Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, June 16, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 7 Fishing and Baseball THE SEASON IS HERE AND WE ARE PREPARED for it with a first class stock of Hooks, Lines, Reels etc., Baseballs, Masks, Gloves, Mitte, and Bats. You cait save money •u these as on everything else you buy of us*. M. JE. "Bray Hardt&are Co. M EPPS . . . Wholesale Dealer In . . . Hay, Corn, Oats Bran, Meat And Hulls We will make close prices fo. Cash. 2 BIG carloads of Feed Stuff now in stock. If you need anything in this line Be sure and s«« ros. J esup r. . j. A. EPFS, Manager k l li U o Remember v/henyou’ H A In the city to CALL ON US on the Wai.et Bi.oc a 5 Doors East of The Bank whore we ke#p everything Groceries, CigarsTobbacco, and Dry-Goods LADIES HATS READY TO WEAR FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN Ladies Skirts up-to-date In Style ar.d at L®w Prices. All styles of Ladies Under Wear. 28 inch c mbroidery at 39 ««nt» per yard. 45 inch embroidery.........at 75 cents per yard. Unknown Peas for seed at $3.25 per bushel For all sorts of milk bowls and dishes see me WE will buy all the Eggs Chickens and Hides we can gat and pay for them at cash prices. Bring your Chick m.; Egg Hides. WE guarantee satisfaction with et er.\ one¬ J.L HILL General Manager JOHN H. HUNTER. WM. K. PEARCE. FRANK C. BATTEV, ti hW i PBARCB k BATTET COTTON FACTORS K NAVAL STORE FACTORS. EXPERIENCED HANDLERS OF UP-LAN DCOTTON, FLORODORA, AL " L CN 81L K, ANDOTHir; gXTRA STA PL t S, SEA IS LAMB COTTON, NAVAL STORES. Over Thirty Years in Business. a NE OF THE LARGEST FACTORAGE CONCERN IN THE SOU :omwc NDLED ’f4 RATE TmCTEST ATTENTION TO EACH. SELL UPLAND AND S A ISLAND SAGGING, TIE At LIBERAL ADVANCES ADE ON CO IGNMENT kOAtvEO-TC ,TTON A! TCRE3 «4MAP OH APWtOVS© e«C’-r. , r. Shipr&^ins Respee r t cf f t.. 5 * » 8 » t£S east bay st., savannah, ga. ape Ctfunfo i ? f ■it. s ( t\ TH (JR DA ¥ JURE 10, US 10. Judge Conyers A inuunc es For The Judgeship I bee to announce my caniiiacy for the judgeship of the Brun¬ swick Circuit subject to the Dem¬ ocratic Primary. Many of the people whom I hope hereafter to have the priviledge of calling my friends I have unfortunately not yet had the pleasure or opport¬ unity of knowing personally, but I trus* that my conduct of the of¬ fice for the few months I have held ii will aufficentl.y appeal to my ^fellow citizen.- to secure for mean opportunity by re-election to show myself worthy of their confidence and trust. C. B. Conyers The term for 1909-10 just dosed has been the best in years and the success is due partly to Prof. Pearson and partly to Ihe teachers composing the falculty. There were 4 more graduates then last term and this illustrates the high standard of th# students attending Prof. Pearson is one of the best instrocton who lias t ken charge of the school us princpal in years aac ho is a gentlemen who commands the deep respect of every parent student and end of the school. At the opening of the scholastic term in 1909 the school possessed no iibary. Now a well stoched school library the best in literature is there. standard of the school has been raised to much higher plane I than ever. & CO Our Implement Department •Consists of One an I Two H«*:se Chattanooga Chilled Plows, Disc H#crows Walking and riding cultivators B inters Stalk Cut ers Tines Shovels Pitchforks Potaloe Drags Grub hoes Mattock And Wire Fencing. Special attention to repairs on all in ple mentswc hand e. HARDWARE DEPARTMENT We have recently added a full line of shelf and general hardware Such as Nails Pumps Pump Pipe and J’< ints Hooks, Mechanical Tools, Table and Poeket Cultery. McRae Brother s Building Jesup geo ugi.