The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, September 05, 1909, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 20

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PAGE FOUR SCHOOL TRUNK BARGAINS For the next two weeks we make a specialty of Trunks suitable for students We have in stock Trunks, Suit Cases and Traveling Bags, .specially adapted for young ladies, men and boys going away to college Every Trunk Guaranteed $ 3.50 Valise, this sale $2.25 5.00 Valise, this sale . . 3.57 8.50 Valise, tills snle . . . 6.05 10 50 Valise, this sale .. 7.65 Augusta Trunk Factory Wrong Side Street, Right Side of Price.) M. M. CLECKLEY Proprietor MARRIAGE LICENSES Tht* ordinary's register gives an- Bouncetnen'ti of the following mar riage licenses which have been Is sued; James S. Garrett. Jr . of Cardona, Ala., to Nldlann Williams. C. K, McDonald, of Hurke county, to Irene Hutchinson. C. A. Reynolds to Kallle Titnmer man Ohas. Newman to Horn B. Cawley. W. M. Dorn to Emma Reese. LOST ON 700 BLOCK BROAC street, Saturday night, black rlbbcn watch fob with gold buckle and heart shaped locket with red, white and blue stones. Reward If returned to J. J. Farrell, Herald Office. . . It Be sure to rend the page advertise ment tn today’s Sunday Herald about the Oxygenator. FOLLOWING IT UP. Little Ralph, an only child of four years, had been permitted to sta> up one evening w/hou Ills parents had company. At the table he made a quaint remark at which all the guests . laughed. He Instantly saw tnat he had made a hit, and with commend able enterprise sough! to follow it up "Dairi''' he shouted, "what was that other smart thing I said yesterday?" —Exchange. "Do w owe the doctor much?" nsk ed the wife "No; I paid him last week Why do you ask?*' “Because he hasn’t said yet this is the finest baby he ever saw.”- Ex change. 4% 4% The Planters Loan & Savings Bank, 70S Broad Bt., Augusta, Qa. The Pioneer Savings Institution of Augusta. (In Operation 39 Years.) Resources Over One Million Dollars. This bank pays 4 per cent In terest to depositors and gives the same careful attention to SMALL accounts, as to the LARGER ones. Safe as the “Safest. 1 ' The accounts of thrifty, ener getlc, conservative people solic ited. DEPOSITS MAY BE MADE BY MAIL. L. C. HAYNE President CHAB. C. HOWARD Cashier SOCIETY GOSSIP Autumn Brings Its Guests To Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs GREENBRIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Va The first month of autumn has arriv'd and the vast grounds at White Sulphur Springs look as majestic as a dowager queen In all her robes of stale, a poor com parison lo anyone who has once be held this royal gem of Moth<-r Na ture. The Heptemher guests are arriving in lesser numbers than the rush of August, hut with just as happy antic! pallor,s of the joys in store for a sojourner here. Card parties are very much In evi dence, riding and driving are holding sway, while the keener delight and ex hllaration of walking Is indulged In by many. Mrs. John 1). Lewis gave a farewell dinner In the case. In honor of Mrs. John Chisholm of New York, form , rrly of Charleston, S, 0. Mrs. R. I Wcightiiian and Mrs T. M. Chatard | were among those present. Mrs. M. L. Brown of Nashville, ITenm. was hostess at a delightful } birthday celebration, which took the 'form of a tempting spread In the case ifor forty guests, who, seated at a round table like King Arthur's knights, ; toasted the hostess at the cutting of the birthday cake, which was the feat ure of the evening. A most enjoyable card pnrty was held in the hotel drawing room, at which Mrs. K ('. Dugas of Augus ta was the winner of a handsome prize. Miss Margaret Sullivan, who has been the charming guest of Miss Oro gun, at 143 Cannon slreet. Charleston. S. (’., will return tonight. —Mrs. James Mason and her two bright little sons, Hoyt