The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 24

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PAGE EIGHT FOR RKIN T . 659 Broad. 9 room* l-*5.00 I 134 , Broad Bt.rt?*t, 6 rooms 2"» oo j 218 Campbell, 5 room* 17.00 808 Kill* Street, i 2-..uv 06.1 Greene 0 mom* 50.00 j 84, Oreen Street, 5 room* 45.00 : 809 Mclntosh, C room* 15.00 106 Reynold* Htre< t, 6 room* 12.50 338 W*i»er Street. 6 room* . • 25.00 j 845 Telfair street, 3 rmm* flat 18 00 i 246 Telfair, 3 room* . 15 00 ] 942 Reynold* street, 8 room* 33 00 North August*, c room* 25.00 STORES. 1224 Rrosd Street 35 00 1252 Bro*<! S'r«»t 66 00 j 524 Campbell Street 46 00 | 530 Campbell 76.00 I 526 Campbell ... 50.00 I 689 lirnad Hiroet, 11 room* 30.04) I 59 1 Broad Street .. .■ 60 00 1 OFFICES. I No. 765 Broad Street 370.82 No 8 Library Bid's 18.33 I Office* in the Planter* Eo»n & Saving* Bank Building. WILLIAM E. BUSH, !£,U Miiat J "TMsnttr 'SMnM. j For Rent. 313 W»lk*r St., 7 room* and bath, 817 Woodl»wn Av«„ 6 room* and bath. 442 Bay St., 6-room flat and bath. 913 Eighth St., 7 room* and bath. 929 Reynold* St., 6 room* and bath. 311 Eaat Boundary, 5 room*. 916 Fifth St., 4 room*. MARTIN & GARRETT Dyer Bldg STOCKS = Orders executed so buy and sell stocks, bonds and investment securities on the New York Stock Exchange. We solicit your business. ARGO & JESTER 7 Library Building. Phone 12. i.'jlx*. 1,1 j.' i " ~ 1 ! ■ " - - SHOWING HOW DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR MADE IN THE AUGUSTA BAVINGB BANK ON THE FIRST DAY OF EACH MONTH, WILL ACCUMULATE IN FROM ONE TO FIVE YEARS WHEN INTEREST IS COMPOUNDED MALPYEARLY AT FOUR PER CENT: 1 year ..812 26 2 yaar* 25.00 3 yaar* 38.25 4 year* 52.06 5 year* 66 32 Of rnur** larger deposit* will grow In the name proportion Tbit la *n eaay way to nave Try It. The Auj£u«t<« Bnvlng'« hnnk 881 Broad Street. "WHERE SAVINOS ARE SAFE" A--’ 1 *»>!'■"«'" ■«« —■ -»■ ■ T— '! ______ and School Supplies, as Bags, Straps, Pencil Box«s, Pads, Ink, Pencils, Pens. Second hand books taken in exchange for new ones. RICHARD’S STATI ONERY COMPANY. LADIES Room 213 Hariaon Bldg. Special Sale A. £ I’. Baked Beans, 3 cans 25c A. & I*. ('ataup, I <2 P' n< bottles 9c Toasted Corn Flakes, per package 7c Velvet Tip Matches, per box 3c Ivetnon Fling Bacchus. j*ct* can 21c A. & P. Pears, 3 pound cans 21c Full Cream Cheese, per pound 15c Fresh F.ggs, jH>r do*.. . ,28c GOBLETS *4 dosen imitation Cut Olaas Goblets, with one can A. & P. Baking Powder. We will give them away as long as they last. 844 Broad Street, 325 Stores in United States wo PACIfIS CO 844 Broau Street. 385 Stores in the U. S. Hickey’s Hair Dressing, Manicuring and Massaging parlors will be open Monday Mi's. Sargent and Miss Whiteley in attendance. Something New Something Good CHINAMEL A wonderful paint and preservative—for floors, doors and fumi ture. Its a self grainer and gives the finest varnish finish. In cans to suit, from 20 cts to 90 cts, USE CREOLOL Strongest and host Dis infectant and Deodoriser, 25 and 50 cts bottles. LJ.HANSBERGER 934 BROAD STREET. Bus*Nan Attention The Augusta Trunk Fku tory went* you to know that thoy oarrjr a l*rc* and vnrtod etock of aoUactton »>■ >oka bonk runner biwka, letter books. goe ket book* etc. Th§) handle the fa n»oua Utllftte reaor end have extra blade* (live them a coll when In need of thaee They curry a lt»r*«* line of valiant and unit f«*«* for the least tnoft*) Kameailwr the Augusta Trunk j Fa. tar> hnwted at 841 Bros 4 "Wr«| •tie of siiraL" iAGISJFIIENT OFFERINGS AT WHITE'S HARVEST SALE ♦Vhttt doe* a harvest sal© mean? Fills In a question that has been asked y number of time* since this sale was Ms announced by the J. B. White com r.y, a question to which the firm nan given Its official reply, but which have only one adequate answer, and it is that It Is a sale put on lor the ; rial benefit of those who have reap ; their harvests and who have both the »n©y and the time to lay In winter j plies of every kind. <• the meaning of the term what It ~ however, there can be no question so v. hat Is meant by. the magnificent rings made at this sale which opens ten o'clock tomorrow morning and I 'M at. ten o'clock next Saturday night, every department of the giant de triment store there are such bargains are unprecedented In Augusta and as •• sure to attract the most generous dronage of the careful buyer. When the unprecedentedly brilliant ill Opening was held at White s a few J • * ks itga, there was a little feeling on | <• part of som*- that all the brilliant ! linplay was for the very wealthy alone, >..