Newspaper Page Text
Muir! mu in it
Tki« great remeby, now so widely known
fend extensively used, stands without an
tqual end its sterling merits so well estab
lished eg to need no praise to those who have
tided it or know of its remarkable cures,
thousands of sufferers who have foud no re
lief from any other source are willing witness
*l to the great Modiciual virtue and remark
kble curative power of this Medicine. Many
herthcetes of it» fine effect and ekprossions of
gratitude for benefit received reach us from
tall eeetions. it is not claimed that the Bal
aam drill cure consumption in its last stages,
but that it Will efiectually check the terrible
disnage in Its incipiency and paliate suffer
ing* all through its stages, there can bo no
doubt; and for all forms of Coughs arising
(torn colds and bronchial affections- trhroat
trouble, it is without parollel. A positive
Mid rapid cure ior Croup, which so often resits
Ull m«uical treatment. The medicine is ploas-
Unt and does hot sicken the patient- For
•Sktulty*!! Druggists, 50 cents per box.
t Of all the romidies now before the public
the treatment of the AarioUs forms of Liv
Ur aud Ktoney diseases, and tho affections
tbat arise from the unhealthy conditions of
these organs, this medicine stands without an
equal. It la the great preventive of Malari
ul trouble*, the sure cure for all forms of
Uyspepeia aud Indigestion, the most roliablo
remedy for the regulation of the Bowels and
Kidneys, urver failing ta euro constipation.
Au absolute remedy for Headaches, Sore
throat. Dullness of Feeling, Want of appe
tite, Nervousness, and alt such diseases of
the Bowels, StomeSh, Kidney and Liver.
£he best fhtnily medicine sold. It is harmless
Wad safe, aud net unpleasant to take,
thrice, n eehW.
Dldßotus, Skin Diseases, Eruptions, Pim-
KW, frost bits, Chapped hands, Wounds,
rta,ete. readily relieved by Duncan’s Oint
amat. Price 25cts.
Nftshrilln. Teitn.
Fc r sale by
Blevixb & Forester
W: V. & J. p- JACOWAY
» practice in tho Cherokee Circuit, and
Supreme an Federal courts, Prompt) atten
dee to business.
T J. Lumpkin,
A.’ yAt Law
_ Trenton, - ■ Ga,
Will practice in'tbe counties of Dado and
Walker. Will pay strict attention to all
bneiiteM entrusted to his care. feb.l7-ly
Att’y at Law.
Will pay prompt attention to all
busiuess intrusted to mY care.
tohirtg Piles --Symptoms and Cure
The symptoms are moistnre, llkcpcrspirn
rattcn, intense itching, increased by Fcratch
hig*. rosy distressing, particularly at night:
seems as if sin-worms wore crawling in and
abowt the rectum; the private parts are some
times effected. If allowed to continue very
serious results may fellow. “SWAYNE’S
OINTMENT” is a pleasant, sure enre. Also
for Tetter, Itch, Salt Rheuui, Scald-Hevd,
Erysipelas, Barbers’ Itch, Blotches, sll scaly
•rasty Skim Direasos. Box by mail, 50ets;
8 for $1.25. Addro4s DR WAYNE & SON,
Phila. Pa. Sold by Druggists.
Crazy "{ Patchwork.
Having* a large assortment of remenents
knd piece? of handsome brocaded silks, satins
fend velvets. We aro putting them up in as
tert'd baa diet and furnishing thorn for
•Hraay Patchwork" Cushions, Mats. Tidies,
Ae., Ae. Paokaou No. i—ls a handsome
bundles of exquisite silks, satins and brocadod
velvets (el| different). Just the thing for
the most sußßttK patterns cf fancy woßk.
Semtpoapaid for 56 cents in postal note or one
went stamps. p»ckA«R No 2- Containing
three times as much as No t. Sent postpaid
forsl. These are all of the verry finest
tiurautt and cannot b« equalled at any other
•ink works in the U. S. at three tikes our
prlioet. They will ploaso any lady. One or
der always brings a doyen more. LADIES,
lustrations and full instructive for artistic
fancy work, handsomely bound, postpaid, 5(1
cents. Order now. Address, The RoChes-
PsaSitk Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Ladies’ ledfiffsl Adviser.
