Wayne County news. (Jesup, Ga.) 1896-????, December 01, 1910, Image 3

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COLDS Gured in One Day i i i jSf '* L_I__ ■ y V "I regard my cold cure at being better than a Life Inturance Policy. " —M UN YON. A few doses of Munyon’s Cold Cure will break up any cold and prevent pneumonia. It relieves the head, throat and lungs al¬ most be instantly. These little sugar pellets can pocket for conveniently carried in the vest Price 25 use at any druggists. time or anywhere. cents at any If you need Medical Advice write to Munyon’s Doctors. They will carefully diagnose mail, your case and give you advice by under absolutely free. They put you no obligations. Address Munyon’s Doctors, Munyon’s Laboratory, 53d and Jefferson streets, Phil¬ adelphia, Pa. You Indoor People must give the bowels help. Your choice must lie between harsh physic and candy C ascarets . Harshness makes the bowels callous, so you need in¬ creasing doses. Cascarets do just as much, but in a gentle way. Each Vest-pocket box, 10 cents—at drug stores. 851 tablet of the genuine is marked CCC. Important News FUR DEALERS and TRAPPERS OEND FURS and SKINS direct to MEN who KNOW their value. We save you money, because we KNOW the Fur Market, and pay highest prices on liberal assortments. Price list especially arranged for your Territory. It ia YOURS for the asking. Convince YOURSELF by making us a trial shipment. We pay all expressage. charge no commissions, and remit promptly. LEOPOLD GASSNER FUR CO. 34 Em 118th St., New York City Capitalised at $ 250 , 000.00 Tuff’s Pills The dyspeptic, the debilitated, whether from excess of work of mind or body, drink or ex¬ posure In mi* MALARIAL REGIONS, will find Tutt's Pills the most genfaI restora¬ tive ever offered the suffering invalid. ONEYn Wa tell you how; and’ pay Wrlt« bf*( for market pHfat and , 3 t reference* weakly price list M. SABEL & SONS, UR LOUSY I ILK, lit. Dealer* In Fora, Hide*, Wool. Established 1956. REMEMBER for Couchs It Colds A Garden of Friends. A garden of friendship is a fancy and one that gives last¬ ing pleasure. NEWSPAPERS TAKING IT UP Metropolitan Dailies Giving Advice How to Check Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. This is a simple home recipe now being made known in all the larger cities through the newspapers. It is Intended to check the many cases of Rheumatism and dread kidney trouble which have made so many cripples, invalids and weaklings of some of our brightest and strongest people. The druggists everywhere, even in the smallest communities, have been notified to supply themselves with the Ingredients, and the sufferer will have no trouble to obtain them. The pre¬ scription is as follows: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce, and Compound Syrup of Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle. The dose is one teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. Recent experiments in hospital cases prove this simple mixture ef¬ fective in Rheumatism. Because of Its positive action upon the elimina¬ tive tissues of the kidneys, It compels these most vital organs to filter from the blood and system the waste im¬ purities and uric acid which are the cause of rheumatism. It cleanses the kidneys, strengthens them and re¬ moves qtflekly such symptoms as backache, blood disorders, bladder weakness, frequent urination, painful scalding and discolored urine. It acts as a gentle, thorough regulator to the entire kidney structure. Those who suffer and are accus¬ tomed to purchase a bottle of medi¬ cine should not let a little Incon¬ venience interfere with making this up, or have your druggist do it for you. BANNER WHISKEY YEAR GOVERNMENT REPORTS SHOW MORE WHISKEY THAN EVER BEFORE. <S» “MOONSHINING” INCREASING 1,911 Illicit Distilling Plants, Mostly in the South, Were Closed During the Year. Washington.