The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, October 26, 1911, Page NINE, Image 9

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..THURSDAY OCTOBER 26. 1911. fe At Schneider’s Tomorrow We have been planning and buying for over two months in anticipation of the Greatest Sale in our History, which starts Tomorrow, and our buyers are determined to smash all previous records. The Values Are the Greatest We Have Ever Been In Position to Offer The Prices Are the Lowest Ever Quoted by This or Any Other Store in Augusta Our Selling Force is by Far the La rgest in Our History. This Means Quick Service MEN'S and YOUTHS’ SUITS IN THE SALE Few sales anywhere at any time have put prices at as tow a level for h»sh~cl«*s Suits as we have tone tor the Hi* Sala Truly the prom U all yours. Here's the story— YOUNG MEN’S $12.50 Suits, $ 6.75 YOUNG MEN’S $15.00 Suits, $ 9.75 I $20.00 Suits, $12.75 I YOUNG MEN'S $22.50 Suits. $16.75 I I YOUNG MEN’S $25.00 Suits, $19.75 I $30,00 Suits, $22.75 ■ 58011*8 ana Young Men’s Top-coats, In tan coverts K Values *12.50 to *20.00. Sale | i> rlc « ... .*. $/. /5 IH Men’s White Fancy Vests, In aU sizes, 33 to 44 P Sold usually at *2.50. Sale P 351.ZV I’ Men’s Black Top-coat*. In all size*; extra well Ri tailored. Value 1* *ls. Sale p r W*ce ** .....r. ... ... ... . SO./0 I | Men's and Boys' Trousers; sizes 16, 17 II for boys; 40 to 46 for men. All *1.50 nrv It valaa Sate price .... OVC HI Men’s and Boye’ Trousers; sizes 16, 17 H an< l 18 years for boys, and up to 50 waist for Kg men. AU *3.75 value. In the lUT C M sale tomorrow at Children’ss2.s9G f QO Rain .Capes $ * .✓© Well maijj serviceable Rate Capra, of gray striped material, rubberized on • the outside. Plaid-lined hood. In all sizajs, 6 to 14 years. Infants’ Sweaters Infants’ Sweaters in white with blue or pink (trimmings; close-knit fabric; all sizes, 1 to 4 years JUC i BARGAIN SPOTS I FROM ALL DEPARTMENTS. j Souvenir Specials Showing the Greatness of the FSale. PLot of 25 Women’s nicely Tailored Fall Suits. AU *20.00 value, rr». ""/"V at kPIX.SU Children’s Dresses In superior quality materials; 1 to 14 years. Toe vatue, <a. Ut 4VC [Women’s and Misses’ Black Panama Skirts, in [ill sizes; priced regularly 41 f>/’ [at *3.00 VVL Men’s Suits from lots sold up to d» A iftO BIS; sizes 31, 34, 35 4*4. VO iJenulne conquest Muslig; yard wile; / Idling at 12 l-2c; yard /tr/fj C. Poplinettes In all colors; black and . -j? / [vhite; 27-in; sell at 25c Men’s and Wemen’s 8c Hem- Tl f / pitched Handkerchiefs [hlldren’s $1 Vlci Kid Shoes; C“fA 111 sizes ■ «SVC toys’ $4 Suits; 2 pairs &"J '"a A lants with each 4)X«^4 loc White Drawnwork Scarfs T'fY End Shams XVC |9c Suspenders lie pen's L'.sle Suspenders; strongly made; sell fe 19c usually. Sale price, lie pair. . will be used In the service* ay. iff the reception ffiven by Mrs. jP. Boynton in honor of the ws Tuesday night at the Elks' Miss Zvtartha Berry was pre wlth ?50 for her school by the ■s of tW Elks club. s Mar;. Montfort Cleekley of i will arrive in November to Irs. Robert Habersham at Bluff. * * * Mr. Charles is visiting hie brother, Mr. 'Wil enry Schley—Savannah Press. I-YANCEY. tereeting event of last evening wedding of Mlse Lucy Grattan and Mr. Howell Cobb Qrlt ina, wh'ch took place »t the t tttee bride's parents, Col. and Boys’ Wear Little Prices to Celebrate the Big Sale Children’s Suits, in Russian and sailor blouse styles; sizes 2 1-2 to 10 years. Values UP to *6.00. Kale price *Pz&.VO Boys’ Doublo-Breasted Knee Pants Suits, in sizes 8 to 17 years. Sold as high as $4.00" We price them for the sale at $2.69 Boys’ Double-Breasted Knickerbocker Panto Suits, in sizes 7to 17 years. Sold up to *4 00 usually. The sale price Boys’ Double-Breasted Combination Suits- two pairs pants with each suit; strongly and well tailored; sizes 7to 16 years. jt. g-. o Value *6. Sale price SJ.VO Children’s Reefers, in tan, blue, gray, red, and black and white checks. Value Is d»rt, 00 $3. They go Into the sale at ...