Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, October 08, 1897, Image 2

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TlieWayneCountyNews * A. - PCHUSUF.P BY THE NEWS PUBLISHING CO, — - Entered at the Jesup Post Office ns second class matter. Official Organ of Wayne County and the City of .Jesup. gUBSCR1PT ION, $1.00 PER ANNUM. s=ss^== 31 ============ Jf.svp, Ga ., Oct. 8th, 1897, FopulUt, Indeed! The Idea! The Fotjlinel says that the Doug¬ las Leader spiked the guns of the News. The old girl has got to kicking up her heels again, and talking through her bonnet. The old iBdy up the street is alarmed for fear Ihe News will turn Populist. She need not fear; there will be no such come down for the News. The Sentinel doesn't know how a populist can get olnng running a democratic newspaper. There is one thing it does know, as it has some experience along that line, and that is, how a former demo¬ crat can get along running a P (, P’ pulist paper. Ci»mp«<B*ve Examination AduiNHsiou to West Point Military Academy. Congressman Brantley requests that the following announcement he made: A vacancy from the Eleventh Congressional District at the West Point Military now existing, the sume will be filled through a com¬ petitive examination This exam ination will be held in the building of the South Georgia College at McRae on Friday. November 26th, 1897. The following gentlemen have been invited to conduct the examination; ProT. R J. Stroxier of McRae, Prof. A. L. Franklin Brunswick, Prof. W . B. Merritt Valdosta, Col. J. H, Thomas Baxley, Dr. J. L- Walker of Wiiy cross, Dr, Charles Hieks of Dub Jin, and Dr. J. C. Ryals -»f ORy. The candidate certified the examining board as the highest general average will re. ceive the appointment, and the can¬ didate making the next highest av¬ erage will he appointed hs nlter n»to. The gonoral qualifications pre scribed by the War ape ns follows: ‘The age for admission of oadete to the Acndcmy is between seven¬ teen and twenty-two years, Cun didates must he unmarried, at least five feet in height, free from any infectious or immoral disease, and, generally, from any deform! ty, disease or infirmity, which may render them unfit for military sey vice. They must be well versed in reading, writing, including orthog¬ raphy, in arithmetic, and have a knowledge of the elements of En¬ glish grammar, of descriptive ge ography (particularly of our own coantry) and of.the History of United States.” Any further information can be obtained by Congressman Brantley at Bruns¬ wick. Nithtmta Items. Miss Ethel Purdora paid a flying yieit to Jesup last week. Miss Sallie Williams went to the Piedmont Association , . , at , shear last Friday. Quite a nnmber of delegates from here were at Blackshear , b5 Association They all m pleasant and profitable The annual meeting conveued at Bynrma last Saturday and Sun¬ day. There was a large uttend- 8nee both days. Our “no liquor petition” is be ing rapidly signed. Thus only one msn has refused to sign it. Mr. Benny Morgan. Jr., had mislortune to lose a fine horse last wee k Mr. ,, James , „ g Kuox nnr or tVat-erne* ttatcro.., \isiting rflwtives newr here. e„„v,c-.,. J no convict question has been setUed, ut least temporarily in this The county commissioners held a meel i n)i , Wednesday, and the bid ^ ^ wiJ)Jam W( ,; d , to clothe, feed, and provide . . guards , for the convicts for the sum of $120 a month, was accepted. The convicts, 12 in number, ar r [ ve d Wednesday night from the camp of Sweat Bros. The looks of these convicts, if they were taken as an example, does not bear out the stories of cruelty and hardship that have recently been circulated in regard to the Georgia convict system. They will be put immediately to work on the roads. Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading drug gist of Shreveport, La, says: “Dr, King’s New Discovery is the only thing that cures my cough, and is the best seller 1 have.” J* F. Campbell, merchant of Safford, Ariz, writes: “Dr. King’s New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs and C( Ids. I cannot say enough for its merits.” Dr. King’s New Dis eovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the head. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at II. W. Whaley <k Co’s Drug Store. Begulur size 50 cents and $1.00. Brakmaii Owens Killed. W. II. Owens, a brakemun on the Plant System, was knocked off the top of a barrel car at the culvert where the Southern Railway cross¬ es the S. F. & W. Road, Saturday night. Owens, it is thought, stepped from one of ibe cars on the train to the top of the barrel car which is much higher, just as it reached the bridge, and coming in contact with the bridge, was thrown to the ground. Assistance was immediately summoned, but it was tbonght best by Dr, Drawdy, who was the Ht tending physician, to send him on with the train to Waycross, as be could not give him the neceesary attention at Jesup. Mr. Ben Moore accompanied the wounded man to Waycross, where it was found necessary to ampu¬ tate his arm at the shoulder. It is thought that he received internal injuries, from the ef¬ fect of which and the shock of the amputation, he died Sunday eve¬ ning, Owens was an old employ of the company and was said to be an ex P* rie » c ^ brakeman. <>« < u r * ew ° r, ‘ ,a '* 8 ’ Dr. J. G. Tuten leaves this mor ning for New Orleans. Sometime »go he tendered his services to the health authorities of the fever in fectcd district, and as he has some reliable experience in yellow fever, j having passed through the last epi domic, they were immediately ac eppted. * T ia th »* llie g e »i al “ Doc ” wW soon be able to return as Jes «P can illaff >rd to spare him. ELECTRIC BITTERS Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generally needed when the | languid, exhausted feeling pre¬ vails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of atonic aUerative u felt . A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will ^ - n Count , racdng { the tea) fr<>ai the malarial poison. Headache, Indi¬ gestion, Constipation, Dizziness iyield to Electric Bitters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at H. W. Whaley & Co’s Drug Store. Croup Quickly Cured. Mountain Gi.knn, Ark —Our children were suffering with croup when we rc ceived a boute of Chamtierlaiu’s Cough Remedy, Jy it afforded almost instant celebrated n |j e f_ a Tboknton. Thi* , remedy is for sale bv Knight Fu-.rmacy. OVERWORK —INDUCED— rservous Mprvmi5 rT Pl*nctr«tinn osTranon Complete Recovery by the Use of ~ Ayer’s Sarsaparilla •• Some year* ago, a* a result ol too , t close attention to business, my health failed. I became weak, nervous, was unable to look after my interests, and manifested all the symptoms of a de¬ cline. I took three bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, bejran to improve at once. \m < 7 /, •'■I pi : > and gradually Increased my weight from one hundred and twenty-ftve to two hundred pound*. Since then, I and my family have used tbi* medicine when needed, and we are all in the beat of health, a fact which wo attribute to Ayer’* Sarsaparilla. I believe my chil¬ dren would have been fatherless to-day had It not been for Ayer's Sarsaparilla, of which preparation I cannot aay too much.”