Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, June 11, 1897, Image 3

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Job Printing Neatly and promptly exe¬ cuted at this office. Eve¬ rything from a mammoth book to a small visiting card printed on very short notice. Call and see our samples and get prices. NEWS PUBLISHING COMPANY PROFESSIONAL CAROS. D. M. CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Jescp, Georgia. Solicitor Wayne County Court. JOHN W. BENNETT, Attornet-at-Law, W ATCROSS, Georgia. Will practice in all Courts of the Brunswick Circuit and else¬ where by special contract. J. G. TUTEN, M. D., Pbtsician and Surgeon, Jesuf, * Georgia. Office in front of the Whaley Brick Block. Calls answered promptly, day or night. G. W. DRAWDY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Jesuf, ! - Georgia C. L. YOUMANS, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, r Jesuf, Georgia. Office at the Jesup Pharmacy. Calls answered night or day. S. R. HARRIS, ■ Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Jssur, Georgia. HOTEL PHOENIX. Waycboss Georgia J. W. STRICKLAND, FROFR. All modern conveiences. Electric Lights throughout buildinf. $2.00 and $3,00 per d ty. Dr. T. A. BAILEY. Dentist. W ATCROSS, Georgia . Office Plant Avenue over Smith, Adame, Parker Co’s. Store. Oct. 30th iy. SAMUEL F. ELLIS, Dentist, Office Whsley Building, Jesuf, Ga. No. K- of P- , ••till* Lodge, 5, u _ M , y . g . . — o’clock p. m. A. J. UHOOES.C. C. A. E- Cain. K. of U. aud 8. tmd M. of F. G. W. Drawdt. D. G. C. Masonic. Jesup laxIge'No. 113, F4AM. meets first and third Tuesdays in each month. James Steele. W . M. W. M. Austin. Secretary. itKI.IGIOUS HEKVICKH METHODIST CHURCH. JESUF. Services oa the 2nd aud 4th Sundays as fotkrw*. Class Meeting at 980 s. M. Preaching at 11 A. M. amt 7 F. SC. Sabbath School at 4 f m. Epworth lAfwgue at 5 F. M. Prayer Meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. JOHNSON station. Services 1st and 3rd Sunday* 11 A. Si. and ?»15 p n. Prayer Meeting Thttrsday evening 7 F M. To the liunli Poet. . The Gardi poet takes his pen And dips it in the ink, And settles back iu his easy chair To think, to think, to think. He thinks about the sunshine, He thinks about the rain, He thinks about the harvest time And the growing grain— He thinks about the rising sun And the little birds nearby. He tells us of the plowing up Of the village of Gardi— So lets go down to Gardi And have a high old time, A’plowiug in the village And making all things rhyme. So brother poet take my hand, Lets a.! join in and sing. And give three chi era for Gardi That will make the welkin ring. I hope that you, my Gardi friend, May write your name so high That the litde bird sailing near the sun May read it in the sky— Now if you would your name so write, Uuto your tah-ut cling— And now the curtain ought to fall, 8o 1 will pull the string. C. C .T LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Summer time iu earnest,. Advertise in this column. Staws are in great demand. Sol. Gen. J. W. Bennett spent Monday in town. The marriage bells are ringing in Jesup. Who is next? The farmers were duly thankful for the re< < nt rains. The News office is the place to bring your job work. Dr. Dave Tyre expects to hang out his slough- shortly. Watch for the '•ad” of Mr. J. C. Kuivlit next week. Envelopes, Note Heads, Bill Heads, etc. Good work and low prices. Mr. Gill has put up a neat and attract¬ ive little place for his beef business. We call attention to the advertisement of Mr. J. E. Harper in this week’s issue. Go to B. George A Co’s for Can¬ ned Goods. The Jesup Pharmacy has lieen bought the Kuisrht Pharmacy and will lie run by J. Calvin Knight. Mr. Kit Wages claims to have the fast¬ est horse horse in Wayne county at from one-quarter to one half mile D«y yardmaster C- J Clark left week on « Dip for his health. Mr. Brock dm night yardmaster is now filling pllMe Mr. Janies W Poppell paid us a visit Mouday aud left an order for some job wotk. Such visits are always doubly ap predated. Miss Lila Tindall left Wednesday South Carolina where she goes on an ex tended visit to Charleston, Hardeeville. Branchville