The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, April 16, 1911, Image 1

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GENERAL NEWS VOLUME XVI, No. 106. STAMPS BY THE THOUSANDS Or FRIENDS OF THIS STORE. WE INTEND TO SHOW OUR APPRECIATION BY GIVING ABSOLUTELY FREE THE STAMPS AS NOTED ABOVE, AMD IN ADDITION HAVE PREPARED A WEEK OF BARGAINS WHICH WILL ENABLE EVERY PURCHASER TO MAKE A SUBSTANTIAL SAVING ON EVERY ARTICLE BOUGHT. EACH DEPARTMENT IN THE STORE IS STRIVING TO MAKE THIS THE LARGEST WEEK IN THEIR HISTORY AND A SUBSTANTIAL PRIZE WILL BE GIVEN THE EMPLOYEES OF THE DEPARTMENT MAKING THE LARGEST INCREASE IN SALES COME EVERY DAY FOR THE FREE STAMPS AND ALSO TO SECURE YOUR SHARE OF PROFITS. Hats Trimmed Free of Charge For Those' Who Buy Hat Shapes and Necessary Trimmings In The Big Store. Monday and Tuesday Only We will take your untrimmcd shape, together with the trimmings you have selected for it, and make them up into the most stunning creation. Moreover, we will do it WITHOUT A PENNY’S COST TO YOU. Only the most skilled milliners are employed. The materials are the finest, the shapes the most popular, the prices the very lowest. It will PAY you to buy your materials here—and the work is FREE! |Jy> to permit the air to circulate freely. We show a large variety of designs—plain, .striped and figured; 3 yards long, 85c. pairs Dotted Swiss Curtains, ruffled, 3 yards long; $1.35 pairs, at $1 14: CABLE N ETS —Best quality English Net, in 8 pretty patterns, 2% vards; $3 pairs $2 49 IRISH POINTS —Plain or heavily embroidered centres, 7 Patterns to select from; SG.SO pairs, at $5 24 40 yd. Rolls Matting, Roll $4 .98 Fifty rolls fine Chinese matting, our own importation,that we offer nt special price tvhile it lasts; ideal summer floor covering, economi cal and lends to comfort; regularly $8 per roll; roll 40 yards $4 98 J* There are twelve styles of Patent Leather Shoes and Oxfords; eleven styles of Ounmetal Shoes and Oxfords; five styles of Vici Kid; three styles of Tan Calf; four styles of Suede; four styles of White; one style of Cravenette; two styles of Satin; one style of Velvet. The price Is the same for any size or style—shoes or oxfords $3 $3 50 an,i $4 Fountain Pens 14-kt. solid Gold point Fountain Pens, Sterling Silver mounted. Gold Plated hands, mother of pearl and plain; values to $.j.00, choice 89c Waterman’s Fountain Pen Ink, 10c seller 7c THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD Ruffled Muslin Curtains Nothing nicer than ruf fled muslin curtains for cit-v or Summer homes. They aro dainty in ap pearance and sheer enough “Her Majesty” and Sorosis Shoes Best For Women’s Wear Handsomer shoes than this season’s Sorosis and “Her Maj esty’s” never came from a last to sell at $3 50 and $4 oo —of that be assured. Not only are they handsome—not only are they shapely - not only are they comfortable but they are built for service— they'll wear splendidly. HANDKERCHIEFS Ladles' and. Men's hemstitched lawn Handkerchiefs, regular 5c sellers, Monday, or as long as they last .2’/4C Men's Pure linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, soft finish, 15c value 10 f - HAIR ROLLS. 24 inch washable assorted colors, 25c sellers, Monday, only 10 f - DRESSING PINS. Good Pins, 400 to paper. 5c value, three pa pers for 50 All prices in this ad. un less especially specified to the contrary are good for the ENTIRE WEEK New bargains offered every day during week. i a recognition or the valued support to. ymo the interest in the green trading RUGS TAP. BRUSSELS RUGS —Good heavy rugs that will stand hard wear. Size 9x12 feet; seamless; a choice line of the newest patterns and best colorings—regular $lB grade, special for this sale at sl4 98 VELVET RUGS —French weave, in hearth size, 36xfi4 inches; of extra pood quality; handsome patterns and color effects—a number of styles— regular $3.60, special for this sale at.. $2 98 VELVET RUGS —An exceptionally fine line of 27x60 inch Windsor Wilton Rugs, in a choice va riety of patterns and colors—regularly $1.60 each, during this