Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, September 15, 1910, Image 1

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NO. ' 9 A Last Call To the voters of Wayne County |Vr;. How v - will > vote next Wed you Head ay? For better schools, or against better shook? For the ehildren who cannotvote for them¬ selves, or against t help? , tvnat kind of ^.aehobls are we to have is a much' more important question than who is to - be our Governor. A . shovfld tms Section intoraw voters who hive children, hut the question every voter and (ou^hj,. to : study vote to protect our County from .poverty and crime; for io spjRr^f the state ipent often , made that V education makes rascals, statistics show ttta^more than aihety per cent of OUT criminals an<ipat>pers are un educated people. Lord McCauley dollar was riffht when he itf i|$fd htfupation ‘‘For every you save yon will spehd five in W««ecutions in prisons in penal ' settlements”. Our terms are,, id > short, our ^than ildjngs $2*|^apjeeeffHemajor»fy an:*& ttv4ll|c#re wl our teaefore arh yotfirstAand' fc&timmsdand tHile is ne ■i 4 m |« T T .-•V I wish to announcie to the people of Wayne county thpt I am now band ling, in addition to mi' grocery stock, a complete line of— FARMERS' * HARDWARE consisting of Ail kinds of fanning im¬ plements, besides hardware for the 'heme sgch as stoves, ranges and all kinds, of booking utensils. Having taken jBe handling of hardware as a “aide-Hpe” I am enabled to sell below all tlje i jfitjcbs of is tl>e exclusive trial denb rs this. and want a to prove -»fA For fresh groceries, both staple and fancy, see me. Exchange made at r.i 4 proportionate values for country pro¬ duce, chickens, eggs, etc. Courteous and fair treatment accorded to all. Come, See •and Be Convinced £ V* A. E. HILL J. L ..HILL, Manager ’ elephone and Find Out! Vkitvw fhe wither refwrt/ l ^k Whit is the market of cotton price Jg m Has my team left town M . Is ther&any freight for f me I I I Do you want to buy l P j 'i I When is the meeting ® The telcphoDCv answers these ques¬ tions for do tlious'ands of Farmers for every The day. It will t^iis and more you. cost of a telephone on your Farm is small; the saving is great Our free booklet tells you ail about iv* Write for it today. Address - L Farmers IJae Separsitesl # , SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE <*. TSLE«F at**! CO-MI* ANY w. SiAAM rn. tP» / Cutniy <3Tr ~ . ■ u r i Realestate Deals Among the large realestate deals taking place in Wayns coun¬ ty during the present week was. the purchase of a faim near Seie ven from Andrew Kicklighter by Hyde of North Georgia, the consideration being $5,500; and the purchase of 100 acres of land by Chnt Burknalter of Glen ville from Earnest Plunkett of Screven, the consideration being $2,659. wa.v to get them and that is to pay for them. How is ( he best way to pay? By taxation. No other method has ever suc ceeded nor can ever succeed. During the campaign* of .the past few weeks every objection put forth has been answered satisfactorily to those in search t>f the truth. There are still a few objectors, and to these „e would say, weigh wellthe matter before you cast your ballot against local taxation for the improvement our bounty Schools, B. D. Purcell C. S. C. JESUP, GA., THURSDAY Sept . 15, 121^. Tax Collector’s Statement Tax Collector’s Settlement with Wayne County, Georgia for taxes collected for the year 1909. YV, F. Knox. Tax Collector, In accrnvit with Wayne County, Georgia. ■ ' r'i **' I • ' Dr. General tax on digest, • • | 13,018.61 General tax collected not on the digest, 515,43 Western Uniod T and T Co, * 54.76 Southern Express Co. 9.80 American T and T Co. 20.09 Southern Bell T and T and T Co. 67.07 A. C. L- Rd. Co. (Savannah io VTaycross) 2.128.47 A. C. L. Rd. Co. (Brunswick}to Albany) 1,742.90 Atlantic Coast Line, (Jesup Short t ine) 3,615.96 Southern Railroad, 3,267.50 A. Band A Rd. Co. 878.20 Atlantic Postal Tel and C. Go.. 9.00 Cr. IV Receive’s Commissions, 180.21 By Collector’s Commissions, 546.85 By Insolvent tax end errors, 66.09 By Amount paid W. M. Roberson j Co. Treas, 24,530.23 Total $25,322.88 $25,322.88 Order Levyinjf County Tax Year 1910 Georgia, Wayne County J Br the Honorable M. U Me Kinnon. John U Coorson. Janrea W. Harper, Geqrgc W. Tyer Dan. H. Robersen.Commissionei 9 of ltoads and Revenue, sitting for County purposes, Je-mp, Ga Sept. 6th, 191(1. It is hereby ordered that sixty cents on the $1.00.00 of the tax¬ able property of said County as per digest of 1910 be, and the same is hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the tax collector of said County for the following purpose®, to-wit: 1st. OoeOenton the $100. to pay the legal indebtedness due, or to become due during the year or past due. 2nd. Eight Cents on the $100. to build or repair Courthouses, or jails, bridges or ferries, or other public improvements according to contract. 