Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, March 26, 1897, Image 3

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LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Mr. C. J, Henry was in town Wednes day. Mr. Bascom Carter visited Jesup Mon (Iny. Mr. J. VY Poppell was in Jesup Mon day. Mr. J. C. Sheppard spent Monday in town. D. S. Manning speut Wednesday in town. A. W. Huruof Gardi spent Weutsd;,y in tov n. Col. S. R. Harris has been attending court this week. m, ■*«-*- * town cn Sunday. Mr. D. H. Roberson, Tax Receiver, was in town Monday. Hurrah for Wilkins & Co.! New Spring Goods. Best, cheap «st ana , neatest stock , ever , brought , to Jesup. Bought at the factories cash. Competition . not . r in It this time. Mr W. J. O’Quinn, Ex-Tax Collector, gave ns a call Monday. Mr.J. F. Knox of Lulaton spent Mon day and Tuesday in Jesup Postmaster Tirnlel! was in to see us iu our new quarters. Call again. Rev. A. R. Richardson preached a very interesting sermon at the Baptist church Sunday night. Monday ,, , was County ,, court day. and . a good mary people from the lower part ul the county were in attendance. Judge Smith reports the matrimonial market us dull Wont some m .trinn D aily inclined couple step iq> and gladden tbe Judge’s heart? Shoes! Shoes! §hoes! Straw Hats! Straw Hats ! All complete nt Wilkins & Co. Miss Mollie Nidus, who has been visiting Mr. ami Mrs O. R. Bennett of near Mount Pleasant, returned to her home in East man on last Saturady. Mr. W. W. Price, who has been with fii.s brother. Mr. D. S. Price, for sometime pas*, left Sunday for Macon where lie will rn er Meteor University. Memorial exercises in honor of the Con federate dead soldiers will l>e celebrated liy the Jesup public school on the £6th of April. Everybody* invited to attend. The office of the Wayne County News lias been removed to tile rear of the Leg gelt building, next door to Post Office, the front portion of which is occupied by Mr. Bryant George. A full and neat stock of Gents’ and Boys’ Clothing from 10 to 25 per cent, less than city prices at Wilkins & Co. Two For One—Thai is, two worth of accommodations for one dollar in casit. All the comforts aud icDces of a high priced hotel for $1 0J a day at the Harnett House. Savannah. We have not heard from several of correspondents lately. At Gardi. i ulaton, and Mount Pleasant in particular, we have a good many subscribers, and would to hear from some of them, and get news of their towns. Headquarters for Farmers’ Sup plies, iobaceos, Agricultural . ii J.iu piements. Etc. Highest prices paid for produce always. Wilkins & Co. The Old, Old Hnbit. She’s president of sevt n clubs. Her uanre in print you often see— Of all new women in the land There’s not a more new one than she. She lectures, writes and is, in fact, A sturdy leader of her kind— She wears a vest, suspenders and Is noted for her breadth of ir ind. Yet, when she gots to lied at night, She kneels beside it—not in prayer— But just l<j .ook beDeatk to see. If any horrid man is there. —Cleveland Leader. Fenderson remarks that if people knew how iittle they they would know a blamed sight more than they do know.—Boston Transcript. Olil People. Old people who require to regulate the bowels and will find the true remedy in Elec¬ tric Bitters. This medicine not stimulate and contiins whiskey nor other intoxicant, acts as a tonic and alterative. acts mildly on the stomach bowels, adding strength and tone to the organs, thereby Nature in the performance of functions. Electric Bitters is excellent appetizer and aids di¬ gestion. Old people find it just exactly what they need Price cents and $1.00 per bottle at H. & Go's Drug St-ore. fSuekleii’s .Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for-Cuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter Chapped Hands, I'hiliblaius. Corns, and all 'km Erupuous, and post lively cures Piles, or to pay required, j t is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per bos. For sale by 11 . W. Whaley & Co’s Dnfg Store. LEGAL SHERIFF'S SALES. Georgia—Wayse Cons ty. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April, 1897, at the court house door in said countv, beiween file legal hours of sale, to the Highest itud best bidder for cash, the following described property, to district of originally Appling, now \Vnyue gwy, 3*2g Appling, now Wayne County. Ga., can taiuiug 1 420 acres, levied ou as the prop erty of Robert sou & Co., by virtue of aud to satisfy a lax ti fa issued by W. J. O'Quinn, tax collector of Wnyue county, j 01 . gtate ltlK | county taxes due on same for the year lfRW- Written notice given defendants in fl fa m teams <»t law q t ., ms „( 8ll ! L . cash, purchaser paying for titles. This March 2d, IW»7 W. B. Lykns, Sheriff Wayne County, Ga. Georgia—Wayne County. Will he sold on the first Tuesday in April. 1897. at the court house door in se d couuiy, between tbe legal hours ot sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, lo wit; 1,300 acres of head right land situ ated, tying i d Vicing in the third laud district of'Wnyue of County, O. N. Taylor Ga.. levied & Co on as the properly , by virtue of and to satisfy a tux tt fa issued - collector of said l( y ^ j o’Quinu. nU tax due for C0UU |y. j or M; ,,c a couuty taxes of .he year 189(5 on said lands- terms sale cash, purchaser paying for idles. yy , iuen notice given deleudanls iu fi fu. T. is Marco 2d, 1807. W. B Evens, Sheriff Wayne County, Ga. Gkokota— Wayne County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April, 1807, to the highest ami best uidder for cash, between the legal hours of sale, at the court house door iu said county, the follow.ug described piopertv, to wit: All those lots or parcels of laud situated, lying aud being in the third laud district of Wayne County. Ga.. Nos. 20b. BUS, 205, 201, 254. 24,>. 240, 241. 250, 2o7, 242. IDS, 200 and 270, containing 7.840 acres. Levied ou as tlie property B O. Middleton, agent tor Wiggins & tlowery. iiy virtue of and to satisfy a tax I fi fa issued by W. J. O’Quinn, for tax col lector ot Wayne Oouiily, Ga., statu 1800 and county taxes due tor the year on same W ritten notice given defeu t | aut j,, g f :l j u terms of law. Terms of sale cash, puichaser paying for titles 1 This March 3d, 1837. W. 15. Lykns, Sheriff Wayne Cou nty, Ga. Georgia— Waynk County . Will be sold on the first Tuesday in April. 1807, at the court house door in | saiq couuty, between the best legal bidder hours for sale to the highest described and cash, the following p-operty. situated, ' wil; 500 acres of le ad right land I lying Wayne aud being in the third htmi district I of County, Ga.. levied on as the property of John' A. Ward, by virtue j and to satisfy a tux fi fa l-sued tiy \V . J. O Quinn. lax collector of said county, stale and couuty taxes due on same the year lfclMJ. Written notice given John a. Marti, defendant, in fi fa in terms the law. Terms of sale cash, paying for the titles. This March 2d. 1897 j W. B. Lykns. | Sheriff Wayne Uouttly, Ga. j Georgia —A av.ne County. j vVill be sold on the first Tuesday in April. 