The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 11, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 28

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PAGE FOUR White’s Great Harvest Sale Begins Mondays 500 Silk Petticoats $ 5.29. Just BO In the lot, mad*- of fine rjualtty Black Taffeta Hllk 12-In. near silk under ruffle. The prices named for the Harvbst Sale Ik leas than mantlfarlurer*' coat Remember ouly f.O In t.h< K.t v dirts 7 f\Q they 1 e ;», s:', value i Greatest of Ml Bargain The season of the year when merchandise of every kind is most needed. A year when real Bargains are most appreciated. For the past week a great wave of enthusiasm has swept the entire store, two hundred busy hamls have been “Making Ready” for your Bargain Harvest. We may have held sales in individual departments, as remarkable in value, but never before, and never again in this year, have or will all the various stores in this frreat department store, loin in such a simultaneous record selling event, making wonderful prices, for even us. The prices are lower, or as low, as these goods have ever been sold anywhere. Watch the Hour Sales—Read the papers for Specials each day. •• -4iV* ** Sale of Children’s Shoes 100 pair* of Children's patent Up, kid, button and lace shoes; worth HOC mid $100; size 0 lo X hi 69 c 200 pulm of Children's patent vamp colored lop button shoos; worth $1 25, $1 50 ami $1 75, for 99c and $1,19 IMay Mato Shoos for Children. A perfectly Instod foot form shoe that la durable, dressy und comfortable. 5 lo 8, $1.30; 8 1-2 to 12 $2.00 Men’s Shoes 200 pnlr* of Men'* French Calf button bat* ami 111 mln in. mood at y lea, worth s{.oo, $5 00 Monday for $3.49 »!*s• r> 1 2 to 11, w idth It. C, l> ami R. 100 pair* of Mon's One shoes; worth f!».on and s<i,o0 # lor $1.99 Thin la a cloan up hal«* of odd *!/.<*« and narrow widths. 300 pairs of !lo\V and Gent's school whorii in Inix, »alf, kiiii metal, calf and httek vlcl*. flinch ora and bftl*. at $1.49, $1.99. $2.99 SHOE DRESSING HALE. 800 bottle* of (Vrollne, nn ei» cellent ahm» drawing. n regular 25c pkfc , Monday at 3c per bot tle. EIJE ■ m \ El brhisk '••w* AUGUSTAS DULY OLPAftTUtLNI STCRi “Harvest Sale” ANNEX 500 Pairs Women’s Shoes Worth $3, $3.50, $4 and ts -f QO $5 pair, at choice .... *r ' •*'o A saving of front $1 ,C 0 to $2 50 » pair We will put on sale Mon day f,OO pairs of Women's Dress and Street boots, worth $2.00, $3.60 and $6.00, at $1.98 flood plain Kid street shoes, with Walt soles and Military heals Light patent dress hoots with hand turned soles and Cuban heels, soft iuhl kid tops In button bal and Hlueher, size 1-2 to C, width 11, C, and D. 300 Pairs of Women’s Shoes— Ibaek ami Patent Kid and Gun Metal Calf, button, luce and Hlueher bools, turn and welt solos. Cuban and Military heels; worth $:; s(t pair, for $2.99; size, 1-2 to 8, width C, I), K. Men's Store Sensational Offer for the “Harvest Sale“ Monday Buy Your New Suit and Re ceive a New Hat Free. $40.00 A $37,50 Suit*— s4.oo H*t Free $35.00 $ $32.50 Suite— Met Free $30.00 « $27.50 Suite— s3.oo Het Free $25.00 A $22 50 9uit*-$2.50 Met Free $20.00 A $18.50 Suite— s2.oo Het Free $17.50. $16.50 A sl3 $1.50 Het Free $13.50. $12.50, slo.oo—sl.oo Shirt Free Thle Free Het end Cep Offer ie of sered only on the purchase of Suite. Our entire Het line open to eelect from, with privilege to pey difference between eny Het thet your Suit pur , oheee entniee you to end one you mey eelect et e higher price. Knit Underwear and Hosiery Thousands of pieces at Lowered Prices—Tills will be one of the best sales of needed underwear we have ever held, for we bought Im mense quantities from some of the best mills we deal with to secure plums for the “Harvest Sale.” Ladles' Seamless Hoso—Only one ease—Fast lllaek and