The Augusta daily herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1908-1914, March 01, 1914, Image 1

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GENERAL NEWS VOLUME XIX. No. 60. PLAN A WHIRLWIND WIND-UP CAMPAIGN FOR WEDNESDAY To Gomplete Raising of $15,000 For M. & M.—Also to Out. line Program of Work For 1914—T0 Fix Expense Bud gets For All Departments. In a final effort to place fully upon its feet she Institution, which under proper co-operation, cun make tall the greatst year In the history of Au gusta. all forces of the Merchants and Manufacturers' Ansoclstion will be called upon to assist in the pro gram of the coming week. There are a multitude of details ant small matters to be taken care »f. but in brief the big main thing which it is hoped will be accomplished are as follows: Complete the raising of the Tull $15,000 in operating capital. Not unlike any first-class business insti tution, an efficient commercial ot» conization must have a sufficiency ot operating capital to produce the real results that are possible when such is in hand. Outline the program of work for the year 1914 is ths second important thing. Yesterday the same referen dum which was sent to all members a short time ago was mailed out again, requesting those who had nol responded to express themselves. Out of this consensus of ideas thuj gathered the program of work is to be formed. Every member of the M. & M. Association should co-operate with the management to the extent of filling out and sending in his refer endum. Next in order comes the fixing oT the expense budgets for all depart ments. Mr. McKeand stated a day or two ago that it was absolutely nec essary to first outline the program of work, in order to intelligently out line the budget of expense. Meanwhile the office system and equipment and all other details nec essary to the building up of a good first-class headquarters will be look ed after by the secretary of the de partment of organization affairs. The collection of statistics and other such matters are already under Way, and the new organization will soon get out a piece of literature suitable for general purposes. This will not be elaborate, but will contain the items of valuable information which our own people generally are none too fa miliar with, and which the outside public want to know. Aa Modern as Any. Augusta will then have a type of commercial organization as modern as any in the South, and one which In Three Sleepers Advertising Augusta, Shriners to Go to the Imperial Council Meeting in May Proceeds From Lecture By William Bruce Leffingwell at the Grand Opera House Tomorrow Night Will Be Used Toward Defraying Expenses of Trip to Atlanta. To Use “Movies.” The local Shriners’ •Club of Augusta, “Okad Sons of the Desert," have se cured William Bruce Leffingwell, that celebrated author-traveller-lecturer, who will give his Illustrated lecture with motion pictures and colored slides “Across the Continent to the Golden <3ate,” Monday evening, March 2nd. ‘Tickets may be secured of any shriner, the Ladles of The Eastern Star, or at the following places of business: Ooetchius Bros, Schweigert’s. How ards No. 1, Howards No. 2. F. G. Mer lins, Albion News Stand, Watson Drug Co.. Schauls, Tessier's Pharmacy, Matheny's Pharmacy, and the Opera House Box Office. This Is a benefit number for the local shrine club, and is for the purpose of raising funds to enable them to pro cure Inexpensive uniforms, banners, pennants, etc,, for the trip to Atlanta, Ga., In May of this year. The Imperial Council A. A, O. N. M. S. will be in session on May 13-14, and every Shrine Temple In the U. 8., as well as outside Temples will be represented, each will parade In their uniforms and regalia, and will advertise the towns and cities from which they come. 27,000 Shriners to Attend. Here is the calculation of the Atlan ta committee as to accommodations for visiting Shriners from a distance: In hotels 6,000, in Ponce de Leon En campment 7,000, in the homes of At lanta Shriners as guests 6,000, In boarding houses 1,600, in the clubs 500, in private cars parked 2.00 Q. Total 27,000. More thousands of