The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, March 30, 1913, Page SIX, Image 14

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SIX SUBSCRIBE TO THE HERALD NOW— Augusta s Most Modern and Up-to-DateDaily. Youll Want the News of Wash ington and the Democratic Administration . Congress Meets in Special Session on April 7th. — El/ery Thing Democratic. The News of Your Section As Well As the News of the World and Filled With Special Features is What You Get in The Herald. DON’T DELAY—WRITE TODAY AND SAY, “SEND ME THE HERALD.’’ - - Wilson’s Economy Administration To Be Attacked By Civil Service Employees at Convention in Washington This Week to Make Plea For Increase in Pension Budget to Include Superanuated Government Servants on the Civil Service List. Washington—The vaunted economy administration of the Democrats will be attacked by thousands of civil service employes from all parts of the country with a plea to increase the pension budget to include super anuated government servants on the civil service list, according to an an nouncement made today by those in charge of .ne coming national con vention of civil service employes scheduled to meet here April 4-5. Charles Russell, national president of the Federal civil service retire ment association; A. W. McKee, for mer president of the association; W. E. Kelley, national president of the letteT carriers’ association, and Ed ward Cantwell, national secretary of the organisation have been engaged to speak on this subject. Behind these men stand about 100,000 civil HR. HOHM'S TUBERCULOSIS VUE Advanced Medical Specialists of Augusta Make Statements Contradicting Announcements By Some Physicians Who Claim To Administer It. Charlatan* and unscrupulous phy sician* who mako the statement that they have for administration, Dr. Friedmann'* tuberculosis cure, should he shunned as ewlndler* and liars. The numeroul Inquiries received hy the Advanced Medical Hpeclallata re garding thla wonderful cure for tu berculosis, are receiving attention as arpldly as the innlls can he gotten out. Reports have been made to the pub lic health service at Washington, D C„ that victims are being fleeced by pretended Innoculatlons with vaccines. These reports are denied by Surgeon General lllue, who has In possession of the government all of the culture obtained from Dr. Friedmann. The Advanced Medical Specialists of this city, by reason of their pro found knowledge nnd vast experience In' the use of vaccines, serums and antitoxins, have naturally become burdened with Inquiries from thoae dealring Information regarding this wonderful cure. Keeping abrenat with advanced medical science and discoveries, these specialists have not hepn slow In In vestigating to the fullest extent the efficacy of the Friedmann cure; and the public may rest assured that n» soon as It has paaited the experimental stage, and haa received the Indorse ment of this government, that they will he among the first to recommend Its use In the treatment of tubercu losis In answer to an Inquiry regarding the reported distribution of the cure, and an Invitation extended him to visit Augusta, the chief physician. Advanced Medical Specialists, re ceived from Dr. Friedmann personally ' 'ollowtng telegram, which will set all speculation as to hla vaccine being used hy others than the govern ment officials, who are now making demonstrations In tha hospitals of New York: New York,. March 21, 1913. Bail] M. Moodle, M. IV. Augusta, Os. Impossible to furnish my vncclne. At present, do not Intend to go South. Would advise you wait for develop ment. F