Newspaper Page Text
Local Paragraphs
Mrs. W. K. Eason and Mrs.
Clif'ord Nichols of Screven were
visitors to Jesup Tuesday.
Col. Vernon Padgett© of Bax
ley was among the visitors to
Jesup Tuesday.
Mr. F. B. Gurr was a Visitor
to Gl^ftnville last week.
Mr. J. C. Tinley of Sylvester
is spending several da.\s in Jesup.
Mis§ Alina Tindall spent Thurs¬
day and Friday at J udowici.
Miss Essie Drawdyspent sever¬
al day of last week in Savannah.
Mrs. J, b. Black spent Thurs
uay at Ludowici.
The News acknowledges with
thanks a nice lot of sweet potatoes
given us by Mr. T. J. Yarborough
Mr. Yarbrough is a well to do
farmer livihg on Jesup Route 2.
Dr. M. N. Stowe attended the
me ting of the Eleventh District
Medical society held at Valdosta
recently. Dr. Stows’ name ap¬
pears as vice president among
the list of officers of the society.
The following composed a bun
ting party to Hazzarus neck in
County last week, S. P.
F. P. Carter, L. L,
Isiah Ggden. George
Ogden, and Tom Middleton. Be
6ides quite a lot of small game,
the party succeeded in killing
three deer.
“Between the Acts” is the
name of a play that wiH be given
in the school auditorium about
the middle of Dec mber for
benefit of the school library fund. -
The play is under the direction of
Miss Horton who has charge ol
the Expression Department of
the Jesup High School. Those
w ho will take part in the program
a r e among the very best of the
local talent.
Quite a number of the young
people of Jesup attended a
cane grinding at the home of Mr.
T. S. Wheeler several miles of
JL-sup on last Wednesday even¬
ing. The occasion was one o J
much enjoyment. The party
was chaperoned by Miss Minnie
Murphy. Those attending were
Misses Minnie and Annie Mur¬
phy, Willie Morris, Earl Baker,
Helen Jennings, Marion Cele,
Titeo Conyers. Louise Ihiten,
and Kate Hall. Messers Shirley
Baker, Steve Strickland, E. C.
Morrison, J. Sechenger, William
Turner, Roy Breen, Arthur and
Harry Williams, Perry Raybon,
Kell Dye, John Conyers, and
Harold Price.
One of 'he most delightful
events of I he season, was a party,
iven by Miss Katie McPipkin,
her dome last Thursday even
ing. During the evening, .tier
al interesting games were played,
which were greately enjoyed by
the B u M t, A contest was held for
given b TToth. to the -ouple “pie who no a answered -
the largest number of questions
correctly, which were written ou;
on a sheet of paper. 1 he prize
Z was won by Miss Earl Baker and
Mr. K II IK-P Dv . - A delicious course ‘
of refreshments were served
which added greately to the en
joyment of the evening.
Those 1D present were M isses
Earl Baker, , Annie , Murphy. , Nora xt
Itennett, Germaine Rennet J
Conyers, Jennings Manor,
and C °j Nelbe vSirFu > “ , cfer ® ber ' Essirviilito ■ Lssie * llllun ’
Messers jff* ShirlV Baker, Arthur
r* williams Rov Bernett' Breen
^ohii if? Cj (l ne\
^teve^tn kland 1, * \V illiam Turner
. <?
Robert ,ro * * k Pf -hcr>irer ',
, ,
Dye, Aaron b
B rlce -
. .
.. ^°i . 0 1 Ttankcv'vintr '' j.:".,: fi.. v
dulv \ obvirvea , j % j
was < • ‘
Appropriate at the A Kin*.' 1 1 ‘ ^
alter which e ^mptuooa ail -j- mr
.was enje el by the very Iar S«
Crowd attending..
Fail and Winter Goods
We have in stock a most complete line of
Fall and winter goods consisting of the latest
styles end designs in Men's, Women’s and
wear. Nice line of fancy
goods, Trimmmings, etc. just opened up. .-.
