Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, April 02, 1884, Image 2

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tT|j« JUit equals SScdfi Sinus CorreanoH'tsiws solicited; hut to receive At Untivn, on i uiutrioaiiott* must be accompUniß V)V a responsible name—not lor publication turns » ire iruntct of food faith. Contributions ol news solicited from every quarter. Reje tied articles will not be re turui'd unless accompanied by a stamp. Advertising rates and estimates glvun on application. All letters should be addressed to TllK TIMES. Rising Fawn, Ga. OUR CHOICE FOR COSuHESS. HIE lillS, J.,f. CLEMSNTS, OF WALKER. [Our reason; Firsts he is the only man in the district that can annihilate the Inde pendent party of the Seventh Cong, ossiona district. Second, that he is entitled to it. Third, that he Is now more able to do the work]. ■ . 1 VMDAY APRIL 2,1884. Democralic Executive Com mittee. The executive committee of the Democratic party will convene in At lanta on Saturday, April sth, at 10 o’clock; a. in., in the parlors of the Marhain House. Metnbeisof the com mittee arc earnestly requested to at tend in person, as business of impor tance will he transacted. Democratic papers in the State of Georgia please copy. HENRY JACKSON, Chairman. Politics in Georgia. M l. B -ancW is one of the legisla tiro eamli<latea in Coltiubia coun ty- Hon Tom Eason is again in the race for Repicsentative J.'oiu ’1 el fair. It ia ispnilid at Eatonton that Judge Lawson will not a*k re-flec tion to the bench. Crisp's renomi iati«n it- exciting favo ahlo discussion in ] )oolv county. Solicitor (iwai Boykin Wright is a candidate for v e election to the Augusta Ci;cirt. Hon. James R. Lisle, of Oenn**e. will l>e » candidate befo.e the conven tion for State Senator. William Brunson is a candidate for Treasuier of Houston county, subject to Democratic nomination. The campaign tor Representative and Senator from Houston county will be made’ on the issue of piohi bitton. 'l'he Covington Entcrp sse is nppo -9 sing Congressman Hammond's reiintn* ination in ihe interest of Capt. Harry Jackson. Hon. J, X. Hammond telegraphs to flip Jonesboro News from Washing ton that he is a candidate for re-elec tion to Cong ess. Richmond county delegates to the Republican State Convention are re ported to *eau toward P.esident Ai ihur’s nomination. J]on. Roby D. Smith, of Crawford Count v, wiM go before the next Legis lation as a cand'.'ato for Solicitor of the Macon circuit. Dr. L. W. Mobley and Samuel W. Corny were mentioned in connection with legislative honors by the wise acres attending Dooly Superior Court. « The Sparta I-hnmelite wants the Democrath to choose their delegates at large to Chicago and nominate the Slats, ticket atone convention. The Talnotton New Era says; “A gontieman said the other day that any mail who run for the Legislature to jmppot’t Senafhr Joseph E Brown for re-election could he overwhelmingly elected from Talbot. The' Democratic party of H mston lb called to asbemhle at th» court house in Perry Tuesday, April 8. 'l ire Peny H<ant* Jitiirniil hears that there will be three candidate* in Hons t >u for the position of Senator from the Ttvenlv third di* liei —two lioui liytoU uuu yuv U-»U» 4 v*t HOME NEWS. Gathered Over the County .by Our Correspondents. And Sent Through the Mails to The Weekly Times-News form Other Points of the Compass Corresponent of the Wkkkly Timks] . Trenton, March 30.