and Denmark. Go to B. George & Co’s for Mil linery. The annual outing of the Baptist Church rook place Wednesday. It whs mostly attended by the young folks. They a pleasant and most enjoyable day. Uundrcd* of thousands have lieen Ui try Chamberlain's Cough Item by reading what it has done for others, and having t-steel its merits themselves are to-day its wannest friends. For sale by Jesup Phum.tcv. Mrs. Jane Strickland died very suddenly her home Tuesday night. Mrs. land resided in this county many years and wan well known throughout this She leaves a large family The News ex¬ tends its sympathy to Die bereaved family. Mr. Henry T- McCall and Miss Dallie Milikin were married Tuesday aftertoon The marriage was quiet, only a few friends and relatives on each side being present Judge Smith officiated, and the dienifird imprOTMVC mannner in which he per f„ rluf ,i ,i, e ceremony won golden opinions from the admiring onlookers. Get your Chewing Gum from B. George and Co. “ There’s no use in talking.” says W H. Broad well, druggist. La Cygne, Ka» . " Chambi-riaiu’s Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy does the work. After tak ing medicines of my own preparation and those of others. I took a dose of Chamber Iain's and it helped me. a second dose cured me Candidly and conscientiously I can recommend it as the best thing on the market.” The 25 and 50 cent sizes for sale by Jesun Pharmacy. „ „ rmfi.napohs.Ind . writes: - i have never before given, testimonial in my life. But 1 will say that for three years we have never been without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, and my wife would as soon think of being without flour as a liottie of this Rtmeoy in the summer reason, We have uf«-d it with all three of our children and it ha« never f:tiie<l to CURE—not simply pain, but CURE absolutely. It is The Tilt of the WayDe Light Troop took place last Saturday evening. It without doubt a grand success, the Troop displaying great skill and strength in their practice—one of the boys actually succeed¬ ing in capturing a ring, and another in cutting down an upright. The sensation of the evening was the tilting and of Mr. .1. A. Wheeler. As a niter he an unqualified success—tiie grace and terity with which he managed his fiery steed winning loud applause from enthusiastic spectators. There is no tion but what Mr. WLeler would made a clean score if he could have suaded his nag to stay on the track. it was he came within three inches striking one of the uprights. Patronize the News If you neeil any Job Printing. Good work at reasonable prices. Mr. Isaac Horner, proprietor of the ton Huse, Burton, VV. V-. anti one of most widely known men in the state cured of rheumatism afier three years suffering. He says: " 1 have not cieut command of language to convey idea of what 1 suffered, my told me that mulling could be done for and my friends were fully convinced nothing but death would relieve me of suffering. In June, 1894, Air. Evans, salesmau for the Wheeling Drug Co., ommmeuded Chamberlain's Pain Palm. At this time my foot and limb Were ku to more than double tla-ir normal and it seemed to me my leg would burst, but soon after 1 began using the Earn the swelling began to decrease, the pain leave, and now 1 consiJei that I fy cured. For sale by Palmetto inacy. ,__ VANDERBILT'S PALACE IN LAND OF THE SKT.” Young: iMillionurc Is Buying: Treasures for His Home. The Most Magnificent in the It is Booming Western North Carolina Asheville, N. C., May (Sp'fini.)—Many strange boxes, bearing foreign marks labels, huve been coming here late spring days. Some are marked Paris, Rome, Naples, Vienna, there were others to to day Athens, Greece, no doubt sent hurriedly to avoid complications in the event of occupation by Turks. As the queer-looking boxes unloaded from the Southerh’s they are sent out to Biltmore, and a native says : .. Mr . Vanderbilt has been n-buy in’ more of them old foreign and the dagoes are cheatin’ him because he’s rich. Why, 1 can down thar to Charlot-’ie and buy brand new pictures, und new stat utes o! the legislature and sculp tuary for half what he pays for old broken up