Newspaper Page Text
I'.cutuH LuJgt X i 1 <!) I", kV
A A 1 iiieuls on \\ nim-i'd’v uiulit i ■.• ii
ur wt'oiv CHk'll (till IM.mtt. J. ti
Paco {jwretai}'; M. A. B lutum.;
>V M
1 Teuton Gliaptor No. Co H A M,
Uit*ct(> swptitl Katunlay iiigiii m <;idli
*wontb. 8. ii Tiiuntfitii Si-oitMs.i y,
y* . Hussov H P.
Pawn Loilgw No. 2W3
V <fc A M iuidU first Mini third
fcatuuluy night of each month. R P
Tatum, Societary; J W Bussey, W
jg)flF*Da'le Superior Conits meets
on third Monday in March and the
third Monday in Septetnliei. J C
Fain, judge; 8 II Thurman, clerk; W
A Byrd, tdieriff.
(!ourt ol Ordinary meets the first
Monday of each month. G M Crab
%iee, ordinary.
Tex Rtrittr, Joseph Coleman.
TaX Collect..r, <1 W Ilugbos.
Treasurer, Z O’Neal.
Will practice in the Cherokee Circuit, and
Supreme an Federal courts, Prompt, atten
tion to business.
T .J. Lumpkin,
All’y At Law
Tienton, - - Ga,
Wilt practice in the counties of Dade and
Walker. Will pay strict attention to all
%utinee* entrusted to his care. feb.l7-ly
the old established
HW On.the Company Road.
Ladies and gents Low Cat
rmade from $2.50t0 *7.00. Boots from
$6.00 to SIO.OO. Try me you will be
T. H. Robertson.
Rising Fawn , Feb. 27th-
to all whom it may concern:
Andrew Brown having in proper form «p
--ear z’srrx£ry‘ fis-
BSSL late of said
™ a y\- d -asa
to be and appear at ay office on
the firat Monday in J ««e next, and show
if any they caw,why permanent letters
should notbegrantedUl
Anflrew Brown on Parthena Killian estates.
A w".,» »' k-«-
««• «•* ”* * pn ' i* M.
Printers fees 3 24. Ordinary.
p|l. DU MCA HI’S
1 lutnwn tin.
JSature’aJxre** remedy Hr •"» f
feetions of the bowels.
This *plendi« *»* never-failiag medl
cmo pounded from Btackberrv and
k Root* And Herfce, w there
(Tore perfectly harmless. It is oleasMU
to tfee BftOtt delicet© §o»a<*
• , .tw>*av mnd effectual for the
«rVfeL - .Js=xs^3
srs^aß "”•*
Yon »,.! o«* „ o'.'** if s“ u
'irs s-a T...
sHS s
fail It will'also, if taken regularly, build
“ VJ the weak and debilitated sys
tem and above all, leaves ne bad effects be
hind, as do so many other preparations.
dr dijkcak*
liver and kidney medicine
The great preventive and cure of all »a
larial diseases and a sure cure for all forms
• f dispensia and indigestion It acts direct
ly upon the liver and all the secretory glands
of the stomach and bowels, it cures the dis
ease by remorlag the cause from the system
that produces or brings on the disease; hence
It l. unsurpassed for the cure of eoosLpaUcn
seur stomach, heartburn, headache, and all
those symptom* indicating the want of proper
acUon of those s la«d. situated in the atom
« j V)ow«l« Two or three bottles of Da.
.id Kid.,, MOioin, i.
, lively recommended to relieve and cure any
if the Xv™ diseases if take, a, directed.
r rie© 76<ee®t*»
Duncan’s Worm Syrup
,"r‘o .b. "hud... i, ~»'r*r,r::.
l"'i ,'V„d. ,h.'.t0,., oduiißioUrod ..UK,..
trouble. Price 2» cent*.
]%s».**l»V|ll», TCIIU.
Dade County Times*
T. A.HAVKOX, Local Editor.
Wrunesdav, Mat 28 1881
Only two boaider at the county hotel
T H B CV.e went up to Chattanoo
ga Friday.
