Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, May 07, 1884, Image 2

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f(if gWt (LomUn O'OUcln Jinus OFFICIAL uii'iAN OF DADK COUNTY. <%ric--y> >n<Cnon fiHcited: I»uf to n-ocive lit teitti«n, coxiiuutiicatiuns must be accuiii}iiinie iby a responsible mime—not t"r puklic.atnm but ns n guarantee of good faith. -Contributions ut news se-Ueiied. frnin every, quarter. Rejetted articles will nub he re turned unless nerenijianiud by a stamp. -• && Advertising rates and estimates given on avplieation. 1 f . SbßsßiprtON—One vear, 1 ..>(?; six •nimit itt, 75>*Hts; three months, 40 t - A. »!. Majors, All lettor* should be addressed to TUB TIMES, Rising Fawn, Ga. j. A. i. XAJIRSI, hi it ot am! Pnlilisiirr. OUR CHOICE FOR Tilt Uo\, J. f. CLEIIEXTS, OK WALKER. {Our reason: First, lie is the only man in -the district that ran annihilate the Inde pendent party of tlie Seventh Congressiona district. Second, that he is entitled to U. Third, that bo is now wore able to do the •work]. % i VHUHSMT MAY l 1884. We take the following sound piece from the Catoosa Courier. We notice several boys in this place that think, and some of them are taught, that to woik is a disgiaee, and generally the “old man” “whacks up” when his dutiful (?) son tells him that he wants a certain amount. The best thine that could be done for this young man is to put him to learning a trade, if lie cannot find a place in a foundery or ilia chine shop, put the field and make him stay there: * We note paragraph in some Georgia newspaper in relation to the necesity for the establishment a technological school. The difficulty which encompasses us is not so much the want of the school of that chaiac ter as it is tlio want of a desiie upon the part of the youths of the State to engage iu industrial or mechanical pursuits. Our boys want to he clerks, or lawyers, or doctors; they want to weai handsome dollies, sport a dia mond pin and keep their hands soft and white. And, now and then, one may be found who has the lofty aspi ration to become a hotel a re jiu’tor lor the “Daily Gossiper.” The fathers and mothers ol these hoys are at fault also. us one w Igp could endorse the idea of her starched and perfumed darling prodigy of a son Le c airing a mechanic, wearing rough clothing ami soiling his hands and hardening his imiclcs with honest toil hi' I ,' no, that would never do. Let him he a o*lerk, a briefless lawyer, a physi cian without a patient, an idler oi a all-one, but never a mechanic. The natutal consequence is that we have, iu our more populons towns d generation of insipid duties instead «*1 young men with healthy minds and *• ion” arms. Why! Ttie fact is patent all strangers who observe them, •""even to those ol the opposite sex. Wo i give an illustration in point: A short »Itile since a bright young girl from '’Sew Yolk, alter making a three hour effort in one- of our Georgia cities to entertain and to Ire entertained by a number of the vapid society youths who were attracted by her beauty, rc marked to a friend that she bad at last “become a convert to the Darwinian theory*’ and, “that there had been evidently an arrest of the mental de volopdient ol the Southern men in the (turnkey stage. ’* li <Htr couiempoaries will first arouse our jteople to the necesity ot making men out of their sons, id hieaking down the bearer ol false pride, set forth the in,poi iante of the par* which i» enact ed by the skilled mechanic in 'lie economy of progiess, generate m the breast ol our youths a healty desire to exercise their faculties in that direr tion and an ambition, to excel, they iJI display more .visiUmi As tor schools, there aw* all ready skilled teachers in the work shops, all nvei the land. There ate good scientific hooks upon every department ol me chamc-tl industry. There are to. Is, implements ami materia! :u abun dance. lint, we want bovs who want to make mechanics ot themselves. The nominee of the Republican party of Tennessee for Governor is a renegade. Nothing st*ange about .t it as the Republican party is maue up out .'tlice seekei and deadbeats ot De mon icy. wlm were kicked out ol the prtJ t V lei ; a .Caluy NEWS IN THE STATE OF DADE. Gathered Over the County by Our Correspondents. And Sent Through the Malls to The Weekly Tlmes-News form Other Points of the Compass No Cole Ci'ty letter this week. Oirre?j>nnetit of the Weekly Time* . Mono an Ga., Mav 4.