The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 26, 1911, Page TWELVE, Image 12

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TWELVE J Big Silk Petticoat Sale Tomorrow $4.00 Black SILK PET TICOATS eg $5.00 extra size black STLK PETTICOATS (jg $8.50 fanev SILK PET ::,'": ats $4.98 GETTING READY FOR OLYMPIC GAMES Stockholm is Preparing an Im posing Permanent Structure For the Stadium. London. -Non* of that cities which ha* entertained tli© athletes of the world oomvetinjf In tho Olympic rnixu* luM’t* gona about the prepara tion* for the event with more pride and cnthnalamn than Stock hoi in In It* arrHnK'nnentf for tho International meeting of 1913, The Stadium. which \n In cotrsn of ©ruction, and will he completed this year, will he a in oat Imposing pormamnl structure, far more pretentious an l costly than the plain cnckwmre hearing that name, which was the seme of tho la«t games !n London. Its alto 1» In the most fashionable quarter of the Swedish capital. The government Is defray ing the Whole expense, and ultimately will become owner of the tnilldlng and grounds. Purple brick and granite are the materials which the architect. Tor hen Clrut, is employing for the atruc t»tre. The architect’s plan shown a perfect ampUheetre, entirely roofed Quickest, Surest Gough Remedy Ever Used Stop. Evan Whooping Cough Quickly. A Family Supply for 600. Monc Ra fundad If ItFalla. If geruoneln Tour family has an obstl nMe. dt»p aoaArd cough —oven whooping Congo- whtrh hi* j lometl slowly to treat luoat, toy n 80 oent bottla of Pines am] watch tbixtoougb vanish. If H fall., motiaj hack promptly, and without argument. A h<* e»ut bottle of PlMi, wnou mixed with henna raado sugar syrup, males a full pint— a family supply of the moat etfuo Uv» cough rrraodx that money can bny, at a saving of (>. (lira, instant tvllsf am) will usually wipe out a to.l cough in N hour* or leas. Easily prepared In flss mtrufaa dlm-tlnns tn package. Pinex Couch Syrup haa a pfaaennt taata —children take it w.'llagly. It stimulates th« appetlto and la slightly laxative hofh | good featnrse t-plsndld few cronp, b-voao ness, throat tickle, incipient lung trenblaa, j anti a prarqpt, successful ram rely tor whooping oough. Pinar la a »|woia'. and highly racoon t rated compound of Norway White 1 ina extract, ini la rUh in g;ui»sor.l and other i •lament* which arc no healing to ihcinsm- 1 breeds Simply mix It w»th sugar «yrup oratrainml honey, in a nmt K»tr>a. sod It Is reedy fur use. I ikti iu more homas In | *he u. S. sud (aiwvla then any other oough rouied y Pixmu besofttio been Imputed, but never •J®o**“blly, for nothing elee will proAum the same result*. T'h*» is giiarsti t«**d vo rWw«isiolQUi ititlcfaction or money i refunded. Oertif: wteof funrantv* is snip ped In naob Ptckart* Your druggist hue Piuex < r will r*i it fnr you. If not. send i to Vhe PinAx Go., Tw. tYerne, lad. WIENQES & WISE An Impressive Presentation in our Ready-t>o-Wear Dept, of Women’s and Children's Suits, Dresses and Coats It, has won the distinction of being foremost for stylish, apparel for women. Our stock of Suits, Coats and Dresses are special ized as never before. They are typical expressions of the styles that will meet with favor, and embody all the latest changes in fashion thought, and they are the best that can be created for the prices asked. We Make Announcement That Special Prices Will be Offered for Friday& Saturday Variety is Always the Keynote in Our Suit, Section-Not One of Our New Models Fails to Measure up to a High Standard of Refined Taste New Suits of Diagonals, Cheviots, Velvets and Serges at $16.98, $20.00 and $25 All wool invisible Cheeks and Serge Suits, special at: $lO 00 One lot of Sample Suits only one of a kind—in English mixtures of gr%ys, browns and blues; also Serges and Broadcloth* I here is only a limited quantity, so don’t delay. Prices $19.50, $21.50, $23.50 and $25 They are worth anywhere from $5.00 to SIO.OO more than the prices asked. Ovor 2CX) exquisite models to select from, consisting of the very latest thing in materials; English mixtures in the very latest shades; also French and Storm Serges, Cheviots, Broadcloths.. $27.50 to $50.00 A Great. Clean-up Sale of a Few Odds and Ends of Fine Wool Skirts Consisting of Voiles, Panamas and fancy Mixtures. Values in the lot up to SIO.OO. The early comers can secure some rare bargains. Your choice of the lot at one price i! m wr and situated at tho foot of n hill which forms tho northern nido of tho building. There will bo a run ning track of four laps to Iho mile, and a grasn football and athletic field which can he transformed in w’lnter Into r “kuting rink. Most of the lor the Olympic games will be tem porary, and altogether 25,000 specta tors can he accommodated. In !t*» architecture the great build ing will he a fine example of me diaeval Swedish art. Tho gates and arcades nro vaulted, blocks of granite are Inlaid on the brick walls with a series of sculptured Swedish heroes, and eighteen gods and goddesses will riocorate tho gates to the entrance stairs. Two massive brick towers surmount the eastern and western gates, be hind tl em ure buildings containing largo assembly halls. At tho center of tho northern arcade Is n handsome gate through which nil tho competi tors w ill march into the arena on the first day of the games. Opposite this stands the royal box surmounted by a golden canopy. EOTIMION ON RIVER RHINE All Germany Interested In Big Engineering Project. Will Have to Overcome Falls. Berlin.