Newspaper Page Text
Dade Co-unty Times.
ir l~l' ■ I ■ ■■■'■ l» 111 ■ i— HI miß
s*r PipiiKtn L-.dg. No. ]79 F. tV
A. M. ma*-t« mi Wednesday night, on
or before each fuff !ii«m>ti. ,1. G.
Pace Secretary; M. A. B. Tatum,
•JL M.
’jQ iviiton Chapter No. GO U A M.
tiicHe second Saturday night in each
month. S. II i ImniiHii Mocrela.iv; .1
Huskey li P
KhvVII Lodge No. 293
F iSi A M meets tiist n tii| third
Saturday night ot vhi-Ii month. I{ |’
l atum, Secretary; J \Y Hussey, VV
M .
Supeiior Comts meets
on third Monday iu March ami the
third Monday in September. J C
Fain, judge; S H Thurman, clerk; W
A Byrd, sheriff
Court oi Ordinary meets the first
Monday of each month. G M Crab
tree, ordinary.
Tnx Reriver, Joeepli Coleman.
Tax Colleot,.r, <1 W liughos.
Treasurer, 7, O’Neal.
W: ». A .1. P* JICOUIV
Will practice in the Cherokee Circuit, and
Pnpreuio an Federal oeurts, Prompt atten
tion to business.
T .J. Lumpkin,
All’y At Law
T. enton, - - Ga,
Will practice iigthc counties of Dude and
AVnlkor. Will pay strict attentii n to all
bnsibess entrusted to his care. fi b. I 7- ly
On the Company Road.
For the benefit of t)ie winking-men,
and shall U>ilf sola shoes fin GOrents
hlko will half sole ladies; shoes for 50.
(In Where you can get work done
fi st class.
.Ladies and gents Low. Cut Shoes
made from $2.50t057 00. Boots from
SO.OO to $lO 00. Try mo you will he
Rising Fawn, Fab. 27th-
Notice of Sale.
Agreeable to an order of tho Court of Ordi
t nary of Hade c. unty, will be sold to tbe
rAiighest bidder lor cash before the court house
d.inr of said county of Dado on the first Tues
d iyin April 1881 within the legal hours of sale
*the following property to wit: The iron ore
rAn. under ane upon lots of land No ID* and
117 in ‘lie 18th district and fourth section of
Dude county, cite and right-of-way lor ail
Toads t< remove and transport the said iron
<irc an i mining privileges, and all timbers
necessary to be used for mining purposes,
bold ler the b-noflt of minor. This tin-
«l February 1884. G. A. R. BIBLES.
Printor’s fee $3 'J«. Guardian.
I will lor the next THIRTY DAYS
sell niv entire stock ol ('LC)lll
ing at c:ovr.
This is no Catch. Bring
the CASH trial get
J will sell you goods for
(ASH as Che a]) as any
house in town or cheaper-
mi. 11 1 - 1
Thursday Morning, March 29, 1834
\V* send yon a sample copy of the
I»ai*k Bounty Timk*. ami we bind our
Kelt' to you to issue the paper twelve
months. We make our terms just as
nw as we possible can, ami we l’osi-
any onk unless the subscription is
paid in advance, our paper, ink and
material, we pay cash for. 'I lie Pro
gress and Gazette labored nude! many
disadvantage*. Some few paid for ths
paper, ami many ot the subscribers
never paid off, cfNT. We eau’t run
the paper without money, and conse
quently wo make our terms strictly
in ADVANCft. and in doing *<>
wo HKsure you that we will exert
every effort in our pytver to give you
a live, wideawake newspaper, devoted
entirely to home interest. Right here
allow us to say the amount
done by a fearlessly conducted, live
and enterprising»newspaper is never
properly appreciated at the time of
\C publication We will try and
make the Times a looking-glass to the
common interest of the people of Dade
Simsn iption— One year, six
months, 7.'> cents; three months, 40
cents. T. A.. J. Majors,
A'd a Budget Of Interesting
Picked Up Out of the IVlud and Put
in a Readable Condition By
the Reporters of The
Weekly Times.
All legal advertising must ho paid
h»f iu mlv.auce Do you understand!
V\ ell, don't forget it..
