The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 26, 1911, Page FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY. OCTOBER 26. NO USE TALKING, MUTT IS A GREAT DESCRIBER - By “Bud” Fisher j kw* V "iow h Ws v ] *“ s ■ ~ ' 7= 1 rT ~ e«t.u *no <x e natwnaiJ) / N 2 vihich omb do w t o.n-7 to~X _ T ' ' \ VMS 0-™C« TH^N 'f t^LL - TtbV Yoo J NOW f' THINK BOUMCFS llv \ftSs(= ON YOU, IWTr > H kcv- OP i 1 R.eSMJENC'' "\fctsyL Nfcxio ANO <£«?*» OCJ f A*\eß.»(.AN US(\<K»E£ 1 THE . ' I >OweTiws WH6N j Y?M - < aro-jt to sooncc % ( Tr= T 9 *'C* wall And ruu ( taLLWii . \ <N(\tionp\l tea&uE caost ? I yovyw cor*>p<mr_qf j J r N BAUU V SP„ t O SHO«, r-o / Bal-cs cn T«g \ , ~"j I. s eouNces the / L. . J ! j lik.e to hm?. too ( . uenwsN. 1 <YVOVT^ —_a r~> ) ... - J I Ishowmehoin j fkuecA '**no the NftYfotyftt.) 7 • I /T / i iNoooicevSi ! j —.—————-^—————-- ■ it i ■ BT-rm . _ ,ii - ——— « •?■*.*■ j:. f-f <■ <*■• * (fr » eT 7*>f JE .Hza/. rtv+- <\ | MEETING IT 3:00 O'CLOCK OF ALL INTERESTED IN RON TO SAVANNAH At Chamber of Commerce Thursday Night Large Number Ex pected. Many Automobilists Will Go From Augusta to Savannah For Races. All Arrangements to Be Made by Committee. There will be a meeting Thursday night at the Chamber of Commerce, at S o’clock, of all who are Interested in the automobile run to Savannah from this city, on the 29th of No vember. It is expected that a large crowd will be present and every de tail regarding the run will be dis cussed. A committee on arrangements will be appointed and everything that per- Catarrh Torture Cured T rial Package Mailed Free to Convince Yon Head Feel* Like Some Great Pressure Was Bearing You Down. Pain in Forehead. Nose and Throat Raw, Severe Headaches, Hawking, Spitting and Bad Breath. These are only a few of the many symptoms that warn you of the deadly work catarrh is gradually accomplish ing. Your whole system is being pois oned by tho deadly catarrh germ which soone.r or later will cause the complete decay ot both tissue and hone. It causes loss ot thinking power, ulcers, Irritation of the glands of the throat, causing earache and finally deafness. The continued dropping of these germs down through the throat usually results in indigestion, dyspep sia, catarrh of the stomach, bowels and other vital organs, causing con sumption and finally death. C E. Gauss, 955 Main Street, Mar shall, Mich., has at last discovered a remedy that quickly and permanently cures all forms of catarrh. It goes direct to the seat of trouble and cor rects the cause. In order to convince any person suf fering from this dreadful disease, one large sized trial package will be sent absolutely free, postage paid, in a plain wrapper. All that Is required is to fill out the attached coupon and mill It today. When you are cured tell your friend about this wonderful medi cine. FREE Tills coupon is good for one trial package of Gauss' Combined Ca tarrh Cjre. mailed free In plain package. Simply fill in your name and address on dotted lines below and mall to C. E. C-AUSS, 955 Main Street, Marshall, Mich. Name Street or F. F D. So City State tains to the comfort of the tourists will be looked after in a very careful manner. It is expected that all of the owners of the Wescott and Cole cars in the city will go on the run and every au tomobile owner is cordially invited re gardless of his make of car. One car will have just as good a showing as another and every automobile owner who goes on the trip wiII receive just as much consideration as any other. All arrangements for hotel accom modations and parking space at the races for automobiles will be made In advance and the Augustan who goes on the run can have the, satis faction of not worrying about any thing, for the committee on arrange ments will make all preparations. A list of cars entered on the run will be published in The Hera'd from day to day and Tho Herald’s Augusta to Savannah run in 1911 promises to be one of the most enjoyable ever known. LADIES TO HELP ERECT filOiUT Mrs. John W. Clark Starts Movement For Ladies of Au gusta to Secure Subscrip tions to Walsh Memorial fund The ladies of Augusta will co-ope rate in the movement to erect a suit able monument to tho lato Mr. Pat rick Walsh and Mrs. John W. Clark in a letter to The Herald, printed be low, thinks that the ladies of this city could get a large number of SI.OO sub scriptions to the fund which would make a large total. Mrs. Clark was a great -admirer of Mr. Walsh and she originated the idea of having the ladles to work to help secure a monument. The ladies getting subscriptions can send them to The Herald and they will be turned over to Mr. T. S. Gray, treasurer of the Walsh Memorial Fund or they can be serit direct to Mr. Gray at the Union Savings Bank. Mrs. Clark starts the list with SI.OO. Mrs. Clark’s letter is as follows: Editor Herald: I am pleased to see from our papers