Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, June 02, 1910, Image 1

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jva 6' fishing and Baseball THE SEASON IS HERE AND WE ARE PREPARED for it with a first class stock of Hooks, Lines, Reels etc., Lise bails, Masks, Gloves, Mitts, and Bats. Y u can save money on these as on everything else you buy of us. M. £. "Bray Hardware Co. M El »PS . . . VVholesa e I * t i In . . Hay, Con , Oat , Bran, Meal And Hulls. We will, . ih, civ,-e prices fo. CatAi. 2 B i cari< ads of Feed Stuff now in stock. If you tmed anyth 1 ': jet Re sure and - <<i> u« Jesup, Ga, J. A. EPPS, Manager A. I Ml feyp, Ga. R .£ iiembe 5 >’ \ m : Tiyou’re fn the city to CALL (*\ l i n liwi W.u.ey Bi.or'K 5 Doors East The Bank wb w keep everything Groceries, Cigars Tobbaccc, and Dry-Goods LADIES HATS READY TO WEAR FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN Ladies Skirts up-to-date In NtjTc and at L°iv Prices. All styles of Ladies l ’nder Wear. 28 inch “mbroidery.........at 89 cents per yard. 45 inch emdroidery at 75 cents per yard. Unknown Bras for seed nt $.V2r» per bushel For all sort of rnilk bp , vis and dishes se - me WE will buy all the Eggs Chickens and Hides we can get and pa v for them at cash "prices. Bring your Chickens Egg Hides. WE guarantee satisfaction with everyone J.L HILL eneral Manager ’JOHN H. HUNTER. WV. K. PEARCE. FRANK O. BATTKY. nTTjpr PBAfiCE St BArTEY COTTON FACTORS, NAVAL STORE FACTORS EXF HANDLERS OF U LAN DCOTTC TLOROPOF LBN SiLK, AND OTHER EX A ETAPL I .A ISLAND CC i i ON, N A VA L_ j 1 n./ i — Over Thirty Years hi SusiL.es^. ONE OF THE LARGEST FACT' RAGE CONCE'-‘l3 IN T ;SC. "H. EACH COMMODITY HANDLED IN SEPAf DEPARTMENTS STRICTEST ATTENTION TO EACH. SELL UPLA.ND AND SEA ISLAM CAGGI TIES AND TWINE. LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGN.’,L UTS. MONEY LOAr- TO COTTOf ; TORES ~ U APPROVED CLLLiUTY. Shipments Resp o <-> . j tAS-r *AY e^v, SAVANNA (S' ews* (JRSDAr JUj\E id 10. PICNIC A SUC¬ CESS AT MOR¬ AN LAKE On last Friday the combined Sunday School of the Methodist Baptist and Espiscopal Sunday. Schools held their combin-d Sun¬ day School picnic at Morgan Lake For a number of years these Sun day Schools have combined in this pleasurable past me and the grown-ups vie with tho children in making It a day or unalloyed pleasure. Tins years picnic is con ceded to be the most enjoyable of the many, many pleasant picnics held held heretofore on this beau tiful and ideal picnic ground. More than Three Hundred people went down and the. day was given over to boating, fishing, swing¬ ing and every ot.h“r imaginable bi’.’ni of childish amusement. dvv was ideal and everything to be eond-., dtive to a delightful occassion. The > in nvi ries of tire day will lon<>- linger in ri the hearts-of r , all. .. and , already r , v.e are beginning to anticipate a happy recurrence of the ua.y year. Land For Sale For Side a well timbered t ", 40 acres rb- ut one halt chaired ready for the plow bounded follows-. North by mu in run of Big Goose Cheek, east by hind of Dmiel George south by land T. W. I'.vre and west by the original hind line no ! AS $-n)o.0O cash takes it. I iniber nndwater power worth tine pri i e alone. A rate bargain, address owner, A. R. Wallae.lt. >1 esup, Ga. ~ Necessity of an Education to-day" bell Dye. 