Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, September 17, 1897, Image 2

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PUBLISHED BV THE NEWS PUBLISHING Entered at the Jesup Post Office second class matter. Official organ of Wayne County the City, of Jesup. dUBSCRIPTION, $1.00 PER ANNUM. Jxsur, Ga., Sept. !7th, 1897. NOTICE. •fc The Voters or Watne Cocntt. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for re-election for the of¬ fice of Tax Collector, and respect¬ fully ask the support of my and tha voters of Wayne county the special election, when called. I feel very grateful to the people for their past support, ai.d I have endeavored to give them the best service I possibly could In collect¬ ing the taxes, and promise if I am re-elected, to again faithfully dis¬ charge the duties of *he office the best of my ability. Respectfully, W. J. O’Quinn. Quarantine Inspectors have been stationed at Jesup. The election for tax collector oc¬ curs next Wednesday. It is expected that in about five »r six weeks Jesup wilt have ob¬ tained n start as a manufacturing center. Je'sup lias quarantined against all points from which there is dan¬ ger of infection. Macon und At¬ lanta have been included in the list. If our people want an able, con¬ scientious and thoroughly tax collector, they will obtain by electing W. J. O’Quinn to office. In this week’s edition we pub¬ lish notice of petition to amend Looal Option Liquor Law. It is claimed that the petition has strong backing. After hard work by the organ risers, all the stock of the machine shop and foundry' has been sub scribed for. Work on the building will be commenced at once, llnptiat Convention. Program of the Second District Sunday School Convention, of the Piedmont Baptist Association, meet with Hopewell church, Octo ber 16th and 17th, 1897: FaiDAr, 11.00 A. M. Preaching by Rev. W. B. Ben sett. Alternate, Rev. R. J. Wood dell. 1.30 P. M. What relation does the Sunday School sustain to the church? Opened by W. E. Porter, followed by A. A. Arnett and others. Satvrpat, 9,30 A. M. What ought to be taught in the Sunday School? Opened by R. J, Wooddell, followed by J, J. Little and others. 10.15 A. M. What qualifications should Sun¬ day School teachers possess? Opened by W. M. Giimon, fol lowed by O. R. Bennett and others. 11.00 A. M. Preaching by W. M. Gilmore. Alternate, J. A. Harper. J.30 P. M. Does the evangelization of world depend on the Sunday School. If #o, why? Opened by J. R. Bennett, followed by P. R {{ail, Sr., and others. Sunday, 9.30 A. M. Sunday School Maes-meeting, Conducted by J. £. Bennett. U A. M. Preaching by W. E. Porter. taraatr, R. L. Valentine. Prea.-hiag committee will ar range fur preaching at night. Churches and schools are re quested to send a large delegation, J, C. Hatche*. Vice Prest. Nahuuta Dots, The protracted meeting at Baptjst church closed Sunday night. Thre were five received in the church . The pastor was ably assisted by Rev. W. II. Scrugg, J. J. Little, E. H, Bennett and W. W. Blitch. The singing was con¬ ducted by Messrs R. and J. D. Crawford, Jr., and highly complimented. Quite a number of our Lulaton friends visited us and enjoyed meeting. Among them were Mr. A. L. Collins and wife, Mr. W. F. Raybon and wife, Hon. J. L. Cour son, J. M. Courson, C. H. Brown and D. B. Raybon. Miss Mamie Lewis, from Patterson, is visiting friends Mr. J. J. Johns, of Bachlott, out last week. Miss Sallie Williams, of shear, opened school at Richard¬ son’s Still last week. Verdis, the little daughter Mr. G. W. Morgan, was bitten by a large moccasin week. She is improving slowly. Our people are waiting very im¬ patiently to hear whether or we wil! get our district. It Saves tbe Croupy Children. Seavikw, Vn.—Wc have a splendid on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, and cuttomers coming from far and near. K|>cnk of It in the highest terms. have said that their children would died of croup If Chamberlain’s Remedy had uot t»een given. —Kki.lam Oukhkn. The 25 and 50 cent sizes sate by Knight Phr.rraacy. G rnlta m-Wlrnley Marriage. A marriage which was quite surprise to even the most friends of the contracting was solemnised at the home of bride’s parents, Mr. k Mrs. H. Whaley, in Jesup, Wednesday Sep¬ tember the 8th, at 8.30 o’clock tu.