Dade County weekly times. (Rising Fawn, Dade County, Ga.) 1884-1888, June 18, 1884, Image 2

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fte #ak (ffrrliM’ffftljr '(Times OFFICIAL ORGAN OF DADE COUNTY Correppomloneo solioitod; but to rrooive at t,'.ition, oo’iiniunications must lip aoeomi-nnie by .1 responpiblp nnnip— not tor publication but op a guarantee of good faith. Oonti ibuti«ns of news solicited from every quarto- Rejected articles will not be rc turjed unless accompanied by a stamp. _ Advertising rates and estimates given on application. Subsriptton —One veer, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; three months, 40 cents, # Ail letters should he addressed to ]TIIE TIMES, Trenton, G a. FOR CONGRESS. THE HON. JIiDSON G.GLEIEXTS, OF WALKER. FOR REPRESENTATIVE We are authorized to an nounce the name of Dr T J LUMVKIN, as a candi date for Representative • We arc authorizedto an nounce ('. M. TATUM a,s a, candidate for Rep reset a tive. FOR STATE SENATOR. We are authorized to an nounce II TRAM SMITH as a candidate for State Senator for the J/Ath Sena torial district; composed of Da dr., I \ alker and Ca toesa. WtiiM'Sll.iV JL’XE 18, 1881. TO THE PUBLIC. As will be seen elsewhere in this is sue that 1 have sohl the Times to T. A. Havron; loi reasons best known to myself. In making my how to the readers of the 'Limes and the public I do so with regret, and thank them foi the liberal patronage they have given the paper. I have made enemies while i nning the paper, only wit It those who are natural horn lools and newspaper deadbeats, and I don’t deny tlmt I am K ! ad of it. I hope the paper will suc ceed as long as it is not run in the in terest of cliques and for office. It has been controlled by the undersign who only spoke the sentiments of him self. I have,l think,succeeded in es tablishing a ncwspaj ei in Dade county, T. A .1 MAJORS T might write you a long salutatory address, but I deem it unnecessary The c li foi ials that will a-pear in the paper will reflect my sentiments aud manner ot action. I might go on and tell you my view of life, and for my hHi its object, but will prove my faith by my works. It will he our pleasure to send the r l KuEa to every voter and household in Dade county, and as many out side as would he their plesure to take st. As lar as every one’s financial abil ty to take it is something exclusively for them to decide; but 1 am inclined to believe that the gre»**-si difieuTv in the way io the want of concert of action T. A. Havron. The Executive Committee of the sev enth < ’ongvessional District of Georgia jsp-eqoested to meet at the parlors ot the N a tiona 1 Hotel in Drl ton on Thin; - day 20rh instant at 12 o’clock. J W. lIABIUS, JR. Ihi mint iin wit t between Fain and Clements seems to be divided. it is not the object ot our uaper, we lo not propone to take sides. But such « thing as not having a preference is hardly possible. All know something otJudson <J. (Jlenieiits position, ami in fact if he were not nominated* and elected, it would not be because he is in any way unworthy ot *.ho po sition; his character ami efficiency in every respect is too well known to be commented upon. There is a pievailing sentiment in in all Demociatic government* not to eouiur all favors upon one individual, ■when there are others tint are fully as s* oi thy and competent for die tiust This seems to be the seirimeut ot those v iio aie for Fain; and it such be tin general and ruling sentiment of the people,wo do not think a Letter choice could be m ‘d<* titan Joe! C. Fain, XtLOith- has retiiect the nomination of the Liemocratio Convention wuicti Will ui tti at Chicago next lUoMlll. Wee-uiiioi oelp having aaindof legie »„u. it u-Scu Upoa.i« o Cw*i- one is that we are incli ned to believe that he is the strongest man, and the othei because wo believe he