'The accomplisl merits of the Century” Joe Wilkins The Increased cost of Living, ■Theo don- Baker. “A Good Name’' Em aia (Stride and. Colliery • f Di¬ plomas by Pjof. R, ,|. ]> paI ■soil Sup't. of the sclr ol McRae Brothers Kicklighter Hui .ding Jesup geo , . rdruggists S' elect j foe ft of Cut glass, T Hot sets, Jewelry’,!land Pamted china, Powder Pulls, Jewel (uses. ■ Gobi and Silver Ware., Also J | ure Drugs I rpsef , i gars l To! baco 1 • V I ( f ;Ouo LreauTiant From \ Service. - Phone :12 * ICK CREAM mule from Macon cream fresh every Say. COOLING Dri -I.s made, trein pun* syrui '. EAUFORT" (lb . or Ale refreshing and invogra t-insf. Our Syrups are made from fre-li fruits. iV * > * x - v LS REMEDIES Commencement Exercis¬ es The Best Ever Commencement exercise of the Jesup Public Schools begin Fri¬ day afternoon Jure 3rd, and close Tu esday evening June 7th. The exercises on Friday after¬ noon will bo given by the prima¬ ry grades. The contestants for medal in elocution and declamation for the intermediate grades will be held Friday evening beginning prompt ly at 8 o’clock. The exercises will ba varied consisting of music by the orchestra and instrumental solos and duets, also, songs, drill pnntomines and tableau tos ether with n blackface comedy by the boys. On Sunday June 5th Com¬ mencement sermon will be prearh ed in the auditorium by Kev. C. R. Jenkins pastor of the first Methodist church in Wn.vcross. .>it J. set ved as lb ntai and Moral 1 kilos 1 : " v w1 ’ Wesleyan IViuale Co !l <*£»»* io. alaeon, Ga., for several year ;avl '- >a pte-tor of the college iter l; , . 1 '' 11 . . - known in Jesup and the people nri ‘ ri " toward with antici it ■ n In the timo. when they will 1. ve X3 ffi priv.ledge of hearing t - kins. On Monday even I ng at 8 o’clock, the contest to. in elocution ;'.nd d ciainati n in the High School de i-rrlment will take place. T ies' ixcrcises will also be varied, eon K..-ling of similar ones to those oi Friday evening. Tiie Literary Ad i- will be delivered by Protes Sl „. j, r i\ Pearson of Pollock. La. ’1 ue.sd. evening June. 7 at 8 o'clock, Mr. Pearson is an alum IVor of Emory College. He finis hen there in the class of 1908 with a Bachelor of Arts degree, and since that time ho has been teach ine: in the state of ,'Louisianna. The Jgraduatiou exercises w ill close t he comnuncement program. Tliese will ,sist,f ordinal ations and cs y s. 1 he i ub.ects i and speakers as follows; "Should Cuba be annexed to the United 1 States" Lonnie Wheeler. “The Teachers mstitute A teachers institute will be h<- d in Jesup beginn ng at. 10 o’ch < k Monday, June 13th, and do* g the following Thursday evening. Prof. Ilite and Prof. Minear of the State College of Agricultuie will oonduct same Mrs. Hill will help part of the time also. This institute will be held along different lines, and we believe along better lines, than any ever before held in the county. Agri¬ culture will be the main subject tnueht. It will be treated both from a theoretical and applied standpoint. The allied subject household science, home decora¬ tion, etc. will be discussed by Mrs Hill and others. Teachers will op selected to give methods of tench ng arithmetic, reading spell i"!' nd re •••)•:;ph'.v. Ri the aftern* exeur-ions will be conducted i Li r 'ds, w.iods and forests, a d i ' st tdy made of the so i 1,1 '' inllle, ' vn 'ngsst: i* otnican h-ctiires wi 1 be ,, „• , , , , ''' me-s day at th • institute. I bo e to conduct this in.stit■ ■ > ire 1'xpcrts indeed, and their work will prove to be a power 1 factor in bettering the conditions of the rural schools and their stir rounding communities. All persons (white) teaching i the countyor having licmi.ses enti¬ tling them to teach are required by law to attend irstit.ifes, All prospective teachers in th- countv will line! this work most helpful and should attend. Teachers from neighboring counties are invited to join us. The only necessary ost will be board for the and this can be oe secured sceumi at at a a cry reas< ! nab,e rate & n Private homes and at boarding bouses. Those receiving th s i ociee