Newspaper Page Text
Qardi News
Mrs. I. C. Thompson
Wednesday with her
Mrs. G. W. Odum of
Mrs. B. Arnett of Mt.
spent Thursday at Gardi on
Mr. Cliff Westberry
Saturday in Jesup.
Mr. Joe Arnett, of near
Pleasant spent Thursday at Gardi.
Mr. I. C. Thompson spent
nesday and Thursday in Jesup on
Mias Cappie Lane is the
of her s '-j Mrs. 1J. Joyner
Miss Mary Br.van spent Mun
■V.y at Gardi with fr ends.
Mr. L. W. Scott spent Wed¬
at Jesup.
Mr. B. Arnett spent Thu ay
Mr. E. Harper, was a visitor
for the last few days.
John Lane was the guest
Maud Murphy Tuesday.
Mr. J. E. Harper spent Wed¬
in Jesup on business.
Mr. J. W. Crosby spent Wed¬
in Jesup very pleaseutly.
Mr. Devers spent the last few
in Jesup.
Alias Ethel Thompson was t! e
of Miss Marther Crosby
Mrs. Emma Bennett spent
h Jesup very p!ea
Vi»s. N. Richardson is visiting
r daughter at Jesup Mrs. Eden
Mrs. M. Battles and little dau¬
arn visiting Mrs. W. B.
t r
Mrs. B. V>. Knight and daugh¬
Lewis spent Wednesday after¬
at Gardi.
Mr. Brack Knight, spent a few'
in Jesup.
Mr. P’rvin Harrison spent l
at Gardi.
Mr. B. B. Knight is spending
whila at Mt. Pleasant.
We guarantee Repairs for Every
Farming implement we sell.
We carry all kinds cf farming implements,
Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Plows, Cultivatos
Wire Fencing, Cane Mills, St lk Cutters, Feed
Cutters, Gasolene Engines, etc We have a
carload of Heaters, Stoves and range# that we
are offering at greatly reduced prices in order
to make room. They are of good, heavy ma¬
terial and will give satisfaction in durability
and service. We have a full line of one and
two-horse wagons that it w ill pay you to see
before buying elsewhere. We have now tha
ii ghost grace buggies that we have e\pr had
in our warehouse before. They are the best
looking buggies ever shown in this section.
We also have the medium grade and the Sears
& Roebuck kind. We buy buggies by the
hundred and knew that we can save you mon*
If it c • buggy you want, we can fill the
The Only Firm in Jesup that Hakes
a Specialty of all Kinds of
Farming Implements.
J'M rkfoiA - J *y? A"’ ’ P7y Wmw I
i L y 1 j (innin W MKItt
l 3 PP?I$
Mr. J. T. Jackson
fesiip for the last few days.
T 33 haggle Jac > soa speR
part of , Thursday afternoon
Ga di.
Mrs. W. K. Westberry
children spent Thursday after¬
noon with Mrs. J. W. Crosby.
Mr. W. J. Davis is visiting
up this week.
Miss Tomie Anderson was
guest of Miss Bessie
Miss Maggie Jackson was the
guest of Miss Claud Murphy
Mr. Oscar Hill was a visitor to
M . Stewart Saturday night past.
Mr. J. L. Stewart spent Fri¬
day in Josup.
Mr. J. E. Harper spent Friday
in Jt.sup on business.
Mr. ar.d Mrs. Henry Joyner
and family lias moved to Gardi to
make their future home.
Mrs. R. B. Night was a visited
to Gardi Friday afternoon.
Miss Note Tapiey spent Sunday
with Miss Lula Davis.
Miss Pearl Platt spent a
time at Mr. I. C. Thompson Fri¬
Mr. J. W. Crosby has
sed the Chas. E. Cole property
at Gardi and will make extensive
improvements. He also purchased
the P. R. Richardson store house
and lot at Gardi and will begin
putting some improvements on it.
Messers Dewey and Floey
Br .van spent Sunday near Gardi.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Drawdy,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Hathaway Thursday.
Miss Kate Westberry was a
visitor to Mr. Davis Sunday after¬
Mrs. Mattie Knight is visiting
her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Lang
Miss Ida Lang spent Thursday
at Gardi.
