Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, June 30, 1910, Image 1

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SO. 8 POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Judge B» C. I bey to announce my ciTidiacy ‘for the judgeship of the Biun Svvick Circuit subject to die Dem ocratic Primary. Mans' of the people whom I hope hereafter to have the privilodge of-calling my friends I have unfortunately not yet had the pleasure or opport¬ unity of knowing personally, but I trus* that my conduct of the of¬ fice for the few months I have held ii will sufficently appeal to my fellow citizens* to secure for me an opr » t nity by re-election to show myself worthy of their confidence and■; rust. iB. Conyers Bor Represenative. Fellow (fit . -ns and Voter.-?: i sounee m.v candidacy for rep sentative cT Wayne County, subject to tin: rules and regulatio governing rae Democratic Pri mary and if elected pledge work a for all necessary reforms Democratic, social, civic state and national. C. S. Ale . lo .v i For Represenative To the voters of U'ayne Coun f.v: I hereby announce m.v can¬ didacy for Represenative of Way¬ ne County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary and solicit the voces and influence of my friends through-out the coun¬ ty and if elected, I promise to fulfill the duties of said office to he best of n.y ability. Respectfully, B. G. Middleton For Clerk Of Snp.'-’ior Court To the voters of Wayne Coun¬ ty: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of superior Court subject to.the action tl» Demo orotic Primary. In nia,«„ s this announcement J wish to sincerely thank , , the voters . lor , 4t their • . , , V0U tha . \ “» • jrreatly appreciate the same. I , f ‘ again elected to t .is office I shall endeavour te perforin ’ the duties thereof ,, , to , the very , oest . of - nty ability. Kospec fo y, iia M. Raybon. FOR SHERIFF To thevoters of Wayne County hereby announce myself a candi¬ date for re-election to tiie office of Sheriff of Wayne County and would appreciate the vote of all my friends. T believe I have filled the office honorably and faithfully and I would appreciate an endorse¬ ment from the oeopie. I promise the same good attention, to the interests of the people that I have shown in the short time I have had opportunity tince J was [honored by them. Faithfully Jos. S. Lee. FOR SHERIFF T<o the Voters of Wayne Gonnty. I hereby announce m.v Candida c-y for rf .ic office of Sheriff of Wa yne nty. jeet fo th: demo iary ' solis-it your support a : i influence. If elected I T pledfre , , my best efforts towards j the <f«Ue. devolving . p» proper muna o !Iy Yours, W. 0. M! ieh lard. --...---- To the Voters of Wayne ty: By solicit Station of many ers of Wayne County I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff cf Wayne County, sub ject to ti e next Demeerathe Pri mary. If elected I promise that I will fill the oh ice tO ill 3SL of my ability. El per Gr ape (Tamify 4 FOR TAX COLLECTOR 1° the voters of W aync County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Wayne ounty, sub¬ to the Democratic primary Marion Odum. I hereby c/3 a O O Collector ©f Wayne County, sub jeet to the action of the ensuing primary ami solicit the support of my friends and fellow citi/.i ns. Respectfully, Geo. C, Hatcher. TAX RECEIVER 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of lax Re< eivn- of \\ ayne county subject to tiie Democratic primary and res pectfully solicit the support of i m.v friends and fellow citizens, I J. W. I 1 < ’. rowel I FOR TAX RECEIVER From the earnest solicitation of m.v many friends throughout the county 1 hereby announce my self as a candidate for Tax Re¬ ceiver, subject to the democratic primary, and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of m.v ability if elected D. I. Carter. COUNTY TREASURER To the voters of Wayne County. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the Demo¬ cratic Primary and solicit the •up port of the voters of Wayne Coun iy llespeetfuliy, G. B. Cross. ('< )UNTY TRE ASURER ,,, , ^ * (or v Treasurer of W„v ne _ County subject to . the , action ot f ,, the iJemocratic Prunarv „ . and , solicit the votes and influence of friandalliroufflTnit tlto county a „ d iae it elec!cd lo fu||il| the ., duties , ,. of said office the to , bost of u|it lie 8 „«tfullv. D.S. Price COUN IT TREA SUREE I have never asked my fellow citizens of Wayne County for any office before, but I have dcci led o make tie race for Treasurer ubject to the Democratic Prim ary, and I will appreciate every vote and other support given me. J. C. Knight. FOR COUNTY TKE.WU RER From the earnest solicitation of m.v many friends throughout the County I hereby announce Myself as a eandidme for the county treasurers office subject to tiie Democratic Piiraai v and promise to fulfill the duties of sa ‘ 1 (> Biee to ti e best of ray abi! ity if eiectci1 Davis Bobbery. 