A Complete Medical Work for Women
bondsomoly-bound in cloth, and illustrated
Tells how to prevent and cure all diseases o
the eet, bye treatment at home. Worth its
weight in gold to erery lady suffering fiom
any of these diseases* Over 10,000 sold al
ready. Post paid o!tt.y 50 Cents. Postal
N»teorl2 *ot. Stamps. Address,
PJ3bISUl5ft» 00., Nu nde, N.Y
Jto&t (CamilD tiihues.
T. A ■ IIA VROM [ E dI V
I Proprietor
■ i ir’W'iejpigmemuenmu———uuram— m*m —wf in nsnmu ui ■■ mmwhiiljl
Wednesday, Desmber 24, 1884.
“Christmas Gift.”
Weather has been very unchangable
tor the last few days.
Bartow votod For Restriction by a
handsome majority,
A little boy of Eookont Long’s fell
and broke bis arm last week.
Our Washington lette.i contains
some very interesting matter.
We have at this office one or two
Golden Gems of Life, which can be
bought at a reduced price.
Legislature lias adjourned for Christ
mas holly-days.
One of Col. Nisbet’s tenant houses
was burned last Saturday morning.
The curs are carrying maNy passen
gers now to the World’s Exposition.
Married:— Mr Frank Curry to Miss
M. A. High field last Sunday night,
both of this place, Sqmre Jobe offici
The now tank at this place on the
railroad is noaring completion,
Last Sunday was a repetition ot the
Sunday proceeding, only, colder
The School at Sulphur Springs sus
petided for a weeks vacation last Fri
day. It will reopen next Monday.
Little boya aae busy celebrating the
Chri&tmas holly-days with their fire
Last week at Rising Fawn, Frank
Costello and another party bought
what was represented and they sup
posed was venison. When it came to be
cooked and eaten it turned out to be
the flesh of a goat.
We attended the exetcises last Fri
day night of the Sulphur Spring Col
lege. It was a success Some of our
Dade county boys delivered very cred
itable original speeches. As will be
seen in anothar column, we publish a
composition written and read by Miss
Lillie Haralson, a fair sample of
others read. Though very cold, the
audience filled the house.
LOST - —A red yarn mitten; finder
pleas leave it at the Times office.
Some one broke into Mr. J. A.
Case’s store last night. John Case
came in probably about the time the
would be thief broke in. He opened
the back door, the key was left in the
door on the inside, and made his es
We had "the pleasure of meeting
Key. M. P. Swaine this morning for
the first*time since he initiated us into
the M. E. Church, South, when a
thirteen year old boy.
Every reader of tiro Times know s
that the editor is a candidate for the
office of Ordinary in this county In
reference to my candidacy I have nev
er said a word through the columns of
my paper. I would not now, but, for
a false view of some of my acts or ac
cused of assuming premises for selfish
ends. What I have to say is not to
tuther any cud towards effecting my
election; only, I have cast my interest
and made an investment among the
people of Dade that make it necessary
to fully sustain my honor and integri
ty in every respect regardless of ray
It is a matter of fact that I was one
of the original members of the Good
Templar’s lodge not long since or
ganized at this place. That it with
drew from me or I withdrew from it,
would take a court, lawyers and jury
to decide with all the tacts before
them. At auv rate the lodge is not in
existence now. Rut, that I withdrew
from the lodge to futher the ends of
my election, or to gain an influence to
effect the object, is something to which
to make a denial aloue, would be an
undignified act. (Such has been said
and surmised, that is, that I have at
tempted to occupy a neutral position
or hhe impossible task of pleasing ev-
erv one on the Temperance movement
—that I withdrew from thp ludge to
court the favor of those who opposed
the movement—(in plain language)
tor an office. One fact is, it has been
by members of other lodges in th e
County or those who were not conver
sant with a single act of mine in the
lodge. When individual interest is at
stake, wc arc all prone to assign a sel
fish motive to each others acts. And
some people are so selfish/ contracted
and uncharitable in their views, that
they assign their own duplicities to
every one else. I have no hesitancy
in saying, tbat I desire popularity and
the good will .if the public; but that,
only, which comes from a purity of in
tention, and nobleness ot purpose and
action. Publicity or reputation gain
ed on any other consideration is not
of permanent duration, and therefore,
it would be even poor policy to sacra
fice the entire future to satisfy a mo
mentary gratification, and 1 am cer
tain I have an extreme aversion to
throwing myself on the charities of the
people. We have no right to come
into each others 1 a ot aud assign mo
tives to actions, which of themcelves
do not clearly presume the inference
In conclusion 1 wish to say, that
any one who wishes and does cast
their vote against me, fer reason of
believing the charge ns true, let the
result of tho election be as it may, it
shall never be no desire of mine to po
scss or court their good opinion.
