The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, April 13, 1911, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR BIG EXTENSION SALE 35 Gent Brooms now 14 Cents — . . 5 Cent Stove Polish now 1 Cent 15 Cent Palmetto Scrub Brashes now 4 Cents $1.50 Rural United States Mail Boxes now 98 Cents 15 Cent (’rank Flour Sifters now 7 Cents 100 Bovs’ and < i iris’ Bicycles, .Just Arrived At Cost $4.00 to SIO.OO Bicycle Tires to at $1.33 Up $2.00 to SIO.OO Silver Plated Knives and Forks to go at 97c Up 35 Cent Mops 19 Cents 40 Cent Garden Rakes 22 Cents Big Lot Single Tube Bicycle Tires $1.33 Base Balls, Ball Mitts, Gloves, Hose, Bats, Masks,, At % Price. Immense Reduc tion in Window and Screen Boors. THE BUFFALO FACTORIES AND MILL SYNDICATE NO GOODS CHARGED. NO GOODS SENT ON APPROVAL Free Excursion to Augusta on Purchase of $lO or Over, Wo Will Refund Car Fare One Way Not to Exceed 50 Miles, We Deliver All Goods on Purchase of SI,OO Up The Buffalo Factories and Mill Syndicate . i— ■ 1 ■ Sale of “■* 1 . ■ ' SPETH BROS. BIG STOCK 10—DAYS LONGER—IO • • Of unmistakable bargains. Our 10 days sale will go down in the history of Hardware Business as one of the most successful ever held in Au gusta or the state of Georgia, notwithstanding the enormous selling of the past 10 days, thousands of articles of High Class Stoves, Refrig erators, Hardware, House Furnishings, etc., still remain, consequently we have decided to hold a TEN DAYS EXTENSION SALE BE GINNING FRIDAY, April 14th., 9 a. m. Sharp and continuing for 10 days only. (Bear in mind) that the goods offered in this sale do not consist of an aggregation of old shop-worn goods, every article is clean, new and up-to-date, and strictly High Grade, first quality merchandise. The prices -we quote on this page will be talked of for years to come. Just think $50,000 stock of High Class Hardware, Stoves, Ranges, Refrigerators, Graniteware, etc., thrown on the market to be sold at any price, the money must be raised. This great Syndicate will make things howl during their stay here. AfHANfF OF A I IFFTIMF- You’ll be sorry if you miss it Stop and V-lIrIMVI- I- Ii 1 I L““ think of this money saving opportunity. TliousnndH are just finding out about this sale. Their lucky neighbors, who were bore, have been talking about it and hundreds of new faces were seen here every day. Often 25c here will do the work of a dollar elsewhere. The word “bargain” never had a stronger or truer meaning than now, right here. 1 f determination to saeritiee was ever written on the face of a price ticket you will readily recognized it dur ing this extension sale. Profits, original cost and competition are tilings of the past, remember these prices go into effect Friday, April 14, at !) o’clock a. in., and the goods will be sold at the prices advertised until all are sold. Be sure to come early and get first choice. You will never see such prices again. Follow the crowds to this bonafide sale—the items below are but a few of the many. Every article in our store at astonishing, below-cost prices. We employ no half hearted methods —we must unload, so come see for yourself. These Prices Will Sell a Lota t*o Other Dealers and the Rest* t*o t*he Public Graniteware Department 6r to 10c Wire Kitchen Forks. go ut 1C Up 6c to 15c Wire Egg Beaters go nt j 1»' Up 16c to 36c Enamel Dippers, ire at 7 ( ' Up 10c to 26 cent Muffin Vans now a t’ents One Dollar. S gallon OalvaniMd Oil Cana, now . 