Tan, sizes 812 to 10; regular l-2r values; Harvest Sales 7t/ 2 c WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN’S STOCKINGS. Women’s Full Fashioned Black Cotton Stockings, gauzed, ribbed fleered, spliced heels and toes, while foot, regular 14c Ladies' Black Lisle Hose—"Onyxdye.” gauze and medium weight, also split soles, regular 50c, values, at 29c Boys' and Girls’ Stockings, absolutely fast black combed yarns, corduroy or fine rib, all sizes value 15c per pair, special at, per pair 9c Boys’ and Girls' Stockings, standard makes, in light, medium or heavyweight cotton and Hales, black or tan, sizes 5 to 10, value 25c pair, special -) 9c WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR. Women's Vests and Pants, Jersey ribbed, fleece lined, glove-fitting, sizi-s 32 lo in, thi- vests with long sleeves; punts with French bands, value :!9e each; choice tomorrow 19c Misses' Vests and Pants, regular or extra large sizes, running from 4to 18 years; glove fitting, plush backs; value 39c each, sale P rl ™ ■■ , 25c Women's Vesta and Pants of finest combed Egyptian yarn. In peeler color or bleached perfectly white, regular or extra large sizes, value 39c BOYS’ UNDERWEAR. Boys' Shirts and Drawers, sanitary fleece lined; heavy weights In jaeger color; sizes 21 to 34; vftlue 39c and 50c each, sale price.... 25c Boys Shirts and Drawers, of finest grades of Australian wool stock in gray only, sizes 21 to 34; value 75c and 98c each sale price 49c g. Wash Goods—Domestics STNDARD DRESS GINGHAMS. The good kind of Dress Ginghams, fasl colors, all the wanted plain shades and fancy stripes, checks and plaids, as good in pattern and quality as any store in the city sells 12 12 to 15c per yard H S for Monday ' 9c Percales—Light and dark grounds, stripes, dots and neat figures; fully sixty new full designs lo choose from; 36 inches wide, 15c value, Genuine Amoekeag Apron Ginghams. In blue, brown and green Mieeks, all perfect; not remnants; regularly 8c per yard, at gc American Printing Co.’s Washable Fabrics, in light and dark grounds. *»NO yardH, to b»* sold Monday at 5 C No mall or ‘phone orders filled 10c and 15c Cotton Suiting, all dark colors, In fancy checks- fine Imitation for tine wool goods; for children's school dresses 50 nut tarna to s« l»Tt fn»n% Harvest price a 1 c 15c Colored Madras, in light colors, 100 patterns to select from, in Stripes Of all Sizes and colors. The very thing for gents' shirts Chll dn-n 51 and Ladies’ Homo DP'ssoh. Harvest price iqc outing FLANNELS. 1.,.. £ pleasing variety of neat striped and checked, dark patterns Out ® in w' t nn bargain table Monday at onlv. 5c Yll Wool, Whit.- Hanncis, Harvest Sale 99, 39r All Wool White Flannels, Harvest Sale .... aiie All Wool While Flannels. Harvest Sale .... o Q „ 12 1 2c 42x36 Pillow Cases, no starch r<- 19c 42x36 Pillow Cits 's. soft finish . . . 59c 72X81 Sheets, good bleach 75c 72x81 Sheets, heavy, good blench . cq. S.-. 0 NU9O heavy Lockwood Sheets $1 39 90x90 Defender H S Sheets ...] "" 7 l-2e 1; Inch Pleach, soft finish, 20 yards for the $1 00 12 12c '.Cinch lllackstone Bleach Long Cloth 36-Inch Genuine Lonsdale Cambric 0 , $5,000 Worth Gold in the Great “Harvest Sale” Solid Gold Cuff Pins G ol ** r, 'ff or Bab\ Pins, plain nut chai«'i| design* Selims, a pair worth 75c. at ...... 48c Solid Gold Cuff Pins, very heavy chased design*, worth S2OO. at, the mid 98c Solid Gold Hair Barrettes 851.25 Solid Gold Hair Barrettes, In bright Roman gold finish, This slip worth $1 50.. 