sale, special • 98 c FRENCH WEAVE WILTON RUGS— A beauti ful assortment of the season’s best patterns In these French weave Royal Wiltons—size 9x12 feet —of very fine quality—regularly $75.00 each— this sale at $69 98 WILTON VELVET RUGS— A new and very choice lot of fine Wilton Rugs, in size 9x12 feet— lpjl STAMP HARVEST SALE woven of pure worsted. In splendid patterns and rich color effects —regular SSO each; sale price only $44 98 35c WINDOW SHADES— Best grade water opaque shades; in green and white, mounted on good spring rollers; brackets for insldo and outside case ments; size 3x6 feet; regular 35c shades, at.... .... .. •»„ .. 24': AUGUSTA. GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 16, 1911. J. B. WHITE <& CO. currwts THE CLUB PLAN / Every dollar invested in the Club Plan adds a dollar to your h*mc comfort as an investment. All we hove told you about the many liberal advantages of the Club Plan is true. Every day we are helping folks to fur nish thejr home. You’d wonder If you knew how lit tie money Is needed. You may enjoy the same liberal terms and privileges. A few dollars a week or month Ik all you need. On purchases of SIOO we charge a nom inal fee of $3 to cover carrying charges, and payments are $8 per month. Especially nice for young people Just starting housekeeping. You have articles deliver ed at time of selection, enjoying their use while pay Ing for them. Ask any 3rd Floor salesman or Credit Office for particulars. $2.50 TRUNKS $1.98 _ _ . Canvas covered trunks, bound tpmagsZ with sheet Iron, hard wood slats, ILfat paper or linen lined, straps, dowel bolts, full lined, 1 to 3 WU? B *2.75, trunks ...82 25 "a —n 'K"~h $3.00 Trunks... Jt2 50 "Ipjtllji ttm $7.00 Trunks... j[s 98 *>l.oo 98 Special lot of DO Trunks, ranging lri price from HI to $13.50, at SO 95 Cowhide Cases, full size, worth $6.50 to $8.00; straps, shirt folds, etc., only grj QQ Leatherette Cases, 7 In. deep, straps alt round; regu lar $6.00 eases, at ...$4 50 Matting Cases, made over steel jf.T frames, light though durable;s2 $3.75 Cane Cases, with binding. 1 I f Steamer Rugs, worth up to $6.50 Weather: Fair Sunday and Monday, colder. AU&USTA'S OHirOCPARTMEMBTORI BOYS' SUITS It doesn’t matter which price you pay—you’ll get more for your money than anywhere else—sure as you’re living. AT $l9B $2 and $2 50 -These suits are of materials guaranteed all wool, and Include pretty juvenile mixtures in the new grays and browns—nice fancy striped effects and nobby checks. They have good strong linings and are cut In the vorp latest models in styles that boys are sure to like. M $2 98 —I loro la a fine line of suits, certainly unex celled by any clothing house; double-breasted styles In this season’s handsomest models of gray and brown mixtures, in fancy stripes and checks; strictly all wool. WASH SUITS. Solid colors, white, and stripes, Russian and sail or stylo; ages 2M. to 10 yrs.; good washable mate rials; 750 suits, at •50 < ’ BOYS’ WASH PANTS. Build colors and striped materials; 4 to 12 years, for school or general wear, at less than the Prlee of material 2«i'- SUN HATS. Wash flats, also straws red or blue bands, each 111 ' 25«- WOOL PANTS. Beautiful dark gray mixtures, reinforced seams, patent waist hands, pair SQ( ’ ODD BLOUSES. In linens, ginghams, madras and galntea cloth, stripes, cheeks, plain, etc., each 25'' Stork Pants 25* • ENAMEL BEDB, $/J One and «. quarter Inch continuous poets, 8 fillers, Iron, finished with best white enamel, full or three-quarter size; $8.50 beds, this week $4 98 ENAMEL BEDB, sej {)ft Continuous top rail and corner posts, one of tie very newest In fashion, While Knumel or Verne Marten finish $12,50 value, all this week , $9 98 "/Wore for a Dollar Than a UAUtLAfLJ D oii a r Will Buy Elsewhere ” Old Hickory Hams, 14c Ono of our many big fejitiir«n 1n Mond.iv’H (Jreat Halo of (Iro cerica: Old Hickory Hplit Hllk Brand 1 f.