that the Walsh Monument Fund is to he talfen up, that a new hoard of directors and officers have been elect ed and are arranging for a hurried campaign. No one ever had better friends than the women were to Mr. Wulsh and we want to help. I suggest Mr. Editor, that the board select a number of ladies to solicit dollar subscriptions or whatever they feel they could afford from the la dies of their acquaintances and neigh borhood. I shall he pleased to be one if au thorized by the board to canvass my square and a few lady friends. T would further suggest as your pa per enters so many homos that would not be reached by the lady canvassers that you start a subscription through your columns allowing It to stand un til the canvass is over asking for sub scriptions, I feel confident that the subscriptions that will voluntarily come into your office together with what the lady canvassers would gath er from the ladies only would run into large figures Enclosed please find SI.OO to start the subscription. MRS. JOHN AV. CLARK. PROMISES TO STOP ALL GAMBLING AT JUAREZ El Paso.— Gov. Gonzales of Chihua hua, Mexico, says that he may not be able to stop horse racing at Juarez next month but that he will do hla best to put an end to betting and oth if forms of gambling. In his procla mation when made governor, he prom ised to rid the state of public gamb ling and he says he will do this even if he hag to use troops to prevent the Practice. WIRELESS INVENTOR SUING FOR DIVORCE Sirs. Nora Blatch He Forest, the wife of Hr. Lee He Forest, world fam ous Inventor of wireless telegraphy who is being sued for divorce by her husband in the courts in San Fran cisco, Cal. In his complaint Dr. He Forest declares that his wife is un fit to bring up their daughter and that his wife "devoted her time ex clusively to the practice of her pro fession of civil engineering and to militantly advocating the cause of woman suffrage.” Previous to the filing of the suit against his wife, Dr. De Forest was sued for separation by his wife in the courts of New York City and she asked for the custody of the daughter. VANDERBILT ELEVEN OFF FOR THE MICHIGAN GAME Nashville, Tenn. —Vanderbilt Uni versity’s football squad left Nashville this morning for Ann Arbor, Michi gan, for the annual clash with the University of Michigan, Saturday. The team left in good shape with the exception of Freeland, who will have to play with a braco on his knee. A result of the showing made Saturday against Central of Kentucky, Van derbilt Is hopeful. The student body held a mass meeting last night to in spire the team and a large number cheered the squad on at the station. PHYSICIAN ADVISES CUTICURA REMEDIES For Eczema. Patient’s Wristand Shin Itched Like Poison. Scratched Until They Sled. Says: “Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured Me.” ‘‘Four years ago I had places br*>ak out on fny wrist and on my shin which would itch and burn by spells, and scratching them would not seem to Rive any reiief. When the trouble first J began, my wrist and shin r#ss)-»e* .j Itched like poison. I would S L*- f scratch those places until they w’ould bleed before I could get any relief. Afterwards the A /A, V places would scale over, and > flesh underneath would i > look red and feverish. Bome- I v / would begin to itch I / ' until it would waken me from my sleep, and I would have to go through * the scratching ordeal again. “I consulted our physician in regard to it, and he pronounced it “dry ecaema.” I used an ointment which the doctor gave me, but it did no good. Then he advised me to try* the Cuticura Remedies. An this trouble has been In our family for years, and is considered hereditary, I felt anxious to try to head it off. I got the Cutlrura Soap, Ointment and Pills, and they seemed to be Just what I needed. “The disease was making great headway on m.y system until I got the Cutlrura Reme dies.which have cleared my skin of the great pe«t. From the time the eczema four ago, until now, I have never felt any of its pest, and I am thankful to the Cuticura Soap and Ointment which cert«inly cured rr.e, I always use the Cuticura Soap for toilet* and I hope other sufferers from skin diseases will um* the Cuticura Soap and Ointment.” i Irven Hutchison, Three Rivers, Mich . Mar. Ift, 1911. Althevrh Cuticura Roap ard Ointment are sold throughout the wmrld, a liberal 'ample of earl , with 32-p. book on the skin and •oslp will be sent fre*, on application to Pot ter Drug A CLe in. Corp., Dept. 17A, Do.^on. THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. 