The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1908, Page PAGE TWO, Image 18

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PAGE TWO Cole Brothers World Toured Shows Here October 2 3 The email boy of Augusta and hit aider brother and »l»ier are already In a atata of eager anticipation, for tho daad walla of the city at*- coveted with po*tor», whil" from the alor'i window* on the principal tlx nil fat oa the flaring announcement Col# Brother* World Toured Hhnv. will visit Augusta on Friday, Oct. 23 blatte forth In till colora of the rait bow (’.ole Brother' agrrxgatlon ha: vlalled the city before, and their repu '•iion gained here during tlx-.r I.■ appearance a»*ur"h them of a oord e welcome. This year th" thowa li.n< been enlarged until raaldeuta of Au (Unit will hardly recognir- the aggie gallon, and ihe performance »» well haa been attr* x: I ■-J while ix feature a and perfor/ «i« are Included In thi lengthy program The only riding dog la one of the latest Innovation*. and t’hief, tlx lily collie, la now one of the inoet Ini portent canjnea In tlx amuaement world He war purchas 'd by Meal! Cole from a gentleman living In V lanta, and under the guidance and tuition of Michael Mooney, one of the principal bareback rider*, and K 10. Goodell, the dog aoon maatered jtaveral original Mata of horkPinan*l).,i US'II hla act la one of Ihe moat it: tSr eating that a tented organisation hit over offer'd. He Cloaca hla p*o farmance by turning a ttoineraauH on the back of the horao b* the nquln ' apeada around the ring The other acta and feature* of ihe performance Include aerersl European Importa tion*, while the American talent t» beaded by Mia* Joule Aaltlon, a ridel who claim a the dlatinctlon of. being tie only woman rider born south of Annual Meeting of D. of C. The annual meeting of Chapter At D of C was held al I JO o'clock I I I i da> afternoon at Confederate Hall, | with an Intareated utlondauc- Mr» t Oawall II Kve, .i« proaldelit, gr.i . ioualy presiding and handling lit-' I quantity of bualncte; that cam" up In her crisp, bualnt a like war It" port* from the various committees and officers wore heard, ihe trea* umr, Mrs. N. K Huller, leporlluK • that with nil lndeblndm to paid there waa a balance In hank of $2 HI Onr log the past year the • xpeti* * of the rhnpter amounted to |2l<*.h(. ai d the amount of money made hy tlx* Chapter from vmx>/ •11 ton r, fjllif,, ail of which i --uw* that al though the treaaur) fa now in a ralher depict,-d condition, the t’hnp tar ha* not In any way been Idle the punt year Mr* John W 'Mark, custodian of! Crosse*, reported tlx application lot n croc* tlmi had boon turned down i n account of the present statuary law which prohibit* 'he couli-rrln , of a Pros* of Honor on any cove th veteran or one of hi* deecendant lu. Uil* rase the rlrrumatuDcea of , which are very pathetic, Auguata (eels a pcrto-nal Inierent from Ih"; fin- tin,' nun* soldier io whom a ere dm I* hurled in the! ’fC'lly eiii lory The application Is: made by hi* *l»tor, Ml** Marie J McCoy, ol Baltimore Her brother ; Ch*rle* Franet* Mrt'sv, Ji eollaled lu April as aide do camp of Wheel er’a lOcort In the army of Ten six* see. He died the *ame year from hsrdslilp ami exposure Hla al*tur dealre* to secure the fro** due him and the nonatitstloii sai* that he waa due none Of courae iht* 1* alhi ply a technicality hrought about t>> the present laws of Ihe Chapter con st itutlon. Mrs Clark spotw hrletiy but very leellugh about thin mattei and asked the Augusta delegatit wfie go to tho titan- Convention In Savannah be empowered to nak that a raaolutton be lutrodiired iixklug for the reacludiuent ot this law Young Met’ay gave hla life, his all tot his country and tor which he died ut th" age of IP. Had hr lived lo lie t vetoran lie could have done nothing roorr and some recognition I* due hb family. The McCays are ttout An guata Mr* ronrncllc. chairman of th ■l4 committee. reported iliai Kb,- h -.1 had no application* tor h>-lt> from Veteran* who had SUlfri-ed from tli‘ freshet Mm Stnythe re|<ort.>d thu ah* bad clothed and outlined four Vtterau* who*#, want* had <vm. known to her. At the lawt mnimrr meeting ot thi Chapter, Mt* Kve had auggosu-d that *»ery nwratwr take twenty H\ ■ cant* and to.- how many times sin could multiply tt hater, the tall martin* Th<> member who Min* >-d th* greatest i. suits to ho awarded a prise Ttil* honor 101 l to Mr* 11. n ry Norrell. who returned two dolar* accompanied by the (allotting luth vartaa. and who **■ pr, • eu<«-d with a copy of Jama* K liandall a poem* Madam Prr.itlial said to each daughter. ! hr* you, to take a quarter, To Invest and double In Your vacation lino Hut It named *o funny. Taking other people* money - That I did not t*k< a quartet. l.lke a good Confederate dsuglikt-r. Though I promised to do my best Ainu* anptbtr Hue 80 when tha c.K»k d.'cltled to rurall*-\ I though' It a fine chance to econo ml*.