and James, have returned to the city after u de lightful visit to relatives. Miss Inez Zorne lias returned from Denmark. S. after a two weeks’ visit to relatives. Mlhr Ruth Abeam has returned from Greenwood, H. C. Miss Margaret Colson of Wayneß boro Is the guest of Miss Margaret Vldetto. Miss Vldetto will leave soon for the Georgia Normal and Industrial college, In Mlllcdgevllle. DELIGHTFUL .HOUSE PARTY AT THE NAVY YARD. Misses Grace and Harriet Boykin and Miss Lillian Htulb and Mist; Willi- Brown of Charleston, lefltva Gils morn ing for a visit to Mrs. Edgar Thom son at her home nf the navy yard, eight miles irom Charleston. Others will also be of the parly and (hat If will be quite the most delightful one of the season goes without saying. - Mrs. W. M Nixon and Miss Staley returned Friday from a visit to Wash lngton city. - Mrs. J. (’. 0. Black and the Misses Black have returned from Saluda, where they spent a few days as the guests of Mrs. John fonts of Macon, who is at Mr. Estes’, her father's, sum mer home. Miss Mollle Murray Inis Just re turned from New York bringing with her a selection of the latest New York styles. Mr, Edward Bleakley will leave soon to resume his studies at the Tech. Mr Henry flatissen will also be at the Tech Misses Harriet and Glare Boykin and Mr. John Evans and Mi. Fred Eve motored to Milieu nnd bac! - one day last week. The Misses Ooldsby have as their guest Miss Viola Burton, a most at tractive young woman of Moncttu S. f Mrs A Wallace, Miss Clara Wal lace and Master Philip Wallace are expected home Wednesduv. They have been for the past several weeks visiting Mr. Ralph Jossman, and have also taken In the various resorts of the western nearby country. Mrs Minnie H, Simmons has re turned from Greenville, 8. C., where “It Seems Fitting We Should Here Express Our Appreciation of the Generous Patronage of the People.” A Word to The Wise PEOPLE BECOME WEALTHY Bv Spending less than they make. The very best place to put your Savings is with the The Irish American Bank “The Bank for Your Savings.” Where you get 4 per cent interest, payable semi-annual lv. Taking advantage of the glory of I the moonlight nights, Mr. and Mrs. A B. Davis tendered a Lunar Tally ho party to Miss Pblnlzy. Miss Mar- I garot Stewart, Miss Bagbv, Mies Nash, Mr and Mrs. Valentine, Mrs. G. W. ] Hinton, Mrs. F. B. Yuille, Mrs. N. ! Morison, Mr. G. W Bagbv, Mr. Calbert jjl. Dey, Mr. B. Bolling, Mr. W. P. Arrington, and Mr. Hammond John json. After the trip a delicious sup ; per was served at Mrs. Davis' c-ot i lag". Tuesday evening during the inter mission bet worn lhe children's hour and the regular dance, a number of lyoung people made merry with the musical game of "Going to Jerusa lorn.” Mrs. Billups Phinizy presided |at the piano and Miss Nellie Phinizy was the victor, but there were no ! spoils. She left the floor, however, ;to the clapping of many hands, the [spectators having greatly enjoyed the ! fun. Mr. R. Ross Perry has returned I from a short trip to Washington and is again at his parents’ cottage. There is an Influx of visitors by the arrival of delegates of the Kanawha and Blue Ridge Dispatch, both asso ciations always selecting the famous Old White for their annual meeting, knowing that by so doing they will com'aiue pleasure with business. Mrs. E. C. Dugas of Augusta, has gone to Charlottesville, Va., to the re gret of her many friends here. she spent the past two weeks most delightfully. Mr. James Gardner has leased the home on lower Greene street now oc cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Hampton I lunkinson. - Mrs. George W. Greene and Miss Laura Murphy have returned from a most enjoyable trip north. Mr. and Mrs. Van Orsdoll, whose romantic marriage occurred In Charleston on the morning of their party’s sailing, are now at I heir home in Orange burg, S. C. —Mr. W. E. Dawson, business