Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, January 15, 1897, Image 2

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T b e Way u eCou n ty i\ T ews FCBf.fSIIKD BY THE NEVy.S PUBLISHING CO. Entered at the Jesup Port Office as second class matter. Official organ of Wayne County and the City of Jesup. R. L- PARK. Editor and Manager. SUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER ANNUM, * Jesup, Ga., January 15, 1897. rs Our Public School. , Beginning with . . the , new year, the ., r Jesup High School, by order of the Board of Education will be graded, . , C 1 . 1 .r„„.,P.« ' n » MC .lt»t» l l*n» r . tial change of books am . tie , pur chase of some new ones, and as we liuve heard some slight complain¬ ing at .the change, we desire to give from our standpoint the bene¬ fits of the change. In the first place there cannot be run succesfully a high school without the same being graded, and a stated curriculum, because, imagTne a school with 100 to 150 pupils and each scholar coming to the school house with tne partic¬ ular kind of books that each par¬ ent desires their children to study. What system would there be and what opportunity would the teach c’S_have for advancing the chil¬ dren? There could be no system, no method and but little advunce merit. The Board of Education in de¬ ciding lo grade the school, thor oughly considered the matter, and in adopting the course of study, udopted about the same curriculum that they have at Barnesville in Pike county, or in the lower classes at the various colleges in the State. Under the curriculum adopted for the school here, when a child com¬ pletes the course, the boys are then ready to enter the juqior class in any of the male colegles in the State, and the girls are prepared to enter the junior class at Wes¬ leyan or the Normal school, or any other female college in the Stute, and the parents are enabled to give their boys and girls a colleg¬ iate education, with only the ex¬ pense of two years away from home. But if the parents should be unable to send their boys and girls to college, then you give them a good education at home; because one is pretty well educated when sufficiently advanced to enter the junior class of opr first class col¬ leges. We hear some kick about the expense of changing books. It is true that it will incur some little expense. We are informed by Pro lessor Weaver that it will not nv erago more than $3 to the pupil this year. But with the school properly graded and a good curri¬ culum adopted, the change will never have to be made again. The trouble lias been, heretofore, we luve had no regular curriculum in our school, and the result lias been every new teacher would want new books. But it is a matter now, not with the teachers but with the Board. Now the men wlio pay the most tax are not kicking, but the kick comes from those usually who do not pay very much taxes. Let’s see if our school is an expensive one to the average man. Suppose a man returns $2, 0U0 worth "I property. He pays for school pur poses 25 cents on tlte $100, xvhieh would make $5. Suppose he sends four children to school, he pays $1 per month mutneuiation r ee, w u- te 1 1 would make $9 for nine months, and suppose books cost $3 each, MndhieT**"chilLn”to school system. Now suppose it was u private school, The average tui¬ tion would be at least $1.50 per month each, making $6 per month lor the four, or nine months $54, aud putting books at $3 each, $12, ^ould make $66. Or suppose the pai-ent should desire to send one of their four children off to eol lege. lt would cost at least $10 per month for board, $90 for books, failroad fare and other expenses at least .$25, making a total of $115 for one child, or $460 for four for nine months, Now you can give ! them the same education at borne at a very nominal cost. And, j fellow citizens, why not let us have a school here in our town whereby we can educate our children at a J small cost, wheel Let us put all our shoul- in der to the and work j harmony and together for the up¬ building of our school, and the day will not be fur distant when we will have a school with from 200 to 300 pupils and one that will 1 give life and vigor to our town. Dr. W, L. Rider attempted sui cide again last week , 1 he town . ~TTT~i of Sylvania : was u burned 1 last week. Loss estimated at about $50,000. ,, rriAn „ - - -- | In a speech in the Senate this: . wee j[ Senator Mills said that the j symbol Italy greatness . , or s is a, monkey J and organ b grinder. They '; probably . . . . . exhibition ..... were giving an ; in front of the capitol while he was making the speech. The charges against