—The United States has just passed through a banner year for drinks and smokes and oleo¬ margarine. Here is the nation's rec¬ ord for twelve months ended on June 30, as it shows in the figures of the internal revenue bureau: One hundred and sixty-tliree mil lion gallons of distilled spirits—30, 000,000 gallons more than the year be¬ fore. Fifty-nine million four hundred and eighty-five thousand one hundred and seventeen barrels of fermented liquors, an increase of 3,000,000,000. Seven billion six hundred million ci¬ gars, 160,000,000 more than in 1909. Six billion eight hundred and thirty million cigarettes, an increase of a solid billion. Four hundred and two million pounds of plug, fine cut, cube cut, granulated or sliced smoking or chew¬ ing tobacco or snuff, 4,000,000 more than the year before. One hundred and forty-one million eight hundred and sixty-t\V*o thousand two hundred and eighty-two pounds of oleomargarine, 50,000,000 pounds increase. Illicit distilling and other manufac¬ turing of moonshine whisky—on the increase, "especially,” the bureau says, "where there are state-wide prohibition laws. The internal revenue receipts on all those things, and certain other things, such as playing cards and mixed flour, amounted to more than $289,000,000 ; Commissioner Cabell's organization collected it all at a cost of about $5, 000,000. It cost a penny and a little more than seven mills to collect each dollar. When the present year is ended next June 30, Commissioner Cabell estimated his men will have collected at least $308,000,000 at practically the same cost. Only three years have surpassed the year 1910 as an internal revenue pro¬ ducer, since the bureau was estab¬ lished in 1863. Commissioner Cabell’s report, speak¬ ing of Illicit distilling, says Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina led In offenses of that char¬ acter. such During plants, the year 200 officers than closed 1,911 more the year before. Cudahy, the Packer, Dead. Chicago.—Michael Cudahy, founder of the packing firm bearing his name, died at a hospital here of pneumonia. Mr. Cudahy had been ill for five days. Mr. Cudahy was born in Callan, coun¬ ty of Kilkenny, Ireland, December 7, 1841. He came to the United States with his parents in 1847, the family settling at Milwaukee, Wis. In 1855, while a boy ot 15, Mr. Cudahy be¬ came an employee in a Milwaukee packing house, and this marked the beginning of his career in the packing industry. 25 Girls Burned to Death. Newark, N. J.—Trapped in an in¬ ferno of flame, 400 men and girls fought for their lives when the six story building of a paper box manu¬ facturing concern was destroyed by fire. In ten minutes twenty-five girls were burned alive or crushed to death on the pavement in leaping from the windows and fire escapes. The rush of flames was incredibly swift and threw girls unreasoning the top terror into the The hud-J oil died on story. soaked floors were the cause of the terrible loss of life. Carlisle’s Body Laid to Rest. Covington, Ky.—To be laid to rest among the scenes of his youth and many of the activities of his life, the body of John G. Carlisle, three times speaker of the house, United States senator and secretary of the treasury, arrived here from Washington, where it has reposed in a vault since his death recently. Mexican Rebels Routed. Chihauhua, Mexico.—In an engage¬ ment near this city, which lasted five hours, six hundred Federal troops routed a force of four hundred Ma derists, driving them repeatedly from strong positions and compelling them to take to the wooded mountains. The revolutionists lost fifteen killed and many wounded. There were no fatal¬ ities on the Federal side, but several, including three officers, were wound¬ ed. General Navarro was in command of the Federal troops. Population of Ohio. Washington.—The population of the state of Ohio is 4,767,121, according to statistics of the thirteenth census. This is an increase of 609,576, or 14.7; per cent, over'4,157,545 in 1900. Doctor Crippen Hanged. London, England.