The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 09, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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PAGE TWO v\ *v»' \W COMING PLAYS Something About Fan* to Ue •ten at "The Marry Widow" Performance Tonight F*n» arc nun of tin* mom uncivil of man'* Invention* They hav beau In uaa from the remote him *om* •peclruwti* In th< flriilsh Mi •aum. <1 AtltiK back to night and t rnuturln* baton* Cbflal At oh" time they wen* altrfhuti* of royalty, together wILh (ho un brail* And It I* a mranv* fart, on wall worth tho mudent > ntinntlm that amount certain African tril»* SICK HEADACHE: I’oellivrly cured If thcim Little I’liU. Tin y alao reltete 1 'ln tree" from Pjtgqda In UlgrsUua and '*'<« Hearty JUllug. A pcrfcA rem edy tor TilulneM. ftaiwa, IrroWkttieiw, liul Tied* tn lb* Mituth. Omted Tongue. I <un In tho km*, TOIUTD IJVKIL TUg* CARTER'S Brittle I lIVER B p,tLS -OHpL_J regulate Mia llawet*. lim-ty Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE CARTERS IRMt PILLS. . Genuine Musi Dear Fic-Simil« S^Bituit RIFUtr SUBSTITUTCA THERE ARE THREE KINDS of furniture the good kind, the indifferent kind, the hud kind. You will be able to get but on« kind here the best there is. No mutter what sort you want, whether for parlor, dining room, hall, library, or bod room, we have just your want. A vast collection and all at prices most reasonable. We invite you to call, inspect the stock, ask the price. We are sure you will buy. The J. L. Bowies Furniture Co., 904 Broad St. 4ugu*ld's OWrsl lurniturr Slor. > CALENDAR. I , > Tonight at 8;HO p. m.—" The 1 > Merry Widow."— Seat* now anil- • > In* * ► Tomorrow, matinee, 3p. m.— * ► Iht Merry Widow.”—Kuuta * * now ready. i ► Tomorrow night, at 8; 80 p. < ► ni/ The Merry Widow!" — < ► Seat* now Moiling , i Mall order* received for * • The Merry Widow," when ae- < > conipunlcd by remittance. < i -.... ■ , ► NOTICE * > Pat ton* having neat* for the i > following performance* will - ► mtve themselves and the man * i aaement a groat deal of Incon- 1 > vletire to rending Ihelr ticket* * > * i re fully. i ► Merry Widow," tonight "42." 1 e Merry widow," tomorrow t matinee, “JJ.” * ► M* try Widow," tomorrow * f night, “43." * lh« fan find ihn umbrella arc still Hi.' IntiKiila of kind*. Fans mail* pan of the bridal out til n| and. in Komsns ladle*— the term anrlenl applying to Homo, not to tho I idle* The olileßt annul* ot China and Japan inukc meat lon of tin- fan In tho fourteenth century th.'i made i heir Ural appearance tn rorititciil. and a littlo later tn Franco and KnKlaud. In th. sixteenth century they b. ■ came uiilvoraal In Italy and Spain In th.'*.- countrlo*. they grew to have special conventional u*«a, tin vo; I mih action* lu handling them a code of iduuitlH. by which ladle* mi. *uppo .il 10 couvey hint* and rUnal* lo admirer* ami rival* In society. An> one who ha. seen the fan In use by the Spanish sonora* and a. norlla* of today ran have no d'Mihl that they Ihivo Inherited soiiie of th> lore ot their ancestor* One of i he nixt iH.piilai' fad* among wealthy ladles of the pro* out time t* the collection of tana of various countries and age*, and <■ i dally those which have an aisiorl eal Interest attached to them >fo*t Interesting. too, are some of the*.* CollectUm*. No one with the least Imagination can help wondering a* he examine* them, what talc* ’hoy \ .flild have to tell If the gift ot »• leech Hi re bestowed upon them vvhai tender nvo.val* have been wht* oered behind their concealing fold*, what warning* breathed, ami con spiracle* hatched, wlial scandal* re v xl.*d There I* one fan. by the way, which t* exerelmuK the attention of ihe clvtllied world at the present oay, to the exclusion of all mhe This I* tne dainty trttle belonging t Natality, the flirtatious wife of Po It, the Maisovlan ambassador, who coquettes tier wav through "The Merry Widow.” the most marvellous •c saful opera In the hlatory of tie stage The adventure* of th l * an are htghlv diverting, pa. sing «« ,1 do,'* In aucceaeto* Into the hand* l Mends and . nemten vVhlh' It mod speak It certainly ha* a tale i tell If you want to Hod ihe »,»• it lon of thi* apparent paradox, go ad s. o The Merry Widow ” You 111 he told It there, and you will at 0’ am* time auch * J!- rung evening *» vau have rerv'v, ( ever, enjoyed at the theatre l>* A FRIGHT BOV. S*>.