Mr. Charley Thompson spent
Friday in Jesup.
Mrs. Henry Jo.\ner visited Mrs
I, C. Thompson Friday.
Mr. Cliff Westberry was the
guest of Miss Bessie Stewart
Saturday evening.
Miss Maccy Mock spent Sun
day afternoon with Miss Lue
Miss Tommie Anderson spent
part of Sunday afternoon With
Miss Lue Davis.
JESUP, GA., 1 HUB SPAY Pec 1, 1910.
Screven News.
Miss Nora Strickland of
ton was the charming guest
Mrs. J O. Robesron last week.
Mrs. Masdon Lewis of
Fla, and daughter, Miss Alma
the guests of Mrs. W. T, Gattis.
Prof. Williams attended the
ture in Jesup last Friday night.
Misses Nellie and Eiva
visited their sister Mrs. S. E.
Morgan in Jesup one day
Mr. Cnri' Meaddows and Dr.
Meaddows of Vidalia are
visting here this week.
Miss Edna Grooms who has
been off visiting for some time
lias returned home.
A basket and oyster supper is
to be given at the Screven School
house Friday night Dec. 2. The
proceeds to go for the benefit of
the -< iiool. Every body is given
cordial invitation.
La Grippe
“I had suffered several weeks
with LaGrippe. Plad pains in
my head and eye». It felt as
though there was a heavy weight
on the top of my head, until it
seemed that my brain would
burst. I was so nervous that
I could not rest or sleep. When
I dozed off I would awake with
a sudden jerking of my whole
body. Dr. Miles’ Nervine, Heart
Remedy and Nerve and Liver
Pills cured me. A number of
friends have since realized the
same benefits.”
Beabrook, N. H.
The after effects of LaGrippe
are often more serious than the
disease, as it leaves the system
in a weakened condition that
invites more serious troubles,
such as pneumonia, etc.
Dr. Miles*
Restorative Nervine
should be taken for some time
to thoroughly restore nerve
Dr. Miles’ Nervine le sold by ell drug
gists. If the first bottle does not benefit,
your druggist will return your money.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
Public 5peaking
There will be a public speaking
at the following places, also a se¬
cret session at each place for
the benefitof the farmers of
Wayne County.
Everybody is cordially invited to
attend. Open View Local, Nov-
28th, 10 o’clock a. n., Bethel Lo¬
cal, Nov. 29, 10 o’clock a. rn.,
Clear View Local, Nov. 30, 10 o’¬
clock a. in., Ilortense Local, Dec.
1, 10 o’clock a. m., Midway
Church, Dec. 2,10 o’clock a. m.,
Jesup Courthouse, Dec. 3, 10 o’¬
clock a. m.
We urge everybody to attend
.these meetings as it is for the ben
jehtofthe farmers. respectfully,
J. F. Currency.
Wayne Co. business agent Union
Phosph-te Co.
Will You Be a Big Man or
a Little 'Ian?
This is a commercial age, an
age that requires men to be ed
: ucated in business.
1 There’s no standing stili in the
•’commercial life. Have you
business education? If not, come
to the South Georgia College. We
teach beekeeping, shorthand,
typewriting and penmanship
thoroughly in the shortest
time and at trie least posssible
cost. W rite for catalogue and
our new 1911 offer.
A. V. Mozingo, I'rin, Com. Dept.
McRae, (in.
Two New Trains
= V tce=
The,following schedule figures published only as information
Florida Special
8:10 pm iv Cincinnati ar 8:00
8:00 pm Iv Louisville ar 8:40
6:30 am Iv r aattanooga ar 9335
11:20 am Iv Atlanta ar 5:00
1:35 pm ar MACON lv 2:25
1:40 pm lv MACON ar 2:20
5:45 pm ar lesup lv 10:15
pm ar Jacksonville lv T:40
Solid trains between Cincinnati
and Jacksonville with coaches,
Pullman Sleeping Cars and Dining
Car, also through Pullman
ing Car between Louisville and
No change in schedule or equipment (f “Florida Limited the
lamous all-year-round train between Cincinnati and Jacksonville han¬
through Pullman Sleeping Cars Chicago and Jacksonville, also
Pullman Sleeping Cars between Colorado Springs and Jack¬
J. L. Meek, A. G. P. A. J. S. Bloodworth, C. P. & '* • A.
Atlanta, Ga. Savannah. Ga.