—Dr. Hawley H. Crippen, the American dentist, was hanged for the murder of his actress wife, Belle Elmore. Crippen bravely, mounted the scaffold and was compos¬ ed until the drop fell. He made ng confession. A TIMELY WARNING. Backache, headache, dizzy spells and distressing urinary troubles warn [you of dropsy, diabetes and fatal !Bright's disease. Act In time by cur¬ ing the kidneys S'; with Doan’s Kid | ney Pills. They have cured thous¬ ands and will cure J you. Mrs. Joseph Bry¬ son, 217 Perry St., C o 1 u m-b i a, Pa., says: "My feeband ankles were badly swollen and my relatives expected me to die at any moment. Doctors did not understand [my agine case and surprise could at not obtaining help me. almost Im¬ my Instant relief from Doan Kidney Pills. |l continued until permanently cured.” Remember the- name—Doan-’B. For sale by all dealers. 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. McLean Met His Match. John R. McLean stepped In front of a lurching Irishman one evening, and obstructed the sidewalk so that the Irishman was obliged' to stop and look at him. McLean said: "Here’s that half dollar I borrowed of you. Now you must quit telling the neighbors that I never pay my debts.” Half drunk and wholly dazed, the Irishman took the#ilver piece, looked at it Intently, and then said: “Be dad, yez can’t get off thot. aisy. It wor a whole dollar thot yez borryd; so fork over.” And he forked over another half dollar, and went his way, laughing heartily at the quick wit of the Irish¬ man.—Illustrated Sunday Magazine. A Sure Cure. Mother—I’m afraid Gwendoline is setting her heart on that young Pen¬ niless. Father—You think so? Mother—I am almost sure of It. Father—Well, he is not a fit person for her to marry. He is as poor as a rat and has no prospects. Something must be done to set her against him. Mother—I have thought of that and have hit upon what I think is an excel¬ lent plan. Father—Yes? What is it? Mother—We must tell her that we “want her to marry him. BUSINESS IS BUSINESS. littl a §j $ i r ' • m v* V ■ „ ..... Mr. Kicker—Your bill actually makes my blood boil. Doctor Slick—Then, sir, I must charge you $20 more for sterilizing your system. END STOMACH TROUBLE NOW Dyspepsia, Ga j, Sourness or Indiges¬ tion Go Five Minutes After Taking a Little Diapepsin. If your meals don’t fit comfortably, or you feel bloated after eating, and you believe it is the food which fills you; If what little you eat lies like lead on your stomach; If there Is dif¬ ficulty in breathing, eructations of sour, undigested food and acid, heart¬ burn, brash or a belching of gas, you can make up your mind that you need something to stop food fermentation and cure Indigestion. A large case of Pape’s Diapepsin costs only fifty cents at any drug store here in town, and will convince any stomach sufferer five minutes after tnkine- Id King a a Single bIocIp Gose rfneo that tuat rermenta Fermpnta tlon and Sour Stomach is causing the misery of Indigestion. No matter if you call your trouble Catarrh of the Stomach, Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Gastritis, or by any other name—always remember that a certain cure Is waiting at your drug 3tore the moment you decide to begin its use. Pape’s Diapepsin will regulate any out-of-order Stomach within five/min¬ utes, and digest promptly, without any fuss or discomfort, all of any kind of food you eat. These large 50-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure any chronic case of Dyspep. la. Indigestion, Gastritis or any other Stomach trouble. . Should you at this moment be suf¬ fering from Indigestion, Gas, Sour¬ ness or any stomach disorder, you can surely get relief viithin five minutes. A mother makes a fatal mistake when she leads her children to be¬ lieve that they are wingless angels. A true friend is a link of gold in the chain of life. You Look Prematurely Old i Because vflhose u**y, gray Halt*. Use “ LA CRECK.E” HAIR RESTORER. PRICE, 51.00, retail. UNKIND JOLT FROM ADAM As if Eve Hadn’t Sorrow Enough, Her Partner Had to Add to the Affliction. Adam had just received his notice of ejectment. He stared at It a long time in .silence, while Eve crouched in a dusky corner, softly whimpered: Presently the father of mankind looked around. As Eve caught his angry eye her whimper changed to a gulping sob. *7ell,” he sternly said, "you've cer¬ tainly* put us in a fine mess with your silly curiosity! And yet when I refused to have anything to do with your apple scheme you called me a poor fool. Do you remember that you called me a poor fool?” "Ye-es,” sobbed Dve. "Well, there*s just one question I want to ask you?” said Adam. “What is It?” gasped the first mother. "Who’s looney now?” he harshly demanded. Then-he turned away abruptly and started to pack up the family gourds and the tent poles.