57 Cents 6 to 30 cents Mtlk Vans, g» at 3 Cents Up 6 to 2S cents Basins, at 3 Cents UP 20 cents to SI.OO Dish Pans, at 11 Ceuta Up S 6 cents ft rooms now 14 Cents 10c to IC.OO Cuspidor®, to go nt. . 6 Cents 60c Harden )Hr>ea now. 31 Cents JI.OO Shovels mill Spades now , 03 Cents Your Money Refunded On Purchases Unsatisfactory The Hour is Set. The Date You Know—Don’t Be Misled, Remember the Name and Place SPETH BROS. OLD STAND 25 anti 50 cent* Wash Boards now . 19 Cents 5 cent Toilet Paper now 3 Cents 50c to SI.OO . Galvanised Wash Tubs, go at 2G ( ’ Up 20c to BOc Galvanized Water Buckets, go at - 11*' I’P SI.OO to $4.00 Wash Boilers, go at 55<’ Up 5c to 25c per Set Nickel Plated Tea Spoons, go at.. .. * l T p 10c to BOc Per Set Heavy Nickle Plated Table Spoons, go at Up 60c to $3.00 Table Knives and Forks, go at. per set. 33 1 ' Up $2 00 to $lO 00 kVr Set Silver Plat ed Knives and Forks, including Roger* and other makes, go at. w 97 F Up $1 00 to $26 00 Carving Sets, go «t 35’ n> THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. Stove Dept. Perfection Blue Flame Oil Stoves, one, two and three burner, at re duced prices. $25.00 to SSO 00 Ranges, Including the Miller, Jewel, Charter Oak Magic sl3 23 Up $9.00 to $40.00 Cook Stoves, con sisting of the famous Excelsior, Jewell, Columbia and Dixie, go ttt $4 73 up Bicycle Dept. $26.00 to SSO.OO Bicycles, consisting of Tribune, Crescent, Peerl Prince t"»i. Ivcr Johnson, g sl6 75 Up $22.50 Juvenile Bicycles go *ls 98 rp $4.00 to slo per Pair Bicycle Tires, consisting of the Fisk. Oxford, Co lumbia and well known makes go Ht $1 90 i-p $5.00 Coaster Brakes ,while they a* $3 25 $2 50 Motorcycle Pedals now $137 $l5O Siren Horns, now. $1 15 SI.OO Spitfire Auto Plugs. now 67 Cents >I.OO Bicycle Whistles now 87 Cents Bicycle Saddles. 35 Cents Up Hardware Department $2.00 te $5.00 Screen DoOrs, go at 970 Up 35c to $1 00 Screen Windows, steel and wood frames, go at.. 15c Up SI.OO to >12.00 Ice Cream Freezers, go at 33C Up >5.00 to* >125.00 Refrigerators and Boxes, go at.. $2 63 up >7.50 to >15.00 Percolator Coffee Machines, go at.. $3 55 up $1 50 to >12.50 Water Coolers, BO at 89 r Up >6.00 to SI6OO Uwn Mowers, In beet makes, go at.. $2 89 up >1 50 to >20.00 Brass and Japan Coal Vases, go at.. .. 76 c up >5.00 to >30.00 Brass Wood Boxes, Andirons, and Fire Sets, BO at $2 23 Up 25c to >5.00 Express Wagons, go at 9c Up $4.00 to >25.00 Irish Mail and Au tomobiles, go at.. .. $2 19 Up 50c to >IO.OO Doll Go-Carts, Car riages, Velocipedes and Tricycles, «° at 23'- up 25c to >2 Scissors and Shears, Keen Kut and Claus, S° “» 9C Up >5.00 to >B.OO Pocket Knives, the best make, go at gc Up All Hardware, such as Hammers, Hatchets, Saws, Chisels, etc., will go at less than the manufacturer’s cost. >loc to >1.50 Baseballs, go at gc Up 25c to >B.OO Baseball Gloves and Mitts, go at 13c Up 5c to >1 00 Baseball Bats. go at 3C Up 864 BROAD ST. AUGUSTA, GA. THURSDAY. APRIL 13. SB.OO Cook Stoves now $4.73 SI.OO to $4.00 Wash Boilers Go at 55 Cents Up 50c to SI.OO Galvanized Wash Tubs go at 26 Cents Up 5c to SB.OO Pocket Knives Go at 2c Up $25.00 to SBO.OO Bicycles go at $16.75 Up $6.00 to $15.00 Lawn Mowers Go at $2.89 Up $1.50 Carving Sets Go at 37 Cents 45 Cent Galvanized Foot Tubs Go at 19 Cents 10 Cent Biscuit Pans Go at 4 Cents Bicycle Wrenches Bells, Pumps, Cement, Graphite Etc., At Half Price Be Sure to Get Our Prices On Refrigerators The Best Lines in The Country All Hardware, Such as Hammers, Hatchets, Saws, Chisels, Etc., Etc., at Manufacturers Cost $50.00 to SBO.OO Ranges Including the Mil ler, Jewel, Char ter Oak, and Magic At $13.23 Up.