W. P. and Miss Sue Pace returned
from Chattanooga Friday
.1 M Curry has put in a fish trap in
Leokout. Where is it at Jabe?
Oapt. and Mrs. K T Rogers came up
from Rising Fawn Saturday evening.
Mrs J P Jacoway lias been ill for
some few days. Hope she will be out
Dr E B . Ketcherside, of Jasper,
Tenn., paid us a pleasant visit last
Jewbilikinsl how hot.—M.—lt snot
so.—H. —You are both lying, its mod
erate —Devil.
We had a good rain Saturday and
Sunday, It was needed bad, but was
hardly enough.
There will be some peaches in this
vicinity, and at some places in the
county a full crop.
Oar local editor spent Saturday and
Sunday in Collinsville with well,
you know who.
The following marriage license were
issued during the past week: W J
Killian to Josiphine Torbett
Court of Ordinary meets next Mon
day. Goody! the Judge will give the
creek bank a rest for one day.
Master Benny Crabtree caught 32
sunpereh Saturday. Lookout Judge
or he will be a better fisherman than
Marion Blevins, son of Gaines Blev
ins, was kicked by a mule a few days
ago,and severely hurt at James’Switch
county, Ala.
David Tatum has been called away
several times for the past week on ac
count of the illness of his mother, who
is still very low.
A young man named Yonng was
fatally injured by a limb falling on
him, last Webnesday while hauling
tanbark near Eureka, DeKalb county,
Ala. He died Saturday.
We hav® heard some talk of the
M K Sunday-school at this place hav
ing a picnic. We are needing some
thing of the kind to break the monoto
ny, and infuse more life into the town.
Is four or five year there will be
more lovliness in the feminine popu
lation of Trenton, if the present pros
pect holds out, than any town twice
its size in North Georgia.
Another case “didn’t know it was
loaded” happened in Chattanooga
Thursday. Jeff Lee killed Andrew
by shooting him in the thigh
with both barrel! of an “unloaded”
shot gun. He died in a few minutes
from the loss of blood.
See the advertisement of E T. Rog
ers in this weeks paper. He makes
to promises that he will not fulfill. He
advertises nothing only what he has,
and when you carry him your barter
you are sure to get his goods as cheap
as i! you had the money. Don’t fail
to call eaily and first choice.
W* have been informed that there
was a picnic at the Mcßee cave near
here last Saturday. Our reporter was
negligent as to informing himself in
regard to thetime and consequences,
therefore we are not able to give our
readers the full details, but from what
information we have that it could have
had a lager|attendance.
Notice: The following papers were
found and left at this office: One
uute payable to J S or I 8 Smith &
Son or bearer seventeen dollars and
sixty cents, signed Ervin Harrison. A
eceipt from A J Nelson to Ervin Har
ison, also a receipt from S P Hard
wick to Ervin Harrison and other notes
rnd receipts, which the owner can have
by calling at this office and paying for
this advertisement.
The series of meetings held by th e
Primitive Baptist, near this place last
week and Sunday, were largely at
tended. The house was more than
full, and in fact, we believe the at
tendance is always large for the ac
commodation, most especially in re
gard to seats, it would add very
much, with little cost, to the comfort
of the congregation to procure more
and better seats,
S,u? change ul Dr. Duncan’* ad.
Col h L) Gialtam, of Cartersville,
Ga., was in our town yesterday
Court of Ordinary ami Vf U. Jac
o\v«y gone fishing at present writing,
John Ciay passed through town.
Tnesiay .viih bis *aw mill. Hewil.i
stop with it soltiewheie u ear 11. L.
W. A lison’s.
Wc are glad i>* learn that M s
Fryer, who has been very sick tor
some time, is getting better, and that
hopes are entertained that she wiil re-
We understand that Mr H L W
Allison, an old and esteemed citizen
of this county, was stricken with
paralysis yesterday. Serious tears are
entertained as to the result.
Messrs M A B Tatnm and J P
Jacoway, returned from their fishing
expeditions from Alabama last Thurs
day, They claim to have caught some
fine fish but we did not see them.