*, A nlckai aawd here and a penn; tham, Soon gave mo two dolar* tor the Dauihter* fair —with an apology to Mother Goose A lettat wa* read front Mr. t'lalr home Kneed ot the Columbia Don't t> Camp (banking Mr* Clark lot the Oroa»e* el Hon r which »he h “ haatowed upon the Veteran* of th * Camp A latter wa* alee r.«d fr o Mr* A J Knuttareoti hank \ \l W I \\ lleoit for h. r valuable a t *lv#n by her In the wa* . i .. a( th* Augusta Mnaumsuts and data the Mason and Dixon line. Of course no tented enterprise would he completed without clowns, and Mean, Cole this year have re tPined a amtill army of fun-makera. Mb-ti.nd Fortl and Harry Clarke, two nl :lx beat known comedian:, of the awduxt ring, lead thi* contingent, and tlx Ir work ha* earned the plaud it of old and young alike, a num- Ix t of playlet* In which companies of ilx- i eccentric* take part form a portion of the program, and at least two number* are given over to them while the three ring*, stages and hlp podrome trad, are cleared for their aleond antic* A departure in the down department I* the appearance of Ml** Sarah John Hon, the only American woman who hn* entered tbo Haw-dust ring to a clown. Instead of wearing outlandish costumes *be per forti,h her work in street clothe*, and the laugh* she earn* prove* decisive ly i Inn then l* ,'-ally "Hometbtng new under the »un." Two performances will he given In Auguata on October 23. The morn ing lea'ui'c will center In the street panel' while a x< rle* of free exhlhl will mki place at the show ground* directly after the procession. This feature nerve* to Introduce ,Mlh JrZizzl, who “spans death’s arch" on a bicycle. The afternoon performance will start at 2 o’clock, while the door* will open one hour earlier to permit the early comer* to view thi menagerie, listen to the bbnnd concert by Prof. Tlnney and hla baud of forty mualclan*. and watch the proceeding* of the clown* a* they enact their Interlude, "The Clown*’ Cougre* i." before the regular per form a nee commences. in regard to same. Mr* Emmeraon la preparing a book on ihe various Contxd■•rale momum-nt* in Georgia, a hook which will prove meat Inti .** eating, A letter was read from Ml** Annlo l.aiine Clapp and al*o from Ml** I. Callaway, asking permission of ih" chapter to uae Ihelr room In thi Winnie liavl* dormitory »i Athens. Ml** Clapp* application antidating ,Vln. Callaway’s will of pwn **lty re ceive Ural consldi ration. nut a* the room will a mmodule two. It, will prfdmbly he arra’iigid for boih Ml** Callaway and Mb* Clapp to occupy 11. A letter wiih read In regard to Mix observance of Jeff Davis anniver sary, and the placing In the public xhooia on tlmi day portrait* of th" great vote ran December Bth, 19UX, will be the mu- Hundredth birthday ot Mr Davis, and a* that fall* on Sunday, tlx* celebration will bo on the p Mowing Monday. In regard to ihl* mater the Chapter will confer will the Ladle*’ Memorial Associa tion. .Tn application was made for money toward** the Davl* memories tuml lu New Orlean*. thi* was tab!*"! as was alao a communication from Mr* Kobe,t Emory I’arke nuking for a con tel lull ton lor tlx- purchase of a i-abliu l lor tlx- Georgl* relics r.t Klrhnioud. Tltc matter of (he revision of the CoitHtiftition waa taken up and th*i follow lug committee appointed to look into ii Mr*. Benton, Mr*. Smvthe, Mr*. tV. F Eve, Mr* Plumti, Mr* Norrell, Mr* Ktwhxr and Mis* Bloke*. I lie question of changing the pro pored site of the Wlr* monument, which had been settled ul the last State Convention held Iter" last tall, was taken up with much dlscuaslou pro amt con. It was, however, de cided that the delegate that attend the Sta|e Convention In Savannah he empowered to lake any action that til.