Newspaper Page Text
Dade County Times.
JpJF*’ Denton Lodge No 17SI F A
A. ’J miens ©n Wednesday uitrht, *b
©l l»©fer© each foil vi * it) u ■ J. G.
P*«* ®t«ry; M A. B Tatmim,
Tf M
Trent©* Ghepter V» 60 K A M,
BiMts eecahd Saturday night in each
■so©th. 8 H Tkmrtnan Secretaiy; J
Tf Ruw©y H P.
03^“ Riaiag Fawn Lodge No 29S
V A A M meet* first and third
§a'nrdaylUight of es®h mionth. R P
Tatami, Seeietary; J W Russey, W
Supeiior Comts meets
•« third Monday in March aud the
third Monday in September. J C
Pnia, jndpe; 8 H Thurman, clerk; W
A Byrd, sheriff
Court ol Ordinary meets the first
Heudny of each month. Q M Crab
kme, ordinary.
fax heelvar, Jegeph Celemas.
Y»* CallecWr, 8 W Hughes.
fresaurer, X O’Seal.
W: W. A J. r- J ACOWAY
f Will practice in the Cherokee Circuit, end
dapremn ho Federal Oi.urts, Prempt atten
ti«B te basinoaa.
T .J. Lumpkin,
AH'j At Law
Tienton, - - Ga,
Will practice in;the counties cf Dade and
Walker. Will p:iy strict attentirn to all
hasiaess entrusted to his care. feb.l7-ly
On the Company Road.
F»r the benefit of the woikinm e
and ahall halt sole shoes fur 60c «n
visa will half sole ladies almeafo r
<*© Where you can get work d
first else*.
Ladies sod gents Low Tut Shoos
made from $2.50 to 87 00. Roots from
so.os to $lO 00. Try me you will l®
'l'. H Robkutson.
Rising Fawn, Feb. 27th-
min' w,,e ' l it,ar ' < ' Ht h, " ne hv t,ie lM *
VI U«**t Luaitvoue now hftfurp
0* Lth* public. Capital not needed. We
will start you Men, women, boys and girls
wanted everywhere to work for us. New i«
the time. You can work in spare thnef or
give yi,ur whole time to th<*busmess. No
other business will p.iv you as nearly as Well
No ono ean fail to make enormous pay, by
engaging at onoe. Costly outfit and terms
free. Money made fast, easily and bonoraclv
Address Tuck .V Co., Augusta, Main*.
We IT, l fr io in .id d Ays trial
Dr. Dye’s Elecro-Voi aic Beks
A ad other Klectrie Applinuccs to mfrnf-r
lug from Nervous Debility. Ivst 5 itality,
and kindred troubles. As" for llbeumfilist.
Liver aai’ Kidnev troubles, and many other
diseases. Bpeody eure ouarunteed. Illus
trated pamphlet free. Af!dres c
Mr’-shall, Ml
BT .1. «. W*ITI.
Atk Perseu visitiog Rising Fawn. (Is.
• i kas'ees, *r otherwise, W*u'd tsd ittn
thoir iateroft to call aud stay at th* Cr«s*
Heoee, Transi.ut heard S 2 per day.
Bedaetiea made for regular board.
J. tf. WHITE, PitormeT**.
All persons indebt
ed to me will please
come forward and set
tle at once and save
cost. Geo. W . Bell.
Rising Fawn, MnrHi 19.
s m
Know. t« Mem of Fame and Science wa Removing
i;fcuwleleeli Brsa4, Fleiwat, »s 4 Effleioat Cm fw
CONSTIPATION, d U T",«. hSmwi.
nVCDCDCI A known by irregular appe-
UlSrtrgln) tite, sour belching, weight
and tenderness a t pit of stomach despondency.