1897, at tbe court house-dour in j sn d county, between the iceal Iiours ;Mie. to I he highest and best bidder l(| : cash, the following d'fcttoed property, wil; Ijot of itiii'l rsti. o**t) 8ilURtt*u. lying ami •'dug in the third hit d I of Wayne County, Ga.. containing aces. Levied on as the property of T. | A. Floyd, agent for M. Jerkins, by W. of aud io sa.isfy a tax (1 issued of by 1 J. O'Quinn, for tax collector (oiinly, Ga-, 1890 stale M. Jenkins j due for the year by defendarl 1 Same. Written notice given i fi fa in terms of tlie law. Terms of I cash, purchaser paving for titles. This March the 2d, 1897. W. B Lyens S heriff Wayne Couuty, Ga Do you ! Want any-^ Printing ■ Done Call and See Us. eKs IT WILL SURPRISE YOU TO SEE HOW CHEAP YOU CAN GET . . STATIONERY PRINTED ...AT THE... NEWS OFFICE. Poetry in Jesup. We hope that the newspapers w p| j et U p on (| le j r ;l | )USe of prize ® s no „ that jt is proVec l b V the following that the Corbett- , r simmons scrap has been a source of inspiration for one of our local poets. Coroe again brother. And now it. is Fitsiininons, The champion of the world— He put it on to Corbett. And Jim bis colors furled. Tlie tight vra« fast and furious, And m ny a blow wrs passed— But sot,u But) landed on the heart. And the floor held Corbett fast. He tried t» rise, but all in vain, His power was all gone— And while Filz surveyed his victim, Tlie crowd was looking on. Then the referee began to count. While Jim lay there so still— And thought as he heard those fatal words, '1 his is my last big ‘ mill.’ The refetee with watch in hand. Said one. two, three and four— While yet tlie mighty Corbett Lav still upon the floor. The count went on, five, six and seven And the crowd gave a mighty shout— W in n Siler, the experienced refetve, Said eight, nine, leu aud out. C. C. T. Bilious Colic. Persons who are subject to attacks of bilious colic will be pleased to know llmt prompt relief may be bad by tnkiinr Cham¬ berlain's Co ic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and if taken as soon as the first indication of (tie disease appears, it will prevent the attack. For sale by Jesup Pharmacy. The-- Harnett House Savannah, Ga. THE BEST $1.00 PER DAY HO¬ TEL IN THE WORLD. Oysters and Fish in season a Specialty, I,. 1MIMTTT. pa im ftt.tn HOUSS, 124 Bryan St., (Market Sq ) SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Rates $1 and $1.50 per day Special rates by the week. G. W. GETSINGER. Manager . ___ It ELI G I O US S E It VI C ICS. METHODIST CHURCH. JESUP. Services on the 2nd aud 4th Sundays follows. Class Meeting at 930 a. m. Pa-achnm at 11 a. m. ami 7 P. M. School at 4 p m. j ij i»vvorlh iut 5 I* m jq.m-r : Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7 30 _ JOHNSOfi STATION. Services 1st aud 3rd Sundays 11 a. m. and 7si5 p. m. ! [> ra y tr yieetiug Thursday evening 7 P M. j J Tampa Bay Hotel, Fla., the tropolical resort in the Tampa Bay Hotel, Casino, Opera House, Swimming Pool, Alleys, all open December 1896. Address, B. W. Wrenn, Passenger Traffic Manager, : System. 12 West 22rd Street, New York The WAYNE COUNTY «§f® NEWS .. ONLY ONE DOLLAR.. Bright A'firsy Beading .flatter On JErery M 9 a#e* ...For a Whole Year.... DEMOCRATIC TO THE BONE. SUBSCRIBE LOSS or VOICE . After Acute bronchitis t* CUBED BY USING AYER’S Cherry Pectoral A PROTESTS EXPERIEKSS. “Three months ago, I took a vio¬ lent cold which resulted in an attack of acute bronchitis. 1 put myself under medical treatment, and at tlio end of two months was no better. I found it very difficult to preach, and concluded to try Ayer’s Cherry j »I I i\ V / ■ m Pectoral. Tbe first bottle gave mo great relief; the second, which I am now taking, has relieved me almost entirely of all unpleasant symptoms, and I feel sure that one or two bot¬ tles more will effect a permanent cure. To nil ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend Ayer’s Cherry I). Pectoral.”