- romuilttie agreed on. The probabilities that It will not be plated at Andei aonvllle, as had been at llr 1 1 thought, but that Instead it will be placed at Amertcus. The Macon Daughters, by Die way, at their last council meeting, made ap plication for a . Me from the city on which to place It. If they could sue c. c<t m gaining Ihe consent of the Daughters to hate It at Macon. Vs a method of adding to their tt. usury fund, avion wa* taken on the suggestion of one of fho Da ugh lets, that Mrs I’till Calroll he ask'd to give them a musical evening with her interesting war remlnlnescwncea. All who have had the pleasure of hearing Mis Carroll In this happy paradoxically happy vein, will he de lighted to learn that a commtttec has been appointed to wait on her and **-*• It she will cons, it* to do so. Should she. It goes without skying, that Confederate Hall will he taxed to Its seating capacity whenever she appear* Mrs Marlon Rldgely, chairman of the nom'nattng committee announc ed that the nominating ttcuet em braced the mimes of all the present officer* of the Chapter without change, which were unanimously elected by acclamation. Instead of ballot ’ The names of Miss Marie Beaufort was proposed lor membership In the Chapter A, to bo transferred from ; the it K Dee Chaplet The toluwlug ale the delegate* ( 0 the Savannah Convention which is October yfoyih; Met J " Clark. Mrs U H Sntylhe Mrs C l, Duvall. Mrs I. K Jaokkou. Mr* O |< Etc. MDs Vd.i damp Allrmstes, Mrs M |\ Carroll, Mrs It D t'roker. Mrs X. K Duller, Ms C V Howland Miss Harrl. t tla .hl, Mist Sarsh 9tok. ii and Miss Anna Montgomery Mt*> Anna Kllse Wilson will ret* ram-nt th It I" Children's Cbap At the annual State Cwivetuk>n or the I tilt'd Daughter- which will he held tu Atlanta November nth. the following delegate* am- ann winced Mrs I. VV C y well, Mrs Cha* •’! lot , Mi M D NoreU, Mr* land. .i'h Rldgolv, Mr* K C Dugan. Mr*. K. H Flatter and Mr* T. I*. Queen Wilhelmwi , of Holland Queen Wilhelmina, of Holland, who has insti tntiMl a daily Bible class in her palace, in which all memhera of her household, including the servants, take part. Rev. Dr. Richard Wilkerson Speaks To Men At Y. M. C. A. Dr Richard Wilkinson, pastor of St .lame* church, will be speaker at the v M. C. A men’s meeting Sun day afternoon at i o’clock and he will have a subject timely and full of Interest The Y. M. ('. A. considers Itself particularly fortunate In secur ing the distinguished minister and lecturer and no doubt a large crowd will be out to hear him. In addition to the lecture there will bo splendid music and a prominent lady of lh* city will »!i;g a solo and HOPE OF PEACE NOT YET ABANDONED BY EUROPE I Though War Spirit ia Rampant, Hostilities May be Averted. Austria Talks Peace, But Prepares To right. (Special Cabla.J LONDON While It is true that the Balkan situation does look ox tremel.v serious on the surface, the hope Is confidently expressed In dip lomatic clrcl.-s that a way will be found to prevegt host tilth's between Austria and rwa The war spirit I* strotm in siervla a* shown by the election of Professor Jovanovlta. on* of the moat prominent Austrian agitators to the presidency of the Skupisrhln and th* burning of Austrian flag* In the street* of Bel grade Austria, on the other hand, while professing peaceful intentions, is hur rying troop* to the frontier and has already placed a fleet of gunboats In the Danube In front of Belgrade In view ot these warlike preparations Branch Vlterns'es Mrs. T. E Fleming Mm. VV V Igitlmer. Mrs D D Plumb, Mm 9 VV Carpenter. Mrs v U Jackson. Mrs VV l Wit Ism, and Mr*. A. 11. DcYaughn. THE AUGUSTA HERAI.D. assist In other ways with the mu sical program. All men are lnv lo come and Join in the movement to make the Sunday afternoon gather ings more successful. Secretary Edwin Hill Is of the opin ion that the Y. M C. A. will have one of Its most successful seasons this year and he Is working hard to please everybody interested in seeing progress made by the groat Institu tion. and movements. It may not be amiss , lo compare the strength of the mili tary forces of the two countries. The most reliable figures are as follows: Austria Hungary—Available for ac tlvo service 409,000; reserve 381,000; , total war strength 790.000. Available for duty, unorgautxed, i 700.000. Sorvlß Available for active ser vice J 7, . reserves 198,000; total war strength 5.’0.000. Avail:,Tile for duty, unorganized, -> a Thu* It will be seen that Servla 1* helplessly outnumbered from the very start, Austria could bombard Bel grade and throw 150.000 men across the Servian frontier Inside of twenty four hour* so that the struggle must necessarily bo shortlived if war doe* come. The peace movement I* going stead ily forward under the lead of France, blit there are many dlffleulties to be •amounted before the proposed treaty conference can be called British opinion now regard* a con ference of the power* as necessary to prevent a general conflagration In the Balkan* hut Great Britain In sl*t* on conflnlng It to accomplished f sem 1-ondon |s the seat of negotiation* between M Iswolsky. the Russian , minister of foreign affairs, and Sir PRESIDENT CASTRO , WHO IS SERIOUSLY ILL President Castro, of Ven ezuela, who is reported seriously ill. