Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, October 06, 1910, Image 1

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V Farmers On Cotton Crop. The yearly bulletin issued the state department of ture for the present year is of the most comprehensive gotten out by the department fore. The book contains a of the fertilizer law, rulings the commissioner thfc new law, report of the Chemist and several pages of re marks by the commi ssioner which are exceedingly interesting read¬ ing to the agriculturist. In the lead of these the commissioner says: “It is a pleasure to the farmers of Georgia on ^’ Cotton yeir o: 19>9, the best Georgia has ever known so far the money value of the cotton crop is concerned, which according to the government report, published on June 15, 1910, reached the splendid total of $148,040,000. ich amount $425,770,000 . Im the lint and orn the cotton seed. The vHh*<M>f the entire cot'on crop of the eleven cotton produc¬ ing stdtes -was 2.090,000. oi which $6sS.35?.O10 was from lint; v. lii'le'-thc button seed brought $I23,740f000. Georgia s was nearly one-fifth of that of the entire cron of the cotton state. According to Hester’s report, issued AugustSl, 1910. the of the Vint cctton, .up to time, was $778,894,095, and the ,, cottfon _ seed , otalof $902,634,095. Appalachian Exposition -KNOXVILLE, TENN. Low Round Trip •W’ * v . Rates Via . Southern Railway From Macon, Ga. $8.80—Tickets on sale daily until October 12th inclusive. Limited to return ten days from date of sale, but not later than Oc- 18,’lino; ‘ $5.95—Coach excursion tickets on sale September 22, 29, and Oc¬ tober Olh. Limit eight days from date of sale. Proportionately low rates from other points. Now is the time to visit the Exposition; everything complete; cellent train service, augmented with new trains and sleeping lines. ‘For full information app'y to, J. L. MEEK, C. A. CARSON, JR., A. G. P. A.. Atlanta, Ga. T. P. A. Macon, -■ n - r -H -arr n;m «HT> 5llh 7* /• Wm~ wm 1 'S£3 VL % [&nBB8£ yj?. ."3c Is a prosperous larmer. He has a telephone.” Telepliones ErJiaece the Land A telephone on the Farm not only the means convenience and comfort for 1 user, out it adds value to the land and will i enable you to sell your land to a better ad¬ vantage. Telephone low service on the Farm can be had at very cost. Write for our free booklet. Address Fsrmcrs Line Uepartrr^ent SCmmERN £ telegraph BELL TELEPHONE company ^ if m J ■ Sc~3i%L'or ASccCa, Ga. L : ~~f jgg . :* y.,-1 i^L r -::...| r Wfl, r / I'nunlg iV - T7V v Wi i <KS» * _. Frank Wainvvright Dead Mrs. Ira. M. Raybon received a telegram Surday evening ouncing the death of her Mr. Frank vVainright at S. C. Mr. Wain right had been an inmate of the hospital for several weeks and his was the culmination of a ted illness. The remains shipped to Hickox, the home the young man, for interment. Mr. Wainright was well in Wayne county and his is greatly deplored. Sou. Bell’s New Lines The Southern Bell Company have, recently ed two lines in this county—the Altamaha and Bethel Telephone Company's. Those on the lamah line who will receive ser¬ vice are 8. L. Yeomans, C. P. Shedd, J. t). Turner, J. J. nett, .T. 0. Fennell, J. A. Water. Subscribers on the Bethel lino are I. S. Bennett, A. l\ Mattox, W. M. Brown, S. P. Sh.edd, C. g Hilli C> A< James, W. C. Tatum. The city registration book closed last Saturday & ^ of l59 who !mve qualified - thc comlp , municipal ele etion. Georgia’s proportion of the ditional amount at the same nearly one-fifth the value of entire crop, including the cotton for the year ending Augusl 1 910 . closely $177,000,000 ’. . . H JESUP, aX, THURSDAY Oct’ 6, 1910 Recovers Stolen Valise Rev. H. S. Dixon of^Sparks, w_ile awaiting the .arrival the eleven o’clock train her£, last Saturday, to take him Screven, bad his Valise, stolen fram the dspot whil 3 he la gone out of the waiting room f(r a short ’While. He immediately reported the loss to marshal Wil liams who used every effort to find the thief but without avail. ■ A letter from Rev. Mr. DjxcH received here Tuesday stated the stolen valise had been shipped to him at Sparks from Jesup but it bore no evidence that would ev¬ indicate the name of the sen' der. When stolen it contained articles of value only to the ow¬ ner which no doubt had some¬ thing to do with its return. Mr. J. A. Hilton of Screven was in Jesup Tuesday on business connection with the recently bank at that place. Mr. M. E. Career is the owner a cow that recently became mother of triplets all of which now living and apparently in condition. Levying County Tax Year 19I0 Georgia, Wayne County. By the Honorable M. L. Me John L. Courson. W. Harper, George W. Tyer and Dan. H. Robersen.Commissioners Roads and Revenue, sitting for County purposes, Jesup, Ga Sept. 6th, 1910. It is herety ordered that sixty on the $1.00.00 of the tax¬ property of said County as per digest of 1910 be, and the is hereby levied, and that same be collected by the tax of said County for the purposes, to-wit: 1st. One Cent on the $100. to pay legal indebtedness due, or to become due during the year or past due. 2nd. Eight Cents on the $100. to build or repair Courthouses, or jails, bridges or ferries, or other public improvements aecordim, to contract. 