< wage-earner and others with limited ink accounts having nothing to do with mdred dollar gowns and fifty dollar its. ft Is true that at that, time those who wrote of the wonders of that brll .nt event laid especial at ©as on the •lories of what were to many the unat ilnabh luxuries, but It was none the ■in true then an now that this store >f the people caters as carefully to the uris of the more modest buyer as 10 he woman with an Income of count •>mm thousands. Indeed, wo may ray he smaller purchaser’s requirements .ire ATA GLANCE' —you’ll bpp the difference between our distinctive Suits and the other kind. there’s no “cut and dried’’ appearance about them—they’re full of quality and animation. - they're the best expression of ihe Sea son’s host ideas in Men’s Tailoring, —they’re good to look at and good to wear. —we ask your special attention to our $lB, S2O and $25 Suits. we sav holdlv and with confidence, “match them if you can!” HAWES’ CELEBRATED $3. HATS McCreary THE CLOTHIERS 742 Broad St. j* Augusta, Ga. even more mrefuily looked after, Ali ce there are hundrnde of purchasers of ibis i kind to the tent among the others. This I harvest sale la especially intended for this gr« st multitude of buyers, and the opportunities it offers In every depart* j ment are practically llneltless. To begin with, my lady of quiet but | flawless taste desires a hat that shall be a becoming expression of the mode, that shall not be exaggerated In style or I price. There she haa It, in a variety 1 of almdes and colors and a great di versity of trlmmlnge. atM nil for the uni | form price of five dollars. Many of these i moat desirable hats are of catln and wave short ostrich plumes and other graceful trimmings. In a ten dollar as- | sortment ure the ewellest Imaginable hats of velvet with nobby wings or I breasts of birds, and all bearing an un- i mlatakble ulr of style. There are of j course many hats at many prices above, Below and In between these, but these few ure mentioned aa being typioal. In the ault department there Is a iron* Inducement for everyone to buy t stylls.i gown built In the mJet apporv d lines of eioellent material- Some of lie bargains In suits will make a strong appeal to the older women and others again will find ready purchasers among ,e school girls. '1 tie same thing is true of the shine, which are infinitely va ried In whloh there are some notable re* duettons in certain lines $5 00 warth of awld is displayed In the Jewelry department where there are I all the dwelleat neveltles. all the latest fads of New York and Parte. Whites famous fer Its artistic dress accesso ries. Is out-herodlng Herod In this re*, ■pact for this sale, and le offering at moderate prlcae ail the frivolities for which women most yearn. And In this »ennectlon. it might he well to refer to the art department where we have all the materials and the patterns that are needed for the hand-embroidery that is now so fashionable on the street or party gown Just as It Is on the table damask or the sofa cushion. The table damask nat White is showing Is worthy of the I moat elaborate adornment even while I tte own unaided beauty makes the ex- tra touch suferfiuous The same good recommendation can be given the towels and the blankets and bed-spreads and other household necessities that are of fered at such unbelievably email prlcae, Nor do the attractions for the fur nishing of house or table stop with what is to be found-tn the dry goods depart ment. Upstairs are beautiful pieces of furniture, rugs, carpets and draperies In the rleheet materials and most desi rable designs. The china and the glass are commensurate tn style and quality with the pieces of furniture they are called upon to complete and for the Kitchen there Is everything that could tM'»slbly be demanned by the- most ex ■ ttug of twin In this s nnecllan. It might be well to refer. In passing, to the bail ear load of grey enamelled ware TKE AUGUST A HER ADD that has been ordered out for this par ticular sale and that offers irresistible attractions to the dainty and economi cal housewife. The women are not alone In being con sidered for this gigantic sale. In the men’s store are many allurements for ' the well dressed masculine