\ Druggists Jf Select jtock. of Cut glass, T >ilet sets, J ew elry, I land Painted china, Powder Puffs, Jewel Cases, Goal and Silver War ! airp* 0 ^ 10 * 9 i: pi. .usa. •f* i- a .<7 ri . T • Cigars i 70 U ^ 1 k €#us trea r r Us i L pt 3 •O V 71C8. Phone :12 : ICE CRUpyt m t T uu.y. BEAl ling. .''ui.s. iiLb T > T7 f 17 T N T ^ r IvXiAiJb • v i UiL^D U juncil Proceedings ;; regular meeting of to* C< . 1 was held at 3 o’cuor \i uuiay afternoon. Present an ing. Hon. O. F. LittlefieK May or, Alderman present, 8 . L Cohen, E. E. Wilkins, A. L Knight and J. F. Breen. Minutes of last regular meotiu. read uud approved. Tue following bins were read ordered paid, F. L. Murphy, 71.1 Sou. Bell Telephone Co. 2 o Jas. A. Thomas 25.(.0 A. E. Knight 4.75 Jesup Mercantile Co. lU.iS H. d Westbeiry 10 . L« James ritee 45.10 W. rt. Williams 50.* 0 K. A. bmi 1.50 Geo. Durden 31.05 A. Daniels 20.40 K. iindall 6.U0 Chas. Wages 4.4o r.. yilkeit 3,0*. * Total 289.40 Upon motion the bill of the Wayne Countv News was Lid over, Letters were read from Brun Way cross, llazelhursl Kastman in reference to ocm of electrict light and laid over, Upon motion it was ordered that a cement floor be made ir. side the jail. Meeting Adjourned. James Steele, Clerk Hr. Noah Uennett An nounces For Surveyor To my fellow :• zens and \ ars of Wayne r »..nty; I her announce myself as a candle, for jCounty Surveyor of W*. County subject to the primary My unblemished record as sun or entitles me to the cor.sklcra.ti of the voters and if elected to t office I aspire 1 promise that ev ry trust imposed will be jfaithfi discharged to the best of my ai» ty. Yours Respectfully, Noah Bennett. Upon the favorable report J. F. Highsmitb, C. 11. O’Quin and .Toe Knox, reviewers duly » pointed to lay out and mark certain contemplated new ro in the 1565th district, said ro; described as follosw: Commfacin at the public bridge in said Count* and known as the “Joe Knox’* bridge, and running a west cours° to the west corner of the planta¬ tion of Joe Knox, thence North west a distance of about one-half mile, thence same direction to N. E. Corner of land belonging to the estate of W. R. Johns, decea¬ thence a westerly direction the ford of Walker pond, a Northwesterly direction the ford of Buffalo Creek, at General John’s place, thence a northwesterly direction to Hickox, Ga, and the re to inter* sect with public road at Main Street, said road passing through lands of Joe Knox, Leal Davis, estate W. R. John®, C. H. O’Quinn, General Johns, Ellison Itozier, Wiley Wain right, J. L. Courson and Joe Crews M. J. Herrin and J. F. 1 j :, rl>-uith, R. T. Tlirify aud I Andiron, and connecting a A with salsl street the length said road to be about 3-one )v If miles an< with a right of way 20 feet wide. Report received and citation or¬ dered to issue.j Upon considering the petition of W. J. Bro.dhurst, and others, applying lor a new public road from .Jesup to Dodtortown, the same described a* follows: ■‘Commencing at the corjwrn tion line and running a little north of east and parallel with the A. C. L. Railroad. Said road running through the* lands of Be:. Milikin, Mary Tison John G. Smith Ira M. Ray bon W. J. Broadhurst, W. M. Roberson. Julia Foster and Harr.son, aw termimitinrr at or near the tur¬ pentine still as now ocated at Doctortown. The laigili of sain road being in length about three miles and with and n right of way 30 feet wide, It is upon mo¬ tion o dered that the petition ^ received and the following appoin -ted as Reviewers: A. T. Rober¬ son, L. Morris, and L>. 