—Well. 1 suppose nearly every one in Dade has heard .something of the Southern Faint Factory two and a half mill's from this place. If the hopes enter taioed by the company now are real ized, they will soon be astonishing the u iteves. They have near a carload -round ready for shipping to Chatta nooga as soon as the roads are drv enough to haul it horo for transporta tion. Tito company are fitting up a facto torv in Chattanooga with tenor twelve oil mills, where they will grind the dry paint they ship from here in oil. Mr. Loomis, one of the company, Says he is going te mix, can, put in market twenty different tints. Mr. Driskell (a new member of the company, I think) from Ohio, visited the mines and factory last week was much elated with the prospect of rnakjng it a success —he said,“boys there’s money in it, and lost of it, and we must rush it out, soon as possible.” Morganville boast of having the best school in the county, faithtully; thorough instruction given to appreci ating pupils. The students are con templatiag a grand exhibition and pic nic at the olosu of the school, .June 27, picnic 28. Again our little bnrge boast that 1 er children can go to, and from school without rtssitig one of those toll gates to perdition —a snlofin. And if I understand her citizens, one will never have foundation among them. We have plenty of plums, cherries and apples, but few peaches. Oh, “M. J it” wasn’t that a “mas ter” bomshell you threw two weeks ago—right through the tesselate 1 cas ties of poor, devoted woman’s popu larity—l have thought that it was just a cob-web you wove to catcli (lemale) flies of thought in. Well, 1 read your article to my “gude moil.” “Yes,” ho says, “and woman wrote that.” “No she never,” sjs’ I. “Flow do you know she didn’t?” “Because,” do you suppose a woman with half the intuition, that is attributed to her. could fait seeing the man peep out from behind every sentence of this. The first time I read your letter 1 said inly “Men to man so oft unjust 'ls always so t* women.'’ But 1 r*»«i it ag?in, l studied it, ’till like a magic key it unlocked •< fountain of thought, I was rot aware that i posessed. Somethings you wrote arc true. _A!i! too tine. One paiagr.tph is true in the abstract only, 1 think. 1 wish I had time and space to give you my “whys” and “where, tores,’’ but ’‘is useless (or me to begin with less than three columns. I belive with yo*>, reform sin uld be gin with women, not, the class yon suggest. Don’t two thirds of onr [and other people’s tnoj illustiions men attribute all they are or have beet, to t'seir mothers? What would John Randolph, W est Gat field a host of others have been, had then mothers I teen such women as many a drunkmd calls by that dear name now? Who ever heird of a mother raising a di ink in ’ son, or an outcast daughter, wlm did het whole duty, as a mother. I know it must ire hard on a mother tv raise a son to bo a sober, noble man where the father .Dinks; for are mi the title boys often finding bottles hid den in places around the house, in the straw stacks? Yes they Jo find them, and drink, and smell, and play drunk “pa" over tltem. It is hard, l.»r such a wife and mother, to raise a pure an.l noble sou or datigbtei*, but she will succeed if she tries h inlfacmmgh. 