Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, July 02, 1897, Image 2

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Tlie Way n eCounty JN 7 ruBursuxu by THE NEWS PUBLISHING *-:•* z t . * _ _ Entered at. the .letup Port Office Second class mutter. Official organ of Wayne County the City of .tcstip. A. E. CAIN, Manager. • ia>,.~ x — 1 -rrrzzj tUJffSOttlPTION, ll.no PER ANNUM, Jksep, Ga., July 2d, NOTIOK. Tc The Votkbs o* Watne I hereby announce myself as n candidate for re-election for the of¬ fice of Tax Collector, and respect¬ fully ask the support of my and tlie voters of Wayne eounty the special election, when called. I feel very grateful to the people for their past support, and I have endeavored to give them the best service I possibly could in collect¬ ing the taxes, and promise if I am re elected, to ngain faithfully dis¬ charge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, W. J. O’Quinn. Peter Smith is still organizing. Atlanta has secured the State lair. It lookB as though populism is going to the deinnition dooce. The next reunion of tho Confed¬ erate Veterans will he held in At¬ lanta. Tom Watson doesn’t want office, oh no. He only wants to play Hanna to some one’s McKinley. The Wayne Light Troop failed to get the $ LOO recommended by the Grand Jurft, but the boys say they will show up at Meldrim or break a rying. The cuse of the State vs. Nicho¬ las & Chaneey was tried Monday at county court. The State was unable to produce enough evidence to establsh a ease, and a consent verdict was given in favor defend¬ ants. The Trade’s Day issue of the Wayeross Journal was great, and the Journal tuav well be proud of its success. The efforts of the Journal to advertise Wayeross should be appreciated by that hus¬ tling town. Will some kindly disposed con¬ temporary inform us whether tlie Douglas Leader is still making war on “ one horse democratic edi tors,” and whether or no the gentle Timm is still at the holm of that rudderless ship? The .Midsummer edition of the Brunswick Times was a handsome and very creditable issue. It is a great advertisement of Brunswick and its splendid facilities. As the Times jtmlv remarks, " Brunswick first, last nnd all the time," „ m coming from the Times, this means a great deal. NOTICE. To the Voters of Wayne Co.: I will be at the following pre¬ cincts of said county on the dates below mention d, for the purpose of taking the registration of the voters of said county: To wit: At Hortetise, on Mon day. July|12tli ; at Atkinson, Tuee day 13' h; Lutatou, Wednesday 14th; Way net villa, Thursday 15th; Mt. Pleasant, Friday 10th; Gatdi, Saturday 17th; Riteb, !9lh; Odum, Tuesday 20th; dray, Wednesday 21vt: Jesup, Thursday 2id; Screven, Friday 23rd. Gkc.kok W, Nichols, Tax Collector, W. Co., Ga. June 29th, 1896. The Beginning ol the End. As in union thorp is strength, in division, difference, and there is decay and death. For time there have been signs of integration in the Populist and these indications of ing dissolution become every day. It appears that the, include, not only personal nisms, accompanied by more or rancor, but issues calculated to flnenee the public mind. the question of fnsion, which caused so much feeling of late tween the wings of the headed by Watson and there is a new issue beside all others taken up by Mr. are likely to paleinto It is the A. P. A. issue which has deliberately brought This has already attracted tion and aroused lasting nism in quarters where was hardly known. Bitter as populist campaigns have been, feeling they have engendered is nothing in comparison with which the new issue is likely stir up. It is a powerful he makes to the Protestant mers, but religious prejudice is dangerous ns it is powerful. Woteon is playing with but he appears to revel in storms. He likes the .breath of cyclone and the turmoil of the ments. Like Sam Jones, he spises a dull time, but unlike Jones, he is less conservative action than in utterance. This new cyclone which Watson has in preparation is ly to make short work of the jecta membra of the Populist ty. Mr. Watssn himself almost contemptuously of its re. mains when he #ays, “ if it is to u parly of Hessians a wlU hl)t be ahle to stay in lanta Journal. tlardi Dots. Mr. Virgil Harper and Mr. ris James spent Sunday on Simons. Mr. Edward Hum of Mt. ant was in town Saturday, Several Gardl folks church at Midway Sunday. Miss Queenie McCall, who been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Bryan, returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cole Sunday in Jesup. Mr. and Mrs. Trowell of spent Sunday in town. Mr. W. B. Bryan is very with neuralgia. Mr. D. S. Price and Miss Hopps of Jesup were in town day. Miss Bettie George of visited relatives in town this Mr. A. W. Iltirn went on a ing trip to Mt. Pleasant last and reports a big time. A party was given