0 C. ('arriu, clock aud watch re
pairer of No. 18 Whiteside street,
Chattanooga, is now stopping at the
Cross Ht use, and is prepared to do ail
kinds of work in his line, he will only
be here for this week, and hereafter he
will he found at his office iu Chatta
Rev. Mr. Mcßraycr will preach hero
on tho sth Sunday of this month at
10 ain and 7:30 p in. Subject “Elec
tion.” Everybody invited to atteud.
Kicked by a Mule.
Walter, son of W. P. Gilbert, was
kicked by a mule Saturday while he
was whipping it, breaking his collar
An Alleged Briber Discharged.
.John Smith, who was charged with
bribing the jailer at Tienton, last
August, wok released Tuesday, the
Grand Jury failing to find an ittdic
• •
We have made arrangements to
have a regular weekly lcliet from Dole
City and Clover lale. We want one
now at Trenton, Morganvillc, Wild
wood and Smith. Win wi ! ! respond?
To th» Young Men.
One more arrival. She put in Iter
appearance at the residence of William
Hamilton last wick. Children be
careful, and don’t “scrouge” pap f rom
the fire.
Tift T t.UEs f otn now until I)-ce nt
her Ist $1 Uo,in advance. Send money
by registered letter.
Not a Thoroughbred:
A temperance lecture will l*e deliv
ored at this place Friday night, the
21st, by the Kentucky Tern pe’a nee,
Giant T.B DeinaremAll are invited to
come out and hear him. Seats are
StiU in the Land of the Living.
Wo le am that several more build
ing.s will soon he erected here. We heat
complaints every day or two that there
is no house lor re it. 'litis is to certi
fy that Rising Fawn is still iu the
land of the li.vtng.
An Alabama Curiosity.
Alabama not to be outdone by Geor
gia come' forward with a beardel
lady, she lnes not far from Valley
Head, DeKa.k county. She is fifty
y-ars old and her heard is two or three
inches long and of a recent growth.
♦ mm
Joe Mulhatton Heard From.
A report has been eitculaled to the
effect that Maish T. Polk, the default
ing treasury of Tennessee, is still in
the land of the living. It is said that
the fiiendsof Polk played the trick off
and that they got a bodyfroin the modi
cal college at N.’shville, and buried it
for Polk at Bolivar, Teun. '1 he man
that is so wise as to know this is one
Hon. Hiram Smith-
The above named gentleman, of
Walker county, was in the city Mon
day. lie said to a reporter of the
Weekly I imks that he was a
cauditate tor represent
the Forty-fourth Senatorial district.
The district is compose of Dade, \\ a k
er and Catooaa. According to rota
tion Walker is entitled to it. .
W. 11. McAmos, of Birmingham,
Ala., is visiting the family of W. 1\
Gilbert. We are glad to sec him im
Hon. Hiram Smith was on his way
to Trenton Monday to see how the
lau.ll ies, he also put a feeler out at
this place.
Dr. Simmons, of Walker county,
was in the city Monday, by-the-way,
tha doctor is not a candidate.
J. T. Rutherford, formerly ot this
place, but late of Chattanooga, will
hereafter make Rising Fawn his home.
Take the Times.
Whereas, through an All-wise
Providence, an alarm lots been sounded
at mu inner -lour, announcing the
death ot a brother, the echoes <d which
should aiuiiohislt us to keep a vigiteut
guard over our actions, a'd ever lie
ready to answer the eali oi our Su
preme Master.
And whereas, the Great-Creator lui*
been pleased out. ul His wisdom and
mercy to rem -ve nut esteemed and be
loved brother, J. L Milhtmt, Imin tin
cares, anxieties and troubles of t n un
friendly nDi 1 i to a at ate of hn-e an :
eternal duration; to “that building
not made with hands, but eternal, tub
in the heavens,”where all true Masons
hope, one day, to be united. Where
the silver curd will not be lessened,
nor the Golden Vessel broken, nor
mourners go about the streets, but
where that inseperable tie of brotherly
love will be ever sustained about us.