man ager of the Savannah Press, is spend ing the week with Ills brother, Mr. Job Dawson, in Nortn Augusta. SACRED HEARAXOLLEGE. The Sacred Heart Academy will open o:i next Tuesday morning, at A a. m. A large enrollment Is expected, as applications have been coming in rapidly. All sanitary conditions have been carefully looked Into and the school buildings have been put in perfect re pair for the comfort, of the pupils. There have been no changes in the faculty. Especial attention will be given tip' musical department of-the academy, pupils in vocal and instru mental branches being prepared for graduation. As the academy is a select private school, the discipline and deportment of the young ladles will be carefully attended to by the Sisters In charge. Several gold medals have been awarded the academy recently, and (he awarding of same will be a stimu lus to the studiousness of the pupils. Especial attention will be given the school for small boys. This is an im portant branch of the academy since the class of rudiments has been abol ished at the Sacred Heart College. A large number of young ladies from distant points have been en rolled on the books of the academy. DUBLIN’S SOCIAL LIFE. DUBLIN, Qa. tin Monday evening there was a delightful moonlight ex curslon on the Katie O. to the bluff opposite Dead river. The trip was under the auspices of the Episcopal church gs Dublin, and was a most en joyable affair. A stop of thirty min Keep The Complexion Beautiful Nadine Face Powder (la Ctoeu Boipi On.y ) Produces a soft, velvety appearance so much ad mired, and remains until washed off. Purified by a new process. Will not clog the pores. Harmless as water. Prevents return of discolorations. White, Flesh, Pink, Brunette. Pf leading Toilet Counters Or Mall Prtco 50 cental MONET BACK if Not Entirely Phased, Pwparal br NATIONAL TOILET CO., farts, Toss. MATINEE AT SUPERBA Every day this week at ;"> p. m. Psual Feature Shows at Air-Dome 8 to 11 o’clock. You know they are good! DR. SOPHIA C. DAVIS. Specialist in Woman's Diseases. Many years of practical experiencx Hospital, home treatment under per sonal supervision given at 1035 Broad St. Consultation free. Office hours, 10 a. m to 2:30 P. ni. Call or write DR. SOPHIA C. DAVIS. 1035 Broad St., Augusta. Ga. Qamcn Yow? Thirst With A Borne Or Hires Wherever Soft Drinks Are Sclo. •LMA LAHAO.WUiW CO., Aiiilum, Am. THE AUGUSTA HERALD Bleak ley’s t tai t£ #tor ’ t Will be continued all this week. We will not attempt to enumerate here all the Great Big Bargains we are offering. Suffice it to say that Bleakley’s entire stock has been reduced One-Third, One-Fourth, One-Half Off of Regular Prices And some reductions are even greater. You will be doing yourself an injustice if you do not make it a special point to visit Bleakley’s within the next few days—the sooner the better. You can positively save more money and get better bargains at Bleakiey’s now than any other store in Augusta. Dolls and Toys And the children—Bless them! Bring them to the store, and let them see our Dolls and Toys. They cannot appreciate the low prices that are marked on every article, but you—mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters--can see and appreciate these enormous cuts in prices. You will be wise, and save money, by buying now at Bleakley’s these Toys and Dolls for Christmas and other holiday presents. Broad Bleakley’s utes was made and the excursionists treated to a moonlight walk on the banks of the Oconee. Refreshments were served on board. Delightful mu sic was discoursed by the Dublin Band, who kindly gave (heir services free *of charge. A neat sum was realized for the use of the Episcopal church. The ladies having charge of this affair were: Mrs. Lowe Mar shall, Mrs. J. A. Thomas, Mrs. H. ■Lssc, Mrs. Halm, Mrs. F. Blackshear, Mrs ii. R. Shewmake and Miss Frances