things that aint got a whole arm or leg to their heathen names.” And the mountaineer shakes head and looks genuinely sorry the you. g million-*re who is now in Europe picking up mote treas for his $6,000,000 palace |, ere j n t |, e t. ] jU „d „f the Sky.” the m(Wt wonderful pr jvate resi ' d tbe . world , , nd , d . - «"«* )n > " t0 * “* dividing honors wit h weetei n North Carolina’s glorious climate and seenry which for years have been rtie salvation and delight of thou rs oi tnen, women 55 a who, broken i = A i, here seeking rest, i C ’ H anil pure water. Mr. himself selected , this point . for , . home after traveling all the known world over, because it had the most P f t dimate f0 he frtutu , anv . where Th» 1 llft Sou,hern Sm.thi.rn ra,lwa 3’ nffl offi ' this section is the most p 0 p U } ar resort on their great sys urn, and they attribute it to the air and the , grandeur , of _ the , moon tains. The coast people have long been devoted to Asbeviile. Flat Rock, M aynesvtlle and all tins part of tht country. There is a tonic in air and water which puts new life into them because it puts new blood in their veins, a brighter color in their eyes, a ruddy glow or healthy «»«•»» on the.r cheeks. I hey are invariably the first to come and the last to leave. The exodus from the coa st country is setting in now. In two weeks more the colonies from Savannah, Jacksonville and Charleston will be well installed ant { right behind them will come the j;| aconi Atlanta Columbus, mt r Mobile and New Or tlful belles and aristocratic ma¬ trons. Later, the visitors will come from New York, Chicago and other large northern and western cities. The best people in the south have been coming here so long that the BUmmer colohie8 have a delightful time socially, and the season passes quickly for those who are fond of social gaieties. On the other hand the guest in the “Land of the Sky,” if he prefers, naay be as quiet as if he were in 1^) own home. There are amusements and occupation for all tastes—riding, driving, moun¬ tain climbing, trout fishing, tennis, gold links, music, dancing, reading —everything to interest and enter¬ tain. And around and about, and above all, stretching away further than eye can reach, are the towering mountains clad in mantles of green and filmy hoods of azure. This is scenery sublime—the kind which speaks a various language “ to him who in the love of nature holds communion with her visible forms.” If what Byron called “ the hum of human cities,” is torture to your overstrained nerves, here is rest and balm. Here it is pleasantly cool when Georgians, Floridians and Alabamians are distressed by the mercury at 95 to 100. Word comes that more of the fashionables than usual are coming up this season from Atlanta and other cities. A great factor in Asheville’s growth is the Southern Ruiivay’s excellent train service and conven¬ ient schedules. The people here realize, too, that the Constitution has assisted in bringing about con¬ ditions which are advantageous to all Western North Carolina. Con neetions are such that one can leave Macon, Savannah or Augusta after supper, or Atlanta at midnight, and he here the next, morning for break¬ fast. Jacksonville, Columbus, Montgomery, Mobile, and New Or¬ leans are also all within j(n easy ride bv this system’s ftpr( and lux¬ urious trains. / Mr. Vanderbilt Y^ry graciously allows the public tovisit his grounds and admire the/pula£e, though it is not every onof who gets a glimpse within the litateau where he has stored so unity treasures’of urt und history. Nl> joyd, kjltg, nor queen, nor prince, nor on this earth has such a mahiiificent palace as the quiet, studmus book and art loving young baelfe^or has built for him¬ self high i p nhre among the rnoun tains, juei a slihet distance from Asheville. He has spent more than $4,000,000 on it, and inteuds to put $ 2 , 000,000 more into it, and if he lives to ei joy it, no doubt it will cost him a\l of $10,000,000 before many years. He hag 180,000 acres and can tnivel thirty five miles in a straight line from his door with¬ out reaching the boundaries of his estate. Mammoth \run driveways and cycle roads everywhere, and