Judges Reese and Sweat have become to lie serious But we will venture I the assertion, that if the judges had been of the Populist pergua s ; on, these charges would not have been made public. Under this con¬ sideration, we believe Yancey Car ter brought these charges before the Senate by the advice of his confr-res — the Popocratic faith | doctors. A treaty has been signed by the representa'ives of the governments | of the United States and Great Britain and sent to the Senate for confirmation, that has for its ob¬ ject the settling of all disputes be¬ tween the countries by arbitration. For two years correspondence on this question has passed between the two countries, and the consum¬ mation of this treaty is the result. This is un example for the whole world. One more treaty is needed. There should be an offensive and defensive alliance between the two great Anglo-Saxon speaking na¬ tions, which .would astonish the world and the dreibund especially. Stands at Hu* Head, Aug. J Bogel, the letuling druggist of Shreveport, Lu. says: “Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and it is the bestseller I have.’ J. F. Campbell, merchant of Bailor J, Ariz., writes: “Dr- lviug’s New Discov¬ ery is all that is claimed for it, it never fails and is a sure cute for consumption, , coughs and colds. I cannot say enough for its merits.” Dr. King's New Discov cry for consumption, coughs and colds is uot un experiment* It has beeu tried for a quarter of a century and today stands at the head. It never disappoints- Fret! trial bottles ut II. VV. Whaley & Go's drug store. MAH HI EH. 1 try an—McCall. At the residence of the bride’s | mother, Mrs. E . McCall, in this | : city on lust Sunday, Mr. J. B. j Bryan end Miss Fannie McCall [ were united in marriage, ’Squire J. 1 A Pace of Gnrdi officiating. Mr. Bryan is a lumber merchant at Gardi and is well known and highly | respected , , by all who , acquaint-j 4 are ed with ,li,u ' Misa McCal1 | >' oun 8 !ad >' Um S ^ident in tins city, and received many eongratu : lations from her friends. They ; have gone to housekeeping in j Gard. 1-tniK—Norton. I , M 3 0 q. Aock on Thursday after , nooni t [ie 7th inst., at tiie residence j of the bride’s father, Rev. A. G. ■ n t)r ton, near Odessa, Mr. -J. K Long was married to Miss Horton. Both the charming bride , and t b e handsome groom are well known and highly popular in this j count v. They received the warm ''^"rillcly — Purvis—Sheffield. Mr. \V. Purvis and Miss Carrie Sheffield, both of near Screven, this county, were united in tuar rtage at the residence of the bride s j parents on last Sunday night, The News extends congratula tions to all these happy young peo pie, and wishes them a longlife accompanied with prosperity. JESTJP. j ! fho CGunty Site of Wayne County. j As there are numerous letters written to different parties * of the , ; city , and county, making inquiries , as to the advantages of locating in Jesup and Wayne county, we re produce a few fuels which 111 be of interest to them, and give them the necessary information they write for: Jesup t, has u a population 1 „ • of r 1200 janri people. The town ll sat the cross ing of the Southern, and the Sa vannab, Florida and Western rail roads. It lies in five miles of the Altahama river, ’ which is a navi t . l ga ’ , e stream in t arounus in le spring time with millions of the finest . shad , , , known to the , epicure Lhe swamps of this stream furnish 'he hunter with squirrels, wild tur , , key. ducks, deer, bears and alliga-j . lore »- m Jne i, ,, »'S ancl an( i t,,. ljlu,e t t e .Salilla rivers run through the * county, whero an abundance of fresh 11 fish can be caught at all seasons, The county lias been and is turn one of the finest yellow pine timber counties in the State, us forests having sent millions upon millions I of „ lee', , ot yellow pine • and ,\ 'cypress j lumber to the markets of the I I world. j The lands around Jesup and in i Wayne county are low priced, , but i | very productive, producing all crops known to Southern Georgia j and Northern Florida. The cli mate is mild and the country a*, healthy as the world contains —the winters , being . and , the sum- I warm j mers cool. The summer’s heat be ; tempered , by cool . and , bracing . ; ing ; breez s from the near oy Atlantic and , also the gull . breezes t ocean, reach us. The soil here produces j sweet and Irish , sugar cane, rice, ; potatoes, 1 corn, oats, beans, peas, Sea Island and upland cotton. 