Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, August 18, 1910, Image 1

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NO. 9 HON. HOKE SMITH IpL fir, . MSI Ml;, b ;i^'5SKvv&>Xi ■HSI > J y'* I ' ■' , . s 699 i\ V . Hi ■ . ngy will ST 5 ''-J ii mm i m w ■ i ■- i A ' ■' m I vs i li m -M :rfi ■jci.Cv Whom Will You Choose ? "A. (Editorial) The WaynqjjpoUnty News is, and has ever been, wholly and un reservetJK for'the Honorable Hoke Smith in his race for Governor, believing%S wp do that as between merr there G no com^Srison be tween he and the present Governor in ability, 'and knowing as we do, that as between the two administrations of Smith and Brown, the administration of Hoko Smith stands out in bold relief, c-0;a pletely overshadowing the adrr.ioKfration bi*-the' 7 )yes> 1 it •» We say it, boldly and, without fear of contradiction, for it cannot be contradicted or denied that among the many acts of negligence visited upon the different Counties of the State, at sometime border¬ ing upon criminal negligence, that no County has received at the hands of the present administration such a deal in negligence as has been handed onr County of Wayne. Go with us just a moment over the facts as they exist with reference to the appointment of W. F. Knox as Tax Collector of our County, to fill the unexpired term of the lamented Riley Johns, deceased, and remember that this Was the most important office in your County, and see what the reconis show, and learn how your good ofiiicers were treated with almost silent contempt by the so-c.dled “business administration” of J. M. Brown, and then ask yourself the question if you can en¬ dorse by your vote such an administration tnat cares nothing for the rights of th* pebple or who will in anyway safeguard the inter erest of a County or its Citizens? In January 1910, Mr. S. C. Davis was duly elected Justice of the the Peace of the Screven district of this County, his election was duly certified by Hon. Ira M. Raybon, Clerk of the Superior Court of WayneCounty to the Executive Department, all according to the quirements of Jaw, ;but he never received a reply or an acknowl 'gement. lie then, wrote a personal letter to the Secretary to the Governor, but he did not receive a reply or an acknowledgement un¬ til after six months and continuous entreaties. Mr. Raybon was ad¬ vised b.v the Department that the origin ils h id never been received, or if received had been lost, and asked for duplicates; this request was complied with and then after continued efforts on his part the Ordinary received the commission for Mr. Davis on June 27, 1910. On April nth, 1910, W. F. Knox was duly appointed by the Coun¬ ty Cotnmissiouers of Wavne County, Tax Collector, to fill the unen pired term of W. R., Johns who died during his tenure of office, this appointment was promptly certified by the Clerk of the Superior Court to the Executive Department but he failed to receive an ac¬ knowledgement or a reply. He then wrote the Secretory of State and the Comptroller General beggingthem to aid the County in get¬ ting the commission for the tax collector, pointing out to them as he had previously to the Governor and to his Secretary the importance of the matter as the Tax Collector uncommissioned could not settle with the State or with the County for the tax money he had collect¬ ed, and no settlement could be bad at all for the year 1999; each of these officers replied promptly stating that they had called upon the Govercor’s Secretary and he advised that the Commission would go forward that niirht, but “the letter that was longel fo.' never came” Then a second request was made upon Hon. Phillip Cook, Secn-taiy of State entreating him to call upon the Governor and urge the. at¬ tention that the impoi lance of the matter demanded, and in reply to this the Ordinary received the Commission of Mr Knox, Tax Col¬ lector but it was neither PaTED or SIGNED. The Orniaary, Hon. J. D. Crawford then wrote a personal letter to the Governor, Hon. Jos. M. Brown, and ,, begged , that , he , date , and , sign . the , Commission, . . but he failed to .receive an acknowledgement or a repl y. The dinary then wrote the Governor’s Secretary, but he failed to re ceivc an acknowledgement or a reply. The Legislature hil no -, v convened, so the Ordinary wrote to Captain hen Miiikin, representative m the Legislature end asked that he aid his County JR sptJme way to get,the Tra r t'5r attended to Cantab Miiikin replied K& * •* * ame fumtte r^T fas. > JESUP, GA., THURSDAY August 18, 1910. A letter then came from the Executive Department—but would you believe it—it contained not the commission so often and long sought for, the commission for the Tax Collector, W. F. Knox, but lo, a du¬ plicate commission for the Justice of the Peace S. C. Davis of Sere ven, whose commission had been sent on June 27th. The Ordinary then returned this commi ssion pointing out the error and mistake, but to this letter he did not receive AN A C K ‘.TO W L E DGE WENT A REBLY. Captain Miiikin was again appealed to and the Com¬ mission was finally received on August 5th., and Captain Miiikin ad¬ that the only way it was secured then was by his going to the of the Governor and remaining there until the Commission was filled out and he accomnanied the Secretary to the post-office saw it mailed, then the Ordinary did not fail to receive the com. in all fairness and candor, do you see how the people of the and especially of the County of Wayne could endorse an ad¬ so neglectful as this, for the State we cannot speak but the people of Wayne we feel that we are justified in saying that we must resent it by our vote.