Shriners and non-Shrlners will make their stay with relatives or close friends, or will spend their nights In neighboring towns and cities within a couple of hours’ ride to Atlanta. The local Shriners are a small num ber, exceeding very little over 100, but ns one of the new recruits has put it, "We won’t to at all if we cannot go right.” The Shriners hope to charter three sleepers for three days, as It Is not possible to secure any hotel ac commodations In Atlanta for this oc caiLn. They will live In these cars uu til their return to Augusta. The cars must be decorated with decorations that will let all know that they are from Augusta. They say they must have these uniforms, baners and pen nants and are asking the Augusta pub lic to patronize this lecture to enable them to advertise Augusta as she should be advertised during this great occasion They do not ask for dona tions to aid them In defraying this ex pense, but do ask their friends to pat ronize the lecture on the evening of March 2nd. Think of This, Too. At this time it Is Interesting to re THE AUGUSTA SUNDAY HERALD will be equal to acting as a salesman, so to speak, for our wonderful indns trial opportunities now a definite pos sibility In our growth and develop ment since the opening of the Stev ens frock hydro-electric power plant. Thla is simply one of the big f-n lure attractions of Augusta which will be advertised to the outside world along with the many ot >er phases of (levelo ment which at the same time will be given due attention. Mr. Augusta Citizen are you think ing about these matters —are you getting raady to do your share in this Greater Augusta Movement for 1914. Augusta can only become a city of opportunity In the real sense when by organized and co-operative effort its citizens make it so. Talk never turned the world over, but work will do wonder*. The program for the coming week is as follows: Important meeting ot the hoard of commissioners Tuesday to formally adopt by-laws and attend to other vi tal business. There may be a meet Ing of the credit and collection di vision of the retail department also on this date. Whirlwind Wind-Up. Wednesday is to be made the day of the whirlwind wind-up ot the mem bership campaign. Meanwhile the details for this one-day campaign are being worked out and it Is hoped to get some forty or fifty men to go out for at least on hour on that date. A special meeting of the ways and means committee may be necessary Wednesday just preceeding the im portan meeting to come the following day. The board of commissioners may have a number of important items to refer to the governing com mittee at large by that time. Thursday evening there will be a mass membership meeting to discuss and adopt the program of work and approve the expense budget. In other words it will be the formal turning on of the power in the new plant, which is to be the guardian of Au gusta’s progressive welfare for the year 1914. And making this present year a big period of progress means the building a Greater Augusta for the years to come. Mr. Citizen are you going to be found in the ranks of the real Angus-, tans now and from nowon? member that the Panama Exposition of 1915 will he held In San Francisco, member that the Panama Exposition and this lecture with colored slides and moving pictures, will prepare one for the scenes that you will see along the route. Read what the press has to say about this performance, and the ex pressions of the public: From Fargo Forum. William Bruce leffingwell is a mag netic platform orator, greatly sought for because of the diligent care with ivhioh all his matter Is prepared, whether for a book, for the press, or the lecture platform. Galveston Daily News. Aside from the conversational pol ished talk of the evening’s Kpeaker, the slides that accompanied, the course were marvelously tinted and repre sented the highest plane of stereopti con art. The lecture was in Itself com plete and a gem of unusual brilliance. The applause that burst out many times was sufficient evidence of the impression the charming lecture made upon those who were prlvlledged to hear It. From the Bulletin, Anderson, Ind. One