Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, January 15, 1897, Image 3

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    * —* *"" 1 * __________________L„— 1 ~ ..____________
Hello, Gardi! j !
& chiminfy thick and
Wending bells are
How about that windmill for the arte¬
sian well?
Mr. L. Carter of Odum was in the city!
Mr . D. „ S. „ , Price spent a day . or two . m
Gaidi this week.
Cot. 8. II. Harris of Odum was on our
streets on Monday.
Mr. G. Odcm of Odum was on our
streets on yesterday.
Mr. L. .Tohusou of Waycioss waa iu
town on Wednesday.
Mr, D. II. Carter of near Screven was
in the city on Monday. t
Sheriff iV. B. Lyens went down to Sa¬
vannah on Tuesday last.
Mr. F. E. Breen of Doetortown was m
the city on last Tuesday,
Mr. J. C. Hatcher of Mt PleasaDt was
in our town on Tuesday.
Mr. Theodore Wilkins made a business
trip to Savannah last week.
We have bed a lengthy spell of cold
weather “this load of poles.”
Bring ns a load of wood or a half bushel
of potatoes and get the News.
Mr. Jack Goodwin was in the city on
Wednesday enroute to Macon.
Mr. J. N. Hartley of Bratton „ , was ,n ... the
c.y visiting acquaintances Ihis^week.
Country produce of all kinds- taken in
payment for subscription at this office.
The Vew York and Florida vestibule
.’rain will commence running next Mon
. .
Mr. J. U. Bennett of Mt Pleasant was n
pi vacant visitor to our town on last Tues
Mr. John D. Fain and lady of Sparks,
Ga., wits visaing relatives in the city this
Rev. A. II. Richardson wit! pictfch- at
the Baptist chnrch next Sunday evening
ai;7 p. m.
Job printing "neatly and promptly exe
stated at this office ; Call and see sample*
and get prices
TJk? Boa id of Education was in session
last Tuesday and we publish the proceed
ings iu doother column.
What a delial.tful climate has South
Georgia. Jesup’s climate cannot he cx
celled by that of Florida.
We regret io chronicle the illness of
Mrs. Wash Williams, and hope Soon to
learn of her convalescence.
We, arc glad to state that Jtidgc John
Massev, who had the misfonttunc. of get
tine his arm broken last week, is doing
Prof. V. E. Orr of Atlanta was here on
Tuesday and attended the meeting of t.!«
Board of Education, to whom he made a
iliort address on educational topics
Think of it ! $20.00 buys a good
one horse wagon from Jones &
Thomas of Wayeross.
AskUhe most wealthy, most successful
business men of today how -hey attained
tiieir success and they will tell you through
tlie use of printers’ ink. Then why not
use it? ■
We ere under obligations to Judge O F.
Littlefield for the presentation of a liaml
s-omr calendar from the. London and Liv
"H - <>».
which company Judge Littlefield repre
eota m »hia district.
Some merchants in this world think a
newspaper should devote two paste*of the
paper to thuir advertisettieol for 10 or 15
: cents, and if you don't do it they are mad
and don’*, want to advertise any mere.
Gee whiz! ain’t that enterprise?
One of O'W prominent citizens remarked
the other evening tiiat the office' ion he had
to the prosecution of Judge Sweat was
that lhe action was brought through a
cc®>inHtioo of Populism. He said that
■W a taint of vindictiveness.
aveross is the place to buy
funs, buggies and large
es <fe Thomas carry a
ek and sell cheap.
Solicitor General in”the Bennett was subpoenaed
as a witness trial of Judge Sweat
.this week. He gave his testimony in a
Ibrief manner and returned on Wedoesdry
Evening t> resume his many duties that
ire required from him in his official posi¬
tion both iu the city and district.
Sesup colored school opened the first
Monday with a big enrollment and abetter
outlook for success than ever before. The
childreo continue to flock m not cn.y
, . , 1 i * r _
weffi also Lom Appling county.
Last Wednesday morning the school
children, led by the principals of the dif
ferentv departments, formed inline and
cacti . , to . tne .. nt-poi to meet f ifit?
remains of Miss Nera Massey, which
arrived on the Southern. Their deport
moot was such as to deserve comm-nda
tion both to themselves and the
Solicitor John W. Bennett and Attor
ney Reynolds of Waycross were in Doug
las Saturday, for the’purpose of securing
an affidavit from Mr. O. Rudolph who
was a witness to the Williams-Wiison
fragtfly at Wayeross.—Douglas Breeze. .