- Mrs. Robert Peeples, of Chattanooga, is visifi ig Jiet. lather’s, Mr. Taylor. Miss Snllie Allison, of Rising Fawn, has been visiting relatives at this place. Mr. James 11. McLean, who has been attending coin t hero, has returned to Washington. Dr. Morri, of Ohio, has moved here* and talks of putting up a drug store. Miss’ Nancy Paco died last Satur day after an illness ofof several months. There has been a great deal of sickness in this part of the county this spring. Farmers are taking advantage of the good weather and are “making hay wbils the sunshines.” S. V. Cloverdale Gossip. Correspondence of the Wkkkly Timks]. Cloverdale; April I. We had preaching Sunday by Rev. T C Tink er, a latge crowd was out to hear him Our is getting along well. The Alabama Great Southern rail road have just finish a ti«w iron bridge across Dry Creek near here. Mrs. C oss is veiy low with rheu matism at Soseph Allison. After the long wet spell we have had a dry spell which is making the ground very hard. Some corn has been planted in this viciirfy, aud the farmers are all wo king hard to make up for loss time. CITY. The Baby Crop - Robbery;- Temper ance Oganization - Personal Mentions. of the Wkkkly Timks]. Cole City, Ga., Ma-ch 31.—We are glad to see Dr. Davis about again. James Brown was knocked down and t obbed the other night, near Cole City, by unknown p»i ties. No mail leaves Cole City on Sun days. We had a temperance lecture here Thursday night. The lecturer organ ized a lodge with about twenty-five members. Tliere was twenty-one babies born at this place since Chris.mas last. Mrs. Smelt, of Jacksou county, Ala., was visiting relatives at this place the other day. A wedding occtired at this place last Bund >r. James Smith and Maneiva * Price were the happy couple. Renow officiating. A new work shop has been recently started at this plact by B. Wheeler, who is good in both wood and i on. .1 ustit- court is held here on the first Saturday of each Z Z. Random TtcOia^hls Yon asked news trom all the impor tant points of our county, and ii 1 am the i nlv one to answer from our part of the “moral vinyard”—will have t( use the lan ,u '_,e ot wise old Solomon there is nothing new hear under the sun that I can hear of. News is a scarce commodity in orr vicinity, wo have none cf those news inventors common to commit lit es ami *»eall towns—vulgarly called ta tie s—l vvi.l call them nomadic fictio.iist, they are of g.eit utility sometimes, when a small vdlage settles down to the dull mouo'ony of peace and qtret, just one oi two of ilio e individuals can render very lively tor a while, it the spirit (the evil one) moves them, and it does very often. A marriage would <irate as great an ex* itemeiit wound here now as Jumbo or a would, it they were to pass the public road. But death alas! will vis't tlie most most quiet section, and ouis is not ex cepted. A few days since we beard of the death of M s. Janies Benette, nee Mary Morgan, fotmerly of this place. She lately visited hei relatives here—returned to Arkansas a few weeks ago to die. Anotiiei one ot Dades’ daughters sleeping far from the land of her berth, and the graves of her kindled here. Yes, this daik mysterious messenger comes tonsol ten, and tikes our loved ones a wav with him into llre gieal beyond. An as ofte l as he leaves, we ask ourselves what lies there? But no one who pus ses the Rubicon! of time comes bac to tell, imagination visits flat res In of inysit iv, hut soon wings it wav back, us no token u! the lile beyond the Imiiaon of death. The gentle girl wife w hom metiy of us knew and laved, years ago died, not far from the place where Mrs. Benette died— yes; she fell asleep with rapture in her wonder stvicke.n eyes, a smile of joy On her lips, and bands folded over a tri umphant heart, but her lips told her not of the visions that enthralled her. Spring has come at las! guess you have learned this (?) souictimeago: I think March fired her parting salute to old winter a few nights since. Old Lookout trembled from base to summit. N’y! how my heart palpitated too, while I thought of all the cyclones had ever heard of befere that night. Sometimes I think I am an optimist; notwithstanding that if a cyclone ever visits our valley I would much rather be semewhere elso. This iuiecd seems