Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, September 24, 1897, Image 3

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* Job Neatly and promptly exe¬ cuted at this office. Eve¬ rything from a mammoth hook to a small visiting /. ■’ " •• • V • card printed on very'ehort ■ - ■ notice. Call and see our . , . samples and get prices. ■'f NEWS PUBLISHING .. r >'{; *;* •; MOFE88IONA|, *5 -y. CABD8. --VV •»* , , » D. M. CLARK, Attorney and Counsellor at Gkobqja. ■ *> Solicitor Wayne County Court. JOHN W. BENNETT, - . Ajto*nkt-at-Law, >'- .a \ Wavckoss, Georgia. , Will practice in ail Courts the Brunswick Circuit, and ' else •i** . * - where by special contract. . - « > .xr^-x. J. G. TUTEN, M. D., Physician and Sdeoeon, Jesup, Georgia. Office in front of the Brick Block, Calls promptly, day or night. ---- -4 ......- . ... — G. W. DRAWDY, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Jesup, Georgia H C. L. COLLINS, . e yrr^VF®**** *. T Law - • Jesup, Ga. * -t si nr :* Office Whaley Building. C P, £ fs* K it ARRIS, .-rAmsKf and CeuMSELLoa at Law. 'T'Jsner, I.- Georgia. .e r * . ,. HOTEL PHOENIX. Waycross Georc ia J. ST. STEICKLAED, PBDn. r * *« ■ All modern conveiences. Electric Lights throughout building. $2,00 and $3,00 per day. SAMUEL F. ELLIS, Dentist, • OfllM Whaley Building, Jesup, Ga. Satiiia Lodge, Me. 8, K- of P Meets Mooday nigiits at 8 o'clock A. J. Baooss. C. C. A. It Cain, K. of R. and 8 M- of F. *: -.'.It' W.jOrawdt J). G. C. Masonic. Je.ifp LodgWNo. 113. r * A M. first and third Tuesdays in each month. James Steele, W . M. W. M. Austin. SecreUry. 4 T r - -e 'V Iffi) i to ■i MMfli CfCULAMfl.M ■WMITK FOB At „ Vi _ 8$n$ „ Sevilg . _ liefetM _ A. LOCAL AMD OTNCRW'ftB Coi. TMbenu a ttend e d court at Bakiey this ' ; week. 1 - • Editor Tison ot Douglas spent a day in Jesup this week. Col. 8 R. Harris attended court at Baxley this week. The highest market prices paid for hides at Ellis A Roberson's. 'Mrs. Graham is vtsitiag her mother, Mrs. W. H. Whaley. Col. W. M. Toomer, of Waycross was in town one day this week. i Ci.pt (Robs. of the Havenneh Morning Neks, visited Jesup this week. Net even a hurrah! disturbed the peace fui serenity of Jesup on election day. Major Bro^k returned front allot Nashville trip. last week. The MSjor reports Call no Surrency, the “old relia¬ ble.” for your fresh meats. Several carloads of lumber arrived this for tbe erection of 1be manufacturing plant. Col. C. h. CoUlaa visited Baxley dur¬ ing court this week and wss admitted to practice at ihe state bar. '<■ Buy your-Paints, Oils end Paint brushes at H. W. Whaley A Co’s Drug Store-. .Mr. W. L. Jones, who has a large sad prosperous school about 5 or 4 miioa from Hcieven, is on a visit to Jesup. Candy Cathartic cure constipation for¬ ever. 10c. If C C. C. fail, druggists re¬ fund money. Fruit Trees end Grape Vines for sate at lowest Cash Prices. Ap¬ ply to A. W. Hum, Gardi, Take Cases rets Candy Cathartic. 10 er 25c. ire. c. C. fail to cure, druggists refund the money! ! Judge Sweat. Solicitor Bennett and others attended Court at Basley this week. This is the first court in the round of this circuit. For Sore Throat or pain in your chest uee Sloan's Liniment. Sold by Ellis A Roberson. Moments are useless if trifled sway.’ and they are dangerously wasted if consu¬ med by delay in Case where One Minute Cough Cure would bring immediate relief. -Knight Pharmacy,. * The finest line of Garden Seeds in Jesup at H. W. Whaley A Co’s Drug Store. oomplisb No man much or woman in this can wor 0 ± hiie life or Kuff.r- se> ing from a torpid Itarsr* D*Witt's Littfs Early (Users, the pills that eleaase that or¬ gan, quicaly. —Kuight Fharmacv. Wanted 1,000,GOO lbs. Cow Hides at 10 cents per lb., cash. M. W. Surrency. Running sores. Indolent ulcers, sod sim¬ ilar troubles, even though of »s.ny yes re standing, may be cured by using “Dewitt's Witcb Hazel Salve. It soothes, strength¬ ens and heals. It is the great pile cure.— Knight Pharmacy. Just received, a floe 'line of Writing Tablets, Pencils, Penbold ers and Slates, double and tingle, at Knight Pharmacy, If you have ever sate a little child ia * psrozy of whuopiag cough, or If yon been annoyed by a coastsot tickling la the throat, you can appreciate the vsine of Oce Minute Cough Cure, which gtv« quick relief.