We publish in another column a synop¬
sis of the advantages offered by Jesup and
Wayne county t» people looking for a
location. Those who have friends who
intend to make a change of residence
should send their paper to them, so that
each indivinua! may be instrumental in
the upbuilding of his town acd county.
“My daughter, when recovering from
an attack of fever, was a great yuffe-er
from pain id the hack find hips,'’ writes
( , n)V( , r o{ Sar0is Ky . «. After
psipg quite a number of remedies Without
a ny benefit she tried one bottle of Cham¬
berlain’s Pain Balm,- and it has given en
jire relief.” Chamberlain’s Pain Balm is
also a certain cure tor rheumatism. Sold
by Jesup Pharmacy. *
A negro called for a ticket the other day
at the deoot and the agent told him it
would take $11.75 to purchase a ticket to
Florida, but the colored man said he only
wanted a ticket to Screven. The agent
says that invariably a person will ask for
a ticket and expects him to guess at the
name of the place of the purchaser's desti¬
Mothers whose chrildren are troubled
with ''ad colds, croup or whooping-cough
will do well to read what Dr. R E. Robey
o? Oincy, Mo., says on the subject. He
write?; ‘ For years we have used Cham- J j
bevbtfn’s Congfc Kemedy.,»imi always keep
hiuthchonse. It is regarded in our fan.-,
ily as a specific for all kinds of coughs
and colds. The 25 and 50 cent bottles for 1
Sllle h y Jesup Pharmacy. j
J'ni Cook, the man recently convicted
court for gambling in this !
^ ^ frm )h( , hamls of lhe
s i, e riff. on Wednesday evening upon the
payment of his fine.-and costs, •amounting
to $00.40. He dcpartgd'with the assertion
that fie will cont'nm -he business for
which be whs arrested; saying that Jestip
w»s the only place that the authorities had
ever interfered with him iu fjjeorgpt. We
?UonW lhinkt ll0 wever. that liisexptfieBce
in this city ought to teach him a lesson.
The progressive ladies of Westfield,
Inrt;. Psiied * n wemian’x addition of the
Westfield News, beRfiffigdate of April 8.
igjg}. The paper is Med with mattir of
interest to women, tuui we notice the fol¬
lowing from a @oi respondent, which the
•■editor*' printed, realizing that it treats
impnitonce to tlmir .
’«P®n » colds
«e.\ “Tlie best remedy for croup,
and bronchitis that 1 have been able to
jfi ciiamberlftin’s Cough Remedy For
family use it has no equal. I gladly rec¬
ommend it ’’ 25 and 50 cent bottles for
sale by Jesup Pharmacy.
The telephone line between Jesup and
Gardi was completed yesterdaj. Mr. P.
8. Price has had charge of Hie construc¬
tion. Our people can uow converse with
their fiiehds in Gardi either on business
l,r pleasure. Or if there are any more
widdings to lie consummate 1 'h>a»<h tl>< i
-oung ladies of our city and the young i
gentlemen of Gardi, they will please note
the fact of the completion of this tele
^ Jmc p Q case ot emergency
Pen* us who are trouhlrd with m.hges
non will he interested iu the experience oi
11. P cun, chief clerk in the railway
m;| j| ,g [),. s Moines, Iowa, who ;
writes- “It gives me pleasure to testify ) j
to the merits of Chamberlain's colic, cho
lera and diarrllffia remedy. For two
years l have suffered from indigestion
and am subject to frequent severe attacks
of paii, in the stomach and bowels One
ortwc d()Se3 „ f , llis veme dy never fails to
give perfect relief. price 35 and 50 cents.
.Sold by Jesup Pharmacy.
On Wednesday night of last week. Mr.
and serio'-sly injured. His head was j
thrown against a log and a large holt j
punctured clear through his right jaw and ;
y s ,.y,. all ,i i T ,*ad otherwise bruised. He
was unconscious for two hours and upon
rev iviBg, crawled to an old house where
j, e n -mained all night in die cold without
even a fire. Mr. D. H. Carter found him
the following morning and took him
home. Di. G W. Drawdy was called on
Monday and sewed up the garh and
dressed the wounds. We are pleased to
learn he is getting along nicely.
