Newspaper Page Text
River, Kidhcy br
Symptoms; I mpure, ponstive botrcls, irreg
ular appetite, sour botching, pains in si,To
back and head, yellow urine, burning, when
urinating, clay colored stools, bad broth, ho
desire tor work, thills, fever, irritability
whitish tongue, dry Cough, dirsy head, with
pull piitnee in buck part, loss ot memory, fog
gy sight. Fbr tbcso troubles twAisu pn i-s
ure a euro euro. Box. (30 pills)by n ail 23
Vfta., 6 for si-fitV Address DRfisAV A YNE &
■PON Philada i’a. Sold by l rugoists.
tchlng Piles—Syhnptolns (ind Cure
Tho symptoms arc tnoistnro, like perspirn
ration, intense itching, increased by scratch
ing; vesy distressing, particularly lit oightt
teems as if sin-worms were crawling in and
about the rectum; the private parts are some
times affected. If allowed to continue very
leriotis results may follow. “StVAYNE’S
OINTMENT" is a pleasant, sure cure. Also
for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheum, Stald-llevd,
Erysipelas, Barbers’ Itch, Blotches, sll scaly
crusty Skin Ilircascs. Box by mail, 50ets;
3 for $1.25. Addreds DR WAYNE.A SON,
I'hila. I’a. Sold by Druggists.
W: 11. A J. P‘ JAdOWAI
r Will practico in the Cherokee Circuit, and
Euprome an Federal courts, Prompt atten
tion to business.
T .J* Lumpkin,
AU’y At Law
Trenton, - - Ga,
Will practice itdthe counties of Dado and
Walker. Will pay strict attention to all
business entrusted to his Care. fcb.l7-ly
Att’y at Law.
TRENTON, - * - - - GA.,
Will pay pl'onipt attention to all
btidineSd intrusted to mt care.
DP. DtiJ* T CAM»
BliCEßipi UIIIB,
Katurc's great remedy for and af
fecticms of tho bowols.
thi* splendid and never..tsilihg medi
cine is compounded from Blackberry nnd
other Medicinal Roots and Herbs, is there
fore perfectly harmless. It is pleasant and
safo to the most delicate sumach It is the
most speedy and effectual medicine for the
euro of all forms of Diarrhoea, in children
or adwtts, Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, and
the various Summer Complaints of the Bow
els, so prevalent among all classes during
the summer season.... Only ono bottle (price
60 cents) is sufficient to effetet a cure.
You need not shake or Jchill if yon wilt
nse this tonic It never fails to stop the
most aggravated forms of ('Mils and lvo\0f"
if taken as directed, in from three to seven
days, when quinine and all othor medicines
fail It will also, if taken regularly, build
and tone up the weak and debilitated sys
tem, and above all, leaves no bad effects be
hind, ns do so many other preparations.
The great preventive and cure of all ma
larial diseases and a sure cure for all forms
ef dispepsia and indigestion It nets direct
ly upon the liver and all the secretory glands
of the stomach and bowels, it cures the dis
ease by removing the causo from the system
that produce* or brings OB the disease; hence
it is unsurpassed for the cure of constipation
sour stomach, heartburn, headache, add «t*
those symptoms indicating tho want of proper
action of those glnnds situated in the stom
ach nnd bowels. Two or three pottles of Dr.
Duncan’s Liver and Kidney Mcdicin’c is pos
itively recommended to relievo and cure any
of the above diseases if taken as directed,
price 75 cents.
DuncarvsWorm Syrup
One bottle of this Syrup will e<mipletcly
expel all species of \\ ortns and without in
jury to tho child, as it contains no caloint I or
• ther injurious substances. Again, it is pleas
ant to the taste anil acceptable *o the stom
ach, and, therefore, aduiinislored without
troublo. Price 26 cents. —,.
Nashvillo, Team.
Crazy - Patchwork.