at the of Mr. A. II. James last night which was very much joyed by all who attended. " Jim.” Electric Bitters. Electric Bitters is a j suited for any season, hut ”* ore 8 e,H ‘ rttll v needed when - languid, exhausted feeling when the Uvev i„ torpid and slug { and fhc ,lecd of “ ton,c alterative is felt. A prompt use this medicine has often long and perhaps fatal fevers. No medicine will act in counteracting and free¬ ing the system from the poison. Headache, Constipation, Dizziness yield Electric Bitters. aOc. and per bot’le at H. W. Whaley & Drug Store. Notice to Teucliers. The Teacher’s Institute for 1897 will convene at Jesup July 19th. All teachers holding license are rnquired to attend. The teachers from Pierce will join Wayne coun in Institute work. We want every teacher in Wayne to attend. Board will cost 50 and 60 cents pef day. J. R. Besnett, C. S. C. A Horrible Crinie. The body of William Brauda, a quiet, inoffensive man living near Screven, was found buried in a gopher hole last Sunday. He had been missing since last Thursday, and the people of that, section had organized a searching party to look for him. Their attention was cal¬ led to the gopher hole ty a swarm of flies hovering near. It is thought that he was killed with an axe and then dragged •o the place where he was found buried. The murderer did not com¬ plete his work and left an opening which attracted a swarm of flies to the spot and was the cause of the body being found. Bennett Davis who lived nearby and who disap¬ peared the same night has been suspeete.l of committing the crime. The officers were at a loss as to a motive for the crime at first, but have since gathered evidence which tends to prove| that Brauda dis¬ covered Davis in the commision of a heinous crroe, and Davis to con¬ ceal it, committed another by mur¬ dering him. Up to date no trace of Davis has been found, but the officers have taken every precaution to prevent his escape from the country. Since the above was written, evi denee has developed which led to to the arrest of the wife and daugh ttr of Bennett Davis. They were given a hearing at once before Justice Harris, and both made affi¬ davits that a criminal intimucy ex¬ isted between Davis and his daugh¬ ter, which being discovered by Brauda, led to his being murdered by Davis. Both wife and daughter deny having had any hand in the murder. Sheriff Lyens and his deputy have been working up the case with great fkill and hope soon to have the murderer behind the bars. Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bogcl, the leading drug¬ gist of Shreveport. La.,says: “ Dr. King’s New Discovery is thd only thing that cures ray cough, and it is the best seller I have.” J. F. Campbell, merchant «%f * Stafford Ariz., writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, I cannot say enough for its merits.” Dr. King's New Dis¬ covery jor Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and to-day stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at H. W. Whaley & Co’s Drug Store. Regular size 60 cents and $1.00. Lulnton Items. Watermelon season is on. Mr. Dan Parrott, one of the mers of this vicinity, has already brought in three loads of melons. Well, the big day that we had been long looking lor came j\t last. The picnic and Masonic eelebra tion took place last Thursday. The day was a very warm one, nevertheless we ail spent, a most enjoyable day. It was the largest and best picnic we have ever had. The Masonic services were eon dueled by Mr. Dart, from wick. Mr. and Mrs. Jasper of Bruns wick have been visiting relatives here this week, Quite a large crowd went to Oak Grove church lust Sunday; Ward rode the mule. Miss Hallie Ray bon, one of the smallest scholars in the school, curried off the honors in the spel ling match last Friday. *• Steel.” Buck ten's Arnica Salve. The Bust Salve iu the world for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheuiu, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chiilbiains. Corns, and all Skio Eruptions and jawi lively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to elve perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price. 45 cents per l*)\ Fof sale by it. W. Whaley ifc Cos Drug Store. Riding rough shod over his ob jections the Confederate Veterans at Nashville re-elected Gen. John B. Gordon commander o' their or gan sition. It was a fitting ute most worthily bestowed -Anier* icus Herald. OVERWORK —IKDUCED — Nervous Prostration CampUt* Bscovtr j by the Vm at Ayer’s Sarsaparilla "Some years ago, as a result of too close attention to business, my health (ailed. 