Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, September 29, 1910, Image 1

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m-. 9 BRIGHTER FOR COUNTRY CHILD Run Scools in Business Way, Say Voters. By a majority of 72 above the two.thirds required by ‘ 1™ (i. - Steal , . | of j. 24 q. as ahhounced , , last , Week), _ . s the .v. voters , of , the .. County ,, . have endorsed the 'a* m.thod ot J-unhifig our schools. Hus good majority •* •» secured i . was in spite of the fact that in the the majority of districts those who opposed the tax method were more interested and did more wor<s than those who favored it. A full vote would have shown a much larger proportion in favor of taxati n for schools, it will take the backing and support of the people to make the new system ■ success, but with such a large majority favoring it, I feel the Board acd Couamhsio ier can ttiake some marked improvement ill school com Runs. tbace the tax levy for this year was made jflftear jit before the election, it will WPegin, before the new system but in the We shall 1x5 making plans and Announcement I wish to announce to the people o Wayne county that I am now hand¬ ling, in addition to m.y grocery stock, a complete line of — FARMERS HARDWARE consisting of all kinds of farming, im¬ plements, besides hardware for the heme such at stoves, ranges and all ','klrtds of cooking utensils. Having taken the handling of haidwarc as a “side-line” I am enabled to sell below the prices of the exclusive dealers and all I want is a trial to prove this. For fresh groceries, loth staple and fancy, see me. Exchange made at proportionate values for country pro¬ duce, chickens, eggs, etc. Courteous amf fair treatment accorded to all. Come, See and Be Convinced A.. E. LULL I J. L. HILL, and find Ml ^g'Whatwas the weaflier report Hf Wh* iMit Rarket price | of cotton Has my team left town pi i Is therejany freight for A Pi me f pilj Do you want to buy V j' f When is the meeting e SS • The telephone answers these tions for thovisands of Farmers every day. It will do this and more for you. cost of a telephone on your Farm small; the saving is great. Our free booklet tells you all it. Write for it today. Address Farmers Line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPAN* fit- 4n*nt«, O*. i wm t A u 'otmfn Jkirs. r CL mulatto* policies. Hon. AT. L. Brittain, State .School Commissioner, in a letter ot congratulations, says,“I eer tai ily rejoice that Wayne has tabea * )Cr i dacft > n school matters l«adin,t eounties in the state. 1 feel sure that two or three . years under , the improved . f „ f lon! h ought about , / , l,y on ' ' . ll difference for , the ,, . better _ . „ ; i.et uS go ©x* »TEr Fual'HEit * next ^ ednesday at the ^ onerid election another very important public school measure t0 * )0 voted upon, and that is " bed,or the country schools sbad have authority to teach above the seventh grade. As the Con Station now leads, the country schools can use their tunas for tnstruction in the elements of an ^ n 2d ' 18 ' 1 education only , an 1 the - c>u,ts have held thi# to mean through the seventh grade, This is a gr 'at injustice to the ^ntry cblld and sh(juld i,ave ha '^ d lon « *&- Mau .y P u,)ds com plete the seventh S rad « Ion ^ bcforc tho *’ are 18 old, but the Constitution , JESVP, GA., THURSDAY Sept. 29, 1910 prevents their going any higher at their home school. Both houses of the Legislature voted practically unanimously to amend the Constitution so as to allow country children to contin¬ ue at home their stu lies beyond the seventh grade if they desired, but the amendment will have to be ratified by the people. Be sure you vote hext Wednesday for the amendmens to allow coun¬ ties to levy taxes for educational purposes. B. 0. Purcell, C, S. C Mr. S. A. Baker’s family are this week moving from Jesup Eastman, joining Mr. Baker here. They will occupy Dr. Willis J. Wilkins residence on Fifth Ave. and Dr. Wilkins and will reside with them. - Times. Miss Majoric Davis is at Adel. Order Levying County Year 1910 Georgia, Wayne County. B.v the Honorable M, L. Mc¬ Kinnon, John L. Courson, James W. Harper, George W. Tyer and Dan. H. Roberson.Commissioners of Roads and Revenue, sitting for County purposes, Jesup, Ga Sept. 6th, 1910. It is hereby ordered that sixty cants on the $1.00.00 of the property of said County as per digest of 1910 be, and same is hereby levied, and that the same be collected by the tax collector of said County for the following purposes, to-wit: 1st. One Cent on the $100. to pay the legal indebtedness due, or to become due during the year or past due. 2nd. Eight Cents on the 4S100. to build or repair Courthouses, or jails, bridges or ferries, or other public improvements aecordint; to 3rd Five Cents on the $100. to pay Sheriffs, jailers, or other officers fees, that they may be legally en¬ titled to out of the County. 4th Two Cents on the $100. to pay Coroner3 fees that may be due them by the County for holding j inquests. 