—Cleveland Plain Dealer. TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes andGranulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn’t Smart—Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books and Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. Costly Talent. "You are sure that airships will make war so expensive as to be utter¬ ly impracticable?" said one military expert. “Quite sure,” replied the other. “The flying machines won’t cost so much, but ,we won’t be able to pay the sums required by aviators for go¬ ing up in them.” Free Cure for Rheumatism and Bon* Pains. Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures the worst cases of rheumatism, bona pains, swollen muscles and joints, by purifying the blood and destroying the uric acid in the blood. Thousands of cases cured by ft. B. B. after nil other treatments failed. Price $1.00 per large bottle at drug stores, with complete Blood direc¬ tions. Large sample free Department by writing Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., B. He Never Shaved Again. Marmaduke—What do you suppose that wretched barber said when he shaved me? Bertie—T don’t know. Marmaduke—He said ft reminded him of a game he used to play when a boy called “Hunt the Hare.” Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears /the Sign a iVure of 0 0 In Use For Over 80 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought The Lawyers Won. Askit—Old Sklnnerd left quite a large estate, did hb not? tives Noijt—Yes; contested but his some will. of his rela¬ Askltt—Was there much left after it got through the courts? Noltt—Nothing but tse heirs. No Wonder. “I thought I would introduce a real cow Into my comic opera.” “How did It work?” “Didn’t work at all. The milkmaids frightened the cow.” TO DRIVE OUT MALARIA Ola AND UUItjlJ til' THE SYSTEM Taka the Standard UHOVB’N TAHTJSLKSS CHILL TONIC. You know what you are taking. The formula 1# plainly printed on every bottle, showing less form. It la The simply Ouinine Ouinine drives and Iron the In a tame¬ out malaria and tne Iron builds up the system, bold by all dealer* for 80 years. Price 60 ce nts. A Sure Cure. Randall—How did she cure her daughter of that disagreeable habit of crossing her knees? Rogers—Bought her a hobble skirt. The Simple Life, Mrs. Knlcker—You will have to get up to light the fire. Knlcker—Unnecessary, my dear; I never smoke before breakfast. - For headache—H icks’ CAPIIDINF Whether from Colds, Heat, Stomach or Xervous Troubles, Capudine will relieve you. it’s liquid —pleasant It. to take -acts immedi ately. Try 10c., 25c., and 50 cents at drug stores. Good sense is not a merely in tel lectual attribute. It is rather the re suit of a just equilibrium of our facul ties—spiritual and moral.—Lavater Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets cure consti¬ pation. diseases. Constipation Cure is the cause of many the cause and you cure the disease. Easy to take. At sixteen a girl thinks about roses and poetry; at twenty-six her thoughts run to cabbages and money. Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Sore Throat will not live under the same roof with Hamlins Wizard Oil, the best of all remedies for the relief of all pain. It is no use preaching on the father¬ hood of God so long as you do not like boys. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Svrup for Children teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma¬ tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 25c a bottle. Some men marry for money and women for Aids Nature 4 The great success of Dr. Pierce's GoldeO Medical Dis¬ covery in curing weak stomachs, wasted bodies, weak longs, and obstinate and lingering coughs, is based on the recognition of the fundamental truth that “Golden Medical Discovery” supplies Nature with body-buiid ing, tissue-repairing, muscle-making materials, in con¬ densed and concentrated form. With this help Nature supplies the necessary strength to the stomach to digest food, build up the body and thereby throw off lingering obstinate coughs. The “Discovery” re-establishes the digestive and nutritive organs in sennd health, purifies and enriches the blood, and nourishes the nerves—in short establishes sound vigorous health. It four dealer offer* something “Inst as stood,’* It Is probably better FOR HIM-’-lt pays better, >i But you are thinking ot the cure not the profit, so there’s nothing “/nat as &ood ” for yon. Say so. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, In Plain English; or, Med¬ icine Simplified, 1008 pages, over 700 illustrations, newly revised up-to-date] Bdition, eloth-bound, sent for 31 one-cent stamps, to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only. Address: Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. An Experience Weak and delicate ladies need Cardui, to bring roses into their pale cheeks and energy into their weary frames. Read this letter from Mrs. Albert Root, of Amanda, Ohio, giving an account of her experience, and how she found relief: “I was hardly ever without a headache, and often had a misery in my back and sides,” she writes. “I was sick in bed half the time, and suffered a great deal from neu ralgia of the stomach. Since taking Cardui, the woman’s tonic, I have gained 10 pounds, and now 1 can do all of my own house-work, and washing, and my friends say I ook like a different person.” c i 1 { C C56 The Women’s Tonic No harmful effects can possibly come to young or old from the use of Cardui the woman’s tonic. Thousands of women have written, like Mrs. Root, to tell of the great benefit they obtained from its use. Cardui is a reliable tonic. Its ingredients are mild, medicinal herbs, acting mainly on the womanly constitution, and building up both nervous and vital energy. Pure, strictly vegetable, safe and reliable—Cardui is an ideal remedy, for delicate, ailing women. Try it. At all druggists. 'ZLsz**?' Shaking! & l ft Aching!! A V\N NS Shivering!!! Quivering!!!! (is Hi \ ' I ’HAT’S malaria. Malaria is murderous. It kills the vital i powers. To cure malaria you must do more than stop the t V shaking stamp out and the aching. last spark You of must dis¬ pi 9 ease the strength and put and back vigor into the that body dis¬ ease has destroyed. OXIDINE —a bottle proves. does this so quickly and surely that it stands alone amon g malaria medicines as a perfect cure. It drives out Chills and Fever, and then begins its tonic action, rebuilding and revitalizing the entire system. The tonic body-building properties of OXIDINE make it the most effectual of all remedies for dis¬ orders of Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels when these organs are failing in their functions. If you want to cure malaria, get OXIDINE. If you are weak, get OXIDINE and be strong. SOc. At Your Druggists PATTON-WORSHAM DRUG CO., Mfrs., Dallas, Texas (» m 9 l*j « 9 The Rayo Lamp is a high grade lamp, sold at a low price. Thnre are lamps that cost more, but there is no better lamp made at aur price. Constructed of solid brass; nickel plated—easily k^pt clean . an THE ornament to any room in any house. There is nothlme known to the art of lamp-making that can add to the value of the RAYO Lamp as a light¬ STEADY giving device, fcverv dealer everywhere. If not at yours, write fat White UC*T« J descriptive circular to the nearest agency of the STANDARD OIL COMPANY UacornoraUd) For DISTEMPER Pink Eye, Epizootic Shipping Fever Catarrhal Fever Sure cure and positive preventive, no matter how horses at any stage are infected or ••exposed.” Liquid, given on the tongue: acts on the Blood and Glands- expels tbs poisonous Poultry. germs from the body. Cures Distemper In Dogs and.fche^pH*y3 Cholera la Largest selling livestock remedy. Cures La Grippe amOJlg human being# .A and Keepit. i8aflne show Kidney to your remedy. druggist, 60c who and will #1 a get bottle, it for to you. and Free »I0 a Booklet, dossen. Cut "Distemper tffl* out, Causes and Cures.” 8 pedal Agents wanted. [pg SPOHN MEDICAL CO., GOSHEN, IND., U. S. A.