— E. M. Brawley, IX. Dist. Secretary. Am. Bapt. x iibliention Society, Petersburg, Ya. Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral GOLD MEDAL AT THE WOBLD’S PAUL AVER'S LEADS ALL OTHER SARSAPARILLA& FOR SALE BY Jtsup - - Pharmacy, NOTICE. —THE OLD— Reliable Barber Is still in Jesup, can lie found on VVest Broad street, next door to J. C. Dye’s general store, near the depot, and is ready to wield the razor as dexterously as ever on his old customers, or any Hurt might chance to pa«s this way, and after fifteen years’ e ••perienee is still soliciting the patron¬ age of the public. I'gF'Call and give me a trial. ,J. II. BENNKT, Barber. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. n a^“Vr1'5-r“ G‘P> t e SCHfJDULE IN KIOECIM IX. 17. 1807. nvitibmiml. ,Nr». IZJ No. O n.,;t L' HrtrnHwick 7 45pm 9 4")fKn “ J®vtprf*tt....... 9 0.*)|)Tii JO 40ftm “ .......... 0 ijOpiii 11 LJOam “ Bitrroncy...... 12 OOn’n “ Hn^iohnrsi... i().V*p»n 12 1 OSpm oiipm " “ L|isnl>er Helena........ City-. HOipm : 1 Oliprii 2 O./pm M Mis’-i or........ loVi.ni 2 l. r ;p in “ Enstnuin............ 12 2 iiSpm " Owhmii ........... Vi 4oam 8 Wpm I’ Mm-'m.............. 200am 8 Sflnni 4 Alt }>rn (»44nni 5 5'tymi " McDonough..... ' Stain 10 20m n i 0 3'ipm Ar. AtlHiita............ 4 11 BOft in 7 45 pm 4 TSam 200i>rn “ Chattanooga ....... U ‘Saw 7 l< pm Ar. Louisvii’.o.......... 7 55(>fn 7 :V)rm? Ar. (/i pomrin i, (). & C . 7 IMm Y7. WaKhinffton......... Auanm............. TjlTSOpwn 0 4>*m 12 6 OOn’n 42am Ar. . .| 2oam 1248pm “ Kmv York. 6 1 8o<iOibn»tii<J. |Wo. 14 No. lo N«. 8. Lv. New York ... 7 j 1J l.Vjrn! cum' 480pm 43pm “ Washington. .it! J 19 Lv. AriAitunift....... iciim aTT, 8 5l0atnJ Mtem Sjhpm sTlOprn < ii Q. j “ T'O’Vifivijte_______ ,.., 7 4. r >a:nj 8U 0pf»___ X,v. 4 ’h it innooga........j ....! on?>*»ij 8 0o*ifn;12 0 Iuhtii Ar. A' • RDia ..... 10 c .r.pmi 115pi11 d5m ni Lv- A- umaT .....77 H 1«> ito! 4 00pm 7 20a.m “ Jfct’onough........I Fiovilia.............i ......■ 5:7pm 4 57pm 8 001am 28am “ ......! Ar. Macon..............j 1 .Vnni 7OOpin 10 20am j Lv. “ ( V chrati............J V i> 2 55am 2, am . 112 1 07pm OOpin 1 Mm-* set man............ . 31pm “ » r....... . 1 “ ....... fi 59am j........ 220pm M LmnV^rOity 4 olkim;........ 507 pm ** HH/-a?'mirst.. 4 48am........ 329pm •* Snrrcucy..... 4 37pm Ar. .TfsUj;........ 6 07am (ami........ j........ 6 5 88pm Lv. Everett...... 7 0-. 40pm A r. Brunswick... 8 00am....... 7 80pm Shorn trams daily between Brunswick ami Everett, connecting with the “New York and Florida Limited” .it Everett. Train Jeaven Brunywif k 12:10 p. m., arrives Everett 1:00 o. m. Ra 4 nrning, leaves Everett 1:20 p. m., ar¬ rives Ki tmswick 11—“Cincinnati 2 :lo p. m. Florida Lim¬ Nos. |3 and and ited,” »Dlid voatibnJed train running between > Cincinnati and Jaeks?mvilla, Fla., via Chatta- 1 ------- Donga, u ilanta and Evcnrett, consisting of bag ga g* « , first and second class coftenes an<l drawii room sleeping cars. Pullman 3leei> ; ing cai between St. Louis and Jackaonvillo, via Birmingham, Atlanta and Everett. Lull car connection with tbe St. Louis ■letjhi: car at Holly Springs for Kansas City. ,____ between Atlanta and I BrtmCTpek. PuJaeDin sleeping This cars is placed in Union Po¬ car l senger tion at Atlanta for the reception o passengers at 9:00 p. m., and on re aching is held A".* in ; Dint a frmn Brunswick at 4:80 a. m. Union Depot until 7uMJ a. m. for the comfort of | 'Xs.l^nd 10—Pullman drawing room sleep¬ ing cars between Atlanta and Cincinnati. Nos. S and 13—Pullman sleeping cars be¬ tween Atlanta aud Chattanooga. Connections at Union Depot Atlanta for all points north, east and west. W. H. ORERy , J. M. CULP, Gen’l Superintendent, Traffic jhington, Manager, O. Washington, TUSk, D. C. Wa D. w. . A. fi. H. HARDWICK. Oten’i Pass. Agt. Asst, (ren’l Pass. Agi. Waishingion, D. 0. Atlanta.Ua. 6.0. BUIE ll kinds of Blacksmith and Wood Work none on short notice. 