Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, June 11, 1884, Image 1

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JfWF“ Trenton Lotlgt No. 179 F. & A. M. meet* on Wednesday night, on or before each full moon. J.*<« Pace Secretary; 3VI. A. 1L Tatou),. W. M. Trenton Pliapter No A M,‘ meets second Saturday in each month. S. H./rhunuan AV. liussey H I*. fW‘ i<, '*> n g Fawn Lodge -No. 292 F ,b A .M meets first hi'. 1 'third Saturday night, of each month. Pi P Tatum, Secietarv; J \V Uussey, W M. ade Snpctior fob'.ta meets on third Monday iu March and the third Monday in September.. J C Fain, judge; Sll Thurman,' letk; \V A Uyrd, sheriff. fonrt ot Urdinar’f meets the first Monday of’cacli month, (i M Ctal/- tiee, ordinary. Tax fieriver, Joseph Coleman. Tax Collect..r, (1 W Hughes. ‘ Treasurer, 7. O'Neal. Coroner, wTiTa .!. p- .(7% *€'w a v ATTORNEYS AT LAW 9 LIt'NTUN, DADE COUNTY. (xKOIttjIIA. I Will practice in the Cherokee Circuit, and Supreme mi Federal courts, Prompt* atten tion to business. T .J. Lumpkin, All y At iiittv Ttenton, - - Ga, Will practice inthe counties of Dado and Walker. Will pay strict attention to all business entrusted to his care. feb.l7-ly REMEMBER -THK OLI> KST AI!LTSIIED ||| WE IIA\E CUT IMUC..S. CT fIIYiF.S Ladies and gents Low f u* • made from $2.50 to $7 00, !mm $0.09 to SIO.OO. Try me you will be satisfied. l’es'peel fully, T. 11. HoUJCUTSON. Rising Faint. Feb. 27th- Bartow H ouse, CA UT EUB VILL E fEO IlfiJ IA, Opposite W&A F R Depot Under the efficien t Manage ment of Mrs S C. l fa jars Uas Veen re furnished and is kept Urlcthj iird-'d%u. : £> 1?. iH /V’t'S Nature’*- gnrit remedy fci dißcneeb ond of . feetions of tho bowels. This sntenji'l #iwl. never ..failing medi cine i» compounded from Blackberry and other Medicinal Roots and Herbs is there fore perfectly harmless. It is pleasant ana safe to the most delicate somach It is the most speedy and effectual for the cure of nil forms of Him ihiea. ia .chil *k i or adults, Cholera «or>ius, »y* oT,t ® r - V ’ ' the various Summer qpmplaints of the l.ow els, so prevalent among all classes during the summer season.... Only ono bottle (price 50 cents) is sufficient to effect a cure. |)R. DUNCAN'S CHILL TONIC. most aggravated forms of Chills and if taken ns directed, in from, sot en days, when quinine and all other medicines fail It will also, if taken regularly, build ami tone up the weak and debilitated sys tem, and above all, leaves no bad effects be hind, as do so many other preparations. eh: dikcax’s LIVER AND KIDNEY MEDICINE The great preventive and cure of all ma larial diseases .and a sure cure for nil forms .*f disnepsia and indigestion It sets direct ly upon the liver and all the secretory glands of the stomach and bowels, it cures the dis ease by removing the cause from the system that produces sir brings »n the disease; hence U is unsurpassed for tlm cure of constipation sour stomach, heartburn, headache, and all those symptoms indicating the of proper action of those glands situated in the stom ach and bowels. Two or three bottles of Dr. Dc!