Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, July 14, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 9 Political Announcement4? Forjudge B. C. I beg to announce my candiacy for the judgeship of the Brun- 8 wick Circuit subject to the Dem¬ ocratic Primary. Many of the people whom I hope hereafter to have the priviledge of calling my friends 1 have unfortunately not yet had the pleasure or opport¬ unity of knowing personally, but i trust that my conduct of the of¬ fice for the few months I have held it will sufficently appeal to my fellow citizens to secure for me an oppoi tunity by re-election to show myself worthy of their confidence and trust. C. B. Conyers Eor Kepresenative. Fellow Citizens and Voters; I announce my candidacy for rep¬ resentative of Wayne County, subject to the rules and regulatio governhig the Democratic Pri mar.v and if elected pledge to work actively for all necessary reforms Democratic, social, civic state and national. C. S. Meadows For Kepresenative To the voters of Wayne Coun¬ ty: 1 hereby announce my can¬ didacy for Represenative of Way¬ ne County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary and solicit the votes and influence of my friends through-out the coun¬ ty and if elected, I promise to fulfill the duties of said office to he best of my ability. Respectfully, B. G. Middleton For Clerk Of Superior Court To the voters of Wayne Coun ty: I hereby announce myeelf a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of superior Court subject to the action of the Demo oratic Primary. In making this announcement I wish to sincerely thank the voters for their past support and assure you that f greatly appreciate the same. 1 again elected to this office I shall ^nd^vQur to perforin the duties thereof to the very best of my ability. Respectfully, ira M. Ray bon. FOR SHERIFF To thevoler£ of Wa.VnC County I hereby announce myself a camli* date for re-election to the office of Sheriff of Wa.yne Cbhrd.V and would appreciate the Vote of all tn.v friends. I Relieve r : ' rave filled the office hondVlbiy and faithfully and I would Appreciate anendorse auent from the ueople. I promise the same good attention, to the interests of the people that I have shown in the short time I have had opportunity tinec 1 was honored by them. Faithfnlly Jos. S. Lee FOR SHERIFF To the Voters of „ W a.\ ne x I hereby announce m.\ can i a cy for the office of Sheriff of Wa ty, subject to the demo craiic primary, and . solicit .... your supp< rt ana influence. If elected , rsest efforts „ , toward, , my aes devolve* “ DOn the iTnagcment of the office, respectfully Y'ours, W. O. Strickland. To the Voters of Wayne Coun tv: By solicit! tat ion of many vot¬ ers of Wayne County I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff cf Wayne County, sub¬ ject to the next Demecratic Pri r' n rr. if I promise th»t s i will fill the office to the best of my ability. Elmer Grooms. FOR TAX COLLECTOR To toe voters of Wayne County. I hereby announce myself a I !! 4t', 4 \ h u l»J id cm candidate for the office of Tax Collector of Wayne ounty, sub¬ ject to the Democratic primary Marion Odum. I hereby announce myself a Candidate for for the office ef Tax Collector of Wayne County, sub ject to the action of the ensuing primary and solicit the support of my friends and fellow citizens. Respectfully, Geo, C, Hatcher. TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Rec eiver of Wayne county subject to the Democratic primary and res pectfully solicit the support of my friends and fellow citizens, J. W. C. Trowell FOR TAX RECEIVER From the earnest solicitation of my many friends throughout the county I hereby announce ray self as a candidate for Tax Re¬ ceiver, subject to the democratic primary, and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of my ability if elected D. I. Carter. COUNTY TREASURER To the voters of Wayne County. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the Demo¬ cratic Primary and solicit the sup port of the voters of Wayne Coun ty Respectfully, G. B. Cross. COUNTY TREASURER To the Voter# of Wayne County. 