• Do not take our word for the truthfulness of the facts above but an.t one doubting are invited to write either the repre¬ Clerk of Court or Ordinary’; whose postoffice is Jesup, or Mr. W. F. Knox, Tax Collector whose postoffice is Hickox. perhaps the Executive department would be kind enough to give the entire correspondence and facts mentioned. Much has been said about the payment of the Teachers during the two administrations, and in this regard We feel it our duty to say we have on file in our office a statement fcertified to by B. D. County School Commissioner of Wayne Connt.v, which that the Teachers of Wayne County received their pay much more promptly under the Hoke Smith administration than under the Brown administration. For lack of space we cannot attach it hereto but any one is invited to call and inspect it. It shows that in 1908, under the Smith administration, tfce Teacher® of Wayne County received $3,918.65, and during 1909, Brown administration, that the Teachers of Wa.vne County receiv 'd only $5,170.91; these are facts from the records of our County. Did you ever think about it, there is a reason why your County School Commissioner is supporting Hoke Smith; ho knows it is for the best Interest of the Teachers, There is a reason why the Ordi ainary of your County and ours, a Confederate Veteran, is support ing Hoke Smith; he knows it is for the best interest of the old sol¬ dier. There is a reason why our zealous and faithful Clerk of the Superior Court is supporting Hoke Smith; he knows it is for the best interest of the people. There is a reason why your Judge of the County Court is supporting Hoke Smith; lie knows the adminis¬ tration of the law of the State will be better administered. There is a mason why your Representative in tiie Lugislatnra is supporting he-knows that laws good and wholesome for the bene¬ fit of the masses There is a retoon why both of the banks of your County from President to assistant Cashier, are supporting Hoke Smith; they know that with Hoke as Governor banks deposit will in¬ crease and in financial circles Georgia will be a shining mark. There is a reasoa why both of your County papers are supporting Hoke Smith, for the little country weekly, insignificant as it is, at all times has its fingers upon the pulse of the people, and not a heart throb escapes it, and perhaps better than all those enumerated above knows the true condition of the patient, the public, and we know tbat we need , Hake « i Smith ci '.u and j need i L him - it bad.y. Fnend, kw. von no reason to rote agaiost him. Notice to Voters Friends and Fellow Citizens of Wayne County; someone has been trying to damage me in my race for Treasurer by saying that I will not comply with myproposit tion. If he did now fellow citizens I did not think it necessary when my attention was first called to this baseless and cowardly attack to refute it. But now desire to assure you of my true motives in rnv proposition. Mast of you have known me long enough to know that I do not talk or make idle propositions But have made it a point to be honest and truthful ever since I learned right from wrong. M.v proposition should interest ever v citizen in Wayne County who has the welfare and Dpbuihling of their County at heart, and I ask my friends throughout the County to stand by me and see to it that a proposition that will so material¬ ly benefit every citizen is proper¬ ly considered and not voted town for the gain of some individual pocket, but instead help me install the plan born of a desire to see ray county take its place and stand the peer of any county in south¬ east Georgia. M.v circumstances would not permit to quit my job and make a canvas of the county 1 have had to *-ork ten hours each day through all of these hot months to keep the wolf from door. This being my last before you cast your vote, I ear ^put^ just ha°a pracS and -reform that is t> one all. You," faithful felhw cjtijer, v. a'wuu* i ** m ■ T MlM ■ IPti H 1 111 n i ia I s A\^ ge table Preparation lorAs Eli li ting similating the Riotf aiuIRegula tlie Stomaclis afldfiowelsol 4 Infants /Children ; Promotes DigestionOieerfti! ness andRestConlamsneitteri I Opiuai.Morphine Not nor Mineral. Narcotic. fifty* ofMDtSWimwm flmtpkia Seed" JtxJtma *■ /Htcieffe Sails ~ Arise Sad* . : ■ ■ I Ig£u •fifi tion, Aperfect Sour Remedy Stomach,Dtarrta for Consfip Worms.Coimdsions.FrerisI ness andLoss of Sleep, \ i Facsimile Skaters of NEW 1 % i Atb mdn V H . i,; infant ggd underlie Food lui.e,,,,*, * ......= ;: —:i..i.r.;«. | ^;.n : jjiiiaigg Exact Copy of Wrapper. Mr. and Mrs. Fria c B insi r Misses Kate and Lola Bell Hall Messrs. Le'c Anderson and S. M. Smith composed a party to St Simons last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C.' g. Branch, returned Tuesday night from a visit to relatives at Fleming. Mr. E. W. Griffith of Screven was among the visitors to Jesup Tuesday. Wanted—To Purchase a iarge ot of cypress cra-is ties, inspection and settlement at point of loading coast Company! line Ry. Address Grew Mfe. .lacksonvill, Fla. W in n & Company The Only Firm in Jesup that Makes a Specialty of all Kinds of Farming Implements. FA-RMETtS HARDWARE tock, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Wire Fencing, Cane Hills, talk Cutters, Gasolene Engines, Feed Cutters, Brick, Lime Cement, Felt, Burlap, Paper Roofing, Paint. We have a carload of Ranges Stoves and Heaters that are made of good, heavy mater¬ ial and will give satisfaction in durability and service. We have a full line of one and two-horse wagons and the most complete line of Buggies that we’ve ever had before. We have now the highest grad° buggy that W 3 have ever had in our warehouse and the best looking bugzy we have ever seen in this section. Also good servicable medinm grade buggies and the Sears & Roebuck kind. If it is a buggy that you want, we can fill the bill. We buy buggies by the hun¬ dred and we know that we can save you money ov*'? any mail order house if you will take the style and material i<** con¬ sideration. We have a good supply of buggies on h*4d now and seueral carloads to come in. Our goods are right, our prices are right and our terms are reasonable. We guarantee Repairs for Every Farming Implement we sell WINN, and COMPANY VOLUME 17 For Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In » For Over Thirty Years OftSTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. To the Voters GentUtnen and fellow friend* In less than 6ne week you will be called upon to past your vote for tax col!e ct°r ofWayne county and as you do so I sincerly trust that you won’t forget the cripple at Odum who is begging you for yout vote in order that he may be able tosupport his family. I will ever remember each one tbat will help me in this trying campaign. Faithfully Yours, Marion Odum