is thouroughly Democratic. In the early part of May a storm swept over Wall Btreot. For a short time there was almost a panic in stocks. Everybody wished to sell, and nobody dared to bny. As a conse quence the prices in railroad and other stocks went tumbling down with a crash. Had it not been lor two circumstan ces at the time, this disturbance in Wall street would have been sufficient to cause a repetion of the great disas ter 0f1873. One was, that stocks had been declining so long that conserva tive men had not beeu large purchasers, and were not, in a condition to he ruin ed by a sudden drop in prices. The other, that general business was on a sound basis. The general prediction ol Gen. Neal Dow that prohibition will soon become an accomplished fact in ail English speaking countries is regarded as too sanguine and extravagant. It would he more in accord with the signs of the times that an enlightened public opinion, high license and local option will greatly leduce the extent ol the evil. At the present rate of progress t he Americans will soon be the most temperat people in the world. There are now thirty nine circuses travelling through the Unired States, and the larger portion of them have the only sacred white elephant in exist ence. We never wish to be abusive in onr language in anyway therefore,we can’t endorse the manner in which the po litical parties of our nation abuse and libel each other. We do not think trnth and rights require such means lo sustain them. Of the 1,200 immigrants landed in New York city by one steamship on Thursday last, half ol them were as sistob from Ireland by the British Gov ernment. Senator Logan is the first married man who has been Dominated for Vice President since Andrew Johnson. Collax was a widower when nominated and married about the time lie was elected. G W. Curtis, Esq,, literatuer, edi tenr and ornteur, might build a Slim party around lnmself and run a ticket ot his own. It would get about ’ndeed and ’steen votes.—St. Louis Call Bayard is highly esteemed by the Maryland Democracy. So are shad and canvas-bark ducks; but the Mary landers sell them and live on red her ring.— Philadelphia Pi ess. And i* the Republican party can not elect its favorite, piay what can i! do?—Tribune, it can go to the devil, where it might to have gone long ago —New Ymk World. It the Democratic parly wish to finish its career it should now nomi nate some free trader like McDonald —Louisville Post. r i he kick ol the dude is harmless, it is like striking an elephant with a feather, Blaine is u Congiegutionilist and Logan a Northern Methodist. Jdleisan Davis celebrated Iris 75th birthday on June the 3rd. Foreigners own 20,046,000 acres of land in this country. Will Mr. Tildeu p-l-e-a-s-e run?— 6t. Louis Call. Toe lifleretice betwen a mi ns tret joke auda product of Pittsburg is propaly 1 1 i' One real stale and the other’s stteel rail. * Ac Ohio man suing for a charges his spouse among other crimes and misdemeanors, with having a big bustle and a deceitful tongue A Campai- v u Song In Skeleton. [Boston I’ost.J HIP! Shout refrain For Blame Of Maine Sued slogan, Blaine - Logan! All . rememlier sixth November Can’t he trusted Ail disgusted G. O. i‘. - basted! da uiiaff RAM DOM THOUGHTS TO TER WEEKLY TIMES.] I uiulerstanded that T A J Majors ii going to quit the staff ed the Times for other and perhaps gieener pasture. While we wish yon all the “good luck” that could befall a young man, with health, strength and promise; we...milst .say,, ve will mira you. Those of us, who have been from time, sending you our “ramdom thoughts” tor publication and have received at tention are hound to let turned to you our gratitude lor such past favors 1 do earnestly hope that von will have better success in the new home to which yon are going than yon have ever met with in Dade. And now