—that of Miss Maude Lee ley to Col. E. D. Graham, of Rae, Ga. Although a quiet home the wedding was an pretty one. The ceremony of M. E. church, as performed by Edward F. Cook, of was unusually beautiful and im piessive. The bride, attired in an exqui¬ sitely pretty traveling costume brown silk, came to the center the gracefully draped folding on the arm of the bridegroom, pre¬ eeded by tbe flower girl, little Mil¬ dred Dye, to the music of Menddles hon’s wedding march rendered by Miss Ethel Ayer. The dining room, parlor and sitting room were pro¬ fusely decorated with palms and flowers, The bride is poFsessed of many lovable traits of character. Beau¬ tiful and accomplished, she is wide¬ ly known throughout the state and has a host of friends in Jesup who are deeply and sincerely attached to her. Col. Graham has reached an em¬ inent place in the field of law and is popular wherever he is known . At 9 o’clock delightful refresh¬ ments were served At 10 the par¬ ents and guests, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Wilkins, Dr. and Mrs. Tuten, Mr. Dye, Mr. Leslie Little, Rev. Edward F. Cook, and Misses Ma¬ mie Bottoms, Alina Hendry’, Mil¬ dred Dye, Ethel Ayer and Claudia Little, accompanied the newly wedded pair to the 10.07 o’clock train, on which they left over tl e Southern Road for Nashville, Tenn., where they will remain for sometime, after which they will re turn to McRae, where they will be at home to their many friends. Winchester Goods. We take pleasure in railing at tention to the advertisement of the Winchester Repeating Arms which appears in our issue to This far-famed honee has the rep the world over of the best guns and ammunition the market. They charge no for their goods than is asked far inferior makes by smaller man ufacturers. Buy Winchester always and you will have can be relied Ill Menioriuin. Jescp, Ga., Sept. 6th, 1897. To the Officers and Members of Satilla Lodge No. 5, K. of P.: Brethren :—Your committee ap¬ pointed to draft suitable resolu¬ tions upon tne death of onr t rother, E. C. Broadhurst, respectfully re¬ port as follows: He was born in Matron county, S. C., 1874, only coming to Jesup with his brothers and family a few years ago. He was a young man just entering on life, and in the few short years that he has been among us endeared himself by his kindly disposition and genial man ner to all he he came in contact with. To his mother and his brothers and sisters he was a dutiful and faithful- son and brother, ever ready with a kindly smile to per form any duty that presented itself and ever watchful of the care and attention due to them. To hie employers he was loyal and true, always looking to the ad¬ vancement of their interests. Im¬ partial and just in his dealings with others and ever ready to as¬ sist and befriend the needy. He was a young Knight it is true, but in the few short months that he had been a mounter of tbe Order he had shown that the true principle of our Order would be upheld by him in his future had it been the will of God to spare him t. us, but an Almighty and a greater power to which' all true Pythians bow with reverence and awe decreed otherwise. We his memory and as long as lasts the recollection of him ever remain wjth us. To his relatives we extend our heartfelt condolence in this their hour of bereavement. Resolved, That these resolutions be placed upon the Minutes and a copy .l.cL.ed be furnished the family of the biotber, .tul 1h.t of th« Lodge bo draped in mourning for thirty,duvs. Respectfully submitted, W. II. WHALEY, « S. F. Ellis, ” James Steele, Committee. * -t < O Kotuetlsluir To Depend On. Mr. James Jones, of the firm Jones <fc Son, Cowden, 111., in speak ing of Dr. King’s New Discovery, save says that that last last winter winter his nrs wife wire was was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so serious that cians at Cowden and Puna could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into Hasty Consumption. Having Dr. King’s New Discovery in store, and selling lots of it, h.* took a bottle home, and to the stir prise of alt she began to get better from first dose, and half dozen dol lar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is gu iranteed to do this good work. Try it F r ee trial bottles at H. W. Whaley* Co’s Drugstore. ular size 50 cents and $1 00. "They don t make much fuss shout it.” We are speaking of OeWilt’a Little Early Riser, the famous little pills for constipa¬ tion, biliousness and all stomach and liver troubles. They never gripe.