Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, July 28, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 9 Political Announcements For Judge B. C. I beg to announce my candiacy for the judgeship of the Brun¬ swick Circuit subject to the Dem¬ ocratic Primary. Many of the people whom I hope hereafter to have the priviledge of calling my friends 1 have unfortunately not yet had the pleasure or opport¬ unity of knowing personally, but I trust that my conduct of the of¬ fice for the few months I have held it will sufficently appeal to my fellow citizens to secure for mean oppoitunity by re-election to show myself worthy of their confidence and trust, 0. B. Conyers Eor Represenative. Fellow Citizens and Voters: I Bent&tive my candidacy for rep of Wayne County, jmbject to the rules and regulatio governing the Democratic Pri mary and if elected pledge to work actively for all necessary reforms Democratic, social, civic state and national, C. S. Meadows For Represenative To the voters of Wayne Coun* tyt I hereby announce my can¬ didacy for Represenative of Way¬ ne County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary afld solicit the votes and influence of my friends through-out the coun¬ ty and if elected, I promise to fulfill the duties of said office to he best or my ability. Respectfully, B. G. Middleton For Clerk Of Superior Court To the voters of Wayne Coun ty: I hereby announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of superior Court subject to the action of the Demo cratic Primary. In making this announcement J wish to sincerely thank the voters for their past support and assure you that f greatly appreciate the same. I again elected to this office I shall endeavour to perforin the duties thereof to the very best of my ability. Respectfully, ra M. Raybon. FOR SHERIFF To thevoters of Wayne County announce myself a candi for re-election to the office of Wayne County and would appreciate the vote of all Boyfriends. T believe I have filled the office honorably and faithfully and I would appreciate an endorse¬ ment from the neople. I promise the same good attention, to the interests of the people that I have shown in the short time I have had opportunity tinee I was honored by them. Faithfnlly Jos. S. Lee FOR SHERIFF To the Voters of Wayne Connty; hereby a mounce my Candida cy for the office of Sheriff of Wa yne County, subject to the demo cratic primary, and solicit your support and influence. If elected I pledge my best efforts towards the duties devolving upon the proper management of the office. Respectfully Yours, W. 0. Strickland. To the Voters of Wayne Conn ty: By solicititp.tion of many vot¬ ers of Wayne County-I hereby announce myself a candidate for Sheriff of Wayne County, sub ject to the next Demecratic mary. If elected I promise that I will fill the office to the best of my a' ility. Elmer Grooms. I OR TAX COLLECTOR Coimfo J ape t; ! candidate for the office of Tax Collector of \\ ayne ou nty, sub¬ ject to the Democratic primary Mafldfl OdUm. I hereby announce myself a Candidate for for the office of Tax Collector of Wayne County, sub ject to the action of the ensuing primary and solicit the support of my friends and fellow citizens. Respectfully, Geo. C, Hatcher. TAX RECEIVER I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Rec eiVcr of Wayne county subject to the Democratic, primary and res pectfuily solicit tiie support of my friends and fellow citizens, J. W. C. Trowell FOR TAX RECEIVER From the earnest solicitation of my many friends throughout the county I hereby announce my self as a candidate for Tax Re ceiyer, subject to the democratic primary, and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of my ability if elected D, I. Carter, COUNTY TREASURER To the voters of Wayne County. I hereby announce myself as a Candidate for the office of County Treasurer subject to the Demo¬ cratic Primary and solicit thesUp port of the voters of Wayne Cofiri ty Respectfully, G. B. Cross. COUNTY TREASURER tv, To u, the A \ r oters * of . Y\ ... ayne County. ,, 1 hereby announce my Candida cy for County Treasurer of Way ne County subject to the action of the Democratic Primary and solicit the votes and influence my friends throughout the county and promise if elected to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of