to be the Monday morning of Nature, and the year—i lie warm South wind has comeback and brought with it the bints. Once moic the wicns, and sparrows are chirping in the bushes and the woods—robins fbeke's like flashes of fire through the trees. Yea those warm dreaming days are bring ing forth tlie apple blossoms and poets, oe! that reminds me of an article I saw in the Gazette a few years Ego, entitled “Poetical Contributors” over the signature of “Doc” (don’t know wether the name was a nom de plume or not) I wisli yon would reprint it for my own benefit, and that of others snffesjng from the same malady [un written poetry--pressure— on the brain ) he, “Doc,” bogs of us not to elfevate onr over-burdened poetiool facnltiu through the paper, gives some pro, setiptions how to treat the mania, and, if, after following his directions we cm find no relief only through the newspaper columns, hints —suicide, but, oh dear! I can’t enter tain that idea for one moment, let that be my apology for this ACROSTIC. Dolny not oh Dadeites.J bat now take your a.and Among th© fo*.oraost ranks, of our sunny fond. Don a*l your armor, tnd fight for th© right. Evcr y fight 'till Uni to the light. Come friend* “our tpaper” comej,>ooi. small, nch and great. Our good genus bids you,"it is folly to wait Up your ioanno s, i’isciibed all ove ,—4 Naught but Oteupora, aud t.inpoiancc lor/ over; 'Till ignorance and Bacchus together go down , Yoked to their death, and tb*ir *pinw hnra tlOWll.y The pen is'mifihter th»n|lhe sword you know It is with this weapon charge up on 11 © tit Make . tub ou only eaie’d, then none of the o.nvl da Ever ~ii.iettal our person*—-wilt strike to our hear So le.’s f’gbt with nine of war's toody ar's. 1 am pain u.l ul the this tact, that there is but li.tlc poetry in the above ines yet ad '“nut lat ion is honorable .in a’Lft; 1 BJ.I g \e a b.ize of a beentiLil chromo to any subsetiber|who will w.ile a be.ter ac is. c than mine (Dade Coun-y T.ces the Vters to use). The task will be quite an aasy oni, 1 hope to see a better one within two weeks—yes, a*good one. Now author ol “Poet? al Contribu tors” you bad be tei flee to whe£b the “wood-bine tw.neth” if you ve a tender rogaid for the length of of poefi c»l feet, or measure, fk-e until the heat of summer shall cause us t<> lay aside our pens, and seek for shady nooks wherein to dream of future fame. Aunt Poi.i ie. GEORGIA GOSSIP. The post ofiice at Wano, Henry eniin.y, has !*een discoidiiiuc'l, and mail for that place should bo diiceted t.» McDonough. The post office at Travis, Haber sh mi con ltv, has been disconti.ineil, ami mail he'e o r *>e sen; to that place should be directed to Trccoa. Sufficient money has been secured already, it is said, to insure the suc cess of the encampment at Rome. A large number of companies have given notice that they will probably be present. 8 a rah God by has a suit for SIOOOO damages against tiie Central Railroad at the term of eon-t uow being held it (lovington. Her husband fe ! l t <>m a blidge while in tlie company’s em ploy and received fatal injuries. At Green Hill, Lumpkin c*mnty, a negro woman gave hi th to thre Cniblren, two gi* Is and u boy. Their respective weights were eight pounds ■ach for the g : -'h and six for the bov l'he child.m are a’l living and seem to he doing well. C iine is becoming almost nnheavd *f in Coweta countjq Col. James Buchanan, of Blakely, •s dead. lie was treasurer of bin county. A 24£ pound wild cat has been laid low tiyar Irwinton. llorscs are dying in Ogletlrvpe and Elbeit counties from some unknown disease. A handsome silk flag will bp award ed the best diiPed company at the pppioachig encampment at Rome. It is now being prepared by tlio la dies. Accmding to the Hawk'nsville News under the same roof in Wilcox coun ty lives the and'iio.he", graud moihcmc-.ber, dangh.e , grand daughter