Having a largo .i-mortniont of rcmenents
and pieces of handsome brocaded silts, satins
and velvets, we are putting them up in as
sorted bundles and furnishing them tor
‘Crazy Patchwork 1 ' Cushions, Mats. Tidio«,
&»., Ac. Pack age N 0... 1 —ls a handsome
bandies of exquisite silks, satins' and brocaded
velvets tul| different). Just THK a-hi mi tor
the most subski! fattkrns ok uabcv "'<>i:V.
Pent pospaid for Ml cents in postal note or one
cent stamps. rvckAUf. No 2 Containing
three times as much as No !. Sent postpaid
or sl. These', arc t sll of the verry mii mt
quality and can nut- bfe equalled at a. • '
silk works in the U. th at thkkk timi - m.r
prices. They will please any lady. Ow< ■
dor h'wsvs brines a do* n more.
MANUAL Ur cANGV '.VOIUv, w.di 451» *1
lustrations and full instructiin" t»ri.rt’..-i
fancy w- rjt. han J.mmcly b« nn.l._ j el* ■ ■’
ptrti. Order tfc». Ad'. it., *v*.l »?*.-•
ITU 8:l* Co , Soouesier. N. i
Dade County 1 fines?
an a ' - - •
We pjcprct to le tit Rising Fawn
Friday; Hulpitnr Bpiingfe in the
Henry .Tacoway, of Brandon, Ala,
*3 in our town this week.
We had the pleasure of meeting
'I hos. J. W ntson id our town this
We initiate our Bud, W\ E. Ifav
ion into the printing otlieo this week.
The Ice cream festival as given in
our last issue has been countermanded.
G. A. R. Bible and Joseph Ilamic
of Sulphur Spring station, passed
through our town yesterday.
Joint Cnzzort came near happening
to a serious other, day by
falling off of a wuigon, Ho has not
been able to work since.
Rev. J. W. Carnes preached us an
aide and excellent sermon last Sunday
Rev. 0. M. Cambell, of Cli attanooga
9 O
formerly of tins Circuit j will preaclt
at this place the 6th Sunday inst.
Sitton Kiser and others finished
threshing in the lower end last Satur
day. They report about 3,000 bush
els of oats and 2,000 of wheat.
The young folks of our town and
vicinity spent last Saturday eve very
pleasantly at a Social gathering at the
residence of Mr, Andrew McLean.
Mr.'Tatum has vithdrav. & from the
race for Representative as will be seen
elsewhere. He is one of our most es
teemed citizens, and some time when it
suits his pleasure, we would be glau to
have him to represent ns in the Leg
Several parties were at the grave
last Saturday; and considerable portion
of it cleared off. There is plenty of
work to be done on it yet. It was ‘a
grccfl that all interested should meet
again next Saturday, the 16th inst., at
7 a. m., and finish the work. -Let all
turn out at the time, and the work will
be easily done adding very much t u
the appearance.
A series of very interesting meet
ings lias been going on at Pine grove
(or tlie last few days. It was begun by
Rev. L. N. Brock, bnt liaving'to leave,
it was conducted through by some of
the members, —something very com
mend able when duty demands. It
closed Monday night. The result was
seven conversions, eight, joined the
Church (Missionary).
Last Saturday morning as a couple
were returning from a dance at Col.
Nisbet’s, the young man drove his
buggy on a cow. The cow jumped up
and spilled them both on the ground.
No damage resulted, except the cow’s
feelings were seriously injured.
der what they were thinking anout.
Absent minded( ?) of’ course.
The Missionary Baptist Churtli at
.l’inc-grove, have resolved ajnl are at
work building a new church house-
The situ is about one mile from town
just across the creek;’Jacob Green has
deeded them tho ground. The church
>h in a progressive condition, and we
wish them success.
At the Christian church house, two
miles above this place. Will be con
ducted by Rev. fcs. S. Landrum, of
Austell, Ga., beginning on the second
Saturday, a*. 11 o’clock a. in. before
the Lords day, in Sept.
