Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, July 07, 1910, Image 1

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jva y POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS For Judge B, C. I beg to announce my cams lacy lor the judgeship of the Brun¬ swick Circuit subject to the Dem¬ ocratic Primary. Many of the people wfeom I hope hereafter to have the priviledge of catling my friends 1 have unfortunately not yet had the pleasure «*r opport¬ unity of knowing personally, but 1 trust that my conduct of the of¬ fice for the few months 1 nave held it will sufficently appeal to my fellow citizen.' so secure for mean oppoitunity by re-election to show myself worthy of their confidence and trust. C. B. Conyers Eor Represenative. I .Fellow Citizens and Voters: announce my candidacy for rep i rcsentative of Wayne County, .subject to the rules and regulatio governing the Democratic Pri mary and if elected pledge to work actively for all necessary reforms Democratic, social, civic jstate and national. C. 8. Meadows For liepresenative To the voters of Wayne Coun ty- 1 hereby announce m.y can¬ didacy for Represenative of \\ ay ne County, subject to tlie action of the Democratic Primary and solicit tne votes and intluence of my friends through-out the coun¬ ty and if elected, 1 promise to fulfill the duties or said office to ne best of my ability. Respectfully, 11 G. Middieton For Clerk Of Superior Court To the voters of Wayne Coun ty: 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of superior Court subject to the action of the Demo cratie Primary. In making this announcement T wish to sincerely thank the voters for tlieir past support and a -ure you that greatly appreciate the same. U again elected to this office I shall endeavour to perforin the duties thereof to the very best of my ability. Respectfully, ; r a M. Raybon. FOR SHERIFF To the voters of Wayne County 3 hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Wayne County and would appreciate the vote of all my friends. I believe I have filled the office honorably and faithfully fc.nd I would appreciate an ment from the people. I the same good attention, to the interests of the people that I have shown in the short time I have had opportunity tince I honored by them. Faithfnlly Jos. S. Lee. FOR SHERH>: To the Voters of Wayne I hereby announce my Candida ey for the office of Sheriff of Wa yne County; subject to the demo cratie primary, nad sohcitjypnr support and infiuenee. It elected I pledge m.y best efforts, towards the do tie- ee olvina iffon the .•.. t w W. 0. Strickland. • To the Voters of Wayne ty: By solicititrlion ot many vot ers of Wayne County I • here a announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Wayne County, s ’"’" ject to the next Demecratrc P 77 mary. If elected I promise 1 will fill the office to the best of ray ability. J ; ¥ Mens. g i y Minn ape L FOR TAX COLLECTOR To the voters of Wayne County. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Wayne ounty, sub¬ ject to the Democratic primary Marion Odum. r y „„ nounoe „ my sell ... a Cancudate y ... for i the office of Tax or Collector of Wayne County, sub jectfo the action of the ensuing primary and solicit the support of Bty friends and fellow citizens. Respectfully, Geo. C, Hatcher. TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Rec eiver of Wayne county subject to tlhe Democratic primary and res pectfully solicit the support of my friends and fellow citizens, J. W. C. Trowel! FOR TAX RECEIVER hrom the earnest solicitation of my many friends throughout the county I hereby announce my self as a candidate for Tax Re¬ ceiver, subject to the democratic primary, and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of my ability if elected D. I. Carter. COUNTY TREASURER To the voters of Wayne County. I hereby announce myself as candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the Demo¬ cratic Primary and solicit the sup port of the voters of Wayne Coun ty Kespectfully, G. B. Cross. (’OUNTY TREASURER To the Voters of Wayne County. 1 hereby announce my ca ndida ey for County Treasurer of Way ne County subject to the action of the Democratic Trimary and solicit the votes and influence of my friends throughout the county and promise it elected to fulfil! the duties . of said _ ________ office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, D.S, Price COUNTY TREASURER I have never asked my fellow i^itiaens of Wayne County for any (Jfice before, but I have decided o make the race for Treasurer ubject to the Democratic Prim¬ ary, and I will appreciate every vote and other support given me. J. C. Kfiight. FOR COUNTY TREASURER Fiiom the earnest solicitation of my many friends throughout the County I hereby announce Myself as a candidate for the county treasurers office subject to the Democratic Primary and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to tre best of my abil ity if elected. j . Davis Dubbery. x 0 , r uy Friends in WayceCounty • solicitation. from. ^ fter earnefi t a b f the most prominent cjtizefis of thU Gounty, I have * candidate i ( , .. fot the office ot l mntv ommis sioner for the unexpired term of j Ron , ohn A Ward> deceased. 