Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, May 14, 1884, Image 2

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ileihiic (Comity ißHcflp (Linus OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DADK < OFNTY. • C«rio!*|)owJencc M»liciroil: but to rrctMve ai tention. <»o oimini<*ation> nuiM b« ncrom|»nnie bv a name —not lor publication bid a.** a guarantc* of gowl faith. Contribution* of n<• w.*• **olic‘it«*«l from every quartt'i*. Kcjc* *te<i artb-W*?* will not he re- X tirue<i iu>k'p.' panted by a Httinij?* A'l rate* ami estimates given on application. SonsiurrtoN —One year, $1.50; six mouths, 75 cents; tliree months, 4U cuts. I . A. J. M AJOUS, All letters slmuld be addressed to Til K TIM KS, Kisiug F(i wit. On. T. J. imons, I’ditor iiml rnlilislnr. orH CIIoK E l OU IXi^IiRKSS. HIE ll(!\. J. T. II HUXTS. OF WALK Kit. [Our reagou; First, lie is the only man in the district that can annihilate the Inde jtrndrnt party of the Seventh Congressiona district. Second, that he is entitled to it. Third, that he more able to do the Work]. WEIINESII.U MW 14, 1881. Rising Fawn, May 9. —1 am a citi zen of Datlc county, 1 was horned and raised hear. Where is some strange fveaksjof natnie in this vicinity which I wish to call yonr attention, and the attention of the public generally. In 1878 the good citizens of this vicinity mutually agreed to build a school house, church and Masonic hall; so all nun rich and poor felt an interest in ♦ce enterprise. So all went to work and contributed according to tlicit in ans. Their idets [ roved to he laig ei than their means would admit, still iliev continued to carry on the woik. Ju ihe meantime our Bother Cross, a better man n« ver lived, contributed liberals’ as well as oilier, and the fact was ascertained ilmt there had to be jaised more than the public, at that lime, wax able to pay, to carry out the p| hi ret fourth. Mr. Cross, who at that time was a drinie svmker, had some surplus money ou hand, he ad vanced enough money to carry out the pri'grame for the good ol all, and taken a mortgage on the basement story o the building, which was to have been a sclvol room. So time went on, the bail ling was erected to tlie second Mo > ; the churched ceased to do any more, altei using all the money donated by the lodge and pubisc generally, and and public, and failing to con ply with the agreements by the leading mcni licisof the church. So the lodge had 1« proceed to elect their part of the l ni'dmg extia of all agr« t incuts and former donations, ’which c<>st tlen tliree or foil bund led dollars. So by tliis extra expense the lodge, at that lime, was unable to pay; so the mechanic ti'sd his lean, and had the lodge i om sold. Mr. < r s Mops in and bids the property of] an came into the lodge and gave them un limited time to pay the debt. God bless bis son’! A bettci man neve;. Jived in this town. At the death o Br-ther Cro«s he appointed .las, \\ Blevins executor of his will, who in pursuant of his duty had to foreclose a mortgage given by the lodge and chinch, which icsnlted in a comproni ise. The L»d *e ami churches ipleased all tlieii claims to the basement st-.n m tin* building, which was at the time unfinished and in no condition tor me. Onr progranie was then, that we would make a church ami school room of the seco id story, which worked all l ight until our present preichet came,to wit: Mr. Caines, he being, as I suppose, perfectly ignorant of the trials, strug gles ami hardships ‘hat the poor peo ple of this community had already gout* tinoitgh, he Utnisplf * t that time being pocessed of a g" ,M I suit ol clothes, arid alter partaking freely of the kind pitaiities of v ssmeol the good Metlm di-i brethern.ln began to I eel his keep iiig so sencihlv th;it Ik* concluded that the church room wa- tmt good enough for him to preach in; the walls was too rough for him; it was attaining to his lungs; ii m«»t he