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A hot-headed man gets cold feet at the critical moment. Some people have a mania for ex changing empty compliments. Many a man’s failure is due to an inclination to take things easy. The meek may inherit the earth— after the trusts gat through with it. Only when a man offers an apology is a woman willing to let him have the last word. Many a man could buy an automo bile with half the money he has lost playing the ponies. Some people are never so happy as when they are in a position to make others unhappy. The first time a young man at tempts to run an automobile he sud denly discovers that he doesn't know everything. Probably nothing pleases a woman more than her ability to look younger than some other woman who is the same age.—Chicago News. Edward Grey, the British foreign sec retary, looking to the convocation of an international conference to main tain peace. A dispatch to the Times from Sofia report* conditions there which point to trouble between Servia and Bul garia. Some alleged Servian spies have been arresled in the neighbor hood of Ihe magazine al Sofia. It is stated that a large number of Servian laborers will be expelled. The Ser vian representative has made friendly representations as to the attitude of his country, but complications are feared. Great Britain has instructed Mr. Peel, the English consul general al Canea, to inform the government of Crete that Great Britain will not rec ognize any change without the con sent of the co-operating powers. It Is officially stated that Servia's reply to Austria's request for *n ex planation of the calling out of Servian reserves is that the step was taken "In view of the general situation." Only the first class reserves have been ordered to rejoin thir colors. It was said, and they had not been mob ilized with a view to any immediate aclion. Assurance:: were given that they would be coi -i d to their bar racks. Turkey continues to give evidence of self-control. She is following a prudent course undor tho tutelage of Great Britain. The latest advices from Belgrade indicate that the Servian government Is doing its best to quiet the radical element tn the country In accordance with the suggestion of the powers. MGR. LAVELLE Mri*. Lavcllo, now vicor of the Arch diocese of New York and pastor of St. Pat rick's Cathedral, ia expected, be made coad jutor to Archbialiop Rear don, of San Francisco, or bishop of one of the sev eral sees now vacant. A SPLENDID BUSINESS WAS SATURDAY’S RECORD ALL OVER AUGUSTA. • , FALL TRADE IN AUGUSTA PROMISES THE BEST IN YEARS. THE WAY TO DO BUSINESS IS TO DO BUSINESS, YOUR AD IN THE HERALD REACHES THE PEOPLE YOU WANT TO REACH. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE HERALD IF YOU WANT THE GOODS AS ADVERTISED. YOU GET THE BEST SERVICE IN THE STORE AT THE SAME TIME. READ TO-DAY’S ADS FOR MONDAY’S BARGAINS THEY ARE REAL AND THEY ARE HERE* THE AUGUSTA HERALD AIMS TO RENDER Real Service to You /F BY some persistency In giving *dvle e The Herald can convince every merchant of the wiedom of telling YOU all of his store-news that is important—of using enough space in which to do it, and of telling as much of his store-news in every Issue a* you would bs interested In know ing—and— If, at th e risk of over-iteration, The Herald should con vince you that this same store-news is of real, live, palpitating importance to YOU, as fully worthy of your attention as poli tics. or baseball, or crowned heads, or elopements, murders, riots, fashions or functions of the rich—and— If it should follow that the merchants should prosper in exact ratio to their energy in advertising and that YOU should thrive in proportion to your intelligence In SPENDING YOUR INCOME—then The Herald will feel that it has accomplished so real a public service that this city will be a still better place in which to live and to do bueinessl USE THE HERALD IF YOU WANT RESULTSI THE WANT ADVERTISEMENTS ARE "HUMANIZING!” When more people come to use and answer clssstfled advertise ments, more people will know each other— More People With Interests Will Meet— more people will find channels and opportunities for reciprocal ser* ▼ice. Truly, the want arts, are “humanising" people—shaming away the acorn of small things, the scorn of "bargaining." of exchanging useful but not used things for useful and usable onea. USE HERALD HANTS FOR RESULTS. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11.