my ability. Respectfully, D.S. Price COUNTY TREASURER I have never asked my fellow citizens of Wayne County for any office before, but I have decided o make the race for Treasurer ubject to the Democratic Prim ary, and I will appreciate every vote and other support given me. J. C. Knight. FOR COUNTY TREASURER From the earnest solicitation of m.v many friends throughout the County* I hereby announce Myself as a candidate for the county treasurers office subject to the Democratic Primary and promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the best of my abil ity if elected. Davis Dubbery. To my Friends in Wayne County After earnest solicitation from a number of the most prominent citizens of tn s County, I have consented to become a candidate for the office of County Commis¬ sioner for the unexpired term of Hon. John A. Ward, deceased. If elected to this high office at the hands of the voters of this County, I assure them that m.v every effort will be toward the upbuilding of the County, the promotion of its welfare and the and the good of its citizens. I. E. Breen To the voters of Wayne County Upon thirty four years of ship in your County and without or consultation with anyone I announce myself a candi date for the office of County Trea JESUP, GA., THUM&M* JULY 0S, 1910 . proposition- namely if elected to that high and responsible office T will give a bond and faithfully discharge all of the duties requir¬ ed by law and donate one half of the fees allowed me as treasurer to the county for public road im¬ provements* to be donated by the commissioners to iii€ SeVfefftl districts according to the voting population of each district. I will deposit the county funds equally between the two Banks of Jesup Consider my proposition and vote for your county’s interest. I ex¬ tend to you the White Flag of peace. Will you accept it. Yours Truly W.T. Wilkins. For Tax Receiver I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Recei¬ ver of Wayne County, subject to the Democratic Primary, and sol cit the patronage Of my friend and fellow citizens. Respectfully, J. J. Clary To the Votes of Wayne County: hereby announce my caddidacy for the office of County Com¬ missioner, subject to the votes cast at the ensuing Democratic Primary whenever that may be. 1 have been a citizen of this good County all my life and I ask your votes upon the broad platform of equal rights to all and special privileges to none. If ejected to this important office I plege faithful servie* a&d my best ef¬ forts towards the upbuilding of the County on ecnomic basis. Willard Googe. To my friends and fellow citi¬ zens 1 hereby announce m.v can¬ didacy for the office of County Surveyor subject to the rules of democratic primary. efficient M.v record of 12 years service as Oouuty Surveyor, qua | ifies mc f or the office and if elected I promise to fulfill the duties of said office to the bett of my ability Thanking m.v fricnds fo! . t h e ir past support and soliciting their votes, Respectfully, R. A. Thompson. County Surveyor To my fellow citizens and vot ers of Wayne County; I hereby announce myself as a candidate for County Surveyor of Wayne County subject to the primary, My unblemished record as survey or entitles me to the consideration of the voters and if elected to the office I aspire 1 promise that eve¬ ry trust imposed will be |faithful discharged to the best of m.v abiii ty. Yours Respectfully, Noah Bennett. rqR COUNTY SCHOOL Commissioner To the Voters of Wavne County. Having qualified in the recent I hereby announce m y S elf a candidate for re-election t0 p, e office of County School Commissioner, and will thank you for an endorsement of my work at the Primary election to be held August 23. Yours fo better schools, B. I). Purcell, From the earnest solicitation of my many friends throughout Wayne county I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of coroner subjeet to the rules of the Democrat^ primary and ask the support of my friends. If el¬ ected I promise to fulfill the of fie to the best of my ability. J. M. Reddish. FOR SALE Four sea island cotton gins for ff Je cheap. Cne Coleman and one Franklin. Only been in use one year. Apply to H. IV. Wha- Local News Miss Annie Gurr, of Danson