«pZ.VO Girls’ Norfclk Coats, pleated; 10 to 1$ years; blue serge and checks. a Value $7 $4.98 Boys’ 69c Wool Knickerbocker Pants; 5 to 17 years. Special sale ’ P ri ce JVC Boys’ 75c Reinforced Knickerbocker a Pants; all sizes. Sale price ..4-VC Men's Shirts and Furnishings A Great .Chapter of Bargains Men’s Percale and Madras Shirts, in all new effects; extra well made, values up -w-. to 75c. Sale price , JVC Men’s Madras and Percale Shirts; all superior quality; fu 11 range of the new patterns and coloi-3; every shirt worth *l. Sale price /VC Men’s Fine Grade Pleated Bosom Coat Shirts, in white and colors; values are up tn a to *1.50. Sale price V4C Men’s Seamless Hose, in all sizes; sold usually dt 10c and 1- l-2c. They are in / I / the sale tomorrow at k 0/^>C Men’s Seamless Maco Yarn in black and colors; all sizes; sold at 15c and 19c . , Men’s Silk Rose, in the most popular colors; sold usually at 29c pair. We have them In the sale at IOC Men’s Thread Silk Hose, in black and colors; all sizes; sold usually at 50c pair. Sale price XoC Men’s Heavy Fleece-Lined Shirts and Draw ers; sold usually at 50 each. -v/v Special price in the sale JVC Men’s Gray Wool Fleeced Shirts and Drawers; 6old usually at 79c each. Sale price O/C Odd Garments in Men’s Natural Wool Under wear; values up to *1.50 each. /a To close out OVC Men’s Silk 4 o—r Neckwear IZ2C Men’s Silk 4-in-Har.d Ties, in plain colors and fancy combinations; all new 1911-1912 styles and patterns; none have sold under 25c. Children’s Hosiery Children’s Heavy Black Ribbed Hose, the long wearing kind; in all sizes; I'jl/ all stores sell them at 19c pair .. IX/^C Children’s Stockings, in black, white, pink aDd blue; all sizes; the kind sold i ’ at 25c pair usually i/C Mrs. Goodjoe Harper Yancey, on North Boulevard, Atlanta. Rev. John E. White, pastor of the Second Baptist church, performed the ceremony in the presence of relatives and friends. The house was artistically decorated with quantities of Palms and autumn foliage plants and yellow chrysanthe mums, bamboo and smilax. The bride entered with her father, and was met by the groom and his brother. Mr. Andrew Erwin best man. The bride was attended by her sis ter, Miss Mary Ella Yancey, maid of honor, and the other attendants were Miss Katherine Ellis and Miss Miriam Pope, of Athens; Miss Emma Gregg, Miss Martha Hill, of South Carolina. The groomsmen were Mr. Will Er vin, Mr Sam Rucker, Mr, DuPree Hunnicutt and Mr. Marion Dußose, all of Athens. Master Sydney Turner Rucker and Master William William Lowndes Yancey, nephew and brother of the bride, were ribbon bearers Lit tle Miss Frances Walker was train bearer. The bride's gown was white ehar meuse satin embroidered in chrysan themums, trimmed with duchess lace and seed pearls. Her veil was caught with a lace cap and orahge blossoms, and her only ornament was a pear] necklace, the gift of the groorn Her flowers were bride roses and lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore a white chiffon cloth gown over silk trimmed with lace, and her flowers were white chrysanthemums. The bridesmaids wore white chiffon gowns trimmed with lace and fringe, snd their flowers were yellow chry santhemums. After the ceremony a delightful re You Can Buy Hats Like These For $5.00 You can’t buy them in any other Augusta store. We’ve shopped around and tell you candidatjy that they compare with hats being sold at $7.50 and in some places as high as SIO.OO. We are fortunate in socuring them to sell at this price. • * »■ j Compare them with Hats you sea elsewhero priced at *7.60 and jjv, #— SIO.OO SO.UU Ve sold Hats like these last Monday at the rnte of "a hat a minute. Our supply was exhausted by 4p. m. We