«c**’s Liver and Kidney Mhdicino is pos itively recommended to relieve and cure any of the above price 75 cents. Duncan's Worm Syrup One •bottle of tUU Syrup will completely expol all species of Worms and without in jury to the child, as it contains no calomel or etlior injurious substances. Again, it is pleas *;,t to tho taste and «ecptafc o *o the stom ach, and, therefore, administered without trouble. Price *•> cents. SPURLOCK, PACE & CP, PROPS Tciii». Oade County Times. smr . -s T. A,TtAV*RON, Local Editor. Wrc ones pay, .Tunr 11 1884. Tnaytmfound ou - 3 lllw S Inn K*"s~'rovei,i. & Co's newspaper Advertising Durciui (10 .Spruce •‘John Doe” letter will appear next week. Three death* occurred in the county Sat unlay night. We are glad to learn that Mrs. .1 P Jacoway is improving. “Cranky's letter was erttwed out this week’ will ii|»pe*ar next week. Miss Jennie Carroll, of Mor't.a-, ville’ dii'd lust Saturday Right of consutfip- The fishing interest Reams to be on a decline, or ptobably it is because the creek is ‘muddy, Mrs. Ilowel Tatum,mother of David Tatum’,died ftt her home in Egypt dis trict last Saftmlry. The annual Masonic dinner will oc cur on the 21th of this month. Each Sunday-school at this place is invited to he present. Pome ef the farmers a r e cutting wheat; though the weather is not fa vorable, Vet generally a natural itfei ’JO */ dent at harvest time. Two convicts escSpeJ from Castle Rock last Friday evening. Wo un deistauderstai.d that there is a reward ol two hundred dollars each. '•Ye Kni you m supplement, con* e’lti".: the pr Rugs of the Roonldiv mi (Jonventiidi at Chicago, and oilier matter oi interest. When you -et any money that yon have t. oiy use for; come up and sub scribe r oJ, the Times, and ue will as* sure yon that our list will increase. Ben Brock returned form T.exiugPm Virginia,last Saturday, where he had Wn oHci’.lin- tho law ilepni tmont or the Washr:y;to'n au‘ ! Lee University The Ordinary says the (Berk is try ing to imitate and put on the airs that a certain party did several years ago when he was elected marshal for Tren ton Plenty of rain, and prospect for more. A heavy tain feed Monday twid Tuesday evenings, and we understand cuie hail with it ill portions of the coSiatv. Rev. L X Brock preached an rxcvl t sermon last Sunday at the C it.t heilain Church. lie left an appoint ive n’t for the first Sunday in July at il o’clock a. m. Du:’! forget the meeting at this j id.•tec. Logining next Saturday night, j Rev S L Russel is’an aid i yrcricher, \ve v oiihl he glad to sec t ha* citizens 'piCKcht Iron all pa.its of the county. , We call the attention of the people again to the day, next Saturday, set apart ior the meeting at the graveyard for the purpose of clearing off. Let all turn out so that the work may be well done. Messrh W II Martin and Alfred Brandon, of Winchester Tenn, were in mu town St.nday and Monday locking after the school interest. We had the j leasuve of meeting them, and do not think tho people of this place could do better in procuring teachers. Thev came well recumendcd and endorsed by Jas. W Terrell President of the Wiches ter Normal schoo'. We were out at Colo City last Fri day; while there we partook of the kind hospitality of Dr. Davis. We visited the school ond wore well pleas ed with all appearances, .good order and tho efficient management of Miss Mollie Estes. Mr. J P Jacoway, the County School “Snpertendor” as one of*tho little hoys called him, delivered avet v impressing address on obedience We return our special thanks for the liberal