5 th , | Ten Cent on the $100. to pay the expenses of the County, for I Bailiffs at in Criminal Court, non cases, resident ser— : witnesses vant hire, stationery and the dike. 6th i Ter. Cents of the $100. to pay jurors a per diem compensation. 7th Three Cents on the $100. to pay expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the County, and as otherwise prescribed by the poli¬ tical Code of 1895 8th Twenty Cents on the $’00. for road purposes, levied in com¬ pliance with the adopted Alterna¬ tive Road law. Ope Cent on the $100. to pay any other lawful charge against the County. Making in the aggregatethe said sum of Sixty Cents on the $100, on the taxable property of said County, for County puroses for the year 1910. (Signed) M. L. McKinnon. Chrm. C R & R W C Ga. Ira. M. Raybon, Clerk. For Rent— One small house neav union depot it $8 per month * ^H. W. Whaley. For good Job printing aoe the News. PUBLIC SCHOOL PUPILS ORGANIZE The pupils or the Jesup High School mefet in the school auditor last Friday evening and organi¬ zed a literary society. Prof. Pearson and Mr. Harold Price made short talks suited to the occasion after which the organic, tion wss permanently perfected with Mr. Steve Strickland as presi¬ dent and Miss Earl Baker as secre¬ tary and treasurer. The society will meet every Friday afternoon in the school auditorium. An athletic Association was or¬ ganized recently by the boys of the sehool. For the necessary equipment a small membership foe will be charged. The regular meetings will be held ever Thursday at the school house. The boys expect to make this organization one of the most in¬ teresting and helpful factors in the session’s work. On last Friday evening the school boys defeated the local team by the score of 4 to 2. The game from start to finish was characteized by fast snappy work on the part of both aggregation/-. Tlie pitching of Murphy for the locals and Breen for the sc hoc l boys were the leading features. The owner of a dog who fails to pay the state tax of $1 on it can be debarred from registering and voting according to the opinon of Attorney General Hewlett A. Hall given to the Controller General He holds that the state has a constitutional right to lew the dog tax and under the constitution no person has the right to vote unless he his paid all taxes, due by him since the adoption of the present constitution in 1877. Wanted—To purchase a large lot of cypress cross ties, inspec¬ tion and settlement at point of loading on Coast Line Ry. Ad dress Gress Manufacturing Co. Tifton, Ga W in n & Company The Only Firm in Jesup that Makes a Specialty of all Kinds df Farming Implements. FA'RME'RS HA'R'DWA'RE Live tock, Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Disc Harrows, cultivators Wire Fencing, Cane mils, talk Cutters, Gas/ene Engines, Feed Cutters, Brick, Lime Cement, Felt, Burlap, Paper Roofing, Paint. We have a carload of Ranges Stoves and Heaters that are made of good, heavy mater¬ ial and will give satisfaction in durability and service. We have a full line of one and two-horse wagons and the most complete line of Buggies that we’ve ever had before. We have now the highest grade buggy that W3 have ever had in our warehouse and the best looking buggy we have over seen in this section. Also good servicable medium grade buggies and the Sears & Roebuck kind. It it is a buggy that vou want, wo can fill the bill. We buy buggies by the hun¬ dred and we know that we can save you money over any mail order house if you will take the style and material into con¬ sideration. We have a good supply of buggies on hand now i nd seueral carloads to come in. Our goods are right, our prices are right and our terms are reasonable. AVc guarantee Repairs for Every Farming Implement wc sell WINN and COMPAN VOLUME 23 T jflllg rlGASTORIA \\ I IlL For Infanta and Children. p -V, li The Kind Yon Have ALCOHOL mss 3 PER Always Bought CENT. AVegetable PreparattonforAs- -n JjearS ji LUG sirallating ting die StomadB theFbotfaiKlRggula andBovrelsof ' Signature Infants /Children ncss Promotes and Rest Digestion jContatas JCfoerfiil- neitta of Opium.Morphine norMncraL Not Narcotic. Uccy* 0 /OtdIkSMJEUmm AmtSttd* JtxMt t Salts- % In r » Aperfect Remedy Stomach,Dlarrhoo forConsfips Worras.Convulsions.fevensh ness tlon, and Soui- LossofSusep. » For Over Facsimile Signature oC Thirty Years NEW YORK. Atb months old CUSTOM Doses “ ]^ Ch / vrs t 25; feuiiSateela^^^ a. Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC •iHTAuN ••■MBT, . ■ FALL CABBAGE PLANTS .Now is the time to prepare your fall gardens and truck patches. We have about one million plants—Flat Dutch and Charleston Wake¬ Flats will be reidy for shipment about the 20th of Septem¬ W'nkefields, Oct. 1. Order now, lief ore all are sold and plant* will be shipped as soon as ready. Prices F* O. B. Mceggett: 1-2 or 3,000 @ $ 1,20 per thousand 4 to 8,000 “ 1,25 “ thousand 9 to 20,000 “ 1,00 “ thousand S. M. GIBSON COMPANY Meggetts South