of the most delightful lectures ever delivered In our city was that of William Bruce Leffingwell last night. Mr. Leffingwell is not alone an auth or, writer and great traveler, but a lec turer who combines wit, wisdom and eloquence in all he says. His views surpass in beauty any ever shown in this city. He is a delightful speaker and understands thoroughly how to entertain an aqdience. The Hhrlners are Inviting everyone to come to the opera house March 2nd, at 8:30 p. m„ aid hear one of the most interesting lectures, and view the best pictures of th* greatest country on earth, thereby contributing to a worthy Cause which advertises GREATER AUGUSTA. WHERE. . "Bpnre my blushes,” she plezded. “Good gracious!’ he replied. “Can you still blush? Mhere have you been liv ing these past few years?” —Chicago Record. OLD MAN LOST THE SHOW (Boston Transcript.) “Did your faJier ever lick you?” "Once, but I git good and even.* "How?” “Why, when tte circus came to town shortly afterwar: I said 1 didn’t care to go.” AUGUSTA. GEORGIA. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 1. 1914. 870 BROAD STREET Children s Wash Dresses For 79 Cents Worth $1 and $t.25 The Famous Princess Dresses for Children , Noted for Their Snappy Style—Best Workmanship- Quality—Materials INCLUDING THE SLIP-ON DREBSEB, with shoulder seam ex tending to elbow, fastened together with pearl buttons and button holes; Folk! tana, pinks, and Mues. white piped on broad bait a sleeves, and broad bend on side. Another style hss yoke and aleevea In one. having eyelets In front with cord and tassela run through; this style Is in fancy stripes and checks. In pretty oksMtaa. A gas 2 years to 14 veers PAUL JONES MIDDIE6—AII white and whlta with navy flannel PAUL JONEB ROMPERS —In tiny ohsoks and stripes, w<\ also solids; beach or knickerboo ker style. Kaoh Ov/Ve You Will Be Enthusiastic About The Hew Muslin Underweaar Th# finest of nainsook, th# dninti##t of embroideries and lac##, th# newest of cuts and stylas art h#r# at th# meet al luring of price*. NAINSOOK KNICKERBOCKER DRAWERS, with fin# em broidery edge and seaming, also CREPE KNICKERBOCKER DRAWERS, with elastic at knees and belt g line. The price O V/C CORSET COVERS of finest nainsook trimmed In exquisite quality embroidery, dainty lac#s and hand embroidery 59 c AND $1 25 FINEST NAINSOOK GOWNB, with finest quality embroidery edges; some with lace combined with embroideries., 89' TO $1 Qfi PIQUE UNDERSKIRTS, walloped, OO CHEMISE AND KNICKERBOCKER DRAWERB COMBINA TION, embroidery trimmed; ‘ O C each sP I « fc O A Dining Room Is Only As Good As 11s Furnishings How oan “good digestion wait on appetito” in a dining room who## surrounding# •r# not "ap petizing.” By all m#an# lat us Hav# harmony in tho dining room furnishings. And if her# »nd tber# we can add a more artiatic, pleating touch at little cost, than hat much good bean accom plished in the most important room of the house. Our featuring of new spring furniture for the dining room openaawide th# doof to better home living,, Wa would like to have you come and see and FEEL thoicharm surrounding the dia play. $175 Mahogany Dining Room Suite, $124 This suite consists of 10 pieces: Sideboard, China Ctoaet, Berving Table, Dining Table and Six Chair#. Th# Sideboard or Buffet ie full five feet long, haa extra thtok top, large llnad ellver drawer, deep linen drawer, epacioue cupboard* and two amaller drawers. Th* mirror, which meas ure* 12x52 inches, is th# best French beveled piste mirror. / The Berving Table Is 42 Inches long, has double thick top, one deep drawer and Mpe/tlotis shelf benenth. TH# China Cabinet I* the regular colonial design with rounded glass sides and swell door; lias four grooved shelves and mirror back. The Table is 64 inohes in diameter (as large a* thr highest priced table we carry) end ex tends to 7V4 feet; equipped with lock to hold table firmly to-gether when closed. Chairs—Tour cholo# botwsen wood or leather seats. Nothing Adds So Much to the Charm and Coziness of a Room as Pretty Floor Coverings Even though the furniture may be nioe, it doe* not appear to thl best advantage without, th* necetsary eetting. Our entire etock of Wilton and Axminster Ruga haa been reduced, eo now it your opportunity to obtaih a fin# rug at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. $60.00 Best Grade Wiltons, oxl2, reduced to .. . $49 98 $50.00 Bundhar Wiltons, 9x12, reduced to t 839 98 $32.50 Beamless Axminsters, 9x12, reduced to $27 50 $25.00 Beamed Axminsters, 9x12, reduced to.. $22 50 Smaller aizet reduced In proportion. $2.00 White FJnnmel Bath-room Stools. SI 49 $2.00 White Enamel Withstands $1 49 $2.00 Dressing Table Boat# $1 49 SI.OO Golden Oak Costumers.. . 