11. & K. USSOGiffl DID SPECIAL MEETING Discussed Approaching Corn Show and Decided to Have Banquet in Near Future at One of the Hotels. A called meeting: of the Merchants and Manufacturers' association was held at the Chamber of Commeror Wednesday afternoon. Tho action of tho committee on the corn show to have it* at the Georgia-Carolina fair was ratified and it was reported that all money to be given as prizes at the corn show had been paid in and the awards will be made to the winners at the corn show just as quickly as the Judges decide who is entitled to it. Messrs. W. R. Pace, P. H. Rice and ,T. P. Julies, were appointed as a spec ial press committee to have the af fairs of the association placed before the public. 4 It was decided to have a banquet in the near future at one of the local hotels to get the members of the M. At M. assiciation closer together. A very enjoyable affair is anticipated.' THE POULTRY YARD. Lay in the winter’s supply of road dust or sifted coal-ashes, as it will be needed for dust baths. A load of gravel scattered around houses and coops would greatly con tribute to the health of many a flock. A‘ hen will eat at least a bushel of corn a year if she can get it. Put aside that amount for each one, and see that each one gets her share. Let dressed poultry of all kinds be cool clear through before offering It for sale. Limp poultry does not sell so well as that which is goed and stiff. ' Gather in the poultry that have been allowed to roost outdoors. The sooner they become accustomed to the house the better It will be for their health and improvement. When a hen is determined to sit, and “Tying, ducking and screaming 'shoo/ Fail with Speckle, and she sits It through,” just, nut thirteen fresh t fertile eggs under her, feed and water occasion ally, and let it go at that. If sav<l wear and tear on the nerves, and she gets over it better and more quickly; and if she hatches anything you are that much ahead. Prom November Farm Journal. Happy, Happy, Use TJZ A Marvei For Sore Feet. Acts Right Oft. Sore Feet? Never After Using TIZ— Good-bye sore feet, aching feet., swollen feet, sweaty feet, smelling feet, tired feet. Good-bye corns, callouses and bun ions and raw spots. You've never tried anything like TIZ before for your feet. It is dif ferent from anything ever before sold. It acts at once and makes the feet feel remarkably fresh and sore-proof. TIZ is not a powder. Powders and! other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ draws out all poisonous exuda tions which bring on soreness of the feet, and is the only remedy that does, TIZ cleans out every pore and glorifies the feet —your feet. You’ll never limp again or drev up' your lace In pain, arid you’ll forget; about your corns, bunions and cal-; louses. You’ll feel like a new person. If you don’t find all this true after trying a box of TIZ, you can get your money right, back. TIZ is for rale at all druggists at 2r> cen per box, or It ■ ill be sent you direct if you klr.h from Walter Luther Dodge & Co,, Chicago, ill. JAMES H. KEENE ON WAY HOM James R. Keene, the American fi nancier and sportsman who lias been seriously ill in London who has start ed for tin* United States. Mr. Kerne has been in Europe for some time in search of health and only a few weeks GOOD THINGS TO BELIEVE AND BETTER THINGS TO PRACTICE The Winston-Salem Journal has dis covered the ideal traveling man. He has this sot of rubs and according to The Journal lit* lives up to them: "I believe in the goods I am selling, in the firm 1 am working for, and In my ability to get results. ”1 believe that honest goods can be sold to honest men by honest meth ods.” “I believe in working; not weeping; in boosting, not knocking; and in tho pleasure of my job.” “I believe that a man gets what he PINETUCKY NEWS Social News and Personal Items of Interest. Pinetucky, Ga. —Mrfi. J. VV. Andor- Hon, little daughter Estelle, and Miss Katheryri Rcville, from mar Friend - whip church, spout Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rev ille. Mr. William Dooly passed through Pinetucky last Tuesday on rout* to Harlem. The many friends of Miss Beulah Blackston regret to learn of her ill ness and hope to see her out again soon. Mr. C. F. Wright of Edle was the guest of Mias Dillle Cawley Sunday night. Mr. P. FI. Rowe, candidate for school trustee In opposition to Mr. JS. 15. Rev tile, delivered ari address Saturday night at King's Spring, a distance of about six miles from here, on the Ac gusta road. Quite a number of Pirn tuckfans attended. Mr. T. Huderiy was the guest of Miss Belle Rowe Sunday. Mr. James E. Cawley is with his father, Mr. J. J Cawley, whose condl tion is serious. Mr. Cawley fell last Saturday and suffered a broken leg. It is thought his hip is also broken. He being an aged gentleman, we fear it will lie quite a time before we are permitted to see him out again. Mr. L. V. Inglett is spending thjs week In Augusta. Miss Nona Cawley spent Sunday and Sunday night with Mrs. Alfna Mat thews Mr. Clifford Holley left last Tuesday for Maeon Mrs. C. W. Newman and little daughter are doing nicely. Mr. J. VV'. Goolsby of this place Imn accepted a position with Mr, c c