patronage we recieveil while there, and .as we did not get to see but comparatively few we hope to be able to be among them again soon. Notice: Tho following pa purs wore found and left at this office: One note payable to J S o; I 3 Smith & Son or bearer seventeen dollars and sixty cents, signed Ervin llarrison. A eceipt from Ad Nelson to Ervin isv.n, also a receipt'from 8 I* Hard wick to Ervin Harrison and oilier notes rod receipts, which the owner can have by calling at this office aud paying for litis advertisement. Court of Irtqu.ry. From the way matters have been going here of late it seuifis that wi will ltaVe so assign a special column •/or the above subject. joint W Highfield was before the alidve court Monday on three seperaf j ivanant charging him with forging the p:vsoc''.tor’s, John Lee. name on orders to Messrs Case and Cole, each . I let was tried and committed to await the action of ike fraud Jury. tine py one they are gathering in, From nut the fields of sin; Anb if their recourse does not fail Wo’ll soon have a fill for our county jail II \V L Allison, uear Rising Fawn,' died Saturday night of paralysis. Ago 62 year. •* * t lie was a morn her of the M. E church South. In hi* death the clib'ch has lost its most active member, and I . * • ■ f - ,i t one who had more of itn interest .it lieait, than probably any other in tlie county. While we regret very truck to learn of his death, yet we do not call iu question hut that his immortu! spir it has risen upon s fairer shore. His repeating his height ami glowing ex perience And his exhortations in our re vival meetings must convince every heart of that fact, that kno.vs thing of religion* and must convince those who have never it's pure effect, that it is a reality. We could devote a column and more t« his memory, we feel is fat more than merited, and is lute to the Christian world, but.will retrain from the want of ability to do it justice ami would probably be to much assumption on our part. We reciet that out paper his become heretofoii.i tvolved in some personali ties,andvitnperative epithets thrown at causes and in a manner that we cun never endorse. This is a free country; and one cer tain fact, is, that it does not add any force to our views am! ideas.or strength to any cause however good by abusing (not rodyicted) those or their views winch are different fiotu onrr. l! it 1 weie not tyl* tlie strong aim of the law i guarded hv that noble Bill of Rights ; 1 ask the questiov., To what extrn.ity would cur passions and .uifinoslties carry ns? to wli: t means would we re sott to accomplish the idol purposes ol our heart."? These are questions we urc not apt to consider when our views and interest arc to be effected. Let me repeat it, this is free country Aiul a frce'cimutrv is wheie one act and do os lie pleases, so that it ikies not infringe upon the rights of any one. elst' or those of the society: where ope can have a clear sweep at going to hell if he wishes, without being abuse fo; it. One question involved in the above assertion, is, w'Vn i a person acting in a way that infringes upon the lights ol Ids follow man or detrimental to it c interest of society? the othei, to what means must vve resort to prevent or le dress these infraugments and injuries? When we come to investigate these question closely, we