F. FRIEDMANN. Regarding this treatment the chief physician says: "As tuberoulosts la the most dread- 1 ®d disease known to mankind, Its dread has beVn great because no treat ment haa ever yet been established; and we look fqrward to the Frlectyuann discovery with a great deal of antici pation, as past experiments In Its use points to Its becoming the most won derful achievement of medical science and research; yet we must not over look the fact that tuberculosis Is Hot, by any means, the only dreaded dis ease. "Bpactflc Blood Poloon, Rheuma tism, Contract*! Diseases and their aequilae, a« well an many chronic dls •aonn of the liver, kidney*, bladder, and nlotnach are now being success fully treated hy specific remedies. ''By our advanced medical treat ment for theae dlnennen. we have lost our former dread of suffering and death subsequent to tholr ravage*. It Is nothing short of miraculous to see the most stubborn canes yield In a comparatively shortwhlle. One case we have under treatment at this time, will serve to show results obtained by the use of vaccines. This Is an ex treme case, and 1 cite It simply to show results may be expected even In the most hopeless conditions. To seek the astonishing results of this method of treatmenL Impresses us most fore-' Ibly of the achievements of the great age In which we are living." Case 133—Mrs. , nge st, widow, had rheumatism 14 years, both hand, drawn, seslftn, also ankylosis or stiffness of left knee, toes drawn, had been In bed 53 consecutive months, dally temperature 101 to 104, excruciating pains, had to be handled like an Infant. Eight Injections of our Rheumatic Vaccine, patient without pain, no temperature, gaining flesh, able to get out of led without assist ance. stiffness almost entirely re lieved Ws have every reason to ex *>ct complete recovery. service employes anxious to push through the pension programme dur ing the Wilson administration. As the most spectacular Instance of the pressing need for federal provis ion for superanuated civil servants, the letter carriers have been select ed as the body upon which the jeon vention will found Its fight for pen sions. To further the claims of the carriers a national retirement asso ciation will be formed and bills draft ed looking toward suitable legisla tion for their relief. It was stated here today that the delegates to the coming convention were prepared to renew their fight for pension recognition with increas ed earnestness this- year and that representations would be put before Congress, If possible, at the extraor dinary session. We will bn Kind to see and talk with all sufferers of chronic, nervous, and special dlsnasoH of men and women; and advise them us to the best meth od of selecting a treatment for their cure. . office hours: 9 to 7, week days: 10 to 1, ‘Sundays. Wo are located on the corn* of Jackson and Broad streets, Johnson building, rooms 16 and 17,-elevator en trance In front of Genesta Hotel.— (Advertisement.) N. Y. BANK STATEMENT New York —The Htat< ment of the act ual condition of clenrinK house banks and trust companies for the week shows that they hold $15.761!,600 reserve an cxocfv »f legal requirement*. This ts an Increase of $2,206,400 from last week. The statement follows: % % Actual Condition Doans $1,012,213,000 Increase $14,618,* 000. Specie $329,464,000. Increase $7,908,000, Lpkal tenders $81,877.1)00, $961,000. Net deposits $1,760,136,000 Increase s2l 648,000. Circulation $46,340,000, Increase $46, - 000. Hank* cash reserve In vault $344,954,- 000. Trust companies cash reserve In vault $66,887,000. Aggregate cash reserve $411,341,000. Exces* lawful reserve $15,762,600, In crease $2,^06,400. Trust companies reserve with clearing house member* onrrylng 25 per cent ro erve $62,829,000. Summary of state batiks ano trust companies In Greater New York not In cluded in clearing house statement I,cans $668,775,000. decrease' $2,867,- 800. Specie $65,614,200, increase $488,700. Kegal tenders $8,233,600, increaso S2B. 200,000. Total deposits $623,914,100. decrease $2. 