and great-granddaughter, and yet tbe’.e are only four pe.sons in the house. Mrs. John Smith, of Jackson coun ty, committed suicide Tuesday in a most ho ible ma inev. Bhe fi'led a pot with wa.e-, put it on the fi;e, and when it began to boil pi >aged her head into it, and was soon after dis covered in that situation. A gentleman representing a New York loan association has loaned $160,000 to Harris county fanners without perceptibly diminishing the stringency of the times. Twenty-four thousand bales of cot ton have been compressed at Athens this yeai. The sixty-six schools of h Her county have an attendance of 2,701 child en of both races. At least fifty horses have died of the st.ange disease now epidemic in Oconee and lower Oglellnrpe coun ties. The Town Council of Madis.-n lias passed an ordinance Oidering all dogs running at large to be muzzled a ter the 24th of this] month. Cel. E. D. Stewa t. of Jonesboro, lost his pocket-hook last Monday. It contained sls in cash, s7l in ex change, and S3OO ot S4OO in. n> ten. He had found no clue to its where abouts at last accounts. I A number of sheep belonging to M. (’. Pe ki'is, ou tbe ()ge»tbee i : ver, in Bulloch county, were burned to death ■recently by fire in the woods. Dogs are killimr many sheep in other por t'ons of the country. While making brick forjMr.'Berek man’s stoie, at Maxev’s, the workmen laid bare a laige Indian graveyard and disinter.ed a number of si eleions. They were surrounded by shell beads ami relics, one being an image mirved from stone, and nsw in the possession of A. T. Brig ht well. A few tlnj-s ago, whijp some of lii K hamls Here clearing < if a field on hi* plantation near Eeio'iton, Dr. H A. (Jugbuni came in possession ol a quan tity of silver. It seenisgtliat an old tree, containing a hollow, was bn' a - ed. In the debris was found a quan tity of molted silver. Dr. • C'ogbnni has no doubt It is the hidden tuastr.e of some miserly person who is long since dea l an d buried. Mr. Tiitham, of Philadelphia, a gentleman sk’l'ed in mines and min ing, has inspec.ed a near gold mine on Henry Slaton’s place, near Wash ington. The sha r t has only been sunk 21) feet, but Mr. Tatham says it promises ;« markable well, though he cannot tell anything definite about it. The CuriTUKRT ENTFRrnisß’s cor respondent at Ur i) d writes: “About fitty years ago there settled in this put of the district, then a wilderness, three men with srna’l families, Jame, Alexander Cnlbicth and Abel Hass., All lived to a tipeold age, passed a way,and to-day their posteiitv number between five hundred and a thonsatul, their homes being in every State in the South, some of them re siding in a majmity of the populated count Texas. The VYaUon Nt ws tells ns of an old negro woman named Nettie McCoy, win. lives at Mr.. Tom Plrlips’, who gave an old gypsy woman tlnee bush els of co.n, fh ee hens and a ham of meat, everything she had in the world to eat, to get her for.line told. They say the fo Mine teller gave the old wo man something that is called the hand o luck, which she curries i t her pocket in day time and keeps un der licepillovv ; *t mglit. A great ma ny are curious to know what the bat'd u’ luck i«f but Nettie will not l*e apt to satisfy their curiosity* Peck, the amhor ot the “Had Boy,’’ lias beeu enabled to pure lie a $40,000 house. It pays to cultivate bad boys sometimes. E. T, R 0 0 E R S At the Trade Vi'zee. Rising Fawn, ... Georgia. Invites everybody and hisjjwife to come and see him. The Mamofh Srinpg;Stock of goods have arrived. What we Can’t sell we give We have everything in the dry goods line, from a hale of Domestic to a Satin Ribbon. Everything in dress goods, from aJa panees silk to Cotton plaids. Everything in Clothing from French worsted to a white necktie. Everything in groceries from a cask of bacon to a pound of rice. Every thing in hats from a genuine Stetson to a palm half. Everything in crockery and’glass ware from a wash how l to a China cup., All the drugs known ,o M; eria Medica. Every thing in llardwa. ii ,om a log-chain to a sewing needle. EveiUhing in boots and shoesfrom a hrogan boottoan infants slipper. jVnd .in endless variety of tin? a volume would not enumerate what we have in' hosiery, novelties and notions. t . . ■ : • • ' : . • »*• ' ' - • '.