Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, March 05, 1897, Image 3

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LOCAL AftiD OTHERWISE t Spring! Read new Sheriff's Sales in this issue. Ideal spring weather so far—Thursday, The hunting seasou has about expired, Mr. Bob,. Cole is in the city this week. - The flowers that bloom in'the spring/’ 1 a etc. Mr. G. Odum of Odum, was in the city yesterday Sheriff Lyens went down to Luiaton on Friday last. Mr. S. R. Bingham is now running the .city restaurant. Coi. S. R. Harris wa« ou our streets ou Wednesday last. Wilkin’s & Co's handsome new stable is About completed. We trust the cold rainy weather is a ^hieg of tlie past We have had some lovelv anrinw •weather this week * Mr. L. Carter of Odum w'as tn the city " a day or so last week. Winter went out'with ice, hut came in and melted it all. Col- L. L. Thomas is attending Appling Superior Court this week. Quite a severe and sudden cold snap, hurt where it bit, last week. Mr. F. E. Breen of Iloctortowu was in .the city on Wednesday last. Sol. Gen. .Too, IV . Bennett of Wayeross ■was in the u } on 1 uesday. Bring us a lead of wood ora half bushel of potatoes and get the News All .7. R. Roberson of Euvillc was in the city a day or so last week. Last February will go down in history ns one of the v ottest on record C’apt. J. F. Stone of die Savannah Morn ing News was in the city yesterday. Country produce of all kinds taken payment for subscription at this office. Marshal Goodhread has been having some beautiful work done on Wayne st. Dr. G. W. Drawdv went to Baxley on ■ ' ,,, Wednesday , last, , , on professional business. . The Missionary Ua at the Methodist church . , last . , l riday night , , CD was a success, The News office is headquarters for first class job printing. Send us your or ,<lers. Mr. A. W. Hurn of Gar ii was shaking hands with friends in tlie city <w Monday last. Mrs. Henry Manning, who has been visiting the family of Sheriff Lyens. re¬ turned to her home in Ml. Pleasant last week. / .... ....... v . , ‘ ' ' jW" e ’ K " . s n!US ' 1 . At once, as f ivare compelled to have the money, "" Mjrs. r Indian Highsinitb ... of Luialon is Tyttlting her daughter, Mrs. VY, B. Lyens. (>t this place. Some of tile hoys in the Wayne Light Troop began to tliiuk it was to fight for u Cuba Ltbrc.” Job Printing neatly and promptly exe j.cuted at this Office, Call and see and get prices An ice factory for Jesup would be a nice thing ibis summer, VV ho w ill start the movement? Judge-). L. Sweat of Wnycross passed through ihe city ou Sunday last, ou his way to held court iu Appling. Mr. A- D. Aiken lias severed his con neetion with the Sentinel ami gone to Atlanta. We wish him success. Mr. John Breen is adding Sr.to liis name now A film young gentleman ■came to board with him last Tuesday. * •»'■c” rr •? w r yesterday to carry trank Castle, , char 0 ei with larceny from house, to chaingaug. Mr. E- J. Jackson and family moved to Offertnau Tuesday. Mr. Jackson was Section foreman for the Ulant System at this Lilace. and goes to Offerman to take charge of that section. The young men of Jesup entertained the young ladies by giving an oyster at the residence of Dr. G. VV . last night, The mere mentioo of popular and hospital host and hostess sufficient guarantee tbat ail had a delight¬ ful time. The little boy of Mr. Luke Strickland had the misfortune of getting a piece- of a cat-fish fin, three-quarters of an inch long, embedded in his heel aboutoan inch deep, a few days ago. Dr. Drawdy succes¬ sfully lemoved the fin. and the littie fellow took it home in his pocket, instead of heel. A sl'Yoting scrape took place at Odum on Sunday morning, in which Sherod Baldwin was shot in the left leg. It supposed that a neirro named Delf did siiootimr, but we are unable to get the act facts id tlie case. Drs. G. VV. Drawdy and D. H. Og<len are the wounded man at Buniwood. Buckieii’s Arnica Salve. The Best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sait Rheum, Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillhiains. Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, and posi lively cures Piles, or no pay" required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box For sale by H. W. VYhaiey & Co’s Air. T, F Burney, of the Atlanta Jour nal, was in the city on Monday last. Mr. Burney was struck on Sunday night with a rock thrown by some unknown party. just tins side of Hmnerville. Col. mark and a daik.ty who were ou the train were also struck. Mr. Burney and Col. UeBm * ,k ' vw *'*> cut b v P iect ' s of - lass - "? ,tt * tedow ' The where did the rocks come from, as they are a scarce article in that county. Some fellow must have brought them in liis pocket from nuothcr county. -- LEGAL SHERIFF’S SALES. Geoiigia-Way.se Couaty. Will be sold on the first Tuesday April, 1897. at the court house door in said countv, between the legal hours s ile, to the highest and best bidder for eash, the following described properly, to wit: All those lots or parcels of situaied, hiugand being in the third land district of originally Appling, now Wayne County, Gal A os. 74, 75 84. 126—and No. 5)1 in the fourth district of originally Appling, taming 1,421) now Wayne levied County. Ga.. the con acres, on as prop er W of Robertson & Co., By virtue of and lo satisfy a tax fi fa issued uy Vv, J. tax collector of VV ayue county, for state and county taxes due on same for the year 1896 VV riiteu notice given deiemiauis in li fa in leans of law. ^‘j ' 1)as ’ <d S)dc cadl > P uruktts<a ‘ l* 5 *! * u 8 f This March 2d, 1897. W. B. Evens. Sheriff Wayne County, Ga. Georgia—VV avne County. W ill be sold on the first Tuesday in April. 1897. at the court house door in ^ 'um'^esf biauXm cash, the follow mg described property, to wit: l.oOi) {taps <>t head right laud situ lying and being in the third land district ol VV ayue Couifyr, Ga.. levied in “ s Property o. ON. 1 ay lor* Co . by virtueof ami tosa isfy a lax ti fa immu-iI by it. J. O’Quiuu, tax collector <d said cmuily . lor so.ie and county taiets due .lie year iblill ou sam lauds- 1 enjis ot sale ta.'li, purchaser paying for titles, W rilten notice given iltieiiiianis in 11 fa. i . Is Muicti 2il, 189?, Sheriff _W. ’A ayne/Oounty, B. Lyens, Ga. Gkokgia— Wayne County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday April, 1827. to tiie highest and best for cash, between the legal hours of at die c./ayi In use door in said county, tlie ioliow.t» 1 fkijcfiocd pioperty, >. to A|l U)1;m ,, , Mll siluatcd . « ■! being in the third laud 'd VN;< ( >UUty, (ira.. iSos, 200. 100, ' v 3!(> ... , 2 ,„ o.-, 4 ., 4: . j }40( o. n o- yi . o f)7 aud ^O, •.B40 acres. Levied on as the property ot B 0. Middleton, agent lor Wiggins flowery, fa by virtue ol and to satisfy a'tux fl issued liy W. J. D’Quinn, tux lector ot Wayne County, Ga., for and county taxes due for the year on same VV rilten uolice given tlifeu uuut, in fi fa iu terms of law. Terms ot sale 1 ids cash, Match puichascr 2d, 1897. paying for titles ................" Sheri/wm'ne^oun’ty, Ga, . _____ Georgia—Wayne County. VV ill be sold on the first Tuesday in April, |*97, at the court house door sun county, flit between the legal hours sale to highest, and best bidder cn- j j the following described p operty, wit: jtto acres of ln ud right land situated. lying and being in tlie third Sand of vvnyhe County/' Ga.. levied on as the property of John A. Ward, by virtue ol and to satisfy a tax fi fa issued by VV . J. t> Qumo, lax collector ot said county, State and county taxes due on same the year 1896. Written notice given ‘ ' rt an I, defendant, in fi fa in terms tlie law. Terms of sale cash, pay ing for the titles, This March 2d. 1867. VV. B. Lyens, Sheriit Wayne County, Ga. Georgia—Wayne ( ounty. Will be sold on the first, Tuesday April. 