030.200. • The Herald has answers for the fol lowing classified Ada. Hartley should call for same at once: C. M. Home R. W. 3. C. D J 8 B - R w - B. r n _ M. E. Real Estate u Metz S. w. t*. Contracts N S. L. D. Farmer Nurse Value Q. R. S. P. X. M. C. WANTED SITUATION—MaIe CARPENTER WORK. REPAIR WORK a specialty. References If required. F M Beastn. Contractor, 416 Cottage B*. Phone 2786-J. Flßtfc. V 8 PT i l. man P<IRTBR, WELL EX perlenoed, references furnPhed. Apply T. W. Few, 1440 Holly St. Pnone 3182. M 3 Op WANTED HELP—MaIe RAH WAY MAIL CT.ERKB, CARRIERS. wanted. Good pay, fine positions, pay for Instruction after you receive posi tion. Liberty Institute. Dept. «S, Roc hester. N. Y. Ml 6 23. 30; A6p FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK TELLS of about 300,000 protected positions in U. S. service. Thousands of vacancies every year. There 1* a big chance here for you, sure and generous pay, lifetime employment Ju t uek for booklet T-466. No obligation Karl llopkin, Washing ton, D. C. MS, 9. 12, 16, 19, 22, 26 30c YOUNG MAN, SINGLE, TO REFRE sent detective agency In this vicinity. Furnish reference an»l heve thorough knowledge of this territory. 119 West Broad St., Savannah. On A4p $25 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO trustworthy people to travel r.nd dis tribute samples for big wholesale house. C. Emery. Chicago. M3op WANTED IDEAS IF YOU CAN ihtnk of something simple to patent write us for valuable Information Ran dolph A Co . Ihuent Attorneys, Wash ington, D C. MSOp. BE A DETECTIVE EARN OVER S2OO monthly. Greatest opportu:;'.!',: AY rtte Detective Wagner, 1243 Lexing ton Avc., New York. M3op. RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS WANTED s*<F first year, promotion to $1,300 Kxamlnatlbri Ma> 3 In every state. Common education sufficient with my coaching Full Information free. Write for booklet A*.456. Ear! Hopkins, Wash ington D. C. F 2. 9. 16, 23. M 2. 9. 16, 33. 30; A 6, lip WANTED HELP—MaIe or F* male HOUSEMAID OR BUTI.RR, MUST come well recommended. Apply in the morning. 529 Greene S:. M27tfo I.MO OR GENTLEMAN FAIfT KDt 7 - c.’iticn, to act as our representative in home town We furnish the capital. Show you how to build up permanent, profitable business from your own home. Staple Une F.xolu 4ve territory. Sell* ins experience unnecessary. Our hook le* ''Hew to self. ' explains .nil. Def Con request Address Qlo\\ * Companv. Philadelphia. Fa., Dept, it M3O; Ats. 13, 20p. WANTED HELP—Female ( COOK WANTED FOR MELBOURNE hotel at once. Apply Melbourne ho'el, 404 Broad St. M24tfc AN EXPERIENCED NURSE. MIDDLE aged, settled, to live In house. 1-hone SSIf, It. W. Spofford. M 29 fe. A YOt'NO LADY AS OFFICE As sistant, must have some knowledge of stenography. Addres: In own hand writing, staling salary expected, B O. X., Herald. M3UC COLORED WOMEN AGENTS FOR Palmer's Skin Whltener. 