'To my Friends in Wayne Count.v After earnest solicitation from ... ^ Br0,ll,r,<,ni . CitfZ!M <■* ikis -on:. eonsr-nLed to b.com: a Candida's for the office cl > sioner lor the unexpired term Hon. John A. Ward, If elected to this high offi:e at, she hands of the voters of this County, I assure them that my every effort will be toward the upbuilding of the Count ', the promotion of its welfare and ilu ami tue goou of its ciuzcns. t. E. Breen JESUP, (EL, THURSDAY JUSE 80, W10 . A n n o u n c e m e n t s To the voters of Wayne County thirty four years of citizen in your County and without or consultation with i announce myself a candi¬ for the oflico of County Trea -surer subject to the democratic r.rimnr: . Upon purely a business proposition- namely if elected to that high anil responsible office L will give a and faithfully 3 1S< r. O- ties requir o c 'aw and •- w one half of the fees allowed me as treasurer to the county for public road im¬ provements, to be donated by the commissioners to the se vend diwtiicLs according to the voting population of each district. I will deposit the county funds between the two Banks of Consider my proposition and for your county’s interest. 1 ex¬ tend to you the White Flag peace. W ill you accept it. Tours Truly W.T. Wilkins. For Tax Receiver 1 liereb.v announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax ver of Wayne County, subject the Democratic Primary, and scl cit the patronage of my friend and fellow citizens. Respectfully, J. J. C ary To the Votes ot \\ ayne County: , herebv armour, e iny caddidac: for Use office of - Co iuty (’em n issiouer, subject to the cast- at the ensuing Uemocia ic P rinm-y whenever that may be. i have been a citizen of this pood County all my life and 1 ask your votes upon the broad platform of equal rights to all and special privileges to none. If elected to this important office l plege faithful service and iny best ef forts towards the upbuilding o* the County -on eenomic basis. Wd a-'d Go rge. To >nv friends and fellow zens 1 l ereby announce m.v can didaey for the office of County Surveyor subject to the rules of democratic primary. M.v record of 12 years efficient service as Oouuty Surveyor, qualifies me for the office and if McRae Brothers Kicklighter Building Jesup Georgia Druggists ,^/I Select >rtocK_ of Cut </lasd, Tlilet sets, Jewelry,Hand Painted china, Powder Puffs, Jewel Cases, GoM and Silver Ware., Also I D-riigs r> ! P ure rescript A ions Cigars and fobbaco Give us a trial. Court¬ eous treatment Prom u ,, Service, : Phone :12 : A ICE CREAM made from Macon cream fresh every day. COOLING Drinks made from pure syrups. “BEAUFORT ;v Ginger Ale refreshing and invogra ting. Our syrups are made from fresh fruits. RYALS REMEDIES June Term of Wayne County Court The.lime term ot the County court convened last Monday,. :mite a crowd being pro e it in¬ terested in the case of A, M. Dru r.v who was charged with cruelly whipping young Hex Sweat while the latter was a pupil under him at the Waynesville school last ' car. '1 he ease was stubbornly fought. Col. Robert L Bennett, Solicitor of the County court be ing assistc 1 in the prosecution by C< 1. J.!'. R. Thomas. The defeft se was represented by ('oh John Bennett of Wn.vcross. Ill" • jury after deliberating returned a verdict acquitting j defenilant of the charge. The other case disposed of by a t this'term of the court was ca,e l ' f the state vs Lacy who was charged with whiskey. This defendant was acquitted of the charge. Col. .Too ; » 1 ; I orris was coi isol for the i fense and the interests Oi 3(; , to wnscare j f or i, v th Solicitor. JudgeD. M. Clark s|(]c , ovor c01I , t with his 'force and dignity. j , elected I promise to ‘■ulfiTf I | duties of said office to the 1 of ni - v ab,ll{v .... Fiankmg , . my me nds for their ] ast Support and soliciting their votes, Respectfully, It A. Thompson. County Surveyor To m.v fellow citizens and vot¬ ers of Wayne County; I hereby announce myself ns a candidate j for County Surveyor of Wa.vne County subject to ti e primary. My unblemished record as survey or entitles me to the consideration of the. voters and if elected to the office I aspire 1 promise that rv trust imposed will be "faithful discharged to the best of my abili ’ Yours Respectfully, Noah Bennett. CHARTERFOR New Railroad Between Jesup and Miilen Ca. Georgia, Tattnall County. To Uie Honorable Philip Ccok, Secretary of State. The petition of W. C. Perkins J. IP. Perk Us, S. T. Ellis, G. IV. Deloach, U. W. Perkins, C. b. Grice,.N. A. Thaggard, L. P, God bee and Eli Bulloch, of Tatt na 11 county Georgia and H. Ros qoe Perkins and Andrew 0 Perk ins of Richmond county Georgia. respectfully shows; First That they desire to form a rail¬ road corporation pursuant to tin provisions of f t: Act of the Gen era! Assembly of Georgia, a; proved December 2' J, ,h, 189: Cod e sections 2159-2179. SECOND Die name of the said railn company which petitionee c.