49e 'lWpilipW 1, h w!mm THESE GREAT SOLID GOLD JEWELRY SALES, in the past, have always been a big success. If we did not give marvelous values last ye«r, how could we come back thie year with even greater values, and hope to make a success of it, unless every statement in our former ad vertisement was absolutely true? The prices are one-third and one quarter the Jewelry Store prices. Our reputation la behind every piece of Jewelry in this sale. Besides, the goods are made by one of the best manufacturers in New England. MEN’S AND WOMEN'S SOLID GOLD RINGS. Solid Gold Signet Rings sot; men and women, Roman finish, also Solid Gold Biby Rings, set with genuine diamonds: worth $2.00. at 98c Beaut Ifullly chased Solid Gold Rings, act with brilliant garnets, pcurls. etc., in single*, double or triple setting worth $2 T 5. at.. $1.48 •Men* Heavy Solid Gold Signet Ring* In bright and Roman finish; the»e big beautte* mu*t be seen to be appreciated; worth $4 50. at $2.25 Women s Solid Gold Ring*. In beau tiful designs, set with garnet*; worth $5. at $2 98 Sales of the Year Hour Sales Monday Morning Cut this out and bring with you. N’o telephone orders filled. 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. King Mills’ yard wide “Sea Is land” S'/ic 4711 White Rose Glycerine Soap. 9c Octagon (Big Size) Wash Tub Soap 3c .1, & P. Coat's Spool Cotton, three spools 10c Yard Wide. “Standard Bleaching ”. .5c 11 a. m. to 12 a. m. Pear's Unscented Soap, 15c size. . 8c Air Float Talcum Powder, 15c values. at 9c Cuticura Soap, 25c values 16c Sanitol Tooth Powder, 25c values. 14c Ivory Soap, big size, per cake ~..3c “Harvest Sale” Trunks Canvas Trunks, made of one piece Veneer Wood, niotled fibre binding, (wo centre bands, four large, strong bolts, Excelsior lock; heavy leather straps and loops, sheet Iron bottom; hard wood slats, cloth lined; tsro trays. Sale prices for Monday only: 32 inches. 34 inches. 36 inches $9.50 $10.90 $10.50 for for for $7.50 .$7.85 $8.25 Trunks / Canvas Trunks, with block iron binding, large bolts, brass lock, sheet iron bottom, sewed handles. Sale prices for Monday only; 34 inch. 36 inch. 38 inch 40 inch. $4.75 $5.00 $5.25 $5.50 98c Suit Cases 98c Worth $1.50. 24 inches long; made of water-proof cloth; lock and bolts; leather corners. Monday, each 98c 98c Handbags 98c 14 and 16 inches, worth $1.50. Made of mottled water-proof cloth, lock and catches. Monday 98c SOLID GOLD CUFF LINKS $1.4«. Solid Gold Cuff Links, plain and chased designs, for men or women: these a great leader at the pair, worth $3.00 $1.45 Solid Gold Cuff Link*, set with genuine diamonds, at $1.98 to $3.98 Solid Gold Neckchalna. $2.75. Solid Gold Baby Neckchalns, In several de signs. with solid gold heart, at. $2.75 SOLID GOLD SCARF PINS. Solid Gold Scarf Pins, all new and beautifully artistic designs, mostly act with pearl*, at 50c Solid Gold Scarf Pins, exquisite de signs, pet with beautiful stone, »» .* S?.2S Blankets and Bed Spreads Just ON THE EDGE of cool weather, every housekeeper who has not already her new supplies looks about for them. Looking will de velop no better chances than these special values, that will make a Centre of Interest in this Bedding Store, during the Harvest Sale: 11-4 BLANKETS. Heavy wool finished, extra large, 1 1-4 size Blankets, woven fast color, pink or blue bord ers, silk binding, regular retail value, $2.50 per pair. 100 pairs at the special price of ... .$1.69 11-4 BLANKETS. Heavy wool, white Blankets, full 1 1-4 size, sell regularly for $5.00 Our special price this great special sale, per pair $3.39 11-4 BLANKETS. White, scarlet and gray, full 11-4 size. A number of kinds to choose from and all regular $6.50 to $7.50 goods. On sale special, at $4.98 104 GRAY BLANKETS. Neat pink or blue borders, greatest blanket values ever offered, none C. O. D., per pair 69c 104 BLANKETS. 