*s run, known from to con at for their excellent qual ity. They are from young corn fir] plgH, sugar cured, white and nitre, urn! average in weight from 10 to 12 pounds, and the special price will be /inly 14 < * (Harm* Monday only at. > 100 Cas«s of R*d Ripe Tomatoes • -Fancy solid packed, full Mtand nrd duality; Maryland grown; No. 2 cans, cun 20 FREE STAMPS In addition to the 10 Free Stamps given to start every book, to every visitor to premium parlor Every Day this week. Double Stamps with every purchase before noon. HERE for UNDERMUSLINS 48c—Tor 59c and 75c Undermusllns—-48c Gowns—or nainsook and cambric, high and V n«rk ( also chemise Ml .s ir, long or abort sleeves. trim mod with hire mid embroidery. Chemise of excellent quality, nainsook, skirt style, trimmed with Inn*. Corset Covers—(H I'hiest n.ilm Jpk, handsome style , pretty trimmings of laco, em broidery and ribbon. Drawers (M very I’in* cambric and nainsook, trimmings of very pretty lure and embroidery. Women’s Drawer#—Of firm rb*r<e woven muslin, umbrella ruffle, h< m Htltched hem; open and closed; I egu hir 2f*o to 35e drawers; special at 19 ( ’ COMBINATIONS Consisting of Drawers and Cornet Cover, or Skirt and Corant Cover; $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 values, lace trimmed and embroidery trimmed, while they last # for ■ Women’s Gown*—Of ven good quid Ity muHlln or cambric, high or low neck, regular and extra large sizes, trimmed witli embroidery iiiMorllon, tucks between, ribbon drawn like above; during this mile, car i' 99’ Indiana Solid Oak Case Ref rig = crator , sls Value at $ 12,49 The refrigerators Indiana are unHurpOnscd for durability, appearance nnd economy. They will doubly outlast, the ordinary kinds always look good 1 1 so the smallest amount of I * and give a lower temperature. Zinc lined and fitted with zinc shelves; heavily nickel plated brass trimmings; 40 lh capacity. “North Uluru” sls TO $7jJ Finest table Butter Thin 1« absolutely the fin c-‘X butter obtainable. It 1m a rich and delicious flavor. The pound 20'- KfflSpil DAILY AND SUNDAY $6.00 PER YEAR. $65 Mission Dining Suits, $59.95 Quaint Mission, so popular Just now, 4 pieces, Sideboard, Serving Table, Round Pedestal I doing Table, and China Closet, oxidized trlrnmlngH, exactly like cut, this week.. ' $59 95 $125 MAHOGANY DINING SUITE, AT $lO9 98 Fatuous Sheridan design, highly polished, four pieces, liras* trimmings, substantially made; China. Closet, Serving and Din ing Table and sideboard; very attractive, and a genuine $125 suite-, sale price all week $lO9 98 Flour—Holden Harvest, eric of flic fin* t floiirN for all 11 • ■ • ; will l-< ; |.<-< • I priced (24 lb. bag) 75'’ f.>o Coffee, 23 c Round—A '!•■ JlcloijH combination of tin- in t coffer*. Klch, strong and satlM fyirig. FANCY STRINGLESS # BEANS 50 Ca»«s Cut Green Beans— Tender, mw pack; 3 can a for 25' ’ DESSERT PEACHES Del Monte Brand—Yellow Free lv*ach»H, iri rich sugar syrup 2l r DESSERT CHERRIES Royal Anne Cherries—l >**l Monte Brand, large fruit in heavy yru f», san 25'’ — " " ■■■■ ■■■“ l r*' -iwwrttjc. i—■ wn 1 ■».»«■ yoipy \ Women’s Petticoats—Muslin and cambric; extra, deep flounce of fine Imported embroidery; lace trimmed and hemstitched; various pretty styles to select from; regular 75c to 9Ne pet ticoat M. ;i! 59c NIGHT GOWNS Soft, daintily trimmed Muslin Gowns, $52.25 and $2.50 values, while they last. »'.).• $1 48 PETTICOATS. Deep flounce of embroidery and lues trimmed flow nee; $2, $2.50 and $2.76 values, while they hud, for.. $1 75 Tea**—Selected garden grown Teas; Include Formosa, Oolong, laigli h Breakfast, Gunpowder, Basket Firwl and (iron Japan, India and (’nylon, Htralglit or bb ruled to suit purcha.o r; reg ular 40c Teas; special, pound 4L7 ( ' 28c Coffes—The king of all cos- U. h, Hurety; If you are not «<'U(minted with thin brand get a ample cup at coffee counter; pound Healed Lliim..'*, . 28' 7 26c Coffes—ld. O. I> blend is a brc;iUfa t coffee, mildly strong, rich and of Inviting aroma; very economical also. Tho Found 26 ( * NEW CREAM CHEESE Fancy New York State full cream, at lb . 200 j, l f »e»Mwuo FRESH EGGS Positively strictly fresh. Relished by invalids and con vj*U • ntH Th- dozen..2o^ GENERAL NEWS W