Culp* pper of Hearing. He and Mr V\\ J. Cawley of that place were in Pinetucky Sunday. Mr. J. W. Anderson, from near Friendship, spent Saturday night and j Sunday at the home of Mr. S J Rev j Hie Messrs. E. D. and H <\ Cawley made! a flying trip to Blythe Saturday. First lesson in domestic science at! ago underwent a serious oftorat.ion sot Internal Iroubli . Vlr K; i in*' d partiin* from London wa not gi-n orally known and the lime or mm ar rival in the United States is unknown goes after; that one de«*d today is worth two tomorrow, and that no man is down and out until lie has lost faith In himself.” *T helievo in today and the wort: I am doing, in tomorrow and the work i hope t<» do, and in the hiii reward the future holds. *‘l believe in courtesy, kindness, in generosity, In good tdicr, in friend-, bin)) and honest competition. “i believe there Is something doing for every man ready to do it. °X am ready right now." YToofl'B Ohnpel will be given next Tuesday under the management of Miss Ruby Reese of Ilephzlbah. *Tve Just been around to see Kitty O’Neill. She’s ill, you know?” “Is her trouble pronounced?" “Not easily.”- New York Telegram. Makes your hair grow long, heavy and luxuriant and we can prove it Get a 25 Cent Bottle Now and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff Hair Becomes Soft, Fluffy, Lus trous and Abundant After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Danderine In to the hair what fresh shower# of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes the roots, invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimula ting and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow abundantly iong, strong and beautiful. It'at once impart# a sparkling brilliancy and velvety softness to the hair, and a few weeks’ use will cause new hair to sprout all over the scalp. Use it every day for a short time, after which two or three times a week will he sufficient to complete whatever growth you desire. Immediately after applying a little Dan derine all dandruff will disappear, all itching of the scalp will cease and there will be no more loose or falling hair. If you wish to double the beauty of your hair in ten minutes surely try this—moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and draw it carefully through your hair., taking one small strand at a time, this will < leanse the hair of dust, dirt or any excessive oil In a few moments your hair will be wavy, Unify and abundant and possess an incomparable soft ness, lustre and luxuriance, the beauty and shimmer of true hair health. If you rare for beautiful, soft hair and lots of it surely get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl ton’i Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter—A real surprise awaits you. lOISIf WELCOME FOR CUDDEMTES Tour Ends at Jacksonville Thursday Afternoon. 500 Au tomobilists Greet the Party. Jack:':onvill e , Fla.—With clouded 1 i'n .ini intermittent rainfall, there \'as no 1 t up in the plans for the re «•« i>tioit of the Plidden tourists due to arriv her • this afternoon. Despit M < inclemency of the weather, the heard of trude arranged early today to lmndli a ri'coption committee of he hv n i>o and tiOO automobilists who will greet tile touring party as they arrive in the outskirts of the city. When the unity arrives signals of bombs will arouse the city and ivory A l» and hell will sound a noisy I jv. i” ting. A parade through the prin cipal stre Is of th«* city will follow with a dinner .it. a local hotel and a • ! in"!.i r at tin* hoard of trade tonight. Officials of (hi eltj and county will [polio tin route' of the Gliddcnites for ;.« > el mil e out of tlh city and char j tti* wu.v thrmi’h the streets of tho city when the parade moves. The (11 Id«I el i party left Live Oak, | I'lorldn at 7 o’clock this morning ac j cording to messages re ceived here and I will arrive on schedule time. ! Ib fi re 1 ’ and Mrs. Walker, injured jin v< : terday’s accident, arrived lure I toda.v and will he able to take part i hi local celebration. EPISCOPAL BISHOPS MEET TO CHOOSE MISSIONARIES N e w York—The Fpisropal House of Hishops nut her< today to choose* three missionary bishops for the dis tricts nf Smith Dakota, Kioto, Japan end Wu Hu, Giiina. Nominations ! were iriiide today and the candidates will he voted on tomorrow. The pro cccdlngH of the meeting will not be made public until the appointments a ret settled. IN PRAISE OF OURSELVES AS e are, beyond question, a purse proud and tiff ru c ked generation. Tho clink of gold is the music of the spheres to us, and Its glitter is the light of our universe. Blit It may he an encourage moot, to reflect that never before In the world were such sums given in any country for benevolent purposes as are gtven now In tho United States, not only by tho rich but also by the well-to-do aad even by the poor.—World’s Work. FIVE