reordered but the shipment came in late, so will put them on sale tomorrow. Made by hand on buckram shapes of velvet and silk. Ready trimmed In various styllßh effect*. Positively worth *2.98, while they last, at jf Women's Hosiery and Furnishings * w® bands; 36c value Z4C Women's Bleached Vests and Fant.s; vests with fillk-taped neck; pants cut full. Always sell at 50c. Special price ** Women’s Heavy Bleached Union Suits; extra well J made; all sizes. Sold at G9c usually. Now at * a Children’s Bleached and Unbh arh d Vests and Pants; all sizes. Sold regularly at 35c. Sale price VESTS Pm PAVTS 19c Women's White Ribbed Vest;: and Pants, In all sizes; extra well made. -wv Sold at 29c everywhere. Now at < IjrC Wanfed Gloves at Sale Prices Women’s 2-Clasp Glace Kid Gloves, In black, white, lar, gray; all sizes. Sold ’”<T\ usually at 89c pair. Sale price £3»vC Women’s 2-o!asp Glace Kid Gloves; heavy stitched back; In black, white, and tan; 1 value. Sale price ... ./ VC Women’s Nice Quality ran Cape Walking Gloves, In all sizes. Sold usually at Qfk *1 .15. In the sale tomorrow at O7C Women’s Fine Quality and very Desirable Long White Kid Gloves, l n all sizes. All stores ask $2.50 pair. In the sale u* t * $1.59 ceptlon was held. Mrs. Yancey received her guests wearing a yellow satin gown draped with chiffon, and trimmed with luce. Mrs. Erwlrt, mother of the groom, wore a black siik gown embroidered and trimmed with lace The tablf In thr dining room was artistic with vases of yi-liow chrysan themums and smllax. The bonbons, ices, cakes and tapers were yellow. In cutting the brides cake Miss Martha Hill cut the ring, and Miss Sarah Hunnicutt the thimble. Assisting In entertaining were Mrs. A. S. Erwin and Mrs. J. A. Hunni cutt, of Athens; Mrs. T. W. Rucker, Mrs. S. G. McLendon, Mrs. Stiles Hopkins, Mrs. W. L. Yi-ncey, Mrs. O. H Yancey, Jr. Miss JMu Parkham ar.d Miss Leltla Green served punch. Small Velvet Hats with Two-tone Willow Plumes, or Black Ostrich trim- sh rt med hats. All marked one price Women’r Seamless Black Hose, in all sizes. Values 10c and 12%c. Special Al/ sale pries OV»C Women’s black Seamless Hose, In all sizes; extra good wearing stockings. Have . . always sold at 19c. Hule price lIC Women’s Black Boot Silk Hose, with cotton tops; plenty of-all sizes. Hold usually » at 39c pair. Hale price /oC Women's Black Silk Hose, with seamless lisle tops. Sold at 50c pair. -- -j In this sale_ nil sizes JsTC Women's Heavy Ribbed Vests and Pants; vests lace trimmed, pants with muslin 0/4^, Men’s Douglas Shoes Values $3.50 rn to $5.00 tpjC.Oy Men’s Famous Douglas Shoes, ln patent leath er, gun-metal, viol kid, also tan Russia, calf; button and blucher styles; every pair genuine and stamped on sole with name nnd price; all thig season’s new lasts and styles Every man knows the Douglas Shoe—knows they sell at. $3.50 —arid these are all personally and care fully selected; all new fall arid winter foot wear; all sizes, 5 to 11. Sale price, $2.r,3 During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Erwin left for a wedding trip and after a few weeks will take possession of their new home in Athens The bride’s traveling gown was brown cloth, worn with a brown chif fon blouse, over lace, and a brown fur hat trimmed with roses, —Miss Mary Craig's friends will re gr»t to learn that she is confined to her home by Illness. —Father McMahon Is Ip the city. WOULD BE WISE. "That robin redbreast gave me quite a start,” "Why, so?” "I thought for a moment that the In telligent bird whs wearing a chest protector.” THE POWER OF A LOG JAM. 