The J. H. Walker Co. at Screven
are making prices that cannot be
duplicated. They are selling a
good quality matt res* ticking at 5e
a yard; yard wide sheeting at 5c;
checks at 4c; good quality dark
c»licoat5c; best ball thread I5c
a pound; Athens checks at 6c;
dress plaids at 6c; men’s suits $4
to $13 ; Georgia plow stocks at
«*u <*»» « »i
Georgia Raised Rust Proof «*d
oats 55c a bushel, and best Liver
, pool salt at 50c a fuck.
Mr. A. J. Bto<jK 8, fireman on n the
j switch engine, is a young Eug* ; ishman
I from Noitbampton. and the wrber ex
teD<Js f la(l . rMa ] greetings, because he was
ij^rn. educated and served his appreutiee
1 k j,j D 1 j u { h e sanu- locality J Both worked
for the same railroad company. aUhr»mz:i at
dlff , rcnUimes . Mr. Brooks received a let
u- r from the home folks this week, slid it
contains the Dtws that the past year has
been uopropitious for crops on account of
heavy rains, Although the hroail At
j lantlc -loved ocean home,” separates and him, while from holding
ones at
fealty to the land of his adoption, it causes
a happy feeling to pervade to hear news
1 trora the land of oue’s nativity.
Meeting ot/Board ot Education,^
JiuiiGry, 12. 1897.
The Board of Education met last'!
Tuesday in its first regul tr
for the year 1897, and passed upon,;!
the following: 1 *
An application was made
Miss Nichols, now teaching in the
Hitch school, for a special
ation. That the County School
Commissioner investigate the ap-i
plication, and if it was
a neceesity or a case of emergency,
that she be given a special
That the school site be changed J
from Flint Branch church to
house near where W. IT Morrison ]
now resides, known ua the Bucj
Roberson school house. 4
That the sch ol sitd houso4 be me/ed
from the Knight school a
house near where Noah s >War.BCiJ|
now resides for this yetir/ouly j
Mr. V. E. Orr, beyhg present,
made n very interesting talk of
about XT. Itcen minutes duration ■- Pi
principles of teaching. ’ xr 'i
genera voiv'-K^
Board gave Mr. OVr a
lbankg for j< 8 ta , k thJ
IC,-ton ‘'• orto,i annealed ** P eiUe<J t0 to
Board for aid on the Pleasant*
Grove school house ; was tabled un-1 A
«-UateK . until a title was secured!
f or the land.
W. L. Jones’ license revoked
Quarterly itemized statement ex-'
ainined and approved.
Alter settling vv-th the teachers
for the fourth quarter there will
be $227.27 in the State treasury
standing to the credit of Wayne
cofinty from tiie year 189B. It was
ordered that the amount be re¬
served for the improvement of
school houses for tlie year 1897.
That teachers be paid 3£ cents
per day on average attendance for
the present year.
That special examination be
given only in aases where the
teachers will pay per diem ol
County School Commissioner when
conducting same, and del ray ex¬
penses of same.
J. II. Bennett. Secretary.
Mlcctric Bitters*,
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
any season, but perhaps more generally J
nt . e ,j e( i when Bio languid .exhausted feel -1
mg prevails, when the liver is torpid and 1 !
s ) U j,gi s i, and the need of a tonic and alter- |
ative is felt. A prompt use of this wed
‘ averted lono ..ml wrlnms
1,1 • ■' fevers ' No ‘ iiwdiciue will act
more surely in , counteracting an lent.g.
0 ,<3 system from the malarial poison.
Headache, indigestion, constipation, dizzi
’>«*s yield to Electric Bitters. Fifty cents
and $1 per bottle at H. W. Whaley &
Go’s drug store
Turn on the Light.
Let the Swiat-Rcese investiga¬
tion If we (lave rotten !
go on.
judges let’s get rid of them. We,
however, have litte faith in Car
K .«.
Palmetto House,
1*24 Bryan St., (Market Sq )
Rates $1 and $1.50 per day.
Special rates by the week.