will find that our Constitution and legislators have ■pro vided laws and remedies for the pro tection and ertforcemSOt of all cur rights of any jointly and severely. To illustrate, wo take the question; you believe in total abstinence from all intoxicating or malt liquors, and temperadco socities for the accomplish ing of that end. Then are you going to personate, abuse say hard things, and libel ire every one who does not think and act in that respect as you d<> Suppose you do, what benefit, strength or advantage will you add to yourself and the cause 0 Let every one auswc r this question for himself, and deliber ately decide within bis own mind what spirit anil means is necessary for the end. We take tho opposito side. Yon do not putting any [restraint whatevei upon the sale of spiiituons or malt li quors no more than any other product; and, iufact, you regard any and all such restrant:, most especially when they are absolute, as infringmants up on your rights an l liberties and of the people. Now this involves tho ques* tion statod before: Whether or not the sale of spirituous or malt liquors is detrimental to tho interest of society? Yon say that it is not; some one else says that it is, then are you going to abuse and lihslize those who do not believe and act as you do in regard to the matter. Every man within our government has a right to say what is detrimental to hir, interest and that of society. And hero is the final “” to which we can resort to decide all such ques tions. d bt'n when lin,re questiions re decided by fOSOniu 'to fill V lice of the people, and tl u you, o >ou going to kefip howling about you lib cities and rights: tltosy liberties and rights, as you would term it, that our ancestors fought and many died for? about despotism and drifting into a monarchial form of government. As Hie qnesfmn before, let every one ex amine amt decide ti>T himself .and- see whet her his posit ion is consistent or not. It maybe that 1 am not ns explicit as 1 maybe; hut he that as it may, the above ninst reflect my ideas in icgard to most all controversies. I will no* even bead the article but leave thj reader to find for him sell the point i Ivayc attempted to sustain and to decide whet her I have sustained it or not. Beat in mind, Ido not believe in a neutral, position between right an wrong; for,as one of our * greatest St 'tasman his mid t f 7-rv-on wlm attempts such a poaititn is of no con sequence end cannot bo. T. A. Havhon. -v —- See the advertisome! t cl E I’. ling ers in this week a pope:-. He makes n i promises that he will not fulfill. !:e advertises nothing only, what he has, ami when you carry him your barter you are sure to'get his goods as cheat) as if yon had the money, .Don’t fail to call eativ and.get first choVe. NOTICK KOHJ.Kye JO SKI.I, .ANT). Application wi*! ->o tr.’ade to 'he Court of O’’Unary, T>t' Daile County duoig'a, •' * C) c . t:rs* regular term after the expiration ot f ur wicks from this notice, for leave to sell 1- is oflamL No- H 2 and S 3 in the 10th District and 4th section ot midy .County Georgia Sai l lands belonging to the estate of Alf-reh Cross, late of said county, deceased. for the ben efit of heir* and creditors of raid deceased, Ibis dun 10th 1884 William D. Crons. Adininistra tor. Coughs, Cotas. Catarrh', Consumption All thornf, Brcnst. and Lung rjlectiotiscui ed by the cl l-ostnblished “SWAi N 8 \V !Lp CllKttßY.” The hr.