1 can not tell why it is that when a wo man leaves the path ol rectitude, het sister woman treats her so Harshly hut one thing I lieve learned from Hie long observation. A woman nobly pure will treat, “a fallen sister’ kind ly any where, it she amends her lite, and ways, it only those that are con scions of inward ugliness themselves, that scorn those uufort.mate ones s,. bitterly. Tell that man who said a youiq gent couldn’t move in society if h< .!: iu’t drink Yea, tell him, that it is ow ing to w hat kind of society he «••• lets to. tlocieiy is graded von knuv but oh lor time and space —I le* like 1 can’t stop writing, yet 1 must ;So emeu woxli .y:ug, while yotii pa* ience try dig; the children are ciying and my ti e is dying and supper .tint. This article is somewhat mixet, but 'Hess you can find out wbat I mean by studying. Altei supper thought, I was ilme vriting, but I have a qnesti m to ask iur knowing ones, am so anxious to hear it answered (haf ! can’t wait iidU next week. Why is it that three fourths of ihe men in Dade are ho aax ions to advance her interest iu filling her offices are willing to caaWiss the w hole county chat with every voter in it, yet two thirds of the aforesaid men would not walk a quarter of mile and talk five minutes, were they mire they could gain half a dozen yearly suh scribeis to their own county (I came very near saying paper, and I prom ised von I’d drop the subject). Voters wa c th e nen, till we find out wl.a is wrong with some of them. Aitnt Pollik. Clovordale Gossip. Correspondent of the Wkkklv Times]. (Ji.ovkkoai.f. , May 5.--Justice court in this district last Saturday. J P Jacoway and John G Hale was in at Several cases was disposed of. Sunday-school at Mi Zion every Sunday. Preaching on the fourth Saturday and Sunday of each month by L N Brock . The farmers arc all busy watching the weeds glow. The folb-wieg piece was left out last week. It should have appeared under “Ruckers” piece: “Look not upon wine when it is red.” Is about all that now is said. Since strong drink is raying the noble son, Have another great and noble work begun. Principle is principle, but gain is gain, So the woild is going all the same. They caio not at all with w hum they mix. Is a about to get them in u fix. From Adam to Ham there arc two laces, Some with white and somewi'li blaci faces; With whom we cannot equalize you see, If in 18fid they were set free. The most nolde of noblest Sons of T, We would like to stop and see, How far you’vugot, an 1 how far you’ve i went Since you by some greed insperalion sent. They tell us oil last Friday night The Sons filled the duskiest v ith de ligiit. B ami F, and the Rev. 0 and f'; Filled the huskies with such glee. Temperance on principle is very good. pan work on principle it they would. But if you spend linuiey trade with me And we’ll run the rum seller out you see. !'!,e money spent in the incorporation Is pai l by the curse of the Natron. Youi streets are gyiveled and made level, * And want them now sent t./tlie devil. Don’t he so selfish and so mean, Hi nee all these tilings you have seen. They pay the lax, comply with the law, Then you cannot stop your jaw. Re consistent and always cool, And don't make yourself such a fool. Since yon by nature ate made the same You nor 1 are too blame. .Correspondence of the Tutus). Tbkntox, G.v., Max V party from Dademont were fo huve ,explored tbe Me Bee cave near lie re 1 a st ' Saturday,suppose they all arive l safe ly home again —it they went —as i have heard nothing to tlic- contrary Dade mont is a place where pr< spent.y and enjoyment go hand in hand. R”v Mr Brock baptised several per sons iu Lookout creek, near here, last rtunday. Nearly all .lie Trenton folks went theie and a number from other iioints of the comity. Mr Brock pleached at me Preshytericn church i n the evening, A large crowd in atlend iucc. Mr Games will p-eacli here ihe second Sunday. Mr Ramsey the third ami there wsll be pleaching at lie Baptist church about a mile from me the fourth. LVv. r [We w »,e forced to leave out part of “Ufy’ •oin inuineatiin on ucn tint of (he lateness of ts arrival. Try to get them to us earlier ■ lease.] .ondon Hair Restorer - Great Kngiisli ■ ,i lot *rtiele. Restores growth color, glossy id oft no's. Removes Iluddruf. Aristoeraey ■ milies