~Knight Pharmacy. You Get the Profits Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen by buying di¬ rect from the manufacturer. mm No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle skilled Built in workmen, our own using factory the best by material and the most hare improved machinery. We no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted, Shipped anywhere for examination. write for OurInteresting Offer Acms Cyct- Co-, Elkhart, lad, TURNING GRAY AMD THREATENED WITH BALDNESS Tbe Banger u Averted by Being AYER’S HAIR VIGOR “Nearly forty years ago, after gome weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray and began falling out so rapidly that I was threatened with immediate baldness. Hearing Ayer’s Hair Vigor highly spoken of, I commenced using this prepare J wm HP W' w tion, and was so well satisfied with the result that 1 have never tried any other kind of dressing. It stop¬ ped the hair from falling out, stimu lated a new growth of hair, and kept the scalp free from dandruff. Only an occasional application is now needed to keep my hair of good, natural color. I never hesitate to recommend any of Ayer’s medicines to my friends.” - Mrs. II. M. Haigiit, Avoea, Neb, AlfPf’c Ifatf ”" VlQOP * . D „ r m , Q.AYER k CO., LOVELL, MASS- U. S. K g<t „ aimrilla ^, 1 ,: FOB SALE BY Knight - - Pharmacy. Illicit leu's Arnica Halve. The Best 8 ai.vb in the world for t uts Bruise*. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Corns, and''a'lSkhTErr!ption » and'"!*' t j W ]y ,. tlri . g pile*, or no pay required. It U guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo*. S’” N » W '"»>»> * <• » . D ™, S ~ Burning, itching asin diseases instantly relieved by DeWill'd Witch Hazel Salve, unequalled for cuts, brni.-es, burns. It herd* without leaving a dear.—Knight Pharmacy. Owing ta over-crowding and trad venti¬ lation. the air of the schoolroom isoftm 1 *"‘‘ in 'P u ' e - " ad ,l '“ her ‘ “ n, ‘ frequently suffer from lung and throat troubles. To all such we would say, try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, coughs, colds weak lungs and bronchial m,,,l,k * u0 0,lu:r re,,UNly C!U1 comp-ro wj|h jt gays A. O. Freed, Snpermten of Seho „i Si Prairie l)., |K »t. Ohio: ••Having some knowledge of the efficacy of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy, I have no hesitation iu recommending it to all whit suffler from coughs, lung troubles ‘ etc.” For sale by Knight Pharmacy. A Cnr « for union* Colic, ItKiioUHCK, hcreven Co., (.a — I have >u |,j,. ot t0 attacks of bilious colic for several rears. Chamberlain’s Colic. Choi era and Dinrrlicea Remedy is the only sure relief. It act* like a charm. One dose of it give* relief when all other reim-diea fail. (J. I). Shako. For sale hr Knight Pharmacy. Want any-s Printing Done^. Call and See Us. ¥ IT WILL SURPRISE YOU TO SEE HOW CHEAP YOU CAN GET .* . STATIONERY PRINTED ...AT THE... NEWS ()pp|(,f A rr | Ar V • 1 • V L “ l ^-“Success” Cotton Seed Huller A ~jNTT~) SEPARATOR. Latest Guaran tffV teed Success 7P*§iiiL For Practi ■j V ■ :'2f/ - s# -i, fv cal Ginners . s: ’V, v • * ■ j sTOBB JM .Durable 't j .<■-£>■aaa m - Money . V M- 0 Delia Maker ■cj ble Nothing succeeds like “ Success.” h Emery Grinder Worth $25.00, free With Each Heller. Hulls all Seed from Two Gins. Write for particulars- ■ —— Soule Steam Feed Works. .Jferidiatt, Mitt. Send for Circular J. [Mention Wayne County News] A. WHELER * -DEALER IN ...HORSES AND MULES-— JESUP, GEORCIA. 1 have J u "‘ re,u,ne,i from m8rket8 W,,h aB tine ,ot ° f 11<,rMi j,d Mules as were ever brought to this county, and invite the farmers ** Mjc • „ ener ally to call at my stables and see what I am prepared ■ do lot them. Tlunking my fnon.l. .nil old oo.tmnor. fnr tbeir pa.l pnlron and soliciting a continuance of same, 1 am yours to serve. J. A. WHELER. PHONE 5. '*«• “Meridian” Gin Saw Gummer -A.xi.cL Sliarpener. GUMS AND TEETH SHARPENS CUT AT ONE AT ANY OPERATION. ANGLE. First Prize at Dallas State Pair. Pays for itself in expenses saved. Increases output, makes finest sample. An up-to-date machine. For Prices Etc. , Addhess, The Gatliniglit Machine Co. MERIDIAN, MIES* [Mention Watke Countt News] Ellis & Roberson ....DEALERS IN.... Family Groceries and Dry Goods Cigars and Tobaccos. Shoes a Specialty. WK have just received a Large Stock of New Good*, and intend disposing of them at Rock Bottom Prices. Every thing in stock that should be found in a First Class Grocery. Special attention is called to the large stock ei Shoes that we have just got in. Guaranteed to be ss cheap sna durable as any on the market. Call and examine our stock of Goods. Highest Market Prices paid for Hitfes. KlliS KrO"b©X*«OXL Meemp, Gs.