The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 09, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9. ANNOUNCEMENT We Are Pleased to Announce the Opening of Augusta's Exclusive Bootery For Men Augustans—you, your friends and friends of theirs are earnestly requested to visit the only exclusive Men’s Bootery in Augusta on its initial opening SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th being the day which marks the finish of a most strenuous month in preparing for you a most modern bootery. We have prepared for you, many surprises—most agreeable ones, and we fee! that you will appreciate and agree with us, that we have decidedly the hand somest, most comfortable, most modern Men’s Shoe Store in the city. We ask a portion of your future patronage. We promise good goods—ser viceable and up to the vimi’e To s in return —and last of all most courteous and polite attention. We Shall Expect You £ The Fiorsheim Shoe • For The Man Who Cares. Good Shoes For Men.* Nothing Else. 816 Broad Street. Augusta, Georgia HIS CLUB CAST UPON WATERS RETURNS AFTER MANY YEARS About twenty years ago the ques tion was up as to where to put the school t'hat is now situated at Gracewood. Messrs. Calvin Sego and Charlie Burch were school trus tees and they both ’wanted the school at different places. They were in town one day and went home together. They argued all the way and finally the argument became so heated they got out of the roadcart at Butler’s Creek and de termined to tight It out. Mr. Sego was also county police man at the time and he had his club In his pocket. They fought and after it was over they shook hands ami went home together, Mr. Sego driv ing out of his w,&y to put Mr. Burch off at his gate. West End Local News The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, J. R. Gepfert of 1820 Starns street, will be pleased to learn of the ar rival of a fine baby boy lest Sunday. Biliousness "I hav* nsad ?oar valnabl* CM'ftroU and find parfacl. »'»-ttidn’» do without lh**ns I ha«a car J than, for tome ttm* for Indigestion aad bit (•••riMt and an bow cotap!«t«lf eurad kecoia n«nd than to a»*ryou* Oaca triad, job will ■•**r ba without than In tbo tmmih.* Edward A Mart. Albany H I. The Dowels CAWOYCATrW^TtC Plaaaaut f«*tuM* fount TaauOood Down'd. WirlrSlcißß W.a..atfOrip» !•« »* tfc.ljmr ao; l In bulk Tha ftn'M »•*»'•• ttampod (J CO. •aaraauai to ear* or font auaoy bact Sterling Romad y Co., Chicago or NY. 6o* ANNUAL SALE. TEN MILLION BOXES I Mr. Sego missed his club 'he next day and he regretted it. very much as he prized It very highly. About three weeks ago Capt. Stringer hail a gang of men at the creek cleaning It out. One of the hands saw what he thought to be the carved end of a stick in the mud. He went and pulled It out and It was the long lost club of Mr. Sego. The club Ipts been in the water so long that it has turned a whitish color such as a piece of ,wnod tha has beeu scoured repeatedly and it is as heavy as ebony. Mr. Sego was glad to get his club back, but he r< fuses to tell who won the fight, during which Ihe club was supposed to have been lost. The friends of Mr, and Mrs. V. '5 | Matthews, corner Moore avnue amt j Hicks street are receiving congra'U i latlons upon the arrival of a fine baby boy Miss Julia Parker, of Hljrthc, On., is visiting Mrs. W. G. Ford of BW.L Crawford avenue. The Devotiona' services of th t Epworth League of St. Luke church has chang'd Its meeting from Fri day evenings to Sunday evenings at 6:30 o’clock p m. Mr. W. I, Mills, son of Mr. W. II Mills of Moore avenue and a rn.»x I ist, formally with the C * W c R. H has accepted a position with one of the largest lumber plants in the south at Bogalusa, La. Mr. Mills left some weeks ago. Mr. Geo F Sullivan who haa had some trouble with tils foot Is thought to be some better but Is suffering greatly yet. Mrs Bessie Adorns of Hlefcs streei lost her little baby this morning btr I tween e:00 and 9:00 o'clock. LOSS OF TIME. "Nora,” said Mrs. Green, severely. "I saw you standing by the window kissing the iceman this morning. Now tomorrow morning I shall stand guard myself.” Nora laughed over her pans. " Tis no use, mum,” she giggled. "He wouldn’t kiss yez now. He proposed this morning awn Oi ac cepted him.”