I iyr Q
LI Vtn P eT « »au»!ng soreness in back and siae,
bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability,
tonsme coated skin yellow, hot and cold mp-
ed f.eline irregular pulse, bad colored stoola.
a/mtICVC urine dark or light, red deposit,
KIUNLTO, burning, stinging, bearing down
LwaaHnita firecntfnt dwr© to uriuate. un«a*me§§,
iy##, circU*. thir«t. oi
U# AQT »«T«r* paiu», flattering or weight n«*r
HEART, hUrt. mere so .. »o«ing quickly «-»
-; 1 t A f* -ifie • out of breath on eiertion. *
Tj'pVrtiif'UC du" or r* in * in u;n P |M .
HfcADACHt,,je. or head; faint...., nan**.
» »nwd by watery * fc ?? , !sS'
Slant ie.. by nrio acid ia blood. Bowel
m.^r kj Wo^brjh.j^-
awa TNKdV' hU*' 'vrmtU actlom, removes
2S cut. bos of SI Pin.: * iTw a VWK ( I ’»»£
fflWjras. ?.* VUVSbi
And a Budget Of Interesting
Plokod Up Out of th© Mud and Put
In a Readable Condition By
the Kftporters of The
Weekly Times.
All legal advertising must b» paid
for in advnnr. Do yau intlerMautl!
Well, don’t lorget it.
Fetches are nearly all killed.
More new goods at the Trade Pal
Barrott showed in Chattanooga
Tuesday the 15th.
Good brogans shoes for $1 00 at the
Trade Palace.
What has become of “Covite?”
Do not give us the g. b.
J M. Cantrell smoke house was
blown down Monday.
Best calico five cents per yard at
the Trade Palace.
Several of the boys went up to Chat
tanooga yesterday to see the show.
All wlio want cheap goods go to
the Trade Palace.
Tom Gray is £on at the
Trade Palace.
They have one price, and all ensti
meiH fare alike, at the Trade Palace.
We have had terrible bad weather
fur the past week.
Say cant the niossbacks of this
place getup somckiml amusements*
We want an agent and corespondenti
at every postoftice in the county.
We want a c<>rr©sp indent at every
postofiie in the county.
Only eight candidates for ordinary
Gentlemen amioiiece yourselves, only
Big lot of spring hats for ladies and
gentlemen just arived at the Trade
The mountains are puting on their
verigated garments and present e.
beanti fnl natural picture.
•T. F. Allison, Superintendent of
Furman Farm Improvement Coiupanv.
of Atlanta, is at home for a few
days reel eat ion. *
It is a shame on the citizens of this
place that there is no school here
Do they intend to let there children
glow up in ignorance
Any one making us a cluh of ten
snhserbers as $1 25 each, in a lvancefi,
we will send the geteruj» up a copy lie©
Now is your time.
Tim church at this place that vve
made mention of several weak sago has
been pl islered and otherwise repaired.
It will lie finished (?) this spring.
V\ hen communications have no'
news in them they will not always
appear in the papei the week we ie
ceived llieui, an I fdiunld be in as con
denseij for*n as posseble"
C>U" tfianks aie due Hors. J.C. Clem
ents and Seaborn Reese, fdr a copy of
there speeches on tlie’BoudedExtentiou
hill,” And Hon Joseph E. Brown for
a copy of his speech on “Education.”
F. M. Street, H. L. W. Allison.
•T. VV. Cureton. J. C. NisheL J. C.
Smith, Preston Hawkins, VV U Jac -
way and other distinguished gentlemen
was in town yesteauay.
Messrs John Gray aud Hugh Mc-
Kaig, of Lookout Mountain, were in
town Tuesday, they report heavy rains
coiisideiahle wind, but no serious
damage in their settlement.
The corn crib. «tihl*aml ether out
buildings of Mr. Bill Harris, living
near Sulphur Springs, DeKalb county,
Alabama, was blown down by the
storm Monday We bear of considera
fencing being blown down in this com
See the advertisement of E T. Rog
ers in tins weeks paper, lie makes
no promises that he will not lulfill. lie
advertises n itliing only what be bus,
and when you carry him your barter
yon are sure to get bis goods as cheap
as if you bad the money. Don’t fail
to call eatly and get first choice.