Many Netef Jtmas Specials
Our Grocery Department
In this department we carry a large line of
groceries at lowest prices. We solicit good
trade on 30 days time or will exchange goods
for country produce at proportionate values.
Sheriff’s Sale.
Georgia, Wavne County.
Will be sold before the Court
House doer at Jo,sun, Ga. within
i he legal hours of sale on the First
Tuesday in December, A. I). 1910,
all the following described real
and personal property to wit: all
that certain lot, parcel or tract of
land situate in V ayne County
about two and one half miles from
Waynes rill© Station in said
County and on the road running
from said W aynesville Station
Bladen Station, said tract of land
commonlv known as i he Brick
Yard Hill” and which tract of
Jhe 6 next Deloach to property the
owned by Chris ou
South b.v the Barnwell tract of
land, on the East by the swamp
adjoining the Henry Stephens
tract of land as well as the
Barnwell tract and on the ISorth
hv land belonging to the
Barnwell, said tract of land con
t;lining 15 acr<>s of land more or
!rtti’,leirnmdebv S E! and A. which
niman, civil engineer, deed
said plat in attached to a
from Julian Barnwell and others
to Mrs. T. F. Ciovatt of record
in Clerks office Superior Court
Wayne County, Georgia. make)
Also one engine (Skinner with all
of about 25 horse power
fittings connections, and appurte
ariCes One Gardner engine of
. all
about 40 horse power with
^ — ana
r w0 boilers, one of about 40
horse po^er, anti other of about
60 horse power, both made by
Lombard !*£«*■
W brick fot.ndatior.and
( ^ ciav roixei .
Two brick kilns. One
t ive engine with all fittings
connections. One railroad f,
car with trucks and wheels and
connections. One wooden com
m j PSarv building, dimensions 18
lt by 2A ft. Eight single wooden
tenement houses, one lot of scrap
iron, including within said Jot
iron for brick yard truck to run
on two shelters of brick tor dry
5ntr brick each about 35 f t . by 50
j one of ) um v, e r of various
loO 0 superficial ft.
I and five cords the of property pine wood. described 411
the rest of dill
in within morgage fi fa, after
sent search cau not be found.
Levied on as the property of
A Montgomery to satisfy that
- issued
certain mortgage excution
U pon that certain rnorgag- degree
, rendered in the Superior Court o:
Wayne County Georg^, on A.
j 15th, 1909, in the case of J.
! Watd, vs. J. A. Montgomery for
! principle $4905.58, and
interest to November, 1st, 1908
and ail future interest at 8 per
cent upon said principle and
! as cost and all future costs.
j ^ fgiijd & . ag requirefl
jaw netke ma ji d defendant,
The New Bakery.
The new bakery has just open
ed up and is now read.y for
business. The stand formerly
occupied by the Sentinel-lias been
thoroughly renovated and pro
rents a very neat and fitting ap
pearance. It is the intention of
Mr. Webb the proprietor to spare
no efforts to give his patrons tl c
very best of service, No doubt
this new enterprise will be well
Another important step in the
uge telephone as a supple
tf) lUe telegraph has just
been announced. Under this new
arrangement a telegram or cable
grarn ma y be sent day or night,
no mat f er jf the local telegraph
office is closed.
State of Georgia, Wayne County
Whereas, Joe Knox, and others
j lave nia( j c application for a new
ck,.,-.mljic roud th,, same
deseiibed as follows. Commencing
a t the public bridge in said Coun
known as the “Joe Knox”
bridge and running from thence
a west course to the westcornerof
the plantation of , J. , Knox, thence ,,
Northwest a distance of about one
niile, thence same direction
“ J™ riorlheaslj corner of the
^ efatete of W
t i on to ford of Walker
th a northwesterly
to ford of Buffalo Creek, at Gen
oral John’. place, thence hr said
Norl,westerly direction to 11. ckox.
us shown oy a diagram attach
ld to or iginal petition for
saiJ roadj whic h* has been mark¬
ed out by commissioners commissioners and ana a a
report thereof made on oath by
them, therefore all persons arc
uotified that said r.ew road will
on and , alter the first 1 uosda.y , in
i 'ecember, 1910, by the Cornmis
sioners of Road . and , , Revenues of ,
said County, be finally granted if
no new cause be shown to the con
trary. November, 1910,
This 1st day of
ira. M. Raybon.