1 hereby announce my ca ndida cy for County Treasurer of Way ne County subject to the action of the Democratic Primary and solicit the votes and influence of rnyffriends throughout the county and promise if elected to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, D.S. Price COUNTY TREASURER I have never asked ray fellow citizens of Wayne County for any office before, but I hftYQ decided 0 make tha 1‘ftce for Treasurer ubjgct to the Democratie Friftv* ary, and I will appreciate every vote and other support aiven me. I V. Knight. FOR COUNTY TREASURER From the earnest solicitation of ray many friends throughout the County I hereby announce Myself as a candidate for the county treasurers office subject to the Democratic Primary and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to tr.e best of my abil ity if elected. Davis Dubbery. To my Friends in Wayne County After earnest solicitation from ^ nun ,j Jcr 0 f the most prominent of this County , { have consented to become a candidate ^ ^ offjce of Countv (jommis sioner for the unexpired term of Ho „ , Iohn A War J, deceased. If elected to this high office at the hands of the voters of this County, I assure them that ray everv effort will lie toward the upbuilding of the County, the promotion of its welfare and the and the good of its citizens. I. E. Breen To the voters of Wayne County U >on thirty four years of citizen ship in your County anti without solicitation or consultation with anyone I announce myself a candi date for the office of County Trea -surer subject to the democratic orimary. Upon purely a JJ&SUP, GA, TmJRSDAJULY 12, 1910. = proposition-namely if elected td that high and responsible office l will give a bond and faithfully discharge all of the duties requir¬ ed by law and donate one half of the fees allowed me as treasurer to the county for public road im, orovements, to be donated by tte cromirimh. to tbe districts according to the voting population of each district, t „i'» ; deposit the county funds equally between the two Banks of Jesup Consider my proDOsition and vote for your county’s interest. I ex tend to you the White Flag of peace. Will you accept it. Yours Truly W.T. Wilkins. For Tax Receiver I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of ver of Wayne County, subject to the Democratic Primary, and sof cit the patronage of my friend and fellow citizens. Respectfully, J. J. Clary To the Votes of Wayno hereby announce nay caddidaci for the office of County Com¬ missioner, subject to the votei cast at the ensuing Democratic Primary whenever that may be 1 have been a citizen of this go m County all my life and I ask votes upon the bioad platform of s&sfursj" if&srS this important and office best I plege faithful service my ef forts towards the upbuilding of the County on ecnomic basis. Williard Googe. To my friends and fellow citi¬ zens I hereby announce office my can¬ didacy for the of County Surveyor subject to the rules of democratic primary. of 12 efficient My record years service as Couuty Surveyor, qualifies me for the office and if elected I promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the best i of my ability Thanking my friends for their past support and soliciting their votes. Respectfully, R. A. Thompson. County Surveyor To my fellow citizens and vot¬ ers of Wayne County; I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Surveyor of Wayne County Subject to the primary, Unblemished record as slur'.’?? or entitles me to the consideration of the voters and if elected to the office I aspire I promise that eve¬ ry trustimposed will be {faithful discharged to the best of my abiii ty. Yours Respectfully, Noah Bennett. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL Commissioner To the Voters of Wavne County. Having qualified in the recent examination, l hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County School Commissioner, and will thank you for an endorsement of m.v work at the Primary election to be held August 23. Yours i'o better schools, B. D. Purcell, From the earnest solicitation of my many friends throughtout Wayne county 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of coroner subject to the rules of the Democratic primary and ask the support of my friends. If el¬ ected I promise to fulfill the of fie to the nest of my ability. J. M. Reddish. According