Some’time since I annonccd myself
as a. candidate to represent our county
in the next General Assembly. Un‘
for.;ecu and unavoidable circumstances,
entirely beyond my control, makes it
necessary for me *o retire from the con
test, and in so doing 1 cherish no ani
mosity toward any. lo retiring 1 de
sire to return my sincere thanks to
those who have so kindly and carnest
i !y supported nte, I hope I may be able
j to make some fitting return*
Yenr« truly,
C. M. Tatum,
•• ss
Tho many friends and aetitin infan
cies ot Nathaniel Conually wore paiithd
to leant of his sudden illness and death
the other day. Mr. Conually was a
citizen of Walker county, and was
bote visiting his luothOr Leon Gum
nally. lie was on our Streets tho fitst
of last week in apparent good health.
He went to preaching a day or so after
wards with his brother, and about the
time they arrived at chinch, lie was
jpruc k with a n\cie j ain in his l ead
which cau nd Ham to leltmi. lie
soon beca lit e worse, an d l)rs. Lump
kin and I'nvisvuc etdhd in. Hid
Case was soon pronomu td t-etit ns; ai d
before lie became partly seed; lie Hi
ed Friday night, August the Bth about
nine m. at the resilience ot
Benjamin Brock. He Was buried the
next day near tho etme place. We
would extend mu sympathy and those of
his many friends to his bereaved
The vicinity on Sand mountain
near this place, was smpiised the other
diy by the return ot Felix Rice, who
had mysteriously pisap peared a year
or more ago; and was supposed to be
murdered. It will he about that way
Feilder, the cattle man who was in
ami about this county some limn ago.
On e of our leading Dailies lias already
“done got ’em” murdered.
Editou Tikes: —
Your correspondent, A. j. T., calls
for me; and several others here asked
why I do not write for the paper. I
have concluded to send .you a scrawl
which if it only serves to entertain for
a moment those that 1 have enjoyed
so thoroughly I will feel amply repaid,
I refer to your able contributors A. J.
T. and Aunt Pollie particularly but
there are others that have contributed
to /ny enjoyment. I desire to thank
all. i
A. J. T., the evidence we have of
an Ante-Adamite race is, that Cain
after he was cursed of the Lord, went
over into the land of Nod and bnild
ed a city and raised sons and daugh
ters. Before this we have no account
of any people excent Adam and Eve
and their sons. So it is reasonable to
suppose that Cain found a wife in
Nod and people in sufficient quantity
to build a city.
The Nicolaiiaus were supposed to be
a soct that named themselves for the
deacon of tho Church at Jerusalem,
he being a man of good report and
high standing, hoped thereby to be
known as a sect of goon religious peo
ple, but received the denunciation you
speak of in llev. If my answers are
not correct, I will thank any ono for
The crops iu tin’s section are gener
ally good, injured some by severe wind
recently, lmt nothing material we hope
Iron ore is the slogan, now a casual
observer in reviewing our present pop
ulation would think the “poor Indian”
had comeback to his original haunt,
Mrs. T.
1 Freak of diofhiisg the
Federal over nine lit
uiih Criminal Ju
We scarcely know how to express
our contempt of a dcsiro to clothe the
Federal Government with a y farther
onmnal jurisdiction, tha following
gives us a clearer idea of the conse
quenec it is not right to place inocont
persons in such jeopardy, just to try
to ameliorate the condition of those
who don't care if they do kill them
selves by drinking liquoi.
Last Friday evening John Ellison of
this place was arrested on a warrant
for dealing in or making spirituous
liquors; and Saturday carried to At
lanta. When they got there, ho was the
wrong man. Of course the Government
gave him a free pass back home; but
what kind of a one?
Special lloiicc.
Owing to recent changes in engage
mer.t with the Walker Iron & Coal
Company the undersigned Ims with
drawn from the general practice of
phvsic, and m future will confine hi ua
self to the Company practice.
AU persons knowing themselves in
delated to the undersigned will come
forward and make settlement at once
without larther notice.