T. A. Havron
Anson, Jones Co„ Tex,
Dec. 18, ’B4.
Fditor Times: — l am in receipt of
your paper. It i 6 the same as a letter
from iu y Dade friends. I hope the
“lesoluton” will ho carried out, will
willingly pay all express charges.
After bidding adieu to my many
triends, and relatives in Dade, I and
my sister, Mrs. Bagley, took the cars
for Chattanooga. Thore we changed
cars at 10:20 p. m. for Menphis, arriv
ing at that place 12 m. next day. We
stopped over till 7 p. in. As It
was raining I could not take a view o
the city. We next changed cars at
Little Rock, aud arrived at Abiline,
Texas, 6:20, the 14th. We were met
there by my brother-in-law, W. I.
Bagley, with a wagon and a pair of
prairie ponies to convey us to Jones
county a distance of twenty eight mTTes
We arrived in the beautiful little town
of Anson, at 8 p. in Sunday The drive
from Abilene was not very enjoyable
owning to there being a very cold
norther, Mr. Bagley lives one and a
half miles from Anson. He has a
nice little farm and orchard planted.
The northel - still blows very oold, too
cold to go antilope hunting. How
ever, 1 went out this morning and shot
a few prairie dogs arid mule-eared rab
bits. The rabbits are very large; and
their hams make fine steak, as I tried
some for dinner. Yours truly,
W. I. Naylor.
Oflicers elected at the last convoca
tion of Trenton Chapter, It. A. M.:
J. W. Russey, High Priest. T. R.
Evans, King, W, U. Jacoway, Scribe
M. A. B. Tatum, Captain of the
host, Joe Burnett, Prin’p’l Sojourner,
J, A. Bennette, U. A. (J., A. A.
Sells, M. 3rd vail, G. M. Crabtree,
M. 2nd vail, I). E, Tatum, M. Ist
vail, C. M. Tatum, Treas., S. 11.
Thurman, Sec’ry, James Woolbright,
Furs wanted.
We will pay the higest market
price for all good fur skins, enclud
ing deer-skins.
Clay Peas wanted.
Will pay more than Chattanooga
market for Clay Peas.
J. A. Cask & Son.
< » .... .
mmore money than at anything else by
taking an agency for the best selling
book out. Beginners succeed grandly. None
fail. Terms froo. Hali.ett Book Co., Port
land, Mn ne.
Coughs, Colds. Catarrh, Consumption
All tborat, Breast, and Lung, affections our
ed by the old-established “SWAYNB WILa
CHERRY.” The firs, docs give relief anD
eure speedly follows. 25 Cts., or $1.09d at
MSend six cents for postage
and receive free a costly box of
•goods which will help you
to more money right away than anything
olso in this world. All of either sex suocoed
from first hour* Tho bread road to fortune
opens before the workers absolutely sure. At
onoe address, Titus & Co., Augusta Maine*
Take the Times,
Tho Advertiser having had placed ip hi/
hands the Formula of Simple’VvgetaMo Rem
edy for the spoody and permanent pure of
Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Asthma
aud all Throat and Lung Affections, after
having thoroughly tested its wrondcrtnl cura
tive powers in hundreds of cages, feels it his
duty to make it known to those who may
need it. The reoipe will be sent Fukk Os
Charuk, to all who desire it with full direc
tions for preparing and using. Address Prof
W> H. Akmstrong, 737 Base St., Phila., Pa.
America’s friidt*.
True America.! men-and- women , by
reason of their strong constitutions
beautiful forms, rich compactions and
characteristic energy, die envied by all
nations. It is the genen l use ot Dr,
Harter’s Iron Tonic which brings
about these results.
Cloak & Jackeis-
We will sell Ladie’s Clonks and
Jackets until Christmas at a reduced
price. Give ns a call before buying
elsewhere. J. A. Case 4 & Bon.