Elisha Thomas died at Sulphur
Springs, DeKalb county, Ala., last
Sunday evening, He was a young
man just in the bloom of manhood.
The writer was well acquainted with
him, and regreted very much to learn
of his death.
Saturday, June 14th is set apart as
the day for all the citizen* of this place
to meet at the graveyard at the Bap
tist church for the purpose of clearing
off the slirubery and undergrowth.
Attention has been called to thie mat
ter in another column, None of us
wish to live and be entirely or soon for
gotten, neither is it all of life.
Another fiend in human shape
throws a dynamite cartridge in Look
out Creek above Sitton’s Mill last
Wednesday. When a man becomes
so degraded as to kill fish in this man
ner should, if found out, be'
punished to the full extent of the law
which may be found in section 4310 of
the code which reads as follows: “A
fine not to exceed SI,OOO, imprison
ment not to exceed six month, to work
jn the chain gang on the public works
or on such sther works, as the county
anthoritiei may employ the chain gang
not to exceed twelv® mouths, aud any
or more of these punishment u>ay be
ordered in the discretion of th® judge.”
Last Saturday night, at Rising
Fawn, about 11 o’clock, John Sannd
ers knocked B®n Daniel down by strik
ing hnu with a sling-shot, and rob
bep him of his hat, as the evidence
showed. Daniel svvor® out a warrant
Monday against Saunders charging
him with assault and battery and
larceny. He was brought before th e
Court cf Inquiry at Rising Fawn and
committed to jail on this charge to
await the action of the grand jury at
the next term of court. He was
brought down by A 1 Gibson Tuesday
morning, aud was assigned a lodging
at the county boaidiug house. Con
sidering the circumstances he is one of
those whom the county ought to be
perfectly willing to give his board.
Z Z., of Cole City, can get his ditch
dug at the prices he gives and have
$6 7 5 left, and I think that he should
send the amount to th® Timf.s and or
der the paper sent to f riends who are
not able to pay for it. At $1.25 per
yard A will cut 37$ yards of ditch,
which will be worth and at
75 cents per yard B will yards
which will be worth So
von see at the price* you will get your
ditch cut and have $6.75 left.
Trenton School BoT.
Corr*«poad«nt of tha Times].
Coi.k City, May 20.—We have had
a two days meeting here. It was car
ried on by Rev Jacob Hoots.
We have a Good Templars here;
all seem to be satisfied with it. but
some of the most uutortunate one’s
will ride the grocery keepers’ mule
thatthrowß them off in the mud.
John L. Sullivan, McHones bar
keeper on the mountain, beat Martin
Renow verv near to death on the ac-
count of a settlement; he followed him
home and pulled him out in the yard
ana did the crime.
Bill Dykes is mill improving.
A wi'd panther has been creating
cousideiable excitement on the moun
Free labor have all gone Hack to
work again.
Health of the people is very good,
aud snakes large aud plentiful.
z z.
The piuhiliiiionists uf Tennessee tit *
in Nashville Thursday. Earnest am
enthusiastic speeches wer • made b
several prominent men of the State.
Feware awmoof tun uiti.ienoe that ha
been exerted by a Women in the d> e
turnnt jeff. rts to discover the N ntli
P-*le. Kane determine upon his Arctre
exAnditon because he Was disappointel
jn love and Melville sayk he is no
tin gonly one who went on the illfated
•h-Hiiette lather than remain and brave
< in the household.
London Hair Restorer - Great EngHel
| ’i'o let irticle. Roatorus gr .wfli c<nor, gluss\
j i.n 1 oftness, Removes D.iddruf. AriatociMcj
families offli-oat Brit.iia endorc.'S it. Elegnn
drussiug. Fragrantly perfumed. The fuvt i
it* of fashiou. At Druggets for 3s 1 1 - -Ail t
fSCts ia U. £>. tuuucy.
Coi.qcitt, Ga., May 20.—1 have recently
had the pleaure of perusing a copy c>f your
newsy paper, in which I find many items of
nows from different parte of the State; nothing
however frera this, my*seetion.