100 per cent profit. $1.50 outfit free Write today, giving references. Jacobs' Pharmacy, Atlanta, Ga. M3O; A 6, 13, 20p. WANTED—Aaents TWO NEWS /GENTS TO RUN ON parsenger trains. Apply to the Parker Roil way News Co. m3oc AGENTS, SOMETHING NEW, FAST est sellers and quickest repeater r>n earth. Permanent, profitable business. Good for SSO to $75 a week. Write for particulars. American Products Co.. 8045 Hycamore St., Cincinnati, O. M3op SELLS LIKE HOT CAKES. NEW laundry wax perfumes elorhes w*tu lastlnK violet perfurfie. Working outfit 4" New offer. Perfume-Gloss, 13 Water St., New York. M3op MANAGER WANTED EVERY CITY and county, handle best paying business known, legitimate new, exclusive con trol, no Insurance or book canva'sing. Address Clins. Halstead, 43 West 34th. St.. New York. M3O PORTRAIT AGENTS WRITE ME ~FOR lowest prices on crayons, pastels, etc. Good honest work at let-live prices. I con pJear-e you ay w*dl as I do otherp. Over 20 years experience. Address B. Hettinger, Artist 2226 Barry Ave., Chl eogo. f M23tf. AGENTS yVantp:i» in EVERY TOWN for a brand new household necessity. Bert seller that wim ever put out. Mc- Collum Co., Box 206, Madison, Wis. A3c AQENTS— <SRAB~T ME BIG PROFITS. Our household specialties, quick and steady sellers. Particulars free. Repeat orders easy. Standard Novelty Co., 84, Tuskegee, Ala. M3op. WANTED —Salesmen SALESMAN TO SELL OUR LINE OF fruit ciders in small country towns. Salary and commission proposition. Ex clusive or side line. Crown Cider Co.. Dapt 7, St, Louis. Mo. Suntfc. SALESMEN TO CALL ON GROCERS, confectioners, general stores. $l5O monthly and expense ; yearly lontrnct. Manager 18, S 2nd street St. Louis, Mo. M 3 Op. WANTED —Information. mail ORDER PEOPLE IF YOU have anything for sale *uch a- form ulas, schemes, plans, secret or medici nal preparations or agents goods write M. O. M., care Herald. M.3lc WANTED —Miscellaneous. TO BUT TWO OR THREE CON tracts of The Standard Home Co., of Birmingham, Ala., rendy for us-e now, or In next thirty or sixty days. Answer 'Contracts,” care Herald. m3op PARTNER WITH SOME MONEY TO Join me In established good paying business. Don’t answer unless you mean business. C, care Herald. A4p. WANTED LADIES TO BRING THEIR combings to be made Into braids, transformations and curls. We nl o do manicuring, massaging, shampooing and hair dressing. The Randolph Co., Inc., 946 Broad St. Phone 666. A29c WANTED —Boarders_ BOARDERS WANTED. 2 1.-A ROE. nicely furnished room**, with excellent table board, convenient to car line. Sewing abeo wanter 807 15th. St. Fhone 3841-J. M3lc. ONE OR TWO BOARDERS, CLOSE IN. best table board, all conveniences Phone 2891-J. Alp. FOR RENT—Reai Estate 445 WATKINS ST. 6 ROOMS AND bath. $15.00 per mouth. a rank W Moore, 519 Leonard Building. Phone 33U Ml7tfo IN SUMMERVILLE FROM MAY IST to Oct. Ist five room bungalow furn ished. Servants hour* «nd garage Answer Box 587 Augusta, Ga. A2c. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISH ed houses on the Hill to let for the summer. Geo. W. Hardwick, 818 Broad street. Ale. LARGE HOUSE, WELL ADAPTED for a boarding house, furnished or un furnished. corblned, gns and electric fix tures In every room. bath, running water in bed rooms, Immediate posses sion If desired. Ideal, care Herald. Alp. FOR SALE —Miscellaneous OLD PAPERS FOR AY RAP LING PlJß post, at Harald Offlca. oltf NEW HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND bath, on Pope avenue: ail modern conveniences Apply at building, also one large pony nnd buggy for sale. S. A. Morris. mlop COW TEAS—WRITE OR PHONE FOR prlo„. Offlca, 508 Reynold, St. Phone 32 J. PlStfc BLOOMING PANSY ANT> _ DAISY plants for sale. 715 East Boundary. Phone 1594-J. M3oc. FOR SALE VERY "CHEAP, ONE T passenger touring car; one '6 paasenger Marlon, like new; one 5 passenger Franklin, all cars In flr,» class condition including tires. 