Therefore he it resolved: That in
the death of our brother, Masuhery has
lost a bright and shining light and so
ciety an ornament. Yet whilowe feel and
mourn his loss, we are. consoled with
the knowledge, “that our loss is his
eternal gain ”
Resolved 2nd: that while, his stay
among us lias been short, we have
learned to love and cheensh li is metno
ly. By his Christian and ordei ly life
and strict devotion to duty, he so
wrought upon our affection as to capse
us to exclaim, to know, is blit to love
Resolved 3.1: tliak this lodge extend
to the striokeueu and bereaved family
our sympathy, and that tho Lodge
wear the usual badge, of mourning lor
thirty days, and one page of our min
utes be dedicated to his memory.
Resolved 4h: that the Weekly
Times be requested to publish these
resolutions, and a-<upy bo luruished
the lamily.
T. J Lumpkin-.
W. U. Jaimway.
8, 11. Tiurmvn
Com mince.
Wouiriii’l liaUfiCm
Jimmy was sent to the store
tie other day for some Irish po
tatoes, on asking the merchant it lie
had any, the reply was that he had
Northern potatoes:
“ What kind are they ?” asked Jitn
“Yankee potatoes,” was the reply.
“N'osir! we wont eat ’em,” was the
reply, and Jimmy went home without
Ins potatoes.
“Mamma, why does that man talk
that way, he can’t talk at all hardly?”
“He stutters u.y son,” was the re
“If 1 was him, I’d wait till 1 got
A Cross Utisb.iad.
They are about tig reasonuhle as
Sypes was when he was ilrnuk, in
speaking to his wile lie sail:
“Yes, just as 1- expected herb’s a
sock iu the whole ol this heel, and no
vest on my jacket, nor no shirt on my
collar, and 1 don’t cate it <ll Master
didn’t make ’mi, nor what about it,
for men hag bad luck w ith ’em, and |
they do too.”
Crosses ed.
Pap, I seed that man what was
hunting them colts a while ago.”
“How do you k«ow, did you speak ,
to him?”
“No, I guessed he was the feller,
one eye was looking on ono side of
the road and the other eye was spyin’
on the other side.”
JHe was cross-eyed.
A Small Attendance.
Trkxton, March 18. —Dade Superi
or Court convened Monday the 17th
His Honoi, J. C. Fain presiding.
Owing to supreme court this week
most of the attorneys are absent, con
sequ ently but few cases can be tride.
VYe noticed in attendance H. P.
Lumpkin, of Layfayette, C. P. Gotee
and Col. Joe Cliff', of Chattanooga.
We also noticed lliram Hmilh, of
Walker county, popular candidate for
State Ilenator-
Attention. Yo»?m ’Sen
We refer you to the advertisement
ot the renown Commercial College of
Kentucky University, situated in the
beautiful, hi*t#iical and sjciety-re
nnwucd city, Lexington, Ky. Write
for circulars to its President, W. R.
t .uith. Lexington, Ky.
Gathered Over th t County ty
Our Correspondents.
And Sent Through the Mails to The
Weekly Times - News form Other
Points of .he Compass
Corn-Fjumcnt ef tin: Wki ki.y I'imi s],
i' r. n' M a .-eh 1 - —V\ a have
had ;t tew d iys ul Mins'iino which makes
ihe laruiers clu-erlu 1.
Mrs. J ane l.’aitly, who went to
Whites ides to see hei -islets child
dint was ki! ed hi the icevut a onn,
lias teiuri'ed, she says that the child
was stMing lielore tin tire and the
wind struck tin- house and moving it
of] ol its found iliuii throwing i.lit- ehlid
into a cellar and i ebinttn-v t illing mi
it crushing it to il.-a’ih Ihe cl)iid
was tinea years old.
Mrs Taylor is teaching school al
Mt. Zion.
We have a good Sunday-school.
Preaching near Cloverdale next
Saturda'le and Sunday by L. N.
A Brnken Leg - Colored Boy Drowned
- An Old Man Killed - Dr. Davis
Sick - Sickness Among
the Convicts.
Correspondence of the Wkkui.y Timks].
Cole ( rrv, March 18.— Sunday
while Wm. Piinces’ little buy was
inmiiitg with some other boys fell and
bloke !i:s thigh, and otherwise injured
At Camp No. 2 a little negro boy
was drowned whi o crossing the Gulf
Creek on a foot-log. liis body has
not been found up to date.
