The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 21

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PAGE FIVE THE BEST-THE CHEAPEST Why pay two or three prices for an article of furniture when you can get it from our store at such a great saving. There is nothing that goes to complete the home and mahe it cozy and comfortable that we do not carry and our prices are always guaranteed to be cheaper than anyone else in the business. _ There is still several fine bargains left in th e Skalowski stock that wll be closed out at les s than 50 cents in the dollar. THE GEORGIA FURNITURE CO., M. GOLDBERG, Prop. 563-565-567 BROADWAY Went To See Merry Widow Waltz Nearly Half a Hundred Times “The Merry Widow,” so far as the play Is concerned, is a thing of the past for the time being in Augusta, hut it will be a topic of conversation here, no doubt, for a couple of weeks or more. Many Augustans want to the theater twice to see the perform ance and some even the three times. All semed to be fascinated with the play as a whole and it is doubCTul if there are a dozen people who saw the show Friday :tnd Saturday nights who would not like to see it again. However, Augustans are not in it in going to see the play as compared with a citizen of New York city, who, in discussing the play with an Au gusta lady, stated that he actually went to see the performance forly tw'o times during its stay in New York. Of course, such an expression is usually taken with something to make it keep, in the vernacular of the day, salt, and while it is known that the story was repeatedly told with em phasis still there remains a little doubt, about the visits A young lady composing part of Augusta Paint & Wall Paper Co 307 Mclntosh, Corner Ellis. f Large assortment of Wall Paper and large force to do prompt work. All kinds of painting— House and Sign—a Spec ialty. Old Furniture Re paired and Renovated. \ Estimates Furnished on’Application. : : ’PHONfi 2234 For Jiugusta's Autumn Brides The fall season for weddings and wedding presents is right upon us. Perhaps we can help you solve this difficult gift-problem! We shall be glad to show jou an unusually handsome and attrac tive assortment of suitable gifts for the happy pair—useful and pretty things In silver of new designs and finishes—gifts for or nament and of a personal nature —rings, pins, chains, watcher, pretty things for the dresser, mantel or table. THEY’RE GIFTS THE BRIDE WILL LIKE. Jt. J. Renkl W E ARE ready for business and solicit the patron age of our friends L. J. SCHAUL & Desirable Lots On Tutt Avenue, for colored homes. Will build homes on monthly payments. . Industrial Lumber i Company Phone 262. the audience to whom the story was told, mildly suggested that the visits were made to a real merry widow and not to the play, but this idea was dis credited in view of the fact that the gentleman in question had expressly stated that he went to see the play itself. More than a score of Augustans had seen the “Merry Widow*' before it came to Augusta, but so far as could be ascertained but few of them stayed away on this account, all go ing who could conveniently obtain seats. ELESTiIpraS FOR JBOULEVARB The Augusta-Aiken boulevard com mittee held a meeting at the Cham ber of Saturday and for mally declared Mr. J. Carey I.amar ! elected president, Mr. Thus. Barrett., •Ir., vice president, Mr. L. C. Hayne, i treasurer, and Capt. H. V. Burns, sec | retary. In addition to these they i elected a board of director*, of which all the officers are members and also | Messrs. Geo. W. Walker. Calvin But ler and Lawrence Dorr. They engaged Surveyor Reeves, of Richmond county, to make drawings of the road and submit estimates on the cosTof construction along the pro posed route and as soon as this is furnished they propose to commence actual construction work on the new sections of the highway. FISHERMEN CAUGHT TREMENDOUS STURGEON Sergt. Reynolds is well known as a teller of line fish stories. Here is one that he says is absolutely true and there is nothing fishy to it. A fisherman in his employ while making the rounds of the traps that are in the river just below (he locks Wed nesday morning found a fine sturgeon on one of them. According to the sergeant it was about 11 feet long and weighed 250 pounds. This Is the j largest sturgeon that has been caught ; in the Savannah for some time and j beyond all doubt it was certainly a tine fish. , PLAN OF CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR IRK WORKING TO MAKE THEIR MEMBERSHIP AND MISSION ARY OFFERINGS LEAD THE WORLD OFFICIALS REPORT Show Great Progress in the Advancement of this Noble and Good Work. NEW ORLEANS.