1 became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de¬ cline. I took three bottles of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, began to improve at once. : L 3H sill m i nj M»i | niHiiW | iy | pi * and gradually Increased my weight from one hundred and twenty-live to two hundred pounds. Since then, I and my family have used this medicine when needed, and we are all in the hest of health, a fact which we attribute to Ayer’s 8arsapariIIa. I believe my chil¬ dren wonld have been fatherless to-day had it not been for Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot say too much."—H. 0. Hixsov, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard’s, S. C. Ami's uu Sarsaparilla IICCCIVIDC MCBAL «T WOBLB’I HUB. A VCR’S Pitta Sava Doctor's Bill*. FOHSALE BY JiStip - - Pharmacy. M< nrov Messenger— 1 heard a story the other day. I think it will beat the Mulberry correspondent's war story. A man said that mosquitoes v ere so bad in the pincy woods that the people had to use a wushpot, turned liot tom upwards over their heads to keep them from pelting their hair out, and then they got so imd that they would stick bills through the washpof, and hi took hammer and climbed their biiht on the in until there were so many they flew with his pot, and he hud not heard from it siuce. Atlanta Journal— Aneot the return of prosperity, two far were recently discussing the ebeap ness of horses all over tke country. One insisted that hones were cheap tmouse of the general Use of electricity on street cars. The other mnr, did not agree with him. *■ No, 1 ' said he. “horses are cheap be¬ cause evcrj'hody is Inking to bicycle rid¬ ing. A young fellow buys a bicycle in¬ stead of a horse nowadays because it dnnt him anything lor the care. At night when lie - * through using it. nil he’s got. to is to run it under a shot, and next morning it's ready for Litn to ride aWay on. lie don’t ever have to curry it Iloth of the parties to the argument stubbornly maintained their side, and 'here was no :i".e« ing what trade horses o cheap. Nearby stood a Geiman. who had Wn a listener to the argument, and whom both They asked his opinion. •’ What do yon think is the cause that boms are so cheap? ” they asked. ’’ I vill dell you vy horses vas so aheap if you vgnts to know vol it is,” said the German, emphatically. • It’s because (li re is so many lamined shock u-ses iu Vashington Do you any*^ Printing Done Qg|| Qftd SCC Us ¥ IT WILL SURPRISE YOU TO SEE HOW CHEAP YOU CAN GET . . STATIONERY PRINTED ...AT THE... WILKINS & CO’S « •* Store is biisy. WE are giving incomparable values; hustling for trrde and getting it. The mer hant of to¬ day to sneceed must buy for cash; buy from the factories; and sell on close margins, and thus meet the hard times. Old time business not in it any more. OUR Dry Goods department this season is the best selected and cheapest we’ve ever had. We are making SPECIAL DRIVES in • *t 5 CENTS GOODS... HEAVY STANDARD CALICOS, SHIRTINGS, YARD-WIDE HOMESPUNS, PRETTY SCOTCH LAWNS, DAINTY C1IALLIES, HEAVY ROUND-THREAD CHECKS, ETC. for 5 Cem/bs GENTS’ and Boys’ Ready-Made Clothing are cheaper than we ever expect to see them again. We carry the largest, best, and cheapest stock of Shoes in wiregrass Georgia. Straw hats in endless variety. WE are headquarters for all General Merchan¬ dise, Hardware, Furniture, Stoves, Groceries, Hay, Grain, Etc. WE handle more and pay higher for Country Produce than any house in the city. We are strictly for business, and yours to please. Wilkins *. Co. A. E. CAIN JUST RECEIVED....... COMPLETE AND FIRST-CLASS LINE OF Dry Goods & Clothing. 54 ❖ cull and examine * It will pay you to my t< ck before buying your goods, I con suve you money on every purchase. My prices are LOW' I always keep a FIRST-CLASS line of every¬ thing. Come and sec me. Cigars, Confections, Fruits, ---ANi) A GENERAL LINE OF- Fancy Groceries, Tobacco, GOOD COFFEE, 15 CENTS PER POUND, OR, 7 POUNDS FOR $1.00. QUICK CASH SALE AND SMALL PROFIT. J. A. WEELER -DEALER IN* ...HORSES AND MULES- JESUP, GEORGIA. I have just returned front the markets with as fine lot of and Mules as were ever brought to this county, and invite the farmers and public generally to call at my stables and see what I am prepared to do for them. Thanking my friends and old customers for their past patron¬ age, and soliciting a continuance of same, I am yours to serve. J. A. WHELER. BINGHAM & McCAIL Cold Drinks .... of Every Description. Cider, Milk Shakes Lemonades Hires Improved Root Beer Bottled Soda Ginger hie, Sarsaparilla, Its. Kept always on Ice. All Drinks put up in First-class Style and guaranteed to be the Best in every respect. .•••Whaley Block. Give Us a Cali You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di¬ rect from the manufacturer. km W/M mm No better wheel made than the Acme Built Bicycle factory by m our own skilled workmen, using the best material and the most improved machinery. Sold direct from I?a hara no agant* rider, fully warranted. factory Slipped to die anywhere for WRITS examination. FOR Our Interesting Offer Cycle Co., Elkhart, lad,