While w« live some distance from the rail
road, ini ooessionly have the pleasure of read,
ing a paper, and from the amount of mail dis
tributed here, we have a reading community.
We have a daily mail, and by each mail we
have, some traveler looking with ft view to
settle among us. Our county is fine farming,
and is almost a forest with fine yellow pines,
which is now being utilized in tuipintine and
lumber. Our lands have advanced fifty per
cents in the last twelve months. There is
now a boom here in the timber and turpintine
Easiness. Labor is a little scarce en the
farms, but as a rule, eur planters are well
up with their work. Laying by corn is now
the fashion among the planter*. Oats are
quite fine. Harvest is now on us.
We have a fine school in this place, which
will close June 6tb, then the school pionio
and the fish fry will be oo hand. We have
no fatal siokness in our county; chills ia noth
ing in the fall season.
Our merchants are well np to the times. J
W Cowart, formerly of Rising Fawn, now of
Colquitt, is now doing a fin business at this
place. His large dry good and grocery stores
are daily crowded; he has the best olerks
he can get, whe are at theii counters at all
times ready to wait upon their many friends.
Cowart has built up a splendid trade in our
town. I am satisfied he will sell between
forty end fifty thousand dollars by the first of
January next; he bus now made a sweep, and
is now in the lead as one of Southwest Geor
gia business men. Send us another Cowart.
J. R. W.
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Consumption
All thsrat, Breast, and Lung, affections cur
ed by the old-established “SWAYNS WILD
CIIBRRY." The firs, does give relief and a
cure speedly fellows. 23 Cts., or sl.lO at
DasvtLLß, Va., May 22..—Th0 election
passed without disturbance. Tho Democrat
io or white party nominees were elected.
Capt. W. Graves beats J. H. Johnson, the
ptesent incumbent, for Mayer by 404 votes
nearly every white vote being polled, and
and about 70 negroes voting the Democratic;
ticket, and about 100 not voting. The exist-
M*r *.f two parties Democratic and Republi
can, tne «no composed mostly Vrhite men and
the otner mostly of negroos, was ignored in
the canvass. One party was for a white
man’s government, while the ether, led by J.
H Johnston, was in opposition.
Gov. Cataeron camo up this morning and
remained until the afternoon. Much courtesy
was shown him by the citizens. Ho said
pleasantly that he had received a carpetbag
full of letters about affairs here, and had come
to see for himself.
Norkolk, May 22.—The elections passed off
quietly in Norfolk and Portsmouth. Tho
Democrats elected their mucicipal ticket in
Portsmouth by an increase majority. In
Norfolk the Democrats elected the mayor *nd
the members of the common council, but the
rest of the ticket is doubtfu*
Crazy Patch work.
Having a largo assortment of reraenents
and pieces of handsome brocaded silks, satins
and velvets, we are putting them np in as
sorted bundles and furnishing them for
‘Crazy Patchwork’* Cushions, Mats. Tidies,
Ao., Ac. PACkAOnJ No. I—ls a handsome
bundles of exquisite silks, satins and brocaded
velvets (»!|%ifferent). Just the thing for
SeApospaid for 56 cents in postal note or one
eenß stamp!. PACkAOft No 2 Containing
thrift times as much as No 1. Sent postpaid
orsl. These are all of the verry
quality and eannot be equalled at any other
silk works in the U. S. at threk times our
prices. They will please any lady. One or
der always bring! a dozen more. LADIES,
lustrations and full instructor,* for artistic
fancy work, handsomely bound, postpaid, 50