J. w. Hussey. M. U.
IBU I ■ 1
.. ,ie ire ivmniil'ce ol Walks
have decided hot to have it chiitr Hitioh
All canidatbS for the Rlih si hhlo Dcstiiet willl ho Jolt on t.hti
own endorseinehf;
... NOTICE. ,
Fop. tne next, ten days t will take
vV heat at one dollar per bushel on ac
couhts. Bring mo your wheat ami
pay upyutir accounts.
T. J. Llmßkin.
RAltillllt SSSOB*!
• -
Oi-fcx every Saturday, and Mon i'y
morning. Good and satisfactory work
guaranteed. Taylor Iluilding, Tren
G. W. 11 ion fie i iD, Eroprietor;
A Pffcions Boon to Woman.
Words of Praise.
I most cat ne; fly entreat every female about
to bo 6>>r filled to Mothor’S Pelef. Coup
led with tlii» entreaty i will add that through
a long obstatrical practico (terty-four yearn),
I hav -never known it to fail to produce a
safe and quick delivery.
11. J. HOLMES, M. V.
A lady froin o'no of tho counties of Middle
Georgia who has been acting tuidwife for
many years, writes: “I have disposed of nil
the Mothfcrs Friend you sent me, and T *ra
delighted with It. In every iustancA where
it has becn’used, its effects have br/ii all that
I could ask. I consider it a great blessiug.
A gentleman writes: "My wife used your
Mother’s Friend at her fourth confinement,
and ti*-r testimony is that she passed through
it with one half tho suffering of either of her
former confinements and recovered from its
effects in mnch less tiuio. Sho also rooomeri
ded it to a lady friend who was about to bo
for tho first time, and sho pays: “I havo nev
er seen any one pas? through /his great trial
with so much ease and so little suffering.
A distinguished physician of Missisippi
writes: Every one expecting to bo confined
shou d nso the Mothers Friend, for during a
long obstetric practico I never known
it to fait to produce a quick and safo deliv
This remedy is one about which we cannot
publish certificates, but it is a most wonder
ful liniment to be nsod alter the first two oi
three mouths.
Send for our treatise on tho health and
Happiness of Woman, mailed free, whict
gives all particulars.
This Bkadi iklo Ricgvi.atok Co.,
Box 28, Atlanta, (la,
Ar>M»:;is?*AT,*K3 salb.
fie rgia, Dade County—
By virtue of an order from the Court of
Orditiary of Dade County, will bo '.sold on
tho first Tuesday in September, 1884, at tho
Court house door in said County, betweon tbo
legal hours of sale: tho tract oi land in said
County whereon Alfred Cross resided at the
time of liis death, consisting of 200 acres, more
or less, of lots of laud Nos. 82 and 88, of the
tenth district and fourth section. Tctius of.
snlo made kuewu uu day of salo, this July
23tk 1884.
W. D. Cross.
Notlcr. '
Georgia Dado County—* • •
William McGill Guardian of William
MiCommick and Mitrv MeOommi«k, n»w
Mary Caglo having applied to tho Court of
Ordinary of said County, fora discharge from
his Guardianship of said William and Mary
McCommiek. q his is therefore to cite all per
sons conoerned to shaw cause why the said
William McGill should not, be dismissed from
his Guardianship of William and Mary Mc-
Commick, and thou.-ual letters of dis
mission .-a the Scprember Term next ofisaid
Court. ■
Givon Ader my hand and officiat signa
ture, tkisßJuly 28th 1884.
• G. M. Ckabtrkr,
- A4uiisistratoh’s Sal*.
Georgia pa 4,o '.County
Ky virtue of anvoihioY from tho Court <,f
Ordinary of Dade Couutv, will bo sold, on Iho
firsttTuosdaj in Septmuber 1884, at the Court
house door ip said County, between the
hours of salo, the tract of land whereon Par
thona Killian resided atfhti tiino of herdeath;
eontair.-n? 70 acres, inoro or less, of lot of
land No. 7 ir. the 18th distrietand 4th section.
Terms of sale rnsde known On day of sale.