there are milfes of them, carefully graded and kept smooth. Seldom does any one Aver come here with¬ out going out t^ sec Biltmore. This Will Interest You. The Atlanta Weekly\J<mrnal word eldest. is now running a missing For fifty ceots they se Hie Weekly and . allo^th „ . , . A Journal one year person sending the subscription one gqess at the missing word- The sentence sehmted is: /' "■»» «•“ c *"*f d to friends has ceased to love him. V Thc missing w ord is the one i<» till oat th« above sentence aiwi make perfect seme, it is not a catch word, but is a plain every day Engtbh word To tb«* person first t Cue right Wird Jbe JoUina , will give 5 percent of the amount of subscriptions received dur¬ ing the three months that this contest lasts, and 5 per cent additional will lie evenly divided between all other persons who may guess the missing word. Tiie Weekly Journal is a first class fain lly paper, having ten pages filled with mat ter that will iuten-st all members of tiie fatnily- It has a first class woman’s prge, an admirable children’s department at least one story every week, a vast amount of mbccllaneons features, aud all tin nc” s of the world Addn-ss 1 in- ourmd. At lanta, Ga tllC ^ GWS if you want to keep Legal Sheriff’s Sales. Georgia—Wayne County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in July. 1897, at the court house door in said county, between the legal hours of sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit—One tract of land it Wayne county Georgia, containing 878 acres of lot No. 20 in the 2d dist., bounced as fol¬ lows, to-wit—on the East by lanes of J. A. Oourson. J. F. liighsuiith and Mary Thomas—South by lot No. 19, and land of J. F. Highsmith—North by lot No Three 21 —West by county line, containing Hundred acd Seveniy-eight acres more or less. Said property levied on as the prop t-rty of Norwood Highsmith, Guardian for J. N. Highsmith. to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from the Court May favor term of 189? Mein- of Wayne Superior in hard Bros. & Co., and against the said Norwood Highsmith, Guardian for J. N. Highsmith. Terms of sale cash, pur¬ chaser paying for titles. This June 2d, 1897. W. B. Lykns. Sheriff Wayne County, Ga. Georgia— Wayne County. Will he soliUou the first door Tuesday in July. J897, at the court house in said county, between the legal hours of sale to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following de8cri0ed property, to wit—All that tract, lot or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the county of Wayne and "said state, in the se-ond district, con¬ taining 700 acres, near the town or village cf AtKinson—bounded North bv lands of It. L. Moyer.—East by lands of A. L. Prentice—West Said by lands of Drury and Smith property levied on as prop eity of Knox Bros . to satisfy a mortgage fi ta issued from May term Meinlmrd 181)7 of Wayne liros. Superior Court iu favor of said Bros. & Co.. and against the Knox Terms of sale cash, purchaser paying for title. This June 2d, 1897. W. B. Lykns, Sheriff Wayne County, Ga. Georgia—Wayne County. Will be sold on the first door Tuesday said in July, 1897, at the court house of iu county, between the legal hours sale to highest bidder fur cash, the following described property, to-wit—One Hundred and land Ten (110) lying neies more being or in less, the of 2d lot dist. of No. 43 and of Wayne county, Ga . levied on as the property of N. D. White hv virtue of a tax tl fa issued by W. J. O’Quiun, tax collector of said county, for state and county tax for the year 1898 on said land. Levy made ami returned to me by West berry Bcuuett, L. C.. April 20. 