—H. O. Hinson, Postmaster and Planter, Kinard’a, 8. C. Ayw’sS Sarsaparilla RCCCIVWO MEDAL AT WORLD’S FAIR. AYER'S Pill* Sava Doctor’s Bills. FOR SALE BY - - Pharmacy. Winchester M uke* tlie Best. In our issue today we print the advertisement of the Winchester Repeating Arms Co., the manufacturers of guns and auiiini nition in the world. Their guns and ammunition lead the world :n quality and can always be relied upon. Winchester goods do not then , inferior , . makes . cost any more and they are many, many times bet ter. If you want the best in Hie gun and ammunition line always ask for Winchester make and in sist upon gettiug it. Mr.U. 1. Broadhtirst Dead. Twice within a period of about five weeks, the Broadhust family has been stricken by the -hand of death. *’ First went Ed Broadhurst, whose death eau*ed sorrow and sadness to all who knew him, and lust Wednesday George was called to Ins everlasting , . home. , ■ Both , of these , , vouug men were tn the first flush of manhood, being Hged respectively^ 23 and ^ 26 year**. If the death of Ed called forth expreesions of sympathy and sor row from friends far and near, the death of George within a period of five or six weeks, has caused an pouring of be.nr.lt ...Ine,. and condolence that must neeessa rily be the greatest comfort and cheer of .he doubly afflicted fumi i V ; George Broadhurst was a young man of sterling worth, one whose word was his bond, and whose up right und honorable dealing in all his business affaire, had command the respect of all, A true and earnest member of the church, he was a Christian young in every sense of the word. His friends and the physicians who attended his bedside, say that his death was the happiest and most peaceful they hnve ever witnessed. He was conscious to the last, and arranged all his af¬ fairs, and requested that his body be sent to his old home for huiial. His remains were interred in the old family burying groiiud, in old Friendship church, in Marion county, South Carolina. HU brother, Mr. J. R. Broad hurst accompanied the body to its last resting place. TWO MILLIONS A YEAR. When people buy. try, and buy spun, it means tbev’te sa<teti«t The people of the Uuited Stales are now buying t'aeca rets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two millions boxes i year and it will lie three million before New Year's. It means merit proved, that Cascarets an? the most delightful bowel regulator for ercrybody 50c the year round. All druggists 10. “ 0 , a cure EVERYBODY BAYS 80. Cascantx Camiy Cathartic,, the most; wot'ilerful medical discovery of the age, j Pi* >'**»» “"d refreshing to Um ‘*1 gelit!y uml p ,, S jti Vf .i y kidneys, i.v«r ami bowels, cleansing the entile sysum. dispel C >l(1s ( tire headache. fever, habitual eon SIipat-on and biiiotisuess. Please buy and i try a box of C. U. C. to-day. 1ft, 25 50 ct-uts- Sold aud guaranteed to cure by all druggists A 8ERE THING FOR YOU. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure thug BilioiiMicFS, sick hoad ache, furred tongue, pile.*, fever and a thousand other ills are caused by consti pal ion aud a sluggish liver. Cascareis Candy Cailiirtie. the wonderful new liver stimulant and intestinal tonic are by ail druggists guaranteed to cure or money ic funded. C. C. i re a sure thing. Try a box to-day: if). 25. 50c. Sample and booklet free. All dmggisi*. BEAUTY IS BLOOD DEEP. Clean blood means chan skin, do Iwn ty without it. Caxearet*. Candy Cathartic clean >oui hisai and keep it clean, by stir¬ ring up the lazy liver and driving all im puritus from the body. Begin to-dav to banish pimples, Ixril*. blotches, blnt-k heads. and lliat sickly bilious complexion by taking Cuscarets.—beauty for ten cent*. All druggists, satisfacliou guaranteed, 10, 25. 50c TO CURE CONSTIPATION FOREVER rake Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10 or «5-. ]fC. C. C. fail to cure, druggists reltind the money. EDUCATE YOUR BOWELS WITH CASCAHKVS. Cattily Cathartic, cure constipation for evor ioc If 0 C- C. fail, druggist* re fund muui-y SOUTHERN RAILWAY. lwm t.