1897, at the court house door Slt (i county , belweeu the legal hours sale, cash, to the highest and (Escribed best bidder tlie Lot following of No. 525 to wit: land lying ami being in the tliiid land of Wayne County. Ga., containing ac-n.-s. Levied on as the property'of A. Floyd, agent for M. lerkins, by' t •S&T £ ■£ ms s.mic. Written notice given defendnet fi fa in terms of the law. Terms of cash, purchaser paying for titles. This March the 2<l. 1897. VV. U. Lyens . Sheriff Wayne County, Ga Do you Want any-4 Printing Done-'-— Cali and See Us tV’j v IT WILL SURPRISE YOU TO SEE HOW CHEAP YOU CAN GET . . STATIONERY PRINTED ...AT THE... ■ Rj i j— L ■ 1 fi/ » , rx \ 1 1 L mw Q — ^ ■“ I A f” | | | L liheiiiuatisni Quickly Cured. After having keen confined to the nouse for eleven days aud paying out $25 in ^ without b( ,„ etUi Ml , Prank Do ; son of 8w . Marie, Mich , vas cured by one buttle of Chamberlain’s Pain Balm costing 25 cents and has not since been troubled with that complamt. For sale by Jesuf Phaumacv. Married. On lost Thursday at Marion, S C., 25th ult., Mr. W. J. of this place, and Miss Adel Ecl,ern pf New Bedford ’ Ma ^ 8 ' 'i' h « bnde i,nd groom arrived here fast Saturday morning, and will * make this their future home, lo the happy rr J young ° couple r the ' extends eongratillations. / ' Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that tlie very best medicine for restoring the tired ont nervous system to a healthy vigor is Elec¬ tric Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys, and aids these organs in throwing off impurities in tfie blood. Electric Bitters i in - proves the appetite, aids digestion, aI)t , is , f )r „ n ounced by J those who have tried it as the very best blood purifier and nerve tonic. Try it. Sold for 50 cents or $1.00 per bot¬ tle at H. W. Whaley & Co’s Drug Store. From (Cripple Creek. After the big fire iu Cripple Creek, I took a very severe cold and tried many remedies without help, the cold only be coming more sattled. After using three small botilts of Chamberlain’s Cough Kein alv. holh the cough and cold left me. and in this high altitude it takes a meti torious couali remedy to do any good.— G. B. Hkndkhson, Editor Daily Adver¬ tiser. For sale by Jesuf Pharmacy (! Eonot v— Wayne County. Libel for Divorce, in VVavne Comity, May Term, 1897. W. M. Strickland vs Ellen 8thick LAND. To the Defendant— You are li.deby notified to he and ar pear at the next ti.nn of the court to be held in and for said county ou the second Monday in May, 1897, to an swer tne plaintiff a libel for divorce. Witness, the Honorable J L. Sweat, Judge March or said court. 1st, 1897. Josef ii E. Joyner, Deputy Clerk S. C., Wayne Co , Ga. L. L I homas. Petitioner’s iiULIG1 <>LS SI:IfVI< F.S. METHODIST CHURCH. JESUF. Services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays as I follows. j Class Meeting at 960 a. m. j Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7 F. Jf Sabbath School at 4 p M. | Epworth League at..5 f. m. : j Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening : j at 7 :40. \ JOHNSON STATION. j and Services 7/15 1st and 3rd Sundays 11 a. m. j I* M. ! ^ 7 r m. Tampa Bay Hotel, Fla., the most tropolical resort in the world. Hotel, . Casino, _ Opera Tampa Bay House, Swimming Pool, Bowling Alleys, al open December 3rd, 1896. Address, B. W, Wrens, Passenger Traffic Manager, System. 