3rd Five Cents on the $100. to pay Sheriffs, jailers, or other officers fees, that they may be legally en¬ titled to out of the County. 4th Two Cents on the $100. to pay Coroners fees that may be due them by the County for holding inquests. 5th Ten Cent on the $100. to pay the expenses of the Colnty, for Bailiffs at Court, non resident witnesses in Criminal cases, ser¬ vant hire, stationery and the like. 6th Ten Cents of the $100. to pay jurors a per diem compensation. 7th Three Cents on the $100. to pay expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the County, and as otherwise prescribed by the poli¬ tical Code of 1895 8th Twenty Cents on the $100. for road purposes, levied in com¬ pliance with the adopted Alterna¬ tive Road law. One Cent on the $100. to pay any other lawful charge against the County. Making in; the aggregatethe said sum of Sixty Cents op ; the $109. on the taxable property of said County, foy County puroses for the year 1910. (Signed) M. L. McKinnon. Cbrm. CK&RWCGa. Ira. M. Raybon, Clerk. Butts county rate will be $10 on the thousand; the public roads bridges and public buildings be ing the heaviest items of expense. For goed Job printing see Local Paragraphs Wanted—To purchase a large otbf cypress cross ties, inepee «<*» «”<i > l "*** ^ Tjftua, Ga. , 6 T . A . Pnrker of Way ^ visited Jesu;; Thursday', Note the new advertisement of W. L. Belcher appearing on the last pag ■ of this paper. If its money you want you can get ail you need on Far o pro¬ perty b.y seeing D. 8. Price, Jes up, Ga; good time, low rate of in-, terest. Mr. E. B. Webb of Wadley, Ga., arrived last Monday and Will establish a bakery here. Messi^s doe Wilkins, Clifford and.batn Lester will leave Mon¬ day to attend Emory College. Mrs. W. F. Benson is visiting in Savannah this week. . The Jesup Public School open¬ ed last Monday with largest at¬ tendance in the history of the school. Miss Marion Cole returned Fri day a er a visit to Miss Laura Moor at Hazlehurst. W in n & Company The Only Firm in Jesup that Makes a Specialty of all Kinds of Farming Implements. FA'RME'RS HA.'RHWA^E mmmmmmimmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmm mummammmru , mhi Live tock, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, - Wire Fencing, Cane Hills, talk Cutters, Gasolene Engines, Feed Cutters, Brick. Lime Cement, Felt, Burlap, Paper Roofing, Paint. We have a carload of Ranges Stoves and Heaters that are made of good, heavy mater¬ ial and will give satisfaction in durability and service. We have a full line of one and ' two-horse wagons and the most complete line of Buggies that we’ve ever had before. We have now the highest grad^ buggy that w; have ev« r warehouse End the best *oorCiiig we iiu,v6 v.iu want, we-.car. fill the bill. We ~»’ay wugg.es oj .-«* -«• dred and we \now that we can save you money over ary mat! order house if you will take the style and material into con¬ >8 sideration. We have a good supply of buggies on hand cow and seuera! carloads to come in. Our goods are right, our prices are right and our terms are reasonable. ^^guarantecRepairs for fcvery Farming Implement v- e sell WINN and COMPANY Si J if® I II 9ooDrops » 1 11 IM I Itf * I I ALCOHOL AY&getable Preparafioii&rAs- 3 PER CENT. EC m ling similating (lie StiomadisamlBowelsof UtefboifamlRegula HI |||S! Infants/Children ' ' II III Promotes and Rest.Contains DigestioitCheerfuH neither E£ ness Opium.Morphme Narcotic. nor Mineral. in Not JtecpeefOld Dr-SflMJfLPfi'VEHk || i.' fimt/Jsin jtlx.SeimiL Seed- 1 finktUe * Setts - ytniseSeed * Bt'cSlkSA* him Seed Cfarifot/ Sugar • mL Katugreen Rarer. Aperfect Remedy for i tion, Ssur Stomach,Diarrhoea .Fe^rish-1 (i!| Worms .Convulsions ness andLoss of Sleep. ■ TacSimik Signature of ill mm I new ? >Ri-r. ^ass=r= »•■•»=» l m 1 ?S At Dosfs> 6 uion; > i 'n - _-a-i— , $ Guaranteed uiiScr fv.e 81' i *1 Exact Copy of Wrapper. FALL CABBAGE PLANTS , ... i:i;; to prepare your fail gardens ami'truck patches. Wetm. about one million slants—Flat Du tel arid Charleston Wake fields v,ri T%ts wlH be re dy for shipment about (he 20th of Septem¬ ber; Wakefields, Oct. 1. Order now, before all are sold and plant# will shipped as soon as ready. Prices F' O. If. Meeggett : 1-2 or 3,O0<> @ $1.5(1 per thousand 4 to 8,000 “ 1,25 thousand 9 20.000 “ 1,00 “ thousand to S. M. GIBSON COMPANY, ]V{ e crorettS South Carolina VOLUME 21‘ For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of $ In » CO * For Over Thirty Years H TWC CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK ClY*. . *