—Chicago News. Why Colds Are Dangerous. Because you have contracted ordi nary .olds and recovered from them without treatment of any Kind, do nol for a moment Imagine that colds are not dangerous. Everyone knows that pneumonia and chronic catarrh have their origin In a common cold Consumption is not caused by a cold but the cold prepares tlie system for the reception and development of th" germs that would not otherwise have found lodgment. It Is the sum" with all Infections diseases. Diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles and whooping cough are much more likely to no contracted when the child has u cold You will see from this hat more real danger lurks in a cold than in any other of the common ailrnems. Thu < aslest and quickest way to cure a cold is to take ChumberlalnV Cough Remedy. The many remarkable curor effected by this preparation haw made It a staple article of trade over a large part of the world For sale by all druggists. HAD KICK COMING. “See here, Mr. Sands.” staid Mrs. Tightwad, "that cheese Is full if holes. "Yes, ma'am,' rejoined the grocery man. “that's the way it comes.” “Well, I don’t wan' It,” said Mrs. T. "I’m not going to pay for half a pound of holes.- Chicago Nows. • Mr. Edwin Taut of 181,2 Kills street is quite ill. The friends of .Mrs will J. Owens will he pleased to l«*arn of her recov ery of recent Illness, while not able to be out of bed, she has Improved very much. The Willing Workers of the Chris Ban ciyirch will meet at Mrs W. II And'-rson s tonight at 8:GO o’clock p. m. *HE AUGUSTA HERALD LORD SHATESBURO Lord Shatcsburg, of Eng land, who possesses a beau tiful tenor voice, has been offered five thousand dol lars a week for a thirty weeks’ concert tour in the United States, bnt has de clined, saying that it would be benenath his dig nity. FRANK CARSWELL RUNS FORJJNCIL Makes Formal Announce ment of Candidacy To Fill Johnson's Unezpirct! Term. Mr. J. Frank Carswell, of the Sec ond ward, has announced for council to fill the unexptred term of Mr. Ku gene L. Johnson, who resigned Wed nesday. Mr. Carswell is one of the best known young men in Augusta, having been connected with the news papers of this city for several years, filling consecutively every position on the editorial staff, resigning last year to take the district management of a leading insurance company. It is not probable that Mr. Carswell will have opposition tn the race and he has numerous friends who have before this time endeavored to get him to enter the municipal political field. He is a gentleman of unques tioned sobriety and steadiness of hah its and character, making for him friends in every walk of life who will wish for him new honors at the hands of the public. Since coming to Augusta from his home out at Hephzlbah, In Richmond county, he has taken great Interest in the welfare of the city at all times and on account of his familiarity with municipal affairs gleaned from obser vation and experience during his work with the newspapers he 1h peculiarly fitted for the position. In addition to these qualifications Mr. Carswell Is a graduate In law front Mercer University and though he took up newspaper work In prefer ence to law at the time he graduated ■ still fils training In this respect will ; serve to advantage. Imported 3euer Kraut and Dill Pickles. H. J. Markwalter. Phone 1094. HAND EXTINGUISHER USED ON SMALL FIRE THURSDAY An alarm sent In from Box 22 proved to be a lire at No. 307 Wash ington street, caused from sparks on the roof. It was not necessary to use any water, tin lire being easily put out with the hand extinguishers. The house belonged to Margaret Hall and Is occupied by Joe Green nnd Mary Cooper, colored. The damage waa 115. M. SHERON & CO. See [he advertisement of .M. Sheron & Company in tills afternoon’s paper They are offering as usual a mom delightful lot of sweets embracing everything Imaginable in this llno- Ihe freshes!, purest and best obtnln able. Barbecue at Jansen’s to morrow. Dinner from 1 to 3 P. M. POETIC SOUL. Mrs. Htubb "John, I gave you :i bust of Shukespeaie for your ’den.’ Do you appreciate It?" Mr. Stubb “Well. 1 should sa, so, Marla. I always keep it near me." Mrs. Hmhb—“l am so glad to hear you have ,i poetic oul, John." Mr. Stubb— Yes, Maria, I find torn bust the tiandl'-St thing I ever struck for scratching matches.”