He thanks his Paper.
Mr. Editor: — I was induced by
reading your good paper to try Dr.
Harter’s Iron Tonic for debility, liver
disorder and scrofula, and three bottles
have cured me. Accept my thanks.
Job. C. Boggs.-Ex.
A raindroy fortels a storm, so does
a pimple upon the human body indi
cate health-destroying virus iu the
blood, which can bo neutralized and
expelled ouly by Dr. Harter’s Iron
Dade County:
Application will be made to the Court of
Odinary of Dade county Georgia at the Jan
uary Term, 1885, of the Court of Ordinary
of naid county, for leave to sell tho lands be
longing to the estate of Mrs. L. F. Hook,
Thomas Hook and Mary E. Ridley, late of
said county, diseased, fer the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased. This
26th day of aYovember, 1884.
J. li. Pattersos, Admlnis.t’r.
Would announce to his former
frionds and patrons, that he is again
with Wassman & Bro. 719 Market
St, next door to Pyron’s old stand
andean offer great bargains in dry
goods, notions, Cloaks .Circulars,
Newmarket Dolmans, Boots' Shoes,
and Clothing. Give him a trial.
Liver, Kidney or Stomach trorvble
Symptoms; Impure, eonstiva bowels, irreg
ular appetite, sour belching, pains, in side
baek atid head, yellow urine, burning when
urinating, colored stools, bad breth, no
dosiro for work, chills, fovor, irritability
whitish tongue, dry eougb, dizsy head, with
pull pdinesjin back part, loss of memory, fog
gy sight. For these troubles bwaynrs
are a sure cure. Box. (30 pillsrjby mail 25
Cts., 5 for sl-00. Address DR. BWA.YNE <fc
SON., Philada Pa. Sold by Drugoists.
Diidc Sht'i’iffs Sale
Will be sold on tho first Tuesda in De
ccmber n*xt, at the Court house door in said
oi unty, within tho legal hours of sale, to tho
highest bidder for cash, the following proper
ly, to wit: Ono Lot ofland No. 156 in the
19th District and 4th Section. county,
Ga., containing one hundred and *ixty acres
more or less; said land lovied on as th<yn
etry of Larkin Payne t.o satisfy an execution
issued from the Snperio. Court of said county
in favor of C. A. Bryant* Tennant in poses
sion notified. This'Octobcr the 29th, ISSi.
W. A. Byrd, Sheriff.
Conn fiPfs 111 P ,-esentß K’ven away.
?s jf .’Send us 5 cent? postage, and
mail you will get "free a
package*!'good sm large value that will
start yoMiu work that will at once bring you
in monojfnster than anything else in Amer
ica. AiAbout tho $2(M),000 in presents with
each box. Agents wanted every where, of ei
ther sex of all ages for all the time, or spare
time only to work for us at their own homos
Fortunes for all workers absolutely assured.
Don’t delay. H. Hallett A Co., Portland,
Gael Sneed Dr. Brad field In
The Sale Of His Never-Fail
ing Fe nale Regulator!
From the editor of the Gainsviile
Eacle: ‘‘l consider Bradfield’s Female
Regulator the best medicine ever com
pounded and offered to the public for
the diseases tor which it is recommend
ed. I am well acquainted with a la
dy w T bo never had any health until Rhe
commenced using it. It gave her im
mediate relief, and Irom that time until
now she has enjoyed the best of health
I can oay with hearty good will, ‘God
speed Dr Bradfield in the sale of his
nevor failing Female Regulator!”
Trreatise on the health and happiness of
woman mailed free to any address.
The Bradpield Regulator Co ,
Box 28, Atlanta, Ga
For saSe
A tract of land lying about 2J miles
South East of '1 renton, containing 340
acres; about 15 acres iu cultivation,
and 35 or 40 acres clearable anb tolla
ble; has three good springs; well tim
bered, suitable for lumber, boards rails
&c. Cheap for cash: or part cash with
ballance well secured. Also, a yoke ot
oxen in good condition and well sized,
and wagon; a lot of farming tools,
house hold furniture &0., and a lot of
syrup. Wil 1 sell Cheap Cali on oi
address, John W. Williams,
Tvemyv., Ga
p '-I*' ‘ •* <
UeUM . I'i ,'' ' i
n <?