—Knight Pharmacy. t Sloan’s Liniment cures Croup qr Colic and all acbet and pains; For salt by Kllh A Roberson. The "BkyciiaFa Bmt Fnead" is afsmil ' iar name for peWitt’s Witch Hazri Italve, always ready for emergencies. While a specific for piles, it also instantly relieve, and curse cut#, salt ihrum. eczema and all affections of the skin It never fsiis. —Knight Pharmacy. All parties who have taken stock in the Jesup Foundry, Machine and Manufacturing Co^ »W please coma forward and high- fox fanla not later than October 1st, next. •J James Steele, t‘ ** Secty. and Tr -aa. Solicitor General John W Ban ecu has tnm H*4wustel& »*y oca vote. The popu'sr lawyeria expeiitncid in'miiitary umtiei.i having been a member of the »>/n« Light Troop for aeverai years. The Rifts. are to be cwagrMu baa Tbere sworn is owe off possum young ® huaUag. Ml He ^ wm steeping the sleep of the just one night lam week, when he ww aroused by Qe dog baying a posaaua. Thooghu of fill juicy pusaum fitted through hie hrata, and hastily srlsfcf he doaard his aether extremities and arising hit gua rwahad out to day. He got within 1 or * feet of ma possum. wElS foddcsly turning he made a wild break for th« house. The whole I , household arose as one mu and opposed hi. hot after a heroic struggle RABBI DAVID MARX Winn or His Visit » "Tax op the.Sxt.”'’ It is s relief to leave the busy bnpats of man; ths cities crowded with humanity, sweltering beneath ths burdens of toil and the hot mid¬ summer sun and wend our to the lofty summit of mountain. How invigorating ar,e the that ramble through the cloud kissed regions, sweet with frankincense of fresh leaved for The soul undergoes trans¬ formation. A new freedom pos¬ sesses body and m i ml. The of the mountains stir to the quick latent energy; and unfolding within, breathes life. "Land of the .sky!", the* so,~#p»ke no idle word, but truer were 'h* thought: "Gate¬ way twixt earth and heaven.” This region , is most I’d ion is not piled on Os*, bonked against each other; the huge waves - of ruffled mountain succeeds mountain, with luxuriant foliage, until lost in the haziness of the distant blue, veritable sea of mountains threat¬ ens to engulf the Verdant nestles below us, quietly, rest¬ ing, securely guarded by,its sentinels of thick veined cliffs. Here earth loots to heaven with smiling countenance, and heaven rejoices at the gladness of earth . The very clouds, that "rise like ex¬ halations” from the valley, and un¬ invited enter our.sRnrttnfnfs, an -air of fellowship, Pbjmtom iike, as a breath- they pass and ray their battalions of cumuli glorify the departure of the t*. sun. And when Eight spreads her star studded over the bosom of earth, and by one the many pointed lions twinkle with roguish nest, how much more brightly pear these silvery decorations front mountain' retreat than W|ien obscured and dimmed- by .clouds valley or fimoke of city, •. Surely of a land dreamed the poet: bills, •* m ■’The. Hock ribbed aud sacjrpt as the sun. vales.stretching ,1a pensive .between— venerable woods, rivers thst move ... majesty and the complsiaing brooks, 1 make the meadows green.’’ , Here tbe lover of natural scenery undying sstlsfaction. Every shifts the slides of the ffiarvet panorama and throws before eye a dissolving view of blend¬ shades, color, outline and back¬ an entrancing picture, that i* never the same. nature charms by ; her creative powers. With unfiaggipg k.eal enutiously ; retouches , her handi¬ work, lest ths eye grow 1 sfeary the So'ul become satisfiLJd. heaven and earth meSt’ ip * kiiss such gentle tenderness .that discern the touch!Dg-pf lip* r - - ■ . ' tjoftjjr, almost unconweutusiy, of pride enters our heart; and boastfullness- of a school lad-, we claim partnership‘in grand country. A -patriotic, iro palte serze* us. Our soul 'harmo¬ nizes trilh -nature. G«lr with a prw love^for 2 sweet tan.i “of libdrty.”- .