1897. Terms of sale cash, purchaser paying for title This June 2d, 1897. W, B. Leers, Sheriff Wayne County, Ga. Administrator's Sale. STATE OF GEORGIA. I County or Wayne- ( Under and by virtue of an order from the Court of < Irdinary sold of public said County of Wayne, will tie at outcry on the first Tuesday door iu in Jesup, July, 1897, Georgia, at the court-house in said County of Wayne, between the lot legal "or hours of sale, the following tract, pared of laud lying containing and being Fifteen in said County of Wayne, less Hundred acres of land, more or and described as follows, to-wit: All that cer¬ tain tract of one thousand acres of laud more or less, that the 8tate of Georgia erunted to Jeremiah Briggs on July 5th, 1836, and which is known as lot number sixty-two v 02) tn the Williams Survey Also, all that tract of land containing Five Hundred acres, more or less, being the north half of a .tract of land grauted by the State of Georgia to Daniel Turner < u November second (2d) 1836, and identified by lot number sixty-three (08) Williams Survey. All lying and being iu the Third laud district of said county. The terms of said sale will be cash, the purchaser paying for titles. Tins 7th day of June, 1897. James W. PoffELL. Administrator with the will annexed, of the estate of Christina Prentice, deceased. GRIFFIN HOUSE Opposite the Freight Depot, East side of railroad on post office square. Good accommodation at reasonable rates. $1.00 PER DAY. $6.00 PER WEEK. $15.00 PER MONTH. Table supplied with the Best the mar¬ ket affords. WM. UillFFIN, Proprietor, 1 m\ *20 j s j E j j w itCHINE* 2 MOST POPULAR SEWING MACHINE for a mere soar. Buy (Toni reliable maanfsetems Uu* bare Rained & reputati **:. by hon««t and RQoare There i$ none* ?*« iu wrtd that can Peru*! ia machanirfiU cnuffmctir.ii. lurablllry of workinir pmru flnpnfMW of finish. b-Ruty in uppeRJtknoe.or MOMl. hM Mmany ImproYemonta<u the MgW WRITE FOR CIRCULARS. The Few Home Sewing laebine Ce. iALl BV - 'iM & -- n Sr t w What is the matter him Ho is laughing at those people who dou’t believe it pays to Advertise., in the News Don’t be one of them. You may be doing a good business now, but a little money spent in advertising your wares will ensure your doing a better one. lflQT , JldlljOni DaTno r for Advertisers Palmetto House, 124 Bryan St., (Market Sq.) GEORGIA. $1 and $1.50 per day rgtes by the week. W. GETSINGER, \ Manager. Tampa Bay H del, Fla., the most tropolical resor in the world. Bay Hotel; Casino, Opera House, Swimming Pool, Bowling all open December 3rd, 1896. Address, B. \y. Wrens, Passenger Traffic Manager, Plant 12 West 22rd Street, New York ■ SOUTHERN RAILWAY. » 1 ■CBKDULK IN RpFKOT WAT 9 . ISM. Northbound. No. N ... No. far *1 IS ta Lv. Brunswick...... t <3* a so# LV. At. J68Up...... Evorett......./. 683a 10 11 30a 23* SEEKS*:/:: too• :: 12 001* n«* 103p .....ItCUu “ Lumber City... 183{* .. into “ “ Helena.. Mlsslor___________ 1 % £ ** Eastman-........ 2«Si* 84* “ Cochran........ Empire.!.......... No. » 810.* N*. | “ Macon.,............ .. T3ua S21p SSS It set Flo McDonough........ villa............ »84* 640p S4jp Ar. Atlanta........ 1116a f 49p » 4$ Lv. Chattanoofa Atlanta...... ...... iOOp <).p lOUCp lOMp 30a 190a tOOp Ar. 9 4 4 Ar. IamiavlUv # 6 Ja 8161 Slip l(*a At. Ouialmiatl. v *C ? *6» T 33p *aop f 41* Lv. Atiaafa ...........11 33p IZOOn Ar. Washington........ Slop 6 42a “ KewYork- 6 2U 1243p Soathbonud Mas Mm ^16. to to 14. Lv. New Washington.. Yorlc. IV l30p 48 tim *• S3i> 11 u* Ar. Atlanta....... 3 6 10# Lv. Cincinnati, q. A C T 3*p S3'«j Shis f*op “ Louisville. ? Jip| T 46 *! 743 a ItOp Lv. Chattanooga...... Atlanta............ - Atlanta 14ci*onongh SS SIS s •• Flovilla..... 5 84p JOa 961# 16 Cochran.,... Macon....... tmp^UatoRla i " Bmptra..... ......tv 27a---- “ ** Miailer...... Eastman :::::: it 55 “ Helena...... .11 43a 2™ “ Lumber Haztchurst.. City ~ 12 !SE 43p 6 06a “ “ Burrenoy..... N«. SKa Jesup....... t£:.*S *4 4 40a Everett..... Tm 6 80a Brunswick . ■ 43a 439 ? 8*0? 636. Nos. 13 and 14—"Pulbnan aleaping can be¬ Atlanta and Brunswick. Pullman room sleeping cars between Jack¬ Fla., and Nashville, Teas., via Nos. t and 10—Pullman drawing LoolsvtlJe. rows Slip ears between Atlanta aud Noe. T and. 8 — Pullman sleeping cars between and Chattanooga. This car ta Biased Union Passenger station, Atlanta, for the reception of passengers Union at 6:00 p. m. Connection at and Depot, Atlanta, fee a4i north, east west. J. X. CULP. H. GREEN, Superintendent. Traffic Xanagar, Gent Waablngtoc.Di. C. Washington. D. O. wick. W. A. TURK. 8. a. hard Gen’) Pass. Agt. Aaat. Gcu'l Pas*. Agt. Washington, D. C _ Atlanta. Ga. ■- ..... m m m ^ m