plastered. Tin plastering was done and the jolt is liov completod. Brother Fames can pi.arl tliere How. Brother Carnes am H few of Ins special • favot lies have a small Sabbath school tlmn "Which is :iH right But Mr. h)di* there mils* he beitei m it *ri il hr u.v to the front heioie my cliiblieii sh.i evei hem a piayei dicied ap i:i ibis Sunday school. lalk to me about a iu in pray ing fur my children in the Sunday sehoo 1 , but enough on ibis subject. Let a uiau be a man and not a hvpocrit. y word to the elimeh: Hypocraey lias caused more discontentment in tin* church than any’ thing else. I sav just uphold such characters in your churches and Bun •lay-sehools and see the final result. The laboring class of people con- Iriluiied'to the building of this church and school room,- and they can*t send tlieii cbildreii to school; the church ■vi 11 not let them use the building for a sel o 1. They do not want to be con trolled entirely, by a set ot broken down an istocratic, hypocritic metho dist. I suppose some of the good uiethodist brethern will cofne to the front and answer this complaint. 1 hope they will. Honest. WASHINGTON LETTER. Samuel J. Randall Showes His Principle. Tllden’s Chance for the Presidency Lost-Tllden is Believed to Have Advletl and Supported Ran His Course. Corresponeut ef the Wekki.y Timks], Washington, .iD. C., May o. —The result of the vote to strike out the enact ing clause of the Morris son tariff bil has had a contrary effect to wlnit was hoped and expected by those Denio ciats who united with the Republican* in defeating this eminently wise and just measure. They had supposed it would tjuito of the ques tion and that the masses of li party would accept this vote of forty-one Demociats and one hundred and eigh teen Republicans to strike out tiie enacting clause as a verdict against t!i'* one hundred and fifty-one .Demo crats and four Republicans who voted ii proceed with the consideration of the bill. Such has not been the effect, however, foi even friend of tariff re form is now more determined than ever, and out of more than fifty Members and twenty Senators with whom yonr carret.p,anient has conversed not one is for dropping the agitation ol tlie question, but all say the ball must roll ou and those who had not the courage or manliness to fairly meet the issue in Congress must be made to mee; it at Chicago m July. The vote has produced a revolution in senti ment bore and even Republicans who voted to kill the hill, because it was a. Democratic measure, now say that re form is ivcessary and it will le the first duly ot me Republican party, *if they succeed in November next, to # ac eomp'ish what Democrats have tailed to do. Not only so, hut honest stal wart Democrats, who only a week ago, were so oaruest and outspoken in their advocacy of the Domination of thc fc ‘ohl ticket” are on the war pi*!i ’.ijfainft Til,ion. who they say, they have ever reason to believe, advised ami support ed Randall in his course. A very’able conservative Senator in a company of Senator? and Representatives last even ing, tlmt to him the whole matter was plain: Baudnl! and Dana’s Sun but reflected i lie wishes of i'i'den and lie should have n » more of him. To this view every one present assented and mme ol them in Words’ more emphatic than elegeiit, ami one of them siid> ‘lf Sam Randal! has succeeded in stay, in j icmporarilv the success of this vi ta! measure of Democratic reform, he has succeeded in damning himself for all time and his master with him.” It is now generally believed that Congress will hurry through with tin* appropriation and other absolutely necessary Dills and he able to adjourn befo'e the first of July. A majority' < f the friends ol tariff relonn favor this idea and hoped to get through in time to be at Chicago, July Bth. and see mat a lihging revenue reform ta:iff platform is adopted. « Before F resident Arthur took the Cxecutive