cents. Order now. Address, Thk Roches
ter SiLk Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Corrected by E T ROGERS,
dealer in General Mci'-
Flour 00
Meal 1 09
Bacon (clear side) 10
Oats 50
W heat 1 00
Chickens chickens 15, hen* 30
Eggs 15
Butter,No 1 3o
“ No. 2 »alo
Coffee 16%
Sugar 10
“ Granulated 12
White beans 08
Rice........ >- 10
Cheeße 20
Corn 13
Hay 1 50
Lard 131*
Sorgum 60
N O Molasse* 15
Rock CityDomestic4-4. 07
“ •* '« 7-8 06
Print*, best brand 06 1-2
Liver, Kidney or Stomach ronble,
Symptom*; Impure, ccnstive bowels, irrog
-1 u’*r appetite, sour belching, pains in sice
I back and head, yellow urine, burning when
j urinating, clay colored stools, bad bretb, no
uesire for work, chills, fovor, irritability
whitish tongue, dry cough, dizs.y head, with
pull paines in beck part, loss of memory, fog
! gy Eight. For these troubles swaymkr piu.s
, are a sure cure. Bo*. (30 pills)bv mail
Cts., sfor sl-00. Addre»s DR. SWAYNI &
1 SO>« T ., I’hilada Pa. Sold by
>nd will completely change the blood in the entire system In three month*. At-#
person who will take 1 s*lll each night from 1 to 1* weeks, may be restore*/, to ■one I
health, If such a thing be possible. For Female Complaints these Pill* have uo **]>•»
Phvelctans use them for the care of LIVER and KIDNEY disease*. Sold everywhere,
or sent by mail for 85c. in stamps. Cireubara froa. S JOH-NSOF & CO- Bestow Mas*.
8 IBS m
SffipAWsrsa. a
Dueises of lbs
It is s wsll-Vmiwn fast that mint of the l& L's ]@s L P HHi S (ffitk B IS I^s#
Bone snd Cattle Powder sold In this coun- Cfi pj| M"f r, -l (1 *1 ®i“ R id VD
tty la worthless; that HheriJsn s Condition ESB BEf Mgf Sra Wf B »2
pewderta sbwilutelvpure and verwalushlc. BagU >rjs| R-a Mr* fl'i3 H »
Nothing on Earth will make hens BA ft sasgl ift s CS II “SS 3LS P ii
lay like Sheridan’s Condition Pow- Ba9t£ BK fe Sol £HK3 Ula wjr Ein ■
CKSCiCEN CHOLERA, | Orcuian OSS. L H. JOHN SOM A CO., Boatoc, VtMi
Now is thetime to Su jjcrlbo for the
• «.
Dade County V/eely Times
A 24-Column Newspaper Published a*
1 I >
81.50 Per annum in adnu3. Wa
give you one of the best c ountry pa
pers in North Ger/n.
Send In Your Nam33l
Every Farmer,
And Laborer.
In Dade County shoud take an I roidt-m
Published Every Wednssday;
All Letters on business. should be addressed
o The Times,
Trenton, Georgia.
A dministrcitor Sale.
Agreeably to an ordef of the Court of Ordi
nary ot Dade County Georgia will ba sold to
the highest bidder tor cash before the court
house door in said county on the first Tues
day in Juno next within the legal hours of
sale the following property to wit: Tw» un
devided twelve:!), or two shares of the miner
al interest in, under and upon tho following
property to wit; Lot of laud No. 54 tn the
18th district and 4th section, Dade county,
Ola., and also the nonh east fourth of the
south west fourth, and the south east fourth
of the north west fourth, in section ip, town
*hip 3 and range 10 in the county of DvKalb,
and State of Alabama, also right of way for
all roads necessars for tho successful remov
ing and transporting tire mineral aforesaid,
and all mining privileges necessary for the
successful mining of the same and all timber*
nocessary to be used for m ining purposes
Sold for the benefit of minors This the 26th
day of February 1884. Elizabeth F. Austin.
Printers fea $4 59. Guairdan.
Ill<Ua©MM oft a* SWxiiTsEa ib4 Hu***.— Mmrwm*
Orjvsi® W*»fc'.«•«, t**orrS«M, fiypfcbfU* end
■rcctrfef Afc»*l'ite. trtamfle tr**tna«ut; 9th actf fera
rtanwli**. Dfffcnulti:* Tr®«Wd. Call or wriH fbr IWI mi
p*Bvn® to O® by tko®« dkviriuf fcr*»tr**«t by mafl.