*, ilocs g'vo rnliof ar.d a ou.-e spjediy fotloiv*. 2) Ot*., cr $1.63 at Drtiggiata. . . C r azy Patch tv or k. Having a largo .iseortmont of rrmononts til l pi.cro ofjkftudsomc brocaded silk-*, satins anil velvets,are ptlping them up in as aorteu '.'.ii 'if and fn'vni.-bing them for ‘Crazy VaP Cushion*. Mat*. Tidii t, Ac., ,‘,-c. PAokACK No. 1 —ls a hnndsomo ban Hr* of I'jtqiiisita silks, satins an t brocaded velvet. Mil; (Liferent). .Dusi’ Tr.s uitsu for the [IIO. I SB'BSRB PATJKaSB CP FARC Y WOUV- Sent puspnid for 66 cent* in postal note or one ctyit stamp*. pxckA«K .Slo 2 Containing three tiV-.v- a • much ~s N« i heat uasg4t jid ora.!.— ‘illesc. are .ill of the veiry vnrs.t oe.i I. 1) r nod car.nut be oquatled at arty ether silk works in the H. 8 .it tiirkk t:mks our prices. They! pltaxe ar.y lady. One or lier iihvnys brings a dman more. L.IDIKB. MANV.iLOI* FANCY WORK, with 4,33 it lustrations a:: 1 full instrui tiing f-r aiiistio f ancy work, handsomely boun ~ postpaid, 60 cents. Order now. Address. Thu ftoCUEß tkb Sn.k Co., Rochester, N. Y. .15 nn kt re er6 »*£. Corrected by E T ROGERS, (leader in General Mcr . chantdize. Rising FAWN RF.TAII. I’RICKP. COUNTRY PUODffCB.- Flour 00 Meal 1 00 Bacon (’cloar side) Oat# ’SO Chickens hens 30 K*g*. « J 6 Butter,No l . 9 “o “ jit, 2 no solo UROC FRIES, Coffeo 16% s-upir i t 0 “ Granulated. 12 White bean# OS Kice . 10 Cheese 20 Corn %. Hay V 1 00 Lard.M, 133-a S rgu*. N O iMlasses. 75 DRY GOODS Rock CityDomestic4-i 07 •• “ ’ < 7-S 68 Prints, best brand Ofl 1-2 Liver, Kidney or Stomach ronble, Symptoms; Impuro, eonstivc bowels, irreg ular appetite, sour belching, pain? in side back and head,’yellow urine, burning when urinating, clay colored stools, bad bretb, no desire for wtjrk, chills, fovor, irritability whitish tongue, dry cough, dizzy head, with pull painbs in back part, loss <if memory, fog gy sight. For these troubles swaynes piLl.s are a sure cure. Boy. (30 pills)by mail 2 > Cts., 5 fur :?I-CO. Address DR. SWAYNE A SON., Bhila in Pa. Sold by Drr gOists. Notice For Lkavk to Lasd. Applicatiou wi’.l bo made to tho court, of Ordinary of Dade eotnty Georges, at '.he first regular term after expiration of four weeks from this notice, for Its a to sell tho lands belong’ng to the cstata rf Partbona r.illian, late of said county decoascd, for tho beueiit of heirs and creditors of said dec ased. Andrew Brows. Administrator' THE CROSS HOUSE liY J. G. WHITE. FIRST tbASS HOTEL. Am. Person visiting Rising Fawn, Ga. on bus'ncs, or other wise, Would find it to their interest to call and stay at the Cro#3 House. Transient hoard $2 per day. Deduction made for regular board. J. G. WHITE, P RoFKirruß. NOTICE. All persons indebt ed to me will please come forward ami set tle at once and save ! cost. Geo. W* Bell. • Uisntg Fawn, (hi , ilaieh *l!d. .m c . . UM : .. • 1,1 I !■■ 1 „■ l:i "I person who will take 1 Pill each night from 1 to 13 wreks, may bo rivtoreii io eou-ji health, *f such a thins he possible. For Female Complaint* these Fill* have uo Phys’da-is use them for the cure cf Cl VKR and K 1 DtiliY .Msoases, &«.!<» everywhere, or se-it by mail f»T S 5& te &ta*sast»-CIE« nlars free. 1. 