chair ol the Nation there was no more skilllul or shrewder ma chine politicians in the land than In*; tin! though it would seem with the en iro Federal patronage at his disposal te would be able to take complete con trol nf and .govern and lead liis party, ids Presidential garb, like the armor vhich it vvas proposed to load upon David when lie went out to slay Go ndii, appears to hinder and make his (forts less ellcciive than without it. le has tried to gain a little advaimage itli the tew offices In* has recently oid to give old, but be hasn’t been erv successful Tin* office <>f s'olioi ir ol tfie 1 reasiiry goes '-Liming Burrows, >: Mtcuigaii, wn- otteieJ t:i v * place, and for a while it looked as though lu* was going to accept it and gave the Arthur boom a boost; hilt the ex-f'oiigiessman, leeling that it would he host to huh* blf. as otliei hands In and by might hi* able to oi ler him a better place, declined it. 1 In* Bj resident then appointed C.innolly, of Illinois, thinking to sieil some <>l Logan’s thunderJhereby; hut Connol ly a I looking the field over concluded that John’*, chance* were better than Chester’s and he might fare better in the near future by declining the place and he gushed aside the offer. The Presidentjsecing his cause lagging,and tailing to do anything with the offic,, in hands, has concluned to ga hewe to his old stamping ground and see “tin* boys” and try some ot bis old methods —some .of the ways with which he is entirely familiar—to see what can be done to help his boom along. Conse quently, lie went over eo New Yoik the middle- of the week, and will be absent until lie can get bis political fences fixed a little. Meanwhile Blaine is taking things calmly, and is daily braced up with Hope_as reports from bis book agents come in. After tbe election next Nuvembei these Republi can fellows will wonder why they cared so much lor the empty honor ol tee nomination and spent so much time, patienoe, means, and according to the statesments of the newspapers of their own party, the little reputa tions they had to secure it. During the entire week the city has been filled with the disciples of Fscit lapias, called here to attend the an i ual convention of the American X’edi cal Association. T hey are, taken al together, a fine and intelligent looking body* of men. The}' have been voyally entertained, during the fore part ol the week. This afternoon the entire par ty made and excursion to Mt Vermin, returning at bait pa*! nine o’clock and to-night the Capitol is illuminated and the delegates a e being received by tbe Senators and Representatives Tire Filz John L’urtei relief bil! bti.l hangs fire in Congress The House relusei) to concur in the Senate amend meats to the bill, and tbe measure has gone to a committee of conference The President of the Senate appointed Senator Logan one of,.the conferees on tlie part of the uppei House, hut per emptorily refused toy serv n , on ihe giotind that he was absolutely opposed to any* proposi: ion f r the relief of the person named in the bill; so he was excused, and Senator Hawley was put on the conference committee in In stead. T he Senate Committee has reported favorably tbe lloliso bill to pension the willows ol sol tiers of the Mexican war. with a proviso that said soldi,' * or ni bws aie in any degree depend ent. 'i'll* bill wi 1 j dogjiiless h(C 'i)H*fi uCv in some form beloic the adjourn ment of Congress. and tbe services o! a deserving class of soldiers thus recog iiized. S. IL FROM COLE CHY Corn-spondent of tin- Timks], Cul.i: CITV./iA., M.iy I*2. Xu til tiling much or iniportyice. Pleasant weather, ami school iwgoing on with six’y students ami all *he parents wel: satisfied, knowing their chihlren .vill rtveived good attetilion. Mr. Morrell, a stockholder in the company, has gone to Washington to consult Senator U.own in legat'd to sinking a sloaping shaft on the moun tain to draw the eoal out on top of the mountain. There will he a large stationary engine placed at the shaft to coal out on the lovil. It will stopagreal deal ol expeuce on tl, company. v The Dade Coal Company have in creased their convict labor from tom bundled to rise lit.tidied and nine 'They arc going to do a large business in the way of shipping coal this com ing winter. Cal and David has not heat anybody yet, hut they are always going to. hut theytan’t fudge • nnugli. Z // Froin Wildwood. Correspondence of the Wkkki.v fives], \\ it.i.svooi), C.v, May I*2.