Webb. Mrs. F. L. Wade and little Miss Frederica Wade have returned from n visit of several weeks in North Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Larrison, of Macon, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Street on Calhoun street. Ms. A. J. Toole entertained at bridge on Tuesday evening In honor of her sister. Mips Cook, of Bullards. The top scores were made by Mrs. H. P. Shewmake and Mr. M. Ma honey. After the game a delicious ice course was served. Those pres ent. were: Miss Cook, Mrs. H. P. Shewmake, Miss Frances Webb, Mr. M. Mahoney. Mr. D. S. Brandon, Mr. lames Hicks, Dr. W. R. Brigham and Mr, H. P. Shewmake. Mr. R, P. Hicks spent Sunday and Monday in Dublin. Mrs. F. H. Roberson entertained with bridge on Wednesday evening in honor of Misses Gamble, of Louis ville, Ga. There were three tables of players, and the prizes for the high est scores wor won by Mrs. James Finn and Mrs. Sam Bashinski. De licious refreshments were served at the conclusion of the game. Dr. nnd Mrs E. R. Jordan and chil dren have returned fro ma visit to Baltimore, New York and other points in the past. Mr Sam Bashinski spent Sunday in Macon. Misses Maude and Lucille Gamble, of Louisville, Ga., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Roberson. Miss Marguerite Atkinson has re turned to her home in Milledgeville, after a visit to Miss Marguerite Flack shear. Mr. and Mrs Adolph W. Banner have returned from a visit to their daughter, Mrs. Hiram Baum, Ai St ; Louis. Miss Blanche Prescott has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. W. C. j Allen, at Wrightsvllle. Mr and Mrs. James Finn enter tatned on Thursday evening with bridge A most enjoyable evenlng was spent At the conclusion of the game a delicious ice course was serv ed. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Shewmake, Mr. and Mrs. i s Bashinski, Mr. and Mrs. Linton Roberson. Misses Gamble, of Louis ville; Miss Frances Webb, of Augus ta; Mr Hlil Thomas. Mr. Bynum, Mr. Ovid Sparks, Mr. James Hicks, and Mr Sam Bashinski. Mrs. Izzie Bashinski and son have returned from a visit to Wrightsvllle Beach and Waynesville. N. C. Mr. and Mrs W. S. Phillips and ! Miss Yera Phillips have returned j from a visit to friends in Murfrees j boro. Tonn. Mrs J. M Simmons and children, j who have Lean visiting Mrs. Ramsey, have returned to their home in Mar shallville. Mrs. V. L. Stanley and children are visiting in Sandersville, the guests of Mrs. Julia Martin. Mrs. Marshall Shewmake and Mas ter John Shewmake have returned from Augusta, where they have been visiting relatives for the past month. Mrs. W. B. Patillo has returned from a visit to Greenville, S. C. SUMMERALL-VERDERY WEDDING WEDNESDAY. On Wednesday at high noon the marriage of Miss Josie Lee Sum merall and Mr. Thomas Ercell Ver dery will take place, the event occurr ing at the home of the bride on lower Broad street. The guests will be re stricted to 'the family connections and close friends. The bride will wear a handsome white cloth suit with a picture hat of white. She will carry bride roses After the ceremony there will be served a buffet luncheon previous *•) 'the departure of the young couple for Savannah and other points The bride's traveling gown will be of re seda green messaline with all 'he ac cessories in the same tone. —Mrs. Anna Freeman has entered upon her duties at the Burton-Tav'o.