The Dade County Times came to us
last week much improved. That’s
right Jack, wlmop it up give us more
locals, a little better print and we will
be pleased with all its departments.—
Valley Herald.
Alright Joe, we will try too; and bv.
the way, you put us in mind of the
average man who never pays lor his
paper or the borrower, all the time
iindiag some fault.
Miss 1 bbie Killian is teaching school
at Cave Spi ii gs.
Green Evitt will have his tree,
dwelling complect in a lew days when
lie will m ivh to town*
Mr. Mark Scruggs, who has been
quite sick for several days, we are glad
to state Was ittm* to be up ami doing
Bill Ingram who has sojourned in
oui mid t.s lor a shut tun*, indulged
too freely in hug juice Saturday even
ing; became boisterous to an extent
that the city dads charged him three
dollars and twenty’five cents, which
he payed and left last evening
We take this manner to ret turn our
thanks to Capt. E. T. R"dges for a
nice straw hat. When you want any
tiling in his line which you will, as he
has anything that is kept in a first
class store.
Give him a call at the Trade Palace
We notice it is a very common
thing now with a great many news
papers (and wp regret to say that
inobt of them claim to be Democratic)
to tell their readers how W atterson,
Carlisle, Morrison or Randall has
killed the Democrats, and made it
almost impossible to elect the nex
It reminds us of a story of the num
ber of lives a cat had; the story runs
that a ciirperenter, in Maine, came
rum his work laie one very cold night
ami placed his hand ax aud ma'let by
tiie side of the door and went to bed,;
by the time he was comfortable warm,
a cat came in and commenced to waul.
He jump out of bed, caught him by
ibe bind legs, steped out into the snow
and belt hi* brains out on the top of
a hemlock stump; wont back to bed,
and in three minutes it came back with
waul, waul. With one brave bound
ft* nn the bed the carpeuter caught him
in one hand and his mallet in
the other amt placed his head on top
ol the sump and mashed it with the
mallet and returned to bed. saying, “I
guess you wiil not disturb me ain
more.” In two and a half minutes
back lie came with waul, waul, waul;
out of bed tumbled the carpenter,
grabed Mr. Cat in one hand, his hand
ax iii the other, laye lit on the stump
again and cut his head clear from its
body and threw it inlo a snow bank.
In just one and a half minutes in came
the cat with its head in its mouth.”
Now, the party founded by Jcftei
son. mid who controlled this Reptihlic
forty-eight years under the administra
tion of Jefferson, Monroe, Madison,
Jackson, Van Buren, Polk, Pierce and
Biuhaiiuaii is as hard to kill as tlie
carpenters cat, and we would like to
see the Democratic papers stop.turn
isliing political thunder for the Repub
licans, by holding coroners inquests
and preaching its funeral.
South End, Aj ril 15. The health of
the community is verry good, crops of
all kinds are backward. Fruit not
quite all billed yet. Politics jus be
ginning to bloom. vVo learn that
the Trentonites and a fi w gentlemen
north of there have resolved them
selves into a committee of the whole
and are all candidates for ordinary. All
right boys just waliz in, but if big
toot Rice Bibles of this end wiil listen
to the solicitations of his many friends
lie will make the race quite warm far
vou. T. J. Luuipking and F. Pace
•ire both spoken of with couciderable
avor for representative. We hear fv H,
Thurman very favorably spoken ol
foi clerk. Sieve is clever and always
on band.
Mr Editor. I appreciate your
approval of J. C. Clements fur Cong
I positively will not vote for any
man that will not announce himself
publicly [through tba coluines ot our
county paper.