1 I{ ekcted tQ ^ hi|£h of f icft at i ^ j mnds of the vo fc eiy 0 f this County. I assure them that ray every effort will toe toward the upbuilding of the Countv.’the promotion of its w el fare and tin and the good of its zens. K F* 1 > ;rcea JESUP, GATHURSDAY JULY 7, 1010. Announcements To the voters of Wayne County Upon thirty four years of citizen ship in your County and without solicitation or consultation with anyone 1 announce myself it candi¬ date for the office of County Trea -surer subject to the democratic primary. Upon purely a business proposition- namely if elected to that high and responsible office I will give a bond and faithfully discharge all of the duties requir e d by law and donate one half of the fees allowed me as treasurer to the county for public read im¬ provements, to be donated by the commissioners to the several districts according to the voting population of each district. I will deposit the county funds between the two Banks <©f Consider my proposition and for .your county’s interest. I ex¬ tend to you the White Flag of peace. Will you accept it. Yours Truly W.T. Wilkins. For Tax Receiver I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Recei¬ ver of Wayne County, subject to the Democratic Primary, and sol cit the patronage of my friend and fellow citizens. Respoct fully, vl. J. Clary To the Votes of Wayne County: hereby announce my caddidacy for the office of Comity < missioner, subject to the votes cast at the ensuing Primary whenever that may be. I have been a citizen of this good County all my life and l ask votes upon the broad platform equal rights to all and privileges to none. If elected this important office 1 faithful service and my best of forts towards the upbuilding the County on ecrioniic basis. Will:ard To my friends and fellow zens I hereby announce my can didacy for the office of County Sprveyor subject to the rules of ctemociatic primary. service as Couuty Purveyor, qualifies me for the office, and if McRae Brothers Building Jesup Georgia Druggists /I -stocky of •Select Cut glass, T )i!et sets , Jcwelri'Jlaml Paiatetl china, Powder Puffs, Jewel Cases, *Go‘d and Silver Ware., Also 1 p ure Drugs — rescriptions Cigars and Tobbaco Give us a trial. Court¬ eous treatment Prom¬ pt Service. : Phone :I2 : ICE CREAM made from Macon cream fresh every day. COOLING Drinks made from pure syrups “BEAUFORT” Ginger Ale refreshing anu invogra ting. Our syrups are made from fresh fruits. RYALS REMEDIES Resolutions Youv committe appointed to dralt resolutions relative to the death of Companion Bennett, who departed this life on May 6th. 1910., beg to submit the following Resolved; That in the death of Companion Benhett Jesup Chap tor of Royal Arch Masons has lost a worthy companion. Resolved Further; That wc as a> Royal Arch Masons will over cherish the memory of his com randeship praying that The Great High Priest the Most excellent of all will grant ns the pleasure of assembling together with Com panion Bennett in the realm be¬ yond. Resolved further : That our hearts are filled with sympathy for the bereaved family of our wonhy companion: and that we commend them in this their s<:d hour of bereavement to Him who has promised to be a husband to the widow and a father to to the father to the fatherless. Be it further resolved: that a copy oj these resolutions be re¬ corded in the minutes of our Chap ter, a copy be given to the Jesup Sentinel and to the Wayne Coun¬ ty News for publication, and a copy he presented to the bereaved family of our worthy Companion Signed by the committee. If. W. Surren'C.v John T. Baxter Ira M Ra.vbon elected I promise to ‘"ulfill the duties of said office to the best of my ability Thanking my frie¬ nds for their [ ast Support and soliciting their votes. Respectfully, R A. Thompson. County Surveyor To my fellow citizens and vot ers of \\ a.vne County; I hereby announce myself as a candidate f or County Surveyor of Wayne County subject to the primary. My unblemished record as Survey or eral *Jes nie to the consideration ot the voters and if elected to the office I aspire j promise thatcve r y trust imposed will be Jfaithful discharged to the best of mv abiii ty - kours .Respect lully, Noah Bennett. MORRISON DICKS A very prrtt.v home wctfciugf was that of Miss Blanche Citsw* Morrison and Mr. Marie*.. X Diets, of Fitzgerald, which tonic place Tuesday evening at ilmt county home of the Bride's vsw ents Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mm— rison. five miles west of .lo;:sp.