround* him
self with prince* among futimaker*
auch a* thru- Qnllay, Bllllc Clark and
other* of equal renown, and thla
. year he ha a also taken pains to bring
together an unusually fine group of
singers, whose chorus work and solos
were all good
The programme for thl* season
contains a number of novel and
pleasing feature#, end altogether the
hundred* of people who were made to
laugh ao delight city for three bright
I hour* wvtu houiv well pleased.
Never before In ihe theatrical hla
-1 ,l "'J of Augusta has there been felt
sueh universal Interest In anything
dramatic or musical as that which Is 1
telt in connection with the coming of
The Merry Widow," and never before
have there been so many hundreds of
people to so quickly buy ticket* for
an event of this Kind. The sale open
ed a week ago, aud almost on the tlrst
dav everything tor Friday night was
sold out With almost equal rapidity ,
were sold the larger number of tick
els for Saturday afternoon and Satur
. day night, an unprecedented thing in
view of the fact that the matinee
prices were the same a* those charg
ed at night. Still there remain un
provided for a number of people, wo
men c»: ectally. who are most eager
to s.-e (best great metropolitan tri
umph*. but who do not feel that they
can afford to pay two dollars for a
matinee ticket. I tecs use everything
except the two dollar seats have been
sold for the two Saturdsv perfortn
ences and because so many are dla
appointed that this ta so, the man
agement has generously decided to
s-dl the last five rows In the parquet,
for the matinee, for )t SO TNI* is a
tig concession, and one that our Au
gusta women will show their apprecl
* on of by trowdtng !h« last flva
row* Juat a* the rest of the house
will he crowded
i want a Steam producer, usa
I CltnchnelvL"
We will offer the following in nice warm Underwear for Fall.
Children’s Ribbed Vest and pants at 15c, 20c and 25c
Children’s Ribbed Union Suits, all sizes in medium
weight, at 25c
Ladies’ Ribbed Long-sleeve Corset Covers at * 25c
Ladies’ medium weight bleached Ribbed Vests and Pants
at 25c
Ladies’ light weight, part wool, Ribbed Vest and Pants
at 75c
Men’s medium weight Ribbed Cotton Shirts and Drawers
at 49c
Men’s Drill Elastic Seam Drawers at 39c
Men’s 50c fleece-lined Shirts and Drawers at • 39c
To Acquaint the People
With the Plans For the
Coming Fair.
A mass meeting in the interest of
the Negro Fair Association will be
held Friday night at Bethel church
on Campbell street. The speaker!
will be Rev. C. T Walker. D. D.;
l)r. George N. Stoney. Prof. P. H.
Craig and Rev. Silas X. Floyd. D. D.
The meeting will be held for the pur
pose of acquainting the colored peo
ple with the plans and purposes of
the Negro Fair Association and also
for the purpose of soliciting stock
subscriptions. The public is invited,
male and female, to attend the meet
ing Friday night at Bethel, at 8
The committee canvassing among
How Is Your
Digestion Today?
If it isn’t right—“there’s a reason.” The reason is:—wrong eating
—undigested food. Kodol will digest the food and rest the
stomach. It removes cause and “the reason.”
Then yon hava no more Indigestion Indiges
tion la of ccnrae Impossible whan there ir porfect
digestion of food And Imperfect digestion of food
la Unpoerlbie where there Is Kodol
If you could see Kodol digest every particle of
food In test tubes. In the laboratory of the manu
facturcrm, you would understand this bettor. Or,
what la avan more convincing, let It digest the
food In your stomach, the drat time you have an
attack of Indigestion.
Of course, you may newer have Indignation.
Yet raout of u«. at cne time or another, are sub
ject to Its pains and dlaromfovta It la true that
thl* la usually our own fault —but that dooun't
heir matter* any
Kodol will help the matter very quickly It
doesn't cure dyspepsia underatand It Isn’t
claimed to cure anything The day of “cure-alls"
1* past Modern medical treatmsot merely alma
b assist Nature Kodol la one of Nature’s must
Invaluable atslstains
The beat plan by long odds. Is to keep wood
digestion when you have It Many persona, how
ever. are unable, for one reason or another to do
thla Others don't care to take the trouble to do
It But the "troubles" usually come later. Just
the same Then yon will want to know about
A work recently Issued by the C. 8. Dept, of
Agriculture, says' "In •••••• • ur
prone to let natural Instinct he overruled by ac
qtitscd appetite •••••••• We need to ob
aerve our diet mors carefully—to regulate appe
tite by reason.'
the whites, headed by Prof. L. E.
White and Prof. P. H. Craig, report
ed to the board of directors on Wed
nesday night and their report show
ed that they had had (tattering suc
cess. Among the white subscribers |
are: The Augusta Railway and Elec-;
trie company. The Augusta Chronicle.
J. B. White & Co.. Rice & O'Connor
Shoe Co.. Von Kam’p. Vaughan A- Ger i
aid. Field & Co.. Fnion Savings bank
,\ir. L. C. Hayne. president planters
Isian A Savings hank: .1. Willie Bevy
Co.. I C. Bevy's Son & Co. Other
white friends are adding their names
to the list each day.
Silas X. Floyd, secretary of the Ne
pro Fair Association, is hard at work J
arranging the premium list for publi-:
cation. In connection with this work i
he is solibi itig among the merchants
of the citv for their advertisements,
and is with success.
The negro fair will he held at Geor- I
gia-Caroltna Fair grounds, on Tnurs- 1
j day and Friday, November Blth and \
That Is the ldoat! Simply uae renaon Don't
starve you rat-If—eat plenty of good, wholesome
nourishing food. But eat it at the proper time,
and In the proper way. Starring or lletlng -ever
cured anything—or prevented anything.
Don't worry, eat what you want—Kodol will
keep your stomach right
Nature planned that we should take food to sue
tain life. But what If the food does not undergo
the eenantJal processus of conversion Into the ele
ments required by the organa and tisanes? Na
tur's entire ache me I* frustrated, at the outaeL
Here ta where Kodol step* in and sets Nature's
scheme right agatn. it does thla by completely
digesting all food, for a time. Nature then raata,
heal* and cures the dHtaatlve organa—and they
resume work. After that you don't need Kodot—
until you put your stomach wrong again.
Our Guarantee
Go to your nearest draggiat and purchase a doV
tar bottle, and if you can honestly aay you did not
receive any benefit from It, after using the entira
bottle, the druggist will refund your money *<*
you without question or delay.
We will then pay the'drugglat the price of th*
bottle purchased by you 1111* offer applies to tJk*
large bottle only and to but one tn a family.
Don't hesitate, every druggist knows our guar*
antee Is good.
Kodol Bf SKI'S
The Richmond Hussars will hold
their regular weekly meeting Thurs
day night at the Armory. There
are several matters of Importance to
come before the meeting and the
commanding officer earnestly re
quests that ovety mwmber be pres
HAMMOND. Ind.—Miss Ethel Bash
brook, aged nineteen, giving her home
as Chicago, was married for the third
time in her career Wednesday night
at Crown Point, and her husband t»
James F. Chung, a Chinaman, who
gave his home as San Francisco and
his occupation as salesman for Ori
ental silks.
The couple secured their license at
the Crown Point eourt house and after
being married by Judge H. B. Nichol
son look the next train to Chicago.