ot .treat ltritniii eml ires it. lil-gant ■ suing- Fragrantly cerium 1. The favor of la- lion. At Druggsts lords 1 1 id or iCt» in l. c. inone). NEWS OVER THE STATE, What Wo Find interesting in Our,Exchanges A Large Ball of Eire In Catoosa - John Perry to Hang at Perry June 13 - Ccneral Notes. Wheat uni oat?are reported as looking wull in TValkor county. Cnrtcrrvillc hn? over ■-’<)() school children, y**t is without adequate uchooling facili tios. Col. .1 W Harris, Graysville, killed a large buek and a wild turkey last week noar flrays ville. The Courier reports that it is settled that Rome will have a new bank before the next cotton season opens. Bartow county has organized an migration and improvement society, of which Mr M G Bobbins is president. The Rome Courier states thet there is no evidence in that quarter to jus’ify the rumor that Mr. L N Trammell will be a candidate for Congress in the Seventh district. Trion Manufacturing Company will begin to mnko brick tins Week. Win. Duke will have charge of the work. Mr, Duke made the brick to build the factory at Trion, more than forty years ago. General Tooms is said to be enjoying pretty fair health, but says he is forced to take a rest rf several days at a time occasionally, lie frequently keeps several amanueness busy at one time as he dictates. A 5-year-old cat, of Gainesville, has given birth to 57 kittens at different times. A colony frrui Massachusetts is to settle on a large tract of land recently purchased in tho eastern porsion of Houston county. A three and a half year old child in Gaines ville has never cuts its teeth. George" Reeves, who lives on 0 Hardy’s, plantation, near Harlem, recently planted twelve acres ot cotton in one day, and every row was open d with ono mule, Leonidas Johnson, the rapist,has be 1 n sen tenced to han fe in Henry county May 23. An old aegro woman, who was severely burned on the ill fated steamer, Rebecca Kveringham, died in Columbus Friday morn ing from the effvets of her injuries. The Carroll County Agricultural Club offers a pre mill to of sls for the best acre ot cotton; $lO for I lie best scie of corn; $lO for ihe best aero ot bottom land coru und $1 fur the largest water melon. (J. W. Haymens, living in the corner of Ir win, Dooly and Wilcox counties g >t his finger bit while in a fight with Jack Mijmier about two months ago. lie has gone to Alfca .y to have his hand amputated. John I’orry was sentenced to be publicly hanged at Ferry, June 13th, for the murder of t>nv J Bowman. Thu ses ion of the Su|eiiox court lasted tw.clvu days and cost Houston county $1,517,311. A project to build a canal from the Cliatta hoochoe river to Atlanta, to supply tho city with water, has been abandoned, the City Oooncil not being ready to part with the wa ter work und IVauuhisea on tho terms pro posed. Jesse Gunn, of Mufiro, killed his father, Willis Gunn, in self-defense on the 33d. The father was a widower, and the difficulty was about a woman loved by both men. J L Chandliec and his wife, near Harmony Grove, were hurried in tho same eoflin. They di«d Iron pneumonia. It is said that tho oat crop of Richmond county is excellent. The Covington Enterprise reports a great deal o sicKiicss in Oxford. gome ot ttiu Decatur county lurtnors have given their coru the first plowing Warren county, had 2,549 children going to school last year—333 whites and 1,713 col ored. Cummings Clarion: One of tho ri-hest gold discoveries ever made in the ftt'i.e ha? rccent -1 b cn made by .1 •15 11, »*! lway bi tsr .u Dubious ga and Auraria. Some *peoi eus were shown and given to us that would yield thousand? to the ton. Dr. Felton say* in a letter to the Dalton Argus that ho wnl not be a candidate for Congress this time. IK ays that ho has re tired from politic:. In Dalton, memorial day will be observed on the 14th instant. The residence of Mr. Hills in Resnca was burned Monday night nliout 12 o’clock, con suming nil the fin nit me, clothing, etc., of tho family. The origin of the tiro i not known. It was fully insured. —[Cal'.n an Times. Another break on the Western A Atlantic railroad was caused last Saturday f»v a pond of water which was caught above the road, during tho heavy rams, and iu attempting to let it off the ainbanknient was washed away. The trains was rnoTing over yesterday, Wednesnay, and tho road is ugam all right.