—PIans to lead the Christian Endeavorers of the world in membership and missionary offerings were put forward Saturday night at a young people's mass meet ing at the international missionary convention of the churches of Christ. An audience of about 2,500 filled the Atheneum Hall where the meeting was held. Rev. Claude K. Hill, ot' Mobile, national superintendent of the Christian Endeavor, outlined the endeavorers' campaign. Parker Stockdale of Chicago fol lowed Rev. Hill with an address up on: "The Ministry in Life.” During the earlier sessions of the day Mrs. M. E. Harlan, of Indian apolis, correspondent of the Chris tian Woman’s Board of Missions, gave her annual report. It showed sixty six missionaries of this board at work in foreign fields, not Including native assistants, with 771 conversions re ported during the year! 2,001 children sent to mission schools, and over 48,- 000 sick persons treated. The annual report of the treasurer, Miss Mary J. Johnson, of Indianap olis, showed a balance on baud Oc tober 1, of over $25,000; total dis bursements of $200,700, and receipts for the year of $200,000. Mrs. Ida W. Harrison, of Lexing ton. Ky., secretary of the centennial of the churches of Christ, which is to be held next year in Pittsburg, re ported that $34,900 already has been subscribed toward the centennial cel ebration. m FACTOBY MAY STMT SODA WINGFIELD STATES THAT IT IS HIS INTENTION TO SUP PLY WATER TO THEM THIRD MONDAY IN OCTOBER OTHERS SOON Will Give the Other# a Supply Very Soon After. Hope# To Have All Work Going, on i In Few D»ys Commissioner of Public Works N!sbet Wiugfi-ld states that It Is his ! Intention to supply the Augusta Fac tory with water for operation the third Monday In October, and as rup- Idly thereafter as possible he will supply other concern*. The enterprises operating by wa ter power from the canal have jifl ! ority contracts and the Augusta Fac tofy comes first in the list The Kn terprise mill la second of the large mil s, the Hlhley third and the King last. Nearly all of these establish ments have additional eontraeis lor pr.rt of I heir power. these helng added as they put in mr»'nery for their plant In the way of enlarge ment. Acording to Mr Wlngfl«ld's state ‘ ment It I* now certain that none of the factories will commence operation this week, though It wa* thought prob able by some that a pan of the mill* would start Wednesday, THE AUGUSTA HERALD We Advertise to Gain Business Everybody Does Yet it takes a great deal more to retain it. This house advertised to gain trade many years ago and built a business that has lasted through three generations. We use the printers’ ink today to advertise our Fall showing of MEN’S, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S Suits and Overcoats A line that will draw us more closely to the trading public in this city and throughout the two States. We Cannot Describe Here the Goodness of Our Men’s SUITS First in qualify, Second in tlio make-up, Third in patterns, Fourth in price, in buying for this Fall and Winter seasons we not only thought of what would appeal to the young man, but to the old and more con servative dresser as well. MOTHER AND STOLEN DAUGHTER -ri To the loft its shown Mrs. Flora Avery, of Spear fisb, Sonth Dakota; to the rifeht her (laughter, Myrtle, who wan stolen from her mother fourteen years agn by Mrs. Av.-ry’n divorc rl hutthwnd, Chan. Stafford. Mr#. Avery found her daughter in the Catholic Protectory, New York City. For the Young Man We have selected this sea son’s latest creations in style and patterns for the older heads, we still bought, the correct ideas—yet know ing the wants in this line we believe we can please the most fastidious. * ji/QUSTA.GA COLB BROTHERS' CIRCUS WILL BE HERE OCTOBER 23 When the Cole Urolhers' World and llo> pro rum must not enfsrlslr Famed Chows were organised for the i present season, experience and capi tal milled In perfecting one of the mosi superb amusement c-iiierorls ever corn-idved. I lie Kea-ion el' Ft')/ win baldly conclude <1 before the many ug'tiln and the liead.i of lie varlou departpusiis wore e.iivd lin i consultation with the executive ats'l and numerous and various plans an I features dlsciisrtd, u-ul mini discard