E. H. Coaptnan, V. P. &G. M., S. H. Hardwick, P. T. M., HF Cary
D. C.
Sentinel Old Stand.
Now ready to furnish the people of
Jesup and vicinitj with anything
in the bakery line.
i ?k>ik
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y; A
m ’ ■ £' :* Av : —BIU11IMIM
Send $1.75 to Wayne County Mews, Jesup, Ga.
and get the above Kitchen Set together with a year
to this paper.
■». yv
SEI f\\t 1'
:#• m J
mmM ki
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mm t.
tz. It
Ao E. HILL J. L. HILL, Manager
A tl ant a-Jack son \ Die Special
8:30 pm lv Atlanta ar 7:45 am
ll:25 pm ar M \CON lv 4:45 am
11:30 pm lv Macon ar 4:55 am
12:45 am ar Cochran lv 3:10 am
2:15 am ar Helena lv.... 1:4 > am
3:00 am nr Lumber City lv 1:01 am
3:15 am ar Huzlehurst lv 12:45 am
335 j am ar Baxley lv.. .. 12:15 am
5:00 am ar Jesup lv... .11:20 pm
7:30am ar Jacksonville lv 9:50 pm
Solid train between Atlanta and
Jacksonville with Coaches and
Pullman Sleeping Cars.
MO. 01
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia, Wayne County.
Will be sold befo
House at Jesup, Georgia with;
the legal hours of safe on firs;
Tuesday in December, A. D. 1910,
alI the following real property to
wit; All that certain trr>‘ <>»' ’
in Wayne County, Gem:
ted about two and one haP mile
from Waynesville Station therein
and on the public road running
from said Waynesville Station to
Bladen Station, said tract of land
commonly known as the “Brick
Yard Hill” and having the follow
ing courses, distances and measure
ments to wit; commencing at a
stake being the Northwestern cor
ner of siad tract of land and run
ning South 33 degrees West, 6
chains and 64 links, then South
6 ' and 3-4 degrees East 4 chan -■
ard 75 links to a sapling on il.
on the East edge of a public road
running toward the old home oi
Adam Barnwell thence North 68
and 3-4 degrees East 8 chains and
76 links to a large dead pine tree,
thence North 36 an 1 3-4 degrees
East 12 chains and 25 J5 >k^ to a
stake corner, then West 79degrees
and 25 minutes West 13 ch*»i' c
and 86 links to the points of be
ginning with all and singular the
improvements iand thereon, said tmet
of containing 15 acres more
or less. Levied on as the property
of Joel A. Gree; . to satisfy that
certain mortgaged execution issued
upon that certain mortage degree
rendered in Ihe Superior Court
of Wayne County, Georgia, on
March 15th, 1909 in the case of
A - Ward, vs. Tool A. Green
for principal $30 o 0,00 and $1056.
50 for interest up to Nov mUr
23rd, 1908 and all future at 8 ) er
cent upon said principal, and $6.00
as cost And all future cost. Notice
of this levy posted as reqiij : 4§il by
law and notice mailed to defen¬
dant he not being a resident of
said County. Levy made by Rem
Johns deputy and returned to me
This November 8th 19l0
J. S. Lee, Sheri ft.
(Next Door to Cigar Facto. ■
First Class
Service . .
Corn Crushing a
G Tin ding days Tuesday
and Saturdays.
For Sale—Cement block ho"se
unfinished desirably located. Can
be. finished at small expense. See
A. S. Knight at Ice Factory.
Jfmas : Goo^r
On Christinas day every
child not aole to buy can¬
dy can get same by calling
at this store. .'. V
We are headquarters
for Christmas Holiday
Goods and Novelties,
Christmas Toys and Fir
works. They are sure to
please. We can serve
you to best advantage
and it will pay vou to
see our stock before buy ¬
ing elsewhere
carry a complete line oi
The customer making the
most Cash Purchases at
this store between now and
December 24th, will he giv
en a valuable present.