‘> .pierted the father, “can't vou give my hoy a position tn your “1 don't know,” rejoined the grocer W hat can he do* "Well replied the parent. “I don't uppes. he could do much at tlrst . xccpt buy and sell goods and man age your business for you. hut later on when he get* g little experience , and *eo«e h* might be able to sweep out do up package* and run errands * Chicago ixcwa. * ♦eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ♦ 4 ♦ IN RECORDER’S COURT. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ The recorder’* court was In sen •ion only a few minute* Friday morn Ing, but the fine* and days given wen- the largest that have been im posed for *om« time. The total amount of fine* wan s2st. The total , number of days given was 282. Joe Olb*on violated the 400th sec tton and was given $45 or 90 days. Jessie Oollett, a sporty negro, was charged with loitering. He told the recorder that he could aliow receipts where he had been writing home and sending them money, tils honor ad vised him to write to his people and tell them that he had gone, to work for !»0 days. Th« usual SIOO fine was attached. Burnell Pitt*, a negro hoy, rode hi* bicycle on the sidewalk Ho was fined SI.OO or three day*. Qullltan Kobertaon was charged with rutting (ieorge Ralley, both ne groes Bailey had a gash from his ear to his mouth. The recorder fined Robertson SIOO or *0 days and bound him over to the city court for stab btng. READ THIS OFFER We Guarantee Parisian Sage to Cure Dandruff, Stop Falling Hair or Itch- Ing of tht Bcalp, In Two Weak*, or Monay Back—Giroux Mfg Co., Sola American Makera of Parlaian Sage, The above I* an offer we are moat proud to make. It I* an offer that n v man or woman need he ashamed to I accept. Parisian Rage Is the quick est acting amt mot: rejuvenating hair I restorer In the world Ita magical qualities have made It famous wherever It has been Intro duced. It Is the only hair restorer sold'Vith mi absolute guarantee to rare dan druff stop falling hair or Itching of I the scalp. It cure* dandruff by killing the germ* and u kills them so promptly that the most skeptical give It their warmest pratse But Parisian Rage la more than a I cure tor dandruff It will make hair grow on any head where the hair {bulb I* not altogether dead And we want every reader of The Herald to know that Parisian Rage Is the moat delightful hair dressing lu the world It ta so pleasant to uaa. and It* effect la so Invigorating and refreshing, that It please* everybody. Anil lo the ladles W" wish to empha sise the fact that .'aristae Sago t* 1(i .N py grow luxuriant, sot, and beautiful The girl wan the Auburn hair Is on the outside package of every bet tie of Parisian Sage Alexander Drug Co. sell It for 50 cent* a large bottle, or you ran get It direct, all express charges prepaid, from C.lroux Mfg Co , Buffalo, N Y THE ARTFUL DODGER. The aid farm wa* trying to hid* 1 Itself tn the tall grass What are you trying to get under ! cover for*” quoded the artful dodg er. The tax nsseaaor approaches." ' answered the old farm Aren't you j afraid*" Not Hie." replied the a d "I'm predatory wealth" Chicago Sew.- Lame Back This ailment t* usually r*u**d by rheumatism of the muscle* of the small of the hack and l* quk-kh | cured by applying Chanmerlgln * 1 Mnlment two or throe times a day j and massaging the parts at each ap I plication. For sale by all druggist*. THE AUGUSTA HERALD lELAYA OF GUATEMALA i MUSS *' ; ft .i , 2»%&: ■ ■Ji | 'kSJSES^ }ij< ■; *’['■ j President Zelaya of Guate mala, whose assassination was recently attempted. CfIPT. J. C. DEMPSEY RETIIRSJMMMD Reconsidered His Resigna tion and Will Still Ac« As Captain of the Hus sars. The Richmond Hussars held their regular meeting Thursday night. The meeting was one of the longest and most enthusiastic that has been held In a long time. Capt. J. Coleman Dempsey has been persuaded to reconsider bis resigna tion ami he is to remain as captain. There were several matters of im portance before the troop. It was decided to make the secretary a paid official. For the past year the troop been paying for the horses that were used on the parades, hut Thursday night, on tho motion of Mr. Burch, the troop decided they would revert to the old way of every man provid ing himself with a horse. It was decided that a smoker he given next Thursday night. The men are looking forward to it and beyond a doubt it will be a success. The old guns have been packed prepara tory to shipping them