‘A| r-f t . TAKE SCRIP AT PAR. u.. ... • ; * * !• • . •• . " ■ ■ ... ' : -.A \yant all the barter yon bring from an anvil block to a w hetstone. You will finl me or the Tndomitaiile Tom Chav, at the store at any hour day or night. If you want to save money come to see us. We mean business. E. T. JRQCER3 H' vll| 1)R. C. -P. DUNCAN'S ' Liver and Kidney The- great preventitive and euro of all ma lanal diseases, in.l a sure euro for all forms of dyspepsia and indigestion; it acts dire.-Uv upon the liver and all tli<j secretory glauds oi Iho stomach and bowles, it cn os the by removing the cause Iron, the system thfl produces o. brings on the fitgeasps, hence it is unsurpassed lor the cur of Constipation, tour l stomach, heartburn, headaeh, .and all those symatoms indicating the want of a proper :u tion of those glanbs situated in the stomacl and bowels. Two or three bottles of Dr. Bimean’ft Liver and J\ idnei/ .Medicine is positively recommended r relievo and cure any ot tho above disease, if taken as di rected. Price 7S cents. Cure for Croup! Dr. Ttuncan’s Cough BaKam is ibch es remedy known mi (he medic;.' profession f,,, the prompt and sure euro of Croup in child ren; it * pleasant and ham less." Jy’o , .nfaei should he without a bottle in’ their uou. c Price 50 cents. Bill I’IILIIS l\|l SUM TIIRH.U I'aoMPTi.y cured with Ur. Duncan - i oug] Balaam; is a sure cure for sore throats. congl, and colds, ii i unsurpassed for WHOOPINI * Cl-Ull, and all bronchial diseases in chi! dreu. (lumped Hands, Lips, Sore eyes, piles, and all ebr.nions ..f ii, c ,k cured promptly with Duncau’a Ointment s»k BLOOD syrup, the grea .lier-lalivo-, ill remove tiny and all imp., .Hie- Von. the blo-d. and erne all eruptions rue Skin. Po, Scrofula it never (ail.- ro cure. THE CHILDREN CRY FOR IT DUNCANS WOftlVl svaup. It Is sure, mrr. pleasrn, and Cheap. T, v 11* For Sale li,, ' Blevins & Forester. Shadow’s Som& Co. PROl'ltiETon OF 1 • • ( c(]ar O rove Niis<tv a « %.■ m Winchester 3 - - Tenth vjrowers and Dealers 11 all kind;t)f ftrst- Class Late and Early f ruit trees, Ornamen tal trees, Vines of all kinds, etc. All communications answered. Every thing guaranteed. Agents Wanted. STAVE OF OKORHIA’-DADK BOUNTY. wi!l be sold on the first Tuesday s.rWit, ,t the court house in .aid coifnty within rbw legal hours efsalw te the highest bidder for ’’ \ h . 6 >'•’»'ng property, to wit, a threw year old yellow bay mare colt about thirteen ""f A h ‘ R H h b ' »* ™ ««ray tak.r, n ,. J V A ; R : B ' blc «h» idJof January last and valued by T. J. Moreland ,r„l I. U Limine, freeholders, to be worth si7 M thirty seven dollars end fifty gent.) and Cl ertiged by U. M • Crahire., Ordinary a, the aw direct*. ' W A firitß, Shurifr. r,,.. ,z.S " ikoroia, dare county— W ’’ be s ol * l bc f«ve the court houae door in own of irenton, Dn.le> .rnity Ga. on Ibe’lst rn t, Irfiwconthe legal hour, .. e tue following popery, to wit; f land No. £ tr. I he !2A ao.Mlh ,sn ’ " S * o V'v*' l T ’ ,0 »•“* •» ■. G V *’ -•*»»«*, t"i cc lcctor „f "iin.o Lever] on a. the property of Ch». bogan, levy made by me. W \ Btk „ Sheriff, GEORGIA, DAI>K COUNTY. Will be gold before the court house d.. r tll he own of . ronton, Dade eouniy, U« , „„ he first . ueadny in May n„t. between «h" legrl hou-. o; sale, .he following props,,. ttt "ii; L«»t» of land No*. 3| f 42 aid 4 irt* \ 12,h dist.iet .nd 4th section i„ D.J e r „ u „^ L 'iZ*. * "»«>■ •’ v> A bißtr, hshet iQ.