to the last year of the Department of Agricul <ure therc are 21.720,090 milch cows in the United States, and these are worth $702, 945,000.00. magnitude of the industry can perhaps, be best understood when it is considered that these 1 produce yearly about $1,000,COO. worth of dairy products. P^vIIiIIllwMUHvI f nntttlSccintlflfC 5 Proceedings — Georgia Wayne County, Commissioners Court of Roads j* Bmo.es, titties (or County b > ir •>«'». T , P os ^. ^ «a. •>»* . , „ 1910. Present, and presiding therein jHon. {with members M. L. McKinnon, John Chrm. L. Ooursou, [James &nd D T-U Harper, Roberson. George Tyer, s : Minutes of the regular meeting held 7tli, 1910 read and adopted, ; The following claims against the county were approved and Ordered paid, to wit: G. B. Cross, jaintor$30. dray age .50. T. M. Thomas, non resident witness fee, 6.00. J. L. 3 days Cornrs Ct, 9.00. D. H. Roberson, 2 days Comrs, Ct. 6.00. Ira. M. Ray bon, Clerk Ct. June 20. assorting 4 %nd labeling old records, 5.00, .postage 1.00. H. A. ‘Burns, parts and repair of 10.50. J. S. Lee, Sheriff fees June 1.910. 63.05. J. S. Lee, Sheriff, expense in going a f ter felony convicts transferring pr J D (lftrl C salary Judge County Ct. 2nd. Qr, 1910, 125.00. F. E. Murphey, lights, 2.0(1. W. O. Strickland Const. Jtjl fees wid „ BrWi u |Jesup Mercantile Co, Buckets, •Shovels etc. 5.65. f Champion sup¬ ply Co, Mattresses, convicts sup¬ plies etc. 73.89, Jesup Sentinel Printing books etc. 19.40 JeSup Mercantile Co., gasolene, 11.09. Nation! Paper Co., 2 cas es paper, 10. \V. H. Berrie, Sherif Glynn county, jail fees W. B. and F. A. Lyens, 66.20. Foote & Davies Co., records etc, 42.70. UnderwoodTypewritei Co., type¬ writer repairs, 3. Winn & Co. roofing etc, 4.74. Wayne Coun¬ ty News, publishing Com’rs. proceedings. 2d quarter, 20. H. W. Surrency, coroner, balance on inquest over body of Will Clark, May 23rd, 1910, 16. J. W. Lew¬ is, overseer 1665th district, 8,50. J. M. Stewart, overseer 333rd district, 15. T. P. Gibson, over seer 334th district, 2.14. M. J. Wainwright, 1493rd district, 7,30 L. Odum, Warden of convicts, expense operating county chain gang, June, 426.31. W. 1. Mad ray, ovorseer 1519th district, 14 50. Dr. M. N. Stowe, inspec¬ tion of convict camp, June, 20. McRae Bros., medicines, account convicts, 9. J. K. Orr Shoe Co. shoes account convicts, 38.15. M. D. and It. L. Smith Co. one tent account convicts, 1)2.26. L Mohr & Sons, clothing account account convicts, 25. Upon motion ordered that L. Odum, warden of convicts Wayne county, be paid sixty dollars per month for his services as such. Upon motion ordered that Mrs Y. H. Clark, be ilaeed on tlTK i , mu t she be paid the sum of Five dol¬ lars per month until futner ordered Upon motion ordered that Mr Hettie Daniels, he placed on ii of County piupers and that she be pai from County fundg the s u m .0C per men until her ordered. Upon motion cruered that the official bonds of A. F. Knox, re. cently approveu and ordered re corded Court adjourned. M. L. "McTvin nr r» , Chrm. Ira. M. Raybon.Uitrk. Mrs. F. C. HeiusoD. who been undertreatment in Savannah returned to her home at Fla, Sunday. Petition For Charter Georgia, Tattnall County. To the Honorable Philip Ccok, Secretary of State. The petition of W. C. Perkins J. H. Perkins, S. T. Ellis, G. W, Deloach, H. W. Perkins, C. S. Grice, N. A. Tbaggard, L. B. Godbee and Eli Bulloch, of Tatt¬ nall county Georgia and H. Ros coe Perkins and Andrew C Perk¬ ins of Richmond county Georgia, respectfully shows; First That they desire to form a rail¬ road corporation pursuant to the provisions of the Act of the Gen¬ eral Assembly of Georgia, ap¬ proved December 20th, 1892, Code sections 2159-2179. SECOND The name of the said railroad company which petitioners desire to have incorporated is to be ‘Reg ister & Glennville Railway 11 , the same not being the name of any exsisting corporation in the State of Georgia. THIRD The length of said road as near as can 'be estimated, will be about one hundred miles. FOURTH Said road will run from Jesup, Georgia, a station at the junct¬ ion of the Southern Railway and the Atlantic Coast Line Rail¬ way, in the county of Wayne, in in a northern direction lo Millen Georgia, in the