Andrew Brown,
Dam? SitKMrr
State of (loorgia Dade County—
Will be sold on thn first Tuesday in Pep -
tember next, nt house door, in said
County, Aiithin the legal hours of sale to the
higheot bidder, for cash tho following prop
erty, to wit; — Lots of laud Nos. fo;ty nine
(49) fifty nine (59) and sixty (60) all in tho
tenth (10) district and iourth (4) section Dade
County Georgia, containing four hundred and
eighty (480) acres, more or less. It being the
place where the dofondaut now resides. Said
lend levied as the property of Jesso R. Cra
vena to satisfy an execution issued from 1 lie
Superior Court of said County iu favor of
Uall, Hooper <fe Mitchell against said Jesse
It. Cravens. Tenant iu possession notified.
This July 30th 1884.
w. a. n*Kn,
Augusta, Ga'. \
,Ib. J. TtRAnriKI.lM Dear Sir*-—I havo bawd
led your Feuialo Regulator in my business
during the past soveral years with perfect sat
isfaction to myself anb customers. I have
fouud it very saleable.
Yours tinly,
W. 11. RAkrott, Wholesale Druggist.
Treatise on flic Health and happiness of
Woman mailed free.
Rraofiblu Regulator Co.,
Dox 28, Atlanta, Ga.
Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Consumption
All thcra*. Breast, an t Dung, affections cur
ed bv the old-established ‘‘SWAYNS 'VII,D
I'llt'RHT." The firs, doc- give relief and a
euro speedly follows. 25 Cts., or ;j>l.Uu at
And will Completely chunks the blood in tho entire Bystem la three month* Anf
person Who will take I rill each night from 1 to 13 weeks, may be restored to sonnil
health, IF such a thing be possible. For Female Complaint I- these Fills have no equal.
Physicians use them for tho euro of LIVKK and KIDNEY diseases. Sold eterywhore*
st at at tty matt for 85e. la stamps. Sirvuitvrs I- 5 JOHNSON * Ai ,!s*,*>„. Mma
D““ S wcR;! 4$ 5315 SX Cronp; Asthma, Bronchitis, Neural.
13 Spa | S«j BO m-a & ISh? iji Kia, ltheumatlsm. JuMNSon s AXO
:r W. H E 53 &3S flj ,J CK . r H I<YSIS IJNIMENT(/or/W«rist/S*e;ra<«rmil
jrl ETfiiW M Cl fe & dUca&ui, »a<l will positively cure hlno tan
ui ftfi ES /•; Ci fM ’til y ttIJM out of ten. lofiTmatiori Mint will save m»ny
S Sjß 1 ftEfil ffi jxj JPB ttvi d sent free by mail Don't delay a momaat.
rS t-3 « Smß @ fjg * Prevention u better titan cure.
of liio Spin*, field every v »tiero. tdreuttrs ft*©*;. I. H JOIINoDN A CO., hoatoti. Mum.
It Is a well known fnrt tiint most of tiie B R D 5) SN®tt E A H M% Rf
Horse nod (.attic I'owdar sold In thia ootii). Be BS fiW “ w k;, 3 HI *S H nJw
try I* wortbloes; that blterulan'a fVMuilttou H||RH BS 5i3 fS-ii Uw tSV, B jfS FB
powder la abaoluteiypure and vwy vatiiahlo. rj®® w*. qj# t2«~ Pr L ySk H SI fg
Nothing on Iturth will mat,, heas rifdi E' 1* o R. W K RS® ■
1«V like Shorbt»n’a Condition 1 otv- B afr SJW, iv 5 Uja, y: W, sjfr ■
tier. Does, one teatpoobful to each ptnl uf w■ls la - ™
food It will al»o pojiuvtlv prevent and can I IlusChirl'ra.Ac Bold«verywber«,or>efithvinailfi>r‘,!&e.i(
.r EM br ftl E/n il I itdtupo kiimul.od in lart,. cunt, price *100; hy mail, SIJ%
A| f tveudirstrve I. U. J9IIN6ON 9 CO., huat„u. Mann
for the
Dade County Weekly Times
A 24-Column Newspaper riiolishetl atv
' L Y
81.50 Per annum in advance. Wo
give you one of the bust country pa
* perß' i a Nortl i Gergiu.