12 West 22rd Street, New York The^ WAYNE COUNTY & NEWS .. ONLY ONE DOLLAR.. Bright .Veirsif Reading .flatter Oti „ f . ’ ...For a Whole Year.... DEMOCRATIC TO THE BONE. SUBSCRIBE OVERWORK - INDUCED — Nervous Prostration Complete Recovery by the Use of flyer’s Sarsaparilla “ Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to ln'/inoM, my health failed. I became YYeak, nervous, was unable to look after luv interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de¬ cline. I took three bottle.?, of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla,, beiran to mipiove at once, ypP m |Si fj V -f -- ", 1 £-1 v. U" and gradually increased my weight front one hundred and twenty-live to two hundred pounds. Since then, 1 and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the best of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil¬ dren would have been fatherless to-day bad it not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much.”— If. O. Hinson, Postmaster and Planter, Ivinard’s, S. C. Ayer's THH Sarsaparilla RECEIVING MEDAL AT WORLD’S FAIR. AYER’S Pills Save Doctor’s Bills. FOB SALE BY Jisttp - - I’linviuiiey. HOTICS. —'TiiL OLD— Reliable Is still in Jesup, can be found oil W cst Proud street, next door to J. ('. Dye’s general store, ncar.llic depot, nnd is ready to wield the razor as dexterously ns ever on his old customers, or any limt might chance to |ia*-s this way, nnd ufter fifteen y ear.-’ e qiericnee is siili soliciimg the patron¬ age of ilie public. §0£5 *’Gall tsml give me a trftil. J. II. BENNirr, Barber. SOUTHERM RAILWAY. /v-4 si fix * P tfA. i < .;.**? vfifm v r: -:/• A „ r SCTJKDUI i: IN i-Dh'JU 17. t«W. Non h bob J. 1 N mi. if No. 7 -------- tv. liT'UDf.c.-i; t> 4-Yam . “ Eve iu.st hi “ J !».. ....... 11 e-.ni . . ‘fXhi’n M ’ . j “ Ha/dv. i ■> ::j.o ....... " laimbm-Ciijr Hyena...... » ...... * vdtjiti U..]Dn ...... a V t .pm ** EHstll):'. ;i .... .IMlOaiH ,........| 3 itipin “ C.iHrrfHi .... . !2 4. :t.o “ Macon....... 2 UGtl ..lb■hiaml ' 4 55">prn 45] fill “ Flovilln...... .......! , ]•»fJff.'jni! CS^pm “ MfDonougli. Atlanta...... »!!'( lfJXJRin 7 45 Ar. ti si pm Lv. A tanta...... 4 !a ifoj 2 (hum ........ Jr. “ (tbatsauoofita LouiffY’iifF . 4 , G ,a. | 7 i pm ........ ...... 7 TA , 7 ifwim ....... Lv- ajim. A. ■ Viy->m 12fXm’n i n art 0/1 ,fi 4 ipitj 1 5 42am “ H e a y -a .... .f’.2,nmil24Hpn> 14 No. 10 N«». S. Lv. Ncv" York . I : . 15n m 4 B'JTtMlj........ “ Vv’lt: i.it'ton f 3 2 15am! 10 tUpITl ' Ar. At In : ' ^ v ) H a-, v ‘ I 8 : Oamj 80». ; p?n *»r 1 in' 8 o,h»vn ! bv. i R -t i; uooga. H 'Kitty- % '.i 1< ”n A ". A | Lv. A' imiifi. ‘tix'n rj *on..... ’ ; -on': Lv. < F?) s‘m;.n... ii L ft.. ... “ Bn “ Lruih. ' 4 *' “ 8nrre;icj... ' ■ .Sts ! Ar. .Tf-siip...... . f. 07»in,. Ar. Lv. Hru E'.vrH i^wifk. t. .. .1 .] 7 8 uOrtra'. . Short trains daily P>:-nn«wi<*k and <*onn<*.«<iD .:4 wi’h '*-■* “1g>w V«n'k and Florida Limited” .*t K.'oroF . Train loaves Brunswick 1^:10 p. in-, hittv- t E • rett 1 )>• in. Retiirnin';. icfvcs Everett l:-4 p. m., ar* rives Bruaswu k 2 :!o 7). vn . Florida Lim Nos. IS and 14—“Cufinnati and ited,' solid vo.'libn'e jafh l train rumiiii^ between CiiiGDioati an-i Fia., via Chatta CoogH. A*Innta and Everett, consisting of bag* gage oar, lire? and second class coaches and drawing room sleeping cars. Pullman Bleep && ’ nviiie ' Pub man car. connection with the st. Louis Bleeping car at Holly Springs for Kansas City. 1 Pu'hiiHu s'cc- iag bet ween Atlanta an Brunswick. This ear is placed in Union Pas senger Station ar Atlanta for the reaching reception ot passengers at 9:0 ) p. m., and on A hint a from EvuiiSv-k at 4:ij0 a. n. ihe comfort is bead in oi Union Depot until 7 :oU a. rn. for pa.sseng?:rs. Nos. y and 10—Fridman drawing room sleep fag cars bet we? Atlanca and Cincinnati. Nos. 8 and J.i—Pullman sleeping cars be tween Atlanta aud Chattanooga. Connections at Union Depot Atlanta for all point .