'. « .. ’» t 'J!'. '■»
nilArpeople are slwas on the lookout
la ,j f fur chances to increase their earning*
If 5 Ul.and in time become wealthy; those
who do not improve their opportunities re
main it poverty. We offer a great chance to
make money. We want many men, women,
hoys and girls to work for us right in their
own localities. Any one can do the work
properly from the first start. The business
will pay uurc than ten times ordinary wages.
Expensive outfit furnished free. No one who
engages fails to make money lapidly. You
can devote your whole time to the work, or
only youi spare moments. Full information
and all that is needed sent freo. Address
Stinton Jt Co., Portland,
Of Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky.
Tn*i to eonr.pletf the Full Course ab«.ut 10 wreks. Total
Coil, me I udine Tuition. Honk*, Rtatif'nrry. Board, Ac., about
f*S. 1 elrcraphv a sp»-f ialit Lilt rary iJuurjr lor yew if
desired, fr«*e. Neurit 40 •»nlent> fr**m 21 last )etr. 6,UUO
•urce«»<ul Summer Sr-tsi >n now open.
Student* c*n l»eein at any time , no vacation. Fall session
begin* September 10th. For full particulars, addre-s
W. IV. baiini, Lexington, Ky.
Er- liter's ho ti-
Tf will pu. fy and en<-l< li the Si OOD, rejrUu'
tU LIVIES* ami ► iD.MEVf. a: HEH-iohu i.i,
rsu.m »t.a viooKof Ttor-XH: in an ttio*
Uls< , rniu' lily acerta'.nSbd Helen li'Mi
**j>?cl»llv Dyniiepaia.W amo; Aiijitf'l'c.lnillvr
lion, Lack ut so encUi, etc., ll« lu. is n, irk*'
with immediate iml wo'ii’eriui rcai'h* Hoi’*
I»H*Cl«l HUU I'l-rvet r 1 \ » MW fllltj. Jitill', Vl'
U)« mind anil suppllm brain I’ .vur.
C * sefleNiix lruin all compialr
W W's sivS ,i,‘c'in.o idUiclrarx will flud
LA HARrsr, <h IRON TONIC a tile mu. tp. e.
euro. It yi»v* a .-if*r tur.i health} complexion.
The gtruiiv»st n-«'lmnny in i!i« rslns of IJB.
HAiiTSit's liioa Tonic » lliat n-nuieni atteH'nu
Hi coiiiiterfi ifliijr lihvh only sdiiuQ lo tlu-p-’niiiur
tty of the orlHliuU. liyili tarurslly desire liohlUi
douot tiperiuieiil—geitlie OuroiNAi. a>td H*st
(3*nil your address toTSa I-.. /im u,r M sd
Bt. Louis, Mo., tor oar "TjF JKASI ncxi*.*’J
FuUol strung*, and oasftd on .imatloa, lr»« ™
Cn. Harter’s Iron Ton.o is row SalJ by au
Druggists and Dealers EvEßvwnr W
VTtQTfr FusvorsDKßturt
° s«Uu»«« *u4 4»
\r* ; . if & 4nS Dcuiereei. ek
f Hnl cv*r br&ia work. D«
VSfA (A VW fa \r ttmpsrlre»tlli
VVVI3I\A.A.2t •irenilfj turk lo year si!
. © ni i n or b j preteation* <J
A ether for ihe*t
is U-unb!©*. (jtf. oar fr<** oiicu
* lat ari triiU puTi(« ui
I lcai ?
tlffiiimM 1 >»l> K ■•Mng treauitnt «li<rwfeeM.
. TUe a rfiriy hsu ear©4
J-* tboaraal*, tid JoeJ uoi *r»
F terfbrtt wiA aiteutloa to b«*l
l»;s yitHU it or eaato p»!u * r
■ Tonienc«. Focktied ob m;<
tofOTZr £ octlflc wMleal nrlnolp'M.