Send In v " Your Names 1
Every Farmer,
And Laborer.
In Dade County sfioud take an ! read tho
Published Every Wednesday
A 3 Letters on business should be tuldiessed
to The Times,
i 4 '
Trenton, Georgia.
A Borincs.
Of Kent-m-Ujr University, I.exlngton, Ky.
cno h«gio an* week-day iu tha year. No vacation.
TiJw to complete the rull Diploma Bu.-<t:re*s Gpar*® Kbnat 13
week*. Average Total Coat,including Tuition, Bet of Hook* find
B-mra tn a family, fW. Telegraphy a specialty. Literary Cmirre
free. La-tie* ra>-eired. 6.IKH) niecc*«Aful grartofitec. Over 600
pupil* lait year from 15 to 46 rears of age, from 22 Mtatc*. J®
itructlon 1* practically and individually imparted hr JO teacher*.
Br»eo*al ecur*e* fur Teachers and BtiKince* Men.' University
Diploma presented to Its graduate*. Thia beautiful city is noted
for its healthfulneas and sooletv, and i* on leading Railroad*,
fail iM»» I* beotni S<H>t. 6fh. For circular* and fall'particular*.
rrwldeat,.'\V, It. SMITU, Lexington, Ky.
Khdwh to Men of Fame ano Scies' e for Remoyiho
AcivoV.*cjol i 3r.'-J, r.:uist, tti Ifictsat Oujo tor
r>n AICTID JWInM »tn>ss vtDul.bal breath,
LiU tiy! 1 lr/V4 lull, ,1„ 1 face, bMvinoa.
liVCr ' known by iirpßUlar appe- |
tl f QI P()Ur belcliitig, Weight
and tcndtOTvaSwfrU of stomach, f.osi nmdcncy.
f !V F R CktnitfUiul, Brtiowinew. Mai arm, Ufill* ana
L.!VC>rl pever, Jiwi.iiDg in bfvck and slda,
aVo bottom o’f ribs; weariness, Irritability,
tongue eoatv-d, skm yellow, hot and cold sen
sations eyeadull.dry cough,stifled and obetruct
eH fooling, irroeuliu- pulse, bad colored stools.
flPflPl’ FYY fc!*il*-i»»y.**»rßiysiN,dim
rirti l U »- A i NiVni. sound iu ears, giddiness,
eon Fusion iu head, horvoureess, flashes of light
Lofnre ot wMC-arj-. «>» nl Uladd-r uiA
|/|nurye urinodark or light.reil deposit;
jt loUwl J, burning, stinging, tiearing down
ponA&tkßiß, fftaucitt du*im to unuftio,
iutUrjfH] eves, dsrk circles, thirst. Piscaws of
liC&'GT ssvere flutterteg or weight uesr
IlCrbl I , heart, more "0 on moving quickly »na
vhen lying on left side: out of hreatb oo osoreion /
UC AnffPUC dKII tr t 1 '"? pnoi ll >n temple%
nCe<IUMUnC. 9 ejt>« or ; f*mtAee*, uaunc-*.
itroisiy ia oTiewl by watery fluid, itlicumo-
I tun, bv urio awid in I’lo. ,i. Rum-1 ills
sevslvra by Airrept mute r. Woruiu by tlio jests
within. (olflu bv ehoking of the eccretionA
KV, VV» H'Vi I’l I.LH, by gentle »o**ou romoras
the rmnso, tbukiiic a. nemuient cure. Soot by mull ft*
£» box of 3.1 I'riU; 6 boxes, El .00 (In peetigo
ftunun ) Address, Dll. MEAT*® A MON,
k*txllailylpt>lA, Pa. Sold by Lroggiste.