74<- OUR HOUSEFURNISHING CLUB PLAN Enable# you to buy the same as for oash, with a small fee for oarrylng. This l« entirely effect by the PURPLE BTAMPB, whioh w# give on monthly payment. ANDREWS BROS. CO. $2.80 Matting Covered Utility Boxes... sl 98 SI.OO Grass Rugs, size soxs4 Inches T 4,: 60c Llnoioum Mats., .. . 39° soc China Matting, heavy quality, pretty color- 25 r CHEMISE AND ENVELOPE DRAWERS COMBINATION, embroidery trimmed; rt* -a rt r— each CREPE GOWNS, In pink, him, or whlta; “7 each | yC CREPE GOWNS, embroidery trimmed; Special Sale of LaCrecque Princess Slips and Combinations Cuihblnntlon Uoraet Cover and Drawers, were $1.50, now 98'’ $2.50 Prince## slips. now.. .. y. • • r $1 75 $8.60 and $3.98 Princes* Blip*, now #2 50 Four Styles of Lace Waists, Worth QQ $6.50 Each, For Cream shadow laces over plain nat; three styles, ribbon trimmed, one all laoe and nat; eaoh prettily frilled and just the waiat to wear with the fancy Bpring Suits. Our Line of New Blouses Is the Talk of Town Klmona Waists, with immense armholes, draped fronts, In orepe do ohine, ohiffon, in new and startling eombmatiene. Wash silk, crape and voile waists, the former untrimmed, the latter lovely with lanes and dainty embroideries.. .. >. .. $1 OO to to 95 SOMETHING NEW IN GLOVES Wash Glare Kid Gloves In 3-clasp style, In black and white; the pair . . - $l5O lt-button Wash Glaca Glovas, In wlilta; the pair.. S 3 SO An Elaborate Display of Mourning Gar ments of the Unusual Kind Mourning Waists BLACK WASH SILK SKIRTS FOR $3 98 Black Crepe de Uhlne Blouses S 3 98 TO $0 98 Black Taffeta Waists, high neck .. . S 3 98 and $5 OO Blaok Chiffon Taffet* Blouses with draped fronts, now pointed collar In back finished with tassel ends.. .. • to 95 Another Style of Blaok Chiffon Taffota Blouse haa whit* hem stitched ohiffon collar. Ekmh SO 95 Blaok Chiffon over White, white tucked chiffon veet. Bach a . .. . * . SO 98 Mourning Suits For Spring ARE DULL IN FABRICS BUT EXTREMELY FANCY AND ATTRACTIVE IN CUT. They combine every New Feedure. The materials ore dull won] or silk poplin, wool crepe, crepe pop lin, taffeta, eergn and moire. The trimmings are shirred ersped silk on oords, dull buttons amt or naments, dull silk, etc. $22 05 TO $39 75 Mourning Sport Coats Wool epong* with shaped flared bottom, trimmed at collar and ouffs with dull tilk, fastened and trimmed in dull button*.. . sl9 95 DAILY AND SUNDAY. $6.00 PER YEAR. 85.00 Prlncnse Blips, n *W.. ... $3 98 Scalloped Cambric Under «“trts 89' Embroidery Scalloped Cam bric Underaklrta.. $1 OO Mourning Dresses In wairae crepe, crepe de china. Taffeta, Jap silk and wool crepe. The modela are the latest and moat artietln products of the heat makers. Trimmed In ohiffon, black alik net end footing, dull allk and dull Jet applique. sl9 95 to $45 OO A Stunning Mourning Taffeta Dress for $ 35.00 Kimono waist hUmee bark and draped up front, around neck, down front and around short sleeves le a double plcot edged frill of taf feta. The vest le of dull crepe chiffon appllqued In dull Jet beads. The broad self girdle Is crushed. A skirt Is laid In full plaits at waletllne and naught Into a hustle effect at bank. A tuck running crosswise shape* skirt In front. Mourning Skirts In Tunio, Tiered, and Peg-Top Styles. In serge, poplin, taffeta and moire, $3 95 to sl6 95 Fancy Black Moire Coats for $21.95 Yoke and aleeves In one, coat fit ted on with extra flared piece at bottom; the ooliar la a frilled stand up one. white lined like rest of coat. Fancy frog and buttons In front. GENERAL NEWS Double Purple Stamps Clven Until Noon