part of the household, whether uoy or man. An up to-dateness that is very fetching charat terlzes all the garments here displayed for the edification and the benefit of our and the feeling of well-being that permeates their consciousness when they wear one of these suits with its accesso ries is brought to a blissful height when their toilet is complete with a pair of the fine shoes sold In tne Anne shoes that may be had lor men, women, and children, for the person of conventio nal taste or for the man or woman who wishes the unique or the exceptional. This harvest sale Is going to be a great one, not only oecause It Is of- I ferlng such bargains to White’s custo ! mers and to everybody Interested as have never before been equalled, but be cause the gales people are taking such a lively persona! interest In the sales> they expect to make, and for which casn prizes are being offered the clerks In each and every one of the many depart ments. The whole notable event opens bril liantly tomorrow with two concerts by Anodnegul and his full orchestra, from ten to one, and from four to six. Sunday Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30, 75c Albion Hotel _ . _ - PRESIDENT HELD ft FElftl CONFERENCES WASHINGTON. The president Saturday held brief political confer ences with Pearl Wight, republican national committeeman from Louisi ana. and Dover, secretary of the national advisory committee. Both brought encouraging reporta regard | leg the republican situation. According to Mr. Dover, the cam paign contributions are coming In as favorable as ran be expected at New York, he stated I initiating the con- Itrlbutlons excluded by lnw, the con tributions thus far received are equal, he said. If not In excess, of those re reived In previous years up to this stage of the campaign, lie announces that from 76 to 80 per cent of all the campaign contributions received by the national committee came from New York. Chicago, Philadelphia. Bos ton and Pltlsbnrg. The letter which had been sent out by Treasurer Bheidon asking for 860 contributions bad brought one hun ■ dred replies in 48 hours. THE PLAY LAST NIGHT. The brilliant success scored by "The Merry Widow” Friday night was repeated at yesterday afternoon s and last night’s performances, which were enjoyed by parked houses The de lightful music of the opera gives more and more pleasure the more fre quently II Is heard and there wore not • few in last night’s audience who were hearing It for the second and third time. Augusta has proven that she has npprerlators of really first class at tractions In sufficient numbers to warrant such attractions being sent to us for two and three performances at a lime, and ao we can proudly claim the distinction of being no longer a town belonging exclusively to the list iof one-night stands. TODAY'S FORECAST, W ABHINOTON —Forecast: South Carolina Fair Sunday a-* Monds>.; cooler Mondav; winds shift ing to fresh west Georgia Fair Sunday and Mon day, winds shifting to fresh north west FACTORIES WILL NOT BECJJIIM Officials Do Not Think It Would Be Safe To Turn on Full Supply of Water. The factories along the Augusta canal will not begin operation Mon day morning, as the city officials do not think it safe to turn in a full sup ply of water and consequently the wheels of industry will remain Idle for a short time longer. However, it; Is stated that the probabilities favor the operation within a few days. Officials of all the miils Involved i state they are ready to begin work j at « moment’s notice and some of them advised their employes Friday that tney expected to start work Mon day. The Enterprise mill, which has operated part of its machinery by steam during the past month, used water for a while Wednesday after noon and Thursday, but on Friday morning they were ordered to alscon tlnue the use of the water and since that time have been using only their steam plant. Work on strengthening the canal banks continues without delay and it is understood that the Oliver Con struction Co. is willing to risk the full supply of water being turned in. but the city engineers do not favor such a plan. As a result of the recent investiga tions of all the work therefore the mills will not begin work certainly before next Wednesday and probably not until Monday week. TIE FIRST FROST RITSJUISIII NEW ORLEANS.