8 . Price. Court adjourned. i,. Courson. Chrm. Fro. Ira. M. Ray bon, Clerk. Very Low Excursion rates • -.’i j iXTIC COAST LINE !■ "Sviilo. Val' On sale 5.; 10.. 17 J ! 20 27 July l.j Ixtens )OS t and pa.y i*i eii t $L. 00 ice to Sept. i. Knoxville, Tcin, On sale June 19 23 21 25 20 July 2 9 10 10. Limited 15 days 1.00 fee to Si Also to many oti-.er p urib u /.be public. See I ot Ticket Agent, or writ; t n.v ieprebenative cf the ‘ st Line R. li. for further infer malien. v E. AM . North. i ass gent. Savannah, a i 01 UMEU Commissioners Cot; t Of Roads and Revem s ■eorgia, Wayne County. Commissioners Court of ,tk and Revenue, sitting for Or ty purposes, Jesup, Ga. June b 1910. Present, and presiding th. ia fl Hon. J. L. Courson, Ch.i - law protern, with members Ja.i AT Harper, Geo. W. Tyer ar.d v. H. Roberson, absent M. L. McKin¬ non. Minutes of the regular torn held 3rd, 1910 read and adopted. The following claims agaircsre toe County were approved ami ordered paid, to-wit: J. H. Wilkins & Co. Floor <ir» sing, 6 . 00 . D. H. Carter. 9 da.t s services County Registrar. 18.00. M. W. Kick fighter 10 days services County Registrar 20.00. W. J. O’Quiau, divsserv’eet County Registrar. 18.00. G. B. Cross, janitor May, 30.00. W. F. Paddoa repair work courthouse roof,, 40.50. Dolphus Bray, re— pair work courthouse roof. 3.00. Nathiel tevens, court— house roof, 1.00. J. ,K. Lee, Sheriff, jail fees asd miseel— laneous experise bills- li&M> R. J. Mad ray, Depty. K rifif. serving 103 summons for CftlM&r Registrars, 51.50. H. AW Coroner, holding in over dead body of Sidney, Ur.-en, 17.00. II. WT.Sur “V reucy, Coroner Turn 1 expense Of Will Clark, 15.00. it K. Bennelt, making official list oi Registered veterr, 15.00. Walker, Evans & Cegswdl Co. Office supplies and statioascyv 91.87. Goo. D. Bar liar d & Co. One Voters Roster, IH. Oil Neostyle Compare, Bal on me Boats ry Neostyle, . Disinfectant Co. Disiafee tant, 5.00. R. C. Davit & Co. Repairing typewriter, <tO0L F. E. Murphy, light®, 2.00 Eiliott Fisher Company, can port hook, 10.50. McRae Bros. Medicines account convicts, ‘ 7.50. IraAl. Rayon, Clerk Uomrs Court Jan. 1st to June Kt, issuing jury seripto $1 x 0 , 11 days attending Super¬ ior Court $33.00. freight, ponagtv ete. 16.45- -173.85. M. 1 ). & II. S. Smith, one tent for convict gang, 26. IX ‘ J. W. Lew is, Overseer 1 ,ALi.h„ Dist. 45.00. B. D. dron, Overseer 335th, Dist. 10.50. F. L. Stewart, 1343th., Diet, 28.50. Raudali Mi kell, capture of convicts, 15.00. J. W. Lewis, Oversaw, 1565th, Disf. 47.50 L. W. Odum. Warden, expense opera¬ ting chain gang, 278.51 J. I. Roberson, Overseer 5ilrd M Dist, 11.95. Dr. M. Ni Stow, inspection of convict caran. 25.00. Dock Hongs, re¬ pair work on Satiila Creek Bridge 1.5C. J. D. Weed 61 Ca„ sbouels, 7.53. T. P. Gib son, overseer 334th, Disk 5.oo. Upon considering the felephaine’ applies tion ni ihe Oglethorpe Company asking p.'rmi.ssioa to place a. trier I: .re poles alon# dm uf .he public road knPWHMK the Jesup and Stafford’s road, it id', upon motic: at per'riifs»ioh the. ba grantNi ,J prayed, and that- tup be made'in proper' written and spread upon the • -i auies this Court. jOrdered ^Uat Mrs. V, H. be plaice on .pauper list and ae paid 5 . 00 .per month until, ftmer. ordered. " 4 Upon . motion ordered ffuts; Martha Collins and A *' o KD be paid etii ! untu dollar per month t older of the >U'-1. Order be reiivta* r be year 1 ■. C- t condition. Ordered ut c n=» relieved from road < iut.v for th* year 1910 account \ : vsieal eondi tion.