1 he j Sea Island variety / of cotton yields ' well on our soil it being much the | same as the Sea Island soil, the native home of this line variety of long staple cotton. It ! s only used in the manufacture of the finest . >**•« -I «•* ! ton thread. i As to fruits, .. ... grapes ____ grow . with ... j | little care—all varieties do well | here, , but the , scuppet nong, .. the hn—; ,, est, flavored of the family, " grows ; | without care and , spreads , all ., over the trellising 'hat will be made for needs producing , , : it, no pruning, j large qnuntities, without care and making the best of wines. Peaches, [tears, plums, quinces, apples and all other fruits large and small do i well here with only the setting a little care afterwards. Our »-«>««•«• the finest of summer and fair win- 1 ter pasturage for large herds of cattle and fine Hocks of sheep that [ get their own living on the ranges both winter and summer and yield their 1 • 11 handsome • i owners incomes' from beef cattle and wool, all of j | which is obtained without labor and with little care. ! Jesup , , bus established , free I a j public school system for both white j and colored children. She lias three churches for the whUes-two Baptist and one Methodist. The colored people also have one Bap tist and three Methodist churches. Our citizens, both white and col¬ ored, are of a quiet, law-abiding nature—all the bad elements of society, gamblers, ete., being driven away. The town and county is st rietlv prohibition. The town also has lodges of the following secret Free Masons, Qdd Fel ^ Kfl%hls of Pvthia8 and a copter. The county has a fine Volunteer Cavalry company, with headquarters at this place, which has lts m,,r,4l intluenee to keep down the lawless classes and pro (T‘ * e “ k '"’.t'’' ,he ’ having at this time large surplus funds on hand. Jesup is well located for the pro curement of hard woods fi.r faeto ries and t he manufacture of firtni ture, etc., and for a tannery, barks ani [ hides being handy and nroi; uets of this seeiion. A paper fae torv would find an inexhaustible suppiy of material, the palmetto furnishing material for the finest paper and the roots of the same plants making not only good, but brushes. LEJJcAL SHERIFF SALES Georgia—Wayne County. Will 1)3 sold oa the first Tuesday said in February. 1897, at ihe court house iD county, oetween described the legal hours of sale, wit j the following property, to All that lot or parcel or land situated Wayne lying ““d being in the town of Jesup. County, Oeorgta, known aud distinguished all the , vfi ;l pil! t of lot S7 in said town, to street, dividing said tot from lot now fifty (50) feet, and running land founded back two him- the died (200) fret, said on north by Broad street, and south by Twenty (20) fool alky, better known as thelanu dewlc 1 by ^ Mrs. M. V. Purd »m to gai(J lno e . B . R . Leggett, levied on as the property of said B. K. ^“^rlfagf exmithm’issuni'mmi'tile Court held in for May term Superior oUlUeyl/ ana Xyl om hi f^or Roseidfeim and Company and against the said B. R. Leggett, maker -f said mortgage. Perms sale cash, purchaser paying for title. Uns December 29tb, ls9«. W. B. LYENS, Sheriff, Wayne County, Georgia. - Coonty. Will be sold oa the first Tuesday in February, 1897, following between described the legal hours of sale, the property to-wit.* Seventy-live (73) acres of laud, more or less, of 1 1 in the 3rd District TtKm«l?Td east liy lands H m. Eddeiifield, on the west (ty lauds oT J. T. Blanton, on the south by the lannd-of Joshua Clay, levied on Kic&lighter us the property virtueyOf olqlhe estate and of satisfy M. I. fia's by issued (Vann .to two (2) li tbe County Court of said county,’ <>ue\iu Mkaflelfi, fav w „f L Carter and against .las. JS. ad llliDISll . ttlor of t jie estate of 1 Kk.-k lighter, and one iu luyor of .J. J.\Barnard and against J as. E. Eddenttnld, iW minis trator of the estate of M- I. Kiekti@J»ter, principal nuu J. P. Collins, eudori lt. Levy made and'returned to me by W. Mb Austin, lladitf County Court of said r ''Th^l^’kah^isau" " B. EVENS, Sheriff, w. Wayne County, Ga, aw > lt0Ui w .wkeCounty. Will be sold on the first Tuesday iu February, 1897, at the court house door, «al«l county, between the leaai hours of 1 sale, the loiiowmg described property, to wit Two hundred <20 1 ) acies of laud n lorM ot less lying in Wayue County and d>e 3rd land district ot originally Appling, now Wuvne County, Georgia, Bounded ou the north by lauds of U Gdum, east Uy W. R. Causey, south by lauds of Mrs. A. It. Roberson, west by |„ m i s (1 Li. Lennett, said lauds beim; u pordou of lot of laud No. ;i-t. lines 01 said laud ruuniinr from nuiiheasi corner west to Griffin Brunch, to Main la creek down said creek to original laud line to a certain dram, north 01 said dram to uoitheHSt corner s f iuting pomi, sudi two huuUiuu ^res ot tana situated on westsuie of aaui iui ui iami, 0110 imuareU (tUO) ucrofe ! of lot of lai d is excepted ty 1 no, md being ‘ u not d»east eoruer of sai l lot of land. Also one hundred (100) acic- of land of j lot .No. <;bb iu tin: tUi district of origin-! s, :;;:,j;rr certain rs Branch r' • 1 aied on the west side ot a | on said lot ot hud. levied oa as the prop-1 | , rl> of llw Mtalu ol M. 1 . Kiekheh.i r by vntue of «nd to .