* - A As we wefid our _way'/ps^r through mnrVel at fh**- WitckS" ^Sliat-' kiiO do f obligat t skniftii anti dwriiigr^ri^i^rf>snti sgrfe yo r . wj»n have wrerlr-fi (rom due.tfi"***- *.'h'»st U» dvvtaS^l and NC<-otupl*ti£it4:.w rt *• derfu! winding oiaze. of pil « ht nven. which tra*«Lwith esse, comfort and pleas Ure. Neither man b«»r 4»eaat as rpU«. Vptm *Jli* afe faby- Kl . rtnthlan epunty pike ii epyrted. What a wonderful nedfotpaocer is (his gaunt bid mountain.! Every head of the road Jugglee'with ■eases and the grand ochestra nature plays suitable tccompain meats to the dexterity, of the con¬ jurer. A low murmur as the Phil emons and Baucises vow to one another Jove eternal; a soft rustle of "t he lo wly plants, eager to make their presence known; a soothing sound from the contesting waters that in gentle rivalry precipitate each 4 >ther. qver she steep rock clefts amidst the plaudits of their moist friends, destined to fail into tjtl-rock-hollowed basin worn by centuries of battering—all these swetit melodies of the mountain hymn a paen to the Maker of all, a glorious soul-stirring hallelujah. They lift the soul of man above the worries and burdens of life. The nebula of cares are disipated by the gentle wooing* of nature, beau¬ tified by the land of deity. How^ofie longs to pry into the *ecre ts of these weather-beaten, century-old rock* and learn from their mute lip* the novels of the agea p^it; ; Vjhat titanic power shaped their rugged (idea and veined tbeir obdurate bodies; what footAUtfi'j^Hkc -iSS^firqket -them ftoni lethar gfd' sleep - the silence of t# woqd&hrf’fi fepose. What would we iMt to%fh the confidence of crystalline spring that bubbles foHti from its lofty well hidden l-ecess iii protecting hollow of fern qovered banks 1 or read the thoughts of - its laughing child, the tiny brook, in its meandering course, us splashing, -' rippling, smiling, it hears its fresh beauty to some no¬ ble stream and mingles its purity witiMha eddying currents of roll¬ ing river. If cutth charm, content¬ ment, t content pla t ion .suffice not to Witf man to' hi*s' better seif and strike«the*-slumbering chords of his religious nature; if the over¬ whelming power of the gigantic be needed* to- vibrate the bass-strings, UJTwHTd gla-nee and'gaze in awe toward the sheer precipices with ibeir rooky abutments and measure height with nature’s cita¬ dels. • If then the head refuse to bow in- lowly reverence and the .bated breath whisper not: "How great art thou, how small am I;,'! fifty, less—-than human art .. Beautiful mountains of North Carolina, so calm and majestic; so lo/iv and insDirinw! P Would “ that . mankind might behold ye. noted in the tints of woodland, the hazy blue of atmoephere, the soft shad ow of pin,Ida clouds and and the the hen benign ion ra- ra ditjince of heaven! Upon vour suqiiuits, summits the the kinir Ring of ot dav nay smiles snuicb with warm-hearted , geniality, and laiAW «rb ot night nbed. her softest be4me of silvery bright Round » -a.■-•. jou .... play the . 1 .. storms ness. of- heaven, terribly majestic! Amongst you dwell the peace of sunshine and the grace of beauty! «,,, With , regret , we . leave your . hal- , iowing 1 presence, and the abode of your hardy sons filling the steep slopes v of your 3 n ek libbed sides. ' Rack to the , haunt# of „ men we wan der, ’ our .vacation ended. Home ward we turn our reluctant step, but with a new born strength to assume the duties of life, richer in health; wealthier in activity; no in thought. 'Enchanting land, farewell! David Max. ' Atlanta Constitution, Aug 'Ll: T>< b« ul the brokuu an<l diseased tisstles,' to soothe the irritated surfaces, to Instant ly relieve and to permaneifily cpre is the mission of DeWitt r Witch H»z«:! Salve. - r* J. H. Morgan’s f Everett €ity, .fim f g 7»it*piace"to yo if von want t< the fines ol • " '! 1 ■ • -V'- - oiiticcoS} Lie. To say that it came from MOR GAN’S ia wsstre guarautee of sat . faction, , New Stock Just Received. Alt orders receive prompt atten tion. A trial will convince you of the “ Btieklen'a Arnica Halve, The Barr Salve tu the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheuin, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblains. and all SkiD Eruptions, and post cures Piles! or no pay required. It guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 35 cents per box. For sale by H. W. Whaley & Co's Drug New York World Thrice-s-Week-Edition. IB Wages a Week - - • IB© Papers a Year FOR ONE DOLLAR The Thrice a- Week