County of Jen¬ kins. FIFTH The counties through which said toad, will probably run are Wayne. Tattnall, Bulloch and Jenkins, and the names of the principal places from which and to which it is to be constructed are from Jesup Ga. to Millen Ga. passing through the towns of Glenville, Georgia, Birdford, Ga. both of said towns being in the county of lattnall, and Register, Georgia in the county of Bulloch, with spurs from its main line branching off, one from Perkins Lumber Company mill site in Tattnall county to the town of claxton, hi said county, and the other from its main line in the town of Hagan in said county of Tattnul to a point about two hun¬ dred feet north from the depot of the Seaboard Air Line Railway in said town of Hagan. SIXTH Petitioners desire that the line of railway now known and operated as the Register & Glennville Rail¬ way and running from Glennville. Georgia in Tattnall County, and through the towns of Birdford and Undine, with spur from Per¬ kins Lumber Company’s mill, on its line of road, to the town of Claxton in said county of Tattnall another from its main line of road to its depot in the town of 1 lagan, in siad county of Tattnall to Register in the counl.v of Bul¬ loch in said State be incorporated in and made a part of said pro- 11 n > of railroad. The said Glennville Railway , - r. sent owned and oper 16 Perkins Lumber Company as a private road and Wit! charter. Seventh The amount of the proposed capi¬ ta! sto r -k is Five Hundred Thou¬ sand $500,000)dollars in shares of One Hundred ($100.00 dollars each, all of said stock to be com¬ mon stock of equal dignity. EIGTH Petitioners desire to be in cor 2° rate ^ as aforesaid for and during the term cf one hun one (101) years. VOLUME IS Rock Hill Mr., and Mrg, W. M. Demari^ were the guests of Mr. and Meg. B. Westbcrry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrr. C. F. BeniaSt^ were shopping in Jesup Saturday* Mr. Jack and-Ben Healen, wen in our community Sunday. Mr. C. F. Bennett, and wife spent Sunday with Mr. and Mes. N. L. Dukes. Mr. and Mrs Bertie Westbcrry were the guest at Mr. W. ML. Roberson Satuaday. Mr. Wate Roberson, and family spent Sunday with the family Mr. R. A. Thompson. Mr. C. F. Bennett, made tat, business trip to Jesup Saturday. Mr. Guss Demark, and 3us sister were the guests of Mmols* Ward and visited Miss Mery Dukes Sunday. Miss Mamie Strickland, «jff Route 2, left Sunday for Tooh&b C ounty where she will visit rkar sister. Mr. Harvey Maddox, at* family spent Sunday witn i tm father Mr. Allen Maddox. Miss Minnie Tinson, and Mi* Jennie Hires of Sylvester .a mb visitingfriendsand relatives here. Those from Jesup to spend the fourth of July in Savannah we* Messeis H. W. Whaley H. i*. Heritage, Joe Austin E S. Majfifc Julian Baxter, Joe Hopps, Willie Purcell, Fred Murphey, le R^ff Price Mr. Will Wooten, of Ogletlw ij* Ga. was a visitor toJesup Fridas*. Col. W. W. Bennett, of Paxlgjr was in Jesup a short while Thurs¬ day. Miss Fannie Hill left Friday for Savannah where she waf visit friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Price, aol children are spending a few dag* on the Island. NOTICE Jn compliance with requesl d£T . my friends, wish to say that •-un¬ less unforeseen hindrance -shodl arise, I shall speak on political S* *ues at Waynesville Saturday 'it 30 p. m. July 30. At NafeaMa the following Saturday 2:30 p. , 0| - Aug. G. This notiev a special i*~ vitation to the women and eh# dren as ell as the voters. Yours truly. C. S. Meadows NINTH The principal office of said pro¬ posed incorporation will be in town of Hagan. Tattnall Couufcy Georgia. TENTH Tenth. Petitioners do imeniffS* good faith to go forward • withmia, delay to secure subscriptions ttar tiie capital stock, construct. maintain and operate said roidL ELEVENTH Petitioners show that fkty have given four weeks notice off their intention to apply for a diop¬ ter by publication according 8» law. Wherefore they pray t© Hre incorporated under the laws off this state. W. C. Perks:*. J. H. Perkfos. C. S. Grass. Klli Bulls*. N. A. TiiaaS*»6» L. B. GoJGns, 8. T. ms g. w, rvosft. Andrpw C. Perldbx, H. Rosco Perkiac. H. W. YViVhr* Petition ejss. arnell and Ander.-r .^ Petitioners Attorneys Hagan, Q*