-The first frost of the season in this state was re ported at many places in the central and northern portions Saturday. Sunday Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30, 75c. Albion Hotel. AUGUSTA SHOE HOUSE MAKES BIG SUCCESS IN THREE SOUTHERN STATES In today’s Herald will be found a full page announcement of the C.alla han-Uobsou Shoe Co., agents for the famous Patrician shoe, which will be found to be full of interest, especially to the women readers of The Herald. Every woman likes a stylish, com fortable shoe, well fitting, well appear ing, comfortable, and that is what both manufacturer and dealer guar antee to their most particular and fastidious customers when they buy the Patrician. The ladles of Augusta who are in terested tn good shoes and nearly ev ery woman likes a good loklng shoe will be Interested in the Callahan- Dobson announcement. What’s more, we imagine that a great many of them will take advantage of their guarantee to see how the Patrician shoe fits and wears. It is no trouble for the efficient store force to show and to fit these Patrician shoes, and every woman who loves a good looking snoe Is cor dially invited to visit the store, In spect ihe slock, try the shoes, and see If they are not every thing that is claimed for them. For many years the Callahan-Dob | .on Shoe Co. has sold only the best, i most reliable ami dependable shoes here In Augusta, and thii season’s | offerings of good shoes are no excep tion. This shoe time in Augtistaoin tion. This Is shoe time In Augusta, and the change of the weather makes | one think of the comfort and style ! that can be had out of good shoes. : If you are a woman, you will be In terested In the showing that the firm of Calahan-Dohson will make next week for the women of the city. WILL SOON OPEN NEW PRINTING BUSINESS Having leaard the K. Shaver Printing company plant, at 719 GUIs street, which hae been closed dow*n for the pest eigh teen monthe. I wleh to Inform my frlende that I will be ready for business In a few deye and would appreciate all orJers for eommerielal printing. G. W. Tidwell, 739 GUIs street. UP AND DOING We recently visited the great bakeries of Washington, Baltimore, New York, Philadelphia, Jersey City and Norfolk, examining every feature of their busi nesses, their methods and goods, testing and comparing and in not a single in stance did we find a loaf of bread equal to our “OLD HUMESTbAD" We found some good bread, better than the ordinary, but there was lacking that peculiar individuality of “Old Homestead’’ that has so long dintinguished from any other bread. Now it is easy to understand why our bakery has grown so rapidly, why Augusta's finest hotel, loading restaurants, public institutions, sanitariums, leading physicians and jieople in general who know use our breads. Augus tans appreciate quality and we shall continue to make our goods on the same high order, never allowing an opportunity for improvements to pass. Then too, the price is no higher than that comni inly charged for ordinary bakers bread. Phone for bread tickets and have our wagons deliver bread to you as often as you like. 5 cerits a loaf; 6 tickets for 25 cents or 25 for SI.OO. HOLLINGSWORTH & CO. •THE DEPARTMENT FOOD STORE.” Grocers. Bakers. Oysters, Confectioners. Vegetables, Etc. King; Solomon Said: “The poor is hated even of his own neighbor; but the rich hath many friends.” MORAL Open an account with us. Improve it and secure friends. 4% Interest on Savings 4% Citizens Bank, 931 BROAD ST. P. S. NORTH, Pres. C. A. FLEMING, V. P. M. C. DOWLING, Cashier. READ HERALD WANT ADS. The School Question Has been solved this season by our selection of children’s footwear. For the girl we have an elegant line of patent and vici kid, with solid leaher extension soles and low heels, at pices from SI.OO up. For the boy we have the heavy calfskin in tan and black, durable and dressy. The good kind and prices right, send in the boy and leave the rest to us, you will be satisfied. » New Fall Styles of Women and Men’s Shoes Are shown here this season, carefully selected anl “smart to the limit” you can make no mistake by purchasing your Fall footwear here. Wichert & Gardiners Ladies Shoes $3.50 to $5.00 Crossetss, Men’s Shoes $3.60 to $4.00 Nettletons Men’s Shoes, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 Mulherin & Marks Shoe Company THE LEADERS READ HERALD WANT ADS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11. | COPVWIOKT