—The fanners are making use of the good weather; planting oml plowing their corn. Wheat is looking fine; some ol it is in full bloom. liiil Plipps is in Dade again, visi ting friends. The <>l l 1*74 district is booming. Miss [{ .sa Ueakins is teach- j ing sdiod in tire church, and has : a school. Miss Kl/./.ie Martin is als.> teaching near Richard Tittle wliife Miss Au ll '• • ! owtiseml s leeching mtr ’Squire Iliggiiib’ 1 t-o y*m bee we li n e three .cfiools in t hit* «lif t lint, nil (might hy lenthies. . .Miss .lei.uii' (JhitoM sick; thought t .» be c iiimiiiipt ion. .lose) li Coleman was here to-day winding 1111 tiurjnf-e-'.-'ineiits. John Clark is in the lan hark hnsi :iess. Mitcli Piipe conimeneeed to hark* iug, loit hv s one means lie has ceased to bark. Mrs. Col It M Parish is somewhat better than she has been tor some time. Lee Pope is still in the cattle busi ness. Henry Russell has been ortlainel to [•reach, and next Sunday he makes his first trial at the church near the tunnel, and Wildwood will swe.rm on thgt day for they think it is a poor tows that can’t afford one preacher. Be- I sides etnigiation is pouring into our town rapidly: for there is a couple ol young men who have taken rooms and expect to hatch among us a while. We also had a mechanic in our town proposeing to mend all the young gents umLiellas and ladies paiasols. . Ano.v. NEWS OVER THE STATE. What Wo Find Interesting in Our Exchanges Several niaddogs have beer, killed West Point. The wheat crop of Whitfield county promi ises an abundant yield. The new fifty directory credits Augu-dn with a population oi :>j,::7i. Th. oat'Cop ia (lending out rapidly in Scriven louuiy and bid? I’u.ii- to lie ae line a.? .if was lo 3 omo ago. Five has been nrfs ed at Ihiki and l earied to tile Uuncv iile jail for robing freight! ear at l.ula . There are no retail 1 iqnor shops in l’i. kens and tiie grand jti y has just ask the -ordinary to gr.-rtit no more I i-ens-s. tieorg Wellington di. din M»e-1h county on the I Ufa. ilo was dliuk, and snposed to be I ■>7 years old. Twenty years ago a svi ilar homicide to that liiinn affair iook place in iluncouibe, in the e niitv. John McCurdy, Sr., had malic! is w<> hi an con.rary ti tile i*i-iieaot his son, John Mei'unjv, Jr. The father killed the son to pretenl the s .11 from killing hint.—[Walton •N L V. 6 - A ill‘ell mind is beliebed to bo locatep five miles f.oiu Elderton. Judge E. F bnwson of Waynesboro, is a candidate for tile Strte Senate. C. K. Pringle, James K. Hines and robcet J Maye are eandidau s for legislative honor.? in • i ashington conn t y . he remova! of the county site is being agi lat-d to >oine i xieut inn.Mu-rjr aoiiniy imt Spring Plnee piuinnv hold the fort for some time to come: The Democratic Executive Committee of Pike county meets at Zcbiilon next Tuesday to airatig tor iho selection of delegates in the two Smaes eon volition. .1. A. bullocks water mill, one mile from Ochiockiiii -e, burned a lew nigh.? ago. His insranee aggregated one tuoii .uid lour hundred doliais. Hadre.u.od tliwo tliuusaud ,1 •liars for the mill. A Haiti- county gentlemen redorts finding a new-born girl in a pasteboard box inCoUini eus bund iV- lie took tiie little waif home and curing for it. .). I’. ivilcr, of Klbeilhn, says that lie has a si.