ed and others accepted The Hue ol organization to make tin shows ili most meritorious utid niod-rn In tin world war always foremost In all amusement -loving people of (lit country Honi-lhln;.', entirely new, and not a allow with which tin bad ir come entirely too familiar, oat thor oughly carried out In the aumllcst of detail. Tie- reputaileii lliat for over a quarter ol . century ties, gig. mile shows have alwav enjoyed, could not be Inijirovi d In the p-a»i by the show- Itself, furlicr than in ssHsmble It so as to pul It In s class fat above all others, ami that can safely be Haul of II today, the nnlltnlli"l improve iin-nls udopleil alone could and have adibd to lie sliov.'a rcpiJtal.on, which even up to now Imd been unequalled Foreign agents, home represent:! lives, who are always unde cart i hlanche orders lo secure ads, fenl-| urea and uultnuh, i ullrely new, dou hied Ilu ll efforts and that tin" were successful Is evident In iln perform iiuc and program as II has been ,i suyi'd and is given. Ho modern and ilp-to-ilate Is everything contcied with this merllorlous aggregation, i Hint Were II not for the sinmintlliu s and settings of the many arts and features. It would require a night ex ertion of one's Imagination to realize It wns an a rente exhibition they were Introdui-ii' ■ Ol course them are riders, aerlaltsts, gymnastic sernlmi i, tiimhlers, contorilonlsts, clowns, me nagnrle, trained horses and all that go to make up Hie performance such iih you have seen in the past, bn’ they are of such a superior ord ■!' anil their ne'H so finished a to e.ui- i■ • to forgot that they had over seen others. Not only are ilietr nets mnf finished, but are new and not He same a other art lata are satisfied lo give year after year. Foreign artists wore secured be cause He \ were entirely n In Hit country, nnd American uetort w»n font mend only when It was assured j that their act* had never before be-eq seen with any tented aggr-giUon , (limy of the features were obtained I only after vslarles that to any other how would have been prohibitive, were included In the contract The t rile lirntheis will not under nnv con dlHons sncrlllre one portion of tln-lr perforaiauce to strengthen another I part, it must bn evouly arranged SUNDAY, OCTOBER I*l. Our Children’s De partment has everything far the boys and little folks, (food sub stantial soliool suits and overcoats beautiful line of fancy suits, reefers and caps Our Overcoats, we huvs ;,ill lengths, from the long one to the new top coats, there’s a touch of individu' ality about them, all we ask is a chance to show them. Our Prices this season is in reach of all in every department, and we might say further, con sidering everything, all told they can’t he matched. Moldy during l lie performance, but one wiat leavi a a lasilng and t favne alile liupri "don, and -.lie only way n* gain (his la I v furnishing acts and ton'll!'s Iliad ri*o exclusive and of riiiv miiril. There Is nothing ho dls | ii: In.'ly p-iti.f I aa lo atend a per forum lire and iiave a lot of old time worn I sees and ucta forced upon you, Hnii have been tiring you season alii r season. The people deniund pro alvei— *, new act* and feat ure . utiil the successful cuter to the I . o Is ih« one who tiirnisliMS (hem. ('ole Brother World Famed Shows will be here Friday, October 2R, and h them will be everything new and nothing old. LITTLE FRANK"DAVIsIhED SATURDAY AFTERNOON The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. 7. 1. Davis regret to learn of the death of their Infant soil Frsnk, whe died Saturday afternoon at 3.M o'clock. Their many friends extend lo them their deepest sympathy in th'-lr bereavement. The funeral ser -1 vices take place Monday morning at ! to o’clock from the family resldeuce, No 824 Young St. The Rev. The*. Walker will officiate The Interment , will be In the West View reme | lery MR. H. A. »CHILDT HERE. Mr, Herman A Hchlldt, a pioint uen, business man of l.onlsvllle, Ky.. is visiting In Auguitu and will be here for a few days. A PACT ABOUT THE “BLUES’* Wliat Is known as the “Dliim’' is seldom occasioned by actual exist* lug e icrnal conditions, but In tho gr at n ijorlty of cases by • die* brdcrcd LIVER. m THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstro* ted by trying a course of Tutf’sPilis IheycontrolandregiilatatMlifVßß. They bring hep*nadbouya#ey te the mind. They bi ing health ei-d elasMk* Ay to the body. TAKE NO «UB»TlTOTB.