8. JnliysOK A CO- JW>st»'r. Mu*-*. rro-x g? - M X! W f- E‘l* Crotrm Aotbnin, Bi-onrhitls. N.’OT -l- Ijdj. X tcf\ /*;-*•- 'A **pf ?) A « ‘ [.A -X’ &. o Ria, llhenniattren. Juli >. so,:s AMD IS 3; g V 7-'|(V:l.-'b W- bl [j ,j£.| c • tff’d |>x SK i.l NI.MKXT (Jor JultrHu! r. mi £j**nw*l i'S> "< ifk r-, ,4' f -3 f- ’55 V-« 1 H-V r-• jp*3 l hr) ’ 'li ill.taiitsmmu: 'v relieve lln-ac titm* jdt J? *. ‘ fi-fiL l>s E-u.x tn i'i«i.v.x. and wiibposiiivt-l> otir. win-. iJttf ft sk* V &i ~5 Ft ■.*> i.A V;f3 i : .-,ut >. va. li«.r.*n.aru-n that «.it S;• .; 553 n 'Rd T«i • py -ir” -It fro« liy ius’l. Dmi'l delay a u»)BN^ b si mmii Kb a 1 “«fef a h »*. ere. - tVOWSOm ANOOYM6 ; ' . ' 06»». llark. •? <' o «ti op-t." ' <y-k. < ‘ tC 'fUS SON A- (V) Kostou. fas.. 1)19«a.' <■* of tos Spine. s». -lit irviT.nvtiero. < -rculara free. 1. 8. .'U.imsdx A, to- fswi It h a well-known fait that most of *bo j[U Sj3 Tvi R S kb 2 II tw -uid Cattle I’owilor *<>Wl to lilts c om- i , k • . .V-, r - -A vi iSAw vfi*" fa .7- '■ try I* wortlit.'ss; that eticriitar. ; Cor all ion RSffa fcd gflj kSdl MB iJUS vV pi S.g W Povrd rls absolutely pure and vcryvtitiiablc. BfEffiS atH &A if Si* ST L hwh 9 .BssasciffiatsauKajss CH©LEffA,|urcula«Crec. X. 3- JOUHSOH & CO., austou. Koav is thctiiiie to Subscribe for Dacle County Wsely Timsfif A 24-Co!umn Neirspnpur ‘Published *t «!■ JEI EMTOW, %3r jflt; BY T. A. J. MAJORS AT 81.50 Per. annum in adranee. dVe give you one of the best country pa pers in North Gergia. - Send In Your Names i Every Farmer, Merchaantff, Mechanic, And Lab jeer. In Dado County saoud take at! road iii w • . WEEKLY T\mES, Published Every Wednesday All Letters on busiucss should be u.tdr .cjod b) Tiie Times, Trenton, G'eor^Li. -Trb }t s•,oll $ In uL, ofl Re r.i0.4: aad baa* .-lunwi •‘''hZJkv. V»t4neai, lifaccrtofl, l*p : i " rod {forrarlal Affc-veick'icntifo treatment; tah ar.d aurc ft'uv '.us. Tri".*e<i. Os l or v-H: .* f r ii*»t »*f * t;es»tiftna tc by thoso doaJrlng troatmev.t by iiiail. <r>r*»o«s rtwpfwrD ilonV. ka4 o4kf€m j nail l.<na O, Ip udvo&tsir'. It* net.ih 9 idjr<ws'r. C. X . Prv’l Fhy*lrlca la ffcergo i'a/ihrei A Sik g. 10. TvO t . M. !*«*!* Slw. tuocucaorto i>r. BuCj' ls;rDtn&uy. SO liemu Of Kentucky University, Uexingrton, Ky« Students can begin any wotk day iu the year. No vacation. Tins* to ooihpiet* tho Fuji Diploiv.a nfcsiaciis Course a)»ont I<) woek?. Averafo Total Cost, iricmtlins Tuition, Set of Books and Board in a family, fW. Telt-grapbr aLiUrary Lourw froc. Ladle* receivvd. 5,(>U) successful graduatoe. Over 500 pupils laa* year from 15 to 45 rears of aae, from 22 States. la etrucUon la praetieaUy and individually imparted by 10 teacher*. Special coarse* TeacUtrs aitd ltutdneea Men. Un Ivor ally Diploma prt-Htente'. to it* graduate*. TLia buautiful citv la noted for It* healthfulne«s an« uooictr, and ta on* og Sallroada. jFmll Se**i;n basins Zip:. 