*- Wise Co., wher.' she will take g-cat pleasure in serving her friends and customers. Mrs. Freeman is one of the best known and most experienced saleswomen in the city and the Bur ton-Taylor-Wise Co. are to be con gratulated upon securing her efficient services. —Miss Lizzie Vaughn is In New York where she is personally select- j ing a beautiful fall stock of millinery. j —The many friends of Mrs. A. T. | Heath will regret to learn that she is j confined to her home on Monte Sano j by illness. —Mrs. K. R. Colson has returned to ! Waynesboro, after a very pleasant : visit to Mrs. Ida Videtto. —Mrs. Fred Speth has returned home after an extended visit to Bos ton. where she was called by the ill ness of her mother, whose condition is now so much improved that it en abled her to return home, —Mrs. J. C. Matthews has returned after a delightful visit to her mother in Savannah. : —Miss Esther Standard, of Metas i vllle, Ga., is the guest of Miss Mar garet Marks. ' —The continued illness of Mrs. Elvira Call at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Evans Redfem. on Walton Way. will be learned with sincere , regret. —Miss Margaret Marks has return ed after a verv pleasant visit to rela tives in Washington, Ga. —Mr. and Mrs. A. N. O'Keefe and Miss Lizzie Sheron have returned from New York. Mr. and Mrs. O'Keefe : changing at Denmark. S. C.. and going on to their home in Jacksonville, Fla. —Mr. and Mrs. George F. Claussen are receiving the most delighted con gratulations upon the birth of a hand some young son who will be called ‘ George Frederick Claussen, Jr. —Mrs. R. L. Page, of Savannah, ac companied by her attractive little I daughter, Christiana, is visiting Mrs. R. L. Henderson at 421 Lincoln street. MARRIAGE OF MRS. CRAIN AND MR. CARTER. Friends of Air. Samuel R. Carter, of this city, are congratulating him upon the announcement of his mar riage to Mrs. Jeanniq R. Crain, of Atlanta, which occurred on Monday in Atlanta, Rev. Dr. Wall, of the Presbyterian church officiating. The bride wore a stylish visiting gown and was especially handsome. While her Atlan'ta friends are loathe to have her leave them, the circles into which Mr. Kelly will introduce her will be just as cordial in their welcome. They will be at home to their friends after September 10th at 451 Fenwick street. —Misses Ola and Lydia Kerr have returned from Anderson where, for the past fortnight they have been en joying the hospitality of relatives and friends. —Mrs. Nonie Dortic has returned from New York, where she went to select a beautiful stock of millinery for her new enterprise. Mrs. Dortic will do millinery work and will be at Rleakley's —Mr. A. H. Miegel has returned front Neiv York. —Miss Virginia Addison has return ed to Edgefield after a visit with Airs. E. T. M jrphey. —Mrs. T. B. Passmore and daughter The World's Foremost Swimmer Capl L D. Blondell Monday— 2 Performances Lake View Park Afternoon and Might 1 Free to Car Patrons Casino will be open with new bill all evening Good Show . New Pictures SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. Arita, returned to the city Friday aft er an extended visit with relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, in Atlanta. —Miss Ollie Harris will arrive to morrow from Great Barrington, Mass., where she has been all summer teach ing the beauty of raffia work and bas ketry. —Airs. W illiam Mosely, of Pros perity, S. C., will arrive Tuesday as the guest of Ain/ E. G. Morgan. —Mrs. Mary Matthews and Mrs. N. A. Stephens have returned from Spread, Ga. where they enjoyed a charming visit with friends. —Mrs. E. G. Morgan and little Miss Essie Morgan have returned from In dian Springs, where they spent a de ligntful fortnight. —Airs. Mary Winburn is home from New York, where she took in ail the latest styles along modis'te lines. —Mrs S. Heslin, of Green’s Cut, is visiting Mrs. Strauss on Walker street. —Air. and Mrs. Weinges and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hagler, have returned from the Weinges summer hame at Grovetown and are now oc cupying their home on Elbert street. —Litle Adelle Evans, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Evans, of Alacon, formerly of thin city is the guest of little Aliss Marie S’crauss and will return to Alacon this week. • —Aliss Alay Belle Bailey, of Rob bins, S. C., is visiting relatives in the city.