Ga; is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Gurr. Miss Bell Gurr, of Bainbridge Is visiting her brother Mr. F. B. Guff. Mrs. R. B. Htfpps, returned Wednesday from Waycross where she has been visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Johnson, Atkinson, spent Monday in Jesup the guest ef Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Me Call. Mrs. M. N. St*we and children, returned Thursday from a visit to Washiugton, D. C. Mrs. S. F. Ellis and little dau¬ ghter have returned from a visit to friends at Brunswick. The News is requested * to an¬ nounce that a two-weeks simprffcetfng will commence at Hortense Aug 16th, Rev. J. D. Patterson will conduct the ser vices. Miss Mona Stewart entertain¬ ed her Sunday school class last week at her home. Miss Jessie Winn assisted in entertaining the 1 ttle ones. A delicious ke crea» and cake course was 'served dur¬ ing the afternoon. Those pres¬ ent were Misse Ella Turner, Black, Madeline Westber r.y, Ruby Harper, TliVlma Con¬ Hortense Price, Henriannn Frank Haskins and Ev¬ Reed. For State Treasurer To the People of Georgia: I hereby announce my candi for the office of State Trea¬ surer, subject to the democratic white primary of 1910, to be held on a date to be selected by the state democratic executive committee. In making this I feel that it is appropriate for me to say that ray services for seven years in both branches of the legislature during Winn & Company The Only Firm in Jesup that Makes a Specialty of all Kinds of Farming Implements. FA.'RMEliS HA'RDWA'RE Live Stock, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Wire Fencing, Cane Hills, Stalk Cutters, Gasolene Engines, Feed Cutters, Brick, Lime Cement, Felt, Burlap, Paper Roofing, Paint. We have a carload of Ranges Stoves and Heaters that are made of good, heavy mater¬ ial and will give satisfaction in durability and service. We have a full line of one and two-horse wagons and the most complete line of Buggies that we’ve ever had before. We have now the highest grad* buggy that we have ever had in our warehouse and the best looking buggy we have ever seen in this section. RoftuCk Also good set vicable medinm grade buggies and the Sears & kind. If it is a buggy that you want, wo can fill the bill. We buy buggies by the hun¬ dred and we know-that,we can save you money over any mail order house if you will take the style and material io4o con¬ sideration. We have a good supply of buggies on hand now and s*ueral carloads to come in. Our goods are right, our prices are right and our terms are reasonable. We guarantee Repairs for Every Farming Implement we sell WINN and COMP ANY ■11 9 go Drops emit For Infants and Children. HP ALCOHOL ,3 PER CENT. SSS2S® AvegetablePreparationfcrAs- Bears -r> the n * Hi III ■ if »: Bj^iiasain roi Signature Promote s Di^eslion£heerfuI- of ness and Rest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine Not norMiueraL i I; Narcotic. ‘ i 1, i^otdiDcsmmpncm. j Bavpkin Seed ; Is HU* jtoiiseSeed jUxJenaa JMel/e ftmentmlr Sails- * <■ i % In Hem Seed- i Clmi'ml Sumr ■ 1 mto/taifltmf- 15 tion, Aperfect Soui* Remedy Stomach,Diarrhoei for Consflpa- " For Over Worms,CoiTvulsioRS.Fe v ensh . & ness andLoss of Sleep. 1 Facsimile Signature or Thirty Years i Hi J. NEW V& 1 '- .-J Doses-' mY’Ti fj i-M OASTORIA - 1 J5 — « ■ d f% t Guaranteed under the Fo o Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW TORN OITT. many of the present iaws to banks-and n>y service at the same time on the house committee on banks and banking, has given rnc a clear insight into the Georgia laws concerning banking and finance. In addition to foregoing exper¬ ience. I have been, for fifteen years president of the Elberton Loan & Savings Bank in which capacity I may say I have wined wide practical experience, con¬ cerning the operation of these \aw3 and as a result of which VOLUME in position to rec< mmend cor¬ tain improvements in the present laws which will better safeguard the interests of the depositors in. Georgia’s state banks. If elected to this important position, I shall give every effort to the faithful discharge of its duties to assist me in which I shall secure the services of trained, ex¬ pert and capable assistants. I respectfully request the favor¬ able consideration of the democra¬ tic voters of the state. Peyton M. Hawes.