The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, February 22, 1914, Image 1

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GENERAL NEWS VOLUME XIX, No. 53. aggSjEE! f i ff T*y \» "' i *77 ; HfMif liiß.'.^PPSflßEy.- IffkS ,VhM A^H Ir A iXrT'A _- rv v v^r® 1 Sr-** :fw !fl\ . / r^ l f jU#*l|K*l =s \\ j 1 / * 'Mi ,\aF m V tfeX) mm N : %J\ flyj \l \>/yfe iß!3*teMaM <* :J'M| \ y fjH w«% y;ffl Ihnl iHi : m : iitU 7 wzmSfc®Wwmm 1181 Spring Suits Every coat is short, every skirt is fancy, yet each Is individually different from the other. The materials are wool crepe p oplins, wool crepes, poplins, waffle cloths, silk crepes, silk poplins, taffetas and novelty wool checks, in mignonette, jasper, wistaria, copen, black and whites navy, chocolate, biscuit, etc. $19.95 (o $55.00 LET YOUR MIND JUDGE FURNITURE /IS WELL /IS YOUR EYE Handsome Bed Room Pieces In a Special Sale For This Week $125.00 Solid Mahogany Dressers, 60 inches wide, with 36x54 inch mirror S9BOO SIOO.OO Crotch Mahogany Dressers, 60 inches wide with 36x54 mirror $7900 SIOO.OO Solid Mahogany Chiffoniers, extra large size, colo nial design $79 00 $85.00 Crotch Mahogany Chiffoniers, extra large size, for $69 00 $60.00 Dressing Table, in solid mahogany, beautiful In design and finish $4900 $35.00 Dressing Table, Post Colonial design, solid mahogany S2B OO $48.00 Solid Mahogany Four-Post Beds, each $3995 I • • 0 . » Entire Stock of Lace Curtains Reduced All One and two pair lots HALF PRICE Childrens Folding Go-Carts Rubber tired, regular $2.50 Carts, j ty^ $1.50 Bedroom Folding Screens, 9$C SI.OO Heavy Glass Shelves, with nickel » a brackets J *wC THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD S . BROS. g7Q BROOD STREET P Spring Ready-to-Wear Garments, Whose Beauty, Style and Perfection No Modiste Can Rival A Glorious and Ravishing Array Of Beauty and Variety In Suits, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Coats, Accessories, Etc. Not an ordinary looking garment in the entire collection. Space does not permit our de scribing them—so many colors, styles and kinds, we can only ask you to come and feast youi eyes. Our one price policy prohibits high prices. Double Purple Stamps Before Noon. New Gloves, New Hosiery, New Ribbons, New Corsets, New Lingerie Spring Dresses Here Is where the gamut hag been run In beauty combinations, style and Individuality. Kimona blouse waists; panicr, bustle, tier, draped and Trilled skirts. The touch js of trimming are few, but lovely and novel. Silk Dresses $1995 to SSOOO Wool Crepe Dresses .. . sl7 50 to $1995 Linen Dresses $595 Crepe and Voile Dresses $6 98 to $37 50 The appearance, meaning pleasing designs, excellence of finish, per fect reflection of mirrors, are big factors in fine furniture. You can credit A. B. Co’s. Furniture with this sort of appearance. The construction, meaning sincere, skilled labor, honesty in materials, conscientious building where the eye cannot judge. You can credit A. B. Co’s. Furniture with this sort of construction. WISDOM Don’t be In a hurry whan you select your vacuum sweeper. Financial loss lurks in the imitations built on incorrect principles. Find out about the wonderfully efficient , THREE MACHINES-IN-ONE - W designed to—and DOES REMOVE all thread, lint, hair and all the dirt. In one operation. Sweeper-Vac the only machine In the world combining a complete vacuum cleaner with a complete carpet sweeper—ls a quality sweeper. It is the finest ex ample of cabinet work, selected materials, fine finish, and possesses an unequalled efficiency. The name SWEEPER-VAC tells what the machine Is a combination of Car pet Sweeper and Vacuum Cleaner. The Sweeper-Vac combination Includes two machines, each complete in itself. Although the carpet, sweeper and the vacuum cleaner can each be used Inde pendently, they will generally be used in combination. The carpet sweeper is small enough to rest under the vacuum cleaner so that both glide along at the same time, each doing its own thorough work The va cuum cleaner, by Its suction, will remove from a cupful to a quart of solid dirt from any large rug in two minutes, after it has been beaten or otherwise cleaned. The little carpet sweeper at the same time, with Its specially constructed brush, will pick up all threads, lint and hair. price $12.00 mml This can be bought on the Club Plan. <. OUR HOUSEFURNISHING CLUB PLAN enables you to buy tile |oc White Enamel FYamed Bath Room same as for cash, with a small fee* for carrying. This Ls entirely offset by Mtrrorß the Purple Stamps which we give on monthly jjayments. | AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. FERUARY 22. 1914. Spring Waists and Skirts They are no more like the old style waist and skirt than soap bubbles are like whipped cream They are de liciously bnauttul, becoming and practical. Chiffon Walita, in gold over blue, copen over pink, black over white and all black .. ~ $695 Crepe de Chine Waists, in pink, flesh, gold, white and black $398 to $695 Wash Silk Walete, In black and white and dotted ef fects, voile and crepe waists .... $398 Taffeta Moire and Wool Skirts, In tier and tunic es sects $5 00 to $1695 nL 7k m AM/ tw f / DAILY AND SUNDAY. $6.00 PER YEAR. •V Y - '-■■■; v^\‘#S Spring Coats The least, expensive of theae coats will make you look like a millionaire. They are smart, luxurious and at tractive in cut, color and quality. Waffle cloths, in cream ground, with copeu and green checks, wool ratines in 'lovely greens and blues, and plaids, in the new Balmacaans; also black, rose, etc. SIO.OO to $25.00 We Are Sole Agents for the Red Goose Felt Mattress It is made from one solid layer of pure white cotton that never loses its sha|i«, nor its resiliency. Jt's a huge pillow for the body that Insures rest, and will give more satisfac tion to its user than any other mattress. The regular price of the mattress Is $12.50, but for this week simply to Introduce it., we will sell them, aa quantity limited, at 4^V»VO Andrews Bros. No. 1 National Springs Never Sags Never rolls occupants to center, absolutely noiseless. Has flve-lndh malleable risers and cable edges, equal in resist ance to rattan edge of box spring. Next to a box spring the A. B. No. 1 National is the most perfect spring £ . yet devised. Price Jt«7o $2.25 Washable Bath Rugs Size 27x54, colors, blue and white, Cl T^ pretty designs, at 3)1./ 4 50c Grade Floor Oilcloth Tile designs, In blue and white, suitable for kitchen or bath room, Monday 20/-* only as VC $3.00 Folding Card Tables Size 30x30-lnch tops, covered in green chase d»| qo leather, extra strong, each 4)1. VO GENERAL NEWS