100 pair of brown blankets, extra heavy, fleece, neat pink or blue borders, regular $1.50 pair, none C. O. D„ sale price, pair 59c 114 WOOL FINISHED BLANKETS. Brown, with pretty pink or blue borders, identically the same blanket retailed here all last season at $1.50 pair, per pair 98c All-Linen and Table Damask 98c ’ SOLD AT $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50. We bought at a big advantage 20 “sample” pieces of high grade All-Linen Table Damask from a New York imported, and the entire lot goes on sale tomorrow at less than regular wholesale cost. It is all 72 inches tvide—superior grades of Irish and Scotch man ufacture, in about 12 patterns; full bleached, extra heavy quality that will give long service. * 10 PIECES 72 IN. DAMASK, 59c. We mean to liven things up considerably in the Linen Depart ment Monday—all pure Linen Damask—new patterns—worth 85c per yard, at TABLE DAMASK. High satin luster, retains lus ter after washing; ehoice of six handsonje designs; the same quality as offered all over town at 49c; our • special Monday Bargain price, yard 35c 10 pieces of GC-ineh All-Linen Bleached Table Damask, in five attractive patterns. Good heavy weight and long-wearing grade; sold regularly at 90c a yard. Special tomorrow at 69c 25 pieces All-Linen Bleached Crash, extra fine heavy grade, with red or blue border. Sold regularly at 14e a yard. Offered as a special value for one day at 10c ii THE AUGUSTA WErSO3 FIVE THOUSAND YARDS OF LACES, Including Point de Paris, Valencien nes, Linen and Cotton, Torqjpn, In edgings and insertions, width™,2 to 16 inches, values 10c, 12%c, 15c up to 40c values, all on Big Bargain Tables, for the “Harvest Sale” at, per yard JC Dress Trimmings, an Immense col lection of Persian Bands, Braids and Appliques, % to 1 inch wide, values 15c to 35c per yard, during this “Harvest Sale” JQc 104 BED SPREADS. Three cases of Crochet Bed Spreads, made of best Sea Is land Cotton, extra heavy, extra large size, fancy Marseilles pat terns, pearl hemmed, ready for use. regular value $1.50, special priced Harvest Sale 98c Marseilles Bed Spreads, 11-4 size .... $2.50, $2.98, $3.50 & $5 Honey Comb Spreads, 10-4 size 79 and 98c Honey Comb Spreads, 114 fringed $1.50 and $2.00 SILKOLINE C®M PORTABLES Full size, 72x72 Inches—made of good quality Silkoline, in many pretty patterns—white cotton filling—regular $1.25 comfortables; selling special for this sale at 89c SILKOLINE COMFORTABLES These comfortables are made in the most sanitary manner, of good quality Silkoline, in pretty patterns. Full size 72x 80 inches, regular price $1.50 each, this sale only $1.19 CAMBRIC COMFORTABLES. Heavy twilled sateen and cambric comfortables, in a num ber of splendid patterns—of good weight, and ali well filled, sold regularly at $1.98 each,’ this sale special at $1.45 75c TABLE DAMASK. 50 pieces of 64-inch Meroe rized Satin Table Dumask, in five handsome patterns. Extra heavy weight and superior quality, which will retain Its luster after washing. Regular 69c value, tomorrow, per yard, at 49c 40 pieces of Bleached Linen Crash; warranted strictly all pure linen flax. Excellent grade for roller or hand towels. Sold regularly at 12 l-2c a yard. Spe cial tomorrow at 9c 200 dozen Hemmed Huck Towels; finished with neat fast color red border. A fine woven absorbent quality. Sold regu larly at 12 l-2c each. Sale price 8c Solid Gold Top Hat Pins $1.25 Artistic and odd design* in Solid Gold Top Hat Pins, with Crests to place Initials, Jewelry Store price $2.50. Our price ..$1.25 Others In embossed enamel with set at $1.98 & $2.50 Solid Gold Brooches $1.15 Solid Gold Wishbone, Crescent, Heart and Roman Knot, Brooch Pins, In bright and Roman Gold finish: worth $2.75, choice at $1.15 At $2.48, Dull Roman flnish. Solid Gold Brooches; all new de signs. set with pearls and other precious stone*, worth s4.od At s4.9B—The same designs as above, set with a genuine dia mond; worth $7.50. At $1.48 Solid Gold Fleur do Lis Brooch Pins, Roman and bright flnish; worth $3.00. %