— [Calhouu Times. Walter lfitlbmiti brought in last week swv ernl pieces of pot ware {licked up iu an old field near bis father’s which arc said to be the woikef tho Indians, homo of the pieces had representation? ot scorpions and other such reptile* carved ott the outside which wc sup poso were used as handles. —[Calhoun Times. W law fir Id county is out of debt and bus over tlrrve thousand dollar* iu her treasury. Judge Graham, of Wood Station, paid us a visit this morning. lie mentions a singular incident of the storm which ensured last Sun day night that was reliued to him by a neigh bor: 1-Isq. llsirvy Williams and his family were no looking at the clouds ns they passed when they observed a large bull of fire, about the *izo of an ordinary house, riso from the ground and ascend to a considerable distance then descend to the ground again, a second time it rose and in tho center of it was the figure of a man in a sitting position. The man had black hair nod the most fearful countenance that could be imagined. The consternation and fright produced upon the observers can bo imagined. Two ladies of the family fainted Mr. Williams resides in the Duggor went and is a highly respected citizen and no doubt relates truthfully the impression made on tho minus of the observers. The luminosi ty cf the cloud may he readily explained, but the phenomenon of tho sitting man with the tearful countenance siuaok of the supernat ural.—[Catoosa Courier. Capt. Wbitsitt, of Catossa county, has wheat that will average kuoe-high and is heading. More than twenty fivo bridges wero washed away, by the recent flood, in Cobb c unty. Old “Uncle” Johnny! Boling, who lives just across White Oak mountain, claims to bo one hundred years old and says that he can our run a catamount now.—[Catoosa Courier. Corn planting and farming operations gon orally in this county have been very much delayed by unpropitious seasons.—[Catoosa Courier. In Catoosa county, Wednesday, and elec held to settle tho question of “Fence” or “No Fenee.” “Fence’s” majority was 544. In Catoosa county the new road law, which •as adopted by the Brand Jury at the last scsion, is having some trouble. Pome of the leading eiiuens says that they will go to jail before ttiev will work it. The Messenger says unless dry fair weather sets in at once the farmers, of Walker, will indeed have a Lard time trying to catch up with their work. (leorge Williams,an old citizen of Armuchee Valiev, died at hit home list Pa'urday morn E. T. R 0 Gr E R S' At the Trade Palace. : (»• f Rising Fawn, • - • Georgia. r ~ *-• > . Invites everybody and his wife to eome and see him. The Mamoth Spring. Stock of goods have arrived. • **,. '*• ■ What we Can’t sell we giv# Away. We have everything in the dry goods line, from a bale of Domestic to a Satin liihbon. • . •'•'r ' “ ■* “ r* - 4* Everything in dress goods, from a Ja paneses silk to Cotton plaids. Everything in Clothing from French worsted to a Jvhite necktie. Everything in groceries from a cask of bacon to a pound of rice. Every thing in hats from a genuine Stetson to a palm leaf. Everything in crockery and glass ware from a wash howl to a China cup. All the drugs known to Materia Medica. Every thing in Hardward from a log-chain to a sewing needle. Everything in hoots and shoes from a brogan boot to an infants slipper. And an endless variety of tin; a volatile would not enumerate what we[ hare in hosiery, novelties and notions. r TAKE SCRIP AT PAR. ___ *' •V ;V Want all the barter you bring from an anvil block to a whetstone. Yon wilt timl me or the Indomitable Tom Gray at tho store tit any hour day or night* If you want to save money come to see us. Wc n)emi business. • C. T. ROGERS.. ing. lie-had boon complaining for ada tv. o of neuralgic pains about his bead, "am while out walking, at the time mentioned dropped dead. The supposition is that he died of neuralgia of tho heart —[Walk. County Messenger. fay for Crutchfiod, who escaped from his guard while on the wav to the asylum, a few weeks since, fs said to k in ( baftooga < ouu ty.