Grcwlof ia firor ctd repu»o
L>y UI3 tA:")U* tl'iTX. Diruit ftppli.’Bt.oß tii«
jW dflCl cifle iafiußdC© felt vltbent
delay. TUo aat oral Nm*
rt »C 1 tlona of the hamaa uiga *•
it \ ,fm pr » wurtd. *U
V v<M«i S V tnlrraunf «!•»«*■• ut
m ItJAlmg \ llfo Wliicli Far# b^a
PACKA.&&* ( « *» vr » -
- Tha patl«at
Iff. ( cheerful «ud s^it
f-?id adot::» r^.
HARRIS REMKiiY CO., K’fg Ch*a!rt*.
to9'/i Koirta ldtn St., St. Louli, Uo.
Cst tSSKTH’S IkaiUMT, $3 i 2 UJNTKS.&S; 8 MVTMk it
r,.1-jjU \lO
IndiiM «• o!;U« Bioc4, Mia u4n9tM.-
&»s®rrh«B, t yubLltl#
ft•© 'jiri*! Iff«t(lop0. i 'eiitifle trrr.Muert; •»/© and rtira
r*rn«di#B. DcfomiiUr* Tr#at*»i. r» lor wr : »o ft-r )iat i*:|
brthote dciiripff bj ictU.
t (.(ferinefrom Kontar* rHomM ©oaif (h#lr iM#draas,%
**■ ■••’■a wini.'.M n< *o ihvfr It f«i sat • fcr ••©./?
A44ro«aPr. r. 1,. LaBARGIP. ri>yala<Aa | a
Caa’val S «•?. ft Mure. I natHafa*. Bf«i I, v c* vt si . Jit.©. ff»,
Dr. LuPi’ JjiaiMiit' j. t*taMLh©-d f ' * .
With tsuaf asev. -r rhelvks adjvstablb to Books
Of ANY 11 right.
Lafybrs, Tkachkbs,
Piitsicians, Q Studkxts,
Bankers, ft rrad books.
Ma.'.o of Iron, beautifully ornamented. Ous
not warp nor shrink. Durable and convenient
A novel an t handsome article of furnllur©.
fi) *lv<*Bl6 Inches square, each will hold a set o»
Appletans' CyclopmdlA Two sixes for table,
three flzee for floor.
Holds more books In loss spaoe than any other
device—rotates at a Auger’s touch. Send for dea.
eriptlve price list.
Address, BAKER, PRATT At CO.,
Sctinol Fu—ilihers, and dealara In everything In the
Book and Stationery line.
19 Rond St., Hew York.
Band S 5 cents for our New lilustratdff Oata
logne with over 800 Illustrations of education*!
and useful axUolee. ©
Robinson Wagon Co.
Buggies ta Phaetons.
fioad for deelgna and prices to
. EOBmsoN wagoit co.;
on the Horse.
/»». V His history, structure, uses
and treatment. Also giving a lew of the most
Important and Effective Remedies
for the cure of the diseases of th* horse.
|y Valuable to every owner and lover of the
Published by the BO3HTSOH WA3OH 00., Clostn-
MtJ, 5., and sent, postage paid, to any address, on 1
receipt of three 2-csnt stamps,
Tht. ituett. 19*14, ti„.y pl.t, paper. CDnliio
lag ekvationt, placs and details fy tr.e above house:
also book of 20 pages, giving specifications, iteimied
estimate rmtl form of contract—invaluable to every
carpenter or party proposing building, as a guide ia
making b.ds or drawing contracts.
Pace $-.o®. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipted
Pn “ H. E. W.ALTON,
330 W. Ninth St, Cincinnati. <*
A gentlaman who suffered for year, from
Nervous debility, periuature decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for
the sake f huinanit, send free to all who
need it, the recipe and direction for making
the simple remedy by which he was cured’
Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser’s
experience can do so bv a ldre-ring in |ier r ect
eoitfidvnce. JOHN B. OGDEN. 43 Cedar St
New York, city, N. Y. Feb. 17-tyr.