-ut'isiy three n fas’ issued! trout ittu County Court of said county ml favor of G. Odum aiul against .)a-. E fcdtlenficld. administrator of the < state of M. 1. ivickiighter, deceased. Levy made uud iuilt6c , a luc by w u. Auslio, bailin' ol (,'ottatv tamrt of sm.l eounty. I enas ot sale cash, poretiaser paying tor lulu This i.vc. 8otn. t»l»«. VV. B. l.VhrtS. Sheriff, vv ayue County, Ga NOTICE OF APPLICATION. Gkoiigia, Wayne County. 1 intention to lor an ordtr from the Superior | sjsf rs-js SKSsr^i proceeds thereof, the Two following Hundred described ; j property to-wit. acres ol tot of laud number three hundred and | forty-four, and two laud bundled and forty- j live acres of lot of number three huu -1 dred and eighiy-ont , all of tiud laud sit- j ua:ed, lying and being iu the Hurd land; district of originally Appling now Wayne 1 C(Mliilv n.uiI application will be heard by the Iudire of the Superior Court of said county at Baxley, Ga , ou the first Monday iu March IMG. J he reason for said sale being that the alxive described Units are wihi and noon of it under cultt vat-iou, and the payment of the tax an- ; auallv on said land is a dead loss to the said ward und think it would l>e to the uiumv. m said wm-d n> invest too proceeds ot said sale in some property which was cleared and under cultivation, in order thvt tUi said ward may reap an income therefrom. Joi; A II.SdX, Guardian Sa!li : Wilson. liueklen Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cu's, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sons, letter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and tivdy cures piles or no pay required. It is iruaraoleed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by II. W. Whaley A Co's drue store Have you subscribed for the Nkws? If not, why uot?. Swindled. First Stcect fnilr-Ifs n .hamo. that way. Second Street Fakir—\Yhy, what’s the trouble? First Street Fakir — Here I’ve worked hard for half a day painting np a sparrow into a redheaded Bel¬ gian canary, and I'm blowed if the fellow I sold it to didn't give me a counterfeit half crown for it.— Lon don Tit-Bits, Cal! at *h : s office ami see sittpplcs an¬ gel prices at job printing. H. W. Whaley, THE ACKNOWLEDGED LEADER IN LOW PRICES 1 Invites everybody to call and examine ins mammoth stock of © JtY GO OPS AW . ___ P G « « 5LO (.fBR 13LS. « 1 Everything at Reduced Prices! We are frank to admit that we have had too big a stock, pur¬ chased for this season’s business; and while the goods are , all would rather sell them than new and desirable, we to car¬ | ry them over for next season. We have therefore reduced the prices to a figure which they are selling very readily, and it is to your interest to secure some of these Bargains, ere they are all sold and our surplus stock depleted. j j H. W. WHALEY. j | - -i—— A. K CAIN . Complete and First-Class Line of . . Fancy Groceries, Tobaccos, Cigars, Confections, Fruits, ----AND A GENERAL LINE OF-- Ih j! Goods It will pay you to call and examine toy stick before buying your goods. I can sh\e'e you tnonev on every purcliase. My prices are -LOW I always keep a FIRS !'-CLASS line of evAry thing. Come and see me. E. CA/]\ «« J A. WHELER . . DE4DER IN I I c HORSES AND MULES, . . JESUP, GEORGIA. I have just returned from the markets with ns fine lot of Horses and Mules as were ever brought to this county, and invite the farmers und public generally to call at my stables and see what I am prepared to do for them. Thanking my friends and old customers for their past patron and soliciting . . of 1 a g‘% a continuance same, am yours to serve, • J. A. WHELER. THE O O'ET'^T NEWS. C«f» One dollar Hr is hi .Vfirsy Reading .Hatter On Every Page. ’ For a Whole Year democratic to the bone SUBSCRIBE. 1 m •y h isi#S^§ ip r 4 E IMS , /’ -.1 W m \ ■ Si 5 N J i§§ a !NE* MOST POPULAR SEWINQ MACHINE that hare t-ained Bay reptitation t ^V} nuurafMtnret* There is a the world by honrat and aqoara ncae in can ecmai I parrs, fineness of construction, finish, beeatr durability of workiMf as improvements in appearance or many as the MEW HOME WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The Ret Home Sewing Machine Go FOR SALE BV