Aml will cr.iuj UUiy tU Vh>:l <■ th* r-r-rr ajh.'-ri n •• •■•_ ft »
f.oriicTir who will takn 1 i’.di ulch -’ishi. ft‘*m Ito 12 'V.x’iiS ;nay • *.j ' ,fT
health, if B'ach it tlituf bo pv.:-« For F< r.\ »«o 00k.j.1 >'.iU i, < „r> lM:s *»»? ua ; *
I'hjielciAxiß use thorn 6>* tho t«r.> of WVi:.«t »r«i fODMi.IV di.-et* oj. Sold ov.-rywi. »
or net,t by mull for 83c. Ju sfcitajst. Cin-uiww HOO. I-S MIIN3ON & Maw
i*> W R& B E eß»s** £ fi «r««r- Srop«r : -'us. WAT.r,.!-
i? h&% h I H i * u if 3y $1
gPJ ii. H ygi m* 4^
gy?r,fl i 1 ilnlksis s»••«• *«•■ -•••-•'-‘v- 1 . . n
o; :1)S Spurn. S. -11.*rr w'.er,’. Miculars fK*. 1 i>. JOB.. On •.* •• •_*. -*•*“• " i
tt in s v'dl-snovn fact that m-st of tho £? J 3 \\lf /* \*l <£ s?** -IJ *r' r « *1 ’ib •.. 4
horse i::.. ••• Vw.vr sold in th* ;.4 *.£ •'jljift !£k f* £• ■' <~* .7 ,■' /
fryiss -nV. ss; ;ioa r-j^riUs.: 7l • '-•> ft »d f-'j £L Li? >-» ‘. 1 i vt
Vow. -r i;• -.1. : lypurlfuid very valn» ti J.J ; - r' J ‘ ff. ?, fcl'g . s i U 3 t
XotMntc o-i t .»Ht» will rmks h«im t.V ■ -\TK , j *- j*. V »i to? |» ii » f :
WirrAh.TlWsflou.liHon I'.-fl 9T# SU «■ 9?U S 1 . > I
iU r. Pcc« trKsi o- utwi io «ar pinl jf . . .
If. 11 «m »i , pos.tivtlv pro rent nod ooMIB fCbolM* to. (iiUevsrr white __.4
C u u ?v; / v - s ' ► •-> > « p r fv. -4 <»ia\ps. n» id i/:-•. i? s.?? jof 'wi«i a
Wil i-W Aoi-si’tfMj i VucuitWCf-ie. 1. a u>, U..a, —<u.
I would respect fully
call the attention of
my old patrons and
the citizens of Dade in
general, that I have re
moved to Chattano’ga
and opened business
in co. with Mr.Leteh
en Pickens of that city
at 723 Market st. be
tween Bth <fc 7th, west
side. Our stock will
consist of Hats, caps,
and gents furnishing
goods; will keep in
stock a full line of un
derwear at low figures
Will attend to all or
ders by mail promptly
and deliver goods at
any office in Hade free
of charge; if goods not
satisfactory can he re
turned. Be sure and
call and see us when
you are in the city, or
address, ■
P ickEN & Smith,
723 M’k’t St, Chattanooga,
We presume there is hardly a lady
to bo found in our broad land who, if
she does not already possess a sewing
machine, exdects some day to become
the owner of one.
But after the mind has been fully
made up to purchase one of these in
dispensable articles, the question arises
as to what kind of a machine to buy
It should le so aimbly constructed
that the most experienced can success
fully operate it. The other points
mainly to pe considered, ami which
are the most desirable, are durapiiity,
rapidity, capacity for work, ease of
operation, regnlaiity of motion, uni
formity of teniion, and silence while
in operation.
The “Light-Running New Home”
fills the above repoinneats, and is sain
to combine the god points of ail sew
ing machines, with the additiou of
many new inrnrovemeuts and labor
saving devices.
The price is no higher than that
other .machines, and eveiy lady w
is the nappy possessor of one may r
assured site has indeed a tre toil
See advertisement.