-ik t> have incorporated is to It ‘Re is;er &, Glem.:il!e ■min- not being the name of rug. existing corporation in th- h-t of Georgia. THIRD The length of said read a: nea- as can i>; estimated, be about one hundred miles. , FOURTH Said road will run from Jesup. Georgia, :i station at the ion of the Southern Railway and th.o Atlantic Coast Line Rail¬ .' way, in the ccuniy of Wayne, in a northern direction o Mill < r Georgia, in the Co-nty of Jen kina. FIFTH I Lo counties through vvhic-.ii said road, will probably run 81 o M ayne. 1 aitnalJ, Bulloch end j an<J t ^' e names ot j I ,r *° pl«es from which and it is to Ik* constructed i u, ‘ e from Jeiia V < ia - to M iUen II. ; . ! passing through the towns of G.envdfe, Georgia, Bird ford, Ga. both of said towns being in the county of '1 nttnall, and Register, Georgia »o tiie county of Bulloch, will, «»«*>> its main line branching off, one from Perkins Lumber Company mill site in Tattnall coonty to the town of Claxton, in said county, and the ©tlier ,, from , its line the mam m town of Hagan in said county of TattnaJ to a point about two hun¬ dred feet north from the depot of the Seaboard Air Line Railway in said town of Hagan. SIXTH Petitioners desire that the line of railway now known and operated as the Register & Glenn ville Rail¬ way ami running from Glennviile. Georgia in Tattnall County, and i through the towns of Bird ford and Undine, with spur from Per¬ kins Lumber Company’s mill, on its line of road, to the town of Claxtoo in said county of Tattnati another from its main li o ( f road to ite <Jepot in the town of Hag is iii siad county ofTattnell to Register m tiie county of o ’ loch in said State be incorporu'.o.l in and made a part of said pr j posed line of railroad. The said Register & Glennviile Railway being at present owned a.i 1 by tiie Perkins Lumbi -r Company as a private road and without a charter. SEAEXTH The amount of the proposed cap; tal stock is Five Hundred Thou (sand$5f*0,000)dollar.s in of One Hundred ($100.00 dollar (aeh, all off said stock to be : - tuna stock of equal dignify. EIGTH Petitioner-? d*»sire to be *n c«k *« 4Uoresaiu ior una ((PLUME 13 New Double Track For Hie A. C. L.R. R. The Atlantic Coast Line is CO"f about four mil's of double track line ircn Weldor. Garysburg, N. C. by elevating the track through ine town oi Weldon, commencing dr u om mile south of toe present • Gtioa., A large pi , > ; ion of .it will or. a cretinous steel viaduct 3,7W> feet long, hat mg concrete abut rut ids, ],'ii ,! ' and p< d r stftis. i his stl ' uctiirv will be £0 feet above the or< iliar - v 1 v oi of the Rnanoke R 'iver and dure will be required 5n its const met ion about f '»b:c .virds .->1 concrete a-hd five thousand tor... of steel. "' il1 “ m r '' Passenger station platform, connoted by t covered stairway with a t assenge? st :r tiori t> be Imi’t-r t! e- 1 of the H a be & I’d Air track. Bnggag ;i r d express n be conveyed to the A : Coast Line level by el 'valors. Bj means of this viaduct all crossings in I he tjwn of wdl be avoided. The work I I an eii -c new line, but. tt will ir no. :■ be effect the c es-.i Ron of trains V <*»• While tinny good have beer, lield in tiie county perhaps none have ever the one which came, to a Thursday afternoon. Many in¬ stitutes have tailed to tical results because they no definite aim in view. All work of the inslitue just was centered around the idea o! the improvement of the ccrunior schools through the study agriculture. School officials have realized for some time that the failure of agriculture as a common school study is a result of entrain ed and uninterested teachers.' The desired end, then, of this institute, was to cause teachers to see toe u'eh opportunitiesimprove (hr schools thmu^ii this study, ant: we. oelieve t! ; was done. f take this method of tin ..king the people of Jesup for the main courtesies extended the teacher* the week. All th: to -hen l be glad of an opportunity to 0!ne ' iac ^ '^ esu l' again, 1 an: The twaclurs and myself also to thank the Jesup Sentiwfi Wayne County News for the given our meeting and er t he ^ €ef) > nteres t th^y man , . in our cause. B. D. Purce'l, C. S. C. during the term of one hun¬ dred one (101) years. NINTH The principal office of said pro p-osed incorporation will be in the j^ wn Hagan, Tattnal. County Georgia. TENTH Tenth. Petitioners do intend tc ^°,° d , , f aith . , 1,1 go tor WHri1 wllhoul de.ayto 4 secure subscriptions , to the capital stock, construct, equi»; maintain and operate said road. eleventh P etitioners show that they have given four weeks notice <£ their intention to apply for a chae ter by publication according D aw - Wherefore they pray to bt incorporated un’er the lavs this state. W. C. Perkins J. If. Pcrkias., C. S. Grice Eili Bullock X. A. Thaggad. L. B. God bee. S. T. Ellkj. G. W. Deloach Andrew C. Perkins H. Rosco PerkiaE H. W. I erkdEf Petitioners., Win eh and Anderson. Petition3rs Attorneys Hrgan, (I*.