'J In- tremendous force exerted by a pile of logs with a swollen stream behind It. was never more clearly ex emplified than by a couple of photo graphs illustrating a log driving story by Leonard Dewitt. Sherman In Rec reation for March. These photo graphs show an immense pile of logs --"Jackstraws” Mr. Sherman calls them- which has carried away half of the steel girders and heavy masonry piers of a large railroad bridge as easily, apparently, as though it had been made of so much cardboard. Other photographs accompanying this article show the log driving crews at work -and at play—and the whole series Is Interesting In the extreme. PARENTAL PROBLEM TOO DEEP FC R ' HER. Ori the sands of Del Monte beach Schneider’s NEW SILKS AND DRESS GOODS 27-lnch Silk Pongees, changeable Silks, in a fun range of plain and dot effect*; In * < 40 beautiful shades, were 890 .. .. .. AU Silk Messallneg, All-Silk Colored Taffeta*, *7 and 36 Inch Pongees and Foulard*; all shades and black; waist and dross _ _ lengths; 750 values /Of Sfl inch AU-Hllk MessaJines, shown In a fnD range of shades; whtto Ivory, Btll ’ / black. Sell at *1.25 yard ... QOC Sfi -lnoh Guaranteed Blade Taffeta Silks, In both tlie Chiffon and rustia ftuliih; rich Jet black; Hold elsewhere *1 usually. Bale , A ’ prion .. ... . 4VC 80-tnch All-Wool Satin-Face Broadolothj all perfect; new, fresh pieces, all shades. / A Values *1.25. Below ooet at .. ..OVC All-Wool Storm Sergos and Wlde-wole Diagonal Buttings; all new fall shades, with plenty of navy blue, royal blue, and black. Sold usually at 69c yard. In the sale a remark- -» q ot>le bargain at ... ... ,-aSoC All-Wool Dress Fabric* In skfrt and dress lengths 38 to 46 Inches wide; all this season's most pop ular weaves; all colors, Including cream. Sell at 59c yard. Bale price XVC 38-inch Wool Homespun Suitings, In black only; for suits and skirts; sold usually _ at 60c yard. Sale prion x9C 50 Inch All-Wool Satin-Face Broadcloth, In s light weight; high finish; sold usually at at *1.89 yard. Hale ~ _ p r,c « 95c 45-tnoh Navy Blue and Blactt Granite Suitings; for 1-pioce dresses and skirts; will . not take duet. Bold at 790 4VC 50-Inch AU-Wool Storm Serges in navy blue and royal blue; hard double twist; s .. only 6 pieces. Hells at *1.19 .. . 05C PRICES ON SWEATERS Men’s Heavy Gray Oxford Sweaters; extra rood i wearing quality; values up to ... *I.OO. Halo price 4VC ! Men’s Heavy Wool Sweaters, In gray, f\Q brpwn, and blue; value *1.50 ..V oC MEN’S HATS Men’s D<trby and Soft Hats; the derbyn In all the new fall shapes; both conservative and extreme effects; the Soft Hats In the latest rough and smooth felt*. AU *2,50 value*. .a - « Hale price ... ... Men's Derby and Soft Hats; all latoßt shades shades; rough and smooth soft _ . liats; *2.00 value ... $1.45 Boys' New Rah-Rah Hats, In Mitok and blot, with red band. Ppsotnl jirloo tor _ _ ’ this sale . .... ... ,50c s .. * L Wl U'y 'd * 1 ill ofr‘ 1 Vliul W Timely Leaders in GIRLS’ COATS Girl*' Caracul Cost*, with shawl eolhjr and finely quilted lining; aU sl*e«, 4 to 12 years; warm and dressy Coat*. Ths value Is *IO.OO, Hale j. _ « „ price l* Just half... *p«S«U(J Clilhlren'* Cloth Coats. In tan, navy, brown; “hlcely tail ored; neatly lined; all sixes, 1 to 6 years. The valuers a Aq is *4.00. Sale price. Silk Waists at $1,94 Richly Embroidered Black Mesealtne Bilk Waists; finely Braided Black Silk Waists; Tail ored Effect Black Messallne Silk Waists; all sizes. A big sale a j j special at «PI.V4 sat a four year-old tot beside hit; mother’s young woman guest. The Hftle fellow stalled musingly at the blue waters of the bay for the space 01 a minute, and then said: "Say, what would 1 be (what na tionality) if I was born on the ocean ?” "Whatever your mother and father were, dear,” she replied. "Jim," and his big blue eyes widen ed with intenseness and his Infant vo ce deepened In expression, “sup posin' | was coming across with my auntie?” She passed.—San Francisco Call. Gold storage l H something of a bal ance wh< el between waste of things and want, or things, ln spite of the hard knocks it gets. WaakJflwUN* Post. NINE