-> nort 0 . • ist and wes;. W. H. GBJE : 5 J. M. CULP, Gen'5 Super in ten'icat, Manager p.’a \\ ashing on. I). ‘ J. H. Washington, HABDWIOK, i W. A- TURK, S. Gcn’i Pans. Agt. Ae-si. Gen ’l Pass. Agt. D. O. Atlanta, Ga. 0 . BUIE O' 1 Ad kinds of Blacksmith and Wood | Work none u:i-iiort notice. I Solicit the patronage of my friends aud the public generally All kinds of run ami pistol repairing done on short noth hi. G O BUIE. ins m a MWWIWi .w.miT&co VI jf-yqi f ro ^ GA. , DM 8 : Q CJ5 o AND DEAL 1.113 IN mm MEDKIINES anil PE 3 - mm, DRUGGISTS' FANCY AND TOILET AKTICLF3. fi AIR. TOOTH., and PAINT BltL'BIIES, PA [NTS iirnl Ol LS S^-phv.-ieiaiw' Ex crip!ions caiefuliy j compounded. j C D Ldni rr i i GO I Oppo -it" the Fi eight. O' pot, East side ot’ railroad on post otlloe stptarc. Good accommodation at reasonable rales a $1.06 PER D A Y. $5.00 PER WEEK. $15.00 PER MONTH. Table supplied with I ho Best the mar¬ ket affords. WJI. (i I’; IF FIN, Satiifa Lodge, Wo. B, K- of P* Meets .Monday nights at 8 o’clock in" m. A. J. Bhooks. C. 0. A. Cain, K. of U, and S- and M- of F. G. VV. Disawdy. I). G. 0. iMasonlc. Jesup Lodge'No. 112, F& A M. meets first and third Tuesdays in eaeli month. Ja.mi.s; SyE.a.n, Vv . M. W. M . Austin. Seerelary. a p W' b SrV/J ■ t 0 \j‘ ^S £is i fel/l; ... 1111 Si IW Ifel » Jp/. s ' La mmm Do not be deceived by allnrltiff &rjvc: l Memento and think you can -gab i. e negt irm ic, lincst Anieh and most popm/*:* b&uiuq mbonmw. for ftBCW podf Hv-yfr'D i r’UMn manufacturers that JiyvY -91 K.d a ivcj;..; ... by bonc-ntand square deallnff. Thcw. isnoreH. ;* world that can equal in mecaaniod coMsr.n:/■■:;« . 1 , of working parts,fineness of flnif.h. bcii *r.y ivi a.p]K'/irfinc«iOriui 8 oarmiuy AnprovcwcfitRL • the HOM 6 . ft f f CIRCULARS. Orange Chicago,! Mass, Vm/stgn,Mau’l St, bourn, Umtol!Bi^v’arf,N Dallas, ,Y. id.. Mo. L Ti Bast Fraifcibco, cu r.. A rtisi-A, G Aa fO fi sale by Read t he lews____ - if you want____ — to kee p posted . MEANS iifft- | ['fit n yci h. Perfection . w, WHEN APPLIED TO as mi f^naaa mmw m _ 5 >; r i s |bs^ v Pronounced by Experts the Sta ndard of the World. I H Ask yovir dealer for WINCHESTER make ot Cun or i Ammunition and take r.o other. FREE-.~Our now-Illustrated Catalogue, H —E ^ “VL'CHESTER REPEATIS'JQ ARMS CO., New Haven, ' Ct. m~m Pi - - Job Printing Neatly and promptly exe¬ cuted at this office. Eve¬ rything from a mammoth / book to a small visiting card printed on very short notice. Call and see our samples and get prices. NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. M. CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Jesup, Georgia. Solicitor Wayne County Court. JOHN W. BENNETT. Attorn e y- at-Law, Jes UP, Georgia. Will practice in all Courts of the Brunswick Circuit and else¬ where by special contract. ,J . G. TUTEN, M. ])., Physician and Surgeon, Jesuf, Georgia. Office in front of the Whaley Brick Block, Calls answered promptly, day or night. G. W. DRAWDY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Jesuf, Georgia C. L. YOU MANS, M. I)„ Physician and Surgeon, Jesuf, Georgia. Office at the Jesup Pharmacy, Calls answered night or day. S. R. HARRIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Jesuf, Georgia. L. M. NICHOLS, M D., Physician and Surgeon. Ritob Georgia. All calls day or night promptly attended to. HOTEL PHOENIX. Waycrobs Georgia J. W. STRICKLAND l’ROFR. All modern eonveiences. Electric Lights throughout building. $2,00 ami $3,00 per day. I)r. T. A. BAILEY. Dentist. W AYCROS8, Georgia . Office Plant Avenue over Smith, Adams, Parker Go’s. Store. Oct. 30th ly. Have j’ou subscribed for the News? If not, why not?