23 foot launch, wliit portable top, seating capacity 12 per sona. with launch houte, 16x23 feet in first class condition. L. C. Bdelblut, 66 Bread street. F2stfe. Tor BUGGY FOR SALE OR TRADE Tyson and Jones top buggy, n bargain to quick buyer R. L. Miller, 12S7A, Broad St, MJlp HASTINGS UNION BIG BOLL COT ton; Batts prolific corn; cotton has very large boll* heavy [lnter and very productive; one bushel. 11.50; five bush els $6 60; Bstl'e Improved prolific corn, heavy cropper, peck sl. 1-2 bushel $1.50: vne bushel. $2 60 Cash with order. Luda Key, Honea Path. S. C. A4p FOR SALE SHASTA DAISY* PLANTS. 26c per doien. Mrs. B. W. Burn’. Mtlledge Road, north Country Club. Phone 2669-J. MJOc. FOR SALE OR WILL EXCHANGE ■ Baby Maxwell automobile, top buggy-, piano, several pieces mahogany fxirni ture and fine building lot. Apply 1142 Greene St. MSOp IMPROVED TRIUMPH SAVEFT Po tatoes more than doubles most veri ties In yield best keepers, blight proof, allps for sile now sls per thousaml. John L. AA'hite. Homeland, Go. A6p THE AUGUSTA HERALD, AUGUSTA. GA. FOR SALE— Rent Estate NEW SIX ROOM HOUSE ON MONTE Sano, at a bargain. Apply Home, care Herald. , M3lp FARMS IN BEAUTIFUL. HEYJTH fuI section. Freen stone water, 60 to 1,000 acres. No iiiosqui.oes o/ m ituriu. 800 acres, 75 of it fine bottom, 6 room dwelling, 4 tenement houses, 4 mile - *jf Woodland A. B. & A. R. R., $12.00 per acre. L. W. Smith, Talbot ton, Ga. A2p. TWO CHOICE LOTS ON THE BEST part of Ninth street, Monte Sano. facing city, .• Ize 50x156, price S6OO each. John P. Halil nan, 722 Broad St. A2p A NEW i ROOM BUNGALOW WITH bath and all modern conveniences on i Emmett St., Just off Walton Wav; easy terms to quick buyer. Phone 257t»-J. M3l p. FOR RENT—Rooms FURNISHED ROOMS, DOUBT.E AND single, all .inodorn conveniences. Hot end cold batfflL 911 Greene street. Phone M2tfc. FOUR nice] large unfurnished rooms with bath and two halls for rent. Apply 1343 Broad St. M3lc NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRlV nte family, with no children, electric lights, h'Ct and cold water, convenient to bath, gentlemen preferred, references exchanged. Address 1019 Reynolds St. M3lp. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR light house keeping, large garden and yard will rent cheap to parties without children. 539 Ellis St. M3op. PRIVATE HOME CAN ACCOMMO date young men with room and b ard also couple with no children, good loca tion, clo e in. Address A. 8., care Herald. Alp TWO (2) ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms in good locality, near Broad St., hot or cold ba'h and free use of telephone. Phone 1557-J. Ale FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, lights and bath and In good local ity. 435 W\alker St. Alp. ONE NICE, BIG. AIRY, FURNISHED room on the flr. c *t floor to rent to couple or two gentlemen, all convenience Call 724 Jackson or Phone 949-J. M 3 Op. THREE CONNECTING ROOMS, SUIT able for light housekeeping, electric lights and bath. Apply 541 Watkins St. or Phone 2767-J. Alp THREE ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED for light housekeeping, 800 block Broad. Answer E. R. G., care Herald M3op ONE OR TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for young men. Highest part of Hill. References exchange. Address M. M. C., care Herald. Ale. THREE FURNISHED ~OR UNFURN ished rooms tQ rent. Apply 313 Mcln tosh St. M3oc TWO OR THREE CONNECTING rooms, with all modern conviences at 414 Mclntosh St. Ale LOST AND FOUND LOST BATCH OF RECEIPTS AND cancelled checks on Union Ravings Bank. Finder will be liberally reward ed If returned to Dr. E. C. Robin. '•on, 1606 Twiggs St. M3op LOST ON MONTE SANO CAR. MOTp day, about 4:30 p. in., one brown fur neck piece. Return to 954 Broad St. Reward. M3op AUTOMOBILES FORD AUTOMOBILES CAR LOAD LATEST STYLE; JUST In; call and see the%n; wl l be gone directly. Lombard Iron Works. DSOtfo FOR SALE CHEAP ONE JACKSON Roadster, one Maxwell, model I, 4 passenger and two Overlarids, all in l'.rst cla.