Services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays a
follows. „
Class Meeting at !D0 a m.
preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 r. m.
r V
P-a^r Meeting every Wednesday evening
JO „ > . goI) BTATI0S .
Services 1st and 3rd Sundays 11 a. m.
and , 7fU» F- M. „
Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7 p m.
=---- ' ~
Tampa Bay Hotel, Fla., the most
“popolical report in . the world. i i
B , jy Hotel, Oasmo, Opera
^ , bw.mm.ng Pool, Bowling
Alleys, al open December „rd,
1896. Address,
B. W. Wbenn,
Passenger Traffic Manager, Plant
System. Street, New York.
12 West 22rd
Miss Nera Massey died at the;
of her (,'ttrrobolle, sister. Mrs. Fla., G. F. Arm-1 Mon-j
at on
night. Miss Nera was a |
& of Ordinary John Massey
She born .
our town. was in
in April, 1870. and spent the j
portion of her life here,
was a young lady of a sweet,
amiable disposition, modest bear
and greatly beloved by all.
body arrived here on the north
Southern tram on Werlnes
and was interred iu the city
cemetery on Wednesday noon. To
bereaved .family we extend our
heart UMt sympathy.
The City Restaurant, untiev the
<'< lil(!
4 "* !! ^ l ”' 1 ‘ ,l “‘ ...... ...
palace restaurant. We invite all
who may come to Jesup to stop
with.ne-. We arc uluo prepared to
sleep all who - uy desire it. Good
meals and good beds at cheap rates.
guarantee. t» ihe best table
the city. Located on southeast
ooruer of Wlmlc.v luL-k building.
u - », ’’ T>t .....„ 1
' 1 '* w ' •'
Nervous Prostration
Complete Recovery by the Use of
Ayer’s Sarsaparilla
K "Some years ago, as a result of too
v.tloso attention to business, my health
flailed. 1 became weak, nervous, was
fcnablo to look after my interests, and
trwnifested ail the symptoms of a de
-jsarsaparilla, |dine. I took three bottles of Ayer’s
began to improve at once.
n m
m i m m
- ;
I -jSll 1
% "A*
' Y
mm* - \:J
' ’ ' W- '• sS'
- . -x
and gradually increased my weight, from
one hundred and twenty-five to two
hundred pounds. Since then, T and my
family have used this medicine when
all<l wo are ail in the. best of
health, a fact which we attribute to
Ayer ’ s Saranparilln. I K-lleve my ehil
dren would have been fatherless to-day
had it not been for Ayer’a Saraaparilla,
0 f w ldch preparation I cannot sa.v too
much,”-It. 0. Hixson, Postmaster and
Planter, Kinard’s, S. C.
Ayer's ££ Sarsaparilla
AYER’S Pills Save Doctor’s Bills.
Jfsup - - Pua'-rnacy.
l Y
SCUICmif.E IN EKHVI NOV 15, 1800.
Nor! lil>o»itn<. (SwTTsi Wo. i* ; n<>. i
Lv. PruDHWick 7 45duj i i) 45/im
.. 905pm........HO
“ Ev(*r«;tt...... .... 40am
“ ....... .... Q£3pm....... |M ‘?i)nm
“ St',rrctu*Y.. . ...{11 1J 5’’ADI -l/iTjin
“ Hay.D•hursl
“ Hnniltor C;ljr- ] frjpn :?(/|»Tn
“ Hplona....... J i
“ ~ r V m
“ Fii i.’ian V’(lliaro I '3 :u>vm
“ < or h» an 1 3 ic-H m i Iftpm
. ■-'L'janvj HZ
“ Mhcotj .. r.iv/. i 15pm
j '.M inor 5 50pm
fI>on<iUL;h |.......-IfjwOnin;
• 4 YijP 111 JlLn.im 7 4&pr
'■ 7 ! pm
i —
Loin--.-i! e 7 ’Ll 7 30;rm
Cinclnnatt, Q- e : -:_____ i t J jpm< 7 loam
Son 1 Iw.ou ml. >*<». l l!\o. ioJ No. y
_____________ '
Lv- Cincinna ti, Q. & C 8 w ; (X)p m
“ Gwilsyifi 7 in HOPpm) .. ,
TE?:- >f
^ ,^, a ® 7. V)pMj j 04am
2 %££— hi »o — pm
M Lamlx-r Way^Vinrs* Cily...... 4 cc to pm
^ Lv. Sun e ncy . fir 4K
Ar ’ Br "" wltlt ......... "■4
5 T«s. 13 and 14 —“OndUmati and Florida Uim
Red," ...... solid v ’ibn-eri train running' between (Thatla
Cincinnati an. .Tafk«fSJviHo. Fla., via
utoofra, Atiaiitaand ibvf'Tett,
gago car, first and fiass cf>«fhos »n>l
viaKrraing-.aon. Arlau'.-. and Everett,
S wi't*" 1 Atlanta for ait
Traffic Manager,
Washingtoo, p. c. W Tshington, D. O.