—Chicago Tutt’sPiils This popular remedy sever falls ta allcctu.ily cure dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And ALL DISBAMI arising from a Torpid l iver and Bad Diqestion Th» natural rasult Is gsnd appetite and solid Hash. Dose smell; elegant, ly sugar "mled nnd eaay to swallow. lake No Substitutes “The Department food Store” We are in better shape than before the flood, our entire stock has been replen ished with fresh goods and we have added a new department —Candies. Candies made at our own factory and at most of the good factories in the country. Hereto fore we have not retailed candies but sold to merchants only at wholesale. Now we shall sell you a half pound or a quarter pound at wholesale prices. The Candy Department opens to-morrow. In many instances the prices are less than half the regular prices- Our candies are pure and healthful and good for the children. OPENING SPECIAL Genuine Turkish Paste. Regular 50c Special 18 cts PURE SUGAR STICK Regular 20c, Special . 10 cts HONEY COMB TAFFY You can’t get enough. Very special at 18a lb Chocolate Honey Comb Sprays Hand dipped—“HEADLEY” makes ’em. Regular 70c, Special 44c lb 14 kinds “HEADLEY” made Hand dipped Chocolates. Regular 70c, worth SI.OO. This sale 44c lb * COCOANUT ICES You know how good’ This sale 16 cts Soar Lemon Drops This sale 12c lb Many Othes That We Haven’t the Space to Mention —Be Sure to See. OYSTERS FRESH OYSTERS Oysters are another feature we have added to our Interesting establishment. The great big Norfolk selects for frying, then the smaller ones for fry or stew. These are especially fine. Our regular prices on oysters will be 30, 40 and 50 cants a quart. This week we have the 40 and 50 cents onss only, however. CAKES CAKES Old Fashioned Pound cake, at, per pound .. 30c Jelly Roll, at per pound 25c Chocolate t’ake (3 Inver) eaeh, 30c to 60c Caramel Cuke (3 layer) eueli 30c to 60c Lemon Cheese (3 layer) eaeh 30c to 60c Jelly Cake, (3 layer) each 25c to 50c Ping Pong Puffs, do* Lady Fingers and Macaroons, do* 10c All Small Oakes, doz 10c Very special display of cakes. “Old Homestead*' Bread Is Eaten In Three States Every Day. EGGS EGGS Fresh laid eggs a specialty with us. Everyone good, .. 28 cts doz “HANDCO” HAMS The tenderest, sweetest and mildest ham on earth or anywhere else. All sizes ..17 cts lb. POTATO CHIPS FRESH EVERY DAY. HONEY IN COMB PARTICULARLY FINE. New Cramberries Just in, a quart 15 cts New Grapes, a pound, .15 cts Exclusive agents for the famous “Floridina” Smoking Tobacco—lloo pack ages just arrived. It's to your advantage to deal here where you can get anything you want at the lowest prices. Make it a point to call at our store some time Saturday. You will find lota of good thlnga to interest you. If you can't call telephone either 1212 or 2112. HOLLINGSWORTH & COT “The Department Food Store/* NINTH AND TELFAIR ST AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Man Would I\ot Go In Room With His Muscular Wife INDIANAPOLIS, Ind When Mrs Harsh O. Byrne, boardinghouse keep er, six fee, all and muscular, wax grant'd a divorce sod $:.00 alimony In superior court here Thursday, ah" proposed to Judge llsrvey that she i would waive all claim to the alimony CREAMY-DREAMY KISSES Melt in your mouth—last 45 seconds. Regular 40c, Special 18c lb NECCO Fruit Tablets Flavors: Lime, Mint, Lemon, Pineap ple, Horehound, etc. Regular 40c Special 20 cts Honey and Molasses Kisses Regular 30c, Special at 16 cts ‘SWEET SIXTEEN’ Assorted Chocolates. Hand dipped—l 9 kinds in box, fruits nuts, creams, etc. Finest made. Regular 70c, Tomorrow 48c lb Regular 40c, Tomorrow 28c & lb Princeton Assorted Chocolates The kind you pay 60c for, Mighty Special for 30 cts Cream Chocolate Drops Regular 30c. Special 16c Ik : If she could be locked up In n room for live minutes with her former bus hand, William II Byrne, The latter, I who Is a salesman, declined to ac cept the proposition. In a prose hill Byrne charged Mrs Byrne with i the habit oI throwing a haa hot wbou PAGE THREE “The Department Food Store" GROCERY, BAKERY. OYSTERS, CONFECTIONERS, VEGETABLES, and everything else good to eat. | domestic affairs did not run to suit her. Fore Sore Fret. "I have found llucklnn's Aroints 'lslve to he the proper thing to use for sore feet, as well as for healing burns, oris, cuts, and all manner ,of abrasion*," writes Mr. W. Htoue, of Last Poland, Maine, It Is tbs proper thing too for plies. Try it I Mold under guarantee at all drug | stores, iiefc.