—Walker County Messenger. A levee :o«ud Rome is now called for. ACROSTIC. mams's thukk vottoks “God is lore,“yes, this sweet motto dear on Ever remember after msma has gone, Over flic river, where you may come. Rejoicing, if your life's iv..rk is well done, “God thou geest me,” eh, think of this on too. Every day and hour, thy whole life trough. Make it your shield in temptations hour. And he will save yon fr m the tcinptors pnwe “The Lord will provide” us a inottoo indeer Heaven hern, to cheer poor mortals in nee Every morning to pray, and xrork for the! broad. Satisfied that it will come without futu;. dread. Around thw halls of mem’ry, n*w in youth, “learly engrave those words of holy truth. Unrivaled by the words of sago or seer— hull—lull of b vo, watQh r ulness, and 6he»i For those who love, fear, and trust him her. • P A Acukk. Liver, Kidney or St«mai h ronbL Symptoms; Impure, edpstive bowels, irreg ular appetite, soar belching, pains in si> ba»k and head, yellow (trine, burning win urinating, clay colored stools, bnd breth. i desire for work, chills, fevdr, irritabilii whitish tongue, dry cough, dizzy head, wit dull paines til back part, loss of memory , fog gy. fight- For thesf troubles swavnks pi, i arc a suro cure. Box. (30 pills)by mail V Ct*.,.sfivr sl-00. Address DR. KWAYNK bON r Pbilada Pa. Sold by Itriigoists. Carrollton is a dry town, butH mania stay drunk there fora week. Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Consumpth n All Roat, Breast, and Lung,CaCfections eu ed by the old-established “SWAYNS WIL CHERRY.” The firs, does givo relief an,l cure speodly follows. 25 Cts., or SI.OO. * Druggists. - ——.■ - - In Athens recently a drunken white mn fell on his knees, in the street, and prayed fo nearly an hour. Workmen have begun grading the Green villc extension of the Rome A Columbns rail road. Itching Piles - Symptoms and Cure The symptoms ajerooisturo, like porsptra tion, intense itching increased scratching; cv cry distressing particular at night; seems r,.- if pin-worms were cr tiling and about the rev turn; the private parts arc sometimes affected If slowed to continue very sort, u< results mn follow, swaink.s (uxtmknt” is aplonsnnt snr euro. Also for Tetter, Itch, Salt-1th,•»!, Sacald Head, Erysipelas, Barbers Itch Blotches, ail scally crusty Skin Diseases, B>, by mail 50 Cts.; 3 for $1.25. Address Dt. SWYNE A .SON PUilada., l’a. Sold by Drug ists. Shadow’s Son»& Co. pKornirroß rrv CYdar Grove Niiscry Winchester - * - Term. Growers and Dealers n ’ all kind of first- Class Late and Early v Oritanien al trees, Vines of all vinds, etc. . All communications i n s wered. Every thing guaranteed. Agents Wanted. ITERS’ “’SSSBir ORBAIS . AfstTV . WtlbMMlMMlhl T.'-StL"? ~-.JP. **«.<« «*•< vwfuti n < -- j <MK || i lM.vwnM.fbr A btv. (M itMnlri ~fc _ Cw»u. In. w>H Him. V«lw,**l Iv With Oir^cU.».U(W rlwrirMyiw*. WA |2q tkhm runoM, oarnEmm. ‘kJ'iW BRIJA CONCKIt- TSSi'tlß, tKNTKNMAI. CHIUK*. CHI.HKM, U HATER, FA* mouvkni* nixcir .u am’- V, OtiClN.l, l> C.I.U. rrtKkl'uM to PURITY */ TOH'IJWI «r«A pm •- of toH.| iihaM. for riKMIK w Its \V*M sell a better iMnweM * A -r jirtre than any oilier hou.r in Ikr 1) , 41188* PMKQB “.•Siwl 1 KKST ,rF ti)E, T onp, » arW f>*ii\ f bilify I VI i -‘h irsl.V VEAKs. r. H >S KAtrrn •xw Jor ( tuih, Aldiithij Icstn!ißK > ..ts i. . A Il'icraldiKcnuu V.nchr .V i i-.fa t %5d..01, Lodge* f rfc.AlaEXT* WAMtil. !:2c!nmnnat9 to he Trade. liiiiHlrmetf .o*r;i«n .llnllt .l. \ H - H V MAK(«AI .\H, Hlitwl .t|u«lo «i! r r li»f ; mohm at 1 cent a . .. ; vVATSilift A* SON'S Munl'm. Aiid .)t Jer», 40 JKuoi I4ih MtMI. Hew VwK