The IS<m»awife’s Favorite
Wo will sen ! ; FREE for oNE ENTIRE
YEAR, to every lstly who will send us at
ONCK the names of ten married lad cs, at,the
same address, and,l2 twu-ct. stamps for post
age, our handsome, entertaining and ins’ruc
tive Journ 1 devoted to Fashions, Fancy
Work, Decorating, Cooking and Household
matters, Regular price, SI.OO. Sknd today
and securc the ticji r.ui- her. Addrcs,
Hf people Sen l 10 dents
Sls i| postage, and we will mril you free, a
kI i.a s royal, vaulnble sarapp box of goods
that will pat you in the way of making- more
money in a few days than you over thought
possible at any business. Capital not required
Y’ou can live at home and work in spare time
only, or all tm time. -All of both sexes, of all
age*, grandly successful, 50 cents to r 5 easily
inida every evening. That all who want to
work may test the business, we make this
unparalleled offer; To all who are not well sat
isfied we will send $i to for the trouble of
writing m. Full particulars directions etc.
sent free. Immense pay absolutely sure to nil
who start at onoe. Don't delay. Address,
Stinson Jfc Co-. Portland, Mainer
Entire And Absolute ftuccess.
Maj. John C. Whitncr, of Atlanta, well
ano favorably known all over the United
States as a-iicoerat Insurance Agent, says:
“1 us d this remedy before the war on a largo
plantation in a great number of cases, always
with absolute success.
• -Troati-e on Health and =•• " ! - Wy,
m».n Sailed ' - a ISm Koguia...t -'
bo*:.:, Alia
,< ■3 , K % ■- . /* t9& as S"S
«g mm wts
Khowm to Men cf Fame and SsifNOf few Hfucuia .
Ach'.s’vi 'i jsJ & Grstd, r.sosacl, «c 4 Cure fat
f'D «Tl fiTJ rrs at breath,
Ui/H 'i i .1 P. 5 , i ,*ij Alii fsce, ilea fit ct,.
D’T'QDUpiiil'd known bv ii regular r.pp>.
To.f. r [|t( , w „if Ulttlitnp, w eight
cTid render,ujK id pit uf Ktomacii,iltapoiiucnpy.*
I Csmr' lfiliouan'«. M. iaria. Phil’s r.s 1
. V I. ea.i.n ~ Beaneas iit t;'.'l sir I slue,
filvj bottom of ribs; tveoriness. Irritability,
tongue coated, skin yellow, lint fit'.d coin sen
nations eyesdnll.dvy cough, stiflrd and ob-truct
ed feel in’;;, irregular ptiiso. had colored stools.
Apnof CVV Kpll.ipj>,Fart.lysis, dim'
fy. o - eiirs giiiiiiness,
coiiiudun in head, tiervcusnesa. tisslu.' of light
ix/ * l ' " . loss of uiemory. Diseases of U' .d icr aad
’(urine dark or light, red deir.ait;
_v. uat l. , cA, p nril j n pr, stinging,beuriukdown
frequent dob-;© to nr.uute, ui>e«if‘ini:«9,
inll.'rrßd even, dirk cir’k?, Oimt. of
At>*T Eevcro pains, rnw«ring or wljjJic no nr
c i s«M) | ? h«sart, id vj s * on moving qaick’ya*-!
wb“u lyii 'cn loft sid.i; cut of breath cxcrticn. j
WF” ft A Pill" or ? ftin3 ia
r S iitAuJr'* ,«i t C.y cyttfi or Lead; fuiulntjs, nau.c*.
2#r*»'s>«y ia cnuaod T?oterr fluid.
Utkin, dr., by uric acid iu blfiod. I7o\Td I?i»-
b/ oorfnpt maUcr. Wortti* Ly the
within. hv choking of the §©cr«tiow»»
»V/ A jrSI E’S P 2 Ii I jS, by gon tie action. remote*
the ra u?p, iroJ: ; ir; a peruine&t cure.
25 teijib b)x cf 3) Pills: 5 #I.OO. (In p.
btHTuri > Adrircf‘2, *3it. hY/AY>K «"»
£*.ial;ac£4!ii>*s£*V Sold 1/ Dru^iwts.
The Greatest Medical Triumph of tho Age I
Losa of appetite, Ilowelo coativc, Pain la
tho head, with -a dull eenaation in the
bach part, Pain under the ahoaldrr
blade, Pullneee after eatinc, with adia*
IncHnntion to exertion of bodr cr mind,
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