-t t, AliA. Pope Webb, of Jackson county, who had nine sons in.the late, all of whom got through Without h scratch and r, tin ned home safe. Simon Jonson (colored) lasi Sun lav attemp ted a rrj.e on a white lady <)d years ~l(ij,n [ tiie road ieining f|om lliivni svilie to .Milner. Sherat! Hussey arre.ted him Sunday night*, in Mon roe conn r; and has him in custo dy. ’ ' | I A dfTieuliv ngttiir'al at Antioch clinrch, in 1 Fay t e Sunday the-t h install-, between two young m-n by the name of tloivuil and Dunn ! reulting in the dangerous stalling of Dunn by lloweil. • Floyd conn o do’/ law w ill not increase the c mi tie's revenues to any gri a extent. There I is eorainlynot less than 12,000 d igs in the eountiy and not 100 have been returned for taxes. The peach crop is very flattering, the trees are loaded young fruit. TlO early varities , w.ll soon be ripe. The early Arnsdcn has rip pened here by 11th of Alay.—[Sandersville ll'raid. .S'iuce the stock law has been in operation, and people have been forced to give there sows more attention, there has he n a makret increase in the quantity and great improve ment in the quality of butter marks.t at this place.—[Greien boro Herald. The stand of corn and cotton througout Son.hern tieorgia is said to be very perfect. Crops of all ki tides are growing off finely, the most of the corn crops have received the first going over witli the plow and hoe, and the chopping ot cotton will commence-as soon as the laud is dried of! slficedt. Wool clipping will soon begin. Mr. John C. Frazier, of this county will shear one thou an sherd. Hon. John Sappo and others have larg numbers. With more wool on the market in the sprsng. r.nd more hoyie raised paeon in the fall then* soon be plenlg monoy. Cotton ralscdiw tli foreign bacon aqd fertiliz i'/.eis dontlaav money in tho farm. —[Camilla Clarion- It is said that the farmersjof Washington and oil"t eouhties in the stu* - have organ ized acompany l'oi tho insunneo of hoises an ! mules. Each member deposits $1 for every animat lie owns, and it one dies during the year he can draw from the fun 1- s[ofi to buy another - 'This association ha- been in exist ence for several years and well. It has been demonstrated that f 1 will cover the risk on one horse or mule twelve m’uilhs. It is rumored at Alla- a hit a decision in the Sho ter will cause wm Oc deliver d may !J.*s< ndiug the case back for a new trial 1 :i the mom.time a new claim int has appeared in the p - rs of a Mrs. Forger, who raised in T'-xa-aud who elamvs to be a half sister of the test tor. The execulii nof the will hav toke i the tr - pper step to peroetuato the im p -tant tesiiuiony ot C(,| Alex nder, of Hone wby is the souls witness in th z most es-eutiai fuel in -ii pp- n ~t ii;c "\vill. E. T. R 0 G E li S \ •- At the Trade Palace. Rising Fawn, - - - Georgia ( Invites everybody and his wife to oomo and see him. The Manioth Spring Stock of goods have arrived. What we Can’t sell we give * \ everything in the dry goods line, from a bale of Domestic to \ a Satin llibbon. j Everything in dress goods, from a Ja panees silk to Cotton plaids. Everything in Clothing from French worsted to a white necktie. Everything in groceries from ni cask of bacon to a pound of rice. Every thing in hats from a genuine Stetson to a palm leaf. .Everything in crockery and glass ware from a wash bow! to a China cup. All the drugs known to Materia Medica. Every tiling in IJardward from a log-chain ton sewing needle. Everything in boots and shoesfrom a brogan boot to an infants slipper. And an endless variety of tin; a volume would not (‘numerate what we! have in hosiery, novelties and notions. * TAKE SCRIP AT PAR. Want all the barter you bring from an anvil block to a whetstone. You will find me or the Indomitable Tom Gray at the ! store at any hour day or night. If you want to save money come to see us. YVe mean business. IE, T. ROGERS. ' We are glad In noties that much rttentlsu is h-iiig pain to the raising of tine stock in Ih.