3rd Five Cents on the $100. to pay Sheriffs, jailers, or other officers fees, that they may be legally en¬ titled to out of the County. 4th Two Cents on thc $100. to pay Coroners fees that may be due them by the County for hoi: ing inquests. 5th Ton Cent on the $100. to pay the expenses of the County, for Bailiffs at Court, non resident witnesses in Criminal cases, ser¬ vant hire, stationery and the like. 6th Ten Cents of the $100. to pay diem compensation. 7th Three Cents on the $100. to PV expenses incurred in supporting the poor of the County, and as otherwise prescribed by the poli¬ tical Cotie of 1895 8th Twenty Cents on the $’*00. for road purposes, levied in com pliance with the adopted Alterna five Road law. ODeCenton the. $100. to pay any other lawful charge against the County. aggregated said Making in the sum of Sixty Cents on the $100 on the taxable property ot said County, for County puroses tor the year 1910. (Signed) M. L. Chrm. C K &. R W C Ga. Ira. M. Raybon, Cterk. About Loca+Taxation (Intended for *last i?sue) Mr. Editor: s * 1 • Please alio tv me space in your columns to express my .views with reference to thd local school: tax recently 'adooted by"t\ r ayr\s County. Inasmuch &s*fhe rna|f - itj’of the people of Way he County have seen fit to impose who have chi’dren to 1 educate as well ! as those who have none, 1 think it only faif and right then to force eyery parent to send theif" child rep, to school, at lehst during the tune the schools are absolutely free, this in order that the money may be utilized as intended. There will be very near, "if not quite as much Of this monej^extorted from people that have already slaved and educated their children as those that have yet children to educate; therefore I think that our Legislature should pass a hw to give each and every child the benefit qf this extra tax. Should this fail to be dpiyj, those children that do not spyyiaHy need 4ffiis extra help \yill,ba*the ones that get it, and those that do specially need it will go on,-as they heretofore, withouUit.j., If \*e are going to use force on tre one side lets have it equally strong on the other. I opposed this tax -for the eason that 1 did not believe it would reach those it was intended to reach without coivmulsory atton lance, something;else that I have opposed, until this local school tax was passed, but now I think it absolutely necessary in that all may .sharp: alike. I would like to hear,.from others this subject. • 1 Very truly, J. H..Bennett ■ ■ ♦ ■ r. . The Screven Banking Company Screyen, Ga; was recently or¬ with a CapitaPbf $2S.QOO. Wanted--To purchase a large lot of cypress cross ties, inspec¬ tion and settlement at” point of loading on Coast Line R.v. Ad dress Gress Manufacturing Co. Tifton, Ga ’. ■< <& W inn Company; Makes •rt Specialty of all Kinds of Farming Implements. The Only Firm in Jesup that a FA'RME'RS HA'R'DWA.'RE ^iSSBraswNNNBWNBMPRiRBNw Disc Harrows, mm9 J©*a» cultivator ' m&mm Live _____ tock, Buggies,Wagons, Harness, Wire Fencing, Cane Hills, talk Cutters, Gaslene Engines, F d Cutters, ferick, Lime Cement, Belt, Burlap, Paper Roofing, Paint. We have a carload of Stoves and Heaters that made of good, heavy ial and will give satisfaction in durability and service. We have a full line of one and two-horse wagons and the most complete line of Buggies that we've ever had before. 1 :• We have now the highest grade, biigg.v that wj have ever had in our warehouse and the best looking buggy we have ever seen in this section." A Iso .good ser vie able medium grade bn orgies "and the Sears & Roebuck kind. Li it is a buggy that ou want, we can fill the-bill. We buy buggies by the hun¬ t that, over any mail dred and ,we know* vre? can save you money order house if yo;j will-take the style and material into con¬ sideration. We.have ? gpgfil^pply.of buggies on hand now and seueral carloads to come' in. ■ 0ur .goods are right, our prices e are” right arid 'Ou r terms are reasonable. •’ •-•- — We rantee'Ri-pai rs for. Every 'Farming Implement we sell vua WINN arid *9 : jl 1 / i. , ^ 1 Wm m * ! si & I. - 0 'iS ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. - if A\£getaWe fteparaf o5«‘ fflj sirailatingfUeFootfantlHeeuta ip ting tlic Stomachs I &£• ~~ Infants/Children ..... isi , Promotes a I ness and Rest.Contatas rat* Opium.Morphine nor Not Narcotic. Ktdpt ofo/d Drjsmiimum. Pumpkin Seed~ Jlx.Sttum * flV9 fi/i fade Sails - 'SJ! Anise Seed * I 'A - • : Him Seed - II ntkmr. II tion AperfecrRcmedy Sour , ,Feverish Worms Convulsions i - nessriulLossorSLEEP. Facsimile Signature of Sc NEW YORK. Atb months old J5 Boses v Exact Copy of Wrapper. FALL CABBAGE PLANTS Now is the time to prepare your fall gardens and truck patches. VVe have.about one million plants-^Flat Dutch and Charleston Wake¬ fields* i. Flat* will be reid.v for shipment about the 20th of Septem¬ ber; Wakefields; ! )e£ 1. Order now, before all are sold and plants will be’ shipped afe sdbn -es ready. Prices F* O. B.’ IvYeeggctt: l > • • » iP , l-‘i pr 3,000 (</ $1,50 per thousand X \ ,44o- tM'OO “ 1,25 “ thousand •’ 9 to ‘-20,000 “ 1,00 “ thousand , ,.SJ. GIBSON COMPANY Meggetts South Carolina VOLUME For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought -n BearS tile , // M ' / g A Signature \ of * % " For Over Thirty Years THE centaur company, new torn city