(FffMii «vad th*ftr ®J4rw®,b
u 4 l««ni kw*(l.l®| t® ®4nst»|®. 7tianct»t rmm.p
Hr. C. L, ÜBiDOB, Pr»®*t m 4 Fkjr*W»« hi Cfcs*f«
C«H(r«! I*4. slv(. U«®«t ■*.. IU. I •«(*, 1%
PucctMOa to l)t. fi-att*’ Ditptattry. EiteUkM M Im*
Bartow House,
Opposite W & A R R Depot
Under the efficient Manage
ment of Mrs S C Ma jors ha s
been refurnished and is kept
triotlij first-dais.
S/f A BMioM. Vi /j/f
Of Kertarky University, Lexington, Ky,
Student* cm begin ht week-day in the year. No vacation.
Time to complete the Kail Diploma Business Course about 10
week*. Average total Co*t, including Tuition, Set of Book* ana
f*c«r«S in a family, SSW. Telegraphy a specialty. Literary Comm
tree. Ladies reoeived. 5,®00 successful graduates. Over 600
pupils last year from 15 to 46 rears of age, from 12 States. I*
etructloa 1* practically and individual! v imparted by 10 teacher*.
Special aaurse* for Teacher* and Bu?ine«* Men. QuiverJity
Diploma presented to it* graduate*. This bountiful cltr t* note*
for it* healthfolne** and society, and !• on loading Railroad*,
/fe 1 btpns s*yf. bib. for circular* and foil particulars,
2. a-UXTU, Leilmgto*, Mj.
w, ri oult nun
HEaILTK and VIOOB. ofibUTH! lu
dlse«aJC3 requirlnir a ceriaiu find effloleß TUriic,
espeeUily i)y«pep»la. Wan lot Appallte. Udlxoaj
Uon, I.aca of Btrentui, etc., lit a»« l* »Atke4
with lrumedlate »iid wonderial T*** ll *'-*’.?"**t
rpoaolea and aarve* ree*l»e new fore*. Kauften®
the mind and »opplles Urtlu Paw.r.
■ A itiws *o3Vrlujr from all complalata
L. J® Os S.S nacullartoUjelr»«xw!lf9rwlta
DR. HAJITHqTijWW TCtrlO a safe and speedy
cure. It give* a el«*r and healthy eomploal T.
The »L-on*e»t Uatlmony to tire wwlum of1>«.
Uamteb's Iron Tonic la iLat freqnentaUempU
at oonDlerfeltlng Lave ouly added lo thtpopoiaw
gßtef tissny-aiarwe*-)
HTull of atronpa and cutul lniormaUow, fr»' »
On. WASTER’S Ison Tomo is son Bale D'J ft U
DwuooiCTS AMO DeACBRft Evsnrwew-
Mam war rors Dim urn
itr&***+JP m *44 4*
?&; S 7 ••7 aumervu* a•
pa# *<» ladiwseo
W W IMuP f tioa*. too free l«it
T• / ha* orw brain wart. M
. _ , _ «• *
A P.iDssl Qnrn Mb«f rfc» Um«
" tJ«blo». e*wuft««tKW
POU lsr u< triri pvkM* »S|
thousands, and dee* not ty
nalcse*. TxnAA fti wV
roar, by in la ttwn- tio>. u.»
.. ~ mile. It,
MBKISiOUMk eiflo lilmM toll«
. ftrJftr. Tift ftftbuftl
IV* v« © v Sr\ * ? ■? ."SZLm*
M w v . $ K animating tknmm flf
T3JA;. Sr 2 lifo which bar* bee*
** PACKAGE. f I *'-• ** bMfc *
f JUgiThe rations booor.a#
f< t ft ad g*K»
AAk l',* fi7.TM-Zy CO„ W'fg Ctisoifta,
80«>4 Xort* lOilA St., SL T.*c:», Ka.
Ca Uuftt., k IkEATHENT. *3; £ NOiTn».S5 l a Mk-wa. H
Take the Tiiou