—On© of the most Important « ngln< erlng undertakings now engag ing attention In Germany Is a plan to make the Rhine navigable from 1 -lisle, Switzerland to Lake Constance. Three South-German states and Switzerland are interesting thorn* stives in the matter. While It has j 1 ot yet h*v*n definitely decided to car ry out the scheme, three compania now building dams for power pur pose?* tvn th© stream have been order* ! ed to put in locks of nt least 296 feet length to accommodate the large j barges that are expected to ply on | the stream. The most difficult tech nical problem tn tho way of carrying out the schema is to overcome the rise of about SO feet at tho Falls of the Rhine at Hehaffhausen. Here It is proposed either to build two locks of about 40 feet rise, each, or to put in a ship elevator, similar to tho one already In use at Hinrlchenburg, on the Dortmund* Km* canal, wrhers larges are run Into huge tanks, and these then lifted by hydraulic pressure to the level of the higher stretch of the canal. Another difficult point Is at Laitfenburg, some fifteen or twenty miles « of Basic, w here the river rushes through a gorge and has a ..Jl of about 45 foot, and the w ater ■’ere Is three times tho volume at Sehaff hausen. A dam Is already building hero ami will bo completed i a few years, developing about 60,000 horsepower. Another Big Demonstration and Sale of the Famous La Victoire > Corsets UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF MADAME HOPPE A NOTED CORSETIERE This is a rare opportunity to secure just the Corset to suit your figure. This expert, fitter will only re main with us the balance of this week. Come, be fitted, and go away delighted, as many others have done. The Corset is the foundation of all well fit ting dresses. Demonstration and Sale Second Floor Ready-to-Wear Dept, A number of other power plants of smaller proportions will be built at vnrloiiH points along tho stream to overcome rapids; finally a very large one will be built some ten miles be low Basle by the Alsatian manufac turing city of Muhlhausen. Manu facturing towns will spring up. it Is believed, on both the German and Swiss aides of the river. The total cost of the undertaking Is estimated at about $10,000,000, ap parently, not including dams now building. Of this sum the three Gor man states of Baden, Wirttemburg, snd Bavaria nro to pay $4,goo,000; Switzerland, $4,000,000, and Austria, $1,400,000. PARIS WEN DON NEW COMPLEXIONS Enforcement of American Cus-1 toms Laws Bring Hard Times j to French Modistes. I Paris. -The complexion of the Purls woman has changed this season I.sst winter the prevailing mode was white with red lips. Tills autumn the out of-door tint, xvlth a touch of dusky I red in the cheeks, lias become the fashion. The leading lintr dressers supply glistening eyes for the evening by four drops of a chemical formula. The dressmakers of the Hue do 1s Paix complain that this has been a hard season for them because of the sharp enforcement of American cus toms regulations. An American who formerly bought several costumes now takes one, Just to have something from Paris, The American Art association, which Is not a firm of picture dealers, but a social club for American artists, art students and persons Interested in art, has opened its doors again after a lapse of over two years. New prem ises have boon obtained in the rue Joseph-liars, a few doors from the rue d’.Vssss and the rue Notre Dame des Champs, t; - street in which so many great painters had, and have, their studios. While not so spacious as the old club house In the rue Notre Dame des Champs, the club’s new home Is more compact and more comfortable, comprising the whole <>;’ the ground floor of r modern apart ment house wiih a separate entrance. The club intends to revive the art exhibitions for which it was famous! in the past IXI Waiter (who has Just served up some soup)—Looks uncommonly like rain. sir. Dines —Yes, by Jove! and tastes like it, too. Bring me some thick soup.—Tit Bits. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA, GA. PESTERED WITH PROPOSALS '- »* '>.‘\ Vi v *& ' "^;'' * 'fvf ■t*' ■„!>••' ...‘y - ..