Clerk Commissioners Court.
not being a resident of said Coun
r v . None of the personal
j y herein described will be at
Court House door on the day of
sa ] e as same i3 difficult and
pensive to transport but is located
on the land heroin described about
two ami one half mi v s from
, Waynesville said County aud can
be seen on application to me. Levy
made by Rembert J< hn deputy
■ j sheriff and returned to ne.
1 This November, 8th, 1910.
J. S. Lee, Sheriff, Wavne
Messioisal Cotas.
Attorney at Law
Speeia attentlou gtveu all bmiu-ssi
Robert L. Bennett
Wayne County. Office In Courthouse.
Attorneys a'n d Counsellors
Practice in all Courts
btate and Federal . . ,
Offices Jesup and Brunswick
stenographers and notaries
jurm* wayne county court.
Ctifcful attention given to all bu»
tnes:>. office lu cou^thouae.
Oscar Nail
Attorney at Law
OP CP 'n KJcldightor’* Building.
General practice In all the
tUL -3 uud Federal.
D. L. Moore, /
Office Whaley Building.
S. F. Ellis,
Office ir- Klcklighter's Building.
Physician and Surgeon
Special attention to the disease* of
/veinon and children.
Offieo Hours: Monday and Friday
iorei, cons.
Klckligbtsr Building.
•m / m m
Would you have a hardware clerk
till you prescription for medicine
for your sick ones? Would you
take your watch to a blacksmith for
repairs? No, certainly no. Then 7
why not use the same judgement
and buy .your jewelry needs from
A full inis of J v ol
'.•it iy Lima /oas Uoods aim mSIk / Fjl
da ou Jiintd. iS.t 1
mm. 1C . r *
fthv » V
VV- L , iiiiLUri tl H !
Jeweler Optician i
Atlantic Coast Line R. R.
Arriving and Leaving Time at Jesup.
No. From Ar. No. For Departs
89 Savannah 4:35 am 89 Jacksonville 4:40 a no
80 Jack’viile 10:22 p m 80 Savannah lu:27 p in
82 Jack’viile 11:87 a m 82 Savannah 11:42 a m
182 Waycross 11:10 a m J 85 Waycross U :35 a in
180 IV' aycross 8:45 0 m 189 Waycross 4:45 a m
21 Savannah 4:40 p m 21 Waycross 4:45 p m
22 Waycross 7:26 ]> m 22 Savannah 7:40 p m
57 Savannah 8:40 p m 57 Waycross- 8.45 a m
85 Savannah 11:04 a in 85 Jack’viile 11:07 am
58 Waycross 7:05 a m 58 Savannah 7:10 am
26 Folkston 7:05 p m 2 Folkston 8:15 a m
Tourists Tickets Now on Sale
E. M. NORTH, Ass’t G. P. A. B. T. MORGAN, Trav. P. A.
Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga.
1 &
^ : te a,
m : — tjs-i
m Jw 5-^
S , ^,
Can ¥011 Teleplione
the Veterinary?
If you could telephone your veterinary like
this Farmer in case of sickness or accident to your
live stock, you could probably save the life of a
valuable animal. Every Farmer should be pre¬
pared for such emergencies.
The telephone costs very little. Why not
put one on your Farm ?
Our free booklet gives all the details. Write
for it today. Address
Farmers Line Department
SauUs Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga.
our Job Printing
But if you must, do so only until you
can se
We combine absolute sasety wit’.: satis¬
factory service. Give particular
tion to the business of farmers.
Invite uew accounts and new business
upon our own merits for strength
and superior facilities.
A strong bank oan afford liberal treatment
to its patrons.
Our past policiy and ample resources are
our guarantee for the future.
Merchants and Farmers Bank