1 solicit the patronage of my friends and the public generally. All kinds of gun and pistol repairing done on short notice. G O BUIE. LW.WHALEY&CO JESUP, GA. DRUGGISTS, ANP DEALERS IN PAT. NT MOINES and PEC* F*RY i DRUGGISTS’ FANCY AND TOILET ARTICLES, HAIR. TOOTH, and PAINT BRUSHES, PAINTS and OILS JSfVhysicmos’ Prescriptions careful iy compounded. GRIFFIN HOUSE Opposite I lie Freight Depot, East side of railroad on post office square. Good accommodation at reasonable rales. $1.00 PER DAY. $5.00 FEIt WEEK. $15.00 PER MONTH. Table sir plied with the Best the mar¬ ket affords. WM. GRIFFIN, Proprietor, Satiila Lodge, F3o. 5, K- of P Meets Monday nights at 8 o’clock - m. A. J. Brooks. 0. O. A. ft Cain, K. of R. and 8. and M. of F. G. W. Dhawdy. D. G. 0. Rflasonic. Jesup Lodge No. 112, F & A M. meets first and third Tuesdays in each month. .Tames Steele, Yv . M. W. M. Austin, Secretary. Ill'yfffl 1 ' i; \ as wjf/ m § ft't KS Ij Hi yc; ?! . [fi y ; , m WrfERr Iv fl ifr w&di J 4i A’,' cm® Do not bo deceived by allarin^ aflvcHifiements and think you can get the oust made, finest finish and MOST POPU IMS SUmilG MACHINE for a mere song. Buy from it liable manufacturers ttakt have gained a reputoti - by honest and square in dealing. mechanieAl There is none Mi i»« iurability ’world that can working equal construct:* n, of pa rta, fineness of dnish, bea ity in appearance, or bus as many improvements as tbe & £W HOS/32. WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The New Home Sewing Machine Co. Oeanob, Chicago, Mass. III. Boston, St, Louis, Mash. Mo. 28 Union Dallas. Square, N.Y. Fearciboo, Texas. Bas Cal. Atlanta, Ga. FOR DALE DY Read the foSews __if you want_ to keep posted. I i i» m at Isa, m a C\ MEANS i WHEN APPLIED TO N .•J I'ie sv BS»-- 1 o ■~aet » i Pronounced by Experts the Standard of the World, H MH : Ask your dealer for WINCHESTER make ot Cun or Ammunition and take no other. f_i! h (TREE:—Our new Illustrated Catalogue, ||J WINCHESTER REPEATINQ ASN3S CO., New Haven, Ct. Sh&i-v, oil^ j ) Subscribe - - Hor the News Job Printing Neatly and promptly exe¬ cuted at this office. Eve¬ rything from a mammoth book to a small visiting eard printed on very short notice. Call and see our samples and get prices. NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY PROFESSIONAL CARDS. D. M. CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Jesur, Georgia. Solicitor Wayne County Court. JOHN W. BENNETT, Attorney- at-Law, Jesup, Georgia. Will practice in all Courts of the Brunswick Circuit and else .vhere by special contract. J. G. TUT PIN, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Jesup, Georgia. Office in front of the Whaley Brick Block, Calls answered promptly, day or night. G. W. DRAV’DY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Jesup, Georgia C. L. YOU MAIN'S, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, .Jesup, Georgia. Office at the Jesup Pharmacy. Calls answered night or day. S. R. HARRIS, Attorney and Counsellor at Law Jesup, Georgia. HOTEL PHOENIX. Waycross Georgia J. W. STRICKLAND PROPR. All modern conveiences. Electric Lights throughout building. $2.00 artj $3,00 per day Dr. T. A. BAILEY. Dentist. W AYCROSS, Georgia . Office Plant Avenue over Smith, Adbim?, Parker Go’s. Store. Oct. 30th ly. Have you subscribed for the News? If not, why not? Advertise in the News One of the best advertising mediums in Georgia. It will be well