‘s condition. Apply AugustA Over land Motor Car Co., 643 Broad St. WILL SELITvERY CHEAp7a 30 H. P. Roadster, In first-claa* condition In cluding tires. Has Pres-ti-lite. .«ct tools, three extra Inner tubes, electric and bulb horns. Eats hills up on high. If you want a real automobile <*heap, look at this. Car goes to first buyer. A .Jr., care Herald. m3oc Swappers' Column Do not delay. Read the Swap pers Columns in The Herald Want Ad pages and you’ll find the party who will be will ing to give you an equitable exchange. Advertisements for lb. Swapper* Column of Tha lieraid ar. Inserted three tlmre for payment to be male at the rate of 6 cente a teply when answer* arc delivered. There la no other charge. You may offer for exchance anything except real estate and commercial stock for anything except money. Ads may bs a« long ns 33 words You are welcome to nee the Swap pers' Co.umn as often as you please It la <Ol your convenlenca. ANSWERS FOR SWAPPERS The Herald has answers for the fol lowing Swaps In the Swappers Column, parties should call for same at once: A. B. W. H. E. B. Mirror Buckeye K. L. N. H. B. C. A. S. L. P. F. Victor Talk G. P. F. Mrs. Me. W. R. W. WANTED TO* SWAP er outfit, first ckiss shape fur medium site pony. Address 13-12-2. Swappers Column, care Herald. Asx Wild, EXCHANGE TW\. lIOOKS _ OK Green Stamps for two books of Purple Stamps. Address "Stamps,” Swappers column, care Herald. a3x WILL SWAP A REMINGTON Dou ble barrel breech loading shotgun. In first-class condition, for a bicycle In good condition. Addre s 1„ A. C.. Swappers Column, care Herald. a.Sx I WILL SWAP PRETTY YELLOW hens and one rooster for an invalid’s polling chair. Address Invalid. Swap pers Column, care Herald. A2x HAVE INVALID'S ROLLING CHAIR In perfect condition to exchange f r good sew-tng machine or child's Iron bed. Address Rolling Chair, Swapper Column, care Herald. Alx WILL EXCHANGE NEW f; ,'U SIX drawer office desk, for a good seen! hand bicycle. Address N. H. 8., care Herald. , M3lx WO L EXCHANGE nvv: year old mule, 16 hands high, gentle in part payment on email house and lot. Ad dress O. C., Swappers Column, care Herald. M3lx WILL SWAP NICE lu'GgT COM paratlve y new for or anything of equal value. Address \V. A * Swappers Column, care Herald. OPPORTUNITY To own a desirable building lot at low prices and easy terms. All above high water mark, foot of The Hill, Summerville car line. 6 Lots on Heckle Street at 6c per Square Foot 5 Lots on Jenkins Street at 5c per Square Foot 4 Lots on Jenkins Street at 4c per Square Foot Terms $25.00 Cash and SIO.OO per month. For full particulars and plat of above lots , see A. DUNCAN JONES, Real Estate Agent No. 135 Eighth St. (Dyer Bldg.) Office phone No. 19. House Phone No. 181-J BUSINESS NOTICES NOW S THE TIME TO TEAR OFF OLD WOOD SHINGLES and cover with tin or 'in shingle? See W. B. Toole & Co., 935 .Broad St. Sun. tfc. ANTIQUE FURNITURE CLAWFOOT SIDEBOARDS, TEA TA bles, card table, desks, high post beds, book cases, fenders, andirons, candle stick* Upholstering and repairing. F. Kenyon. 