you must not forget the Times, but sometime, let uh hoar from you and your whereabouts. And light here i will say what I have thought, that it Ed L Sutton would write a line for ‘‘our D ide paper’’ now and then it would be read with interest by many However often our paper has changed its name and publishers. \v® have ever been a constant aud interested reader We wish it much success under its present administration. May it live and become a fixture. How sad we felt upon learning of Mr ABisoiPs death! We extend to family our heartfelt sympathy, and we know we utter the sentiment of many a heart in Dade when we say, “How we will Trias him;” and his scat in the churdh, (here is none to fill. How well do we remember the first exhortation we ever heard him make years ago in “Johnsons Crook.” It was soul stin ing, and made our hearts burn within us, and the lost one at Trenton last summer is not forgotten. He had an earnestness about him which few men have. We can but say in our bereavement “How blessed the righteous when ho dies.” I hope some one fully competent and knowing all the circumstances 'vil! give ns a more extended account cl his sickness and death. I believe the storm at the Fawn is a bunt over—hope so at least lor the good feeling concerned. Annt Pollie has ventured out and I guess the dan ger is all over. She think the “sis* tern” ought to write oftener. Remem ber Aunt, that it takes a fertile brain like yours and Bill Arp’s to write » readable letter every week with uoth«i ing to write. Just “say on” and re member we are listening, and I have heard to be a good listener, is some accomplishment. While we may have regretted some of tlio letters from the Fawn, we have .been very much amused over two others that have ap peared -in the Times lately. Too me “blowing their own horn.” If 1 were in a paying business and did not want advertise 1 would give (ha editor five dollars to givl%ie a puff’, I think 1 would H I Cere those. A. J. T, »im trj— Birmingham boms. Cor.ospoßdeat of tho Times.] Birmingham, Ala., June 12. 'idic city fathers are busy engaged in digging sewers and putting in cul ver through the city. w The Bmitheon Methodist Sundaj* school, of I his place, went on an e:# ciu-sion to Blount Springs last Friday. The Women’s Christian Temper ance Union is growing stronger and stronger eve y day, and, I think, is doing much good. The Alabama State Mineral Expo sition was a complete failure. Noth ing worthy of notice; excej t the oxp- - fition of the malitia of the Bintc. The people of this place are looking forward with tuu£h anticipation to the grand Military Bind Cancert to be a. O’Bnou* Opera house next Monday night. Part of the r lling mill employees stopped worked the fi st of June on account of tiie managers failing to ac cede to the requirements of ilia Amal gamated Association. Biimiugham is growing morrallv better every day, but we are afraid it will last no longer than tho snmuior season, and then fail back in the same old nits of last winter. The entertainment given by the pupils of the Birmingham Female Col lege at O’Brien’s Opera house, last nig lit, was a aff air, and very cieditablc to tLe puaticipauts. A negro man named Hemy Richard si ui was cun vie ted i i the circuit court no riling < < 1 assault, \vr i. intent to rape, and sentence-! to the penitentiary iCU jf’O'iii* J. ui! Y+Ai'.M U.. Hack brute was a jntle white -;ri only six voai3 of age, whu.-e father lives near Hagood X Road ', in ;hi c-or-uy He enticed her. down to ike log while her parents v.e:e an y from homo. 'J his case m idenff •. 1 wi* ’ tea Posey case except in the !’■»! -it mi case the girl receive no injii’ ic - win! * in the Posey case the giil \vn, it-.ji. T. J. W. ** ■ t ♦ - ■ -—— - Rising Fawn Cosslp. Rising F.