„ The house waa loveJy in its 't-r corations of ferns palms lilies of the valley. The dimirsfc room had the green and whi&s af¬ fect carried out to alvtUK&ap, The centerpiece on the table the huge bride’s cake dcmrsfSa* in grape design with the namadff the bride and groom Iteav^tr embossed on top. The bride aesc attired in a lovely gown of v&bite satin, her veil caught up tsti/Si m wreath of lilies of the valley frf carried a shower bouquet «*£' bride’s roses. The br desmtwft:, Miss Belle Jolmscn and Xf «sr Ethel Robe rim-on were gpmxiril in white lingerie with pink^ksiftea The maid of honor, Miss Lrilbi Goments of Nashville wasgaaowsi in white of sheer material Mat. Marvin Dicks, of Douglas avSatdl as best man and Mr. EiivneaSfc Morrison, brother of the IviS* and Mr. W. H. Jones acted, aw groomsmen. Rev. Fuller, of A'&Jk viile performed this incerp-tSa® ceremony witnessed only %■ at very few of the closest rrissfi*** and most intimate friends, Ht j many presents of cut glass: E ; silver, attested the popuiarfcv the young couple. They Mti'fiwm I day night for West Virginia, v/tlwm they will spend the smjscxxr turning to Boweus Mills, Gk September where they will 'fee aft home to their friends. New Railroad Between Jesup and Millen Ga. Georgia, Tattnall County. To the Honorable Philip Cook, Secretary of State. The petitiun of W. C. Perkins J. H. Perkins, S. T. Ellis, G. W. Deloach, II. W. Perkins, C. S. Grice, N. A. Thaggard, L. B. Godbee and Eli Bulloch, of Tatt¬ nall county Georgia and H. Ros coe Perkins and Andrew C Perk¬ ins of Richmond county Georgia, respectfully shows; First That they desire to form a rail¬ road corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Act of the Gen¬ eral Assembly of Georgia, ap¬ proved December 20th, 1892, Code sections 2159-2179. SECOND The name of the said railroad company which petitioners desire to have incorporated is to be ‘Reg ister & Glennville Railwa. the same not being the na> e of any exsisting corporation in the State of Georgia. THIRD The length of said road as near as can be e ,t.mated, will be about one hundred miles. FOURTH Said road will run from Tesup, Georgia, a station at the junct¬ ion of the Southern Railway and the Atlantic Coast Line Rail¬ way, in the county of Wayne, in in a northern direction lo Millen Georgia, in the County of Jen¬ kins. TOTH The counties through which said t’oad, wUI probably run are Wayne. Taitnall, Bulloch and Jenkins, and the names of the principal • ■ , places , „ , from which , . , and , to which it is to lx; constructed are from Jesup Ga. to Millen passing through the towns of Glenyille, Georgia, Bird ford, Ga. both of said towns being in the county of '1 attnall, and Register, Georgia in the county of Bulloch, with spurs from its main, line branching off, one from Perkins Lumber Company mill site in Tattnall county to the town of Claxton, in said county, and the other Lorn its main line in the town of Hagan in said county of Tatinal to a point about two dred feet north from the depot of the Seaboard Air Line Railway said town of Hagan. Sixth j Petitioners desire that the line of railway now known and operated as ti c Register & Glennville Rail-' way and running from Glennv ille. Georgia in Tattnall County, autl through the towns of Birdfon| and Undine, with spur from Per¬ kins Lumber Company's mill; on its line of road, to the town of Claxton in said county of Tattnall another from its main line of road to its' dtpbt in the tbWn . of Hagr.n, msia-d cdubfy of 'Tattnill to Register in the county of BuL loch in-aid State be incorporated in and niadte part of '-said > pr<|i,-, line o railroad'. The said Register Glofin'. ihe being id 'pfesefif d-Mnfeu ated by the 7 private Perkins 'Luk o&d : bp^ ’nd, Company as a : i without a charter. Seventh ' The amount of the proposed capi¬ tal stock, is Five Hundred Thou¬ sand $500,000)dollars in shares of One Hundred ($100.00 dollars all of said stock to be doro mon stock of equal dignity.' EIGTH Petitioners desire to he in o,v a r cicsai for Uod VOLUME /-»' C ROOKS » BU RG ESS ; Mfrny friends in South.Gewgpu were the piesaU(:jy surprised te htm of marriage of Miss Crooks of Lumber City hs S. H; Burgess of Southern-Railway on h'tWtJfc* -day afternoon at 2'oeUck at home, of Mr, and Mrs. Ityshs cousins of the bride, .at City. The bride is a very jitfeSjf young lady formerly • indents®* GreetaciBbt with the social set of S. C- jmt who has made mw friends in Lunib r ity visiting there. Mr. Burgeds very popular engin P er iind the run between M aco» ami Brans wick. He has many in Jesup wh6 join -the Nc« t» wishing both bride and much joy and happiness ia *fc<firr future life. during the term of one th?» dred one (101) years. - NINTH The principal Office of sshd posed incorporation will be m fSm town of Iriagan, Tattnall 'Chant# Georgia. - if tenth Tenth. Tetvtioners do inteasifsii good faith to go forward witUbHts deja.vto secure siibacriptioswi Sm tile capital stock, consmiet, maintain and operate said -ntsfeL 'lit j .Petitioners ‘show" .that iVy have given,(our weeks notioe’ «£, tlvjir inl.pnt.tpfi toapjiiyfori-*ir ter by .pubiicatiofi Liccbrdiaaf'te' law. ' !» jAViierefere tlifjy riper pray U W orporaUxl u the , |lvis slate, ... . .. . vv. c. ,u? J-. II. Tqni^ii.. >,[([ 0. U. •r ' « Elli .... N. A., Tlpt^npcS.: L. B. S. T. > •• G Andrew C. Fertaac. H. Rosco JVri'iat IT. W. ;$x(aam Warnell and Aaders^t Fetiliouers Attorneys liagah; ?v< vis»