312 7th. St. Phone 221V*. M2tfo OID YOU KNOW 7 W. B. TOOLE & CO.’S METAL shingle factory turns out the best shingles on the at tjie lowest prices. Get samples and prices. W. B. Toole & Co., 935 Brer d. Telephone 264. % Sun . tfo LOWREY WAGON WORK* ELLIS AND NINTH STS. tlNal aND two horse wagons of all sixes dumg end push carte, cofon truck*. Repair ing done promptly and raaconably. J27tfCL W. E. DORSA PAPER HANGER AND PAINTER, 1113 11th. St. Phone 1G25. Office 1243 9th. etreet. S. S. M, A2lp. TIN SHINGLES THE $4.50 KIND FOR $3.75 PER square; made In Augusta by W. B Toole & Co.. 935 Broad St. Tel. 264. Sun. tfo. MATTRESSES RENOVATED BY A. GREEN HE MAKES MATTRESSES LEVEL and square, no charge for making new ticks. Return mattresses some day. Phone 1916, shops 1251 Marbury St. Alp. _ PERSONAL WEALTHY SOUTHERN WIDOW 40, would marry, W. Box 35, Toledo League, Toledo, Ohio. M3op WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING C. BRUNSTERMANN. AT 212 MclN tosh street, repairs the most compli cated watches and clocks; all work guar anteed perfectly 'Satisfactory . M3op BICYCLES FOR “GOOD” BICYCLES BUY THEM from “The Augusta Bicycle Sanitar ium” At 215, 217 Kollock St. We have a few left that we will sell at from $2.50 to $5.00 less than regular prices for oasii as we wish to reduce our stock. Call and see them. Repairing first class. Call Phone 2728 and I will send for It and send It back. P. K. Tant, Manager. M3oc STORAGE STORE YOUR GOODS WITH 13. Household furniture our specialty. Rates rasonable. Storage. packing nnd moving, our business. Osborn Stor age Co. Phones 3312-726-J. ?*4c HNEYERLEAK” "MOULDED RUBBER garden hose Is most economical in the end. Order front The Henry Hutt Com pany, Reliable Plumbers at 611 Broad street. A27c SHOE REPAIRING PHONE 2746-W PHONE 2746-W THE NEW SHOE FIXERY, REPAIR- Ing done while you wait. None but best material u.-ed. Shoes called for and promptly delivered to all parts of the city. I. Golden, Prop., 1127 Broad street. * AI2C. FINANCIAL WANTED TO BORROW ON FlßST clnss* city property, $6,000.09 for 3 to 5 years at 7 per cent. Address Value, care Herald. m3lc GROCERIES Yellows Onions, peck 30c 4 quarts 16c Irish Potatoes, peck 25c 4 quarts ... 15c No. 3 cans Tomatoes 10c Best Japan Rice, 9 lbs 50c Best Head Rice, 8 lbs 50c No. 4 Raisins 25c Egg*.i, per dez 20c Best Sugar Cane Syrup, qt. cans \ .20c New Orleans Syrup, per qt 12* Best Meal, 2 bu. sacks $1.45 Peck 20c Corn chops, 100 lbs. bags $1.45 Horse and Mule Feed, per peck ..$1.55 J. F. RICHARDSON Phone 1862-J. iu43 Broad St. Asp. LEGAL NOTICES Annual Spring Cleaning Department of Public Health Augusta. Ga., March 26th. 1911. Beginning April Ist, and for nine days thereafter, we .'hall Inaugurate our an nual hou e to house cleaning in order to have the cly in a thoroughly sani tary condition before the summer be gins. We earnestly beg our citizens to ac tively co-operate with the Health De partment. Carefully clean out all rcorns ard closets In the house and yard and re paint or whitewash same. Remove all tra h of every description from cellars and underneath houses, and sprinkle lime freely all about. Carefully see to It. at all times, that no vessels or empty cans ab ut the house or yard contain .