-.trs, June 10, Political e’u low in this etui of the county. Frank Gibson is the boes frog liun ter of the town. Wo liavo been Uo- vcd with some fire rains; which wan very much needed 'The stockade at the furnace will bo completed in about two weeks. T will he the host, one in Georgia. The people say they want Honest and J. W. llussty -o lntch on the po litical issues. Mr. Editor envifo them out. Business is lively to-day. We sec Tom Gray delivering goods to mer chants all over town. Tom gets a boat. We hear of about nix or : igM can didates for State Senator in Walker county. Quite a crop of them. W;!i write more next time. Joint Doe. Bquip.i el Town, June 9th 3884. The heaifh of this vicinity is good. Mr. J P Fowler and J S McCollum are raising iron ore uer.r home. Mr Id A Meadow has gon to burning at 1.-. s:. Well bovp, I liavo bin ihinkang v would all half to dance in the hog tioft to gether. But tliare is one of us that wont beebiled a bachelor ranch lor-go . Well Mr G W wont you invite us when you bring her over, just give us a nice time, like we had up at Ben’s. To citizens between Trenton and Mor ganville: all whoo has steel’ slaugh tered on the A G S R R; what ses you that we all join in to gether and hyer us an attourney, and pay by tho to work for us. We cant afford to give up onr best blooded stock that has ever Lin in Georgia aud ride old one eyed mules much longer. A Georgia Democrat- x Two Holes. O o 1 2 1. Represents the hole which the bolters think they Lave made in the Republican party. 2 Represent the hole which tbev actually have made.— Philadelphia Press. Dade county era boast of being true To olden times, and their course to pursue. From Ghana, the First it m l, .< down, Until all the so:;s should wear the Crown, • It lma beeu so in old roll Mo Dade. . Ever titiee it has beeu ■•. coGuty i m-fia. in eighteen handled and h y-one, Was when the monarch a Daffc Lo gan. And hits boon handed dowr; ora and another, Regardless to father, nephew or brothei ‘•One or two of us, of our relation, SI list have aa office to save the Na tion. “For the county can not mu without one of us, For they can’t manage it worth acu . For you see, we know just v, hat to do To lake anil gurufaaaie our candidate through. “We work aud plan and get a can i dato out, Ami • tho rest of tho rela i es roust a bou t.” They get so friend y, and t. Ik and laugh, Unt.l they get the big -st half. Let the people organow and [ml a man, Fo represent this hilly i..;.d. Let’s pat in a man -t me i-cxt election: Then hold it until the re ,usection. For (hoy have End trie s.v y ciircc fifty-one. And n.e niuio anxious now than when first begun, And have got our county in a dread ful fix, Free labor down to convicts. Lot’s our banner and let ii float, AaJ gGe our candiJi.le tho popular vote, An! Glow Mint we racily can !o Wi.hout them . off!mm : . _.c :as t kv J, * C. IWi , P T I>A fi P D Q Us it \y \ji iili ri o At the Tratio Palace. «** - ;}h2 Fawn, * - - Georgia. wife to come and c'uc r LLo Mamot’i Spring Stock Oa goods have arrived. wwjJut wg Can’t sell we giv# Away. We have everything in the dry lie of 1 lomestie to a Satin Ribbon. ■ from n .Ja ryt hi ng in ■ V H.a n white y Ing in groceries from a ■ •' erne* Every hats from a genuine S . - on to » • 5 liing in crockery and glass wai e frcm a wash bowl to a China cap. All • eria # Medica. Every vard from 1 log-clialn to a ■ ■ - boots and an boot to an infants slipper, ivii ctiiiiCbis *■ Hi iety :>f uuj a voliißis we* Slave in Tsvdpvv 4: » ,iv T-r it* ■ • * l ' ,J J-\ —* '-r " 1' 4k. lit*. il jliUlii., TAKE SCRIP AT PAR. Want ail the barter you. bring from an anvil block to a whetstone. You will find me or the Indomitable Tom Guay ut tho store at any hour day or night., if y xi want to save money come to see* us V/e mean business. a , KUQ&fi.d,, O-iikk t «V 5> kX>^o £•£ C(\ PitOl’ldElutl Olf jH 1 „ >- r _ . '•w/'v *J U <Ck.hjv.iL v * Wlnchcsiar - - * Tain • ■;>' ,» h < . i clt . -.i 1/UliV'l r • i ev- -. ;;**. • oi msi- C::: ?; Lmo and Early «/ Fndt irecK'Gruam on till ■; .'