6 ih. or circulars and full addrcaa H* R. SMITH, LeilogtOQ, Ky« Known TO tiCH Of AND 3: "«Ks W^ ALL IMPURITIES GETRE BLOGS, Aetacwiedeedl3md, Plsisii:, isi fcaiisct Cum fct CONSTiPATIGN, brjitt nYQPPP;,iA known by inwub’T *?pe tllorC.rulrt, t j to sonr (niching, weight aud ten demons at pit of stomach, despondency, t 11/m Complaint. Biliouscws. kluWria, Chiim Mia LI V f* ev^r> fusing •OfMtfPS TiTTacS and fid* uW) bottom of ribs; weariness, irritability* tongue coated, skin yellow, hot end cold suii jMiiions.eyeadull,dry cough,stilled and obstruct* ed feding, irregular pulse, hart colored stools. fVDPPi FYV Epilepsy.Puralystu.dim HrUrLC.AI i,j.,ht. sound in ci: ■ giddiness, confusion in head, nervousness, flashes of light befog* eves. le?3 of memory. Diseases of Biadeer ana I-'IIH’ITV'S urine dark or light,red deposit; UluDLi O, stinging, bearing down sensations, foequeat desire to urinate. uneawness. Inflamed eve*, dark circles, tb-rat. Dlecofcs cf UCtBT pains, fluttering or weigh, o.'«r ntnn I , heert, more so on moving quickly and then Tying on left side: out of breath on exert on. / IV'* nopilr- dull or sharp pains m osuiptes, rst.l- untflii., eyes or t-ad; ffttuiness, naus. ISroi.M.v is caused by waters fluid- Sttseawiss tlsin. •fit'., by eric acid in Wood. Bowel t»l»- order* bv oorrm>t met+or. WomtM *>y tno withic. Colds bv choking of the *«crations. ISWAinSK-M PII.M, by gentle action, removes the Close, making a permanent sure. Sent by mail .os 2.1 cents box of 30 Pi' s; 6 boxes. #l.ot|. (In postjg etamtO Addres*. I Hi., hWAVSB «t «©«» Philndelphla, re.. Sold by Druggist?. » Advertise in the Timfs. InE : ' B :i ’ TaL?s fss§ ■pr r : ,>. u m ft n iswaiw t; : V - k'.S ft-*- M 1 ti».> k*tXBS It will pti. .fy an 1 curl; p tha GLQOO. the LiVkit ami G, I'!;' 1 :ise iiISK T.-B UKAI.T* end VXOOiX or YOUIRI •yi/'..-; - tl dlsottnes rv«iuirij:|f ri ihx;»».« cnSt K*- * ebueclnllv . W«i»l d *•'> lion. Luck cf et;., with imuiodikto ami museles an'4 n«rvee reevti a u<. -v *■«*» - -u -r' * the min*! and iuiiplioc lir&iw If LikDltS p«ci:‘ie’A."* 7 tir . v!*i DR. HRJtTBR S EkUH TiiJtiC »--'la ar.iU*a ; : c'U'O. It gUt r B elear R-’i (..’ah' > *“ ! 8f“ T;.o stroncost letiiiaoiij 1 '■<> He v; u ‘ ’ llAarta’s luos Tokic »».;Vii.i ir <ia«h.fc!U>r.iua lit eOU!.t«rfi-!»lae hare el’ : . ’Hi-d f» M«ipO|>«tUr it) of lee ori,l .el. J: J -is t4i..e«lj dvHT-; ilonot exacri.’iei t—Jiett- v; .U- »l> B»i* /?Be<k- 7 at eddt-Kc, tolliJ Dr. ■ ■ H \A . d uS.I u- .M-v.ltt, i.vj - fi- . OJ<jTa AMD 'CrCAi-CkS EVIcnyWVI'IAC. \JL~ nwor.Tc t w.Rvotrs omnrr^ •‘ w » • a. t%* 6*4 4* \ ■ 2 o'*/ aaccshW *!> =*■• % t~> V * -1 -3 k. :uro b • J - ./■' T v v * " V~r ui pUviticJwM, r i/ j-'O f;o * a lr !acr> &.nkCea -•- * J too tr^ *->l of or tH«aO work* JT‘, t- « VJRiK>rit.« Vai> s*x* \*%k. < .'A & >!•'} v aw. ttHcs! luri in y*?* t Pl* 4*Pn. Audi hclaj l „ cu br f-Ltofitloos vi-jr*: 9 A «bcif rental ft-r tr - 5 c- trcuW*.-. kj .» wt fcr« isvu Ur c 1 ■ i UUt p«rSi.-(?*» aod fiYt-nrw Worn impertoet fc-u bUbr* \V* r •* i I i! il 1 cAUg triufcHeot •i»is*wb?r-^ iil 1U- .A. Taio a r tJ4*l h&a cvr^ .A.J.-TX) t'aon . 4oca iu?t t-l** 1« e* o, •■p “} & ’■*? tCs &re art lb auentioa to btul* ,*..1 y k Li\ S«J 3 t nosa car oauso pala or trvooo* verdonoo. Fonntei ot entlflo medical sfe x~c ■• * o fOW i ng aud rn?~«p v'9:j*fl LV U 4 3 IntLOU* ’ tlrrn. Direcl': f\w.*tlooto Ui* ' j.,..., i boat of lu-vkea Its sp** fe».r.fla o- c*»v. ! «!ficiudv • fUi wi* siout /A €el*r. T)ieua , vii*ir«o^ ttunaof iiiearaja*«•*££»• ;.’v L < *r !nj oro Th* r -3 ' r ,* , gjt 5 “ \ ru.fmarine Ci • s»t« e!.*L sr r ;i life »iiirh lam bera . , ly - ,UKit betKMXft *“ S|‘ihc*rlLl ©kimj Blß&w:?’k3 H& r ■ s.• ■!tV!E Jr C Chemist*. Vv- a L.v.’th 10ih St., Bb Lhits, Ua. C4i Soil-. 3 T-- T S4B.T, $8 ; 2 *CiiTHS.SO: 3 IMW, 81. . Take the Ti'mes