to Atlanta The new guns are in the boxes and they will not be unpacked uutil tho Armory is in good shape. Malaria Makes Pale Sickly Children Tim Old Standard (IROVK'B TASTE -I,FSR CHILI. TONIC, drive* nut malaria and builds up ihe eyetem. For grown people and children 50e. STOPPING THE SUPPLY. Cltiman—"Hello, old man! Got your new cook still?" Hubbubs—"No, 1 haven't got her still, but I've got her bottle; found it hidden In the cellar and she * so ber pist at present. I ' —Philadelphia Press. Only One "BROMO QUININE" That Is LAXATIVE BROMO 'QUIN INE. Look for 'lie signature nf E. \V. GROVE Used the world over |to Cure a Cold In One Day. 25c. SLIPPERY "Going to have n spelling bee, eh?" I Interrogated the visitor "Yessum.” ro*ponded small Tnm | my. •‘Whnt will be your catch word?" "Banana ” "Banana" Why. that's easy. Why in the world did yon ever select the : word banana?" "Because people arc bound to slip ! up on It."—Hiicago News. THEN SHE'LL TELL YOU. “Tell nic," said the lovesick youth. I "what * the best wav to find out what ! a woman thinks of you?" "Marry her!" replied Peckhani promptly."—Philadelphia Press. J. W. VAN CLEAVE ' ' he only hair ontc tn the world ruaran •ed lo make the hair James W. Van Cleave, president of the National Association of Manufac turer*, who denies th.' charge of attempted brib ery of Presid-nt Gompera, of the American Federa tion of Labor. Two Words With You, MONNETT Former Attorney Gen eral Frank S. Monnett, of Ohio, who has gone on the stump for the Democratic party since Gov. Haskell, of Oklahoma, resigned as national treasurer. OLD SAWS WITH NEW TEETH Bet not, fret not. Hard earned, siowly “burned.” First buy your hair, then wear it. It's no use crying over watered milk. Tippling is the mother of inven tion. Too many cooks are better than none. Continual dropping in wears away welcome A hair on the head is worth two on the brush. It's a wise author who knows his own play—after production. The hand that rooks the (miner’s) rrndlo Is the hand that rules thp world.—Boston Transcript. Noah was the founder of indigestion—He forgot to leave the pigs ashore in conseq*.ience have ever since been victims of lard-cooked food and indigestion. Lard.soaked food is not fit for human stomachs because lard is made from greasy, indigestible hog fat, and is bound, sooner or later, to make trouble for your inner'machinery. Cottolene' is the only rational, national shortening. It is a pure, vegetable product, and its source (the cotton fields of the Sunny South) is in striking con trast to the source of lard (the pig-sty.) Cottolene makes food that any stomach can digest—palatable, nutritious and healthful. If American housewives but knew the superiority of Cottolene over , lard, both from a practical and health standpoint, lard would never again enter any well-regulated kitchen. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Your grocer is hereby aa - thnnted to refund vour money you are not pleased, after having given Cottoitue a fair teat. Never Sold in Bulk Cottoitn* i* packed in paiii with *n air - light top to keep it clear., fresh and whole tome, and prevent it from catching dust ana absorbing disagreeable odor*, such os fish, oil, etc. Cook Book Free For a2c stamp. to pay postage, we will mail you our new "PLRi. FOOD COON BOOK" edited and compiled by Mrs Mary J. Lincoln, the famous Food Expert, and containing nearly 300 valuable recipes. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago \ “Nature’s Gift from the Sunny South” Mr* Man* Stetson Hats , $3.50 Ralston Shoes $4.00 In the former we have the famed Stetson kind, and also the No Name, at $3.00, in soft and stiff brims. In Ralston Shoes we offer the Latest Styles, and all leathers, black, tan and patent, for one price. Rice & O'Connor Shoe Co. TWO STORES: ££3853 Desirable Lots On Tutt Avenue, for colored homes. Will build homes on monthly payments. Industrial Lumber Company Phone 262. THIS MEANS YOU Sprinkle DISINFECTANT LIME around your HOUSE and in the CELLAR. 85c PER BARREL Augusta Builder’s Supply Co. Phone 321. 643 Broad St. PROPOSING. The Heiress—" Oh. papa! The earl has proposed! Papa Bigwadd—"H'm: What's his proposition ?" —Puck. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9. A SPECULATIVE VENTURE. fieorgp—“flertlo has decided to mar ry young Multimill. She thinks she can make something out of him." Ethel—" About how much?” —London Opinion. mSlßpip spills