■' .. V iHOS of i'l km:.; EU t oixm unioafioi 8 a ?>. ,i ?v ji* c c.i vcry• , T » i -fl , . - •<;’ t. ■ T'-j-p U . C \ . I. . - ili wt. V C.v Cj* V « c.ilt/lltAs grcbectrioh Apngiifi cnt noei brnalird w Hi?lc in tons ©.or mr'i-’They i'•* » tap iht cr i^rapd K'X 3\ vS*^ ?:'. aw*? v C#:ir»rtoStOi,’ ittiirh 'i •. i« ’miw'iM </tv i’.{ • i-ref.’»Vole©,and i\i l . . v.. ..'} r.',' \ - *' m rffd* i v.rrr.cii7 ".i ' >:■ ' Vii 'i'lth tfeitnMffcmrfitar ?;.! i tiftpr u *!tf,.c.ol on.l i r<<yin«. VT,V» s;ns» Cl.? 3TONA, w^?’*•- Mtu, OOKGRK TO. i r r'tl.W'Htf* £>:'»' iiHJM * UtMK.d, t HLferi ! , W.t* vVKI ;.:{ i,rKT « i.; . • , rmi\yn, !•. M«w imtkVwM .<«n " <!■! i'-i i’cVi' <‘t iNO 4f: Nceut • j-a~. ' (O.LC suitßo:«. for FAtiLOK or < 5 , •:„%&' 8- M l -vrTop «'■ ’"<7 K, ■ vots nyr xaVfS • TJ»n erwoo ? •* ■<* *• ' I*in t«. *ii* » n»p >;'V.rc;'-V-f . , '..’rVS \ ••* h. ' 1 \S Af-M T) r.r>,\ rc-« ;i.., »n' 'l> cf ton.- nn! V i-iy? k-etiirt »p t.. ,-i-v ' .•.... •'.•> c n *.j v i«ov% \ for+ . X p - i*ut’ ■ •) a rrli.i ikMCVSti^' xi ttfTf! '. ■* .’-t.ii'i 8,3/ !-v‘ ?afra?€ f.-* IT. ?• • f‘v ft r* : 5; v > "p 6n •• *?--•«wW »; . . U.iet . .. .} aDt' ■fr ight, I rrf ;'l*' .. : •••:«, *•>; ,Vt'n.-L» '■ ;> :•! ( iiftTpa. C,.'. |Va» r«\ : -"= i - iJ - .v- KICK. L’xtrww ly f /«, . ,'c* Cirrh. r .'y latullw: <t> re. r . A Um-. c i!:vc.;:.rt 7te«tf r.jH.-.fUPM, -f.-k. r. cr.vTH w '/u T xtdii. li'uotrr.fcv^ ,i.e .*■; a.,’;. ', ' ■cc.>i. Vlil i,l s’iaeoa &' . f -.(UJAIN6.StfcMt K*<n * <nlf t’ ; Pint I MRt • |,etc. .t SO»’01 1. ...'-..-nd *' aj©rV. ro i.u t i eVi.. JCtAtt, a* ;T i.. r. AGENTS WANTED. CTS JimSOS US7OL7CT3 EKE OiSll Wira IfXl.PEJjisirT S.TELVKi Ann 9TABtB to fioos* OV AMY iIBIOUT. AM SH.I.HAXT PHGSlifrr* mVALUAIH-B TU LaWYEIW, Sife rt TEAOUIBIfI, ™ Mkbcua,,t *» Physicians, Q 9 O *1 fcDITCES, S ;-'l AND AXli WHO Baneee;?, books. CHEAPEST, §TaOMOE3T, B?.ST. * Ma<lo of iron, irnnutifully orcamontod. Can. not warp iioi eUrlaK liuruhlo and oov.vonlont A novel and Invidaomo arllclo of furnlturo. Shalvoa 16 lucdioA itjuaro, oaois will hold asetoj Apploto.'W CyolotMuJla. Two sixes for ttblo. throo aizos for lloor. Holds moro htoka In loss apaco than any othaf flovlco—rotatoa at. a Uugor'a touch. Bend lor dee. criptivo price Hat. COIiBS3POSTD3iyrrS SOLICITED Address. IS »KEH, JPUAXTI' Ac CO., Bolionl Kudl-ihcr., and aealere in ornrytirluft la Um Book and 3ui, j:v.y l:a«. Si> SJaniJ 8t», Mew Y«rk« Send 25 oents for our Now Illustrated Oata* teguo with over .sou oi educational and ueolul articles. ' . if JUf?ldO;y UnivwrsJtj*, Lexingtoc, Ky. TrasW Drt*i;lftc th« 7c!l fy>«r*r ab*ial T»UU '•pH, TiPton. !<»•*', Bc«ni. Dtout ■&. a i.vcia ilf Lt*rr»ry Omirtt Iwr oMftw if .*d»red. t+re. l»f«n *j£j 3i jv%m. f.OOO ■in* «. Sumotcr s®p*Sn d #©v opou. Mu*..iilti DMi ttKfi ?i n? tlMerta VaJl sdmla« IOIJ. ror in 11 p*rti«rut*r9, vidrtrw W*3EV. SMZTK, UttWinston, Kf» TEllliillTwAGOS: A KKW BOOK on th ® Horr9 ' A™< I A" iUjer" HI: history, structure, uses stvdtreataiesr. AU» giving ■» fevr of th* snoot ? Important and ElfecUvo Ilemedio* for the cure of the dwMi'4?es of the horse. . - Valuable to every owner and loves of the horse. - A >• > Published by Ore MBOT33H WAWS OA, Kiola riuti, tj., and sene, postage paid, to any address, on receipt of thrbssU-cbkt stamps. ’ 'I ; 0 Fi’-l «4 ! K ri- -i % j tLy •" f • P.’k^v..* ... c':'. Three sheets. 19x24, heavy plots payer, coo'ain %>(? elevations, plans nnd detail. I rti e above house; also kook c: 20 ya„*i. ns, itetmsM estimate and for.-rr of coni'act —in' a'uakle to every car-,f ntet or party proposing building, as a guide in milting bids or drawing contracts Price 53.t*l Se nby mail, p'Mpaul wit receipt of pries. H. F WALTON, ■#. K»n*iS 3t C noirt^ati,