-s I ■ cetion - i hero isn t a liner stock country un der the sun t! in .North tieorgia. Jersi vs |s ms to be the favo ites with uurfnitncrs. [Cartersvillo Ainarienu. evening lasi a 17-year old lad named Darby necompanied by tw>> young,■ • boysnntuecl Cbanibiiss. were Walking thaough r p'Sntatian fonrmibs above Lumpkin, in Stewart eeuniy, when I hey came to gullv in which was quite a larg hole ot water made by the recent heavy rains. Seeing a snake in the water the boys began (crowing sticks anb rocKS at it. and as yeimg Darby stood near the wateru edge the dunk grve wap beueath him ahlvhe tell into the water, which piooved to be several feel deep. Me could not swim and ! in ateeiniitiiig to save him one of the Cham bliss boys also fell in, but was resaued by his brother. Darby struggled to get out but in vain, and soon succeeded drnwidg in sight of bis vyung friends, who were tillable to rescue ] lism.[Amcricus Record Liver, Kidney or Stomach ronble, K} mptoms: impure, coiistive bowels, irreg ular appetite, sour belching, pains in side back and head, yellow urine, burning when urinating, clay colored stools, bad bretli, no desire lor work, chills, fovor, irritability whitish tongue, dry cough, dizzy bead, with dull paines in back part, loss of in< mory, fog gy sight. For these troubles swaym s pli.l.s are a sure cure. liox. (JO pills)bv mail 25 Cts., 5 for §l-00. Address DR. SWAYNE «fc SON , i’hilada Pa. Sold by Drugoists. Coughs, Colds. Catarrh, Consumption All thorat, Breast, and Lung, affections cur ed by the old-established “SWAYNS WILD CHERRY.” The firs, does give relief and it cure speedly follows. Ho Cts., or §I.OO, nt Druggists. In Athens recently a drunken white man fell on his knees, in the street, aud prayed for nearly an hour. itching Piles - Symptoms and Cure. The symptoms moisture, like perspira tion, intense itching increased scratching; ev ery distressing particular at night; seems ns if pin-worms were crdling and abnu - the rec tum; the private parts are sometimes affected. Ifalowed to continue very serious results may foll-iw. sw.usks niNTMitvr” is apleasant sure cure. Also for Tetter, Itch, Salt-Rhcam, Sacald Head, Erysipelas, Barbers I toll, Blotches, all sc ally crusty Skin Diseases, liox by mail 50Cts.; 3 for .ii. 25. Ad Hess I*lt. SWA NE A: SON Phiiada., Pa. Sold by Drug ists. Carrollton is a dry town, but a man can stay drunk there, fqr a week. London Hair Restorer - Great English Toilet Vrticle. Restores growth color, glossy and oftness, Removes Daddruf. Aristocracy families of Great Britain endoroes it. Elegant dressing. Fragrantly perfumed. The favor ite of fashion. At Druggets for 3s 1 I 4d or 75Cts ill l’. S. money. Of Kentucky Lexington, Ky. Trm to complete »S» Fu4i Oenrie ahouf 10 vreka Total Coil, Moiudtßfr Tuition Rvo*», St*tinnrrv. he., about Tel a ipceUlt? Literary Courn* for <m? year tf desireti. free. neeriy 400 •(•'lent! fm*n 21 Sta'JQTlast r«ar 6 000 •occen.f.n <ra*l':a i "* Simc/ier See*|no dust open. Stud*nt* can al »ny tfm* raraUon Fall eewiloe September to»h For fu ii p». ticul*/--. a<tdr»m W- K- SMITH, Leilnfirton, K r Shadow’s Sonh& Co. pROPrtIKTitB OE Cedar Grove Nusory IT 'inch ester • - Ten n Growersjmd Dealers in a.l! kind of first- Class Late and Early Emit trees, Orimmen tal trees, Vines of all kinds, etc. All communications answered. Every thing* guaranteed. Agents Wanted. MAKSiIIT RKPOKT. Corrected by E T ROGERS? dealer in Ge n eral Jij 7- i chant dizc. v RISING FAWN, May U . a. KKTAtL QUICKS. COCNTRY PKODL'i to. Flour $8 U() -Meal 1 do Bacon (deargiide) is I Oats jo Wheat "... 1 no • hickenx chickens 15, hens ■'!O Kgg.< ; in Butter,No 1 «. ‘ ;>p “ No. 2 galo I EH, Coffee ](,%' Sugar ]n “ Granulated ij White beans ojt Rice......./. in Cheese 2(1 Corn ;5 Hay i in Lard 1»* Sorgniu ft 0 N 0 Molasses * 75 * W I)ftV G'Kil** ’’’ Rock City Domestic! t 07 “ “ ‘7 8 Oft Priii! , best brand lift I*2