And will completely change the blood In tho entire system in three mon.b*. At f
person who will take 1 Pill each night from 1 to l'l wwiks, nu>; he restored to soojml
I.erJUi, if such n thlux l>« porsl)>le. For Keunrlo Coiuplaiuts those Pills have no.
Physicians nee them for the cure of and KldNlY ;*e». Sold everyrwh* .a,
or sent by mall for 2Sc. In stamps. Circulars freo. I. h. JOUXSuX AOO , Boston, Kua.
SjjSte 53 | t : I7?»SS Cl i ... i ’.-k f-y pi Croup. Asthma, -Br©BehHl», > ■■
»;■ Vi is ga M. sfl fit Hl3 m I f.i w IWu via, Khcumatlsm. JOHNSOS a t >•)-
Ft IS Ifl t-y G' f y.J t< ; i k'3 } Kps l)V SK I.INIMKNT {for JnterMlund l*n« nj
lj Tf ';?■*" P'S -G L re yT V*e) will ir.*t»ntrti l r' Ui:T r.iirvf Ihi., ’ tti-ru-le
HFj S O Fj| rjrTa far* !*ti« 5; ra di.q.m, and will po«iUr«ly cure mn* o.oi->s
HD n n rii 7 Kg Kj nil ti, Jrj£a out '® n ' Information that will «.-o nta;-/
Fil 1188 8J rJ p P ii |H n * M f'l tA lives tent free b.rmtil. Ixm i dolay a uioi"t'*u
sa &S Ea K* Ik BP Iti *9* SI S 3 U BravsnUon a better than cure.
JOHNSON’S ANODYNE UNIMENT (TOM lnfluenia. Bleertles at lh» Lon*. Unsieo-
Bess. Cough, Whooping CoOith, Clirouic I.iarriiata, liyaentery. Cholera Mmtius. Xiiluoy IrLiiSkw, sn4 of the Hpine. 'Bold ererywluTa. Circular* fr»a. 1. S. JOHMSON A CO., hoaum, Maas.
I . 11 , ■ —. . ... mmmm —.ll ■ 1 . 1 . im.ii- ■. ■ a —-. ■ —«
It la a well-known fact that moat of the B 5 S 3 IT fl Ss® &k tf ,ipia t, Jf<i Kj#
Herse and Cattle i uwdor aold in tide coun- JtsSSa y 'M
Nothing: on Knfth will make U■; Is nj©a P *'
lay like Sheridan's Condition Pow- Si m t G *'-.a ~ C SiS fiLjt L V «
tier. Do*,*, one taa.poonful to each pint of wmm m m •“* ”*
food. It will also pouUvely preveut aud oars I HogCholora.iVo. ffoMevecvwbare,« «epf hy mail for d.e. t©
E-Ti a ,f*t i ; V iff- fa .8 is 0% (t BJSill stauipe. Furnlahu.l Inlarfa caua.prlcafl 00; a I
\0 Hj 8 ©tf 6V awl's vtiv# aw Si itn )j Ur ouiaraOcc. I. 3-JOilkSOh & CO-, aa*a.
(2© A WlrV.---i--H.WUtf *** iwmwf » ©»<lS.'iJ© —" C-anas©© iVPk. .- IjfrAkaaaVJ—« mt .HI Hi iW'.im mm —L*eaa Kit i*■ awe <©^
Now is thetime to Subscribe for Hl3
Dade County -Wee!y Tisires
A 24-Column Newspaper Published at
< A
! BY
$1.50 Per . annum in advance. We
give you one of the best country pa
pors in North Gsrgia. * '
Send In Your Names 1
Every Farmer, Tv?.-7,3
And Laborer
In Dade County should take and read th
üblishd Every a Wednesday
11 Letters on business should be addressed
| to The Times,
Rising Fawn, eorgia.