Gc;n‘ i Pass. Agt> Asst. CDu'5 Pas.%. Agt.
Wasitinffton^ I>. C. A! ianta. (la.
0 , BUIE
i3T Yfi kinds of Blacksmith and Wood
Wotoc done on short notice. L solicit the
W1H?(3 of lny frienda an(l the public
^ enera iiy.
All kinds of gun and pistol repairing
on short notice.
^“Physicians’ Prescriptions carefully
Opposite the Freight Depot, East side
of railroad on post office square.
Good accommodation at reasonable
$1.00 PER DRY.
$5.00 PER WEEK.
$15.00 PER MONTH.
Table sti' plied with the Best, the mar¬
ket affords.
Milk for sale from fine Jersey
cows at the Griffin House. Also
8 head of cattle, all heifers.
Satiila Lodge, Mo. 5, K- of P
Meets .Monday nights at 8 o’clock
p. m. A. J . Brooks, C. C.
A. E Cain, K. of It. and 8. and
M. ol F.
G. W. Drawdy. D. G. C.
Jesup Lodge No. 113. E & A M. meets
first and third Tuesdays in each month.
James Stbeee, \v . M.
'V, M. Austin, Secretary.
W. M. PAREitciH,
Jeweler a rul Barber.
Having located in Jesup, and fitted
up my shop, 1 now otfer my services
to the people. All repair work on
Watches,Clocks, etc., satisfactori¬
ly executed, Barber shop in con
Located on post-office square.
Reliable Barber
Is still in Jesup, can be found
on West Broad street, next
door to J. C. Dye’s general
store, near the depot, and is
as ready to wield the razor as
dexterously as ever on bis old
customers, or any that might
chance to pass this way, and
after fifteen years’ experience
is still soliciting the patron¬
age of the public.
j@tf “Gall and give me a trial.
J. H. BENNET, Barber.
Everything tii.'-f is NEWEST and BEST in
i n Rifles, Shot-Cuns, CP Rifles,
are made by the
Repeating Arms Co.
• q-- ------------- --(3)
SK Z3 :
now use! 6T all tie most advaaced trap aad some siwten
Send for 10O’l>&K G Illuatrated Cat»lojfU»» FREE.
Winchester Repeating Arms Co., New Haven, Conn.
Subscribe for the News
Job Printing
Neatly and prompter exe¬
cuted at this office. Eve¬
rything from a mammoth
book to a small visiting
ccrd printed on very short
notice. Call and see our
samples and get prices.
Attorney and Gounsei.eoe at Law,
Jesup, Geokoia.
Solicitor Wayne County Court.
Attorney - at-Law,
Jesup, Georgia.
Will practice in nil Courts of
the Brunswick Circuit and else¬
where by special contract.
J. G. TUTEN, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
Jesup, Georgia.
Office in front of the Whaley
Brick Block, Calls answered
promptly, day or night.
Jesup, Georgia.
Physician and Surgeon,
Jesup, Georgia
C. L. youmans, m. d.,
Jesup, Physician and Surgeon, Georgia. A
Office at the Jesup Phartua j
Cun be found at ulgbt at .the
irlenee of Mr. W.L. Way.
Attorney S. and K. Coun.seei.or HARRIS, at Lai^|
Jesup, Georgia.
Physician and Surgeon.
Bitch Georgia.
All culls day or night promptly
attended to.
Wayceoss Georgia
All modern eonveiences. Electric
Lights throughout building.
$2,00 and $3,00 per day.
Waycross, Georgia .
Office Plant Avenue over Smith,
Adams, Parker Go’s. Store.
Oct. 30th ly.