-''Tagnant water where mosquitoes may breed. During the time—TEN DAYS ONLY —all trash and garbage may te put cut at any time, and not restricted to the usual hours. All trae-h and garbage should be plac ed In boxes, cans or barrel , and put on the streets where the scavenger carts can promptly remove same. EUGENE E. MURPHJSY. M. D. ATTEST:— Health Officer. S. C. WILTON, Secretary. M3lc- SPECIAL NOTICES Notice to Creditors of Inter•-.ate Trust Company To the Creditors or the Inter-State Trust Company, Aiken, S. C.: The undersigned has been appointed Receiver of the Bankrupt estate of Inter- State Trust company, Aiken, S. C. The books, records and assets have not been found, though demanded by the United States Marshal. All stockholders and creditors are re quested to furnish me information. Cor respondence solicited. J. H. HEWLETT, Receiver of the Inter State Co., S. C. MAYFIELD & FREE, Attorneys for Petitioning Creditors, Bamberg, S. C. Flltfc United Brothernood of juarpenterg ana Joiners of America. District Coun cil of Augusta arid Vicinity Augusta, Ga., March 28, 1913. The followng extracts from the Dis trict Council By-Laws go into effect April 1, 1913. Outside Carpenters Rules Sec. 31. All contractors will be re quired to pay off on the jcb not later than four o’clock Saturday afternoon. Sec. 32. Eight (8) hours shall con stitute a day’s work. Working hour will be between the hours of eight a. m. and 5 p. m. Time and half time must be paid for over-time, except on Sun days and Holidays, when double time must be received. Holidays will be as follows: Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and Labor Day. No work must be done, at any price, on Labor Day, except where life or property is in danger. Shopmen Rules Sec. 1. Nine (9) hours shall con stitute a day’s work (or Fifty-four— sJ hour s per week.) Time and half time shall be paid for all over-time. Dcfuble time for Sundays, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christinas Day. No work whatever, shall he dene at any price on Labor Day except where life or property are in danger. Sec. 2. All shopmen *.« ha 11 be Union men, from, and including the bill cutter. Sec. 3. All shops shall have a steward Sec. 4. All shopmen going outside to ereot works sent knock down, shall comply with uotside rules. Respectfully submitted, CARPENTERS DISTRICT COUNCIL, HARRY E. POWELL, Sect. M3oc. ROOF Lr.AKT Have your work done by experi enced tinner*. All work given per sonal attention. My prices are right. E. A. DEMGREL. Phone 2031. 623 Dmad Hi PHONE 528 FOR 108 PRINTING, RULING, LOOSE LEAF WORK. J. M. WOLFE THE PRINTER. 218 SEVENTH ST. belting, packinq and $ a trine wood, iron and steel VOMSASB IRON WORKS. AUGUSTA. OA. WALL PAPEU Mattings, Shades, Pictures, T. 0. Bailie & Co. 712 Broad St. UNION MADE I for men only VI S«CI6AR , Wolfe & Lombard Cigar Co.. MAKERS TT&3 SUNDAY. MARCH 30. SHAD Yammasee Shad, Black Bass, Trout, Bream,Black Fish, Spanish Mackerel, and Mullets. Wholesale and Retail. Phone 1077. BUSH’S MARKET 721 Ninth Street. COAL AND WOOD Try a cord of our Stove Wood and a Ton of Coal. It's the best We deliver to Hill. W. C. IVEY & CO. Phone 780 t.t-s l Holley Wagon Co. 502-504 McKINNE STREET. PHONE 803. Builders of HIGH GRADE FARM and DELIVERY WAGONS, antj- HEAVY TRUCKS. AUTOMOBILES and VEHICLES Repaired and painted. We put on GOODYEAR RUBBER TIRES. First-class Horse Shoeing. “ BEST BY TEST ” “SLUSKY’S” Roofing Materials Special Low Prices on Galvanized Corrugated and V-Crimped Iron, Tin and Rubber Roofing, MetaJ, Shingles. Now is -the time to buy. It will pay you to get our prices before you buy. DAVID SLUSHY Phone 100. 1009 Broad. Broad Street Bargain Sure to enhance; can be made to pay 10 to 12 per cent on the investment. The lot is 48 feet wide, fine two story brick building on it. Room for two stores and flats above. Now is the time to buy—don’t, wait until it is sold and regret it. See us for full particulars if you mean business. • . Rlatheny & Peebles Real Estate and Renting. 412 Jackson Street. Phone 2802.