Old Mr Lambert was killed by the
recent storm and his daughter was
fatallv injured, ilis house failing ot
Dr, Davis is ve.iy sick and it is
feared that he will not recover.
Mrs. Mart Renow has been visiting
hei sou for her health.and has returned
home much improved in lieauli.
A large muubei of convicts have
bad colds.
Mrs. Heath died with consumption
ast week.
Work is rapidly progiessing as usu
al. Bub.
All persons indebt -
ed to me will please
come forward and set
tle at once and save
cost. Geo. W. Bell.
Rising Fawn, Ga., March 19.
AO I 1(1!
Is hereby given tin; I as .nittis*
trator o me t- t o o- L. \\ . F estor,
dee- xse 1, i> i\ nig < > i n m ; n
order rom , lie yof s-i .
i .-.m y, i > m*!| the re I es ite Dei*- ’
ing )st d . i.ea - ad. Iwi .i se ! i m
lbgiie-c bid .-•.on toe < -1 a ii'-Miny iu
A|i li ue\ i W it I l lie ■ | ,i mi s ill
sale, reft ;e tin: - .u ~ iiotV.,e in me i u\\ n
oi T. - i on, i o .i y ol Dm e, 8 -ue <>i
Geo ’a,(li#!tJ « .ag ; <. i t.
1,0 <•' . 1 So,!- i e >i.i
ttli ‘ d »»C )’t O ~ i -..-
ing i"9 - A.uio’.e <>r t ui «. i-.ti ,
one r o.tiu.rco on C c-irL ui
eight mroo v.
Mar.;; ! M A TlTah it.
Pi inters : ee .>B. Ad - m
ftTA A week mane at home by i >• iu
\ f / <’n 5 1 r I-;. Best 1- > -im-.# u-i • r.*
\J I »»:bepub:ie. G.ip;li:| ufme trf We
w.-.l p-aetju-u. Men, .lien, boys nr I
wmitmi ever.vwherft to xr. r. lot m. N- »- u
the nme. You can wis iu span t mo, rr
pive your white time t.i the busin -t-e. No
fiber bu?ine*B w; i pay you ** nt-yft • a* weil
No ono eaa tail to trake eno.xom p«y, t»'-
«t oree. <iu'lit .uJ imii
free. Money mate f«*t. easily «nd h norac.v
Adtirere In k Sc Co., Augusta, Uiflb -.
UllArpeople are alwas on the lookout
H I Vf for chances to increase their earnings
If lULaiui in time become wealthy; those
who do not improve tbeir opportunities re
main ir poverty. We offer n great chance to
make money. We want many men, women,
boys and girls to work for us right in
own localities. Any one can do th ■ work
properly from the first start. The business
will pay more than ten times ordinary wages.
Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who
engages fails to make money tnpid'.y. You
can devote your whole time to the work, or
only your spare moments. Full information
and all that is needed sent free. Address
Stikton i Co., Portland, Mai.,e.
We ser.d tree on 30 dnyslriul
Dr. PJre’s Ela cro-Vol aic Beks
And other Electric Appliances to meuuller
ing from Nervous Debility, l,c sr Vitality,
and kindred troubles. Aso for Kheumuiis-i,
Liver ant Kidney tronbles. and ram:;' other
diseases. Fp.-edy cure guaranteed. Illus-
I trst- d pampUiet tree. Audre.-s
Ms. aha I, Mi
Of versify, Lexington, Ky.
Tiixuto complete thr Course about 10 week*. TV’*l
Cost, including Tuition, Book*. St.ifl»ncry. Board. *c., aixut
sSf> TrlegrAphv a bpocialty Literary Cour#e for «v>* \r-»r f
desired, free. Nearly 400 atudests from 5l >«• .r. :> OHO
•uece-sful graduate*. Sumni.T Semtm now opot.
StodinU cau begin At »nv time , ;to vacation Fall aetsioii
begin* September 10th. lor ft il pvtietPara, address
"VST. SMITH; Lexington, Ky.