-,^WfraSlgj?jfc '.; ”* • ;A s’? •‘'rfcfJv jT'VtTiV ' •• » « < T'- v. J MISS CLARA JOEL IN “TtTE GIRL IN THE TAXI", When A. H. Woods produced a dra ma some years ago t he 1 ' leading female role called for a beautiful lady to play the part of a cloak model In order to get the desired performer Mr. Woods advertised quite extensively In all dramatic papers offering a largo dia mond ring to lucky lady. Miss Clara Joel who plays the lead ing part in The Girl In the Taxi which comes to the Grand matinee and night. October 28th, was selected and named as the most beautiful lady on the American stage. Miss Joel, of course, was delighted with her good fortune but never dreamed of the annoyance that was to follow: the New York press took up the proposals of marriage from all parts of America in every mail. In speaking of her proposals she says “I wish that 1 could turn over to girls looking for husbands the majority or offers of marriage which I have re ceived during the present season. By actual count. I have so far been hon ored with a hundred and sixteen. I have not escaped in a single city of my Itinerary. Bankers, brokers, po lltictans, college men, merchants, cow boys and even an Indian are In the collection, but so far I have dodged the noose. The most unique propo sal came from a man In Kansas City, he sent ml the impression of his palm at the same time importuning me to have It read by a palmist arid If there was aught in his life or character that would blush at the spotlight of Investigation t reject this proffered hand. l.tfe is too short and the dis tance to the palmist too long but it makes an interesting page in my scrapbook.” • U. D. C. RE EESRH IN GRIFFIN MEET 118 Members Answer Roll Call. Miss Ada Ramp, of Augusta, Responded to Welcome Ad dresses. Griffin, Ga.—The sun nex'er shone on a fairer or more brilliant assem blage of women than that assembled in the handsome auditorium of the First Baptist church Wednesday morn ing, the occasion being the seventeenth annual state convention of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, of w-hioli Miss Alice Baxter, of Atlanta, is president. There are 114 chapters of the TT. D. C. in Georgia and practically every section of the state is represented at 'he present session. The report of the registrar showed 118 members present and others ar rived Wednesday night and Thursday. After the opening invocation by Rev. C. E. Wheat, of the Episcopal church, master of ceremonies. Judge Walter C. Becks, delivered an address of welcome in behalf of the Spalding county camp of the United Confed erate Veterans. The address elicited tremendous applan rom the hun dreds of ladies pr. In behalf of GritV and Spalding county, Rev. ,T. E. mmons. pastor of the First Baptist church, delivered a ringing welcome, which left no doubt in the minds of the visitors of the pleasure it gives Griffin to have them here. Mrs T. E. Patterson spoek in behalf of the W. C. T. TJ., of which she is The Best Road Material If you are Interested in road and street material you should inquire about Cassels Cement Gravel. We can show you the best chemical analysis, and show you practical results. Concrete Gravel. Roofing Gravel and Quatz Sand washed. CASSELS CEMENT GRAVEL COMPANY a. H. McDaniel Manager and Secretary. 613 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. Special Bargains in Hosiery and Underwear for Friday and Saturday Everything for men, women and children in Underwear, from the light-weight cot fee wool ... 25ctf151.25 We are agents for the famous B uster Br own Hosiery. Every pair guar anteed. Save darning bv buying these goods. state president. Mrs. James S. Boyn ton, widow of the late Col. James S. Boynton, ex-governor of Georgia, wel comed the ladies in behalf of the Boynton chapter, of which she is pres ident. This chapter is the host of the convention and is doing the honors gracefully. To the addresses of welcome Miss Ada Ramp, of Augusta, responded In behalf of the state officers in a happy manner. Miss Baxter introduced the following distinguished women to the body; Mrs. C. Helen Plane, Atlanta, honorary life president; Miss Anna Caroline Penning, of Columbus, first vice president; Mrs. Walter D. Lamar, Macon, second vice president; Mrs. Trox Bankston, West Point, third vice president; Mrs. E. K. Overstreet, Sylvania, recording secretary; Mrs. Alfred Truitt, Atlanta, corresponding secretary; Mrs. Lee Trammell, Madi son, registrar, and Mrs. Zebulon Wal ker, Canton, auditor. N.L. Willef SeedCo AUGUSTA, GA. Lawn Grass, highest grade, largo amounts. BULBS FOR FALL PLANTING. Narcissus —Grandiflora or Imp. Paper White. Trumpet Maor— (Early Single Yel low). Empress (Med. Large Yellow). Golden Spur (Med. Extra Large Yel low). Von Sion (Med. Extra Large Double Yellow). Poeticus (Early White Saffron Cup). Jonquils (Single Yellow Sweet Scent ed). Hyacinths, Roman Hyacinths (Single White). Dutch Hyacinths (Single, all colors). Tulips (Single and Double, all colors). Crocus Mammoth (All colors). Treesias. Chinese Sacred Lilies. ,«n h'arison Building BARBER SHOP and Baths We guarantee first class work and polite attention to all. C. S. SYLVESTER. Proprietor. A. B. HOLMAN, Manager.