In aii;Pt>»e* ofthe Blood, hkln bu 4 H uru i»* l>eblln>
pot>o tj. OrfMte W«*i**«ML tTmnrrhn**. and
ilwrYN.rUi IfTeoHoBN. 6>Tttnuflc ueotnitfr.t; *ct«i ftPti pun
reitHXiit*. ixdcmitie* Ca l or wri’e for list of
qi}9«i’onato !jo*i rwcrpJ. by tho*® y niail.
MgPvr»onm tnbrtrlrk l-.wp*ur«* *«nd thflr »ddr***,%
%ur.d ft-» letthlnif t*i thfttr w<!vunUttc*-. It If not le (pqm* jh
44dr«s . *V. . T-- I.»B vKtiK. F —im. i Phy >hiku hi !li&rire
f--i;'r *1 ft- .4ti-i .»*.*, o#*l Loots. •♦., fit. I.t»*is,l H
buccoMvfW xn. in- ..* • Kji*Ulm4cA iM
Sr. Svtsr’s Iron Tom
It will pu..fy and enrich the BLOOD, rngTlnte
the I.IVCR and KIDNEYS, and lUStokk thb
HEALTH and VIGOR of TOOTH! 11l all those
diseases requiring acertalnaml efllclcn TONIC,
especially Dyspiqista, W aulol Appetlt«,lmltgcß
- Lack of Strength, etc.. Us use is marked
wltl> immediate ami won.teriul results. Hones,
muscles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens
the mind and supplies liraln I’ »wer.
I) A i g"£* suffering liom all complaint*
IsAUICO peculiar to tl.clr sex will find In
Lli. UAHTEE'3 IJLOTf TCHIC a E»fe and speedy
cure. It gives a clear and liet.ltliy complexion.
r ihe strongest testimony to thu value of J»R.
Harter’s fitoK Tonic is that frequent attempt#
at counterfeiting nave only added to the popular
ity of the original. If you earnestly desire health
do not experiment— get tl.c ORIGINAL AND BEST
(Seed your nddroas to The Or. Harter I.lsd 00, V
St. Louis, Mo., for our “UKEAM. KOCK." B
Full of strange nod useful tnlonuatloa,
Os. Harter’b Iron Tonio ia for Sale by au
t^uonasTs and Dealers Everywhere.
uQn,* KEKvorsP2WUT^
Jr b bpjpNcrg%cio veskotis* aud d*
gfe 3 m c«y And Bomorou* oV
- »e ni*M4 lil Jr 6c ir* dl*e**«t, t’tfijfnj
A KB £ ••rillfW phrsiuiaa*. rosaii
n K n. RaILI IKB m from yoatLfal lodiser®-
«|f tior.s, 100 free inin!g«ic*,
\mMW and OTcr braiu work. Dj
*T> ibr 80l temporizo wbllo sue Ik
VC\*SAJ(W. w* ecojuHti lurk lo your *yf
tem. Avoid buing impoewk
Jr cn by prettnttou* ulaiflH of
A SsEcal Cara <&« nmttM fcr y**>
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COB l&r act trial ami
ihouMnds, and du«* not to
iftlKATPhDtV krftr* mfh aLMßtioo toburt-
SMrU I tllUT* ner« or caore p*ln or taaoa*
_____ voniecoo. Fouudud on *cl
lYWstf -tsri endflo m*4icol nrinoJp!**,
for otet o rirow j n - j n ft Tn r nod r*puttw
/jarß by uad la tbcu- Uon. Direct*ppnc*tl »nto tto
. M eovUof dlsCA!"* niAkwita *po^
mads of cifioiafltieno© felt Without
. - JTm a*Uy. Tb« n*lUi*l fUOO*
¥ LioMofthehaiUßUorwa-
Xe© /fi
TRIALf Sllil wUcb Acts In
PANKIGEi I S ffiimhA cr« glvso H 4.
rACItXWa. IkMriu psusnt
jabris REMEDY CO.,WfgO«t™»
30g;q SortU 10th St., f>t. Luais, Mo.
Cue M3STHS TrsATlsEkt. $3:2 mom «.$613 homtha 97.