Blevins * Forester.
m:\li us in
ry floods, boots, shoes, hats, caps, smd
a full tine of family groceries.
Tinware, Queens ware-,■ Hardware, and, ill
in fact, even 1 hmg usually kept in a first
class dry goods store. Will pay
more for barter and sell for
cash cheaper tlian any
house in town.
Give us a CalL
'Now is the time to Subscribe for the *
Dade County Wesiy Timet
A 24-Colunni Newspaper Published at
■ z> > ■
§1.50 Per annum in advance. Wj
give you one of the best country pa
pers in North Gergia. *
Send In Your Nams!
Every Farmer,
And Laborer
In Dade County should take and read the
Publish'd E /ary . Wednesday
All Letters on business should be addressed
to iie Times,
liising Fawn, Georgia.
Ayer’s Ague Cure,
- . R-.*. v G'.7_Cl " ,
For Fever and Ague, Intermittent
Chil> Favcr, Remittent Fever, Dumb Ague,
Periodical or Bilious Fever, dice., and indeed
all the affections which arise from malari
ous, marsh, or miasmatic poisons.
This is a compound remedy, prepared with
acientillc slyill from vegetable ingredients, which
rarely fails to cure the severest eases of Chills
and Fever and the concomitant disorders. Such
a remedy tile necessities of the people in mala
rious districts demand. Its great superiority
over any other medicine yetdisoovered for the
cure of Intemiittents is, that it contains no qui
nine or mineral, and those who take it are free
from danger of quinism nr any injurious effects,
and are as healthy alter using it as before. It
has been extensively employed during the last
thirty years in the treatment of these distressing
disorders, and so unvarying has been its success
tiiat it has gained the reputation of being infal
lible. It can, therefore, be safely recommended
as a sure remedy and spccillc for the Fever and
Ague of the West, and the ( bills and Fever ol
the .South. It counteracts the miasmatic poison
in the "blood, and frees the system from its influ
ence, so that fever and ague, shakes or chills,
•nee broken up by it, do not return until the
disease is again contracted.
The great disorders which arise from
the irritation of this poison, such as Neuralgia,
IE hciiinut ism (•.out, Hemlarhe, Blindness,
Toothache, Farm-lie, Catarrh, Asthma. Pal
pitation, Splenic Affections, Hysterics, Pain
In the Dowels, Colic, Paralysis, and derange
of the Stomach, all of which become intermit
tent or periodical, have no speedier remedy than
AVer's Ai;i f. Cl'uk. which cures them all alike,
and protects the system from future attacks. As
a preventive, it is of immense service in those
communities whe e Fever and Ague prevails, as
it stays the development of the disease if taken
on the first approach of the premonitory symp
toms. Travellers and temporary residents are
thus enabled to defy these disorders, and few
will ever sutler if they avail themselves of the
protection this rente-tv affords.
For Liver Complaints, arising from torpidity,
it is an excollont rsmedy; it stimulates this organ
into healthy activity, and produces many remark
able cures where otiier medicines fail.
Prepared bv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
LO Wi l 1,. MASS.
Wagon Co.i
iVicnufacturers of
Buggies & Phaetons.
Bend for designs and prices to
on the Horse.
■ ■ ' HU history, structure, use*
aad treatment. Also giving a lew of the most
Important and Effective Remedies
for the cure of the diseases of the hors*.
fct$ p “ Valuable to every owner and lover of the
Published by the fiOBINSON WAGON CO., CIMIV
Btti, C., and sent, postage paid, to any address, oa
receipt of turfe 9-cknt stamps.
Three sheets, 19x24, heavy plate paper, contain
ing elevations, plans and details f-rthe above house;
also book of VO pages, giving specifications, iteinired
estimate and form of contract—invaluable to every
carpenter or party proposing building, as a guide in
making bids or drawing contracts.
IV :ce *-!.W3. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt cl
3SC W. Nintt St, Cincinnati.
Air. Person visiting Rising Fawn, Oa.'
on bu-'nes, or otherwise, Would find it to
their interest to e II and stay at the Cresa
II list-. Trans'.i-nt board $2 per day.
L>- .lui-ti"ii trade for regular board
J. ri. WHITE. Pf"-raiFT.ig. ;