will please n- tify n t < nee whether ornotthey wiil ■ B. if. Parcel Count.i School Commissioner. Very Low Excursion rates ATLANTIC COAST LINE Chicago, III., On -ale May 1-2-3. Limited to May IGth Augusta, Ga. On sale May 2 3 4 Limited May 31st Cincinnati, O. On sale May 5 £i 10 11, Limited May 22nd. Extension by fDp-'sir. nr#i ! T r*r««Ot •fi.IK) tufa to May •*. Baliimore, Md. On sal ■ May 8-9-10, Limited June Is’., Richmond, Va. On sale May- 11 12, Limited May 29 New Orleans. La. On sale 13-14-ln, Limited .May- 30 Washington, D. (’. <)n sale May 10, 17, 18 L.rr June 1 Atlant-ic City N. J. on .--ale Ma 17, 18, Li i i Z- .1 lino 5th. At tT nta, t-a. On s : n May 23 d Jon Charlottesville. Vn. Ori sale •' -m- T, I'l, 17 i 0 27 July > 11 Limned l.> days. Isxtens I.V ,deposit i ay merit gl.OO fee to S’ Knoxville ( ) Juno 19 20 21 25 : < 2 U10 lti. Limilo-i 1 from date of sale. Extension by deposit and payment $1.00 fee to Sept 30 Ateo to many othf- ^1] rates open to the public. Lee near cst 'I icket Agent, or write to any repre-ximtive of the Atlantic Uoa t. R. for r ii-.for - E, M. llorth, Uiy, ! as* Agent. Savannah, Ha FOY TO iff JUNE 4 To Fix Date For State Primary At Atlanta The State Democratic Exscw^ tive Committee will meet *in At¬ lanta; June 4, to fix the dates fat the State primary and convention according to tho following notion sent out b.y ebairman Hewlett JL! Hall of Newnan: “To the members of the Demo* cratic State Executive Committee! of Georgia: “A meeting vr the democratic state .-xecutive ;-.>>*%« niiltee will be held in Ai autaj Saturday, Jan ■ 4, 1910, i C,e Kimball House, at 12 o’clock noon. A full attendance is ui .etlj H. A. a'L Chairman. Benjamin M„ Black-..fa. Secretary, i An U 3c a I Suit Ft ed Mrs. Cornelia Crow, of Lindafe,! Ga; has filed sq.t against, me Son diem Railway n the, sum of $2,000.00. In her petition Mrs.' Crow sets out the plea that her daughterwai.el f» minutes in* pouriug down lain ai a messing for the Southern tiain to pasg^ '('he plaintiff asserts that her daU ghte.r lontracted illness from the exposure that caused her death,, 7! S. 5. Convention From i as , Weak Freaching Committee report d preaching at 11o’clock A. M,| by Rev. J. J. Little. Program Gardi Sunday Scliool Opened by Song. Recitation by Miss Lottie Scott, Butterfly P- : !J by Edith Hendry I^iftie and hail Scott Song by Clara siidl Maude Harper. Recitation Miss Norineda Bryan. Recitation Mrs. J E, Harper, Recitation Miss Lola Scott. Son*: by School. Program Bethlehem Sunday Scliool. Recitation Me* Nera Strickland, Essay Mim Myrtle Stt iC.hnd Song by School. Mr. Jim OgJen. of Odmr, was in town Saturday on business. Saves Doctors’ Ba.r.s Mr. /.onis M. K n,, of Uonienviita, Ala. jc inn in with atiuiifhty t,hr:>B* an follows: ‘‘Vrangor’a Liver Kogu.vtor is a great saver of doctor bill*, i have tri¬ ed it and know wlial I am tulkiug about, t hav« usou it for ooutftipatioQ, headache, cnld, oh- and it baa never failed to do alltexper-ted. If a* i le) li-rmtlf and n* th right timo i ill do all that is claimed tor it, 1 shall keep Granger’s Liver Regulator tu tha house as long ns i can get it, Druggist sidI it in eri(uriele i tin box at Tfcr.ts per hors. Sold L-» Suught’s Pflarmacy. Walk N >w Many people in »e r jucuam itata • ’ i v - been flirt (1 < y Mid f da* < 1 lien *4.1 a f tor ph v i ins ii,tv« by ruing U-ra-cu ? ’: Mr. J. i>iuu3ai,of Glevcijud, -Ala. \vr •s. “I can n« meud your O-m-Cbra to It has dmip in® u^mdorful good, l 'iifl on my eighth bot r bt and cm wily now X V' V.il ou:y wftbf. taay helped mu-suiVe from kidiicy <mi bladder trouble am graMal to # r»"Cura t Dxngtrists Al this iu T ri’K O ty at f.l! ui.d 0 Try >taml ho oot sines' L by Ivi-’-LtN Pharmacy.