«»rrRCTmTi.BR | Nortlibno„a. No N... "7s 31 { IS »S if lap ! f*.feyihiwiek. rv r. SuYBr»tt............ ..... o *«*• 10 ®J* o Boy * w» i - “ v Jesup............... Sommer.................K04p...... Biucior............ ti*3p...... II ...... hK» tl Wp | JUilehur.t............12 ..... 51;) 1*4 CUa “ * “ Lcmwofty Baums...... 204p...... 1 26p .. .. l* 1 to* “ Vtttlar............ 1 18p ..... 1 U* “ gMtmui........... i<Op ..... 1 M> J,r. " Eniplr*........... h*wkln«rillB 3<i:p! ...... 2*4* r5p 2 40u &£? ______ ** ( .H-hrui........ .. *• a an “ Mnuon ............ S30u ii8,t 1 I6p Tlllp H(«P in* 4 16* - rioviu*........... SIX. ** MoDnoough....... 10 10* * Wp 8 4&P 4 lo* 1 Ar. Atloul*. ( U1(» 7 44p! » 45p 111* Ar. Lv. (’hatt*»t*o)ro AtlBBl* Tap 10 uOp 10(*Mp T&UO I Ar. LonlovUl« IT M» '•ee£e 30pl Ar. Oinoinn»<l.Q..fcU. i 7 80» tatlp 7 7 0* Lv. Atlanta 11 5Uj> iJSOOrn n«w‘Y ork."’ ' ! V 4Op a 42* 6 am |243p .... Rvutlibnaaid. x i «» |>o ins 10 » 14 EyTNVw YJrtT. SCO#*' 1 ill' At'r*MtB* ,OB ;..::Una ii Ar. l». Cmcinn*<i, g. * c soopi I. as <»«; 8»p » x*>ui»yuio. .. ; 33 7 ISai 7 <4* T Bip - Ly. ch»ttimcK)-»a gitfaiHMUp JOUOp 3<*p Ar. AtlHBl*....... j l 1U|»| 3«i 6UUa! tMfcp ----- L». AtlBBI*..... 4 s> 2Ua! » •• ** M.i>onougk„ Flovillft 6 fAha liu 0 . . •. 6 ft Ar. M»ron........ Lv. I'ochran . ... ....110 04*1.. Ar. tUwkiu’tv .TR —■ ios*: i~~“ —• ~ 124?; lut ,. ..... 1 74* Z jjlaam 192* SOT* . H^ihuiC’/f...'." !*“p_ a 4 oa* 40* “ '.ii- __ S«5 ! i Lv «SSSS «sd=£ TiSil ! mjii JwH ! -Wwift! Tmb - $** Atlanta an.! Hpartauburg. Nos. U ami 10>-PuJl»m;i drawing room glmop we«a tor placed tha rSSSSt&f.^WSrSwLfirta.fcrau ^’’’h'uhken*"** nd Wl; 'j jj c^p *atn “^fiSSlSS ST wai^T'o Ik!L. aa..? <.”tn p**» C a* t. _ _ Y()|| the Of Dealers, Agents, Jobbers and Middlemen try buying di¬ rect from the manufacturer. a m > m f No better wheel made than the Acme Bicycle skilled Built in our own using factory the best by workmen, material and the most improved machinery. J V» have no agents Sold direct from factory to the rider, fully warranted. Shipped anvwhere for examination. WRITE FOR Our Interesting Offer Elkhart, lad. “Success” Cotton Seed Huller j^lsTID SEPAEATOB. Latest Guaran- 2S3 teed For rS Practi Jv>V cal Ginners \‘i Durable Money P i V# : e Jielia Maker -iV ble Nothing succeeds like “ Success.” tn Emery Grinder Worth $25.00. Free With Each Haller. Hulls all Seed from Two Gins. Write for particulars. - Soule Steam Feed Works. .VeHdt«N, .tfin. Send for Circular J. (Mention Wayne County NewsJ A. WHELER * -DEALER IX ...HORSES AND MULES 4ESUP, GEORGIA. I have just returned from the markets with as fine lot of Horses and Mules as were ever brought to this county, and invite the farmers a nd public generally to call at my stables and see what I am prepared to do for them. Thanking my friends and old customers for their past patron¬ age, and soliciting a continuance of same, I am yours to serve. Jo A. WHELER. PMOX’E 5. ihs...“M IHUI eridian” IU IV*I 1 Gin VA I I I Saw W* W * Glimmer wiMiuiuv ^.3Q.d- Slxaix*-p©xi©3?- • • AND TEETH SHARPENS CUT ON E AT ANY OPERATION. ANGLE. Flr*t I»ri 20 at Dallas State Fair. Pays for itself in expenses saved. Increases output, makes finest sample. An up-to-date machine. For Price* Etc-. Address, Tlie Gathniglit Machine Co. MERIDIAN, MISS. [Mention Wayne County News] & Roberson ....DEALERS IN.... Groceries and Dry Cigars and Tobaccos. Shoes a Specialty. WE have just received a Large Stock of New Goods, and intend disposing of them at Rock Bottom Prices. Everything in stock that should be found in a First Class Grocery. Special attention Is called to the large stock of Shoes that we have just got in. Guaranteed to be as cheap and durable as any on the market. Call and examine our stock of Goods. Highest Market Prices paid for Hides. & l^,o'bex'«032L (ftip, Ga.