Edition of The New Yoke World is first among all "weekly” papers in size, frequency of publication, and the freshness, acruracy and variety of its contents. It lias all the merits of a great i |0 daily at the price of a dollar weekly. its politiral news is prompt, complete, accurate nrnl impartial as all its readers will testify. It is against the monopolies and for the people. It prints the news of all the world, liav iug special correspondence from all im¬ portant news points on the globe. It has brilliant illustrations, stories by ureat au¬ thors! a capital humor puce, complete markets, departments for the household and women’s work and other special de¬ partments of unusual interest. We offer this unequaled newspaper and the Wayxr County News together one year for $1.50. The regular subscription price of the two papers is $3.00. NOTICE. Notice is hereby Riven that an applica¬ tion by petition will Ite made to the next General Assembly of the State of Georgia for the purpose of amending the Local Option Georgia, Liquor Law for Wayne of reductui; county, aud to the extent the license fee for the sale of Spirituous. Malt or Vinous Liquors in Mid county from the amount of Ten Thousand Doll, art a year to One Hundred Dollars a year—and ts. the extent further Domestic of strikiug Wines,” from suid Act the words •• allot which is rt sportfully submitted by the petitioners. Names of petitioners be bad by ref¬ can to the petition. In the Bupxbior Court, Wavnk County, St Am or Geokoia. To the lion. J. L. Sweat, Judge: Your The undersigned Honor respectfully order of petition incur to grant an the and poratlon of to "The them Jesup under Foundry name Machine *') lc *nd Manufacturing Company. Limited,” S co-operative and joint stock conipany to f °"' ,wiu ” ‘ UlJs ,ind l. The name of said company to lie "The Je.up Foundry, Machine and Manu fM;(urj||>r Limit-,i • with its general offices and works to tie in the town uf-Imup. j- Wayne county. Georgia, « g „(,)cct and purposes to be the re pairing and manufacturing of machinery, articles. . 3. Its capital stock is Five Thousand p 0 || nrii in n ne hundred shares of F ifty Dollars each, all of which is suhscrioed 4 Two Thousand Dollars in cash, ma tools, lands and material, is nc tually paid into said desires company's use. 5 Said company to be incorpor for the period of Twenty Years 1 our petitioners further show and aver tiutUiey are citizens will of Wayne county, State of Georgia J. and A. McLaughlin. ever may. etc. j. Tutca, i Robert ?' Smith, Benj. Milikiu, James Steel, J. H Williams, S. F Ellis. Wiiliam Bennett, F. M. Grantham, W. B Lyens, Aud others. mm MEANS PErfectioM WHEN APPLIED TO 'i I 9 Pronounced by exports tho Standard of trip World. Ask your doolor for WINCMIdTBR make of Quit or Ammunition and take no other. FRKKi—Our now Illustrated Catalogue. WINCHESTER REPEATINO ARMS CO., New Haven, Ot. w E v o JOB PRINTING AT REASNOABLE PRICES WE HAVE SURPRISED OTHERS WE WILL SURPRISE YOU TRY US 1 What is the matter with him H«l He is laughing at those people who don’t believe it pays to Advertise., in the News Don’t be one of them. You may be doing a good business now, but a little money spent in advertising your wares trill ensure your doing a better one. Cheap Rates... for Advertisers Palmetto HouHe 124 Bryan St., (Market Sq.) SAVANNAH, - - GEORGIA. Rates $1 and $1.50 Special rates by Abe week. . g: M. GF/rst«GER, Manuger. ■ , Hotel, *i ^ , - the » \ » Tampa Bay Fla., most tropolical resort in the World. Tampa Bay Hotel, Casino, Opera House, Swimming Pool, Bowling Alleys, all open December 3rd, 1896. Address, B. W. Wrenn, Passenger Traffic Manager, Plant System. 12 West 22rd Street, New York •f ItELlGlOUB SLI1VK KH METHODIST CHURCH. .TESUI*. Services on the 2nd and 4lli Sundays as follows. Class Meetimr at 930 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and V 1 *. H Sabbath School at 4 P-M. Epworth League at 5 P. Wednesday ¥. evening Prayer Meeting every at 7:30. JOHNSOK STATION. Services 1st and 3rd Sundays 11 a. m. and 7M5 p. n. Prayer Meeting Thursday evening 7 1 * 1 *. NOTEHEAD* BILLHEADS ■*. sV * LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES DODGERS BUSINESS CARDS ».*. . ALL PRINTED AT THE NEWS OFFICE